Such a crazy question, asked by Caroline Healey, "a 22-year-old event coordinator," quoted in "Sex Strike! Abstinence trends on Twitter in wake of Roe v. Wade ruling" (NY Post).
It's not just on Twitter. The Post encountered Healy at a protest. She also said:
“I think it’s absolutely valid for us to be withholding the Holy Grail that men seem to think is important... Why shouldn’t we withhold it if we’re always worried that they’re not going put a condom on, that they’re going take one off after we ask them to...."
Well, first of all, if you're "always worried that they’re not going put a condom on," you're conceding that you have been using abortion as a form of birth control! You should have more secure birth control, something more than a condom. And why are you having sex with men who can't be trusted to use a condom? And why don't you look to see if they are using a condom and refuse to have sex if they don't? You should always have been "on strike" about the failure to use a condom!
All right. With that appalling argument out of the way, let's look at what's left of the idea of a sex strike. It is premised on the idea that the woman wants to have sex when she is not having sex because she wants to have sex.
I would say you should NEVER have that kind of sex, whether you have access to abortion or not. Of course, sexual activity has harsher potential consequences for a woman, and abortion rights may take some of the burden out of the activity, but that doesn't explain why a woman would give sex to a man because he wants it and not because she wants it.
Where did Healy get the idea that — while Roe lived — women were having sex because they were "expected to"? That's not feminism! That was subordination all along. It's abuse if someone with power over you is expecting you to give sex when you don't independently want it. And if you feel you are choosing it — you just want to "go out and have sex" — but only because it's "expected," then it's self-abuse. Respect yourself!
To say "it’s absolutely valid for us to be withholding the Holy Grail that men seem to think is important" is to imply that you don't put the same value on sex, that what's exceedingly precious to the man is just a form of currency for the woman.
Of course, it's also perfectly obvious that these sex-strike organizers are doing exactly what social conservatives want: abstaining from sex unless they are open to the gift of life. And what a kick in the head it would be if it turned out that what makes sex as valuable to a women as it is to a man is this potential for creating a child.
११० टिप्पण्या:
This shouldn’t be profound or novel.
You really can't expect a 22 year old to know very much, but it's becoming clear that many young people don't understand how babies are made.
Funny how the women most adamant about sex strikes really aren't inconveniencing anyone....
Women have always been women and acted like women and thought like women. There are endless multiple versions of "feminism" because women "as a whole" were not happy with any of them.
This brings to mind the pre-feminism saying: "She said no no but meant yes yes."
I believe that the currently accepted conservative response is:
Your terms are acceptable
Dairy complains!
"IF you're NOT going to bring back the bottles! We're going to quit giving milk away for free!"
I am shocked a 22 year old event coordinator is not a deep thinker
Just so Professor, just so.
It's been most amusing to watch on Twitter.
Lefties screaming: Fine! Then we're going to demand that any man who gets a woman pregnant must pay child support!
Us: Um, ok. that's the way the law is right now. But in any event, sounds good to us
L: We're going to go on a sex strike!
Us: Sure. No problem
L: You men really rely on abortion too!
Us: Scumbag sex hound men DO rely on Roe to help them screw around, yes. We think this is a bad thing, and are perfectly happy for it to stop. Shall you join us in that?
No pregnancy, no need for abortion, no need for Roe. Problem solved.
These people shouldn't be having sex because they might accidentally loose their genes on the pool, yellowing it permanently.
Have they never heard of any OTHER form of birth control? Hell even the pull-out method is 97% effective.
Legal forms of birth control as of the US Supreme Court decision:
1) Abortion (yes, it's still legal and still regulated by every state in the nation.)
2) All other forms:
* Female and male sterilization (female tubal ligation or occlusion, male vasectomy) — Birth control that prevents pregnancy for the rest of your life through surgery or a medical procedure.
* Long-acting reversible contraceptives or "LARC" methods (intrauterine devices, hormonal implants) — Birth control your doctor inserts one time and you do not have to remember to use birth control every day or month. LARCs last for 3 to 10 years, depending on the method.
* Short-acting hormonal methods (pill, mini pills, patch, shot, vaginal ring) — Birth control your doctor prescribes that you remember to take every day or month. The shot requires you to get a shot from your doctor every 3 months.
