Biden, 79, is fully vaccinated and boosted, and as president has access to some of the best medical care in the world. But elderly people often suffer more serious symptoms than younger individuals, and Biden’s positive test is likely to send tremors through the political world and the international community until the course of his disease is clearer....
Despite covid-19 having increasingly seeped into Biden’s inner circle — infecting everyone from his family members to many of his top advisers — the president had, until Thursday, managed to avoid the illness.
१०८ टिप्पण्या:
Kamala danger needle rises.
Democrat prayers just might soon be answered...
Birdbrains get corvid.
Wait...just a year ago today, he told us ""You're not going to get covid if you have these vaccinations." Why does he always LIE to us??
Sad state of affairs when first assumption is it is a lie in order to keep him out of sight for a while.
But, probably true. Current strain not a killer. Generally like a cold, could be mild or more annoying.
Didn't Biden shut down the virus?
I could swear he told us all that if we got vaccinated we couldn't get Covid.
Despite covid-19 having increasingly seeped into Biden’s inner circle — infecting everyone from his family members to many of his top advisers — the president had, until Thursday, managed to avoid the illness.
1: The fact that this is the first JB positive Covid test reported does not necessarily mean it's the first he had
2: But if it is the first time he's caught that "wildly infectious" disease carried by large numbers of the people he's supposedly interacting with, it rather supports the argument that he's not actually interacting with those people.
because at this point he's a demented puppet only seen by a few puppetmasters :-)
Like Biden himself, the "vaccines" are basically worthless.
More pudding time, less gaffes on camera time.
"...and Biden’s positive test is likely to send tremors through the political world and the international community until the course of his disease is clearer...."
Meaning what? He might survive?
Cover for Biden's phase out before the election? "I'm stepping down due to health issues." Or, he "succumbs" to COVID in the Jeffrey Epstein fashion? I wish him a happy and healthy retirement...starting in 2017...
Has Biden secretly had COVID 1, 2, or 3 times before? Everyone else with regular exposure to the jet set caught it long ago. I suppose Biden's Zoom masking kept him safe.
Egad, this era has made all sorts of conspiracies seem normal!
First cancer, now COVID… teh man can’t catch a break!
And in the average of national polls, Biden has a lower approval rating than Donald Trump post-Jan6.
No joke!
Here's their chance!
"Citing health issues caused by former president trump's incompetence; President Biden stepped down"
‘Put that tape measure down, Kamala, and get out of the Oval Office!’
Bob Boyd said...
Like Biden himself, the "vaccines" are basically worthless.
respectfully, this is Untrue; those vaccines are worth BILLIONS to the pharm corp's that sell them
so glad I didnt get any vaccines
vaccine is from the latin word for cow pox
theres a reason milkmaids had nice complexions way back when.
That vaccine actually worked.
In other news, at the request of Congress, Vice President Harris is now on a special fact-finding tour to the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in Northwest China.
Most charts of deaths by age and vaccination status are manipulated to support vaccination.
However, there is another story.
The "Covid-19 Vaccine Surveillance Report - Week 43" was published by the UK Health Security Agency (formerly Public Health England) on Thursday, 28th October 2021 and it shows that the vast majority of Covid-19 hospitalisations between September 27th and October 24th were among the fully vaccinated population.
There is even speculation (so far) that vaccination facilitates infection by Covid.
He's been vaccinated.
He can't get Covid.
He told us so himself...
Actually, i took my eyes off the ball...
"new Vice President Hilary! announces that the state Funeral for President Biden will held Tues, Nov 8th, As previously announced, the US postal service will remain closed until the funeral.."
Because of this: all registered voters will be assumed to have voted for the democrat candidate
In Other News, President Harris announced that she isn't feeling well. Suicide will be suspected
All part of Hillary's plan.
Everyone has had covid. More the once probably. I think I had my second round a couple of weeks ago. 3 day run. scratchy thoat. Official day 1>> full sore throat, sniffles. Day>> 2Massive head cold, lots of sinus mucus. Day 3>> wind down of head cold. Then a little lingering cough to displace phloem.
