... backlash from staff and the community over his recent transphobic jokes.
You've just accepted the criticism of Chappelle at face value, I see. Personally, if I'd been editing this, I would have changed it to "jokes perceived by some as transphobic." Or maybe even "jokes involving transsexuals."
By stating it as you have, you've sided with his critics in, not an opinion column, but what is ostensibly an objective news story. Nice job, WAPO.
Do I need a "[sic]" after "transsexual"?
First Ave is not just another venue. It's mythic, and it's fine for it to withhold its aura from performers who don't express what it wants to express. But who decides what an inanimate place "wants"? How does a group — "... staff, artists, and our community, we..." — coalesce and make a judgment? It matters, and it affects the aura.
UPDATE: The first paragraph of the article — quoted in my post title — now reads: "Comedian Dave Chappelle’s show at a Minneapolis venue on Wednesday was canceled hours before he was set to take the stage because of backlash from staff and the community over his recent jokes about transgender people."That is "recent transphobic jokes" became "recent jokes about transgender people." This important, substantive change was made without noting the correction. It was a terrible journalistic mistake, and it should be addressed openly.
१०१ टिप्पण्या:
Someone is Norway or something.. is facing jail time for saying men cannot birth babies.
The world is woke madness.
Every employee who complained should be fired.
They are nothing but fascists.
This shit is getting out of hand.
First they came for the comedians, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a comedian.
“By stating it as you have, you've sided with his critics in, not an opinion column, but what is ostensibly an objective news story. Nice job, WAPO.”
In other news, water is wet.
i guess trannie is another one of the seven, huh?
"added that while it believes in diverse voices and the freedom of artistic expression"
Who are you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?
It's Minneapolis. Fascism central. Just get over it.
Joe Smith committed a crime, when "he" said...
They are nothing but fascists.
You DO realize? Don't You? That saying that will send you to prison?
The Woke Warriors are doing their best to hurt Dave, but there are many more who will ignore them.
While First Avenue "believes in diverse voices and the freedom of artistic expression..." at the same time, we don't believe in diverse voices and freedom of artistic expression.
The simple fact. Nobody on the left can debate the lunacy of the trans issue. Nobody wants to debate men competing in women's sports. Nobody wants to defend putting men in women prisons. Nobody can explain their position, so those that do talk about the lunacy, get labeled haters, and are shouted down. To have the trans issue exposed to sunlight, is to expose the fallacy of the whole affair.
That's pretty hilarious. Last night my wife and I sat down to a night of Chappelle. We first watched his speech to the Ellington School of Fine Arts in Washington DC, "What's in a Name?". Then followed it up with a re-watch of his "The Closer" special, just to see if it hit any better than it did me the last time (I don't think it's his best concert, but he apparently does).
Either way, I do think Chappelle is among the best of a generation or two. Certainly singular in what he does and how he presents. There is no one like him. And he is one of the few who can make me laugh so hard, I feel like I'm hurting internal organs.
The First Avenue Theater is offended by Chappelle. They were offended that they forgot to be offended per the Daily Edicts. They got caught not being offended enough, not fully engaged in their offense. So they coughed up their honor and credibility to meet the expectations of the prodigiously and chronically offended. Theirs is a hard standard to keep reaching down toward. But with effort, one can debase themselves regularly.
Just awful. If I lived in Minneapolis, that place would not see another dime from me. Evah.
First Ave can suck my phantom dick.
Just seeing the name Chappelle makes me feel unsafe, gonna call in sick today and go fishing to recover.
The nonsense all starts with thinking you are more than you are. Let's be clear: the purpose of the black box is for people to not get rain or snow on their head, to control the temperature on a too-hot or too-cold day, to keep the mosquitoes and other bugs and flies at bay, and to provide a good and reliable sound system so all can hear.
Otherwise we'd go listen to Dave in the forest or a field.
From what I've read, the Varsity Theater already had him booked for two nights right after this show. And they're honoring the other venue's ticket holders. When First Ave is done lying on the floor and pounding their little fists, they'll see that the world smoothly moved on without them.
added that while it believes in diverse voices and the freedom of artistic expression
They don't actually believe it when it comes to diverse voices they disagree with
First Ave is not just another venue. It's mythic, and it's fine for it to withhold its aura from performers who don't express what it wants to express.
