Here's a political fyi for the junkies in the room.
I live in Ohio. As you all know, J.D. Vance is the Republican nominee for the Ohio Senate race. He is running against Democrat Tim Ryan. Vance was endorsed by Trump directly.
Tim Ryan's campaign in the Democratic primary was unusual. He attacked China, he chastised his party for "defund the police," and he endorsed Trump's trade policies. Now, he's keeping it up.
Vance has been almost silent since the primary ended. I can't recall one ad for him since then. Ryan's ads are frequent on TV. And in his new ads, he is stating, "I agreed with Trump on trade. I want to bring jobs back to Ohio." He is basically running a populist campaign.
I'm genuinely surprised that Ryan is taking this approach. I think he'll be successful, if Vance doesn't step up his game.
I learned today that according to a 1624 law that has never been repealed Members of the British House of Commons cannot resign. However, according to a 1680 law, they cannot continue in Parliament if they accept a royal appointment, so the Crown maintains two unpaid, essentially fictitious offices for the benefit of MPs who want to resign, the Crown Steward and Bailiff of the three Chiltern Hundreds of Stoke, Desborough and Burnham, and the Crown Steward and Bailiff of the Manor of Northstead. One year the appointee might be moving on to a prestigious ambassadorship. The next appointee might be a pedophile going to prison.
Speaking of pedophiles, someone dug up these tweets:
Alden Bunag @AldenBunag Replying to @MasterMike05 @fartpriest69 and 3 others You're fucking acting like we want to show kids porn or something, but something I've learned through the years is that whenever right-wingers accuse others of something, it's DEFINITELY because they're projecting. 6:02 PM · Apr 6, 2022·Twitter for Android
Star-Advertiser @Star-Advertiser #Oahu substitute teacher Alden Bunag was charged Wednesday in a criminal complaint filed in federal court for distributing child pornography.
Read more:
— Star-Advertiser (@StarAdvertiser) June 18, 2022
The first one sounds like a few of the posts here. Is there cause for concern?
Andrew said... I'm genuinely surprised that Ryan is taking this approach
I'm genuinely surprised that MORE dems don't do it. Run as a populist; Say that YOU are All that stands between Nancy P ruining your state. THEN, when elected.. Kowtow and vote the democrat party line. You Know; be a Blue Dog democrat Most voters are Stupid Enough to fall for it
"Old conventional wisdom: those doughty Ukrainians are sticking it to the Russians! New conventional wisdom: the war and resulting sanctions have been an economic fiasco, and the result will be a political settlement that could have been had long ago."
"First lady Dr. Jill Biden kept going during her ride with her own security detail, so she missed his fall, according to the pool report.
"No medical attention is needed," a White House official said of the incident. "The president looks forward to spending the rest of the day with his family."
"What would you call a man who showers with his own daughter?"
Mister President, at the moment. From lurking around pools, showering with Ashley, skinny-dipping for the Secret Service ladies, the full-monty president.
A better view of Biden's fall has come out. I assumed he couldn't get either foot out of the toe clips. Things like that do happen to people. But now it looks like his left foot was on the ground, and he was stopped, and he still couldn't get his right foot out of the clip. You'd think it wouldn't be that hard.
Mark Shields, liberal commentator, died at 85. Remember the old days when Washingtonians might have lied, but they weren't very good at it, or very professional about it, or as brazen about it, or as confident about getting away with it as now.
Source: "Police never tried to open door to Uvalde classroom"
"Surveillance footage shows police never tried to open the door to the classrooms at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde where a gunman had students and teachers trapped."
gilbar: "Say that YOU are All that stands between Nancy P ruining your state. THEN, when elected.. Kowtow and vote the democrat party line. You Know; be a Blue Dog democrat"
That is precisely the "lifelong republican" playbook.
Jersey Fled said... What would you call a man who showers with his young daughter? Mostly, Daddy, I suppose. Most of us with daughters have been stuck with bathing our infant children.
Joementia's garbled preamble to stumbling condolences regarding CEO who "dropped dead" is more concerning than his bike fall. However, I do like the boisterous cheers right before he falls.
