Drag is about self-expression without shame, and free thinking about others — about showing respect and care for everyone and for all the ways we present ourselves. It’s at once illuminating and not particularly serious; in drag, we playfully reject our assumptions about how a man or a woman “should” act so we can find our own ways of being. And drag, certainly, is nothing dangerous....
Drag is no less appropriate than other forms of entertainment. While most of our shows in bars and clubs are designed for adults, like any artists, we edit our performances to be squeaky-clean for family-friendly audiences. Whether the queer community’s opponents know this or not, they do know prejudice has to be taught, and taught early.
Drafting laws to ban children from our performances is much less about the imagined sexual dangers of a drag show than the imagined dangers of failing to indoctrinate children with fear and shame around queerness from an early age. Drag is, more than anything, an antidote to that fear and shame.
A child who sees queens and kings onstage twirling in costume, acting absurd and authentic before all of society, is bound to develop empathy and tolerance. I think that’s healthy!... Let your children get to know us; the next generation ought to be introduced to the world in as full and honest a way as they can be, so they can figure out exactly where they fit in it — and celebrate where others fit in, too. Drag can be that introduction, as much for kids as for anyone with enough wonder left in them to open their heart to something new. The people pushing hateful lies about this art form are the dangerous, deceitful ones. Under all the wigs, and the makeup, and the false lashes — and perhaps a bit because of them — we are telling something true.
This is a well-written defense of drag entertainment designed for children, but it won't change the opinion of those who call it grooming. What if you were a groomer, with nothing but evil intentions — wouldn't you say the same thing? Yet this is the problem with everyone who seeks to work with children. What's their motivation?
९६ टिप्पण्या:
"In drag, we playfully reject our assumptions about how a man or a woman “should” act..."
By being the most flamboyantly stereotypical and flamingly disrespectful depiction of the opposite sex possible. Fuck. Off.
..."about showing respect and care for everyone and for all the ways we present ourselves"...
like as a social, poisonous stereotype of what it means to be a woman. Please, bitch.
Why children and not adults?
Drag can be that introduction, as much for kids as for anyone with enough wonder left in them to open their heart to something new.
He himself seems to stress the particular impressionability of children.
"Let your children get to know us ..."
Yeah, nah. mate. I'm warning my kids about you, your sexual perversions and how you want to "get to know" impressionable children at a very early age.
Jesus, these people are out and proud pedophiles and those news and corporate organizations, such as the New York Times and Walt Disney Corporation, who are attempting to normalize this behavior in order to enable arrest-free pedophilic grooming, should be run right out of this country. Destroyed. And the Earth salted where they once stood.
OK, Groomer.
‘Drag is, more than anything, an antidote to that fear and shame.’
I thought the shame was part of the kink.
The issue is what is appropriate for children to be exposed to. That decision belongs to their parents.
I wonder if this trans advocate would be so open to exposing children in schools to Christianity? I think we know the answer to that question.
It's the fact that kids are being compelled, often against their parent's wishes, to absorb whatever sexual deviance it is the drag queen crowd wants to foist upon them.
Most kids would rather do almost anything else than be forced to watch a ludicrous dance-and-wiggle by an overly-costumed, overly made-up, obviously-male drag performer.
Make it optional, parents-choice, and the whole tawdry mess will go away in short order.
So what's the argument for allowing drag queens to supersede a parent's decision about their child's upbringing?
People who demand that kids watch these shows are trying to divide us.
They are doing it knowingly.
This has more to do with the over sexualization of kids than the queerness angle. Taking young kids to strip clubs elicits the same reactions.
I always changed the channel. Not my kink.
Creepy. No need to say more IMO.
We reject your assumptions that children "should" act like adults in thinking about sex.
The idea that "prejudice has to be taught, and taught early" is the young earth creationism of the left. Read, e.g., Paul Bloom's "Just Babies."
"acting absurd and authentic before all of society"
What's so great about absurdity? What's the point of seeking authenticity in costumes?
