"... among reproductive rights activists and Democratic strategists alike, that the end of
Roe v. Wade would lead to an explosive feminist mobilization, that people committed to women’s equality would take to the streets and recommit themselves to politics.... 'I don’t know that I’ve seen a new influx of energy, [said] Samhita Mukhopadhyay, co-editor of 'Nasty Women: Feminism, Resistance, and Revolution in Trump’s America.... ... Mukhopadhyay [used to be] the executive editor of the blog Feministing, which was once part of a vital feminist publishing scene. That scene is now mostly gone. Feministing closed a couple of years ago, and one of the last holdouts, Bitch Magazine, a publication devoted to feminist pop-culture criticism, is shuttering this month.... 'That type of earnest, identity-focused feminism has also grown out of style,' she said.... It is perhaps inevitable that a movement that was the height of fashion in the last decade would start to seem passé in this one. That’s how style works; the young and innovative distinguish themselves by breaking with the conventions of their predecessors.... The left, feminism very much included, needs people to be optimistic and confident about change....
But this is a fearful, hopeless and even nihilistic time."
Writes Michelle Goldberg, in "The Future Isn’t Female Anymore" (NYT).
If you have actual principles you don't need to worry about "fashion" and "style" and what's "passé." You just stick with it, your whole life, and it doesn't matter if you're winning or losing or how many people are crowding around you and generating a feeling of energy.
Politics is a different way of life. If you choose that path, you'll have your big highs and lows. You can feel excited about your team and your heroes and fly into a rage when things don't work out. You can gush optimism and preen, then scream and spew pessimism. The Future Isn’t Female Anymore! What over-privileged foot-stamping. Look around the world. Look at history. Get a grip. Get some real principles and stay faithful to them without expecting to look fashionable or anticipating taking over the world.
६० टिप्पण्या:
"would lead to an explosive feminist mobilization"
Wait you mean like a March on Washington? To join together as one large group and parade there and demand that the government implement your preferred policy choices? To corral your local Senator and Congresspersons and force them to listen to a redress of your grievances?
Why, that sounds a LOT like an "insurrection" ladies.
It would be a shame if we had to put you all in prison.
We can't let J6 happen again in this country or it would mean the end of our Democracy. Isn't that what Hillary Clinton has been saying?
Maybe take your complaints to her.
"The left, feminism very much included, needs people to be optimistic and confident about change"
Actually, no: it needs people to be fearful and in need of Big Brother protection. As the Covid panic, and its political exploitation, confirmed.
"But this is a fearful, hopeless and even nihilistic time."
True, what with climate change alarmism, 1619 project anti-Americanism, Dem-approved urban disorder, and FJB in the White House.
"The Future Isn’t Female Anymore"
True. The future moves on. Transvaluation transcends mere feminism.
When you let Leah Thomas take over your swim competition. Yep. It's over.
Why strong women are too afraid to take a stand? They will be called names and humiliated before the woke nazis.
The future TOTALLY IS female!! It's just that females have dicks now
If you have actual principles you don't need to worry about "fashion" and "style" and what's "passé." You just stick with it, your whole life, and it doesn't matter if you're winning or losing or how many people are crowding around you and generating a feeling of energy.
Politics is a different way of life. If you choose that path, you'll have your big highs and lows. You can feel excited about your team and your heroes and fly into a rage when things don't work out. You can gush optimism and preen, then scream and spew pessimism.
That's really something to meditate on. So much so that I put down my smartphone, lit up my laptop where it's easeir to type, and came here to say so, before shutting everything down and packing for a five-hour drive I'm already late in launching.
Bravo and be safe out there all you weekenders.
"Get some real principles and stay faithful to them without expecting to look fashionable or anticipating taking over the world."
One step towards "real principles" might include sticking to truth. Not some nebulous universal truth. Rather don't mis-quote. Check the statistics spewed forth. Don't assume because your side said it, it is true.
Or maybe just put on your pussy hat and get over the fact that most Americans of BOTH sexes who live outside the liberal enclaves are just not that into Marxist feminism. To paraphrase George H.W. Bush, "Message: I don't care."
When the mere definition of what a woman is - is verboten; Feminism is surely dead- from a true female perspective. And quite personally, I don’t give a flying f/k.
This is what democracy looks like.
Suck it. Up.