If I were an energy company CEO, I would deliberately shut supplies down to ensure that politicians that promised voters that they would put me out of business in 5 years would never be elected again. If that’s part of what is happening, then good, I fully support it.
Airline flights being cancelled by the thousands. Is our Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigeig back from maternity/paternity/pronoun leave yet? Has Biden blamed the airline industry yet for not using all the available runways or for earning excess profits? Asking for a friend.
gadfly said... Jersey Fled said... What would you call a man who showers with his young daughter? Mostly, Daddy, I suppose. Most of us with daughters have been stuck with bathing our infant children.
Bidens daughter wasn't an infant if SHE remembers it.
"gadfly said... Jersey Fled said... What would you call a man who showers with his young daughter? Mostly, Daddy, I suppose. Most of us with daughters have been stuck with bathing our infant children."
I realize the attention span of the US viewing audience is rather short, but after having sent $600B (large bills) to Ukraine, one would think the Lamestream Media would have more than an occasional story as to the progress of the west's proxy war. Putin's army remains in grind mode, with the Ukrainians stuck as the grindees. Just as the Federal Reserve has backed themselves into a corner so has the west in Ukraine. I suspect the EU will capitulate first. Something about freezing in fall and winter will get their attention.
In the meantime, Liz Cheney and her ilk is all over the news. Priorities.
Rt41Rebel said... If I were an energy company CEO, I would deliberately shut supplies down to ensure that politicians that promised voters that they would put me out of business in 5 years would never be elected again. If that’s part of what is happening, then good, I fully support it. ======= going Galt >>> I will stop the motor of the world
I see Barack O. is installing 3 massive propane tanks on his Martha's Vineyard property. Two 1000 gallon and one 500 gallon tank. Kind of surprising. No giant windmills? Solar panels?
gadfly: "Most of us with daughters have been stuck with bathing our infant children."
I was wondering what tactic you would take to defend the astonishingly perverted actions of Joe Biden as described by Biden's own daughter and victim.
I am not surprised in the least that the lie you push forward, in addition to all your other pro-democratical lies, is to try and change the accusation from the horrific truth to something completely different.
There really is no narrative you wont push to defend your beloved and perverted democraticals, as demonstrated conclusively on this thread.
@Humperdink (6:14), Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigeig was recently back in DC. He needed to catch a flight (to New York IIRC), but the flight was cancelled and he had to drive. His reaction was to threaten the airlines with fines and more regulations. Of course.
Planes cannot fly without pilots at the controls. How many pilots were fired for refusing vaccination? How many took the vaccine and were subsequently grounded due to side effects. An honest Secretary of Transportation might investigate. The shortfall of retired military pilots able to be hired to fly for commercial airlines has been forecast for years. A capable Secretary of Transportation might be trying to set up an airline pilot training program.
Joe "Two Scoops" Biden campaigned on shutting down the petroleum industry. He done that. Why isn't he celebrating his win? He should be shouting from the roof tops "I did that!" His press secretary should also be shouting "Joe did that!" The Democrat Party should be shouting "Joe fulfilled his campaign promise to drive up gasoline prices! All of you can buy EVs and ride transit! to save money on gasoline!"
Somehow, they're not doing that. It's all Putin's fault and the evil oil companies. They won't take credit for their wins. I wonder why.
If you are black, you have an excuse for EVERYTHING you do wrong.
The shortage of pilots is also due to changing the minimum flight time required to fly for an airline from 250-hrs to 1,500-hrs. Thanks to our Congress for fixing an apparent lack of flight proficiency with only 250-hrs flight time.
I've also read that there's a shortage of ground crew.
"But last week Bill Barr scoffed at the idea and laughed out loud about this technology used in “2000 Mules” to identify battleground state Democrat ballot traffickers. Either Barr is ill-informed on the use of this technology or he was deliberately misleading the sham January 6 Committee."
We live in an upside down world, when they won't take your blood donations if you are a man unless you confirm to them that YOU aren't pregnant.
Hey Gadfly....what kind of man constantly runs towards little kids to rub their heads???