* Barrier methods (condoms, diaphragms, sponge, cervical cap) — Birth control you use each time * Natural rhythm methods — Not using a type of birth control but instead avoiding sex and/or using birth control only on the days when you are most fertile (most likely to get pregnant). An ovulation home test kit or a fertility monitor can help you find your most fertile days.
What are these broads on about?
this "withholding sex" gambit could be BIG!
I'll bet you could end wars with that! Someone should write a play about it. Maybe in Greek?
Has this little girl ever heard of AIDS?? HERPES??? GONORREAH??? Sex is NOT safe when you are having it with every Tom Dick and Harriet. Wrap it up and use protection. It isn't rocket science...but it is SCIENCE!!!
Responsible sexuality. Being responsible with your body.
What a concept.
“I think it’s absolutely valid for us to be withholding the Holy Grail that men seem to think is important... “
Since a sex strike doesn’t impact gays and lesbians, why should anyone care?
Everything old is new again.
411 B.C.:lysistrata
1980: lysestrata
I saw photos of a lot of these 'sex strike' women over the past couple of days.
It's not like they had men lined up outside their doors before this.
Just saying...
Yes I'd say abortion as birth control is a very bad idea. I'm religiously (protestant) conservative and dead set against abortion but 100% pro contraceptive. The hyperventilating I saw about contraptions being next shows certain how little some understand most of our position on this. I'd say practically even most Catholics are pro birth control.
All that said in reality the writer probably lives in an area that will allow abortions anyway. This wasn't as big a pro life win and many worry it is.
A sex strike is a wonderful idea!! I could use a break…
So now we have sex strike planners?
Is there a gift registry for the sex strikers?
And a theme for the strike? Winter wonderland? April in Paris?
The suffragettes were serious and had hunger strikes.
Are those coming too, or is this just more silliness?
This is so sad. The person mentioned is destined for a miserable, unhappy life based upon life choices and a value system that only seem valid to a very small and shrinking part of the population. I imagine small enclaves of urban or psuedo academic neithborhoods composed of 40, 50 and 60 year olds in decades to come all wondering what went wrong, while the rest of humanity lives more fulfilling and engaging lives.
Their bubbles will shrink every year as their peers get married, buy homes, start families and have normal traditional life events. Women and men like her (really eternal boys and girls) will become a shrinking community as their voices fade into the distance. The media will slowly start to turn on them and show that, rather than glamorous, their lives are actual quite shallow.
Regression to the mean can have cultural aspects too.
Pretty much my reaction when my husband was reading this and summarizing out loud… First thought was “so you’re only having sex because men want it..”. Second was, “why would you have sex with someone you cannot trust?” And it’s pretty obvious abortion devolved to birth control, rather than the outlier solution. (No one ever talks about the options of engaging in other forms of sexual activity as an alternative to intercourse.)
I guess I assumed most young women use the pill or some similar type of (non-transactional) birth control. Maybe not. Obviously, condoms are preferred to avoid STDs. So, there’s a double risk of sex with someone who either won’t wear one or removes it surreptitiously.
These are things that make me sigh sadly for women…how different their attitudes are from what I saw in feminism when I was growing up. The tone of the article implies young women are incapable of personal agency and still acting submissively, despite the pretense. I find them as confusing as men likely do. So many mixed messages.
Well, its refreshing to see a young progressive lady realize the consequences and risks of casual sex.
To say "it’s absolutely valid for us to be withholding the Holy Grail that men seem to think is important" is to imply that you don't put the same value on sex, that what's exceedingly precious to the man is just a form of currency for the woman.
Clever lawyering, but it's truer if you turn it around. What's exceedingly precious to women, is just something you can pay for to men. If detumescence is your Holy Grail, your be-all and end-all, then you are ignoring the give-and-take that is a part of all human interaction.
It's a minefield, though. Making any generalization about men and women -- including offering a definition of "man" or "woman" -- is bound to be regarded as sexist and get you into trouble.
"This brings to mind the pre-feminism saying: "She said no no but meant yes yes.""
No, it brings exactly the opposite situation to mind: she said yes to sex but she meant no to sex. Maybe she meant yes to wanting to keep the guy as her boyfriend/husband for reasons other than wanting him for the sex he's giving.