"The Future Isn’t Female Anymore"
Feminism has been trumped because no one knows how to define 'woman.'
Nagging is a principle.
“You say you've lost your faith, but that's not where its at
You have no faith to lose, and ya know it” - from Positively 4th St
"Feministing" sounds like a dirty sex act that we can do to celebrate Pride Month.
Principles? How outre' Based on what I see in our current institutions principles are merely a idea useful only for claiming that your opponents don't have any. It's politics and style all the way down here in 21st century America.
If you have actual principles you don't need to worry about "fashion" and "style" and what's "passé." You just stick with it, your whole life, and it doesn't matter if you're winning or losing or how many people are crowding around you and generating a feeling of energy.
Sure, like the Japanese soldier hiding in the jungle ready to keep fighting decades after World War II had ended.
"The Future is Female" is the Statement of a supremacist. The Depp/Heard trial reaction of how Amber being found liable is dangerous to women showed that feminists defend abusers solely because they are women.
There are feminist terrorist gangs firebombing crisis pregnancy centers and Dobbs hasn't been ruled on yet. Mainstream feminists are silent about that, or they downplay it. The Biden Administration hasn't condemned domestic terrorism from these feminist gangs.
Feminism is is morphing into a violent extremist movement in real time. But, we're supposed to talk about "misogyny".
The Professor regularly uses Goldberg's text for target practice. Today's exercise was practicing the ricochet that hits the bullseye dead center.
"Trump's America" - give us a break.
Safe default position... "The Handmaid's Tale" is a fetish for a lot of these types. Lefties... always Desperately Seeking Oppression for fun and profit.
this is a fearful, hopeless and even nihilistic time
EVERY time is a fearful, hopeless and even nihilistic time for the left. For 200+ years, they have been dedicated to the destruction of the existing order. And more than once they have eaten their own.
If you have actual principles you don't need to worry about "fashion" and "style" and what's "passé."
It's nice to think that way, but "fashion" and "style" and what's "passé" may be signs of generational tides. When they go out, you can lose a lot of your hope and will to go on. Don't you remember long outgoing roar of the receding radical hopes all through the 1970s?
Some earlier radicals forever grieved the passing of 1910s, others of the 1930s. I suppose they had their principles, but they were still pretty melancholy. The ones who kept their heads down and went on laboring for the cause in the same old way weren't necessarily the best ones either. They hadn't learned that life was more complicated than the principles they had chosen in their youth.
You can see this now with National Review, Ben Sasse, and the official Conservative Movement. These are people who never stop talking about their principles, but the feeling that history has left them behind terrifies them.
I can see a distinction in the reactions of activists, though. You can keep doing and saying what you've always done and said, or you can just mourn the fact or you can rethink things and come up with a new strategy. I'd be happy if Goldberg just went on mourning.
More to say later specifically about feminism, I'm sure ...
As the backlash gains steam, a lot of feminism feels enervated. There had been a desperate hope among reproductive rights activists and Democratic strategists alike, that the end of Roe v. Wade would lead to an explosive feminist mobilization
Meanwhile, a lot of authentic feminism has been energized, celebrating and defending - rather than hating and seeking to suppress - that which is unique to women, and mobilizing and working over the last 50 years for that very end to Roe.
This authentic feminism doesn't believe that a woman needs to be able to kill her child(ren) in order to be equal to a man. Men don't need to hate their natural bodies or kill their offspring to be equal, so why should women?
If you have actual principles you don't need to worry about "fashion" and "style" and what's "passé." You just stick with it, your whole life, and it doesn't matter if you're winning or losing or how many people are crowding around you and generating a feeling of energy.
Like the pro-life movement, long hated beyond hate by the left and both taken for granted and disdained by much of the right, and often misunderstood by both.
"That’s how style works..."
Here's how Style works: Trump bad, we in your face. Trump gone, we gone.
Actually that's how co-opting works, but the end is the same.
It is the feminist Left’s misfortune that their enemies give them energy and their friends give them embarrassment. When you’ve shouted down the former, all you have left to talk about is shambolic femsplainin’ regarding the latter.
Isn't it cute how Samhita conflates "women's equity" with killing babies.
"The Future Isn’t Female Anymore"
Even Female isn't Female anymore. Someone is misgendering the future.
Bitch Magazine, a publication devoted to feminist pop-culture criticism, is shuttering this month....