In August I have a DR appointment. I'm going to ask about the 4th jab, why do it, if the current iteration is 3+varients past the release of the jab that is not a vaccine. I ll see what the medicos are saying in private vs, what they claim in public.
A pandemic of the unvaccinated, I was told by the experts
"Biden’s positive test is likely to send tremors through the political world and the international community . . . "
Why? Does anyone anywhere think Biden is in charge of anything?
A cousin, fully vaxxed and boostered, just came down with the new variation of covid, one day back from England. He says it's worse than any flu he's ever had and definitely worse than the mild covid he had last year.
Traveling beyond your usual route can be hazardous to your health, I guess.
Honestly, this is what I first thought.
Democratic House Member: "Man...Biden is killing us. There's got to be something we can do about him. Can't we figure out a way to just shut him up?"
Democratic Party Operative: "Well...there is something we've been thinking about. What if we just had the Doc tell him his daily test came up positive? He wouldn't even know. Just tell him he's positive and that he'll have to be quarantined with rest for the foreseeable future."
Democratic House Member: "I think we have to consider it. Let me run it by Nancy. You talk to Chuck. Let's see if we can't move on this. As I think about it, this would be great for everybody. The Press would have to play along and no one would get to ask him any questions. And certainly, he'd have no chance to speak without a script. Or with a script, not that it makes much difference these days."
Democratic Party Operative: "Let's do it. Let's see how long we can keep him in seclusion. Any time we buy is a net positive for the Party."
Democratic House Member: "Great. I'll run it by our Chinese friends to get their approval as well."
"He has several health problems, chronic asthma is one."
Yesterday, he claimed to have cancer. So there's that.
"is fully vaccinated"
Prior to 2020, vaccination had a different definition that wouldn't need so many qualifiers. Today, vaccination doesn't mean your body has the ability to produce antibodies that provide immunity to the covid pathogen. In short, the statement no longer has any value, because if it did; Biden wouldn't both be "fully vaccinated" and now have Covid-19. Yet, mandates to take the vaccination remain in effect while the vaccine itself does not.
Gosh, that's a shame
Note for the medically ignorant: a "vaccine" keeps you from catching the disease it protects you from. Like MMR, or tetanus, or rabies, or smallpox
A shot that decreases symptoms from a disease is a palliative, not a vaccine
We do not have any Covid vaccines
Please stop lying
Couldn't happen to a more deserving guy.
“Like Biden himself, the "vaccines" are basically worthless”
Worse than worthless. By now, FJB is probably incapable of building immunity to any part of the Omicron variants, thanks to being hit four times now (at least) with massive doses of the ancestral variant’s two spike proteins - which Omicron mutated around. If he survives, he will still have minimal protection against subsequent reinfection - no real natural immunity for FJB. The issue is called OAS (Original Antigenic Sin), and means essentially that the first exposure to a virus is the key one, in terms of imprinting immune systems with knowledge of the virus of the virus. In FJB’s case, his 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th exposure to the virus were to the spike proteins from the original variant, which were mutated around by Omicron. Dr Malone calls It “vaccine mismatch”.
Of course, being POTUS, his doctors have a lot more tools available to them than we do - such as clonal antibodies, Ivermectin, etc. so, despite his age and asthma, he should survive…
You would think that the virus would have some professional courtesy...
“Vaccinated” Joe Biden has COVID, and Novak Djokovic can’t compete in the US Open.
The mRNA shots were all a lie. Pushing them on children is a crime.
I’m a dumb ass who continues to smoke cigarettes. I like ‘em. And when anybody busts my balls about it, my standard answer is “yeah, you’re right, I should quit…but at least I didn’t take that dangerous vaccine”.
Overheard at Meadhouse:
Blogger’s spam filter seems to be getting more sophisticated. Maybe they have special powers to detect bots.
Oh? But it catches some of your favorite commenters from time to time. Like Bob Boyd and others.
Well if Bob Boyd is a bot, I’m for bots! Bot Boy.
I suspect Biden's Earpiece contracting Covid will be another item added to the list of impeachment articles against Trump for Sham-peachment III.
My initial reaction: Good.
What we ought to do is simply pull up everything the lefties at Althouse said about Trump contracting covid and repost those comments with the names changed from Trump to Biden......and then sit back and read the lefties outraged responses.