"But last week Bill Barr scoffed at the idea and laughed out loud about this technology used in “2000 Mules” to identify battleground state Democrat ballot traffickers. Either Barr is ill-informed on the use of this technology or he was deliberately misleading the sham January 6 Committee."
Or maybe the media's characterization that Barr "scoffed" and "laughed out loud" is spin.
The media has long stopped being credible or trustworthy in reporting what other people have said. Instead of the characterization or some paraphrase, provide the actual quotes.
… one would think the Lamestream Media would have more than an occasional story as to the progress of the west's proxy war. Putin's army remains in grind mode, with the Ukrainians stuck as the grindees.
Anyone interested can check the daily updates and interactive map on the Ukraine conflict available at the Institute for the Study of War. While they're far from “neutral” their maps and discussion show which side controls what territory based on geocached photography together with reports from both sides.
And the result of perusing their data over many weeks of time shows that, yes, “Putin's army remains in grind mode, with the Ukrainians stuck as the grindees” — but that, technically correct, assessment is also far too simple. In addition to “grinding” Ukrainians, Putin's army is also grinding itself against the hard Ukrainian grindstone — but good — and moreover has gained relatively little territory in eastern Ukraine during the past few weeks as compensation for its very considerable pain while doing so. At the same time Ukraine is now mobilizing a million-man army for its further defense.
Furthermore, the Western artillery (tube and rocket) that both the U.S. and EU have been supplying the Ukraine with is far superior to their Russian/Soviet counterparts — if only we'd provide enough ammunition! (Especially the GMLRS — guided multiple launch rocket system — ammunition, for which we've apparently only provided some 100 “rounds”; the Ukrainians can fire that much in a day!) See some exceedingly interesting threads by Trent Telenko (such as this one) on the subject.
Ukrainians, Putin's army is also grinding itself against the hard Ukrainian grindstone — but good — and moreover has gained relatively little territory in eastern Ukraine during the past few weeks as compensation for its very considerable pain while doing so
Assuming that territorial gain is now the Soviets goal, rather than simple punitive utter destruction of Ukraine's cities. Which it is doing extensively with far off artillery and missiles, against which the West has given Ukraine very little. Hence, entire cities have been reduced to rubble.
I guess bike riding yesterday was the one time Biden couldn't get anybody else to take the fall for him.
Where exactly is the line between active pedophile and being generally weird? There is a line between bathing a baby daughter and showering with a more grown-up child. Did Joe actually cross other lines?
Ashley does mention being abused by a [name redacted] adult, but if it were Joe, wouldn't we know about it by now? Could it have been Hunter? Or Uncle Bob? Something is wrong with Biden, but we don't know how precisely to define it.
It makes sense to think of the Bidens as dime store (dollar store, or by now five dollar store) Kennedys: all the scandal, but not quite as much money.
I'm going to interpret all these strange posts in what appears to be Arabic as appreciations from my fans for my work here.
I said: " would think the Lamestream Media would have more than an occasional story as to the progress of the west's proxy war. Putin's army remains in grind mode, with the Ukrainians stuck as the grindees."
Michael McNeil responded: "Anyone interested can check the daily updates and interactive map on the Ukraine conflict available at the Institute for the Study of War"
Assuming that territorial gain is now the Soviets goal, rather than simple punitive utter destruction of Ukraine's cities. Which it is doing extensively with far off artillery and missiles, against which the West has given Ukraine very little. Hence, entire cities have been reduced to rubble.
The only major Ukrainian city still within range of the Russians' tube artillery is Kharkiv in the northeast — and the Ukrainians have pushed the Russians back from nearly all the territory they can still fire from within that range. Putin, moreover, has declared that the Russians will take the entirety of the Donetsk and Luhansk “Oblasts” (provinces) of Ukraine which the Russians partially occupied back in 2014, and now hold more today.
The Russians are close now to occupying the remainder of the Luhansk oblast (only two substantial cities — Severodonetsk and Lysychansk, plus some territory, remain in Ukrainian hands), and I wouldn't be surprised they succeed in slogging their way (against bitter Ukrainian opposition) into entirely occupying Luhansk oblast.