"for kids as for anyone with enough wonder left in them to open their heart to something new"
New compared to what? Drag presupposes an existing order, a functioning society, something old and settled in which something "new" can be expressed. But the point of socializing kids is to introduce them into the settled order, to give them direction. To impose the new before the old has sunk in is inherently subversive, a form of grooming not just in the sense of making kids available for adult sexual exploitation but also as an ideological project to undermine the very legitimacy of any not-new order.
Normalization of political congruence ("=") of the sexes through satirical exploitation of the feminine gender.
Drag might have been funny when gay was dangerous. But the joke has gone utterly stale. What do you do when your act falls flat and you’re dying up there in front of a dwindling house? Shout louder and DEMAND attention. Works like a charm.
Drag is no less appropriate than other forms of entertainment. While most of our shows in bars and clubs are designed for adults, like any artists, we edit our performances to be squeaky-clean for family-friendly audiences. Whether the queer community’s opponents know this or not, they do know prejudice has to be taught, and taught early
I have seen multiple videos, none of them credibly described as hoaxes, showing highly sexualized drag displays in front of children including toddlers tipping draq queens with bills provided by their brain-dead parents. Even without that, lots of squirming, pelvis work and I don't like to use language like this but ass display.
As someone mentioned elsewhere, we're not talking Mrs. Doubtfire here.
Lies lies lies lies. I don't like to be jaundiced but it's gotten to the point where I don't believe anything said by progressives and the cultural left.
Pretty sure that one day we will look back on drag shows as we do minstrel shows.
PS - Putting aside the harm to children . . .
"Drag" is to women what "blackface" is to blacks.
Change my mind.
"It's the fact that kids are being compelled, often against their parent's wishes, to absorb whatever sexual deviance it is the drag queen crowd wants to foist upon them."
The ones DeSantis recently objected to were not held in schools or other environments parents did not choose.
You pretend like this is happening in Kindergarten classes when instead they are openly advertised as what they are and located in cafes or local libraries.
Parents know what they are taking their kids to with these, just like parents who take kids to Jehovah Witness or Scientology gatherings which also seem pretty delusional and toxic in my experience.
Why is time being taken out of the school day for "entertainment"? Can we have that discussion and reach a consensus on that before getting into whether drag queens should be providing it?
They're mentally ill, but not dangerous.
I'm not buying it.
Why children and not adults?
Drag can be that introduction, as much for kids as for anyone with enough wonder left in them to open their heart to something new.
He himself seems to stress the particular impressionability of children.
what's the difference, between gender and race?
You can pick your gender, you can do a burlesque pantomime of a gender; And that's ALL GOOD!
Not only can't you pick your race; you CAN'T EVEN REALIZE how Hard it is to be a different race
(that is, if the race we're talking about is Black)
Why is that? Well, people grow up in their race, and to switch later on is to have All the Advantages of your race, PLUS all the advantages of their race.
Whereas, there is NO Advantage to be a male, or a female.. Wait a minute, let me start over
Language violence and sexual display should all be age appropiate.Hasn't the Left been complaining for years about Bugs' violence?And PG-13 movies.
This is a well-written defense of drag entertainment designed for children,
You right. Drag Queens going to do their thing. The Government has no place in promoting it.
Not threatened by the message. Just the backdoor way, it is being infused into our children's activities.
The message of Jesus Christ in our public schools would yield a much better outcome. Acceptance, don't judge, love your neighbor, Treat others the way you want to be treated.
Which is a more meaningful message?
Some would deliberately conflate Dame Edna with a man dressed and performing as a burlesque queen.
Drag queens are simply queers who are so remorselessly jealous of women that they must strike out at them by means of infantile mockery.
Let your children get to know us
In a world where "stranger danger" is a real thing? Fat chance.
the next generation ought to be introduced to the world in as full and honest a way as they can be, so they can figure out exactly where they fit in it — and celebrate where others fit in, too.
Kids don't need to start agonizing over their sexuality or identity. They'll have enough of that in adolescence.
Drag can be that introduction, as much for kids as for anyone with enough wonder left in them to open their heart to something new.
How new is it really? Drag routines are stale and nothing new. People who pride themselves on being unconventional, or rebellious, or subversive or original have a hard time understanding that they aren't that cutting-edge or challenging.
Drag shows are essentially minstrel shows organized around sex rather than race. Discuss.
