I thought The North Water was excellent. But then I always loved Moby Dick and stories of polar exploration and didn't mind things Victorian, so I'm a good audience for the series.
The Indiana shopping mall shooter was taken out by a 22 year old civilian with a gun. With the recently passed New York state gun law, it would never happen in Kathy Hochuland. Shopping malls are off limits to armed concealed carry permit holders. Fools.
If I we're a Supreme Court nominee and a US Senator asked me What is a Woman?...
I would truthfully answer, "People who profoundly confuse me and most often reject me. But still, I've been trying to have sex with since I was 14. Not for the conquest, but for the validation. The Kennedy's and Clinton did the same. Even they lived lives of quiet desperation. Right fellas???"
And then the Senate would reject my nomination by unanimous consent. And I would fist bump them all, knowing they did the right thing. Lindsey Graham would shake my hand, pull me in and whisper..."I get it man. But I think I still got a shot with AOC...sorry dude..."
You gotta believe AOC is sincere. I'm now convinced. Last week she accused Trump of getting the Capitol Police to open the doors and let the J6 protestors in. She knows the doors were opened on purpose, but can't figure out the real reason. It's a subject the J6 committee and Pelosi won't touch. They're like, "Hey sweetheart, take it easy...we weren't really afraid...it was all under control. Icksnay on the Capitol Policenay. Capiche??".
Her only sympathetic ear is Senator Lindsey Graham telling her, "I know sweetheart. Trump is horrible man. Almost killed us all. Why don't we go reminisce with some Patron margaritas and shrimp tacos with pico de gallo queso cheese? Corn tortillas of course. Your make the drinks, and I'll make the diverse tacos. It's just a little something I keep in my office when the memories shake me. I know when I talk you hear Dixie, but trust me...I gotta New York state of mind..."
The Indiana shopping mall shooter was taken out by a 22 year old civilian with a gun. With the recently passed New York state gun law, it would never happen in Kathy Hochuland. Shopping malls are off limits to armed concealed carry permit holders. Fools.
Indiana has the same law. Biden will probably go after the hero, on federal laws.
There is no way Trump will go on Rogan now, after what Joe said the other day.
Bet he lost some of his Trump fan audience too, of they are really the regular listeners they say they are (vs just talking about the interviews that rile the libs).
For as long as I have been alive, the Apocalypse has been just around the corner. The Apocalypse is always with us. The early Christians were heavily into it as were the early nuclear physicists....The Freudians used to say that an irrational fear was the mask of a repressed desire. You get sick of the world and its ways and wish it to die....I don't think the current Apocalypse has much sex appeal. Global warming is a kind of slow, lingering death. Osteoporosis with COPD. Not a Thelma and Lousie kind of ending. Lot more drama and noise with a thermonuclear Armageddon. These young people nowadays just don't know how to fear a good Apocalypse.
Here's the Dem argument. The pain at the pump was caused by Putin. Here the Republican argument. Trump left us energy independent. Biden by executive orders repealed the conditions creating energy independence in the US. Then Putin invaded the Ukraine and Europe and the US had to get along without Russian gas or else finance both sides of the conflict. But we can't get along without Russian gas and oil unless the US re-enters the markets by resuming the policies that make for energy independence here with a surplus to ship to the Europe. But the Greenies are running the Dems who are running DC. So we haven't resumed the policies that would make for energy independence. Moreover we've antagonized Russia. It's not clear that Russia will resume full gas and oil shipments even if Biden crawls over there and begs. Or supposing that the Germans make a good deal for themselves - that doesn't mean the rest of Europe will get a deal. In short, there's way out of depending on Russia but the Greenies and the Dems won't allow it. Europe doesn't have to be cold and dark this winter and neither do we. But the Greenies and the Dems are making it so. It's a mixture of ideology (I won't) and incompetence (I can't). Won't and Can't - you pour the two together and the combination glues mistaken policies in place no matter what the pain and loss they cause.
In the spirit of the open thread - I'm looking for dog training suggestions. Our dog loves to "play the carrot game" (chase bits of carrot that my husband throws) while I make dinner. She gets aggressively eager about it as the time comes - crazy-dog licking and jumping up on him.
