May 14, 2022

"With particularly dystopian flair, the formula shortage came to a head around the same time that a draft opinion leaked from the Supreme Court that would overturn Roe v. Wade."

"On one hand, women would be forced to birth children. But on the other hand, once those children arrive, there might not be food to feed them. A footnote from Samuel Alito’s draft opinion that gained some traction this week was about adoption. The footnote quoted a 2008 study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which had noted that the 'domestic supply of infants relinquished at birth or within the first month of life and available to be adopted has become virtually nonexistent.' The inclusion of the study in an opinion that would overturn Roe seemed to suggest that there was no need to have an abortion as there were plenty of American couples who wanted children but not enough American babies for them to adopt.... [W]hat it tells me is: You have no idea. No idea how hard pregnancy is on a body. No idea that don’t worry, you can give it away does not respond to the reasons that many abortion seekers might be seeking abortions to begin with. The opinion’s biggest problem isn’t that it was cruel, it’s that it was incurious. It did not attempt to understand pregnancy or motherhood. It was the 98-page equivalent of, 'Why don’t you just embrace your womanhood and nurture your children?'"

From "A lot of powerful people seem to have no clue what motherhood means/The formula shortage is a reminder of why being a mom — even when it’s a choice — is hard in ways some powerful people don’t seem to get" by Monica Hesse (WaPo).


tim maguire said...

How many ways can the WaPo miss the point? The decision was cruel? The decision didn’t understand motherhood? The WaPo doesn’t understand what the Supreme Court is or does. And they don’t want to. But most of all, they don’t want their readers to. That is the dirty little secret of today’s media. They actively cultivate ignorance, their business model is to prevent their readers from becoming more informed.

Leland said...

The formula shortage was created by excessive federal regulation that shutdown production, restricted the supply chain, and refuses to allow or mention alternatives. The leaked Dodds opinion removes federal jurisdiction, and therefore regulation, over a medical procedure. If you believe Dodds forces reproduction, you are misinformed.

PJ said...

Amy Coney Barrett has no idea how hard pregnancy is on a body, and if she did, she would see that a right to abortion is guaranteed right there in the US Constitution. Probably in one of those amendment thingies.

Scott Patton said...

"women would be forced to birth children"
Opinions about abortion aside, the leftist obsession/fetish with "The Handmaid's Tale" is just too creepy.

Kai Akker said...

Cry me a river, whining female reporter. Good grief.

What's emanating from your penumbra said...

She doesn't get off square one with her logic. The leaked opinion doesn't say she can't have an abortion. She is making arguments about why it's a good idea not to prohibit abortion. These are arguments to make to lawmakers considering passing laws allowing or restricting abortion.

What does any of this have to do with the debate about whether there is a constitutional right to abortion?

gilbar said...

"A lot of powerful people seem to have no clue what motherhood means..

This made Me Wonder, about Monica Hesse? Does SHE have a clue what motherhood means?
Let's find out! Here is here bio
I looked for mention of her children... THIS, is ALL i found:
Monica lives in Maryland. with her husband and a brainiac dog.

Misinforminimalism said...

Tried to wrap my head around what might constitute a "dystopian flair" (and what make flair "particularly" dystopian) and then realized that thinking about it was making me dumber.

Saint Croix said...

With particularly dystopian flair, the formula shortage came to a head around the same time that a draft opinion leaked from the Supreme Court that would overturn Roe v. Wade.

I noticed that too. The vibe I get -- rightly or wrongly -- is that authorities on the left don't give a shit about babies. Anti-baby is an apt description of pro-aborts and people who don't give a damn about baby food shortages.

The formula shortage is a reminder of why being a mom -- even when it's a choice -- is hard in ways some powerful people don't seen to get.

Feminists need to include other parts of humanity in their moral calculations. Fathers, for instance, also feel bad when babies aren't fed. And babies who are starving feel the worst.

The feminist movement has outlived its original purpose, and like most political movements it has morphed into a bad thing. Abandon feminism, be a humanist. Meryl Streep once called herself a humanist. And of course all the harpies attacked her. But she was right.

Aught Severn said...

women would be forced to birth children

False premise. It does allow for the opportunity for a state to make a law to do that within its borders, but I know if no state planning to do so nor would it prevent the pregnant mother from traveling to a state that does allow it.

