Writes Josh Marshall (in the NYT).
Democrats hope to make November’s midterm elections a referendum on Roe v. Wade.... But you can’t make an election into a referendum on an issue if you can’t point to anything winning the election would accomplish. To make the 2022 elections a referendum on Roe, Democrats have to put protecting Roe and abortion rights on the table.
Here’s one way to do that: get clear public commitments from every Senate Democrat (and candidate for Senate) not only to vote for the Roe bill in January 2023 but also to change the filibuster rules to ensure that a majority vote would actually pass the bill and send it to the White House for the president’s signature....
If... there are 48 Senate Democrats ready to make that pledge... That is, all current Democratic Senators except Manchin and Sinema. they need two additional Democratic senators in the next Congress.
There needs to be a specific commitment to an explicit statutory text and to changing the filibuster rule.
No ambiguity, no haggling, no living in Senator Manchin’s head for a year. You give us this, and we’ll give you that. That tells voters exactly what will be delivered with a Democratic win. It also defines what constitutes a win: control of the House and two more Senate seats.
I don't know if that strong position would win them the majority they'd need to follow through. What if their commitment to ending the filibuster ends up inspiring Republicans — if Republicans, as predicted, take the majority — to end the filibuster and pass some things they like — including anti-abortion legislation?
८७ टिप्पण्या:
I've never been convinced that those supporting abortion at any time really want to codify that in law. I believe they want to use the issue as a club to continuously beat-up conservatives and keep the issue alive as a rallying point for their base of voters. And that's what will happen in spades if SCOTUS issues it's (expected) ruling.
"What if their commitment to ending the filibuster ends up inspiring Republicans — if Republicans, as predicted, take the majority — to end the filibuster and pass some things they like — including anti-abortion legislation?"
No biggie, the Democrats know that they can complain about the GOP as if they never promised anything as radical as ending the majority (teh norms!) and receive cover from their allies in the press.
Josh Marshall sure does not want the state legislatures to make the abortion laws.
Why does anyone care? Blue states have legal abortion right now. Red states haven't mustered enough blue votes to win in the past, so why would these votes materialize now?
Abortion will remain legal in half the states. Private firms and nonprofits will pay for travel from non-abortion states. Abortions can be performed with drugs (underground mail order).
Whatever happens with Roe v. Wade may be a big nothing. Both politically and functionally.
Anti-elective abortion for social, redistributive, clinical, and fair weather causes. The Pro-Choice ethical religion denies women and men's dignity and agency, and reduces human life to a negotiable commodity. For "our Posterity", and granny (e.g. anti-planned parent/hood), too.
That said, there is no mystery in sex and conception, a woman (and man) have four choices, and self-defense through reconciliation. The wicked solution a.k.a. planned parenthood is neither a good nor exclusive choice.
don't forget Packing the Court!
If Roe is cast down, then their "Roe Law" has No Footing
(If the Supreme Court doesn't have the standing to legalize murder, the legislature sure don't!
Screw your livelihood, the hefty price to fill your gas tank, the corrupt push to force you to buy a chi com rare earth mineral car, (battery disposal is worse than any and all carbon footprints), your wallet sucking inflation, your dwindling 401K, the 1.3+ million illegal entrants, Biden/Putins war machine.
abort that party fetus!
The truth about electric cars. don't give up after his first bit.
How are the D's going to win by getting more liberals to vote for them? They have the libtard vote sown up. Not only that, but if Roe is overturned, every Blue state that doesn't already have Pro-choice laws on the books (and how many are those?) will pass them.
This has never been about Right-wingers imposing Pro-life on the entire country. Its been about Pro-abortionists demanding every state legalize abortion.
Finally, its obvious that 50 D Senators are NOT going to get rid of the filibuster to legalize abortion for the entire USA. Especically, since the D's are going to lose the House and senate in November.
Hey, Josh - seen the price of gas and eggs recently? lol
It's all they have between them and another 2010. Cheating, which Democrats are masters of, might help. The national census has already been manipulated.
This is so stupid. Roe or no Roe, the country is in no mood to reward the Dems with completely unfettered power. Just look at the damage done by this administration with the filibuster still intact!
Abortion is a major issue for 15 percent of the voting population, MAX, and that includes partisans on both sides. And they wish to build a congressional majority on that weak tea? The delusion of coastal/academic confirmation bias. "How did he win? Nobody I know voted for Nixon."