"What's their motivation?"
You're asking the right question. Is it for the good of the child, or to promote their own agenda?
Sorry, Beth B made my point first!
"Drag is no less appropriate than other forms of entertainment.
For children? MMA fights are popular with some, but not appropriate for children. Same for hookah lounges or wine tasting. A drag show is not the same as dressing in drag for comic effect. We aren't talking about Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon.
Sasha Velour may be a pleasant and competent adult with abysmal judgment regarding child development. A person with well-developed empathy and tolerance would not call people "the dangerous, deceitful ones" for being protective of children.
Why is danger in the equation? Is that the standard for child-rearing, you must allow your kids to be exposed to any event or person unless there is evidence of danger?
I also find it a bit odd, the idea that the presentation is made "squeaky clean" for families so that makes it all okay. How does that work anyway? I mean, kids can go watch Mrs. Doubtfire if it's just a matter of wanting them to be exposed to seeing a man dressed up as a woman. It would seem as though drag is really about something else, which is, I think, that no one is actually supposed to be fooled into thinking that the performer is a woman. And that, I also think, would be a difficult concept for a young child to grasp.
My sister spent a career working with kids. My wife loves to work with kids. Put either of them next to a drag queen in an interview process for a slot to work with kids and you will see there is a clear difference. One is not like the other. One is meant for kids, the other is an abnormal adult behavior. I'm not saying it's evil or even that it's wrong. But certainly it is not the norm for an adult male (or female), hence, abnormal.
I tend to not want to use the abnormal as my standard for teaching kids.
Another way of putting it is: Stay in your own lane. You want to dress up in drag and strut about performing. Great. It's been done for eons, throughout generations. It is an adult entertainment for those who enjoy such things. It's not my cup of tea, but I don't begrudge it- for adults. Leave the kids to be kids, please. They'll figure out the rest. Humanity has done so for longer than any of us can even contemplate. Suddenly today there's this urgency to introduce kids to drag queens? Get out.
What's their motivation? They just want to open their heart to something new, like Monkeypox.
How quickly we have gone from please don’t discriminate against us because we are different, to you must approve of our lifestyle no matter how degenerate it is.
It's not about "finding your own way." They've joined a highly rigid subculture whose expectations for dress and behavior are as narrow as goths or skinheads. It's inherently sexualized; basically it's Queer Pageant, and extending it to children is as creepy as those Toddlers and Tiaras shows from a few years ago.
Mark said...
"It's the fact that kids are being compelled, often against their parent's wishes, to absorb whatever sexual deviance it is the drag queen crowd wants to foist upon them."
""The ones DeSantis recently objected to were not held in schools or other environments parents did not choose.
You pretend like this is happening in Kindergarten classes when instead they are openly advertised as what they are and located in cafes or local libraries.""
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you're a complete ditz. It IS happening in school classes, in very early grades. Here's an example:
"Last month alone, Drag Story Hour NYC — a nonprofit whose outrageously cross-dressed performers interact with kids as young as 3 — earned $46,000 from city contracts for appearances at public schools, street festivals, and libraries, city records show.
Since January, the group has organized 49 drag programs in 34 public elementary, middle, and high schools, it boasted on its website, with appearances in all five boroughs."
""Parents know what they are taking their kids to with these, just like parents who take kids to Jehovah Witness or Scientology gatherings which also seem pretty delusional and toxic in my experience.""
>>>>>>Parents are compelled to send their kids to school, and those who take their kids to private events YOU object are none of your fucking bigoted business. Taxpayers are not funding those events.
Get it? GET IT?
PS: you claim "experience" re JW and Scientology. Were you forced to attend such meetings? By your parents? That would explain a lot.
Drag is about self-expression without shame, and free thinking about others — about showing respect and care for everyone and for all the ways we present ourselves.
How about "showing respect and care" for people who don't want freaks parading in front of children?
Oh, what's that? People you disagree with aren't actually "people" and aren't part of "everyone"?
Thanks for clearing that up
"What if you were a groomer, with nothing but evil intentions — wouldn't you say the same thing? Yet this is the problem with everyone who seeks to work with children. What's their motivation?"