My approach is to put her in a down stay and keep her there until such time as I feel she's gleaned that the game happens in OUR time, not hers, then release her and play. My husband keeps saying, "Well, but she just wants to communicate - what are acceptable ways for dogs to communicate?"
I respond that children also want to communicate, but that doesn't mean you do whatever they want as soon as they say they want it. I note that the difference is that children have a greater capacity for learning patience and consequences, and that the corollary is that dogs just have to do as we say on our timing and it's up to us to teach them that.
So actually I guess it's more of a husband-training suggestion that I need! The dog does as I say when I ask her to - it's the husband who goes sentimental on me.
Humperdink said... The Indiana shopping mall shooter was taken out by a 22 year old civilian with a gun. With the recently passed New York state gun law, it would never happen in Kathy Hochuland. Shopping malls are off limits to armed concealed carry permit holders. Fools.
FYI, shopping malls are private property and having worked in the industry, I can tell you that guns of any and all kinds are not permitted in malls regardless of permits allowed by the states. The Greenwood Indiana mall is owned and operated by the world's largest mall company, Simon Properties which does not permit guns except for those in the possession of law enforcement officers.
But I doubt that Simon will bring charges against Elisjsha Dicken, for carrying his gun inside or for discharging it in the food court. Nor will we hear a peep from Bill Nash, the County Prosecutor, concerning a very good shoot.
When I google “Male vs female skeleton” there are hundreds maybe thousands of articles that are now going to have to be scrubbed? Medical books could be burned I suppose. How does anybody think this is going to end well? I don’t see how entertaining this level of delusion can end well.
See the Johnathan Turley post Althouse linked to early yesterday.
gadfly said: "FYI, shopping malls are private property ..."
No kidding. However if you have a right to carry, you have a right to carry. Does that limit it to public property? I think not. Of course private property could ask you to leave, so there's that.
What Hochul and her band of merry tyrants did in New York state did was make every square inch of the state a "sensitive area" thereby banning concealed carry holders from being armed except between the double yellow lines of the highways.
I see that Biden intends to declare a climate emergency (which I presume will result in massive spending to further enrich the elite on top of financing the war against Russia with a little-bitty printing press) in order to attack a summer heat wave. Someone needs to teach the fool some economics and point out that we are ungodly humans - incapable of turning down the sun's heat.
When you look at what Lindsay Graham and Amy Klobachar backed in Kiev in 2014, the actual storming of a parliament by actual Nazis, and some of these same Ukrainians appear in photos from that coup, and J6, you can see what they were scared about. Of course Nazis specialize in false flags.
Read about the 2014 coup in Kiev where the US govt ordered the democratically elected Ukrainian govt to stand down in the face of armed attacks by Nazis on their parliament. But remember that this invasion was "unprovoked."
No kidding. However, if you have a right to carry, you have a right to carry. Does that limit it to public property? I think not. Of course, private property could ask you to leave, so there's that.
In most cases, the property right of an owner or custodian of business premises to control who and what comes onto the property overrides the right of a person to carry a weapon onto the premises - that applies even to a holder of a "concealed carry" license.
The Constitutional protection afforded to U.S. citizens in the Second Amendment does not apply to disputes or controversies between private citizens, so a company would not be constrained under the U.S. Constitution from enforcing such a policy.
Malls post signs warning that guns are not permitted and real police on mall payrolls are roaming the halls making sure there are none - with the help of a thousand mall employees and cameras everywhere.
Perhaps the misdemeanor and being banned from the mall is of little concern but spending a few hours at a cop shop answering questions and getting harassed would not be worthwhile timewise. If an appearance before a judge is a part of the process, violators may have to wait to get their guns back.
Employers are worse than malls. If the rule says "no guns in your car in the parking lot" and if a search using an electronic sensor or a trained dog finds them, you lose your job.