They just need to stop claiming they're in favor of "diverse voices", since they aren't.
Dear leftists: "diverse" means "people you disagree with and / or don't like, and who disagree with and / or don't like you."
If you don't have that, you don't have diversity
You dont' have to have diversity. But you do have to STFU about it until you actually have and support it
who the hell is the "Community"? And its the owner of the theater who is responsible for the cancellation. Who is that?
Yeah, its those damn SJW employees who are to blame. Don't blame the owners. They aren't involved. LOL!
Gutless wonders. "These are our principals, and if you don't like them, we have others..."
I've been assured by the most knowledgeable op-ed writers that cancel culture doesn't exist.
Their meaning beyond the walls is that they don't support free speech. My guess is that the local staff and community complaints were from affluent white people.
"'To staff, artists, and our community, we hear you and we are sorry,' First Avenue said in a statement, which was posted to social media less than three hours before the show was scheduled to begin.
No apology to all the people who like Chapelle and bought tickets. It's like they don't exist.
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker: "Someone is Norway or something.. is facing jail time for saying men cannot birth babies.
The world is woke madness."
It's an army of Howards enforcing woke policy on other lefties.
If some commie comedy club in Minneapolis wants to do stupid shit like this, why should I care. They can “get woke go broke” all they want. So long as there are other venues that’ll carry Chappelle. I think he’s spot on and funny as hell.
“Ostensibly” a news story….
You know better.
First Avenue is in downtown Minneapolis, which has become largely deserted at night because of crime. Foolish, bigoted decisions like this just make it worse.
The sympathy I once felt for those with gender dysphoria has evaporated.
"First Ave is not just another venue."
And Minneapolis is not just another shithole.
Phobias are irrational fears but "_____phobic" is just a current euphemism for "something that may possibly be offensive to ______."
Clarity used to be something that journalists would strive towards but I see very little of it nowadays in news writing.
They cancelled the show because they didn't feel like putting it on? If Chappelle can't sue them into oblivion for this, he needs new lawyers.
Talk about MOB RULE. The angry progressive MOB will come for all of us soon enough. There isn't anything they AREN'T pissed off about. 4 twitter assholes ruin things for everybody else. THIS isn't winning trans people any votes....it just makes people despise them more. The world doesn't revolve around them. If they don't like it...don't go to the show. PERIOD. There are a lot of Bands and Comedians I find offensive, but I wouldn't try to erase them (Kathy Griffin)....I just wouldn't give her a dime to see her. These little activists need to grow up.
Does this mean that nobody who thinks Chapelle is funny can perform there either?
Because that's going to be a problem...
“Sic” (loosely “thus”) generally signals that a typographical or spelling error is rendered as it appears in the quoted text. Here, the problem lies in figuring out whether “transphobic” was used by venue management, or WaPo. It looks like it was WaPo editorializing. (Who reads that tripe?).
But I think the elite journalist at WaPo meant to express opinion as fact exactly the way they (a safe pronoun?) did, so the “[sic]” was unnecessary.
I hope Dave Chapelle sues the venue blind. Not just for simple breach of contract but for defamation, damaging his livelihood with a baseless imputation of impossible-to-disprove “phobic character” or similar rubbish. The venue’s groveling memo to its crybully employees and patrons is Exhibit A in what should be the world’s easiest litigation win.
A television commenter said she'd looked at some other acts booked. Music including the Bi N, drugs, violence, so forth. That's okay.
But there's an infrasonic here. It's a threat. Had the mob announced in advance they were going to burn the place down, Minneapolis would have assigned every cop on that shift as far away as possible and downed the firetrucks for emergency maintenance.
I exaggerate just a bit. I think. But if I were doing the risk management thing for the venue, I'd be a fool not to be considering some version of the foregoing. And I'm sure it was part of their decision.
If someone is gay, they’re gay. They don’t feel like they need to be even more gay. There’s an internal confidence that emerges once a person fully comes out and accepts who they are.