However, successively and successfully occupying the entirely of Donetsk oblast is another matter entirely. Lots of territory there remains Ukrainian, and I doubt very much if the Russian Army will be in any shape to advance much further after taking all of Luhansk oblast.
As far as the Russians destroying more cities via stand-off missiles, well they've used up a lot of those — where are many more going to come from? The Russians can't make enough of them fast enough (plus some require Western parts) — to make up for what they've been shooting off (plus they experience a whole lot of duds).
Russian tube artillery ammunition isn't in much better shape. As Trent Telenko notes in this thread, the Russians have been firing artillery shells at Ukraine a greater rate than the entire world can manufacture to make up — much less Russia can alone. What can't go on forever won't.
Curious George said... "gadfly said... Jersey Fled said... What would you call a man who showers with his young daughter? Mostly, Daddy, I suppose. Most of us with daughters have been stuck with bathing our infant children."
Naked? You took naked showers with your daughter? -- What would you call a man who showers with his young daughter? Gadfly.
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg making unusually blunt statements, addressing the common masses: "We must prepare for the fact that it could take years. We must not let up in supporting Ukraine ..."
Stoltenberg explained, as if trying to preempt the expected majority of skeptics, that "the costs of food and fuel are nothing compared with those paid daily by the Ukrainians on the front line."
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has expressed concerns "that a bit of Ukraine fatigue is starting to set in around the world" and has urged support for Ukrainian efforts to try to roll back the Russian invasion.
Heard any of this on our legacy media? I have not.
The war against Ukrainians ends when Kiev and aligned axes end the Slavic Spring, rejects offers to expands NATO, returns Western "housewarming gifts", acknowledges Russian legal titles, and, for her safety-conscious neighbors, either closes or audits the illicit operation of Wuhan-style labs. Eight years, two under the current regime.
First, they came for the nuclear fuel reprocessing. Then, for the hydrocarbon products. Thus a market distortion was conceived, born, and progressed as a viable choice. The sanction seppuku was likely an intended benefit in the pursuit of Green deals. Carter 2.0.
The Biden's are like the Snopes. You think that scum like that are easy to get rid of, but they have a certain native cunning that makes them hard to get rid of as cockroaches.
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७२ टिप्पण्या:
How about those Golden State Warriors. Fourth Championship in eight years. The woke shall inherit the Earph
Here's a political fyi for the junkies in the room.
I live in Ohio. As you all know, J.D. Vance is the Republican nominee for the Ohio Senate race. He is running against Democrat Tim Ryan. Vance was endorsed by Trump directly.
Tim Ryan's campaign in the Democratic primary was unusual. He attacked China, he chastised his party for "defund the police," and he endorsed Trump's trade policies. Now, he's keeping it up.
Vance has been almost silent since the primary ended. I can't recall one ad for him since then. Ryan's ads are frequent on TV. And in his new ads, he is stating, "I agreed with Trump on trade. I want to bring jobs back to Ohio." He is basically running a populist campaign.
I'm genuinely surprised that Ryan is taking this approach. I think he'll be successful, if Vance doesn't step up his game.
How does the predator spot the weakest animal in the herd??
They fall off their bicycles.
I learned today that according to a 1624 law that has never been repealed Members of the British House of Commons cannot resign. However, according to a 1680 law, they cannot continue in Parliament if they accept a royal appointment, so the Crown maintains two unpaid, essentially fictitious offices for the benefit of MPs who want to resign, the Crown Steward and Bailiff of the three Chiltern Hundreds of Stoke, Desborough and Burnham, and the Crown Steward and Bailiff of the Manor of Northstead. One year the appointee might be moving on to a prestigious ambassadorship. The next appointee might be a pedophile going to prison.
Speaking of pedophiles, someone dug up these tweets:
Alden Bunag
Replying to
and 3 others
You're fucking acting like we want to show kids porn or something, but something I've learned through the years is that whenever right-wingers accuse others of something, it's DEFINITELY because they're projecting.
6:02 PM · Apr 6, 2022·Twitter for Android
#Oahu substitute teacher Alden Bunag was charged Wednesday in a criminal complaint filed in federal court for distributing child pornography.
