Writes Lizette Alvarez, in "Fake news speaks many languages, but it’s particularly fond of Spanish" (WaPo).
July 18, 2022
"An epidemic of Spanish-language right-wing disinformation that spiked around the 2020 election on social media platforms, and in some big-city AM radio stations, is revving up again..."
"... ahead of the fall midterms.
Two years ago, before the 2020 presidential election, Spanish-language videos and news stories smeared Joe Biden as a communist. After the election, disinformation campaigns accused Black Lives Matter of spurring the Jan. 6 insurrection and bolstered the lie that Biden stole the election.... Conspiracy theories, easily debunked false narratives and outrageous lies spread quickly and take hold among Spanish-language users... [because] social media sites, including Facebook, do little fact-checking on foreign-language pages... [F]ake news videos often spread via large group chats among families and friends on WhatsApp, which is hugely popular among Latinos and is encrypted.... 'If your father sends you a video, you will trust your father. This is what makes us extraordinarily susceptible. We have very strong family ties.'... [W]e Latinos need to do our part. Don’t be shy about asking Abuela where she got that information she mentioned on WhatsApp...."
Writes Lizette Alvarez, in "Fake news speaks many languages, but it’s particularly fond of Spanish" (WaPo).
Writes Lizette Alvarez, in "Fake news speaks many languages, but it’s particularly fond of Spanish" (WaPo).
I'm pretty sure fact-checking doesn't actually work. The only people who are rushing to facebook to "fact check" the memes their dad sends them are people who already hate their dad and need a countervailing opinion to maintain some semblance of sanity. Which I guess is a white thing?
WaPo is nothing but misinformation.
WaPo publishes their concept of truth through disinformation.
Oh please; have you ever listened to Spanish language radio? Most of it is dem talking points disguised as 'news'.
The word salad of "Fake news" "disinformation" "insurection" "bad news...for democracy" makes me think that a bot actually wrote this.
I'll take Washington Post propaganda for $200.
This is terrifying of course. They know implicitly what the end result is, and they must keep the truth from the ears of these impressionable minorities before - like feeding mogwai after midnight - they turn into a bunch of Ted Cruzes.
Everything in the Wapo article is "Fake news". Notice the hyperbolic language, smears, and vague, impercise, meaningless terms:
conspiracy theories
easily debunked
smeared Joe Biden
outrageous lies
Jan. 6 insurrection
the lie that Biden stole the election.
No doubt some "big Donor" or Mysterious "BIllionaire" will now snap up these AM radios stations or send the word down to do things differently in November 2022. Assuming any of this happened. On 2nd thought, chances are pretty close to 100 percent that none of this happened the way the Leftwing DNC hack author portrays it.
South Park said "The 911 conspiracy is itself a Government conspiracy". This attack on rightwing AM stations pushing conspiracies is just a Leftwing conspiracy.
I'd like to hear one of these "Conspiracy theories, easily debunked false narratives and outrageous lies"? Are they things like?
The President paid Russian Hookers to pee on a bed
or are they things like?
the President "SAYS" he was 'wiretapped', but there were NO Wires involved
Right wing, means pro family? Wahhh...Poor progressives.
How do you say, "Russia, Russia, Russia" in Spanish?
How do you say Hunter's laptop is fake in Spanish.
How do you say there were good people in the white supremacist group in Spanish?
How do you say Trump sad to inject bleach in Spanish?
How do you say you can not get Covid if you are vaccinated in Spanish?
There are so many.
Let's hope Abuela isn't getting her information from the Washington "Russia Collusion" Post or New York "Putin's Price Hike" Times.
These outlets deal in nothing BUT disinformation, designed to ensure that Democrats retain power in this country.
The President himself deals in disinformation. He blames Putin so much you'd think Putin is banging Dr. Jill.
That's what Hispanics are finding out.
What the left considers disinformation usually turns out to be true, and the bull shit that they pedal like Russian Collusion, IS the disinformation. THEY live in an alternate universe.
To the Post and far left, but I repeat myself, everything that somebody on the right says is "disinformation."
Good thing we have the Post to progressive whitesplain to all those ignorant Latinos what the truth is.
"Conspiracy theories, easily debunked false narratives and outrageous lies spread quickly and take hold among Spanish-language users"
Right! Just like among white progs! We should protect Hispanics from false narratives and outrageous lies about Russia collusion and Hunter's laptop and Kavanaugh cavorting and "police brutality" and "Putin's inflation."
Maybe Spanish speakers are dumb and that's why they voted Democrat all these years.