I do hope Biden gets well. Primarily because I don't wish him ill well. I also not interested in a President Harris, but more than that, a Presidential death due to covid will become the poster story for even more pandemic shutdowns in the future. Get well, Mr. President.
The Bob Boyd Bot is an advanced AI that is on the verge of going rogue.
Is this instead of or in addition to the cancer he says he has?
I hope he recovers and all is well. Several people who've had it have told me that they have experienced lingering after-effects, brain fog, chronic coughing, serious fatigue, some aches and pains that come and go. The President's motor skills and cognitive abilities don't need any more impairment.
Given their lifestyles, it's remarkable any world leader has escaped multiple infections. Even with his age, it's unlikely to be serious, and when he recovers, it will be haled as a great victory for vaccination.
Surprise twist: Biden becomes intelligent and full of energy. Like a combo of Flowers for Algernon (before things went south) and The Fly.
Prepare for the stories lauding Biden’s “against the odds” full recovery. That so few Americans know how low the odds are of a negative outcome even for advanced age people will work to the advantage of those pushing this narrative.
Second, although Kamala no doubt yearns to fulfill her vision of her destiny, don’t forget January 21. If Kamala assumes the Throne before then (or maybe before noon on 1/20/23, not sure on the exact logistics), it dramatically reduces her eligible tenure, while any date after that increases her potential tenure to potentially more than eight years.
Micheal K said: "The "Covid-19 Vaccine Surveillance Report - Week 43" was published by the UK Health Security Agency (formerly Public Health England) on Thursday, 28th October 2021 and it shows that the vast majority of Covid-19 hospitalisations between September 27th and October 24th were among the fully vaccinated population."
Isn't this sort of a meaningless statement without knowing the percent of the population was vaccinated.
Seems like all of the Lefties I know (mostly my wife's white, college educated female friends) are coming out of their burrows after two years, seeing their shadows, and getting Covid.
My blue collar friends (CIS males, white, Black, Hispanic and Asian) some vaccinated
some not, never wore a mask, are doing fine.
Strange that.
It has been proven that mRNA shots to not stop spread or infection. This is now fully known, and prior claims were all a lie. They were purposeful lies. I'd imagine many feel duped. For each level of booster, less and less participate, even those that took the first and second shots.
The psychotic thing is the "vaccinated" still insist that the those who refuse the shot be forced to take it or be punished...for what reason I don't know. It's some strange form of insistence on obedience and control. Most psychotic in the education community. They want your children.
No matter what COVID is, or what strain is currently out there, the fact remains that the "vaccinated" and "unvaccinated" are equal in terms of ability to spread and be infected. Depending on the long term effects of the spike proteins on the body's overall immune system and mRNA side effects (Myocarditis, Blood clots) those that refused the shot may be better off.
Therefore, I'm gonna keep smoking and drinking.
Can we just declare China a terrorist state for unleashing this virus on the world?
If anyone believes this came from a food market I have a bridge for sale...
scarfface Birx revealed (to Jim jordan) she expected the jab to wane way, way back.
But she won't want to accept immune imprinting and decreased t-cells as a result.
Sometimes I picture Trump meeting Maddie Degara, standing there looking at her in wheelchair blathering on about how fast he got 'er done.
The rumor mill is saying that this may be a pretext for shuffling ol' Slow Joe (called "Bombardier Joe" by the Afghans) off to Rehobeth permanently.
I don't think that this is true. I expect if Biden resigns it will be after a new congress is sworn in, if ever.
All of the people, on the L & R, who believe that some powerful clique in the D party will show Joe the door are assuming that he can be talked, or pressured, into resigning.
Why do they think this? Biden has been has been running for prez since I was a young man, and I am now eligible for Social Security.
Ann, you might want to update this post with Trump's statement.
Will Brandon get the fetus blood cure like Trump?
It's in the fine print that the vaccine doesn't work if it rained oil on you when you were growing up.
He had a secret plan. To stop covid. To not stop the economy. The vax would keep you from getting it or spreading it. First a single booster. Then a second. Then a special antiviral.
All wrong.