Read more:
— Star-Advertiser (@StarAdvertiser) June 18, 2022
The first one sounds like a few of the posts here. Is there cause for concern?
There was a news story about the Golden State Warriors winning, and my wife asked, "What is the Golden State?"
It's what husbands are for.
Didn't Obama do the whole ride-my-bike thing, and was accused of wearing Mom jeans.
Hey!! Joe, maybe you're 80 years old, and the Obama imitations should be avoided???
Andrew said...
I'm genuinely surprised that Ryan is taking this approach
I'm genuinely surprised that MORE dems don't do it.
Run as a populist; Say that YOU are All that stands between Nancy P ruining your state.
THEN, when elected.. Kowtow and vote the democrat party line. You Know; be a Blue Dog democrat
Most voters are Stupid Enough to fall for it
madAsHell: "How does the predator spot the weakest animal in the herd??"
In the Biden family, the adult males target their younger females.
Strangely, Inga, victoria of pasadena et al tell us that is really quite normal and something to admire.
What would you call a man who showers with his young daughter?
Hinderaker at Power Line:
"Old conventional wisdom: those doughty Ukrainians are sticking it to the Russians! New conventional wisdom: the war and resulting sanctions have been an economic fiasco, and the result will be a political settlement that could have been had long ago."
Sound familiar?
Biden falls off bike during Rehoboth Beach ride, says 'I’m good'
"First lady Dr. Jill Biden kept going during her ride with her own security detail, so she missed his fall, according to the pool report.
"No medical attention is needed," a White House official said of the incident. "The president looks forward to spending the rest of the day with his family."
$7/gallon premium in my neighborhood.
Goddamn Putin...
Poor old Joe!
What a stupid photo op. Easy to fall out of your pedals if you're not riding a lot, clips or clipless. He saw the cameras and lost his concentration.
He could have broken something.
A cool documentary on Jordan Peterson.
"What would you call a man who showers with his own daughter?"
Mister President, at the moment. From lurking around pools, showering with Ashley, skinny-dipping for the Secret Service ladies, the full-monty president.
In the Whitetrash House.
A better view of Biden's fall has come out. I assumed he couldn't get either foot out of the toe clips. Things like that do happen to people. But now it looks like his left foot was on the ground, and he was stopped, and he still couldn't get his right foot out of the clip. You'd think it wouldn't be that hard.
Mark Shields, liberal commentator, died at 85. Remember the old days when Washingtonians might have lied, but they weren't very good at it, or very professional about it, or as brazen about it, or as confident about getting away with it as now.
Source: "Police never tried to open door to Uvalde classroom"
"Surveillance footage shows police never tried to open the door to the classrooms at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde where a gunman had students and teachers trapped."
Link to story
A woman needs a man like a fish ... er ... Biden needs a bicycle.
gilbar: "Say that YOU are All that stands between Nancy P ruining your state.
THEN, when elected.. Kowtow and vote the democrat party line. You Know; be a Blue Dog democrat"
That is precisely the "lifelong republican" playbook.
He's broken almost everything possible.
Joe face planted today and is a horrible Father and Fake President, God Bless America
Joe face planted today and is a horrible Father and Fake President, God Bless America
Jersey Fled said...
What would you call a man who showers with his young daughter? Mostly, Daddy, I suppose. Most of us with daughters have been stuck with bathing our infant children.
What do you call a man who sits with his sexy teenage daughter on his lap beside stone parrots having sex?
Didn't Obama do the whole ride-my-bike thing, and was accused of wearing Mom jeans.
FJB wears shorts : legs look well toned!
The people responsible for this should be in prison.
"He could have broken something."
Better luck next time.
Joementia's garbled preamble to stumbling condolences regarding CEO who "dropped dead" is more concerning than his bike fall. However, I do like the boisterous cheers right before he falls.
Sources say stopped bikes can be dangerous for people whose momentum is already in free fall. Gravity could not be reached for comment.
If I were an energy company CEO, I would deliberately shut supplies down to ensure that politicians that promised voters that they would put me out of business in 5 years would never be elected again. If that’s part of what is happening, then good, I fully support it.