We really really really promise we will do something if you vote for us.
Lowder with Crowder dot com has a quote of a father who is being asked about how gas prices will affect his vote both this year and in 24 "One administration had cheaper gas and this administration has more expensive gas." Abortion won’t save the Democrats but hungry bellies will destroy them. There’s a good chance that’s what we’ll see by November.
Amazing that Democrats still think abolition is a major issue for a significant number of voters. They already win the places packed with people who agree with them. All this will do is accelerate the trend towards Democrats becoming a rump regional party.
Roe v. Wade as a law?? They've had close to 50 years to codify the court decision, but no politician wants their name on such a law. It's political suicide.
Mr. Marshall is another blathering idiot at the Times.
"Give us the House and the Senate"
You had that in 2009-2010. You've had that since January, 2021.
Sorry, but voters -- including Dems -- are not going to reason that they will gladly take sky-high inflation, high interest rates, foreign threats, dysfunctional schools, high crime, trans social strife, et al. so long as they can continue to abort with impunity.
Being able to kill babies just isn't that high on the list of priorities.
These people aren’t completely power-mad, nosiree. They’re not just waving an issue in front of voters in a completely cynical way. They really really care about abortion this time, honest! Please, honey, take me back, I promise I’ll treat you right!
By the way, let's be clear about electoral issues.
EVERY election for the last 20-30 years, the Democrats NUMBER ONE issue has been abortion on demand. Every one. Every election voters are deluged with pro-abortion TV and radio commercials, mailing flyers and more.
Abortion is page one of the Democrats' election playbook for the last few decades.
Yeah, because murdering babies is WAY more important than eating and losing everything you have to inflation.
Keep electing us, this time we really mean it. We’ll fix the thing we think you want fixed. We know, it’s not the thing you say you want fixed the most, but its what “we want you to want to be fixed”…
Then we still won’t fix it, cause we need something to run on the next time.
Democrats 2022…
Good luck ladies.
I'm not sure there's that much support. Last I read, it's more like 50/50 with abortion support varying by 30 points or so depending on how the question is asked. I imagine it likely will bring out more single issue voters, but are they in districts that are competitive?
Seems like wishful thinking.
Without the filibuster, the New Deal can be reversed, the Commerce Clause redefined, the federal courts reformed, the Education Department abolished, the DOJ, FBI and CIA reformed, HUD eliminated, border wall finished, illegal immigration stopped.
Be careful what you ask for.....
Nothing would make me more motivated to vote against the Democrats than a vow to end the fiibuster.
Josh has a great concept. Expanded abortion could certainly solve the baby formula crisis by reducing the demand without having to increase the supply. However, unless he can promise the Democrats would also develop a refining process that converts aborted fetuses to fuel it does nothing about gas prices, which seems to be a larger issue with the public. Also, he would need to promise that some portion of the abortion products thus created would be converted to fertilizer, or better yet to Soylent Green, it's not going to impact the coming food crisis. Then there's inflation. Fewer babies means fewer onesies would be required, fewer bassinets to purchase and fewer Mother's Day gifts to buy which could help incrementally with inflation, but it would be a long, tough slog to get much impact. Perhaps Josh needs to just "flesh out" the added benefits of less flesh in the world. I'm sure he's capable - he certainly is not encumbered by ethics or morality.
Good luck, Josh Marshall. Now point to anything you've accomplished so far in life that gives me confidence that you give good advice.
Tossing out the filibuster is the worst advice I've heard yet from Josh Marshall.
Every election since 1972 has been a referendum on Roe because everybody knows that the composition of the Supreme Court is critical, and therefore who gets confirmed to the Court is critical, and the Democrats have been losing them.
Josh is delusional. Promising to kill the filibuster will fire-up Republicans just as much as it will fire-up Democrats. The downside is that if the Republicans win, they would be perfectly in their rights to abolish the filibuster.
I'd certainly like to see our blog mistress provide a legal analysis explaining how a women's health care issue can be mandated nationally through federal legislation.
Not even Obamacare does that.
Where would fathers' rights be protected?
Why should a bunch of mostly old men be setting abortion rights in stone?