Perhaps being "playful" with sexuality with kids in their formative years is a tad more suspect than a teacher trying to teach math skills.
It's a sexual kink, I don't care what anyone says.
Why not have BDSM story hour?
Readers can show up wearing leather and dog collars with ball gags in their mouths.
They can give the kids whips to play with.
It's just a lifestyle, right?
Let grade school kids be kids.
The left is really sick sometimes.
If you want to be a freak, I really don't care. Just do it on your own time.
Why for kids? Let them grow up, there's a lot in the world for them to learn before being exposed all the multiple "genders" out there.
Let's make sure he kids learn all the "vanilla" world has to offer first.
"...acting absurd and authentic..."
Just throw pleasing words, soothing words, meaningless words out to pacify.
After all, who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?
So the usual lib commenters here aren't defending this?
All you need to know...
I wonder if there will be an uptick in the number of strippers ten or twelve years down the line. We now have little girls experiencing the joy and excitement of the people surrounding them when they give dollar bills to dancing strangers.
Why don’t we do take your children to work day for strippers too? There can be special performances where they don’t fully strip.
Are sexualized original women bad for children but sexualized trans women good for children?
Ok, preddittor.
There is a reason we have a child protection laws. You don’t take children to a regular strip club, and you don’t take them to a drag show for the same reason.
Try having a high school drama club perform "Annie Get Your Gun". If we censor performances that offend people of color, why is it OK to support ones that belittle women? There are a lot of women who are offended by drag queens. The objection is the attempt to normalize the ridicule of women to children as much as the sexualization. If parents take kids to a Nazi camp meeting, we revile the parents' choice to indoctrinate their kids. Degrading women appears to be exempt from people's conscience and concern.
From the post:
"This is a well-written defense of drag entertainment designed for children..."
It's nothing of the sort. Substitute 'masturbation' for 'drag' and see how well it defends freedom of expression.
The trouble with these analyses is, even if the author has a pure heart, that predators infiltrate and do all sort of evil things. Foxes volunteer to guard the henhouse.
Swap out drag queen and write:
"Catholic priest"
"Boy Scouts troop leader"
We've been there and seen it, just a few years ago. Unjust hatred of gay people is real. Grooming is real.
This seems to be just like any other business trying to expand their customer base. We don’t let kids buy booze or cigarettes and we shouldn’t let them buy this either.
I have to disagree that this is a well written defense of drag entertainment designed for children, because the description of drag he gives is so far removed from reality. Drag is very often a mean-spirited caricature of women. Why ANY case of a white person appearing as a black person is considered to be hateful, while a drag queen can mince around like Joan Crawford turned up to 11, calling herself Vaginal Creme Davis [I am not making this up], and we are all supposed to cheer, is something I do not understand.
It's also worth noting that part of the whole drag schtick is blatant acknowledgement of the fact that a man trying to appear to be a woman is absurd to the point of being humorous - a fact that is pretty much unspeakable in any other context.
By itself, I don't see how drag shows are dangerous. They've been popular for generations. The problem is marketing it to small children who aren't old enough to understand sexual roles. It just feels wrong, creepy, like someone secretly wants to groom small children for sex. No amount of well written defense of it is going to change my mind.
Playing pretend woman is harmless. They are like court jesters. But what about the cultural appropriation sin . Cancel them all.
Drag queens and gay men are engaged in a sex arms race to outrage the rubes, and to find a new kink to augment the high that always wears off.
This is similar to drug addiction. You have to keep upping the dosage.
Eventually this arms race to outrage the rubs will drive drag queens and gay men back into the closet to protect us… and them.
This arms race is fueled by the fag hag kink, the beat off fantasy of upper class women, which is, of course, sacred.
One by one people will get sick of this disgusting behavior from drag queens, gay men and fag hags and the closet awaits. It’s a natural cycle that has played out many times. The pervs wear out their welcome with their shitty, disgusting kinks, are escorted back to the closet, and then over time we forget why they were there in the first place.
I use this same language when describing my flamboyant blackfaces minstrel show!
You don't take eight-year-olds to a strip club. It's that simple.
And why is it always transitioning male to female drag queens dancing for the kiddies?