When the US Attorneys office drops the charges against the Colbert 9, who were in the Capitol illegally after being told to leave earlier by the Capitol police...I hope they realize they just pissed off half of America when those 9 people did the same exact thing that people on 1/6/21 did (although they WEREN'T told to leave earlier) after they were ushered in by the Capitol Police. I hope when this joke of an administration is over, the people that Nasty Nancy abused turn around and sue the hell out of her and everybody else who ruined their lives with lies about them being traitors to America. Meanwhile asshole Colbert will be crowing on his show, with Adam and Nasty Nancy probably being the guests on his show that night.
gadfly said: "The Constitutional protection afforded to U.S. citizens in the Second Amendment does not apply to disputes or controversies between private citizens."
I must have missed that in reading the Amendment #2.
gadfly said "Malls post signs warning that guns are not permitted and real police on mall payrolls are roaming the halls making sure there are none".
They are called concealed for a reason. Unless the CCW permit holder is an idiot, the weapon is virtually undetectable visually.
On top of the joke that the US attorney released the Colbert 9, is that he is the same guy who is prosecuting the 1/6/21 people. "Apparently only Trump supporters have to rot in prison for ‘unlawfully’ entering the US Capitol." So now we know for sure. If you are a progressive...you can do and say whatever you want with NO CONSEQUENCES...but if you voted for TRUMP...WE WILL GET YOU EVENTUALLY. Is this what we want going forward?? Actions have consequences...and I am afraid that once the angry bear is kicked too many times, it is all over.
Here's the link https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/07/biden-appointed-us-attorney-dropped-charges-colberts-crew-also-prosecutor-investigating-january-6/
Our Justice Department is corrupt through and through. How can NORMAL Americans trust anything they do, when everything they do is through the lens of ideology?? Time for a cleaning of the whole shit and kaboodle. THIS is disgustingly biased, and all they are doing is pissing off more and more people every day. Progressives do and say whatever they want with no consequences. Trump supporters aren't that lucky. WHY?? WHY are they so afraid of Trump?? Because TRUMP uncovered tons of corruption...and they are trying to put that corruption back in the box...so they can fool the rest of the American people into thinking that everything is fine...It isn't. https://amgreatness.com/2022/07/18/justice-department-designates-obstruction-as-an-act-of-terror/
GOD forbid you care about what the Progressives are shoving down your kids throats. They punish the PARENT?? I hope he gets everything he is suing for. This has got to stop. HOMESCHOOLING is the only way to save your kids.
Every single day it is getting worse and worse. The two tiered Justice system is going to be the powder keg that set off the civil war. IT is coming. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2022/07/19/americas-insanely-two-tiered-justice-system-perfectly-encapsulated-in-sentencing-of-antifa-arsonist-n597589
The left wing judges are letting criminal antifa assholes go so they don't "effect his immigration status". Time to send all illegals home. Come legally or leave. THIS is not right. THIS ASSHOLE gets less time than people who were ushered into the Capitol by the Capitol police, and he has done MORE damage. What a joke our justice system is. I am embarrassed. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2022/07/19/americas-insanely-two-tiered-justice-system-perfectly-encapsulated-in-sentencing-of-antifa-arsonist-n597589
Humperdink (to FakeCon gadfly): "What Hochul and her band of merry tyrants did in New York state did was make every square inch of the state a "sensitive area" thereby banning concealed carry holders from being armed except between the double yellow lines of the highways."
Another day where gadfly forgets he/she/xe is supposed to be pretending to be a "true conservative"/Libertarian type.
Not to worry though. Gadfly now has far left Russian Collusion Truther and Hillary Hoax Dossier Dead-ender Inga strongly in his/her/xer's corner.
gadfly said... "I see that Biden intends to declare a climate emergency (which I presume will result in massive spending to further enrich the elite on top of financing the war against Russia with a little-bitty printing press) in order to attack a summer heat wave. Someone needs to teach the fool some economics and point out that we are ungodly humans - incapable of turning down the sun's heat."
The Indiana shopping mall shooter was taken out by a 22-year-old civilian with a gun. With the recently passed New York state gun law, it would never happen in Kathy Hochuland. Shopping malls are off limits to armed concealed carry permit holders. Fools.
Indiana has the same law. Biden will probably go after the hero, on federal laws.