Jersey Fled said...
What would you call a man who showers with his young daughter?
6/18/22, 7:26 PM
Airline flights being cancelled by the thousands. Is our Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigeig back from maternity/paternity/pronoun leave yet? Has Biden blamed the airline industry yet for not using all the available runways or for earning excess profits? Asking for a friend.
We're you clothed when you bathed your daughter?
Jupiter said...
The people responsible for this should be in prison.
6/18/22, 10:59 PM
100% AGREED!!!!!
gadfly said...
Jersey Fled said...
What would you call a man who showers with his young daughter? Mostly, Daddy, I suppose. Most of us with daughters have been stuck with bathing our infant children.
Bidens daughter wasn't an infant if SHE remembers it.
"gadfly said...
Jersey Fled said...
What would you call a man who showers with his young daughter? Mostly, Daddy, I suppose. Most of us with daughters have been stuck with bathing our infant children."
Naked? You took naked showers with your daughter?
Are all liberals perverts?
"gadfly said...What do you call a man who sits with his sexy teenage daughter on his lap beside stone parrots having sex?"
What do you call a man who refers to a teenage girl as sexy? I think pedophile works.
Corruption begets corruption, and the Progressives are the most corrupt political party EVER.
Most of us with daughters have been stuck with bathing our infant children.
Which, while true, is not what has been described as having happened.
I realize the attention span of the US viewing audience is rather short, but after having sent $600B (large bills) to Ukraine, one would think the Lamestream Media would have more than an occasional story as to the progress of the west's proxy war. Putin's army remains in grind mode, with the Ukrainians stuck as the grindees. Just as the Federal Reserve has backed themselves into a corner so has the west in Ukraine. I suspect the EU will capitulate first. Something about freezing in fall and winter will get their attention.
In the meantime, Liz Cheney and her ilk is all over the news. Priorities.
found a new word Orthopraxy >>> interesting to explore / connect / relate with 'performative'
found a new word Orthopraxy >>> interesting to explore / connect / relate with 'performative'
Rt41Rebel said...
If I were an energy company CEO, I would deliberately shut supplies down to ensure that politicians that promised voters that they would put me out of business in 5 years would never be elected again. If that’s part of what is happening, then good, I fully support it.
going Galt >>> I will stop the motor of the world
Gadfly. You don't have kids do you?
Rebel. That's exactly what they are doing. The left is going to find out just how much the world depends on oil.
I see Barack O. is installing 3 massive propane tanks on his Martha's Vineyard property. Two 1000 gallon and one 500 gallon tank. Kind of surprising. No giant windmills? Solar panels?
gadfly: "Most of us with daughters have been stuck with bathing our infant children."
I was wondering what tactic you would take to defend the astonishingly perverted actions of Joe Biden as described by Biden's own daughter and victim.
I am not surprised in the least that the lie you push forward, in addition to all your other pro-democratical lies, is to try and change the accusation from the horrific truth to something completely different.
There really is no narrative you wont push to defend your beloved and perverted democraticals, as demonstrated conclusively on this thread.
Humperdink...Not in THEIR back yards....They are elites. They don't really care about Climate Change as they prove every single day of their lives.
@Humperdink (6:14), Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigeig was recently back in DC. He needed to catch a flight (to New York IIRC), but the flight was cancelled and he had to drive. His reaction was to threaten the airlines with fines and more regulations. Of course.
Planes cannot fly without pilots at the controls. How many pilots were fired for refusing vaccination? How many took the vaccine and were subsequently grounded due to side effects. An honest Secretary of Transportation might investigate. The shortfall of retired military pilots able to be hired to fly for commercial airlines has been forecast for years. A capable Secretary of Transportation might be trying to set up an airline pilot training program.
Just sayin’
Joe "Two Scoops" Biden campaigned on shutting down the petroleum industry. He done that. Why isn't he celebrating his win? He should be shouting from the roof tops "I did that!" His press secretary should also be shouting "Joe did that!" The Democrat Party should be shouting "Joe fulfilled his campaign promise to drive up gasoline prices! All of you can buy EVs and ride transit! to save money on gasoline!"
