"... as an uncomplicated and burgeoning asset for them. However, starting in 2020 there were troubling signs of attrition in Asian support for Democrats.... One problem has been that Asians are worried about public safety and leery of a Democratic party that has become associated with 'defund the police' and a soft approach to containing crime. Another has been that Asians, like Hispanics, are a constituency that does not harbor particularly radical views on the nature of American society and how it must be remade to cleanse it of intrinsic racism and white supremacy.... They are far more interested in how they and their families can get ahead in actually-existing American society. Finally... Asian voters... see [education] as the key tool for upward mobility.... But Democrats have become increasingly associated with an approach to schooling that seems anti-meritocratic, oriented away from standardized tests, gifted and talented programs and test-in elite schools.... This of course was a huge issue in San Francisco, where the School Board pushed this approach up to and including replacing the rigorous entrance test for the famed Lowell School with a lottery. That move, combined with the School Board’s bizarre obsession with an 'anti-racist' school renaming project even as schools remained closed and students suffered, angered Asian parents and others so much that they took the lead in successfully recalling three of the ringleaders of this approach, a clear precursor to the current recall."
Writes Ruy Teixeira, in "Time for the Democrats’ Chesa Boudin Moment! If Not Now, When? If Not Him, Who?" (Substack).
४६ टिप्पण्या:
Add to this the fact that a democrat president was happy to throw Asians in prison camps...how inconvenient.
Republicans should be reminding them of this every day.
Just as they should always be reminding blacks that democrats used to own their ancestors, and stood in the schoolhouse doors during Jim Crow.
But they won't.
As immigrants see what Democrats stand for, they begin to realize that they are not the reality party. Even illegals did not walk 1,000 miles to freeze in the dark.
My prediction of the Democrat's response: The same thing, only harder.
It cannot be the policy, the implementation, the ideology, the leadership that is wrong in the Party. Failures can only be the fault of the people. If the people won't get it right the first time, force it down their throats again and again until the idea works. And go from suggestions to insistence to mandates to violent force to get it done. Either the idea will work, or eventually the people won't complain anymore, because graves are so pleasant that no one complains from them.
I do not feel sorry for any Oriental-Americans who cannot get into their desired universities because of acceptance policies that discriminate racially against them, but who nevertheless vote Democrat.
Why would the Democrat Party need Asian votes? Or Hispanic? Or Black? Or Union?
They've Locked Up the College Educated Single White Women's bloc.. That's 15% of the electorate
They've Also TOTALLY locked up the Gender Dismorphic bloc. Once They're 18 they'll vote democrat too!
What MORE do you Need To RULE the country? If you've got Those blocs, you've got a majority*
a majority* Math? MATH! Math is Sexist! AND Racist!!
CYA, Ruy!
Wasn't Ruy Teixeira the crazy ultra-right wing conspiracy theorist who wrote a book twenty years ago called "The Emerging Democratic Majority," warning that demographic trends would relegate whites to minority status, and doom the Republican Party?
His Great Replacement Theory is now accepted in the fever-dreamed corners of the deranged, unhinged lunatic fringe of the country. This is why we need a Department of Disinformation, to disabuse the public of such nonsense.
If the Dems can't keep the Asians or Hispanics in the rainbow coalition, then big trouble for the party of identity politics.
Notice the recent media stuff about AAPI discrimination. The Dems hyped that to keep the coalition together.
So again this insurrectionist rhetoric from Ruy, “Democrats viewed Asians… as a reliable vote.” I thought we were now supposed to reject anything that hinted at replacement theory but this sounds like that. After all Democrats had been known as the blue collar and worker party before. Hmmm.
Spot-on analysis. Save for one thing:
"...Democrats have become increasingly associated with an approach to schooling that seems anti-meritocratic..." 'is' not 'seems'
This has been brewing since the civil rights laws of the 1960s first passed, and when MLK Jr. said to judge people on the content of their character rather than the color of their skin. But, attacking bad whites and supporting noble minorities was a winner for 1960s Democrats, so they chose to fight the last war. After all, Biden, Schumer, and Pelosi came of age way way way way way back then or before, and they stuck with what got them elected.
California's Japanese and Chinese immigrants faced blunt and absolute discrimination 100 years ago. They overcame it. US Jews faced enormous discrimination and overcame it. As many Hispanics are just a hairsbreadth different from other Europeans (i.e., Hispanic..."of Spain"), they often meld happily with other white European groups. Back in the day all white Europeans used "melting pot" metaphor. Why did the Democrats ever think it wouldn't happen with other groups when intermarriage became legal and popular?
Either "people are people" who can "live as one" John Lennon style, or we are doomed to live in hostile tribes a la South African apartheid. The opposite-day irony of today's segregationist left is absolute.