"...Although authorities said Dicken was legally armed, the mall prohibits people from carrying weapons on its property.
As of July 1, Indiana law allows anyone age 18 or older to carry a handgun in public except for those prohibited for reasons such as having a felony conviction, facing a restraining order or having a dangerous mental illness as determined by a court. Indiana's Republican-dominated Legislature retained provisions in the law that allow private property owners to prohibit firearms."
I had to take a conceal carry course because I was gifted a taser. One of the instructors asked us how many guns he had concealed on his person. (You couldn't see ANY.) He slowly with much fanfare removed 6 handguns.
I always hope that someone in a crowd is a conceal carry holder.(And carrying.) For the most part, conceal carry people are very mindful of their privilege. They don't want to lose it.
The ALDI stores in our area used to have a "No guns allowed" sign. Then an incident in Milwaukee changed their minds. A private citizen prevented an armed robbery by shooting the perpetrator. The signs came down.
Wendybar, you mean the guy who has the same lawyer as the author of The Daily zstormer, a neo nazi site? You know, the lawyer who defended doxxing Jewish people on a nazi site?
Perhaps your Maine Podcaster isn't the paragon of virtue you are claiming he is. At very least, he has a damn slimy lawyer.
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३८ टिप्पण्या:
I thought The North Water was excellent. But then I always loved Moby Dick and stories of polar exploration and didn't mind things Victorian, so I'm a good audience for the series.
Where's muh commie videos?
The Indiana shopping mall shooter was taken out by a 22 year old civilian with a gun. With the recently passed New York state gun law, it would never happen in Kathy Hochuland. Shopping malls are off limits to armed concealed carry permit holders. Fools.
If I we're a Supreme Court nominee and a US Senator asked me What is a Woman?...
I would truthfully answer, "People who profoundly confuse me and most often reject me. But still, I've been trying to have sex with since I was 14. Not for the conquest, but for the validation. The Kennedy's and Clinton did the same. Even they lived lives of quiet desperation. Right fellas???"
And then the Senate would reject my nomination by unanimous consent. And I would fist bump them all, knowing they did the right thing. Lindsey Graham would shake my hand, pull me in and whisper..."I get it man. But I think I still got a shot with AOC...sorry dude..."
You gotta believe AOC is sincere. I'm now convinced. Last week she accused Trump of getting the Capitol Police to open the doors and let the J6 protestors in. She knows the doors were opened on purpose, but can't figure out the real reason. It's a subject the J6 committee and Pelosi won't touch. They're like, "Hey sweetheart, take it easy...we weren't really afraid...it was all under control. Icksnay on the Capitol Policenay. Capiche??".
Her only sympathetic ear is Senator Lindsey Graham telling her, "I know sweetheart. Trump is horrible man. Almost killed us all. Why don't we go reminisce with some Patron margaritas and shrimp tacos with pico de gallo queso cheese? Corn tortillas of course. Your make the drinks, and I'll make the diverse tacos. It's just a little something I keep in my office when the memories shake me. I know when I talk you hear Dixie, but trust me...I gotta New York state of mind..."
LOL Bob Boyd
Humperdink said...
The Indiana shopping mall shooter was taken out by a 22 year old civilian with a gun. With the recently passed New York state gun law, it would never happen in Kathy Hochuland. Shopping malls are off limits to armed concealed carry permit holders. Fools.
Indiana has the same law. Biden will probably go after the hero, on federal laws.
If you are being swayed by the BBC's emotional bedwetting linking "climate change" to the current "unprecedented" heat wave, take a look here:
Headline: "Deaths for Millions in 1921's Record Heat Wave"
It covered huge areas from the UK all the way into Siberia.
CO2 levels were roughly half what they are today.
Truth bombs. They make humans run for shelter faster than a dog on the 4th of July.
There is no way Trump will go on Rogan now, after what Joe said the other day.
Bet he lost some of his Trump fan audience too, of they are really the regular listeners they say they are (vs just talking about the interviews that rile the libs).
Put a fork in him, Trump is done.