More like this, please. Much more. She is a selfish little moron and her quotable quotes will do a lot of damage to the Prog cause.
Diggin’ it, wendybar…
Wrap-a-wrap-a-wrap, they call him The Wrapper
Wrap wrap wrap, they call him The Wrapper
Another candidate for my proposed tag: "Feminism was invented by horny teenage boys."
Relationships are about far more than the Holy Grail of sex. But maybe our sweet little dear doesn't know that.
Has Zoot left the Grail-shaped beacon on again?
Naughty Zoot!
I can't imagine going out in public presenting yourself as so sexually desirable that men will become political activists on your issue just to have a chance at having sex with you.
Your argument is leveraged on your opinion that you are hot. Every jerk in the world is invited to say you're not that hot or you're not hot at all. Quite aside from that abuse, why would you use your sexuality to pressure people into adopting a particular political position.
You are not merely claiming to be hot. You are saying you'd rather use your sexuality to influence politics than to use it for having sex. You must not like sex all that much. It's just a means to an end for you. Doesn't that attitude undermine you sexual attractiveness... at least to any man who's good enough to want to have sex with in the first place? What woman wants a man who wants sex with a woman who doesn't want sex?
mission accomplished
@Althouse No, it brings exactly the opposite situation to mind
I don't disagree with that either. Younger becoming involved with women often describe their mercurial, unpredictable behavior regarding romance and sex. Some women talk about sincerity/romance but behave as if sex is a financial transaction or gold digging. Men also advise other men to "Never stick your d*ck in crazy" (as demonstrated by Amber Heard types).
The main point is that feminine unpredictability should surprise no one.
This whole thing is Hillary's fault so hows about everybody start refusing to have sex with Hillary.
Oh, wait...
If we can’t “safely” go out and have sex….. “Safely” should include birth control so you won’t have to worry about abortion. You’re withholding sex from your boyfriend, lover, husband? That’s a classic bitch move to punish men. You are not a feminist and you do not control your body if you’re not protecting yourself from becoming pregnant. You sound like a whining child and I have zero patience for you and your so-called “feminist” friends. Grow up and take responsibility!
The most amusing yet thought provoking post and comments thread in quite some time. The more I learn the more conclusive is the evidence that I don't understand people.
'Every jerk in the world is invited to say you're not that hot or you're not hot at all.'
I guess that's me.
I get that 'there's someone for everyone.'
But I'm seeing photos of morbidly obese women covered in tattoos and pierced every which way.
There's no need for a sex strike.
But check out the woman who attached herself to the net at the recent French open tennis tournament.
If she went on strike, somebody would be really mad : )
Are transgender women going on a sex strike too? Does this mean they won't be accepting dollar bills from third graders?
Since oral sex is not sex, I'm assuming this in not within the scope of the strike.
I think your paragraph immediately following Healy's quote pretty much summed it all up. And Healy also confirmed what my suspicion is for most of the young women screaming today: that their primary form of birth control has just been made more difficult, or has been exterminated in some states. I'm not even sure if they realize that in the states with the largest number of abortions, those will be free as ever, possibly even with fewer restraints and paid-for trips to use their services.
Also- what strikes me by the comments I've been reading, hearing, and seeing is that the young ones seem to think they're the first generation in the history of humanity that has had to figure this thing out. It's as if no one in history had to be careful or deal with the consequences. But I feel like consequences of actions are not something taught to the young any longer. I could be wrong and hope that I am. But the evidence of my senses tells me otherwise.
"Of course, it's also perfectly obvious that these sex-strike organizers are doing exactly what social conservatives want: abstaining from sex unless they are open to the gift of life."
I'm not sure I agree with that. It's presumptuous of you to think that's how conservatives think. I'm sure many just want to have sex with no child, and are willing to use proper methods to prevent the baby. Young people of all stripes want to have sex, no matter what they may claim. It's all they think about.
As for the men who I've seen screaming and threatening anyone who will listen to show they are all 'down with the cause' of Womyn, well...they also just want to have sex. With any of them. These men are not anything special. They're not there to help the women in their cause. They're just trying to get some nookie and think this is the way to do it. Of course they're wrong. And they'll end up back home with their video game controller in hand. Or...whatever.