"They are far more interested in how they and their families can get ahead in actually-existing American society."
Don't they know that they are People of Color in a racist country?
They have a tough choice to make: on one side is a party that believes in traditional schooling and strong families, crime control and policing, meritocratic competition and entrepreneurship, and lower taxes and government spending, while on the other side is a party that opposes those things. Tough choice. But the PC pressure on Asians is considerable. I mean, the GOP consists of deplorable racists, so--.
Most of the Elected Officials in SF endorsed Chesa Boudin, even Asian elected officials:
Prominent Endorsements Fail to Sway SF Voters on DA Chesa Boudin Recall in June
The Mayor did not endorse:
London Breed-Chesa Boudin spat in San Francisco takes a strange turn SF Gate
Tthe Democratic Funders work is if you deviate from the approved narrative, you don't get funding and will be canceled. An example is what happened to Tulsi Gabbard. It also happens for non profits. Inner city Black organizations that are being impacted by Illegal Immigration, are silent on the issue due to the threat of funding being cut off from Leftist Controlled Foundations.
The End of Progressive Intellectual LifeTablet Magazine
And George Soros has done an amazing job of leveraging only $40 Million in funding to get elected 75 District Attorneys in large cities across the US. Peanuts. And why would any elected Democratic cut off potential funding from Soros?
How George Soros’ billions are remaking America’s justice system NY Post
Due to this, I doubt there will be a Chesa Boudin moment by the Democrats.
A more interesting question is why is the GOP asleep at the wheel in all of those contests?
On Education the GOP is asleep at the wheel, due to the fear of being labeled as Racists. They were AWOL on the CA state ballot initiate on affirmative action, that the Asian Vote was key for victory on.
"Start with the fact that Asians are the fastest-growing racial group in the country..."and you might see how a datum can be misunderstood or misrepresented.
Between 2000-2019, the count of "Asian" increased by 8,437 over a base of 10,469; an increase of 81%.
Between 2000-2019, the count of "Hispanic" increased by 24,910 over a base of 35,662; an increase of 70%.
Between 2000-2019, the count of "Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander" increased by 226 over a base of 226; an increase of 61%.
Had just 78 more NHPI been counted (a mere 4.11 persons per year) then NHPI would have been the "fastest-growing racial group" at 82%.
The numbers seem to be by "population" without regard to whether an increase is by immigration or by birth.
Good to know that the three enumerated groups plus "Black" and "White" are the only important "racial or ethnic" groups.
But wait! The linked Roy Teixeira article speaks of "racial group" whereas the Pew Research article uses "racial or ethnic." Can we get those numbers with "racial" and "ethnic" broken out separately? And is it possible for a "Native Hawaiian" to immigrate?
I just read Matt Taibbi's piece on "What Is A Woman?" and the tone is awfully similar: Democrats (read this as "white progressives" in both pieces) need to stop saying what they actually believe and want, and start saying what their fellow Democrats of color believe and want.
Not "change what they themselves believe and want," mind you; not "look at what's actually happening and consider whether their preferred policies might be bad ideas." Just - say what the POC in their party want to hear so the POC will stop fleeing. Oh, and say it with "powerful rhetoric" like London Breed's bold use of the word "bullshit." Gotta appeal to hoi polloi by any means necessary.
The marketing success of the Democrat press (MSM) has been amazing. Given the supposed priorities of Asian Americans, I can't think of one major issue that the Democrats actually offer a better platform than the Republicans, and yet they garner (sic) so much of the Asian vote anyway, (I could say the same for almost every demographic.)
on the Indian side of Asian equation >>> Elitist Indians tend to go D I believe ; also bring Casteism with them >>> pushing rest of Indian contingent off colony-plantation
Also, from the piece: "Normie voters hate crime and want something done about it." This is when he's talking about gun control - saying that these "normies" don't want to talk (or listen to talk about) gun control measures as much as they want current laws against violent criminals enforced.
Is that a tell or what?
He could have said, "Normie voters hate crime as much as progressives, but differ from progressives in what they believe should or can be done about it." Instead, as he's worded it, it draws a contrast between the "normies" and Democrat leadership (and those who support them and control the direction of the party).
Basically it sounds as if he's admitting that "normie" Democrats are actually Republicans who just haven't realized it yet - and as I said in my previous comment, the piece is devoted to how to keep fooling 'em.
Scrolling down through the titles on Ruy Teixeira's Substack it appears that he thinks the Democrats have problems with every grouping of voters except white college ladies. He'd fit right in here at Althouse comments.
They control the media, so they control the Congress and the White House. That's the story of our time.