For as long as I have been alive, the Apocalypse has been just around the corner. The Apocalypse is always with us. The early Christians were heavily into it as were the early nuclear physicists....The Freudians used to say that an irrational fear was the mask of a repressed desire. You get sick of the world and its ways and wish it to die....I don't think the current Apocalypse has much sex appeal. Global warming is a kind of slow, lingering death. Osteoporosis with COPD. Not a Thelma and Lousie kind of ending. Lot more drama and noise with a thermonuclear Armageddon. These young people nowadays just don't know how to fear a good Apocalypse.
Here's the Dem argument. The pain at the pump was caused by Putin. Here the Republican argument. Trump left us energy independent. Biden by executive orders repealed the conditions creating energy independence in the US. Then Putin invaded the Ukraine and Europe and the US had to get along without Russian gas or else finance both sides of the conflict. But we can't get along without Russian gas and oil unless the US re-enters the markets by resuming the policies that make for energy independence here with a surplus to ship to the Europe. But the Greenies are running the Dems who are running DC. So we haven't resumed the policies that would make for energy independence. Moreover we've antagonized Russia. It's not clear that Russia will resume full gas and oil shipments even if Biden crawls over there and begs. Or supposing that the Germans make a good deal for themselves - that doesn't mean the rest of Europe will get a deal. In short, there's way out of depending on Russia but the Greenies and the Dems won't allow it. Europe doesn't have to be cold and dark this winter and neither do we. But the Greenies and the Dems are making it so. It's a mixture of ideology (I won't) and incompetence (I can't). Won't and Can't - you pour the two together and the combination glues mistaken policies in place no matter what the pain and loss they cause.
Edditray ashay anbayed "oomergray." Ontributorscay eusay igpay atinlay otay efeatday ethay ensorcays. Edditray ashay onegay otay ethay arkday idesay and ecomebay oomergrays emselvesthay.
In the spirit of the open thread - I'm looking for dog training suggestions. Our dog loves to "play the carrot game" (chase bits of carrot that my husband throws) while I make dinner. She gets aggressively eager about it as the time comes - crazy-dog licking and jumping up on him.
My approach is to put her in a down stay and keep her there until such time as I feel she's gleaned that the game happens in OUR time, not hers, then release her and play. My husband keeps saying, "Well, but she just wants to communicate - what are acceptable ways for dogs to communicate?"
I respond that children also want to communicate, but that doesn't mean you do whatever they want as soon as they say they want it. I note that the difference is that children have a greater capacity for learning patience and consequences, and that the corollary is that dogs just have to do as we say on our timing and it's up to us to teach them that.
So actually I guess it's more of a husband-training suggestion that I need! The dog does as I say when I ask her to - it's the husband who goes sentimental on me.
Never mind!
Simply beautiful, thank you
Humperdink said...
The Indiana shopping mall shooter was taken out by a 22 year old civilian with a gun. With the recently passed New York state gun law, it would never happen in Kathy Hochuland. Shopping malls are off limits to armed concealed carry permit holders. Fools.
FYI, shopping malls are private property and having worked in the industry, I can tell you that guns of any and all kinds are not permitted in malls regardless of permits allowed by the states. The Greenwood Indiana mall is owned and operated by the world's largest mall company, Simon Properties which does not permit guns except for those in the possession of law enforcement officers.
But I doubt that Simon will bring charges against Elisjsha Dicken, for carrying his gun inside or for discharging it in the food court. Nor will we hear a peep from Bill Nash, the County Prosecutor, concerning a very good shoot.
When I google “Male vs female skeleton” there are hundreds maybe thousands of articles that are now going to have to be scrubbed? Medical books could be burned I suppose. How does anybody think this is going to end well? I don’t see how entertaining this level of delusion can end well.
See the Johnathan Turley post Althouse linked to early yesterday.
How many CSI type shows mentioned the gender identification of remains?
gadfly said: "FYI, shopping malls are private property ..."
No kidding. However if you have a right to carry, you have a right to carry. Does that limit it to public property? I think not. Of course private property could ask you to leave, so there's that.