Imagine being a corporation and paying for the flight, lodging, and medical services so that one of your employees can kill their baby. I just cannot get my head around the moral pretzel required to feel like you're a superior being for doing that. Preening about it in the news releases, trying to be among the first to declare it.
Man...we have sunk so low.
I know I read an Ancient Greek play where this ploy was tried as a way to end some war, but part of the humor of it was that the wives just got too horny.
Politics By The Dashboard Light
Here's the throw, here's the play at the plate,
Holy cow, I think he's gonna make it!
Stop right there!
I gotta know right now!
Before we go any further!
Are you Pro-choice?
Will you be Pro-choice forever?
Let me sleep on it
Baby, baby let me sleep on it
Let me sleep on it
I'll give you an answer in the morning
I gotta know right now
Are you Pro-choice?
Will you be Pro-choice forever?
What's it going to be boy?
C'mon I can wait all night
What's it gonna be boy? Yes or no?
What's it gonna be boy?
Yes or no?
Let me sleep on it! (Are you Pro-choice forever?)
Let me sleep on it! (Are you Pro-choice forever?)
I couldn't take it any longer, Lord I was crazed
And when the feeling came upon me like a tidal wave
Started swearing to my god and on my mother's grave
That I'd be Pro-choice to the end of time
I swore I was Pro-choice to the end of time!
you're conceding that you have been using abortion as a form of birth control - Althouse
It's an amazing thing when Democrats admit the quiet part out loud. Shhhhh!!! 93% of all abortions are elective. In 2019, of the 640K performed, 41% of women were returning for their 2nd abortion, 7% for their third.
Abortion really morphed in to full blown birth control - didn't it?
As if PiV were the only kind.
Those of us who are pro-life welcome a more moderate and careful approach to sex. People should think about the consequences of choosing to have sex with someone before (not after) the sex is had. This is called being a fully formed adult.
They're proposing a scenario in which the only guys who would be getting any are guys who are religious and married, the very guys they hate and blame the most for their current unhappiness.
This shows the narrow, prudish thinking of some women - which surprises me these days. There are a lot of things men and women can get up to in bed that do NOT result in pregnancy.
Safe, legal, rare..and transactional.
I am content staying out of Whoopie's vagina.
Ann Althouse said...
No, it brings exactly the opposite situation to mind: she said yes to sex but she meant no to sex. Maybe she meant yes to wanting to keep the guy as her boyfriend/husband for reasons other than wanting him for the sex he's giving.
Honest question: are we supposed to feel sorry for her? If so, why?
"I want him to provide me with companionship, protection, and money so we can both live happily. In exchange for that, he wants sex. I don't particularly want the sex, but I'll pay that to get the rest"
Ok, you looked at the available options, and made a choice that you thought benefited you. Why are we supposed to feel more sorry for you, than for the guy who wants the sex without the commitment, but will give the commitment to get the sex?
Has a significant part of society simply lost the concepts and "negotiation" and "compromise"?
Let them eat parsley...
"Chi-Raq" was an updating of "Lysistrata.". In the movie, women in Chicago organized a sex strike to stop the city's murders. I don't know how the film ended, but it did seem like a worthy cause. If you can't get a sex strike for something like that, a strike for Roe seems like a non-starter.
Women withholding sex to get what they want. What a unique concept!
Of course if the hedonistic baby killers, male and female, abstain, the world will be a better place all around.
And, "... safely go out and have sex...?" What on earth does that even mean in this context?
If women want to fuck without condoms and run to an abortion clinic as a convenience.. then hell, they can live it states that allow that. Or just not fuck.
Fine with me.
We have dozens of ways of birth control without killing babies.
She's being a Splooge Scrooge.
If ever a post needed a comment from the Girl with the Swishy Ponytail ...
“If you’re a man who won’t get a vasectomy, even though it’s reversible, and you’re not out in the streets fighting for my rights, you do not deserve to have sex with me,” Brianna Campbell, a 24-year-old EMT, told The Post.