But for trans people, they never feel transitioned enough. No matter how many changes they make, they can’t quite transition completely away from the biological sex they were born to. That feeling must be horrifying and I can’t imagine the pain it causes.
But, it causes another kind of pain too. Because part of the drive to fully transition REQUIRES everyone else to agree they’ve transitioned. Any reminder that they’ve not and probably can’t ever fully transition causes emotional pain.
And it leads to moments like this where an artist is capturing the angst everyone is feeling and he is being accused of being transphobic. He’s not transphobic. He’s trans confused - like almost all of us. He makes a huge point about the right people have to transition and identity however they want - but also he shared the concern about to what degree he as to participate. This is a legitimate question. I’m sorry the fact that this question exists causes emotional pain. I don’t know how to fix that. But I’m pretty sure cancel culture is the exact opposite of right path forward. Dave Chappell, Ricky Gervais, and Bill Burr are doing more for free speech in this moment than the ACLU has done in my life time.
@Jim Gust - "The sympathy I once felt for those with gender dysphoria has evaporated."
Please don't feel that way. There are lots of people with gender dysphoria who just want to get on with their lives, who don't want to cancel anyone. But they are really hurting in the body that (for whatever reason) they feel isn't their real one.
Too often, their fears are preyed on by wokies. "Be afraid, be very afraid, of anyone who doesn't agree with us and our politics. They hate you and want you to be miserable. So hate them and shut them up."
First Avenue used to be the Greyhound Bus depot, and sits in downtown Minneapolis. The Varsity Theater is in the student neighborhood, Dinkytown, right next to the University of Minnesota campus.
A cohesive society cannot function like this.
Either we live with these fascists imposing their will on everyone or we live in a free country.
It is time for the woke progressive shitheads to go to China one way and live in the fascist hell they want.
These people just need to go. They are the same shitheads that Burned looted and murdered during the George Floyd riots and they are the same shitheads trying to destroy the economy.
They do nothing except destroy the standard of living for decent people.
Kate said...
When First Ave is done lying on the floor and pounding their little fists, they'll see that the world smoothly moved on without them.
Well, that assumes they actually value what the rest of the world does and thinks relatively more than the kudos they're going to get for their tantrum from the usual suspects. If that was the case they probably wouldn't be cancelling Chappelle in the first place.
Althouse write, "Do I need a '[sic]' after 'transsexual'?"
Yeah, I suppose so. I'm pretty damned [sic] of it, myself.
Just be careful how you used it, [sic] before transsexual is a tautology.
I'm assuming he has a contract and smart lawyers.
The theater had better pay up or be sued into bankruptcy.
If I was Chappelle I'd go for blood.
If I were a ticket holder I'd sue the theater as well...
Hey, Chapelle got paid for no work that night I'm sure.
The needless attempt to make more and more men and women barren and forever childless can only pass for virtue signaling among the totally insane.
You are far too kind, LordSomber, which has made you vulnerable to the mischaracterization of malice.
Fill-in-the-blank-phobia is intended to put the insanity shoe on the wrong foot, to coin a phrase.
So... First Ave is NOT a public venue. So vaguely disconcerting.
The free market battling the culture wars. One man's art is another man's pronography. There's no accountability for taste.
Oooh, tranny backlash! Sexy, sexy tranny backlashing.
SNL has mocked mormons and take it with a smile. you know something is fraud if they can't take crap
SNL has mocked mormons and take it with a smile. you know something is fraud if they can't take crap
The storied venue … added that while it believes in diverse voices and the freedom of artistic expression …
I’ve never seen a sentence that more emphatically proclaimed that the word “but” was coming.
Serious Question: without Morris Day, and the Time; what would be the point of a "1st Avenue"?
Piling on . . .
"'we lost sight of the impact' booking Chappelle would have on the community"
The default "community" here being prog Puritans. The impact on the rest of the community, people who enjoy edgy humor and like Chapelle for being bold, does not matter. And of course, the community of the transheterodox is deplorable.
So far, progs can afford to lose sight of that impact. Hegemony means excluding the Other with impunity. But for how long?
...an ontophobic response...
