....a majority disapprove of President Biden, Congress, and the Supreme Court. Biden has a 40% job approval, while 53% disapprove of the job he is doing as president. Since last month, Biden’s approval has increased two points. The US Congress has a 19% job approval, while 70% disapprove of the job they are doing. The Supreme Court has a 36% job approval; 54% disapprove.
That's a very nice way to deliver Biden's low approval rating. Everyone else is even less popular.
And Democrats seem to be stuck with him:
Looking at 2024, 64% of Democratic primary or caucus voters think President Biden should be the Democratic nominee for president, while 36% think he should not be.
And we seem to be stuck with 2024 as a repeat of 2020:
In the 2024 Republican Primary, 55% of [Republican primary or caucus] voters would support former President Trump, 20% Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, and 9% former Vice President Mike Pence.
What a nightmare! I think the January 6th Committee is horrible, but I can't help hoping it does succeed in knocking Trump out of the 2024 contest. Aren't the Democrats caught in a trap of their own making? They are stuck with Biden. They can't get him out of their way, and they are concentrating on getting Trump out of the way of Republicans.
In a hypothetical 2024 Presidential Election matchup between President Biden and former President Trump, Trump holds 44% support while Biden has 39% support; 12% would vote for someone else and 5% are undecided.
But the Dems have got to keep pushing Trump out, because it's far too likely that if he runs he will win. They're kind of making it compelling to root for the beleaguered, abused, but ever fighting Trump.
The January 6th hearings have had a split impact on voters’ intention to vote for Donald Trump in 2024 if he were to run: 35% say it makes them less likely, 32% say it makes them more likely, 28% say it makes no difference.
If this were a movie, Trump would be the exciting hero. He must be stopped! Can't the Dems be heroic by stopping him? No, because as soon as he's out of the way, the Republicans get their formidable new hero, Ron DeSantis. And he's a monster who keeps rising from depths of the ruins....
That's what I said back on October 16, 2016:
"Hillary Clinton leads Trump 47 percent to 43 percent among likely voters in a four-way race, according to the latest ABC News/Washington Post national poll."...
[S]he's only got 4 points on him. She must be truly loathed. I know she wants to win, but imagine winning like that, knowing you are not wanted.
As for Trump, the battering he's taking is epic, but he still survives.
Oh, sorry. That's just something I channel-surfed into on TV yesterday. It flashed back on me somehow.
Godzilla is a monster, causing endless destruction, but when he goes down losing, you get this crazy empathy for him. Am I saying Trump is a monster? Trump is like a monster, tromping through the built-up structures of American politics. How can he be stopped? Nothing seems to work. He keeps going. Yes, but in the end, he'll go down. Afterwards, you'll remember and think oddly fondly of him, and the characters who defeated him won't have your heart. Unlike a dead movie monster, Trump will still be a live human being, doing... whatever. The movie monster, even though killed in the movie, manages — if we've loved him — to get brought back to life for the sequels and remakes. But Trump will be around, and we'll want to see him again. His relentless, unstoppable rampage was so perversely rousing and even, for some, endearing.
Writing this makes me remember that Scott Adams has been talking about Trump's campaign as a movie. Adams saw Trump as the protagonist in a non-monster movie:
He explains that in the first act of a movie, "something unexpected [happens] that changes somebody's life trajectory" -- like deciding to run for president. In the second act, "you would see your protagonist overcoming a number of smaller hurdles," ending with the discovery of a seemingly unsolvable problem. In the third act, the protagonist grows or changes in order to solve the unsolvable problem.With that template, Adams predicts Trump will win the election. The protagonist solves his problem in the movie, and that could happen in real live because
He... wrote [last October]: "Once we recognize the movie form, we root for the hero, automatically. We have been trained by Hollywood to do that. You can’t turn it off in your mind. You can’t ignore it. If a candidate can wrap his or her personal story into a three-act form, that is the highest level of persuasion."So this is the idea that movies have trained our minds to identify the hero and root for him, especially as his problems become insurmountable. Within that template, everything bad that happens to Trump is good, because it sets up the profoundly satisfying emotional reward. The audience/voters could make him win, because deeply, psychically we want the hero to win. But it's one thing to watch and feel satisfaction when the hero overcomes all the obstacles. It's another to get up off the couch and translate your deep desires into the real-world action of voting.
"The idea of the third-act problem usually involves a character flaw of your hero," he explained [in mid-August]. "It is a problem that they specifically can't solve because of a character defect. They're afraid of something, they can't forgive, they've been a liar all their life until now... That's what makes it a good movie, we like to see people change in some positive way. That's what makes us feel good. Because in the real world we don't see it happen, hardly ever."