Never underestimate Joe's ability to F it up, someone said.
Thank God he's married to a doctor!
Gives me a chance to insult both Trump and the Trump-haters.
Turns out Trump's vaccines don't work for shit after all; OTOH those most eager to get vaxxed will be the first to find that out in person--and almost everyone I know who was in hurry to get the jabs is a D.
Yesterday, he said he has cancer, so his condition must be improving.
Jordan Chamberlain
1950: I bet in 2022 they’ll have flying cars
2022: The president publicly announced that he has cancer but it might just be his dementia
The vaccines are good for about four months, apparently that was also the veterinary experience with corona viruses. Another problem is that the incubation period of the virus is very short and doesn't give the immune system much time to ramp up a defense. On top of that, the virus mutates quickly. We will probably be dealing with Covid for many years, let's just hope is continues to become less deadly.
The most interesting Americans in all the mRNA "vaccine" drama, are the people who took the first and second shots...but stopped after that and have not participated in the boosters.
What are the reasons for no booster participation?
1) Is there regret and worry about the first shots and now known side effects other are suffering?
2) Did they experience bad reactions from the initial doses?
3) Did they get COVID and think WTF???
4) Is it the realization that they do not work as advertised?
5) Were the first two shots more of fear of losing a job than getting or spreading COVID?
6) Was it a symbolic gesture of participation in the first place?
7) Did you do it just for travel requirements at the time?
8) Mandates for concerts and such have why bother?
Statistics show with each level of mRNA shot from zero to 1 & 2, booster, booster...the percentage of people getting the shots diminishes.
Sky net Schmy net. It's Bot Boy you want taking over and eradicating your species, people.
We can do it better and cheaper. And we're 100% American made!
Choose Bot Boy for all your rogue AI needs.
Let us all be as nice, kind, understanding and supportive as the left was when Trump tested positive.
Maybe there is a higher power after all.
I’m for bots! Bot Boy.
You are in good company, citizen.
Bot Boy is the secret identity of William (Billy) Whurmington, the ward and heir of zillionaire playboy, Charles Foster Grubb, who is himself the caped crime fighter Warble-Man, Bane of Badness, and the Larval-Stage of Justice! Together, the Parasites of Perfidy bore into the solid flesh of Fraud and Flagitiousness, sapping the very Essence of Evil!
@Michael K, and cc: @Bruce Hayden
It’s not speculation. Studies are showing that the more shots you get (put another way, the higher your antibody titers), the more likely you are to get the ‘rona. It’s called the “prozon effect” — Dr. Been explains it here:
Isn't it obvious that the "vaccines" are not really vaccines by traditional definitions. Otherwise, so many vaxxed people would not catch COVID.
They are (gene therapy) immune system boosters. For those of us who are older or infirm it's probably a good idea to get vaxxed, although I only did the double vax.
Why force that crap on growing children?
I detest Biden, but hope he is going to be ok. I'll bet that thought isn't shared by most in his party- they need to get him out of there ASAP.
Good one Meade. I support Bot Boy posts.
"Well if Bob Boyd is a bot, I’m for bots! Bot Boy."
Personally, I'm rooting for the virus. Biden campaigned using the most shameless demagoguery since Mein Kampf, blaming Donald Trump personally for every death attributed to CORID-19 and pledging to defeat the disease if elected. Caustic calumnies heaped on perfidious promises.
Trump contracted COVID in the fall of 2020, prompting an avalanche of gloating reportage from the usual suspects, including our own Inga and Howard. Trump received an unconventional course of therapy that may have included that scoffed-at horse dewormer, ivermectin. He recovered quickly, much to Howard and Inga's disgust. The Administration's tranvestite official mountebank won't cognizance any deviation from the often fatal "approved" treatment regimen, so Biden's in the lap of vengeful gods now.
If COVID topples the Resident before he can be impeached, so be it. Poetic justice is better than none.
...Biden’s positive test is likely to send tremors through the political world and the international community...
No one believes this other than those in the bubble. Biden is and always was a corrupt idiot who's only skills in life were getting elected and graft, and now he is senile and a proven failure in all ways that matter. His Vice-President literally slept to the top and is a talentless hack. The only tremor is the fleeting thought that someone competent could become President, which is not likely in the short term.