"It's estimated that the success rate of a vasectomy reversal is:
75% if you have your vasectomy reversed within 3 years
up to 55% after 3 to 8 years
between 40% and 45% after 9 to 14 years
30% after 15 to 19 years
less than 10% after 20 years"
“If you’re a man who won’t get a vasectomy, even though it’s reversible, and you’re not out in the streets fighting for my rights, you do not deserve to have sex with me,” Brianna Campbell, a 24-year-old EMT, told The Post.
"It's estimated that the success rate of a vasectomy reversal is:
75% if you have your vasectomy reversed within 3 years
up to 55% after 3 to 8 years
between 40% and 45% after 9 to 14 years
30% after 15 to 19 years
less than 10% after 20 years"
""Of course, it's also perfectly obvious that these sex-strike organizers are doing exactly what social conservatives want: abstaining from sex unless they are open to the gift of life."/I'm not sure I agree with that. It's presumptuous of you to think that's how conservatives think. I'm sure many just want to have sex with no child, and are willing to use proper methods to prevent the baby. Young people of all stripes want to have sex, no matter what they may claim. It's all they think about."
I'm talking about real social conservatives — the actually sincere ones who have integrity and serious values. I know there are plenty of people who vote conservative who are unserious about sexual morality. I'm not being presumptuous because I am defining terms to exclude the bullshitters you are talking about.
How easy is it to cross a sex strike Tinder line? 😏
Joe Smith said...
I saw photos of a lot of these 'sex strike' women over the past couple of days.
It's not like they had men lined up outside their doors before this.
Just saying...
It would help a lot if these angry feminists would include a photo so we could see what we are missing.
This thread is lit!
IF you're NOT going to bring back the bottles! We're going to quit giving milk away for free!
Hahahahaha.... My very thought! The young moderns have discovered what their grandmothers grew up knowing!
Joe Smith at 9:51
I'm sure someone would not be happy, but I'm also certain there are many (not me) who would dismiss her as too skinny; but more significantly as someone else pointed I think she might fall into the category encompassed by don't stick it in crazy. Given my age and state of personal hotness, it's not a quandary I'd have to face in regard to her availability.
Sex is a buyer's market.
It comes down to basics. We want more freedoms and less responsibilities, when the bargain sustaining all that freedom entails more responsibilities, not less.
Somebody said, the same way we have a 4th celebrating our independence, we ought to have another 4th celebrating our responsibilities. Or maybe amend the 4th to include both, independence and responsibilities.
There's no sustainable independence from responsibilities. If the past has anything to teach us.
"In general, 50 to 80 percent of women who have tubal ligation reversal go on to have successful pregnancies.
Pregnancy success after tubal reversal is most likely in women under 35 and least likely in women over 40. The pregnancy success rate for women under 35 is 70 to 80 percent, while the rate for women over 40 is 30 to 40 percent."
There is no mystery in sex and conception, a woman, and man, have four choices: abstention, prevention (in depth), adoption (i.e. shared/shifted responsibility), and compassion (i.e. shared/personal responsibility), and an equal right to self-defense through reconciliation. The wicked solution is neither a good nor exclusive choice that has been the final solution for hundreds of millions of human lives in a transnational federation. All's fair in lust, abortion, and profit?
That said, don't be a sperm receptacle or an incubator, don't be a splooge stooge or bank.
The nominally "secular" Pro-Choice ethical religion denies women and men's dignity and agency, and reduces human life to negotiable commodities.
Women, men, and "our Posterity" are from Earth. Feminists are from Venus. Masculinists are from Mars. Social progressives are from Uranus.
She's being a Splooge Scrooge.
Yes, normal men and women in a civilized society follow a behavioral protocol (i.e. religion - morality, ethics, law) of self-moderation and [personal] responsibility.
I must say... Althouse is on fire.
You know what's more infuriating than the other side of an argument; the people on your supposed side mangling your side of the argument.
It's amazing how so many demanding that they alone be given the "right to control their bodies" after they get knocked up have so little control of their bodies before that point.
Ms Healey is on LinkedIn. She has a nice smile. Does this help or hurt the NYC event planning business to which she is attached?
"Sex is a buyer's market."
Which side counts as the buyer? Ideally, you would have an even exchange, a straight barter, with both sides giving and getting something of identical value.
What causes one side to become the buyer? I presume you're picturing the man, and he's throwing in something to equalize the exchange so that it isn't sex for sex, but he's giving sex — which may very well have negative value — and something more, often money, but maybe protection, or something that people like to label as "prestige."