What Hochul and her band of merry tyrants did in New York state did was make every square inch of the state a "sensitive area" thereby banning concealed carry holders from being armed except between the double yellow lines of the highways.
I see that Biden intends to declare a climate emergency (which I presume will result in massive spending to further enrich the elite on top of financing the war against Russia with a little-bitty printing press) in order to attack a summer heat wave. Someone needs to teach the fool some economics and point out that we are ungodly humans - incapable of turning down the sun's heat.
Humorous quote of the day. Jared Bernstein (White House advisor): "The president is working tirelessly to bring gas prices down."
Using the words tirelessly and president in the same sentence is non-starter. Not a good visual with Shufflin' Joe.
When you look at what Lindsay Graham and Amy Klobachar backed in Kiev in 2014, the actual storming of a parliament by actual Nazis, and some of these same Ukrainians appear in photos from that coup, and J6, you can see what they were scared about. Of course Nazis specialize in false flags.
Read about the 2014 coup in Kiev where the US govt ordered the democratically elected Ukrainian govt to stand down in the face of armed attacks by Nazis on their parliament. But remember that this invasion was "unprovoked."
Humperdink said...
gadfly said: "FYI, shopping malls are private property ..."
No kidding. However, if you have a right to carry, you have a right to carry. Does that limit it to public property? I think not. Of course, private property could ask you to leave, so there's that.
In most cases, the property right of an owner or custodian of business premises to control who and what comes onto the property overrides the right of a person to carry a weapon onto the premises - that applies even to a holder of a "concealed carry" license.
The Constitutional protection afforded to U.S. citizens in the Second Amendment does not apply to disputes or controversies between private citizens, so a company would not be constrained under the U.S. Constitution from enforcing such a policy.
Malls post signs warning that guns are not permitted and real police on mall payrolls are roaming the halls making sure there are none - with the help of a thousand mall employees and cameras everywhere.
Perhaps the misdemeanor and being banned from the mall is of little concern but spending a few hours at a cop shop answering questions and getting harassed would not be worthwhile timewise. If an appearance before a judge is a part of the process, violators may have to wait to get their guns back.
Employers are worse than malls. If the rule says "no guns in your car in the parking lot" and if a search using an electronic sensor or a trained dog finds them, you lose your job.
When the US Attorneys office drops the charges against the Colbert 9, who were in the Capitol illegally after being told to leave earlier by the Capitol police...I hope they realize they just pissed off half of America when those 9 people did the same exact thing that people on 1/6/21 did (although they WEREN'T told to leave earlier) after they were ushered in by the Capitol Police. I hope when this joke of an administration is over, the people that Nasty Nancy abused turn around and sue the hell out of her and everybody else who ruined their lives with lies about them being traitors to America. Meanwhile asshole Colbert will be crowing on his show, with Adam and Nasty Nancy probably being the guests on his show that night.
gadfly said: "The Constitutional protection afforded to U.S. citizens in the Second Amendment does not apply to disputes or controversies between private citizens."
I must have missed that in reading the Amendment #2.
gadfly said "Malls post signs warning that guns are not permitted and real police on mall payrolls are roaming the halls making sure there are none".
They are called concealed for a reason. Unless the CCW permit holder is an idiot, the weapon is virtually undetectable visually.
gadly said: "Perhaps the misdemeanor ... "
Shopping malls cannot create misdemeanors.
On top of the joke that the US attorney released the Colbert 9, is that he is the same guy who is prosecuting the 1/6/21 people. "Apparently only Trump supporters have to rot in prison for ‘unlawfully’ entering the US Capitol." So now we know for sure. If you are a progressive...you can do and say whatever you want with NO CONSEQUENCES...but if you voted for TRUMP...WE WILL GET YOU EVENTUALLY. Is this what we want going forward?? Actions have consequences...and I am afraid that once the angry bear is kicked too many times, it is all over.