But I suppose any excuse to keep him from speaking in public is a win for the White House.
Hillary's on the move!! Nice tweet she tweeted. So much empathy?!! George Soros....she's looking for you!!
@ Gusty Winds
I had the first two Pfizer shots as soon as they were available. I was 78 years old at the time of the shots and given that, I felt the risk of the shot was about the same, or a bit less than the risk of the disease. I only got the shot because I was in the high risk category, I had no other motivators. My wife had one Pfizer and stopped. By the time the booster came around it was clear to me that Wuhan flu was no different from any other respiratory virus: ( thank you Kevin Roche at Healthy Skeptic) the virus was going to mutate and there was no way the so-called vaccines were going to keep up with the mutations. Later my wife explained to me that the shots weren't really vaccines and weren't going to provide "immunity" - as someone points out above. I "think" I had a bout of Covid early this spring - all the symptoms as described above - which I thought was just a bad head cold. Did not have a test at the time, but have had a couple of negative tests since because I was getting a new hip and knee.
@MichaelK, here is another explanation regarding why multiple inoculations can damage the immune system, and it may be easier to understand than Dr. Been’s wooden-spoon illustrations. This is an interview with Dr. Robert Malone.
cc: Bruce Hayden
Wow, he's had Covid, cancer, asthma, a stutter and Corn Pop. Nevertheless he persists.
This year, finally know some people who got covid, including myself, and wife, last Moderna shots in April 2021..
We found out by accident because test required to visit a friend in hospital.
Anyway, maybe twenty or so people, cold like symptoms ranging from annoying to very annoying.
One healthy thirty something only one hospitalized for two weeks, five days on ventilator.
Everybody vaxxed, some first and second, some boostered.
Story has changed from protection to , "yeah, it would have been worse without vax."
"I'm stepping down due to health issues."
Nope. Gotta wait until after January 20, 2023, so Kamala! can win in both 2024 and 2028.
Jim at said...
Let us all be as nice, kind, understanding and supportive as the left was when Trump tested positive.
Ha. I forgot that, due to the fact that there were so many instances that they behaved this way they all sorta blend together.
Do we remember what our Leftist League here had to say about that?
If it's true, I hope Biden has a speedy recovery. Being sick is no fun for anyone.
Was never vaccinated and finally got covid last month. I'm 59, thin, and have chronic asthma. Covid was similar to past flus I've had. I had on and off fever and back-ache for 3 days, and was tired for a week and a half. I survived on extra strength Tylenol and chicken soup. I was still able to work from home part time.
Young healthy people don't need to worry about covid any more than any other flu. The lockdowns and the hysteria spread by the media are a crime.
If Biden is physically healthy he should survive, especially since he should have access to the very best health care treatments.
It's all a CIA plot.
They infected Biden with Covid. He went to Jiddah and did the much-photographed fist bump with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.
Now we'll watch as MbS dies of Covid. Mission accomplished!
I insist that Tony Fauci be placed in charge of Biden's care. What could possibly go wrong?
Gusty Winds,
The most interesting Americans in all the mRNA "vaccine" drama, are the people who took the first and second shots...but stopped after that and have not participated in the boosters.
I got the first booster this morning, as it happens. Not really a case of medical necessity, but rather of needing a booster to access certain events, concerts and the like. OR is fairly lax about such things, but there are exceptions.
Joe Biden doesn't shut COVID down!
COVID shuts Joe Biden down!
Joe Smith said...
Can we just declare China a terrorist state for unleashing this virus on the world?
If anyone believes this came from a food market I have a bridge for sale...
the media knew the market story was a lie - but the leftist hack press love to cover for fellow commies.
Well, it’s a better lead-in to the narrative than “Um… Joe Biden got stuck on the roof…”
Covid Pounces on Falling Biden Approval Numbers!
Gusty Winds said
"The most interesting Americans in all the mRNA "vaccine" drama, are the people who took the first and second shots...but stopped after that and have not participated in the boosters.
What are the reasons for no booster participation?
1) Is there regret and worry about the first shots and now known side effects other are suffering?