How come the testosterone injecting female to male transitioners aren't putting on shows for the kiddies? You could get five of them together to dress as the Village People to perform "Macho Man". Or, the military could use them for recruiting shows performing "In the Navy".
You pretend like this is happening in Kindergarten classes when instead they are openly advertised as what they are and located in cafes or local libraries.
The voice of ignorance.
The only introduction my grandchildren need to "drag queens" is the warning to stay away from them because many have been proven to be child sexual predators and there is really no way to tell which ones are not pedophiles. Thankfully, my grandkids are home-schooled so that's about the only exposure they are going to have to these mentally ill and sometimes criminal people.
There is a long tradition of men dressing a women to entertain. No one has a problem with Monty Python. Few people have a problem with children's entertainment where Cinderella's ugly sisters are played by men for laughs so long as the jokes aren't dirty. The Kiwanis fund raisers in the town where I grew up sometimes involved a parody Rockettes routine done by the male members. Few people even have a problem with raunchy comedy done in drag in adult venues.
No one thinks we should be jailing Harvey Fierstein or banning La Cage aux Follies.
The problem is bringing raunchy entertainment into public schools and publicly funded libraries particularly without notice and approval by parents. I can't think of any good reason any one should be twerking in a high school auditorium particularly in schools where 50% of the students can't read at grade level.
Isn’t drag the antithesis of trans?
Showing it to kids says: “You don’t have to conform to gendered roles, because you can play act your way around them, and always know that you are playing. If Johnny wants to go around in walrus drag (or astronaut drag), he can and we all know he’s not a real walrus. Those people who say that if you play act a different gender role, that means you’re another gender for real — they’re the sick ones.”
I've been of the mind that drag queens reading to little kids is about the same as me reading to them in a big bunny suit. After reading Sasha Velour's defense, I can see it's not about story-time, it's exposing kids to a lifestyle as well as mocking their mothers.
Sure, and taking kids to minstrel shows will make more accepting of other races. I don't see how exagerated feminine attire and makeup is that different from blackface. Both feel like the same sort of mockery to me.
Homosexuals are broken. They don't work right. We don't know why that is. It may well be contagious, one way or another. If seeing men dressed as women dancing seductively makes children more likely to become homosexual, then yes, it is dangerous. It places the children in danger of becoming broken. People don't want their children broken.
Sasha Velour wants other people's children involved in his sex life. He's a vicious pervert.
What if you were a groomer, with nothing but evil intentions — wouldn't you say the same thing? Yet this is the problem with everyone who seeks to work with children. What's their motivation?
"Because that's where the money is."
What's their motivation?
Just as important, who gets to decide?
Do we make decisions at a high level, recognizing that certain individuals will then take advantage of the access created?
Or do we let parents make judgements on a case-by-case basis, because they are in the best position to recognize hidden motivations by observing and interacting with the specific individuals?
I suspect the "let parents decide" option isn't open enough for those who would prefer universal access.
is innocuous < opposite of > dangerous
Totally serious and unironically, nothing would give me more pleasure that to see all of these people get the pridepox. I am by no means alone being completely disgusted with them.
If parents want to take their kids to a drag show, it's their business. It's messed up, but it's their decision. However, it is not something schools, libraries or other government entities should be sponsoring or promoting.
Don't you know you're queen
Yet even flower bloom at my feet
Don't you know you're queen
Cracked, peeling
Riddled with disease
Don't you know me
No family is safe
When I sashay
Don't you know you're queen
Gleaning, wrapped in golden leaves
Don't you know me
Rank, ragged
Skin sewn on sheets
Case in the barracks
For an ass to break and harness into the fold
No family is safe
When I sashay
Perfume Genius, “Queen”
Great song, btw.
so, many elementary school libraries have books in them, that are porn
A northern Virginia school system said it is removing two books from school libraries, including an illustrated memoir that contains explicit illustrations of sexual encounters involving children
The school board tried to prevent the mother from reading from the book by claiming that there were children in the audience.
For instance, one pornographic book — “Gender Queer: A Memoir” — continues to pop up in school libraries all over the country.
Two prominent national school library organizations have promoted the book as essential reading material for minors.