But why does that make him the buyer? Why isn't she the buyer?
Anyway, if you're doing it right — in my view — you have an equal exchange. No buyer or seller. I take the position that neither would want the transaction if it were not an even exchange. If either side needs to add sweeteners, you ought to both want to decline sexual activity.
A quaint avenue of action. Withholding sex used to be the hallmark of a good girl.
Anyway, if you're doing it right — in my view — you have an equal exchange. No buyer or seller. I take the position that neither would want the transaction if it were not an even exchange. If either side needs to add sweeteners, you ought to both want to decline sexual activity.
Agreed. However, the "sex strikers" clearly do not.
Because the proposal of a "sex strike" by females presumes that the females are the sellers / providers of service, and the men are the buyers / consumers of the service
@Kate: LOL. Complete agreement.
Breanna's demands are far greater than the sort of vanilla expression by Caroline.
Undergo surgery if you want to partake. Show me your papers!
Sadly, she works in medicine to some degree but seems uninformed about the limited reversibility of vasectomy. Not all that different than tubal ligation, Breanna.
But why does that make him the buyer? Why isn't she the buyer?
It’s pretty obvious that women are the sellers. That’s why they wear tighter, more revealing clothing than men do, and spend $100 billion on cosmetics every year. You can’t make a sale without displaying the merchandise.
How ironic if the repeal of Roe inspires women to move "Her body, Her choice" back to the bedroom.
This young woman's sexual experience seems so transactional. Perhaps the condom test should be given to a prospective lover. If his inner 5-yr old comes out, well, that says a lot and perhaps should spark a rethink. Comedian Taylor Tomlinson offers insight in the link below
Much of the mirth of this is that it's unwittingly doing what conservatives want, which is to exercise discernment and caution before engaging in actions which may result in a pregnancy. The flipside of that is less funny, however. The Left, it seems, really do think of sex as a human right. This is assumed on their part, which is why when sex is withheld, they see it as a quid pro quo bargaining chip against the perceived removal of their baby vacuuming rights. They can't seem to grasp the notion that sex is a privilege, and the ultimate act of discrimination.
Kate @ 10:46: “…the Girl With The Swishy Ponytail…”
So right. “…paging Mr. Spatula, Mr. Laszlo Spatula. Please pick up the white courtesy phone…”
Leo, just fyi, two of the most popular forms of birth control should be considered abortificants by observant religious people who belive life begins with the meeting of sperm and egg, not the technical implantation in the uterus.
The IUD prevents implantation of a fertilized egg.
So does the pill. Not every time -- sometimes it blocks fertilization, but it sure does expelled fertilized eggs at other times. Women are being lied to. Doctors will tell them that nobody knows for sure how the pill works, but the fact is it can work either of these ways. So observant women may go through life having hundreds of self-induced abortions and not know it. Curiously, this is generally avoided in sex ed.
The contraceptive mentality is less bad than the abortion mentality, but nominally so.
Both indulge in this false pretending that sex does not have inherent procreative potential. And in both cases one destroys and makes dysfunctional that which is perfectly healthy.
Better is to have a healthy sexuality that appreciates that for good or for bad we have sex with our reproductive organs, and that there is a method to that madness, namely the perpetuation of the species. That is not to suggest that every sex act must intend or result in procreation -- if I meant that I would have said it -- but it is to say clearly that sex is what it is. And perhaps respecting that -- and respecting the person you have sex with as a PERSON and not as a sex OBJECT for your use and entertainment.
Maybe a better way is "the successful integration of sexuality within the person and thus the inner unity of the person in his or her bodily and spiritual being," including a little self-control.
But why does that make him the buyer? Why isn't she the buyer?
Depends on how homely she is. Age is probably a factor although "Sugar Daddy" was once a significant factor.
“Hey Mr. Jim I can see the shape you're in
Finger on your eyebrow
And left hand on your hip
Thinking that you're such a lady killer
Think you're so slick!
What she means is no engaging in sport sex. Although,those women lucky enough to enjoy frequent sport sex will be on the pill or have legitimate means of birth control.
Also women in long term relationships.