Also, his views on the homogeneity of the Asian population is assumptive in a way reminiscent of some of my more regressive friends. I don't think that's a good look for a prominently Hispanic writer.
I feel bad for him. When will he embrace the reality that the party he wants does not exist? It has been captured entirely by Woke lunatics. What will he do then?
BornDec 15, 1951 (age 70) · Washington, D.C., United States
so a variant on Moynihan wisdom.
has he brought up wisdom of building support for State level Governance before reaching for National Destinyfication?
More wisdom from Ruy Texeira at this opportune moment. Let's see what he says:
"an urgent need to assure voters"
"to dissociate the party"
"allow the party to be associated with unpopular [sic] slogans like 'defund the police' that did not appear to take" concerns seriously
"Democrats became associated" "with prosecutors who seemed quite hesitant" about doing anything
"this was twinned" -- twinned!! -- to "a climate of tolerance" for lesser crimes
"What to do?" "The answer seems clear" --
"adopt... Tony Blair's ... slogan"
But "Democrats still seem reluctant"
OK, then, whew! That doesn't sound so hard, really. Just keep it to appearances, adopt a new slogan, overcome your hesitancy to change slogans, and all will be well.
A big thank you to our Asian friends for voting this vile commie out. I hope he gets mugged by the violent criminals as he flees the town in his skinny pants. The criminals he put back on the street.
February is Black Heritage month. June is LGBTQ pride month. What month for AAPI? Hispanics?
As the SF Chronicle put it: 'The Mayor's job (appointing a new DA) is to find the sweet spot that speaks to police and progressives.' Well, no it isn't. More than 60% of SF voters booted Boudin out. That's not a balancing act - that's marching orders. The City College sociology majors who run that paper don't get it.
Every now and again Ruy states an obvious truth. Similar to a one eyed squirrel.
Many of these same factors apply to Jewish voters.
While their numbers may be smaller,they hold substantial numbers in important segments of the nation.
Pushing every sentient being away seems to be the D playbook.
Writes Ruy Teixeira, in "Time for the Democrats’ Chesa Boudin Moment! If Not Now, When? If Not Him, Who?"
1: If Not Now, When?: When the Democrats get crushed in 2022, 2023, 2024, and 2025
2: If Not Him, Who?: He's a white male, so that makes him a good target, But he's the child of democrat domestic terrorists, and that's the most important Protected Class on the Left. So someone else
As far as I can tell, no radical democrat has ever even talked to an Asian parent.
Interesting. It seems to me that so much of the woke agenda defies ordinary lived experience and that, as such, it cannot carry the day. I accept the aphorism that what cannot continue will not do so, but in living through the expansion and collapse of the savings and loan industry. I learned that things may nevertheless continue much longer than you might think.
Interesting. It seems to me that so much of the woke agenda defies ordinary lived experience and that, as such, it cannot carry the day. I accept the aphorism that what cannot continue will not do so, but in living through the expansion and collapse of the savings and loan industry. I learned that things may nevertheless continue much longer than you might think.
Democrats have this bad(?) habit of assuming that if any particular group votes for them, the group will continue to vote for them indefinitely no matter what policies they pursue. This has worked for African-Americans, who still vote for Democrats in a bloc despite the Democrats basically ignoring them once the election is over and often pursuing policies that they do not approve and making their lives worse.
They made the same assumption about Hispanics, an assumption that is falling apart now. It has been pointed out so many times that Hispanics are not monolithic and Mexican and Cubans and Venezuelans and so forth typically do not have the same needs or the same world views. The idea that Asians would be a monolithic bloc seems even more bizarre, given that Asia is huge and includes a number of very different cultural groups, some of which hate each other and others that almost never interact. It is even more bizarre when you consider that Asians generally are not on the same page as African-Americans or Hispanics as far as policies. It is amazing how well this coalition of people with little in common manages to hold together, all to pursue the policy desires of upper middle class suburban white women, who generally look down on the lot of them.
A guy I know who illegally immigrated to the U.S. 30+ years ago and started a successful business here went on a rant last time I saw him about how the Democrats handed out too much money and caused this horrible inflation. In the twenty years I've known him, he's never said anything political.
That move, combined with the School Board’s bizarre obsession with an 'anti-racist' school renaming project even as schools remained closed and students suffered, angered Asian parents and others so much that they took the lead in successfully recalling three of the ringleaders of this approach, a clear precursor to the current recall.