Somehow, they're not doing that. It's all Putin's fault and the evil oil companies. They won't take credit for their wins. I wonder why.
If you are black, you have an excuse for EVERYTHING you do wrong.
The shortage of pilots is also due to changing the minimum flight time required to fly for an airline from 250-hrs to 1,500-hrs. Thanks to our Congress for fixing an apparent lack of flight proficiency with only 250-hrs flight time.
I've also read that there's a shortage of ground crew.
"But last week Bill Barr scoffed at the idea and laughed out loud about this technology used in “2000 Mules” to identify battleground state Democrat ballot traffickers. Either Barr is ill-informed on the use of this technology or he was deliberately misleading the sham January 6 Committee."
We live in an upside down world, when they won't take your blood donations if you are a man unless you confirm to them that YOU aren't pregnant.
Hey Gadfly....what kind of man constantly runs towards little kids to rub their heads???
"But last week Bill Barr scoffed at the idea and laughed out loud about this technology used in “2000 Mules” to identify battleground state Democrat ballot traffickers. Either Barr is ill-informed on the use of this technology or he was deliberately misleading the sham January 6 Committee."
Or maybe the media's characterization that Barr "scoffed" and "laughed out loud" is spin.
The media has long stopped being credible or trustworthy in reporting what other people have said. Instead of the characterization or some paraphrase, provide the actual quotes.
… one would think the Lamestream Media would have more than an occasional story as to the progress of the west's proxy war. Putin's army remains in grind mode, with the Ukrainians stuck as the grindees.
Anyone interested can check the daily updates and interactive map on the Ukraine conflict available at the Institute for the Study of War. While they're far from “neutral” their maps and discussion show which side controls what territory based on geocached photography together with reports from both sides.
And the result of perusing their data over many weeks of time shows that, yes, “Putin's army remains in grind mode, with the Ukrainians stuck as the grindees” — but that, technically correct, assessment is also far too simple. In addition to “grinding” Ukrainians, Putin's army is also grinding itself against the hard Ukrainian grindstone — but good — and moreover has gained relatively little territory in eastern Ukraine during the past few weeks as compensation for its very considerable pain while doing so. At the same time Ukraine is now mobilizing a million-man army for its further defense.
Furthermore, the Western artillery (tube and rocket) that both the U.S. and EU have been supplying the Ukraine with is far superior to their Russian/Soviet counterparts — if only we'd provide enough ammunition! (Especially the GMLRS — guided multiple launch rocket system — ammunition, for which we've apparently only provided some 100 “rounds”; the Ukrainians can fire that much in a day!) See some exceedingly interesting threads by Trent Telenko (such as this one) on the subject.
A capable Secretary of Transportation might be trying to set up an airline pilot training program.
Just make sure they are also learning how to land the planes.
Ukrainians, Putin's army is also grinding itself against the hard Ukrainian grindstone — but good — and moreover has gained relatively little territory in eastern Ukraine during the past few weeks as compensation for its very considerable pain while doing so
Assuming that territorial gain is now the Soviets goal, rather than simple punitive utter destruction of Ukraine's cities. Which it is doing extensively with far off artillery and missiles, against which the West has given Ukraine very little. Hence, entire cities have been reduced to rubble.
I guess bike riding yesterday was the one time Biden couldn't get anybody else to take the fall for him.
Where exactly is the line between active pedophile and being generally weird? There is a line between bathing a baby daughter and showering with a more grown-up child. Did Joe actually cross other lines?
Ashley does mention being abused by a [name redacted] adult, but if it were Joe, wouldn't we know about it by now? Could it have been Hunter? Or Uncle Bob? Something is wrong with Biden, but we don't know how precisely to define it.
It makes sense to think of the Bidens as dime store (dollar store, or by now five dollar store) Kennedys: all the scandal, but not quite as much money.
I'm going to interpret all these strange posts in what appears to be Arabic as appreciations from my fans for my work here.
I said: " would think the Lamestream Media would have more than an occasional story as to the progress of the west's proxy war. Putin's army remains in grind mode, with the Ukrainians stuck as the grindees."
