"She and fellow extremists had been making bombs there, the intended target believed to have been the Fort Dix Army base in New Jersey. Three of them were killed on the spot. A naked Ms. Boudin managed to scramble away with a colleague and found clothes and brief refuge at the home of a woman living down the block. She then disappeared.... 'The very status of being underground was an identity for me,' she recalled years later.... That ended in October 1981, when she teamed up with armed men from another radical group, the Black Liberation Army, to hold up a Brink’s truck in Rockland County, N.Y., making off with $1.6 million. During the stickup, the gunmen killed a security guard, Peter Paige. They transferred the cash to a U-Haul truck that was waiting roughly a mile away. Ms. Boudin was in the cab of the truck, a 38-year-old white woman serving as a decoy to confound police officers searching for Black men. The U-Haul was stopped by the police at a roadblock. Ms. Boudin, who carried no weapon, immediately surrendered, hands in the air. But gunmen jumped from the back of the truck and opened fire, killing Sgt. Edward J. O’Grady and Officer Waverly L. Brown..... At her sentencing, [she said] ... 'I was there out of my commitment to the Black liberation struggle and its underground movement. I am a white person who does not want the crimes committed against Black people to be carried in my name.'"
७९ टिप्पण्या:
I wonder if the victim's families of her murders would consider her an unspoken hero, unlike the NYT.
And the commenters there? I'd love to see a sampling.
Boy, she sounds like a walking explanation of why we have the felony murder rule.
That March day, was the day Bill Ayers (and others) decided that they shouldn't bomb things
Because they were so f*cking incompetent that they couldn't even assemble bombs
Her son is the current DA in San Franciso, Chesa Boudin. The radical world continues. He was raised by other radicals - adoptive parents Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, who, like his parents, had been members of the Weather Underground.
Chesa Boudin descends from a long left-wing lineage. His great-grand-uncle, Louis B. Boudin, was a Marxist theoretician and author of a two-volume history of the Supreme Court's influence on American government, and his grandfather Leonard Boudin was an attorney who represented controversial clients such as Fidel Castro and Paul Robeson. His uncle Michael Boudin. was a judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, and Michael Boudin's uncle Isidor Feinstein Stone was an independent journalist.
Radicals play the long game and take care of each other
“Had a role”? It sounds like she was one of the leads.
"I am a white person who does not want the crimes committed against Black people to be carried in my name."
But if you look beyond skin coloration in evaluating people, you might have seen these guys as violent homicidal bank robbers.
Why does the article capitalize Black but not white?
Poor Chesa, just lost his mother and shortly will lose the recall election.
Gee, I read the first portion of Ann's excerpt and thought it was a biography for Biden's latest White House appointee.
I was quite relieved to learn it was an obit, not an annoucement.
She would never get away with that kind of self-justifying claptrap today. Appropriation!
"I am a white person who does not want the crimes committed against Black people to be carried in my name.'"
2022 and nothing has changed. Her son is the same way.
I think that Barack Obama and Bill Ayers became acquainted during the years 1982-1985, when both men were living in New York City. Obama lived in the city from 1981 to 1985, and Ayers lived there from 1978 to 1988.
A few weeks after Obama moved to New York in order to study political science at Columbia University, the New York newspapers began publishing articles about the robbery of a Brinks armored car that occurred on October 20, 1981. The robbers included Kathy Boudin, who had been a member of the Weather Underground organization along with Bill Ayers and his wife Bernardine Dohrn. Ayers and Dohrn had dropped out of the Weather Underground and surrendered to the police in November 1980, but Boudin remained active and eventually was arrested while committing the robbery in October 1981.
One of the robbers arrested with Boudin was an African-American radical who called himself Sekou Odinga and who was a Moslem. Odinga’s real name was Nathaniel Burns, but he had adopted that African name in the late 1960s, when he met Odinga Odinga, the Vice President of Kenya and a Moslem, while the latter was visiting California during a state visit. At that time Burns belonged to the Black Panthers, and the Kenyan official met with some Black Panther members, including Burns. Burns was so impressed with this meeting that he began calling himself Sekou Odinga and eventually converted to Islam.