No ambiguity, no haggling, no living in Senator Manchin’s head for a year. You give us this, and we’ll give you that. That tells voters exactly what will be delivered with a Democratic win. It also defines what constitutes a win: control of the House and two more Senate seats.
The biggest problem with Josh Marshall is that he's always been out of touch with the mainstream. He dreams up leftwing schemes that he thinks will fly on their own w/o compromise. Now he's explicitly saying no compromise. This deserves a big fail.
Inflation, gas prices and the border invasion are way more important to voters.
Pipe dream. Roe is WAY down the list of priorities of voters. Now if you replaced Roe with unleashing the oil and gas industry to reduce gas prices and inflation, he might have an argument. But Democrats are no longer in the business of representing voters.
""Democrats Can Win This Fall if They Make One Key Promise... Give us the House and two more senators, and we will make Roe law in January 2023.""
If they did this then only the idiots and ghouls will vote for democrats.
I know there are a lot of idiots and some ghouls that like the baby part selling industry but there are more people who are not ignorant and evil.
The Mississippi law that they will not talk about is the mainstream opinion of the Nation.
Funny how the mainstream solution came from a State Legislature and not from a bunch of Robed Pharisees.
Strangely enough, when they had a super-majority in the Senate and control of the House they couldn't seem to be bothered to deal with this apparently super-critical, rules-be-damned, issue.
Think that may be a good reason to doubt their sincerity now?
re: your question: Obviously Biden would veto any anti-abortion legislation. While Dems may lose badly in the fall, I think they'll support any such veto.
Senate and Congress are so evenly split, that neither side should dream of seizing power like this. But it's going to happen, and Democrats may regret bringing it up if the result doesn't go their way in November.
Never mind that Biden can't even attempt to resolve the war in Ukraine, nor that he was sleep at the switch as the baby formula shortage approached. Nor that the price of gas is approaching $5.00 a gallon. Nor that with his higher inflation, everything, not just gas, is going up and up and up. Oh, did I tell you about the food shortage that's coming?
Never mind any of that... we just want abortion on demand.
I like it. It would be great if politicians actually ran on and carried through on promises. What cost Republicans in 2018 was they won in 2016 and decided not to repeal Obamacare as promised. I also like it because Josh Marshall can’t read a poll. I’m sure Democrats far left base will support abortion, but it seems most people have other concerns.
I don't know if that strong position would win them the majority they'd need to follow through. What if their commitment to ending the filibuster ends up inspiring Republicans — if Republicans, as predicted, take the majority — to end the filibuster and pass some things they like — including anti-abortion legislation?
You would think the Dems would have learned something from the last time they nuked the filibuster. After all, it led to the upcoming ruling they desperately wish to avoid.
But no, they are the party of Wyle E. Coyotes.
Put the bong down, Josh. November is going to be about the economy, plain and simple: Gas prices, grocery prices, inflation on everything. It's going to be "Are you better off than you were two years ago?" The answer for most Americans is going to be "HELL, NO!" Red tsunami.
I think they could right now pass an abortion bill with bipartisan support - if they had crafted one that didn't try to out-Roe Roe. _Some_ abortion rights are favored by the majority of the electorate, and not every Republican says they want to completely outlaw abortion. Something like the Texas law itself might pass the Senate.
But Democrats are paralyzed in fear of their base; they dare not submit any bill that does not completely allow abortion period - like the one they tried already. So this isn't going to work, because that is also nothing like the will of the electorate. "Elect more Democrats and we'll pass a bill you don't want, and the one you do want (which we could probably pass right now) we refuse to pass."
Vote for us and we'll below up the filibuster and...only do this one limited thing. GTFOH.
Ah. The marginalization of males proceeds apace.
Yes, it is nice if the national government recognizes the value of stable two parent families. But programs making Government the primary household provider are destructive of that end. The male becomes an irrelevancy.
So now we propose the female can, ex parte, destroy the male's progeny in utero.
Here's a modest proposal for Josh Marshall and his like-minded ilk: Why add language to actively encourage women to get pregnant and to actively terminate those pregnancies for the sake of marketable fetal tissue--as deemed most valuable by Planned Parenthood? Bonuses could be given to women who carry their fetuses the longest before termination. This seems like a win-win all round--a win for low income women who need the money; a win for Planned Parenthood who need the fetal cells; a win for human health which will presumably benefit from advances in science made by such human sacrifice.
f Republicans, as predicted, take the majority — to end the filibuster and pass some things they like — including anti-abortion legislation?