Those most at risk are the ones having infrequent one night stands. Not enough sex to justify taking the pill. Maybe drunk and with strangers, or just getting lucky with a friend.
A link provided a couple of days ago by Robert Cook indicated that centuries ago it was common ingest particular herbs to induce abortion. I remember urban legends of prostitute douching with Coca Cola in order to prevent pregnancy. Possibly a rumor started by a savvy ad man, but who knows.
Now, the morning after pill is available. Making it more easily accessible would alleviate a lot of complaints.
Several comments regarding attractiveness. Let us not forget "The Girls all get prettier at closing time".
And, beer goggles.
I once had a small repair job scheduled for early morning. A man and a woman,and a rough pitbull, were in the house.
I referred to the woman as Mrs. So and So.
When I went to my truck to get a tool, the man followed me and said: "I don't know what happened last night, but see if you can get her name and let me know"
The guy picked up a rough pitbull and its equally rough owner while drunk at the dive bar.
She actually seemed nice though, and smiled happily when I addressed her as Mrs.
Back when I cared, most of the women I met were on a sex strike. What they were striking for, I do not know, but it wasn't me.
Caroline Healey, uncomplicated event organizer.
"if you're "always worried that they’re not going put a condom on," you're conceding that you have been using abortion as a form of birth control!"
So what? That's what Roe made it.
"With that appalling argument out of the way"
It may offend Althouse's sensibilities, but complaining about "arguments" is irrelevant if abortion is a woman's choice alone: any reason goes, and no limits may be imposed.
---What woman wants a man who wants sex with a woman who doesn't want sex? [AA]
Thought long and hard over this question. I would say: the woman who wants sex wants a man who wants sex with a woman who doesn't want sex because he's virile.
The woman who doesn't want sex wants a man who wants sex with a woman who doesn't want sex because he's normal.
The woman who isn't sure whether she wants sex with a man who wants sex with a woman who doesn't want sex because what the hell.
20% of all pregnancies spontaneously abort. God is the greatest abortionist.
The proper tag should be chastity, not celibacy.
Question, if Planned Parenthood get hundreds of millions in federal grants, has 45 million to send on the Dems' midterms why is PP shutting down so many clinic? I thought abortion was only 3% of their revenues.
I'm suspect it's probably been mentioned, but from what I've seen of these women going on a sex strike?
As Jeffrey Ross would say, 'I wouldn't fuck her with Bea Arthur's dick.'
strike placard = performative speech re: getting laid until!
"What woman wants a man who wants sex with a woman who doesn't want sex?"
Before answering this, can we diagram this sentence first?
"Back when I cared, most of the women I met were on a sex strike. What they were striking for, I do not know, but it wasn't me.
"Doesn't anyone work here any longer?"
"Because the proposal of a "sex strike" by females presumes that the females are the sellers / providers of service, and the men are the buyers / consumers of the service"
The main flaw in their thinking is that men who actually see sex as a purely transactional exercise will have little difficulty in replacing them. Even pathetic incels can get a (for them) reasonable substitute if they are willing to pay some webcam girl by the minute. The protesters see sex as a commodity. The men they are talking to see it as an easily obtained one. Both are sad excuses for humanity, but one has the upper hand in the deal.
In social doctrine... theory, women and men possess dignity and agency, selectively, and are equal in rights and complementary in Nature, when opportune.
This whole thing is Hillary's fault so hows about everybody start refusing to have sex with Hillary.
Human Abwdin, call your office.
This whole thing is Hillary's fault so hows about everybody start refusing to have sex with Hillary.
Huma Abedin, call your office.
"To say "it’s absolutely valid for us to be withholding the Holy Grail that men seem to think is important" is to imply that you don't put the same value on sex, that what's exceedingly precious to the man is just a form of currency for the woman.
Of course, it's also perfectly obvious that these sex-strike organizers are doing exactly what social conservatives want: abstaining from sex unless they are open to the gift of life. And what a kick in the head it would be if it turned out that what makes sex as valuable to a women as it is to a man is this potential for creating a child."
The first para is a little obtuse, but you make up for it with the second para.
First, of course men want sex more than do women. Hello? Men get what they want, sex, from women, and women trade sex to get what they want from men. I understand, it's only been happening for hundreds of thousands of years. I'm sure feminists will catch up with it soon...