Odinga Odinga, the Vice President of Kenya, was also related to Barack Obama, Sr., the legal father of Barack Obama, Jr. Odinga Odinga’s son Rail Odinga calls himself the cousin of Barack Obama, Jr., so Odinga Odinga apparently was a half-brother or cousin of Barack Obama, Sr. Much of the Obama family in Kenya is Christian, however.
I doubt that Obama — studying in NYC in 1982 — knew any Odingas living in Kenya or knew the Odinga who participated in the Brinks robbery, but by that time he might have recognized the Odinga name as a name that somehow was related to the Obama family and to the political leadership in Kenya. Therefore if Barack Obama read any articles in the New York newspapers about the Brinks robbery, his attention probably focused on Sekou Odinga, who had been arrested and was being prosecuted for his participation in that robbery. I think that many elements in Sekou Odinga’s history and persona might have fascinated Obama.
The grand jury that examined the Brinks robbery met in May 1982, and New York newspapers reported that Bernardine Dohrn refused to testify. (The robbers had rented their getaway car using personal identification stolen from customers of a store called Broadway Baby, which was managed by Dohrn.) Eventually Dohrn was sentenced to a prison term for contempt of court because of her refusal to testify. Articles about Dohrn’s refusal to testify and about her subsequent imprisonment were published in New York newspapers during the middle of 1982.
I speculate that Obama decided to try to write a research paper about Sekou Odinga for a class at Columbia and therefore contacted Ayers to request Ayers’ help in obtaining information about Odinga, by interviewing Ayers, Dohrn, Boudin or Odinga.
No matter how they did become acquainted, it is apparent that they were acquainted by the summer of 1985, because Obama’s autobiography (ghost written by Ayers) describes an incident along the Hudson River in New York City during that summer, and one of Ayers’ own books describes a similar incident.
For those reasons, I think that Obama and Ayers became acquainted in New York City sometimes during the years 1982 to 1985.
Truly a model parent!
She and David Gilbert decide to participate in an armed robbery of a Brinks armored car, while their son, Chesa Boudin, was still in diapers. They learn that people die in armed robberies, especially when you team up with the Black Liberation Army as your muscle. They also learn about the felony murder principle: take part in a felony which leads to violent death, and you're on the hook for the whole deal, shooter or not.
Maybe the voters in San Fran will come to their senses next month and recall their DA, former red-diaper baby Chesa Boudin, and finally put an end to this 'bad seed' family's malign influence on our country.
PS - what sort of son has his cancer-stricken mother fly out to visit him in San Fran, then fly back to NY, only to die hours later? As Chesa apparently did . . . I guess campaigning against the recall had a higher priority than his dying Mom's comfort?
I read that her "surrender" to the police after the Brinks robbery was a decoy--she knew her comrades were lying in wait, and they came out and killed two cops. Of course when she was released she was hired by Columbia University to impart her wisdom. Disgusting.
"PS - what sort of son has his cancer-stricken mother fly out to visit him in San Fran, then fly back to NY, only to die hours later?
His mother's son.
Will anyone ask Joe Biden or Jen Psaki today to disown the Weather Underground?
Too bad she lived as long as she did.
Radical Chic with a body count.
White Privilege
"I am a white person who does not want the crimes committed against Black people to be carried in my name.'"
As a direct result of her actions two black men (and one white one) were murdered.
Following up my comment at 8:41 AM:
The December 6, 2008, issue of The New York Times printed an op-ed article by Bill Ayers containing the following sentence:
The dishonesty of the narrative about Mr. Obama during the campaign went a step further with its assumption that if you can place two people in the same room at the same time, or if you can show that they held a conversation, shared a cup of coffee, took the bus downtown together or had any of a thousand other associations, then you have demonstrated that they share ideas, policies, outlook, influences and, especially, responsibility for each other’s behavior.
I speculate that this sentence describes the first meeting between Ayers and Obama. They met in a room, had a conversation, shared a cup of coffee and then took a bus downtown together. Ayers complains that Obama should not be blamed for Ayers’ opinions and past just because Obama did these few ordinary activities and thus casually associated himself with Ayers.