" it believes in diverse voices and the freedom of artistic expression,"
No. No it does not.
The people who own First Avenue also own the Varsity Theater down the street.
The staff at First Avenue was not going to show up for the show, so the show would not have gone on!
What will the staff at the Varsity do?
America waits.
The tension hasn't been this thick since Mrs. Johnson walked up to the blackboard in Harper Valley to address the PTA...
There are also other parallels.
Best of luck to Varsity theater and worst of luck to the First St Theater in their ongoing war on free speech.
HEADLINE: Dave Chappelle’s show in Minneapolis canceled by venue after backlash
Intentional disinformation.
The Post knows perfectly well that the show was not cancelled - it was moved to another location, which they tried to bury deep in the story.
Militant Trans-Gender-ism should be an oxymoron.
What is seating capacity of each venue?
Sweeny said...
"There are lots of people with gender dysphoria who just want to get on with their lives, who don't want to cancel anyone. But they are really hurting in the body that (for whatever reason) they feel isn't their real one."
Where do you get this crap? Are you one of them? How does it happen that no one ever had this supposedly medical problem until some perverts in the "medical community" dreamed it up? There are people who, no doubt sincerely, believe that their left leg is not part of their body. They want it cut off. It feels alien to them. This means that their nervous systems don't work right. They are mentally ill. It does not mean that they are one-legged persons trapped in two-legged bodies. And anyone who offers to cut the offending leg off for them belongs in prison.
Dave Chapelle is the New GEORGE CARLIN
"The storied venue (...)added that while it believes in diverse voices and the freedom of artistic expression, 'we thought we could get away with this, but no dice.'"
Isn't the old fashioned term "Black Box" derogatory toward female (and those who identify as female) Persons of Color? Reducing such persons to race and body parts?
Well, if a building can identify as a sentient person with wants and preferences, surely such a building HAS a race and gender. But calling that building a black box is problematic and demeaning.
Progitans? Puritrogs?
If a cake shop can be forced to bake a cake, can the venue be forced to let Chappelle's show go on?
while it believes in diverse voices and the freedom of artistic expression
You keep using those words.
I do not think it means what you think it means.
Cowards. "The Closer" is brilliant and includes [spoiler alert] poignant and hilarious material related to Dave's interaction with the trans community and one individual in particular. It is a must see.
What I love above all about Dave Chappelle is that he truly doesn't give a fuck what people think despite these very dangerous times for wrong-think. He's a fearless advocate for free, hilarious speech.
Related but not related to Dave, many classic comedies are now given viewer's warnings for non-PC humor. I wonder how long we will be able to view masterpieces of comedy like Blazing Saddles?
“First Avenue freeze-out… “
"Dave has the last laugh! Chappelle takes to stage and pokes fun at 'transgender lunatics' after Minneapolis venue bowed to woke mob and forced him to move his sold-out show"
It doesn’t matter how woke you are, there is someone woker. Want to take down the Robert E Lee statues? Hell that ain’t nothing. Let’s do Lincoln and Jefferson.
It used to be “You think that’s something, watch this. Here, hold my beer”. Now it’s “You think that’s woke? Here, hold my double mocha decaf latte and watch some serious woke.”
Enough is enough.
Mark said..." Intententional disinformation. The Post knows perfectly well that the show was not cancelled - it was moved to another location, which they tried to bury deep in the story.
7/21/22, 1:52 PM
Wrong!! The 1st show at 1st Ave. was cancelled. The 2nd and 3rd shows added due to popular demand were to be at the Varsity. We'll soon see it the hired help tries to cancel these.
The cancel idiots just gave Chappelle a lot of free publicity, which will make more want to view his shows just to see why his humor threatens the left. WAPO magnified the publicity. Chappelle is the most talked about comedian in America. For good reason, too. He’s damn funny.
apparently his money isn't green enough
Once - just once - I'd like to see someone tell these crybullies to piss off.
And then watch the cascade.
What they are is completely unreliable. No one should do business with them since they will not keep their promises and cannot be trusted.
So people bought tickets to be offended. Sounds like Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, etc.
Is 'storied venue' a good Second Mention? And how many stories does it have, anyway?