Republicans will not unite to create national anti-abortion laws because many Republicans and independents believe in limited abortion rights (i.e., during the first trimester).
Democrats under Chuck Schumer insist on unlimited abortion rights up to the time of delivery.
The current debate is a phony one at this point because Schumer wants to conflates limited abortion rights with no abortion rights.
if Republicans, as predicted, take the majority — to end the filibuster and pass some things they like — including anti-abortion legislation
They never think that far ahead. The media support democrats enjoy allows them to ignore second or third order effects.
Yes- ignore the masses coming over the border, the fentanyl coming in by the tons over and under the border. Ignore the massive crime in your cities and towns, the increase in rapes, assaults. Ignore the Democratic DAs who let the criminals back out within a day to continue their 'work' around town. Ignore people coming into local stores and filling up garbage bags full of goods, then walking out with those goods- so many times that your pharmacies and stores are leaving your city. Ignore it.
Ignore the price of living that skyrocketed and continued to do so the day Biden took office. Not a second before. Ignore the fact that Biden's team dismembered our energy production and is now begging our enemies for gas and oil while they tell us, "Hmmph. Better buy an electric car, I guess, huh?". Ignore the fact that the food you eat, the baby formula you need, the part for your washing machine, or the piece for your air conditioner are all not available now and won't be for months. Ignore it.
Ignore that the Russia Collusion case was a fraud from the beginning, perpetrated by the Democratic Party, it's candidate, it's Congresspeople, along with the FBI and CIA. Ignore it all, including the fact that not one person will have to answer for this sort of Coup-in-progress that was apparently an approved coup. Ignore the Kangaroo Court case the Democrats have colluded with ABC to present to the nation this week as a breathless example of an unapproved insurrection.
Ignore that you were shut down for 2 years. Ignore that your cities have more feces on the streets and boarded up businesses than tourists. Ignore that you get fired for not using the 'correct' pronoun, or if you won't bend knee to approved Tribes and acknowledge that you just might be a member of a hated and soon-to-be-banned Tribe. Ignore that you find it reprehensible that nose-pierced, green-haired young members of the Unicorn Party masquerading as teachers want to teach your children in kindergarten that their gender is not what they think it is, and that they can change it if they want. No worries. Ignore it.
All this and more has been brought to you by your Democratic Party- both locally and nationally. Josh Marshall brilliantly wants you to ignore these, and dozens of other such treats and focus instead on making sure that we never stop our ability to kill babies.
Because- for them it's about destroying your life, and it's much easier for them to do it before you get there than once you've reached adulthood.
If there isn't another Democrat elected for two generations, it'll be too soon for me.
Manchin was reasonable, unambiguous, and didn't haggle. He wanted reasonable treatment of energy production and employment that respected science and people... persons. Sinema, too, for the community she represents.
I think that you need a “Delusional” tag.
The abortion fanatics are already voting for Democrats this year. How many others are going to be convinced to vote for esp Senate candidates who voted to blow up the budget to make Biden, Pelosi, etc even richer by spending $Trillions$ That we don’t have and can’t afford, when the consequence is runaway inflation, doubling, and more of gas, and maybe more importantly, diesel,which is driving up the price of everything. Do they really believe that the voters in these states are going to say Hurray for their abortion stance, and ignore the destruction of the economy? Delusional.
Right! Never mind open borders, inflation, empty shelves, the contempt from our allies and our enemies, empty gas tanks, criminals roaming the streets. We'll give you an unfettered right to kill your babies.
Ain't we just the best? Vote Democrat!
Twenty years ago Josh Marshall was a insightful political analyst, but listening to him lately made me realize he’s now in the business of telling people what they want to hear rather than the truth.
Let the absurdities continue. I think it is a great strategy. The DNC should have planks that must be sworn to by all members: 1) Agree to vote for the elimination of the filibuster and 2) Agree to vote for court packing. Get it in writing.
Maybe the Republicans flip the house and take the Senate. First, they can go ahead and impeach Biden with a quick vote with no hearings necessary, then they can wait until the next Presidential election after which they can vote to expand the court and end the filibuster. We can see how principled everyone is.
Do Dems actually want Congress to legislate Roe? Wouldn't progs prefer abortion on demand without restriction in the big blue states?