I think that Obama met Ayers while they both were living in Manhattan, a period that began in the late summer of 1981, when Obama arrived, and sometime in 1985, when Obama left. Ayers had lived in Manhattan before Obama arrived, and Ayers continued to live in Manhattan after Obama left.
Obama left Manhattan in 1985 because he accepted an offer to work as a community organizer in Chicago. He struggled with this decision, but he made up his mind when he went to look at the place in the Hudson River where the current flows in both directions. Because Ayers mentions this place in his own book, I think that Obama’s visit to the river and his subsequent decision to accept the job offer were done in consultation with Ayers. Therefore, Obama and Ayers had known each other before Obama moved from Manhattan to Chicago in 1985.
Ayers lived under a false identity (he called himself Anthony Lee) until December 1980, when he turned himself into the government and emerged from his underground life. Therefore, we can assume that Obama did not become acquainted with Ayers before that time. Even Ayers would have to grant that the public would have a legitimate concern about Ayers’ and Obama’s association if it had begun while Ayers still was living with a false identity and hiding from legal prosecution.
In December 1980, Obama himself was living in Los Angeles. He did not move to Manhattan until the late summer of 1981, so he must have met Ayers afterwards.
Following up my comment at 8:50 AM
While Obama had lived in Los Angeles, he had become friendly with a group of Pakistanis who were fellow students at Occidental College. One of the Pakistanis was Obama’s roommate. After Obama finished his first two college years at Occidental, he traveled around the world and then began attending Columbia University in Manhattan. During his trip he visited his mother in Indonesia and visited families of his Pakistani friends, who lived in Pakistan and India. As far as we know, he did not visit Kenya on this trip.
After Obama arrived in Manhattan, he ended up living with a Pakistani named Sohale Siddiqi whom he had met through his Pakistani friends at Occidental. It seems that Obama and Siddiqi lived together through the winter of 1981-82 and then split up. Siddiqi was consuming a lot of illegal drugs and was spending a lot of time in bars. Obama himself had consumed illegal drugs while he had lived in Los Angeles, but he wanted to stop consuming them and stop wasting his time with Siddiqi and start studying seriously, so Obama moved out of the apartment they had shared. Afterwards Obama lived at 339 E. 94th. Street.
I speculate that Obama became very interested in religion and in Kenya at about the time he moved away from Siddiqi. Obama recently had traveled around the world and had visited the Moslem countries Indonesia and Pakistan and the Hindu country India. Obama probably regretted that he had not visited Kenya during that trip. Obama was trying to reform his personal behavior and trying to avoid bad influences like Siddiqi, and so religion would be a natural interest at such a time.
Therefore, I speculate that Obama became interested in questions about the role of religion in Kenya and in particular about that role among the family of Barack Obama, Sr. And so Barack Obama as a student at Columbia might have done some research on such subjects, perhaps for a class or perhaps merely for his own personal interest. In Kenya there was some conflict between the Christian and Moslem religions.
As a political science major, Obama probably read New York newspapers, and if he did so, then he probably read some articles about the robbery of a Brinks armored car that had happened on October 20, 1981. The robbers included Kathy Boudin, who still remained in the Weather Underground, and an African-American radical who called himself Sekou Odinga and who was a Moslem.
And so, I speculate, Obama’s confluence of thoughts about Islam, Christianity, Kenya and radical politics during the years 1982-1984 prompted him to contact Ayers to request information about Sekou Odinga.
She’s dead so I’ll say nothing ill of her today. But Bill Ayers is still alive so I have no such restriction.
Bill Ayers is human excrement. He plans a bombing of soldiers, his girlfriend dies in the explosion, he does his “Day of Rage” in Chicago, and he gets bailed out by daddy and goes on to be a full professor on tenure. I’m leaving out a lot. But let me conclude with this:
When Jesse Waters was Bill O’Reilly’s street reporter, he went to Ayers’ house to ask him some questions. Ayers arrives home from an outing, Waters begins with his questions, Ayers says, “Get off my property or I’ll call the police.”
Property? I thought Marxists didn’t believe in private property. Police? I thought Bill Ayers shat on the police?
