"... as a Republican-turned-Democrat campaigning as a crime-fighter vaulted into a runoff in the mayoral primary in Los Angeles and a progressive prosecutor in San Francisco was recalled in a landslide.
The two results made vivid the depths of voter frustration over rising crime and rampant homelessness in even the most progressive corners of the country — and are the latest signs of a restless Democratic electorate that was promised a return to normalcy under President Biden and yet remains unsatisfied with the nation’s state of affairs. 'People are not in a good mood, and they have reason not to be in a good mood,' said Garry South, a Los Angeles-based Democratic strategist. 'It’s not just the crime issue. It’s the homelessness. It’s the high price of gasoline.'"
"For Democrats, the issue of crime and disorder threatens to drive a wedge between some of the party’s core constituencies, as some voters demand action on racial and systemic disparities while others are focused on their own sense of safety in their homes and neighborhoods. 'People walking the streets, in many cases, feel themselves in danger, and that’s got to be dealt with,' said Willie Brown, a Democrat who is the former mayor of San Francisco. But Mr. Brown said too many Democrats do not want to talk about 'what cops do' for fear of crossing the party’s activist class and offending 'A.O.S. or A.O.C. or whatever that woman’s name is,' he said dismissively of Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, the influential progressive."
Or whatever that woman’s name is.... Are Democrats going to overdo their sloughing off of their own extreme left?
५० टिप्पण्या:
Just as 30% approve of the Soiled Pants administration's performance, 40% of voters in San Francisco voted for more crime/ less punishment. Who are these people?
"Are Democrats going to overdo their sloughing off of their own extreme left?"
not if they want to elect folks...
Willie's a showman. Overdoing it is what he does. Is there something more to it than that? Does he make the point and undercut it at the same time? Was that what he was doing when he spoke about his relationship to Kamala? Scoring points against her, yet going so far that people who heard him didn't want to take it any further? Most likely not, but it's an interesting strategy.
Remember her name!
This happened in SF because it is a white city and white voters felt threatened by crime. They are smart enough to see what's in front of them. In Philly, where Krasner is the Soros DA, this would never happen. The black vote is too large and too easily manipulated. Even though they bear the brunt of the crime that these policies create, they are easily fooled by the justice message that is delivered by the racial/justice industrial complex. Krasner got re-elected easily last year, for example.
See a drugged out transient thief peeing on your tax payer funded civic property? right after he stole your car? Think democrat party. Think Soros.
Faster please!
"Influential progressive"?
Influential where? Only on social media. She herself admitted as much the other day when she blamed Congress for being so "corrupt," she couldn't get anything done.
It's a real shock, apparently, to learn that millions of Twitters followers ≠ progressive legislative accomplishments.
Nothing will change in these areas until they vote Democrats out of running them. Boudin will just be replaced by another Democrat who is just as lenient on criminals.
"Are Democrats going to overdo their sloughing off of their own extreme left?"
We wish. But, no. Even when voted out office, the left has a lot of institutional power. Left orthodoxy is baked into Dem policies and attitudes--witness Janet Y holding forth on climate change. The border is open and will stay open. Big-money Dems are mostly left. Plus lefty Dems know that many nice reasonable women can't stomach voting for uncouth deplorables--allowing them to indulge their "extreme" inclinations.
By the way, what do you mean by "extreme"? Sure, some Dems here and there worry about crime and schools. But on guns, abortion, inflation, climate, police, immigration, gender, and spending Dems seem quite unified. "Extreme" left is the Dem main stream.
"Garry South, a Los Angeles-based Democratic strategist. 'It’s not just the crime issue. It’s the homelessness. It’s the high price of gasoline.'"
Gas prices have DOUBLED in just 2 years of this idiotic Democrat energy policy. But it's not just the rampant crime, rampant open-air drug abuse, our own government handing out crack pipes to junkies, and the endless trashy tent cities. It's insane amounts of inflation affecting every single American - hitting the poorest the hardest.
Crime being rampant is one thing. It's quite another thing to see these videos of the criminals just waltzing into places, looting them, and walking out - not even bothering to run - in the full knowledge that nobody is going to stop them and they don't fear the police or prosecutors who have pledged not to prosecute them.
Personally ... I wanted to take a trip to the Grand Canyon this year - to see our nation's most impressive landmark. Cost: $1,000 in gasoline alone. That is INSANE. Just to get there and back. Result: No vacation until this genie is put back in it's bottle. I can't enjoy my country because my President wants to force me to buy a $70,000 electric vehicle that's not even available because we outsourced our chip production to Taiwan?
Millions of people are making the same calculus.
"People are mad. And they're not going to take it any more." - Paddy Chayevski
I guess this means Angela Davis's trip to White House will have to be postponed.
Willie Brown is an American treasure (rapscallion class--think Boss Tweed). He is more in touch with Americans in the middle than any other Demmie politician around. Remember his assessment of Sarah Palin (she IS the people)? My only regret is that he isn't honest and a Republican.