Here's the link https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/07/biden-appointed-us-attorney-dropped-charges-colberts-crew-also-prosecutor-investigating-january-6/
Our Justice Department is corrupt through and through. How can NORMAL Americans trust anything they do, when everything they do is through the lens of ideology?? Time for a cleaning of the whole shit and kaboodle. THIS is disgustingly biased, and all they are doing is pissing off more and more people every day. Progressives do and say whatever they want with no consequences. Trump supporters aren't that lucky. WHY?? WHY are they so afraid of Trump?? Because TRUMP uncovered tons of corruption...and they are trying to put that corruption back in the box...so they can fool the rest of the American people into thinking that everything is fine...It isn't. https://amgreatness.com/2022/07/18/justice-department-designates-obstruction-as-an-act-of-terror/
How many weapons is this woman carrying?
GOD forbid you care about what the Progressives are shoving down your kids throats.
They punish the PARENT?? I hope he gets everything he is suing for.
This has got to stop. HOMESCHOOLING is the only way to save your kids.
Every single day it is getting worse and worse. The two tiered Justice system is going to be the powder keg that set off the civil war. IT is coming. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2022/07/19/americas-insanely-two-tiered-justice-system-perfectly-encapsulated-in-sentencing-of-antifa-arsonist-n597589
The left wing judges are letting criminal antifa assholes go so they don't "effect his immigration status". Time to send all illegals home. Come legally or leave. THIS is not right. THIS ASSHOLE gets less time than people who were ushered into the Capitol by the Capitol police, and he has done MORE damage. What a joke our justice system is. I am embarrassed. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2022/07/19/americas-insanely-two-tiered-justice-system-perfectly-encapsulated-in-sentencing-of-antifa-arsonist-n597589
Humperdink (to FakeCon gadfly): "What Hochul and her band of merry tyrants did in New York state did was make every square inch of the state a "sensitive area" thereby banning concealed carry holders from being armed except between the double yellow lines of the highways."
Another day where gadfly forgets he/she/xe is supposed to be pretending to be a "true conservative"/Libertarian type.
Not to worry though. Gadfly now has far left Russian Collusion Truther and Hillary Hoax Dossier Dead-ender Inga strongly in his/her/xer's corner.
gadfly said...
"I see that Biden intends to declare a climate emergency (which I presume will result in massive spending to further enrich the elite on top of financing the war against Russia with a little-bitty printing press) in order to attack a summer heat wave. Someone needs to teach the fool some economics and point out that we are ungodly humans - incapable of turning down the sun's heat."
OK. Who are you and what did you do with gadfly?
iowan2 said...
Humperdink said...
The Indiana shopping mall shooter was taken out by a 22-year-old civilian with a gun. With the recently passed New York state gun law, it would never happen in Kathy Hochuland. Shopping malls are off limits to armed concealed carry permit holders. Fools.
Indiana has the same law. Biden will probably go after the hero, on federal laws.
"...Although authorities said Dicken was legally armed, the mall prohibits people from carrying weapons on its property.
As of July 1, Indiana law allows anyone age 18 or older to carry a handgun in public except for those prohibited for reasons such as having a felony conviction, facing a restraining order or having a dangerous mental illness as determined by a court. Indiana's Republican-dominated Legislature retained provisions in the law that allow private property owners to prohibit firearms."
Hence a conundrum.
I had to take a conceal carry course because I was gifted a taser. One of the instructors asked us how many guns he had concealed on his person. (You couldn't see ANY.) He slowly with much fanfare removed 6 handguns.
I always hope that someone in a crowd is a conceal carry holder.(And carrying.) For the most part, conceal carry people are very mindful of their privilege. They don't want to lose it.
The ALDI stores in our area used to have a "No guns allowed" sign. Then an incident in Milwaukee changed their minds. A private citizen prevented an armed robbery by shooting the perpetrator. The signs came down.
Wendybar, you mean the guy who has the same lawyer as the author of The Daily zstormer, a neo nazi site? You know, the lawyer who defended doxxing Jewish people on a nazi site?
Perhaps your Maine Podcaster isn't the paragon of virtue you are claiming he is. At very least, he has a damn slimy lawyer.
टिप्पणी पोस्ट करा
Comments older than 2 days are always moderated. Newer comments may be unmoderated, but are still subject to a spam filter and may take a few hours to get released. Thanks for your contributions and your patience.