And what's missing from Adams's movie analysis is the monster hero. We want his rampaged stopped, we expect the closure that comes with killing him, and our deep psychic connection to the monster comes not as he wins but as he dies. Look how profound and exalted it is when Godzilla dies:
५४ टिप्पण्या:
The SCOTUS 36% approval rating will surely get a bump once Judge Jackson Browne signs (sings?) off on her first case.
Trump figured out North Korea by rearranging the problem. That's not a monster exactly, unless you had a stake in the problem, which the swamp does.
Grab them by the pussy, never forget, is what it looks like.
Two Words... Grover Cleveland
It’s disingenuous to compare a single person to a group of people. Some of the disapproval of the two groups is likely directed at the opposing party members of each.
The monster has always been the American middle class . Since victory in 1945 they fought
international Communism to its end. But have now become disposable. The new world order needs to see that monster dead.
That's a clever trick, comparing the popularity of a single office holder to an entire legislative body and an entire judicial body. I only get to vote on 2% of the Senate, 0.23% of the House, and I have only indirect influence on the Supreme Court. I imagine Biden's popularity is also higher than tornadoes and herpes, but since I don't get to vote on them the comparison is likewise useless.
In many ways, the results of this poll make it look like a real one-off. Just a bad polling job. For one, there is no way that 64% of Democratic voters think Biden would be their best choice for President. Even Democrats aren't that dense.
And Trump 55% to DeSantis 20%? When all other polls show them pretty much neck and neck.
Not sure who or what they polled. I would not put too much stock in it.
It's known as Negative Benchmarking. Kind of like being a better retailer than Sears, or a better automaker than Yugo.
Althouse: but I can't help hoping it [J6 committee] does succeed in knocking Trump out of the 2024 contest
The J6 Committee is nothing more than a double down cover for the 2020 Election Fraud that took place in WI, MI, PA, AZ, and GA. The J6 protestors knew the fraud was real, as do we all. Even those afraid to speak it's name...ELECTION FRAUD.
I'm surprised any ethical person would want the J6 committee to succeed at doing anything.
I would rather Trump move on and leave it to DeSantis, but the J6 Hearings are a propaganda kangaroo court. They are more dangerous than anything. Liz Cheney is trying to take revenge on the man who made her father's bombing of brown people look shameful. She's a bitter bitch.
I wish we could get back to letting voters decide...but those days are probably over too. We are living under the horrible effects of a senile, corrupt, INSTALLED President. He is there to cover for the money laundering and corruption of our gov't leaders; and those that have sold out the American middle class to the lowest foreign bidder, and the nuttiest left-wing "environmentalists".
All the Moby's who voted for Biden want to believe he's a good guy.
It's funny. Well, not really when you think of the evil forces who are really running the show.
Mike Pence won't get close to 9% in any primary. The Trump base knows he is a coward who betrayed us all.
It's Trump vs. DeSantis and a lot can change in a year and a half.
Joe Biden is senile and corrupt. But I fully expect his main source of support, college educated white women, to double down on their support. Karens...all they way down.
"I think the January 6th Committee is horrible, but I can't help hoping it does succeed in knocking Trump out of the 2024 contest."
Same here. Don't want the loser, the guy who couldn't tame the deep state, the guy who lost to Joe Biden for crying out loud, to be the GOP nominee again.
"They are stuck with Biden."
Why? If Gavin N. decides to run, who will stop him?
Like Michael said in The Godfather, "Tom, you're out."
Tom, "But, but...."
Mark Zuckerberg has decided that Sheryl Sandberg is the candidate. MZ got what he wanted from Joe. But Biden has fucked up a number of things and is unelectable now.
It's like asking what do you prefer... An earache or hemorrhoids?
Honestly, I'm not sure we can speculate on 2024. Originally, "Anything can happen in the next half hour!"
When I see someone unfairly treated, I have a tendency to root for them. I have a tendency to root against someone who gets unfair positive benefits. I will get off the couch for either of those.
The US Congress has a 19% job approval, while 70% disapprove of the job they are doing.
And yet 90%+ of incumbents get re-elected.
Tromping through the built-up structures? I would say more true of Trump's enemies than of Trump. The only campaign in 2016 that was forced to cancel an event because of threats of violence was Trump in Chicago; the protagonists were antifa, BLM and Billy Ayers of the Weather Underground. Hardly the heroes bringing down Godzilla. Biden has now twice established a Ministry of Truth as in Orwell. Trump has never given a hint or suggestion of doing such a thing, or of suppressing anyone's speech.