Michael McNeil responded: "Anyone interested can check the daily updates and interactive map on the Ukraine conflict available at the Institute for the Study of War"
Well that was not my point, was it?
Assuming that territorial gain is now the Soviets goal, rather than simple punitive utter destruction of Ukraine's cities. Which it is doing extensively with far off artillery and missiles, against which the West has given Ukraine very little. Hence, entire cities have been reduced to rubble.
The only major Ukrainian city still within range of the Russians' tube artillery is Kharkiv in the northeast — and the Ukrainians have pushed the Russians back from nearly all the territory they can still fire from within that range. Putin, moreover, has declared that the Russians will take the entirety of the Donetsk and Luhansk “Oblasts” (provinces) of Ukraine which the Russians partially occupied back in 2014, and now hold more today.
The Russians are close now to occupying the remainder of the Luhansk oblast (only two substantial cities — Severodonetsk and Lysychansk, plus some territory, remain in Ukrainian hands), and I wouldn't be surprised they succeed in slogging their way (against bitter Ukrainian opposition) into entirely occupying Luhansk oblast.
However, successively and successfully occupying the entirely of Donetsk oblast is another matter entirely. Lots of territory there remains Ukrainian, and I doubt very much if the Russian Army will be in any shape to advance much further after taking all of Luhansk oblast.
As far as the Russians destroying more cities via stand-off missiles, well they've used up a lot of those — where are many more going to come from? The Russians can't make enough of them fast enough (plus some require Western parts) — to make up for what they've been shooting off (plus they experience a whole lot of duds).
Russian tube artillery ammunition isn't in much better shape. As Trent Telenko notes in this thread, the Russians have been firing artillery shells at Ukraine a greater rate than the entire world can manufacture to make up — much less Russia can alone. What can't go on forever won't.
Curious George said...
"gadfly said...
Jersey Fled said...
What would you call a man who showers with his young daughter? Mostly, Daddy, I suppose. Most of us with daughters have been stuck with bathing our infant children."
Naked? You took naked showers with your daughter?
What would you call a man who showers with his young daughter?
Apparently Joe's trip to Saudi Arabia has broughht some traffic to Althouse.
Blogger test. It ate my beautiful, beautiful long comment earlier, after assuring me that all was well.
Serves me right for getting up early on Fathers Day.
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg making unusually blunt statements, addressing the common masses: "We must prepare for the fact that it could take years. We must not let up in supporting Ukraine ..."
Stoltenberg explained, as if trying to preempt the expected majority of skeptics, that "the costs of food and fuel are nothing compared with those paid daily by the Ukrainians on the front line."
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has expressed concerns "that a bit of Ukraine fatigue is starting to set in around the world" and has urged support for Ukrainian efforts to try to roll back the Russian invasion.
Heard any of this on our legacy media? I have not.
The war against Ukrainians ends when Kiev and aligned axes end the Slavic Spring, rejects offers to expands NATO, returns Western "housewarming gifts", acknowledges Russian legal titles, and, for her safety-conscious neighbors, either closes or audits the illicit operation of Wuhan-style labs. Eight years, two under the current regime.
$7/gallon premium in my neighborhood.
First, they came for the nuclear fuel reprocessing. Then, for the hydrocarbon products. Thus a market distortion was conceived, born, and progressed as a viable choice. The sanction seppuku was likely an intended benefit in the pursuit of Green deals. Carter 2.0.
I'll repeat this later, but the great delectable joy of simple butter on bread is so often underappreciated and forgotten about.
Most of us with daughters have been stuck with bathing our infant children.
Bathing them is not the same as bathing with them, moron.
It's amazing how far you'll go to defend the indefensible. What in the hell is wrong with you?
Trump never rode a bicycle. Trump is smart.
"infant daughter". LOL, she sure seems to have a pretty clear recollection of those "probably inappropriate" showers.
The Biden's are like the Snopes. You think that scum like that are easy to get rid of, but they have a certain native cunning that makes them hard to get rid of as cockroaches.
In the decline of US, is Biden an active agent or just a symptom?
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