Where do trannies sit in church? The transept.
“He came unto his own, and his own received him not.“ -John 1:11
I have a bad case of tranny fatigue.
An artists' venue that can't support free speech is no artists' venue at all.
Plus, contrary to all the hand-wringing, everything Chapelle said was relatively tame. His monologue always backed off just so. He certainly didn't go as far as comedy titan Gervais. If your venue can't host the likes of Chappelle or Gervais, why pretend you are serious about showcasing comedic art? You aren't.
Dave’s next show should be called Aura- in a spectrum of black…
…(where there’s enough room on the room to let your mind run free)!
I saw a couple of good bands at First Avenue (unfortunately, I didn't get to see Prince there). The really fun place to see a good band though was The Caboose - pretty much on the other side of downtown.
Surprising about the relocation to the Varsity, is that it is for all intents and purposes at the University of Minnesota (or "the U" as it's know to me). My fraternity was about a quarter of a mile away. You'd thing that "woke wise" it would be even tricker there than at First Avenue.
. . . . .but give 'em a few minutes.
`After Chapelle did "Juicy Small A", I looked up the ABC interview on you tube. Juicy all cryin' and shit, pretending he was attacked. Pretty darn funny.
"The staff at First Avenue was not going to show up for the show, so the show would not have gone on!"
I would bet that it was musical artists who let them know they would be dropping their 1st Avenue gigs that caused the change.
It has always been a prestige venue since the days of Prince, I have seen a LONG list of great acts there over the years.
If a national promoter called and told them that bands were looking at alternate venues, I am not surprised they went with their bread and butter clients and not the random comics that book the place a few nights a year.
Fucking raaaacist management.
Even employing dog whistle of "black box".
For shame...
Btw, First Ave is mostly a rock band venue.
Of all the extortionists in this world, why give in to these? If they try to make good on these threats, use the Richard J. Daley method to deter them.
What temujin said. As usual. He always hits the nail on the head. Almost no reason to read any of the other comments. Except maybe Laslo or especially Freeman Hunt
So is a trans-karen considered a male or a female?
"They cancelled the show because they didn't feel like putting it on? If Chappelle can't sue them into oblivion for this, he needs new lawyers."
I haven't seen the terms of the contract, so maybe they didn't even breach the contract, but let's assume they did. What are the damages? The tickets were usable at the other venue, the venue he himself chose for 2 of the other nights of his Minneapolis concerts.
They didn't defame him. They only told the truth about the discord among their own workers — people unhappy, perhaps threatening to quit.
And trying to ruin a cultural institution isn't a noble thing to do. It's ugly. He's already got GOOD PR out of this incident, and he's got another story to tell. To sue would be to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
I'd say that Chappelle needs get new lawyers if the ones he's got are saying they can and should "sue First Avenue into oblivion."
The statement First Avenue made about the change of venue did not defame Chappelle. It's entirely about its concern about the emotions of its workers. They don't call him "homophobic" — which would only be an opinion anyway. They don't say anything about him that's untrue.
After the fires in 2020 and now things like this, I wonder if the people of Minneapolis grow tired of their community and institutions being held captive by extremists.
I’ll share another tidbit. I’m shocked at the number of my gay and lesbian friends are not only privately but now publicly sharing their concerns about wokeism. They sense the backlash coming.
In other words, passive-aggression comes to the cancel-culture Woke world of entertainment.
"It's not you, Dave, it's me - and my feelz" - said just before the doors open for the show, when many ticket-holders have already left home. Yes, I'm sure they'll have some great memories.
Althouse, suing the venue would make the process of the lawsuit the punishment. I'm sure we all have seen this lawfare used before on people and businesses, innocent or not, from presidential impeachments (pick any one) to Gilbert's Bakery v. Oberlin (where a $31,000,000 verdict was recently upheld against Oberlin). The process would be the punishment.
And if Chapelle testified, he'd have his next comedy special taped for free.
The Varsity has about half the capacity of 1st Ave.
Dave Chappelle mocks protesters who forced him to move Minneapolis show over his 'transphobia' - and the fans LOVE it
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