The rest of the quote is just an argument against that strawman. But just for completeness, what does understanding pregnancy have to do with interpreting the constitution? That sounds like it is something that should be consider when drafting a law rather than ruling on constitutionality of a law.

Wilbur said...

I appreciate her viewpoint to the extent that it makes more of a public policy argument applicable to the passage of legislation regarding abortion, rather than just making the shallow argument that there is a constitutional right to an abortion, so there's nothing to discuss.

This is where the discussion should have been the last 50 years.

Freeman Hunt said...

Pregnancy is extremely hard, but is it so hard that one should be able to rip another person limb from limb to avoid it?

Michael P said...

Misinforminimalism, I think the dystopian part is where government engineers a shortage of infant formula and then leaks a draft opinion about abortion to rile up fervor about "ultra MAGA" opponents. It's as if they think it would be bad to make America ultra great.

Spiros said...

Right now there are two million couples on waiting lists hoping for the opportunity to adopt. But what happens when "artificial wombs" or, more likely, "artificial placentas" become available? These desperate people will simply decide to have their own children. But what about pregnant women? Should these women still be able to end a pregnancy when ectogestation is available?

D.D. Driver said...

Journalists do not know how mammals work. 🤔

Ann Althouse said...

"The formula shortage was created by excessive federal regulation that shutdown production, restricted the supply chain, and refuses to allow or mention alternatives."

Has anyone else listened to Joe Rogan and Hotep Jesus go conspiracy theorist on the formula shortage. They smoke some "Mike Tyson weed" and pretty soon it's a Communist plot: Famine! That's how they get you....

Robert Marshall said...

"On one hand, women would be forced to birth children."

Really? The state law in question in the case did NOT prohibit abortions in the first 15 weeks of gestation. Well before then, I would expect someone to know they're pregnant, and exercise their choice. After that, the baby (and that's what it clearly is) has an interest in life that the state chooses to protect.

So, if you don't want to raise a child, then either choose abortion within the period in which the state prioritizes YOUR personal autonomy interest, or choose to birth and put up for adoption the baby whose interest in life the state chooses to protect from that point forward.

Like all line-drawing exercises, the 15-week "abort-or-birth" choice deadline is somewhat arbitrary, but that's why it's better to put it up to a political body (the legislature), so that everyone gets their democratic say in the process of making the law.

"No idea how hard pregnancy is on a body."

Not to mention how hard a D&C is on a baby.

Saint Croix said...

The opinion’s biggest problem isn’t that it was cruel, it’s that it was incurious.

I think the opinion -- and the Supreme Court's jurisprudence -- would be helped a great deal by talking about the unborn baby and how human she is. Denying the humanity of human beings is the worst thing the Court has ever done (twice now).

Curious people who want to know more about pregnancy, and unborn children, often become pro-life. Women who go through with a pregnancy are much more knowledgable about pregnancy, and they all know that pro-lifers have a point.

The abortion industry thrives on ignorance. As does the right to abortion, which is why the media never shows our people an abortion.

The Supreme Court has never reflected a pro-life outlook and they haven't adopted one yet. But don't think that a more informed judicial opinion would reach a different conclusion. Information helps the pro-life movement.

What's emanating from your penumbra said...

One of my favorite pro abortion arguments is that of course there is a constitutional right in the constitution. And also when the constitution was written women were considered property.

mezzrow said...

"Has anyone else listened to Joe Rogan and Hotep Jesus go conspiracy theorist on the formula shortage. They smoke some "Mike Tyson weed" and pretty soon it's a Communist plot: Famine! That's how they get you...."

Umm, not yet. *opens another tab* I was going to do that, but life intruded.

Life is hard on men, women, and the unborn. War, childbirth, abortion, and the prospect of destruction lurking behind every corner.

It a miracle we naked apes got as far as we did. Hope we can stick around for awhile and figure out more of it. The rule of law helps, if properly applied. When the justice system becomes as distrusted as the media is currently, it makes proper application difficult if not impossible.

Will the center hold? Stay tuned!

wendybar said...

It's almost like if they can't kill them in the womb, let's kill them once they are OUT!!!

Wince said...

For the most part, the largest group of people upon whom a pregnancy can be forced is men.

Mike Sylwester said...

Laws about abortion should be made by the state legislatures -- not by the US Supreme Court.

Kevin said...