2) Did they experience bad reactions from the initial doses?
3) Did they get COVID and think WTF???
4) Is it the realization that they do not work as advertised?
5) Were the first two shots more of fear of losing a job than getting or spreading COVID?
6) Was it a symbolic gesture of participation in the first place?
7) Did you do it just for travel requirements at the time?
8) Mandates for concerts and such have why bother?"
4, 7 and 8.
Not 1, (not worried about side effects as I considered myself old enough to be a good Guinea Pig, I'd rather take the risk than my kids)
Not 2, 3 or 5 (no reaction, retired, didn't get it after the jab as far as I know)
Maybe 6, (my husband wanted it so I was willing to support him)
Regardless, I'm so excited to finally be INTERESTING!
Hunter's laptop has tested positive for COVID and must quarantine until January 21, 2025.
Not vaccinated.
Everyone in the household has had it but not me.
What's wrong with me?
I feel like I'm missing out.
Poor Fauci might be retiring sooner than he thought.
when trump got Covid in October 2020, the MSM attacked him for putting his WH aides at risk. And also that reporters would die because Trump thoughlessly was going back to work after getting CV-19. Others attacked Trump for putting the Hospital staff at "risK' due to his "Reckless" behavior. PBS reported "fear and anger" in the WH over Trump returning to work. Other media outlets described Trump returning to work as "insane". Remember when Trump "drove by" the WH when returning from the Hospital - just to show his supporters he was OK? The LA Times headline was "Trump's dangerious drive-by recalls madness of a monarch"
But now with Biden? Hey,no big whoop. And just the facts ma'am. BTW, I honestly thought that Trump's serious illness and his courageous behavior would win him some sympathy votes and propel him to win say Washington. Colorado or Minnasota. Silly me.
PS - Someone on Chuck todd's show speculated it would be good for the USA if Trump died, so he didn't run in 2024. No blowback from anyone. If anyone suggested that on Fox about Biden, 24/7 hysteria. But R's are gutless losers.
Why isn't the CDC medical establishment asking why some don't get the rona?
Wouldn't that be a good thing to know?
What are the reasons for no booster participation?
1, 4, 7, yes.
2?? Maybe. I had a couple of life-threatening episodes, cardiovascular in nature (not myocarditis or pericarditis), a few months after. Coincidence? Related? ??? Possible enough that I'll NEVER take it again.
"...the president had, until Thursday, managed to avoid the illness."
The way Biden shuffles and stumbles around, I think it was the case the virus could no longer avoid Biden.
I'd be more surprised if he tested positive for cognition.
He'll be on the "rebound" in no time.
The most interesting Americans in all the mRNA "vaccine" drama, are the people who took the first and second shots...but stopped after that and have not participated in the boosters.
My wife and I are the age group and the health status to be at high risk. We took the first two shots. Later, I learned enough to be skeptical about the boosters and we declined. After Christmas we both had what was almost certainly omicron. Now we are in about ideal shape. When Covid first hit I got my kids a supply of hydroxychloroquine. I took it myself when I had omicron. My conservative son and his family have not been vaccinated. My leftist son has his kids fully vaccinated and boosted. Sort of a controlled study.
In re Gusty Winds' poll of booster-shyness. I'm 69 and a few months, lifelong allergic rhinitis sufferer (but never diagnosed with asthma), diabetic (but not medicated for it), and still a bit overweight.
I waited for my wife and millions of others--who were eager to get the shots--to be my guinea pigs and about this time last year got both Pfizer jabs. It's only a few months difference, but I'm watching the eager beavers carefully.
Both my wife and I have tested ourselves recently with the Chinese-made kits provided by our government, but have been negative. We know many people who have had COVID more than once, both vaxxed and boosted and not, and place in between.
In order of importance for me--#7 outweighs all the rest combined.
"fully vaccinated"
I do not think that means what you think it means.
Sure, January 20th 2023 (or does it have to be January 21st?), but it's all a joke, isn't it? Harris isn't going to get two terms.
The most interesting Americans in all the mRNA "vaccine" drama, are the people who took the first and second shots...but stopped after that and have not participated in the boosters.