It could be that the Democrats need AOC's supporters to maintain power, but that doesn't mean it would be good for our country. Her ideas are essentially Chavezistic. Does America need to become Venezuela?
The electorate would be less of an animal whose mood you have to infer if women didn't vote.
Voters in California delivered a stark warning to the Democratic Party..
Any Doubt; that the Democrat's response to this warning will be to Double Down on their extremism?
Hey! Remember "It's for the children!"?
"The electorate would be less of an animal whose mood you have to infer if women didn't vote."
MEOW! Damn, that cuts man. Sharp but true.
California's political attitude for a few decades: pay lip service to the hard left but govern as center-left "Business Democrats." Basically that meant hard right national topics were off limits (e.g., abortion, guns, etc.), but more than a few elected officials were otherwise center-right people.
Then Trump happened and blind knee-jerk left utopianism took over. The wealthy California diehards who control politics don't want growth in their neighborhoods, let alone people living in tents, shooting drugs, and using the street as a toilet. "I'll hurt property values." The land of contradictions and hypocrisy.
Do I smell flop sweat yet?
“Defund the police” will not be soon forgotten.
reminds me of when William F. Buckley referred to Oprah as "the black lady who is alternately fat and thin; I forget her name."
Gee. I guess the republicans were right after all.....saith a number of elections and voters.
'People are not in a good mood, and they have reason not to be in a good mood,' said Garry South, a Los Angeles-based Democratic strategist. 'It’s not just the crime issue. It’s the homelessness. It’s the high price of gasoline.'
Prepare for him to be cancelled.
Because all three of those are "results be design"
The purpose of the Democrat "crime reform" and "police reform" proposals is to get more criminals out of prison and onto the streets, unbothered by the police.
The absolutely inevitable result of this is more crime
The purpose of all Democrat "climate change mitigation" proposals is to make it more expensive to use gas and oil. The "high price of gasoline" is the goal.
Inflation from everything getting more expensive with the cost of transportation going up, is the absolutely inevitable result.
When one says "It’s the homelessness", what one's actually saying is "It’s the homeless invading and destroying everything the police don't keep them away from"
And since the Democrat police "reforms" involve keeping the police from "harassing" the homeless (you know, not letting them walk into stores and poop on the floor, other fascist policies like that). Once again, this is "by design"
The Democrats need a bunch of crushing defeats before they will become willing to go to war with the lunatics pushing those policies. Here's hoping Nov 2022 starts them on the road to sanity
"Normalcy" = MAGA
Or whatever that woman’s name is.... Are Democrats going to overdo their sloughing off of their own extreme left?
Their extreme left is the direct cause of the problems that are causing voters to move to the GOP. It's not possible for them to "overdo their sloughing off" of those elements.
They lost 60 - 40 in San Francisco. The extreme left is utter electoral suicide. The Democrats have to move their own Overton Window massively to the Right, and let their lunatic fringe know that they ARE the "lunatic fringe", that their ideas suck, and that they need better ideas, not "better messaging".
This is going to be a long process. But it starts with treating their own extreme left and fellow travelers as bad people, in order to start peeling off support for these lunatics
"for fear of crossing the party’s activist class and offending 'A.O.S. or A.O.C. or whatever that woman’s name is,' he said dismissively of Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, the influential progressive.""
Funny, the seemingly off-hand remarks that are bellwethers for the knives coming out. That's an anti-Woke war cry right there and, if there's no orchestrated MSM indignation, a leading indicator of the DNC's plans for the Farther Left.
"Democratic electorate that was promised a return to normalcy"
I promise mice peanut butter too, but generally they only get about one lick.
Willie Brown is responsible for our present Vice President. He is many things but he is not a "national treasure".
Amadeus 48 said...
Willie Brown is an American treasure. My only regret is that he isn't honest and a Republican.
Like the senior Daley, and Feinstein, mayors have to actually get things done. It brings a certain reality to the politican. or used to. Now many think they can prosper on intersectionality alone.
Willie is a treasure.
He also of course was prescient enough to advise his former mistress to pass on the VP job because her talents lay elsewhere
"Are Democrats going to overdo their sloughing off of their own extreme left?" Yes- that is a worry for many of the Dems. But not for Willie Brown. He doesn't have to cater to any of them. Plus- he's the one who put the 'Veep' in Kamala.
As for the Time's headline, California did not send a message to the nation. The Nation already knows what's going on, hence the predictions of a massive election red tsunami. That California got any message at all is tempered by the fact that Michael Schellenberger could not gather enough votes to enter the run-off for Governor. They still stand in line and vote for the utterly corrupt, and owned Hairpiece known as Gavin Newsom. Newsom is now guaranteed to win another term in a landslide because Republicans are only allowed to run a burlap Sack O'Potatoes against him. Once he wins another election in a landslide he'll be a leading Democratic candidate for the Presidency in 2024.
Count on it. If these people could get Joe Biden 81 million votes, Gavin Newsom is a lock. Unless he speaks. That's our only hope.