Everyone knows Feelings of the average American can change depending on the moment. The "keep abortion legal" poll answers are always wide, but not in reality deep. Everyone knows that. Please Democrats: focus on anything except the only things that will matter on election day: how mush the high cost of everything hurts. THAT will be the main decision maker for voters. Why are Democrats doing anything other than seeking to alleviate that?
Americans know why. They have no idea how. And they don't really care about the American people more than their pet political issues.
Want every last one gone. Republicans are not perfect. They don't have to be. They just have to have better working ideas - marginally enough to make some things like crime and gas prices better. And they will at the very least do that.
Sure-of-themselves Republicans wildly overestimate the support of abortion bans so it's likely to be electorially fatal to them.
Why would the Dems perform a one-item "Contract With America" and try to end the abortion debate, when they can continue to milk the abortion issue, like every other non-solved issue they created, for money? Same for Repubs. They've had fifty years since Roe, and decades before Roe, to do what Josh is joshing about, and never did it, even with filibuster proof, veto-proof, Democratic majorities. Abortion will never be legislated successfully at the federal level, and besides, it seems to be one of those things that states get the final word on, except when the Supremes stick their noses into it.
Please, please, please make this election all about abortion. Unlimited abortion, like the Democrats want.
I am skeptical that Roe is as popular as the Left thinks it is. From polls I've read of, most people seem to be in favor of abortion being legal but having restrictions. It's really not either the Right or Left's position on it.
I'm Libertarian on the legality of abortion in the sense that I think the state does not have the authority to prohibit it, but I'm anti-abortion in the sense that I do think it essentially amounts to murdering babies. While contradictory, I think this kind of discomfort with the issue is not uncommon.
If overturning Roe leads to a federalist approach to abortion law, I think that may be a net good for the country by permitting more moderate positions suitable to the blue/red states where most partisans live.
They could probably pass a bi-partisan bill protecting abortion in the first trimester. It might not be constitutional based on the limits on Congressional action but I bet it would pass. The Democrats are insisting on no limits and the government or insurance has to pay.
This is one time that Althouse's moderation has been quite informative.
Without anyone knowing what the other commenters thought, practically everyone has come to the same conclusions on their own.
Yeah, and be sure to add reimbursement for the costs of gasoline to drive down to the clinic…
You know what could help democrats win the control so desired....
Actually governing. Ya know, looking at the challenges today and putting in place solutions that directly and immediately begin solving those problems.
Name a policy implemented at the national level led by democrats in the last 1.5 years that has meaningfully helped:
1. Fight COVID
2. Resume life once covid became endemic
3. Help supply chains get back online
4. Help alleviate major burdens and slowness at our ports
5. Help control inflation
6. Help address illegal immigration/border control
7. Help our economy
You can't because democratic priorities has been either unable to pass their policies (national level) OR to punish OR to pass social rules/laws that did not fight covid, did not help return to normal, did not help supply chains, did not help transportation issues, did not accept inflation was real until recently, promoted illegal immigration, and started from the premise that the economy was strong so why not tax it more.
Even the audience at the NYT must know that Marshall's political advice is just whistling past the grave, intended only to buck up the spirits of the home team. The only point in Marshall's favor is that no one has any better advice about how Team Dem can avoid the coming reckoning.
"Democrats Can Win This Fall if They Make One Key Promise... Give us the House and two more senators, and we will make Roe law in January 2023."
Reality check time:
Yes, people say in polls that they "don't want Roe overturned"
However, if you ask people about when abortion should be legal / illegal, 65% say abortion should be "mostly illegal" or "always illegal" starting with the 2nd Trimester.
Which means they want States to be able to ban most abortions starting at 14 weeks, which is a week before the ban in Dobbs.
So I would LOVE to see the Democrats try to campaign on this after SCOTUS nukes Roe & Casey. Because:
1: Their position is a loser, and being forced to say "under our proposal, States would not be allowed to ban most / all abortions starting at 14 weeks)
2: Their base won't let them stop at Roe. See Tim Ryan in OH, saying the day after he won the Dem Senate Primary that he opposed any restriction on abortion, at ANY point.
This is a position opposed by 80% of voters.
So, if Dems want to run on this, I'm desperately eager for them to do so
Don't get rid of the filibuster. Put it back the way it originally was 99% needed to end it. Or to the way it was for 100 years or more with 75%required.