They smoke some "Mike Tyson weed" and pretty soon it's a Communist plot

Trump's election
Hunter's laptop
Rising gas prices

It seems there's plenty of "Mike Tyson weed" being passed around these days.

Chris Lopes said...

The question before the court was "is abortion a Constitutionally protected right?", not "is abortion a good idea?"

Chris Lopes said...

"Has anyone else listened to Joe Rogan and Hotep Jesus go conspiracy theorist on the formula shortage."

As the saying goes, never attribute to malice what can be better explained by incompetence. I think the feds have demonstrated enough incompetence on a variety of issues for that to be the go-to explanation.

iowan2 said...

Ann@ 8:10

Historically, almost all food shortages are the result of bad government/dictator, choices. yes there are famines and such that tighten supplies, but it takes government to have people starve.

The Abbott plant shut down due to the death of 2 infants? Has NEVER been tied to the plant that is shut down. Government agents, keen on exercising their power, are yet to give the OK resume production. My guess is early next week we will be told they have the OK for a week or two, but the Corporation is slow to restart....or some such story.
Call it a conspiracy if it gets you to sleep at night, But the regulatory behemoth is a problem.

Rogan is a great listen, but as always, I question all of his premises, and search for holes in his logic.

Then we will have problems getting the product off the dock and to store shelves. The right store shelves...because Biden is going to step in, EMERGENCY!!!! and screw up distribution.

chuck said...

Are there no problem solvers left in the media or DC?

Lurker21 said...

No idea that don’t worry, you can give it away does not respond to the reasons that many abortion seekers might be seeking abortions to begin with.


rhhardin said...

When abortion is eventually banned - for state reasons of getting the birth rate up, not for moral reasons - women will in effect be drafted by pregnancy, as men are for war, and all this "it's so hard" will have no effect.

Marge Piercy's poem Right to Life makes the my-body case nicely though. (From The Moon Is Always Female)

holdfast said...

With diesel well over six bucks a gallon in most places, there are going to be more and more random shortages as the supply system breaks down further.

Temujin said...

There are so many different arguments going on about the 'leak', which I will continue to call a press release, not a leak. But the reality is that it does not (yet) cease abortions nationally, and instead directs it back to the states. That may or may not be problematic for either side, but it doesn't absolve the media's constant pounding of what has not taken place vs what has actually been leaked.

Still, on the topic of adoption. We are failing as a nation to reproduce on our own at replacement rate. And even with Biden's supercharged importing of immigrants in illegal fashion, it is not enough to bring us to the point where we can sustain ourselves as a nation. This should be of concern to people of Monica Hesse's age group as they will need others to pay into social security, and continue to produce goods and services when they reach a certain age. She may find it was nice to go to restaurants and have someone cook the food there and serve it to you. She may find she misses those days. Exaggeration? Check out any business you interact with these days- either in person or online. They are all operating understaffed and in many cases have already cut hours and services because they simply cannot staff. Give it a few years.

If abortion were cut by certain percentages, say people who needed them for medical reasons, or in case of rape/incest could get them, but those who just needed a convenient last choice contraceptive (or any choice) could not, we might have a number of people being more careful. And we also might be having more babies that would need adopting right here. So those wanting, but not being able to have kids, might be able to be part of a win-win right here at home without having to go to Russia or Africa to find a child in need.

As for the Justices being incurious or not concerned about what it is to be a mother, that's quite a leap, quite an assumption. To prove one's point, I guess sometimes it takes a massive leap and a huge assumption of how another person sees the world, or life. Good for you if you have those special powers.

iowan2 said...

The shortage of babies for adoption has been going since the 70's (First I became old enough to understand) So yes, all babies could be carried to term, and have great lives. I think I shared on an overnight thread that my nephew and his wife sought out, an at risk new born, because they felt they had so much to share. They were rewarded, and the child has two older brothers and two parents to call family.

I am unsure why adoption was included in a court decision about abortion, especial since the decision just gets the court out of the loop, and leaves the matter to the People. The people are very much encouraged to pull in all the relevant arguments on all sides, as legislation is considered.

Lurker21 said...

These are questions and circumstances that legislators will have to deal with and do deal with. Legislators are (at least in theory) responsible to the public. Justices are more likely to follow their own caprices and not take opposing views into account.

Koot Katmandu said...