It is likely that school libraries across the country are purchasing the book based on these recommendations.
I guess you Elmer Fudds are compelled to cancel Bugs Bunny
We should expect people who want to parade their sex in front of children to have some story where they're nobly giving a gift.
It's our choice to decline for our children this 'gift'.
Drag queens have been around for a long time. Probably since the stone age. In that aspect, they are "normal". The same can be said about sadomasochism. Should that also be treated as "normal" and have the children exposed to it?
I get it that we want to teach children to be tolerant of people's differences. But we should also be teaching that they aren't required or expected adopt those differences for their own. Part of growing up is learning to differentiate between people that are different but tustworthy and people that aren't trustworthy. I get the impression that the author of the article is trying to make the distinction that not all those who do the drag scene are untrustworthy. but how do we distinguish between the trustworthy drag queens and the untrustworthy drag queens?
Trans/social behavior, where males simulate the feminine gender, the social juxtaposition of the sexes, has no redeeming value to society or humanity. Normalize, tolerate, or reject?
People who pride themselves on being unconventional, or rebellious, or subversive or original have a hard time understanding that they aren't that cutting-edge or challenging.
The boy who would not grow up. Then there is the girl who would not grow up, and still entertains performance of human rites and other dysfunctional conceptions of the individual, society, and humanity.
I suggest those posting here watch the recent reboot of "Kids in the Hall". My god those men are Drag Queen Experts. Hell, I'd ask those guys for makeup and fashion advice, they are so damn good at it. Drag as it was meant to be.
Am I supposed to get used to the idea of things, ideas, actions, etc., being both "absurd and authentic"?
Transvestites (the old kind) have/had an exceptionally high rate of involvement in prostitution. Modern trans a very high suicide rate and also a high rate of pedophilia. So his claims about "normal" ring hollow.
Even if perfectly safe (which I doubt) it is not appropriate to bring sexual displays and kink to children. Leave them alone.
"Transvestites (the old kind) have/had an exceptionally high rate of involvement in prostitution. Modern trans a very high suicide rate and also a high rate of pedophilia."
Any documentation for any of these claims?
To my understanding, most "transvestites (the old kind)," are straight men who are sexually aroused by wearing women's underclothing, or going full drag.
(When I worked at a hotel in NYC years ago--actually in Queens, across from Laguardia Airport--we had a regular business client for a while who flew in every few weeks or so. As soon as he checked in, he would go to his room and return to the lobby not long later having changed from his suit into casual (male) clothing, but instead of socks, one could see he had on pantyhose, and if one knew to look, he appeared to have on a brassiere underneath his Izod or other similar shirt and sport jacket. We assumed he had on women's panties under his slacks. He would go to the hotel lounge and have drinks. I don't think anyone ever saw him leave with anyone else (male or female) to accompany him upstairs. Presumably, he just felt good to be away from home and free to wear women's underclothing without his wife/family possibly discovering his kink.)
As for "the traditional kind" of transvestites, I've not heard they had a high rate of involvement in prostitution. There may be prostitutes who are men dressed as women, but this doesn't prove or even indicate "the traditional kind" of transvestites are highly involved in prostitution. You're confusing categories.
As to "modern trans," (how are they distinct from "traditional" trans?), are there stats that show them to be responsible for a high rate of pedophilia, or that a high percentage of "modern trans" are pedophiles?
"Homosexuals are broken. They don't work right. We don't know why that is. It may well be contagious, one way or another. If seeing men dressed as women dancing seductively makes children more likely to become homosexual, then yes, it is dangerous. It places the children in danger of becoming broken. People don't want their children broken."
Just one sentence after another of pure ignorance...and stupidity.
This is a well-written defense of drag entertainment designed for children, but it won't change the opinion of those who call it grooming. What if you were a groomer, with nothing but evil intentions — wouldn't you say the same thing? Yet this is the problem with everyone who seeks to work with children. What's their motivation?
No, it's a problem with everyone who wants to expose children to sexually laced content.
But since essentially everyone who wants to do that is a monster, it's perfectly fine to say "you sound like a groomer. Go away"
JaimeRoberto said...