The constitutional role of the senate is to obstruct/slow/stop legislation not rubber stamp it.
The senate is supposed to be "the saucer in which the coffee is cooled" - Madison?
But also make senators actually speak and hold the floor. Like the demmies did for 63 days in 1964 to try to stop the civil rights act.
John LGKTQ Henry
the part for your washing machine, or the piece for your air conditioner are all not available now and won't be for months.
The AC guy said my part wouldn't be available for 6 months. He asked me if, when it came in; he should come in the morning or the afternoon?
I told him; Better come in the afternoon, the washing machine guy is scheduled for the morning
[this was a funny joke when it was about Communist Russia. Now that it's about Communist US, not so funny]
This is just a way to try to distract from Biden’s disastrous energy policy. The way they play “hide the pea” with gas prices is that the Biden Administration kept refinery capacity from returning after the pandemic, expecting renewables to fill the gap as prices inevitably rose, of course Russia is a huge producer of refined fuels, but the Democrats have dreamed about ten dollar gas for years and if they can get voters to blame Putin and consider giving up their boats and RVs as part of a patriotic war against “Putler,” well that’s swell.
Voters ain’t buying it. Enshrine abortion in the Constitution or leave it to states. It’s not the most important issue at stake and giving the Democrats absolute power as if they will not use it to ensure they have a permanent majority and usher in the post-democratic United States is the act of a fool.
I saw a poll yesterday that had abortion ranked last among the concerns of citizens. Something like 6% thought abortion was the most important issue with something around 30% identifying the economy as the top concern. One thing we are being with the Biden administration is just how delusional and unconcerned with the concerns of real people the Democratic party has become.
He's clueless. He lives in Manhattan, probably doesn't have a car, and is used to paying high prices for everything.
In a better world, the Supreme Court would hold that the Federal Government has no power to regulate abortion, not to prohibit it and not to protect it, except for the limited case of people crossing state lines to obtain abortions. Of course this might require revisiting a lot of the existing Commerce Clause cases, but that's not a bug but a feature.
All your scheming will backfire. I'll be there to rub it in. Without mercy.
I wonder what color the sky is on Josh Marshall's world.
Is this THE Josh Marshall from Total Political Moron?
As I filled up my gas tank yesterday, my mind was completely and totally focused on the subject of abortion.
It was still on my mind when checking out at the grocery store, too.
This is a Well-to-do soccer mom issue. Its the Susan collins/Christie Todd Whitman vote. The ones who occassionally vote Republican based on pocket book issues. Maybe Abortion will decide their vote in 2022. But there aren't many of them. They left the R's over the "mean tweets".
Obviously Biden would veto any anti-abortion legislation.
What makes you think congressional Republicans have any interest in running pro-life legislation?
If Roe is tossed, we want it decided by the states. Always have. Always will.
Clyde said...
Put the bong down, Josh. November is going to be about the economy, plain and simple: Gas prices, grocery prices, inflation on everything. It's going to be "Are you better off than you were two years ago?" The answer for most Americans is going to be "HELL, NO!" Red tsunami.
The inflation curve is rising. By November the question may very be: Are you better off then you were two weeks ago?
Our economy is not immune to the hyperinflation that has infected others such as Venezuela.
And slavery and diversity [dogma] before that... weren't popular then, and, with social progress, are set to capture the modern family, now. Anyway, baby steps.
Republicans would be VERY smart once they owned all three to abolish the filibuster and put into law a vast number of reforms.
We didn't give them the Presidency. They stole it.
Where does the federal govt. get police power over the states?
temujin at 12:05 nailed it.
Douglas B. Levene said...
In a better world, the Supreme Court would hold that the Federal Government has no power to regulate abortion, not to prohibit it and not to protect it, except for the limited case of people crossing state lines to obtain abortions. Of course this might require revisiting a lot of the existing Commerce Clause cases, but that's not a bug but a feature.
As that's pretty much exactly what the leaked Dobbs ruling says, what's your complaint?
With inflation and gas prices... going up and up and up...
I don't give a shit what the Democrats 'think' will win.
They are fucked! And if by Nov. the gas hits $6 a gallon in the midwest, and $9 in the coast...
Super-majority of Republicans on both houses is possible.
It's the hill they intend to die on.
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