Hmm more hysteria. Does anyone really believe if the Court overturns Roe that abortion in the fist trimester will suddenly be gone any where in the US? Women would have at least a month to choose if they want to be a mother or not? How much time would you need?

I really do not understand the push for abortion without limits from the left. Who funds all the protests and legal bills and why? Is it funded to simply divide us for political money raising and votes or is there profit in later term abortions to someone?

Oso Negro said...

"'The formula shortage was created by excessive federal regulation that shutdown production, restricted the supply chain, and refuses to allow or mention alternatives.'

Has anyone else listened to Joe Rogan and Hotep Jesus go conspiracy theorist on the formula shortage. They smoke some "Mike Tyson weed" and pretty soon it's a Communist plot: Famine! That's how they get you.."

Nice reduction ad Joe Roganum. There were, however, Communist plots. Anyone who now believes there wasn't a "gay agenda" and wrote it all off as a "slippery slope" fallacy is fighting to keep their primary grade children or grandchildren from mandatory pedophilia, if they are not in fact, encouraging it. The Stalinist bussing of school children to clean parks on Earth Day in 1970 preceded Green totalitarianism and here 50 years later the Eastern States are threated with a diesel shortage. But sure, there are no conspiracies. And I doubt you and Meade will feel the pinch of famine unless the Whole Foods in Madison runs a bit short, but that may not be the experience of the entirety of humanity.

Critter said...

Another case of an abortion advocate losing the ability to think rationally. But since she raised the point about dystopia, it turns out that the impending baby formula shortage was known to the Biden administration since February when the FDA shut down production at a major Abbot facility. What did the Biden administration do? Keep the situation under wraps of course and not provide for a source of increased supply. Mow THAT is dystopian, especially given the Biden administration was also further exacerbating the crisis by buying large quantities of the available baby formula for illegal alien mothers. Just another critical aspect of American life that Biden touched and made much worse. Let’s go Brandon!

Jamie said...

I don't think it's that some powerful people don't understand how hard pregnancy is on the body. I think it's that everyone used to do hard things all the time.

jaydub said...

"Has anyone else listened to Joe Rogan and Hotep Jesus...?"

No. No I haven't. Not ever. But I do often wonder how the 200 million or so women in Europe survive under abortion laws similar to the Mississippi law without all the gnashing of teeth that goes on in the US.

lonejustice said...

"Monica lives in Maryland. with her husband and a brainiac dog"

Also noted in her bio: * Favorite books: "A Handmaid's Tale,"

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

What’s not hard on the body again?

It’s the lamest pro abortion argument I’ve ever heard.

Gahrie said...

"women would be forced to birth children"
Opinions about abortion aside, the leftist obsession/fetish with "The Handmaid's Tale" is just too creepy.

It is a perfect example of Leftist incoherency and irrationality. They are obsessed that the civilization and culture that has produced the most freedom, political power and the highest standard of living that women have ever had in history is going to throw them back into the kitchen barefoot, ignorant and pregnant completely ignores the fact that most Islamic cultures treat their women exactly that way now. There was a story just last week that Afghanistan is bringing back the Burqa for women.

But all these women are driving around with co-exist bumper stickers on their cars. You cannot co-exist with those who will not co-exist with you.

Gahrie said...

Has anyone else listened to Joe Rogan and Hotep Jesus go conspiracy theorist on the formula shortage. They smoke some "Mike Tyson weed" and pretty soon it's a Communist plot: Famine! That's how they get you....

Deliberate starvation by Communist governments killed over sixty million people in the twentieth century. Side effects of Communist ideology starved millions more.

There is a reason starvation worldwide ended almost immediately after the USSR fell.

Rusty said...

Like Leland said. Mostly government incompetence. Which is a direct result of many real and imaginary people voting for the former vice president. There should be a Loe Biden."I did that!" sticker on this post.

Sebastian said...

"On one hand, women would be forced to birth children."

WTF? Women can refrain from sex. When they have sex, they can protect themselves. After sex, they can take a pill.

"No idea how hard pregnancy is on a body"

OK, so this is why women who find it hard do everything they can to avoid becoming pregnant in the first place, right--exercising agency and all that?

MadTownGuy said...

From the article:

"The inclusion of the study in an opinion that would overturn Roe seemed to suggest that there was no need to have an abortion as there were plenty of American couples who wanted children but not enough American babies for them to adopt..."