"My only regret is that he isn't honest and a Republican."
I’m fascinated by the casual description of “influential progressive” to describe Cortez. Influential to whom? Did the primary candidates she pushed win somewhere?
Amadeus 48 is right--Willie Brown is an American treasure. He could and did actually charm Republican legislators out of the trees to do his bidding. There has always been a certain level of corruption in Sacramento. Jesse Unruh was a major power in the 1960s and famously proclaimed that "Money is the mother's milk of politics". Well Jesse was fat and white--Willie was trim and black--but the two would have been soulmates were they in the legislature at the same time.
Joe Biden would benefit a great deal from a transfusion of Willie's smarts and political sense.
This is like the Josh Marshall plan to run on abortion. I'd should warn them to be moderate. I do want them to be moderate. But I know they'll overdo it and, despite the downsides, the upsides really will be better for me.
This is one I'd love to read the highest rated comments from the NYT readers.
So the system is working to right itself, even in progressive California. It's like conservatives Elon Musk and Matthew McConaughey coming out for tougher gun control in the wake of more massive school shootings.
'It's like conservatives Elon Musk...'
Musk has never voted republican in his life.
He voted for Hillary and Biden.
Just go away unless you have something cogent to say.
Your stupidity is offensive.
Howard: "It's like conservatives Elon Musk and Matthew McConaughey...."
When you offer up such laughably and transparently false nonsense like that, is it just for yourself or are you attempting to give hope to your lefty allies, like gadfly, at Althouse blog?
Matthew McConaughey is conservative ?
Democrats destroy the cities that elect them until the voters get fed up and then they elect a Republican who fixes things like crime and incompetence. A couple of years later, they elect another Democrat and the cycle repeats.
This happened in SF because it is a white city and white voters felt threatened by crime.
This happened in SF because its Asian population — more than a third of the electorate — stood up to white progressives and said “no more,” just like in the school board election in February.
And...a progressive just got arrested with a gun near Kavenaughs house. Claims he wanted to kill him because of the leak. The leaker should be proud. They almost got what they wanted. I hope they are happy.
Like him or not, Willie Brown says what he thinks, often too uncomfortably for the uberwoke, leading to his firing by the magnificently pathetic SF Chronicle.
Another take on "McConnaughey"
Another actor pretending to know something.
I heard it from a deep undercover source that conservative Matthew McConaughey was the man arrested with a gun outside Kavanaugh's home this morning trying to assassinate him. I asked myself, "how could deeply conservative Matthew McConaughey do this, isn't he deeply conservative?" Boy oh boy how surprised was I!!!
True story.
Willie Brown ruled the California legislature for years and then became mayor of San Francisco. He was a fantastic retail politician and could draw Republican support in the legislature. He was repeatedly investigated for corruption and skated away without damage. When you listen to him, more often than not he is talking common sense.
If he had been a Republican, the GOP would dominate California politics today. Would he ever have been honest? Well, as near as I can tell he has gotten through life without being put in handcuffs.
Last year I listened to Newsom's briefings on covid, which were on the local pbs radio.
Listening to him blither his way through "explanations" and especially his introductions of the various experts he'd bring on, made me want to rip my ears off.
My one hope is that his ego would prevent him from being either coached out of his bad habits, or from being hidden in a basement like slow joe. Exposure on the national stage can only be bad for his reputation.
40% of voters in San Francisco voted for more crime/ less punishment. Who are these people?
Presumably the criminals. This recall might have prevented them from becoming a majority.
"Are Democrats going to overdo their sloughing off of their own extreme left?"
any estimation on how much 'extreme left' is baked into civil service bureaucracy via hiring practice and education system ?
“I can't enjoy my country because my President wants to force me to buy a $70,000 electric vehicle that's not even available because we outsourced our chip production to Taiwan?”
You think things are bad now? I have heard from several sources that they believe that this year’s October Surprise is probably going to be the PRC invading Taiwan and and trying to reunify their country. How can President FJB stand up to them, given the amount of money they have funneled to his family? One thing that the ChiComs can’t do is manufacture decently complex ICs, for probably the same reason that they can’t safely do virology research - their economic system rewards (or doesn’t effectively penalize) sloppy work. It’s not that Chinese can’t do this sort of work - many of the biggest, bleeding edge, Fabs are in Taiwan, and Japan and S. Korea do good work too. It’s just that Communist Chinese can’t.
Bruce Hayden said...
“I can't enjoy my country because my President wants to force me to buy a $70,000 electric vehicle that's not even available because we outsourced our chip production to Taiwan?”
You think things are bad now? I have heard from several sources that they believe that this year’s October Surprise is probably going to be the PRC invading Taiwan and and trying to reunify their country. How can President FJB stand up to them, given the amount of money they have funneled to his family?
November Surprise, maybe.
But if they do that before the election, FJB will have to respond, no matter how much ChiCom money the Dems have collected.
Or we'll see a R+40 wave, instead of an R+12
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