If parents want to take their kids to a drag show, it's their business. It's messed up, but it's their decision. However, it is not something schools, libraries or other government entities should be sponsoring or promoting.
With one modification: no self-respecting Drag Show would let kids in. Any more than a strip joint would let parents bring in their kids
From human rites to transgender spectrum parades to trans/social congruities.
I see many parallels between Drag for Kiddies and John Wayne Gacy's clowning. Howard's a fan, though, so there's that.
I honestly think a drag queen show would have frightened me as a little boy. The local hofbrau had the women dressed as some sort of village Germans (St. Pauli Girl?) with lots of blond hair and makeup that was discomforting to observe. But I also was frightened by puppets and clowns.
These people are playing with dynamite. The male sexual urge is violent. The male, when aroused, literally inserts a part of his body into a female (or male) and this requires no arousal on the part of the person penetrated. The old Romans understood this brutal truth: sexual arousal for men is a kind of madness. Physically, men are predators, women are prey.
I am not a woman, but I suppose that most girls learn this at an early age, regardless of what politically correct nonsense they are taught at school.
Men have to be socialized to not become rapists. The pro trans people think that this socialization is wicked.
Were you surprised to discover that men in prison are claiming a female identity to gain access to women? Not me.
I wish they'd go back to using the term "female impersonator."
How many drag queens wear a modest top, a pair of slacks, and sensible shoes? Drag queens perform as inherently very sexualized depictions of women. These shows are about being sexually flamboyant. The author tries to term it merely as entertainment, which to be fair it is a form of entertainment, adult entertainment. The entertainment is one of titillation and tantalization of the performers sexuality. Saying that a drag show can be family-friendly or kid friendly is like like saying a burlesque show can be family-friendly or kid-friendly.
I believe the author and most other drag show performers are genuine in their motivation for these shows to not actually groom children. I believe most do have the motivation of wanting to make being gay not be seen as scary or deviant to children. But regardless of their motivation it doesn't mean the actual effect won't be to groom children. How many children who engage in the entertainment, and perhaps walk the runway themselves on a lark, will start to see themselves as acceptable object of titillation or tantalization for others, including some of the adults who they were playing with? How many will long to be the center of attention and excitement the way the performers are on stage? Also the existence of drag shows for kids creates an environment where actual groomers, people with actual evil intent for children can prey on them. Why wouldn't an actual predator use the camouflage of being a 'kid-friendly entertainer?"
NAMBLA figured out they could put on women's clothes and get what they want while being paid by the gov't.
As rebuttal, explain how they work right.
Trans/humane, trans/gender, and trans/social are the three tenets of the "secular" ethical religion.
Do the commenters feel the same way when Bugs Bunny goes into drag?
Marceline Harvey
Diane Elizabeth Guevara
Anastasia Diamond
Rose Whitby
The unnamed Brazilian male who insisted he was female and tortured and burned woman to death in female locked ward
Carlos Arturo Aparicio Hernandez
Nathan Jenkins
Yostin Murillo
Martin "Ruby" Tavirner
Chris Jeffers*
Marina Vols
Steven Hayes and Joshua Komisarjevsky
And so on and so on and so on...
*Only Jeffers was charged with a hate crime for assaulting an Asian man on a train. The rest of these transgender offenders got no hate charges. Most raped, tortured, and murdered multiple women, often mutilating their victims' bodies or burning them to death. A few raped female children or were involved in child porn. There are thousands of these cases worldwide. In many cases the rapist killers accessed their female victims after being housed with women in mental institutions or homeless shelters. The child porn or child molesters are predominantly drag queens.
What would a school or library do if a non-trans man wanted to read stories to small children and dance and play with them?
"As rebuttal, explain how they work right.
If they have jobs, loving families, loving partners, own homes or apartments and are productive tax-paying citizens...what's broken?
Explain how they're not working right.
"Acceptance means I get dress as a female prostitute and dance around in front of children. If you can't cheer that on, you're a hateful bigot!"
Speaking of LGBTQs, today's above-the-fold headline in the inimitable SF Chronicle:
LGBTQ community hit hardest
That's because monkeypox is passed by anal and oral sex among multiple male partners. But go ahead and make it "unequal" because...GAY HATE VICTIMS!
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