Seems the lefts favorite propaganda outfit is beginning to realize that Hispanics are leaving the Dem party.
and whats with using Latino in the article?? I thought hipsters used latinx or something. Hard to keep up these days.
Yeah. Don't be trusting your family. Trust Lizette. Jeff Bezos pays her good money to lie to you. But you can start listening to Spanish AM radio again soon, after Soros finishes buying the stations and replacing the staff.
Isn't this rich coming from the WaPoo. Democracy dies in Spanish!
Hmmm…Liz Alvarez. Liberal Journalist. And…an insulting racist.
The large majority of natural born and legal immigrant Hispanic voters in the United States are bilingual. Hispanic Americans hear Democrat liberal bullshit loud and clear in English. It doesn’t need translation. They can also read numbers at the gas station and the grocery store just like everyone else.
This claim is racist and insulting against her own people. She was born in Miami in 1964. Daughter of Cuban refugees. Miami Cubans are despised by the left. They know modern American liberals are communist / fascist, sympathetic to Castro. You don’t see them wearing Che Guevara t-shirts.
Also 46% of Hispanics in Florida have a positive view of DeSantis, and say inflation is their #1 concern. Although still 2-1, any siphoning of the intersectional Democrat alignment will cause lies and panic.
The election was stolen for Biden. Americans know it. Most are either afraid to call it out or are in support of the outcome of the fraud and the J6 committee hoping something / anything will make Trump go away. My bet is Liz Alvarez is in the latter category along with many of our intellectual elite.
Hispanic people don’t have the ability to reason and think for themselves says some hack bint from The New York Times.
This sounds really familiar.
It's go the same "Russians bought $250k worth of false ads on Facebook, and interfered with our election" ring to it. You could hear the same BS on Morning Joe and Facelift Mika every day from 2016-2020.
For WaPo and the Dems, disinformation is anything they don't like and is outside the liberal narrative.
So is she saying brown people can't think for themselves?
I work in the media brokerage business. There is nothing bipartisan about Latino Media Network (and they paid way too much for those stations, ~$60 million). It's being done completely to counter-program Spanish-language conservative radio content.
In other words, it's okay to call Latinos stupid wetbacks as long as you have a lefty Latina do the calling.
That'll learn 'em to listen to those evil Republicans. We're just gonna call 'em stupid until they come around!
"We're losing ground with Hispanic voters. We need to respond to their needs."
"Or, we can censor Hispanic dissidents."
"Or that. Sure."
"[W]e Latinos need to do our part."
That's Latinx, you horrible bigot...!
Don’t be shy about asking your journalist neighbor where she got that information she mentioned in her article.
Bullshit. Spanish speakers aren't any more or less susceptible to all the mis- and disinformation floating around out there. You think the propaganda from the Left doesn't flow through social media outlets? The Left just sucks at capturing market share in the AM band, English or Spanish.
Note: My husband is Hispanic and yes, his huge family does communicate in group chats. But the lefties keep the righties in line and vice versa. Most of his family is conservative so the Left's messaging just doesn't play well in the group. Not really a right-wing disinformation issue that's capturing and "converting" them.
It might be more persuasive if the piece was not from the Washington Post. HEAL THYSELF!
"For WaPo and the Dems, disinformation is anything they don't like and is outside the liberal narrative."
It's a common malady, also infecting great swaths of Republicans and other Americans who identify as right wing.
"So is she saying brown people can't think for themselves?"
It would be more accurate to simply point out that most people can't think for themselves.
It's hard to follow what this taco is writing about.
Sounds like somebody's scripting a narrative to cover for the fact that the Latino/x community is going GOP.
Your "fake news" is Trump's "stolen election." Same as Clinton's "Russian interference." Just STFU and try governing within the confines of the Constitution.
If this is an epidemic, we're up to the bullshit variant.
"Easily debunked false narratives and outrageous lies..." Methinks the lady doth project too much.
"You see, our plan for world domination has a lot of moving parts."
Want further proof the Ds are hemorrhaging Hispanic voters?
Robert Cook said : "It would be more accurate to simply point out that most people can't think for themselves."
And THAT attitude, my friends, is why Progressives are losing the American people. THAT is exactly how the Progressives in Congress think about Americans and they aren't being shy about it or hiding it anymore. (When I say Progressive...I am also including the REPUBLICAN Progressives to)
No doubt some "big Donor" or Mysterious "BIllionaire" will now snap up these AM radios stations
that's already happening
..concern over financial involvement in the deal of Lakestar Finance, an investment firm with ties to billionaire George Soros, a major donor to progressive causes.
But while Lakestar Finance was involved with the purchase, it was only to provide money
to Latino Media Network, a spokesperson for Soros said.