Doubtless an incalculable loss to humanity ...
The Future Is Female strikes me as Mary Daly's vision come true: a world where most men and boys have disappeared.
Principles, not politics. Sound good!
the end of Roe v. Wade would lead to an explosive feminist mobilization
Well, organizations like “RGB Sent Me” and “Jane’s Revenge” are out to blow things up, also burn things down and commit murder. Does that count?
What fun is it if you can't take over the world? If life is just a slog of principled actions forever without constant rewards what is the point? At least let the government subsidize the attention to principles, and perhaps mandate some of them, or why bother?
Without great power comes great irresponsibility, I guess.
Maculinists fell down and broke their crown, and feminists came tumbling after.
First, they came for baby. NOW, for the natural-born female sex. Not even a trans/homo orientation will save them. Take a knee, beg, flagellate.
the end of Roe v. Wade would lead to an explosive feminist mobilization
Well, organizations like “RGB Sent Me” and “Jane’s Revenge” are out to blow things up, also burn things down and commit murder. Does that count?
Two quotes from the article, with comments:
“. . . an article in Ms. by Shana Alexander: ‘As for the women’s movement, I often think we may have opened Pandora’s box. We wanted to be equal,’ but forgot ‘that we are different from men; we are other.’ ”
Yes, ladies, you are. And a feminism that tries to women into men isn’t going to work for most women.
“A backlash isn’t just a political formation. It’s also a new structure of feeling that makes utopian social projects seem ridiculous.”
All utopian projects ARE ridiculous. The fact that so many ‘feminists’ believe in them and try to implement them guarantees failure.
How dreary it must be to be a feminist these days.
On a serious note, though- Roe/Casey getting overturned won't lead to a big political revival because the court isn't going to be outlawing abortion.
They thought they were the wave of the future, then trannies appeared. Why are the majority of gender dysphoria cases teen aged girls?
Feministing closed a couple of years ago, and one of the last holdouts, Bitch Magazine, a publication devoted to feminist pop-culture criticism, is shuttering this month.
American Bitch?
Goldberg just needs her dosage adjusted. Or maybe her dosages.
Samhita Mukhopadhyay
Former executive editor of "Teen Vogue," another indication of how closely intertwined lifestyle radicalism and corporate media are today. She resigned one day after the editor-in-chief resigned for racist, anti-Asian tweets.
I see that she was born in New York, but before I looked that up I couldn't help wondering why, recognizing that ours is a decadent culture, recent arrivals don't take care not to make it worse.
Well, if you want to call yourself a bitch who casually aborts your babies and celebrates doing so, at least expect a sell-by date.
Ben Sasse? Really? We have done fine without National Review since Buckley choked on his hair product.
Get new material, Lurker.
This gets to the central problem with any movement. They tend to start off with clear and even common sense goals: equal rights, parity, non-discrimination, equal access, opportunity etc. But over time the main mission is generally realized even widely accepted. So the mission diversifies until the movement splinters among factions, typically those who want to keep with the initial message and others who want to use the momentum to advocate for additional goals. Agitators tend to be the loudest in the room so the movement begins to take a different direction that alienates the original members and the allies they’ve established.
Feminism is not unique in fitting this pattern but it’s a great example because it’s played out over my lifetime. What started out (as I see it) as a movement to establish equal opportunities for women, access to employment and higher education, things almost no American would object to now, but by the late ’60’s was burning bras and mocking housewives. But what those of us outside the movement heard was a mocking of stay-at-home mothers. Title IX had the noble goal of enticing more young women to choose college after high school, not as an explicit rejection of marriage and family but as a worthy other choice. Women have outnumbered men on campus for a long time and no one even defends the letter or spirit of Title IX.
The current culprit is the transgender craze, which is destroying women’s sports and labeling traditional feminists as TERFs. If you did steadily support feminism all along what does that even mean in 2022?
Michelle Goldberg has always been a mystery to me. Does she know some important people? Is she daughter of some billionaire? Nothing in her writing or speech indicates she deserves to be on the NYT Op-ed page. Or be taken seriously.
One half believes she writes her columns in crayon.
So much of "feminism" of the last 60 years has been about canceling and erasing women.
The transgender agenda just brought it out into the undeniable open.