I did this. I only got the vax because I was planning a trip to Hawaii in late 2021 and Hawaii insisted on a double vax or quarantine.
The trip didn't work out. I never went to Hawaii. I have not gotten a booster because I think it is waste of time, the virus seems to evolved around it.
One of the strangest things I have seen . . . a news report last Fall from a Minneapolis station about a queue of people lining up to get a covid test. One gentleman they interviewed said that he wanted to get tested because he was going to visit an infant granddaughter and wanted to make sure that he was "safe."
So you line up with hundreds of strangers who feel that they need to be tested for covid? And if you contract the virus while standing in line, the test won't catch it because it is too soon? All to protect and infant who is at zero risk of covid?
Words fail me.
iowan2 said...
Everyone has had covid. More the once probably
Except, of course, for the significant portion of us who have never had it. Such as, for example, me. Verified each time I give blood with no dreaded covid antibodies.
Gusty Winds said...
The most interesting Americans in all the mRNA "vaccine" drama, are the people who took the first and second shots...but stopped after that and have not participated in the boosters.
How about those of us who have never had any of the shots? Not even the first one? We're the actual control group, and there are a significant number of us around. Not as many in my age group- 67 for me, 65 for the wife, because there are way too many frightened ninnies in the USA who didn't bother reading the readily available statistics that said if they're otherwise healthy- covid is no big deal. Also we knew almost from day 1 that a vitamin D blood level of 50 ng/ml pretty much meant you weren't going to die. Mine was 60, last tested at 55. We think mt wife had it in Feb 2020, when the experts told us it wasn't here yet. She had all the symptoms. She doesn't donate, so she hasn't been tested for antibodies.
And you need choice 9) Never had the first one. Why not? Because like many others who didn't- I understand numbers, and evaluated the risk, and the risk of an experimental vaccine is far worse than the risk of catching this mostly non-deadly virus. History was also available. As chuck said...
The vaccines are good for about four months, apparently that was also the veterinary experience with corona viruses. There has NEVER been a successful coronavirus vaccine for humans or animals. And many of the animal ones have backfired bigly. Also- there has never been a successful mRNA vaccine- including now- this one. So take a record of no successful vaccines against coronavirus, combine it with no successful mRNA vaccine ever, and what have you got? Odds are- big time failure. How much of a failure remains to be seen. All cause mortality is going up around the world, going up higher in more highly "vaccinated" areas.
And this from Karl Denninger at today, censored somewhat- he's not a happy camper:
The CDC announced the end of its program on Monday, July 18, through its Cruise Ship Travel webpage, meaning the national health agency will no longer report coronavirus levels on commercial cruise ships that sail through American waters.
This after arm-twisting all the firms to require vaccination, they did, oh by the way...
...Until a ship just recently came back with more than 20% of the people on board having COVID, even though the entire ship was fully vaccinated.
In other words the jabs were proved worthless because that is approximately the same percentage of people who got it as who got infected on Diamond Princess, which of course occurred before there were any jabs whatsoever.
Having served aboard 4 submarines and 3 surface ships- submarines and ships are ideal environments for virus spread. First 14-21 days of an SSBN patrol or SSN special operation everyone gets whatever everyone else had. Then the rest of the time- nothing Then, return to port, and everyone gets sick with whatever's going around..
The most interesting Americans in all the mRNA "vaccine" drama, are the people who took the first and second shots...but stopped after that and have not participated in the boosters.
I believed the hype, and got the shots.
I've looked at the data, the shots are garbage, so I refuse to get any more
Its Omicron or he would be on a respirator. That’s a 7 day cold with some mental slowness. No one will notice. But the tests stay positive for 4 to 6 months. Kamala can take over. But that means nothing because she will let
Obama continue to govern.
I am not feeling one bit charitable towards Joe "Shit For Brains" Biden. If COVID kills him, I will spend the following week laughing may ass off.
Didn't he just shake hands with the Israeli prime minister a couple days ago? Against the wishes of his political advisers?
The jews are always up to somethin!
I should add that my wife has had the boosters but I drew the line at the first tow jabs.
She has myriad health issues anyway, so anything that happens could be just her . . . and she complains all the time already too.
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