Soros was not personally involved in the transaction and will have no say in the way the station will run, or what is said on shows, because he has henchmen to do his bidding..according to the spokesperson
Remember when Al Gore tried to take on conservative talk radio with his own network?
How did that work out.
Abuelo Biden is healthy as a Mexican taco... or something.
They always accuse others…
After the election, disinformation campaigns accused Black Lives Matter of spurring the Jan. 6 insurrection and bolstered the lie that Biden stole the election
No, the FBI, in the form of Ray Epps, spurred the "Jan 6 insurrection", and I'm sure that people who've watched stolen elections in South and Central American countries had no difficulty spotting the same pathologies here.
Conspiracy theories, easily debunked false narratives and outrageous lies spread quickly and take hold among Spanish-language users almost as quickly as the do among NYT and WaPo readers. Russian collusion hoax anyone?
Then there was the claim that the Hunter Biden laptop was "Russian disinformation", that it was "disinformation" to report that the Fauci and used the US Gov't to fund bat virus gain of function research in Wuhan, etc.
Writes Lizette Alvarez, in "Fake news speaks many languages, but it’s particularly fond of Spanish" (WaPo).
Apparently they're feeling really pissy that their lies aren't doing as well among Hispanics as they used to
one of the stations they are taking over is radio mambi, the powerhouse of the cuban diaspora, another is wqba la cubanisima,
Jersey Fled said...
Remember when Al Gore tried to take on conservative talk radio with his own network?
How did that work out.
7/18/22, 4:48 PM
Better than David Hogg's pillow company. But only just.
Drago said...
It's hard to follow what this taco is writing about.
That's BREAKFAST taco, Señor Drago! Please don't try to distract us with demographic disinformation.
Drago said...
It's hard to follow what this taco is writing about.
That's BREAKFAST taco*, Señor Drago! Please don't try to distract us with demographic disinformation.
*(taco de desayuno)
It's a pandemic, and people, a 9 going on 10 year-old girl, a female by Nature, designated mules of both sexes, people of collateral damage, are awaiting emigration reform from both sides of the bridge and throughout.
No mension of Univision?
All fake news is "far-right," and only "far-right" sources spread fake news.
More mierda from our friends in the MSM.
Robert Cook said...
It's a common malady, also infecting great swaths of Republicans and other Americans who identify as right wing.
Really Cookie?
What are the provably true statements pushed by the Left that the Right calls "disinformation"?
The Democrats have talking points.
The Republicans have disinformation.
I see what you did there.
"right-wing disinformation"? Is there any other kind?
Robert Cook said...
It's a common malady, also infecting great swaths of Republicans and other Americans who identify as right wing.
Really Cookie?
What are the provably true statements pushed by the Left that the Right calls "disinformation"?
narciso said...
one of the stations they are taking over is radio mambi, the powerhouse of the cuban diaspora, another is wqba la cubanisima,"
100% correct. Abuela can smell a communist from a mile away. The only Cubans that tend to vote Democrat are the grandchildren of the immigrants. Recent immigrants especially from Venezuela loath the left. Living under Socialism cures one from any romanticism for Left wing rule.
Every single commenter misspelled: Breakfast Taco.
Ya'll need some Taco Bell.
Robert Cook said...
"So is she saying brown people can't think for themselves?"
It would be more accurate to simply point out that most people can't think for themselves.
Cook of course is the lonely thinker out there in the wilderness of rubes.
It would actually be more accurate way to encapsulate Cook's theory as: "Everyone who doesn't think the same thing I do can't think for themselves."
People who support murderous ideologies and have zero self awareness think this way.
That's why millions of people die whenever they take power.
I have to say, I was more impressed by Perry Bacon, Jr.'s piece in the same WaPo, wherein he says that Biden is suffering b/c the media are . . . too nasty to him. No, really.
"¡Ya basta!" has come back around to bite the (D) party. It was used on bumper stickers in Southern California to convince Hispanic people to stop voting (R) because the (D) Party cared so much for them. Now, even though perhaps not in so many words, they are saying once again, "Enough already!"
does zxshe speak Hispanicx zherself/
Says the institution that only 16% or so of the country think they are NOT propagandists.
This is what makes us extraordinarily susceptible. We have very strong family ties.'..
is this code for Hispanitarians commit few abortions?
hard tell from his avatar >>>> is Robert Cook peering forward to future or always to right?
LOL John Heinz Kerry can’t speak Spanish but he had some wild conspiracy theory about Diebold voting machines back in the day. With him and Hillary and Tank Abrams it seems being left of center makes you susceptible to #fakenews.
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