The hurdles, and perils, of adoption because of confusing and restrictive regulations - and beside that, the cost - discourage most middle income people from pursuing that option.

In any case, whether the effect is intentional or not, abortion is doing a fine job of fighting overpopulation. Take that any way you like.

Tom said...

How hard pregnancy is on a women….

What about how hard being chopped to pieces is on a 3rd trimester unborn child?

As for the formula shortage, it’s just so well timed.

Meanwhile non-HIV AIDS rates are up 950% in adults 25-54. This is AIDS not from the HIV virus.

The American Society of Actuaries is noting a 30% upswing in access death rate not related to the Covid illness.

At what point to we begin to be concerned our government has turned on us?

Milo Minderbinder said...

But, Alito's opinion does understand human responsibility and learning....

Michael K said...

The formula shortage has several causes. One is federal overregulation. One is working women who don't breast feed because it is inconvenient. Another is the phenomenon that women don't know how to make up their own formula and use it.

It was only a few years ago that the left was at war with formula because it was unhealthy. Formula manufacturers were abusing third world mothers by encouraging them not to breast feed.

Hubert the Infant said...

In the history of the world, how many human beings have given birth? As there have been about 100 billion humans to date, that number is closer to 50 billion than to 0. So, argue about Roe on its legal merits, but stop pretending that having the potential to become pregnant makes you a very rare and special human being.

Butkus51 said...

Joe Rogan also thinks that Michelle Obama would be an excellent president.

So theres that.

Probably shrooms that day.

Or maybe their cousin Cid.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

You know what’s hard on the body?

Putting on 500 pounds, becoming so heavy, your leg bones are hardly capable of sustaining the obese upright.

Do we even talk about that?

No. It’s not a problem. Apparently.

Hubert the Infant said...

In the history of the world, how many human beings have given birth? As there have been about 100 billion humans to date, that number is closer to 50 billion than to 0. So, argue about Roe on its legal merits, but stop pretending that having the potential to become pregnant makes you a very rare and special human being.

Original Mike said...

Oh, oh. Looks like the word 'Choice' is now on the disapproved list. Better get with the program. "Yes, the Pro-Choice Caucus sent House Democrats a list of words they should use in a bill to codify Roe v. Wade."

Richard said...

"Monica lives in Maryland. with her husband and a brainiac dog."

I would suggest that next time she lets her dog write the column.

Leland said...

I’ve never listened to Rogan. The FDA closure is well covered. The supply chain problems has existed for months now. As for alternatives, I read Althouse yesterday.

Sydney said...

There was an article in our local paper this morning about the formula shortage that highlighted the difference between the elite and the nonelite. The first half of the article was an interview with a local pediatrician who seemed to be saying the formula shortage is only a shortage of a certain brand, and if you can’t find your brand or type just switch to a different brand and or type. That is what the hospitals have done. However, the second half was an interview with the local WIC director. WIC supplies funds for formula to the poor. They used to provide formula but now they give them debit cards. The problem is they can only buy the brands that are in shortage because that is the company WIC has an agreement with. WIC has had a lot of calls from people who can’t get formula. The article urged them to call WIC to get a waiver to buy a different brand. I bet it is difficult to call WIC, if it is like other government bodies. It is also difficult to shop around when you have limited transportation and limited time off work. It seems like the Biden administration could do something about that, by issuing a universal waiver instead of making each client call for a waiver.

mikee said...

People are getting very upset over the correction of a judicial overreach from 50 years ago, returning appropriate legislative authority to the states under the Constitution. Better start trying to convince people of the idea, rather than beating them over the head with the Court.

Original Mike said...

Personally, I am happy that the word 'Choice' is to be left by the wayside. Even though it was in use for decades, whenever I heard it I had to take a moment to do the translation in my head to 'PRO-abortion' before resuming with the discussion (I have the same problem with 'trans-xxx'). I don't know why my brain steadfastly refuses to learn these euphemisms, but it is its own master.

Inga said...

Trump's USMCA restricted imports of formula from Canada, so we imported no formula from Canada in 2021, leaving us vulnerable to domestic shock. The shock hit when the Abbott plant was contaminated.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

pretty soon it's a Communist plot: Famine!