I would hope that members of the SC don't care that they are unpopular.
Just goes to show how ignorant and NUTS those 40% who approve really are.
Anybody rooting for the Lying January 6th committee is nuts too. What the actual fuck?? You are okay with lying under oath and tampering with evidence just to try to keep a guy who actually did a better job at President than anybody in the last 50 years?? You are okay with Nasty Nancy's political show trial??? Just because you don't like mean tweets?? Grow up. If the Jan 6th committee is successful, I hope each and everyone of you rooting for them get exactly what Trump and the people sitting in the DC gulag are going through when things turn around.
So we are supposed to believe this President, with horseshit approval ratings, legitimately received the most votes in history (81 million?).
Biden wasn't elected to the Presidency. That's why he is despised.
Most are afraid to address the this elephant in the room. Easier to turn a blind eye. Easier to hope the voter fraud can keep your party in power if you're a Democrat.
>>That's a very nice way to deliver Biden's low approval rating. Everyone else is even less popular.
Compared to dead skunk, dog poop was preferred by 2:1 margin!
As both Biden and Harris have underperformed even the lowest pre-election Democratic Party expectations, are some Democrats going to split away and form an alliance with Republicans? We are in the middle of a left-right realignment that happens about every 75 years, with broad self-reflection in progress.
The really crazy movie script for the 2022 elections:
1. Republicans gain control over the House and Senate, as the billionaire's dark money shifts to the right wing
2. Donald Trump is appointed to fill a vacant Florida House seat after a sudden Republican retirement/medical emergency. He also becomes Speaker of the House.
3. Republicans quickly impeach Biden and Harris. Both are removed.
4. Donald Trump becomes President in 2023
we're in the toilet, but THEY are in the sewer.
Yea us!
Trump won in 2016 because it was him heroically doing battle with the liberal institutions that were seemingly more interested in accruing their own wealth and power than in serving and protecting average working Americans. So, yeah, Trump was the hero of that movie and would be the hero in the 2024 sequel.
In the dems' movie, Trump himself is the threat that must be overcome and vanquished.
The problem with the dems' movie is that 85% of voters think the country is on the wrong track. We're at a place where the U.S. is objectively worse off in 2022 than we were when Trump was elected, and MUCH worse off than when he was president. Their movie doesn't make sense. The world is falling apart, and the dems' response is to personally go after an ex-president? Audience reaction: FIX THE DAMN COUNTRY, then come talk to me about why Trump should be in jail.
What exactly did you want stopped? Mean tweets? Nasty comments about the press? Trump was unconventional, but it doesn't look like he did real harm. Precisely because he wasn't a government guy, Trump could concentrate on getting a few very important things right and putting on a show, rather than on unnecessary and dangerous meddling with everything else. He wasn't the great norm breaker. Norms were broken to take Trump down.
The word “monster” derives from roots meaning “warning” or “omen.”
OH!! OH!! a Fun Thought!!!
if/WHEN Trump beats Biden in 2024... Come Jan 6th, 2025 what will happen?
Will there be a single member of the current Jan6th committee that WON'T try to block Trump?
Isn't THIS? The reason WHY the democrats Keep the stupid law that makes Jan6th a thing?
When Armed (ARMED!) democrat protesters invade the capital. What will VP Kamela do?
RMc rightly observed,
The US Congress has a 19% job approval, while 70% disapprove of the job they are doing.
And yet 90%+ of incumbents get re-elected.
Both of those are consistent with the median voter theorem.
I can remember back in 2007 as GW Bush's political fortunes where swirling down the crapper his fans like to point out he still had a higher approval rating than dandruff and the congress.
Isn't it amazing a man that got "81 million votes" he is a dead man walking? The democrats desperate attempts to nullify Trump with phony hearings doesn't speak well of their confidence they could beat Trump in another election.
In other words, the tallest midget.
In the 2024 Republican Primary, 55% of [Republican primary or caucus] voters would support former President Trump, 20% Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, and 9% former Vice President Mike Pence.
If Pence gets 9% in the poll the poll is utter garbage.
There is no world where he gets even 1%. He will quit his campaign before any votes are cast to avoid humiliation like Kamala Harris did.
Congress always has lower ratings than the President. This is how they spin Biden's historically low approval rate.
The problem with the dems' movie is that 85% of voters think the country is on the wrong track. We're at a place where the U.S. is objectively worse off in 2022 than we were when Trump was elected, and MUCH worse off than when he was president. Their movie doesn't make sense. The world is falling apart, and the dems' response is to personally go after an ex-president?