Second, well I can't say it any better than you did.
"why would you use your sexuality to pressure people into adopting a particular political position."
I know you may not be a biologist, but have you met an actual woman?
"I remember urban legends of prostitute douching with Coca Cola in order to prevent pregnancy. Possibly a rumor started by a savvy ad man"
Slogans for Coca-Cola From 1886 to 2021
1886 - Drink Coca-Cola
1904 - Delicious and Refreshing
1905 - Coca-Cola Revives and Sustains
1906 - The Great National Temperance Beverage
1917 - Three Million a Day
1922 - Thirst Knows No Season
1923 - Enjoy Thirst
1924 - Refresh Yourself
1925 - Six Million a Day
1926 - It Had to Be Good to Get Where It Is
1927 - Pure as Sunlight
1927 - Around the Corner from Everywhere
1929 - The Pause that Refreshes
1932 - Ice Cold Sunshine
1938 - The Best Friend Thirst Ever Had
1939 - Thirst Asks Nothing More
1939 - Whoever You Are, Whatever You Do, Wherever You May Be, When You Think of Refreshment Think of Ice Cold Coca-Cola
1942 - The Only Thing Like Coca-Cola is Coca-Cola Itself
1948 - Where There's Coke There's Hospitality
1949 - Along the Highway to Anywhere
1952 - What You Want is a Coke
1956 - Coca-Cola... Makes Good Things Taste Better
1957 - Sign of Good Taste
1958 - The Cold, Crisp Taste of Coke
1959 - Be Really Refreshed
1963 - Things Go Better with Coke
1969 - It's the Real Thing
1971 - I'd Like to Buy the World a Coke (part of the "It's the Real Thing" campaign)
1975 - Look Up America
1976 - Coke Adds Life
1979 - Have a Coke and a Smile
1982 - Coke Is It!
1985 - We've Got a Taste for You (for both Coca-Cola & Coca-Cola classic)
1985 - America's Real Choice (for both Coca-Cola & Coca-Cola classic)
1986 - Red, White & You (for Coca-Cola classic)
1986 - Catch the Wave (for Coca-Cola)
1987 - When Coca-Cola is a Part of Your Life, You Can't Beat the Feeling
1988 - You Can't Beat the Feeling
1989 - Official Soft Drink of Summer
1990 - You Can't Beat the Real Thing
1993 - Always Coca-Cola
2000 - Coca-Cola. Enjoy
2001 - Life Tastes Good
2003 - Coca-Cola ... Real
2005 - Make It Real
2006 - The Coke Side of Life
2009 - Open Happiness
2016 - Taste the Feeling
2021 - Real Magic
What causes one side to become the buyer? I presume you're picturing the man, and he's throwing in something to equalize the exchange so that it isn't sex for sex, but he's giving sex
You're thinking transactional sex. This girl seems to be the buyer in each breeding. She's buying Daddy's love. I've had a couple of relationships with girls that had some major Daddy issues. Substituting sex for love. I usually came to the conclusion, the girls didn't much like themselves, and were users of men.
Don't stick your "Ding-Dong" in "Ho-Hos'
"It’s pretty obvious that women are the sellers. That’s why they wear tighter, more revealing clothing than men do, and spend $100 billion on cosmetics every year. You can’t make a sale without displaying the merchandise."
But isn't the man also assembling and displaying merchandise for her to "buy" with the currency of her sexual allure?
It's "obvious" to you — I feel — because you have some kind of urge to put the woman down. That's sexism, not impressive analysis.
"If we can’t safely go out and have sex and know that we will have a choice after that, then why should we be expected to?"
Ever hear of genital herpes?
"But isn't the man also assembling and displaying merchandise for her to "buy" with the currency of her sexual allure?"
The man is buying sex, and pretty much getting it.
The woman is trying to buy love - sex, and pleasure, and commitment.
All too often, only gets the sex. (See the college Break-up experts)
Lots of men are happy enough to have sex with any of the many available young women, as well as continuing to look for a wife. Women don't usually have that save indiscriminate sex attraction.
What women want is NOT the same as what men want -- this is a basic, true inequality which feminists deny, but then are disappointed in how often it is true.
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