The Left has long benefited from the fact that any attempt to accurately describe their goals and objectives ultimately sounds like paranoid conspiracy theories, including the Great Reset in which we find ourselves in the middle, just as outlined by the World Economic Forum.

So there’s that. I believe famine was one of the softening agents they considered for use in creating reasons for permanent “Temporary Emergency Powers” but it was too hard to time it coincidentally with the Pestilence unleashed from the WHO in Wuhan.

Iman said...

I wonder what was done/how they handled the situation before “baby formula” was developed?

Quaestor said...

Trump's USMCA restricted imports of formula from Canada, so we imported no formula from Canada in 2021.

So tell us, Inga, what has that talking points memo you received asserting this chestnut have to say about the current shortage? For example, why didn't the brilliant, caring, entitled to rule our lives by virtue of their superior intellect Biden Administration rescind the evil Trump's USMCA evildoing in January 2021? Biden took other steps in January 2021 to rescind and reverse other Trump evils, thus assuring us peasants an abundant and easily affordable fuel supply, for which we all should be hourly grateful, praise Biden. Behold the millions of good-laden vehicles gliding merrily hither and yon, bringing Biden's blessings, prise Biden, to all us unworthies in awesome abundance and affordability. So why no baby formula, Saint Inga?

Quaestor said...

MadTownGuy writes and reveals the meaning of his handle, "In any case, whether the effect is intentional or not, abortion is doing a fine job of fighting overpopulation. Take that any way you like."

There are far more efficient and cost-effective means to fight overpopulation than abortion.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

What Freeman Hunt said 👆🏽

Drago said...

Russian Collusion Hoax Truther Inga: "Trump's USMCA restricted imports of formula from Canada, so we imported no formula from Canada in 2021, leaving us vulnerable to domestic shock. The shock hit when the Abbott plant was contaminated."


Joe Biden's Earpiece has been in office since Jan of 2021.

Biden's Earpiece Administration has been aware of this situation since Jan of this year and has taken NO steps to address the shortage it knew was coming...except to ensure the federal govt scooped up and hoarded enough formula to supply the millions of illegals they have ensured are pouring across our open border.

The Abbott production facility did NOT have the strain of bacteria that was the cause for harm for the 2 babies that died, and there has been NO finding of Abott plant culpability on any level.

So Inga is back to Full Russia Collusion Hoax level lying in order to protect Biden's Earpiece.

And can you believe our resident dumbkopf Inga is really going to try and push ANOTHER set of lies to blame Trump for this?!

Of all the Ingas of in the world, ours is the most Ingaist.


Kai Akker said...

---The article urged them to call WIC to get a waiver to buy a different brand. I bet it is difficult to call WIC, if it is like other government bodies. It is also difficult to shop around when you have limited transportation and limited time off work. It seems like the Biden administration could do something about that, by issuing a universal waiver instead of making each client call for a waiver. [Sydney]

If the supermarkets have shifted brands, wouldn't shopping around occur in the same store one is already in? At the same time one has already utilized to do it? This would apply to those mothers who use WIC to buy formula; have no estimate of the number of those.

But taxi and Uber waivers would help on a lot of stuff. The really fraudulent-minded might use that universal waiver to buy chocolate-covered mint cookies like I just got when I went to the Mennonite store for vegetables. $1.81 worth of vegetables,* $8.20 worth of chocolate and coconut-fig bars made by the store's thrifty but profit-minded staff. Feeling guilty as I charge up on that dark chocolate. But not that guilty. Perhaps I mangled your point, sorry.

*Compare the plain-people price of $1.89/lb for zucchini to the elitist-oriented Walmart price of $2.96 for two small pre-wrapped zucchini weighing 8 ozs between them. Elites are willing to pay almost $6 a lb for their zucchini at the Mart. Zucchini that make you wonder how they ever grew any that small.

Leland said...

Not so much a conspiracy as normal f'up of a central government trying to regulate a complex economy. Another alternative to woman's breast milk is raw milk from cows or goats. However, the FDA banned the sale of raw milk in 1897, and it is still in place. Now, you can find this on by the FDA: "However, in light of concerns that have been raised about potential FDA actions, we want to remind the public that FDA does not regulate the intrastate sale or distribution of raw milk. Whether to permit the sale and distribution of raw milk within a state is for the state to decide."

Heck, that almost reads like the majority in Dodds.