The indisputable fact is that Trump kept or tried (blocked by the GOPe) to keep his promises. This is unique in modern US history. Reagan had a Dim Congress and they let him win the Cold War in return for letting them spend the country into bankruptcy. Then came the Bushes. I still can't figure out if they were corrupt or just stupid. Obama was a stealth president and his damage is continuing as Holder drives the ESG trend in corporations.
"... I can't help hoping it does succeed in knocking Trump out of the 2024 contest."
Would it satisfy your hopes you if someone simply assassinates him?
The level of illegality would be roughly the same.
RMc said...
The US Congress has a 19% job approval, while 70% disapprove of the job they are doing.
And yet 90%+ of incumbents get re-elected.
My observation has been for decades that people REALLY DISLIKE Congress but LOVE their Congressman/Congresswoman/Congress-“whatever”. Hence why these twits keep getting re-elected, particularly with districts gerrymandered by whatever party controls the specific state they are in.
"But the Dems have got to keep pushing Trump out, because it's far too likely that if he runs he will win." Wait, what? If Trump goes out, DeSantis comes in, and he would do _way_ better.
>>Trump won in 2016 because it was him heroically doing battle with the liberal institutions
Trump won in 2016 because the Dems believed the 300+ electoral college vote landslide for Hillary was a sure thing, so there was no need to fire up the D fraud machine.
It will be a generation before they make that mistake again.
"Donald Trump is appointed to fill a vacant Florida House seat after a sudden Republican retirement/medical emergency. He also becomes Speaker of the House."
House seats can't be filled by appointment. He would have to run in a special election.
9% seems about right for the value voters (Christian evangelicals) who couldn't be persuaded that Trump was too sinful to support.
I do think it will be Trump/DeSantis, and Pence will not discourage his people from voting for Trump. It's not in his character. They may be satisfied with Trump's ability to overturn Roe and vote for him just based on that.
Other than that, it's all gonna be about the price of gas.
rhhardin said...
Grab them by the pussy, never forget, is what it looks like.
To accurately reflect what Trump really said, American women are LETTING the radical Democrats grab them by the pussy.
So why is Trump a monster? He's a disrupter for sure, but isn't that what all the business schools and press are telling us to be? He believes in a republic and not a boffin-ocracy. And he had a solid record of accomplishment as President, whereas Biden/Harris can't get out of their own way.
PS: I'd really like to see Kayleigh McEneny debate Karine Jean-Pierre. It would be emblematic.
"Biden With Higher Approval Than US Congress & Supreme Court."
Too easy.
Let's go for something interesting. Say ... broccoli.
Would you take the over or under on Biden vs. broccoli?
Since last month, Biden’s approval has increased two points.
With whom?
I bet many of those people who rate Congress low rate their particular representatives higher.
Congress would be okay if all those other states would stop voting for such rotten politicians./s
PS: I'd really like to see Kayleigh McEneny debate Karine Jean-Pierre. It would be emblematic.
Kayleigh is just not a good enough liar. That is a fundamental skill for a Biden PR person. Pisshockey was an expert
Trumpzilla may die at the end of the movie. But his tormentors in the J6 committee are gonna suffer a lot of destruction in his wake.
Make that self destruction.
Those damn congress critters are ignorant, wasteful swamp creature.
MY congressman supports (my) the right causes and brings home the bacon.
That's why I laugh at elected officials called fiscal conservatives. (Former) Senator Shelby was labeled conservative. And he was, relatively, socially conservative. Fiscally? It is to laugh. Tour Alabama and see all the buildings with his name on them (and OUR money in them).
I dealt directly with his staff on a few occasions.
One was a Shelby Hall on a campus. His flunky toured the construction. The contractor was instructed to tear out the already completed tile flooring and the oak banister because "the Senator" insists on marble and brass in his buildings.
Another time I was in a meeting on transportation research funding. The meeting included a Professor from Alabama. As we wrapped up she sighed, "I wish I could get funding for my research". The lackey asked, "How much do you need?". Not a hint of the type of research, questions to be answered or any of the mundane stuff. I later learned it wasn't even remotely related to transportation. She replied, "Three million". The flunky scoffed and said, "Budget dust. It's approved".
Never voted for the SOB. But he was sure beloved by all the recipients in Alabama.
"PS: I'd really like to see Kayleigh McEneny debate Karine Jean-Pierre."
Surely it would have to be an open book "debate" for Ms. Karine's sake.
Inquiry said...
I imagine Biden's popularity is also higher than tornadoes and herpes
I know a guy who has had herpes. He said it was much better than Biden.
Michael K said...
Then came the Bushes. I still can't figure out if they were corrupt or just stupid.
Embrace the power of AND, Michael.
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