Anyone recall all the great anti-war blogs of the mid 00s? Dear Raed, Get Your War On, Raimondo, In The Sand . I can mark the end of their cultural relevance to 1-20-2009. Now, after the pussy hats of the Trump years, feminism has been relegated to the discount rack of fashion.
All soon to be replaced by economic depression.
I think there is a problem with "reproductive rights" as they mean nonreproductive rights as this is all about abortion.
Mike (MJB Wolf): Amen to your comment on how movements evolve over time. I always think of Eric Hoffer’s remark: “Every cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and ends as a racket.”
Writes Michelle Goldberg, in "The Future Isn’t Female Anymore" (NYT).
Sure it is!
It's just that it's "trans-female", which is what we normal people call "male", but you lefties insist are "real females!"
"that people committed to women’s equality would take to the streets and recommit themselves to politics"
The technical name for those people is TERFS, and they're not allowed on social media anymore to push their cause
'That type of earnest, identity-focused feminism has also grown out of style,'
Well, sure, but that's because it only cared about "bleeders" / "birthing people" / "menstruates", not about "real women", which means trans-women
I'm almost sick with laughter here
Thanks Owen. Hoffer is more concise than I!
Owen. Exactly.
Used to read...time to time...feministing and others. What a bunch of crap. If it were necessary the sun rises in the west, pointing to astronomy was the vilest form of women-hating misogyny.
The proprietor of one of those sides emailed my employer about me sending death threats.
There's a saying that I wouldn't let so-and-so baby sit my pet rock. As a general rule, these clowns were worse than that.
. I always think of Eric Hoffer’s remark: “Every cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and ends as a racket.”
I do, too. Not just feminism. "Climate Change" is another example.
If you have actual principles you don't need to worry about "fashion" and "style" and what's "passé." You just stick with it, your whole life, and it doesn't matter if you're winning or losing or how many people are crowding around you and generating a feeling of energy.
Sure, like the Japanese soldier hiding in the jungle ready to keep fighting decades after World War II had ended.
This is why the holding of principles in itself is of limited usefulness (and can in fact be very, very bad) unless they are true. But of course human beings can begin with true principles and still end up doing evil. Tsk.
I always read it as "Fenimisting," but I suspect they rarely got moist.
Don't look at us, we like women.
Your biggest problem isn't men, it's pretend-women.
They're what's in fashion now. Re-aim, sister.
Of course within today's "feminism," the gender critical (GC) trans-exclusionary radical feminists (TERFs) are not enervated, but quite energized.
And a lot more feminists of the left would be openly joining them, but they don't want to be on the same side as those right-wing Christianists, so they either remain silent or cowardly go along with their erasure by the gender agendists.
Heh. I remember "Feministing."
Those gals were some of the most aggressively stupid and toxic people on the Internet.
"reproductive rights" as they mean nonreproductive rights
Reproductive rites as in human sacrifice for social, redistributive, clinical, and fair weather causes. One step forward, two steps backward.
So much of "feminism" of the last 60 years has been about canceling and erasing women.
Women, men, and "our Posterity" are from Earth. Feminists are from Venus. Masculinists are from Mars. Social progressives are from Uranus.
“RGB Sent Me”
She may have had an epiphany, a reconcilable moment, that sustained her viability, and denied Barack "burden" Obama his choice.
1. Michelle Goldberg is as mediocre as they come. Perfect idiot for writing the garbage in the NYT's which is a terrible publication written for idiots.
2. The left, feminism very much included, needs people to be optimistic and confident about change.... But this is a fearful, hopeless and even nihilistic time."
Women have been sold out. You have been supporting democrat rapists for decades though so it isn't like you haven't been asking for your beatings.
3. If you have actual principles you don't need to worry about "fashion" and "style" and what's "passé." You just stick with it, your whole life, and it doesn't matter if you're winning or losing or how many people are crowding around you and generating a feeling of energy.
I would like an honest list of principles that people think Feminism actually stands for.
Feminism has been a complete sham ever since it sucked Bill Clinton's dick.
I'd argue sitting back and permitting womanhood to be written out of existence by activists was one of the many self-inflicted wounds of feminism. Up there with selling out core convictions if it involved Democrats in the WH.
Perhaps standing up for girls the last few years might have had some girls have some positive feelings towards the movement. But it did not do so.
rcocean @ 12:59 PM,
Or maybe, like our VP, Michelle found an answer to the question, "Who do I have to f*ck to get ahead?"
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