They continue: "With respect to the interstate sale and distribution of raw milk, the FDA has never taken, nor does it intend to take, enforcement action against an individual who purchased and transported raw milk across state lines solely for his or her own personal consumption."

What, you can cross state lines and do what you want to yourself within state law without federal enforcement? Where are the protests outside the home of the FDA administrator?

n.n said...

abortion is doing a fine job of fighting overpopulation

Elective abortion, judgment, labels, and exclusion of "our Posterity" is self-selection through choice, Choice, and coercion. It's a neat trick if they can pull it off, and they have in them millions annually, globally. The alternative is self-moderation, but voluntary temperance by virtue of dignity and agency has a religious/moral/deplorable hue.

n.n said...

Abstinence, prevention, adoption, compassion, and self-defense through reconciliation. In order of evolution of dignity and agency, adoption is the third choice. Compassion is the sweet spot of human Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.

ALP said...

This abortion thing is bringing out my (unfortunate) attraction to 'train wreck' posts on Reddit. By that I mean, hysterical, dumbass shit I should be ignoring. To share in my guilty pleasure, head over to r/twoxchromosomes. There, you'll see depths of hysteria sure to amuse or horrify, depending. Young women who are not currently sexually active or in a relationship at the present moment stating that they can't see a future for themselves AT ALL because of this leaked opinion. Young women fearing that they will be stopped at state lines and subjected to pregnancy tests! Young women calling for sex strikes because they are too stupid to realize that not all sexual acts are those resulting in pregnancy!

On that last point - I cannot get over how Puritan the pro-choice side of this whole thing is. You expect that from the religious right. But suddenly, to leftist progressives, sex ALWAYS and ONLY means penis in vagina. FFS can't anyone see that you can have all the non-penis in vagina sex you want - without fear of pregnancy. Damn narrow-minded Puritans those progressive lefties!

Mrs. X said...

I wonder if adoption is really mentioned in this decision. IMO it would be a grave error. Following this logic, it would mean that if there were no parents willing to adopt, then abortion would be A-OK. It’s not the USSC’s lookout to come up with solutions for women. We can do that ourselves, whether it’s keeping the child putting it up for adoption or traveling to an abortion friendly state. I’m in favor of overturning Roe. The waiting adoptive parents have nothing to do with its constitutionality.

Christopher B said...

MadTownGuy said...
In any case, whether the effect is intentional or not, abortion is doing a fine job of fighting overpopulation. Take that any way you like.

While not really on point for an abortion thread, I think it's important to point out that global population growth has been slowing for the last half century and most projections indicate that global population will peak and then being to fall within this century.

The number of abortions worldwide is difficult to determine and usually estimated by a complex formula however the rate of abortions per woman of childbearing age has been declining so it's unlikely that abortion is a significant factor in reducing population growth.

Iman said...

“I don’t know nothin’ ‘bout birthin’ no babies.”

—- Pointy Williams

MikeR said...

"The inclusion of the study in an opinion that would overturn Roe seemed to suggest that there was no need to have an abortion as there were plenty of American couples who wanted children but not enough American babies for them to adopt..." The inclusion of this sentence in your article tells me, "You have no idea" how to think through issues, how to take multiple things into account.

Tom said...

I think the court can do something that would help clarify their ruling. I think that the Court should make clear that when a making ruling using a precedent that may violated the constitution or exceeded the text of the constitution, the courts first duty is to ensure the precedent is constitutional and can be relied upon. If the precedent is constitutional, then the court can apply stare decisis. If the precedent is not constitutional, the stare decisis is not appropriate.

The court members take an oath to protect and defend the constitution, not to protect and defend previous errant court decisions.

Want that to be different? Pass an amendment.

Saint Croix said...

abortion is doing a fine job of fighting overpopulation

That's like giving Mao, Stalin, and Hitler a medal.

Cancer is also doing a fine job of fighting overpopulation.

COVID-19 also doing swell on the overpopulation front.

Team People, bitch!

Saint Croix said...

Pro-aborts and the euthanasia crowd wonder why nobody on the right trusts them with universal health care.

"We don't believe in death panels! (But overpopulation is a problem)."

Put your fucking bumper sticker up in the hospitals and see how many people check in. The left literally tossed the Hippocratic Oath out the window and they wonder where the trust went.

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