It certainly didn't help Democrats that one of their three Leftist school board members up for recall (Alison Collins) was a racist piece of shit and that her unconcealed anti-Asian animus was not exactly unconnected with her supposed "anti"-racist agenda for the schools. These kinds of specifics matter too. With Boudin, although I am not aware of his having expressed the same sort of animus against Asians as Collins, when one observes that Asians are concerned about crime and public order, it's relevant that the Bay Area has been the site of a number of anti-Asian crimes that went viral, such as the murder of Vicha Ratanapakdee and the murder of Pak Ho. While it may be the case that Asians' tolerance for public disorder is lower than, say, progressive Whites, a lot of Asians in the Bay Area (and California generally) perceive themselves to be targets of exactly the kinds of young Black criminals that progressive Whites like Boudin and his ilk want to let off easy for "social justice" reasons.
I don't think that means Asians are going to turn Republican any time soon -- Asian Americans tend to be concentrated in jurisdictions like California, New York, and Hawaii where joining the Republicans will effectively lock you out of local political power. But it may make Asians a counterweight within the Democratsic Party, against the kind of deranged progressive extremism represented by Collins and Boudin. Which would be good for the Democrats, frankly.
Correction to my own comment at 10:07 AM
I do not feel sorry for any Oriental-Americans who ...
I inadvertently wrote the wrong expression Oriental-Americans.
I apologize, since I meant to write Asian-Americans.
Please make the mental correction.
"Many of these same factors apply to Jewish voters.
While their numbers may be smaller,they hold substantial numbers in important segments of the nation."
For most Jewish Americans, how an issue will affect them as a group doesn't factor very highly in the way they vote. (I realize this is the opposite of the stereotype, but it's clearly the case.)
It's especially true for the majority who believe in traditionally liberal ideals. When conservatives ask why Jews continue to support liberal Democratic causes -- even though liberals and Democrats as a whole seem to be moving away from (or even against) Jewish interests -- that's why.
Well, Democrats have the suburban white women vote locked up so what's the problem?
As Kai Akker points out, Texiera is essentially telling Dems to change their messaging, hence his references to the Party "seems" or "has become associated with." Touting the formula of NYC Mayor Adams' electoral success is another tell. I get it, Texiera is a political consultant and to a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
But the damage the last 2 years have done to big city policing is gonna take a lot more than slogans and and electing law n' order Democrats. I suspect Kerik-style "broken windows" policing of high crime neighborhoods may never return, even under Republican mayors. The police now know that, whatever the polticians say, in the crunch no one has their back. They'd be crazy to risk everything---their lives, their pensions, their family finances--to resume stop and frisk or any other proactive measures. Better to reduce the job to collecting evidence and drawing chalk outlines at the crime scene after the fact. After the last 2 years, I expect most folks in the 'hood didn't see nothing anyway.
Democrats are up the f*cking creek without a paddle or canoe.
There is not one thing they have not f*cked up.. not a thing.
And as things get worse this summer... and people just get that much madder...
Woe be them in November. We all know the only way to stop a Democrat is to VOTE THEM OUT.
And thus we will do just that.
The times are A-changing!
This is the time on that cartoon whe we on the right say "lol."
Wouldn't it be refeshing if Democrat politicians supported policies that made life better for Americans regardless of their ethnicity, religion, gender preference, etc.? Why does everything have to come down to votes? Why did these people go into "public service" in the first place?
Asian Pacific Heritage month just ended. I live in a majority East Asian (Chinese) neighborhood in SoCal. Folks I know have been surprised by the anti-Asian sentiment they have experienced since the pandemic, which they associate with Republicans.
The idea that you can evaluate the political strength of parties based on ethnic/racial/gender group affilations is obviously wrong. Before 1865, ALL voters in the United States were White males, so obviously they all supported the same policies and programs, right? Right?
It's particularly misleading if you use "groups" that include members who differ substantially from other members of the "same" group. Like Asians; or like Latinx or Hispanics (or whatever is the slogan du jour).
The most reliably Democrat group today is Black or African American, and even there Trump managed to peel off a significant number of voters who were also part of the Male group.
It's worth noting, the new 'get-tough' talk by the SF Mayor re Chesa's fall and the rise of city crime is being well-tempered by her new plan to, and I quote: "...provide enough shelter and permanent housing to meet the needs of all the homeless people who currently live on the city's streets." That's a lot of housing for a lot of people and a fine 'come-on down' for more drug-campers. Of course, it'll never happen. In this town, it only matters that you say woke stuff and step over the next sleeping bag.
Readering said...
Asian Pacific Heritage month just ended. I live in a majority East Asian (Chinese) neighborhood in SoCal. Folks I know have been surprised by the anti-Asian sentiment they have experienced since the pandemic, which they associate with Republicans.
Which is an amazingly stupid thing to do, since
1: The vast majority of the physical attacks have been carried out by blacks,
2: The vast majority of the attacks have taken place it Democrat areas, when the odds are high that the attacker is a Democrat
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