To conclude, Bill Ayers is a piece of shit.
So she wanted to murder innocent Army soldiers - many of whom were probably draftees - and was involved in a violent robbery which left 2 policeman dead. But she had her "reasons". I love how the NYT's just calls her "extremist" but never LEFT WING Extremist or TERRORIST or COMMUNIST. which is what she was.
And why include her lame excuse about not wanting to be "part of committing crimes against black people"? Himmler could have used the same excuse "I had be a NAZI because I didn't want to be part of committing crimes against the average German".
The left always uses this cry-bully strategy and no one ever mocks them for it.
Where are all the lefty commenters?
Why are they not extolling her virtues and her dedication to the struggle?
Cowards and scum.
Just like her.
The Left can be trusted to venerate their scumbags. Such heroes! Rich, privileged, self-haters who love the people enough to not care who dies.
I got upset at the gutless "Who cares?" reaction to the Antifa Riots and the two-standards of Justice regarding Jan 6th. But this terrorists obit reminds me that the Liberal Establishment has been playing this game for quite a while. In th 60s and early 70s Average Americans being drafted and sent to Vietnam to die, while Leftwing terrorists get coddled and excused even when they murder people.
Another loving and respectful obit for a murderer who had the good sense to espouse the right politics because it’s duh NYT of course.
She's dead so I wont so anything good about her. And I'll celebrate. Its too bad she didn't die in 1980 like her victims.
NYT still making excuses for her.
Following up my comments at 8:50 AM:
Since I’m writing about the Kenya angle in Barack Obama’s acquaintanceship with Bill Ayers, I will point out an article, written in September 2009 by a certain Steve Diamond.
Basic information about Diamond:
Diamond wrote about the acquaintanceship of Obama and Ayers in a blog called King Harvest. (The blog has disappeared, so I can’t review it or link to it.) Because of his early blog articles about Obama and Ayers, he received information from some people who had noticed something.
One of Diamond’s blog articles was titled “Barack Obama’s Visit to the Other Ayers House”, which passed on information Diamond had received from a man named Allen Hulton. The latter was the mailman who delivered mail to the home of Tom and Mary Ayers, the parents of Bill Ayers. Diamond wrote:
Barack Obama visited the house of Tom and Mary Ayers, parents of former Weather Underground activist turned education professor Bill Ayers, in the mid-1980s to thank the Ayers’ for their support of his education, according to Allen Hulton, the letter carrier who delivered mail to the Ayers’ Glen Ellyn home at that time. Glen Ellyn is a suburb of Chicago, southwest of the city.
At the time of their encounter, Hulton recalls, Obama “looked about 19 years old” but was probably in his early 20s. Obama graduated from Columbia University in 1983 and moved to Chicago in 1985 at age 24 or 25 …
“Mrs. Ayers told me that her family had been helping out a brilliant young black man,” Hulton said and whom he believes she said was from Kenya. Hulton said that over the period of six to ten years that he delivered mail to the Ayers home he had numerous conversations with Mrs. Ayers, one conversation with Thomas Ayers and several brief encounters with Bernardine Dohrn who he said lived at the home for several months at one point in time. He never met or saw Bill Ayers at the home.
Hulton explained that he knew Tim Ayers, the son of Tom and brother of Bill, when they were both students at Glenbard High School, which draws students from the towns of Glen Ellyn and Lombard, Illinois. Over time the Ayers’ parents became aware of the connection to their son Tim and that led to a friendlier relationship between Hulton and Tom and Mary Ayers.
“They tipped me generously at Christmastime,” Hulton recalled.
One day Hulton found himself on the sidewalk outside the Ayers home at 199 N. Montclair Avenue near the corner of Revere Road just after he had delivered the mail. The house was “very nice and attractive and more expensive than some in Glen Ellyn because it was closer to downtown, but it did not stand out among the houses on that block.” He said the largest and most expensive homes were actually on Revere, around the corner from the Ayers’ home.
As Hulton was on the sidewalk walking away from the Ayers house a tall and thin young black man was coming up the same sidewalk towards the Ayers house.
Hulton recalls that Obama said hello and introduced himself and stopped to chat with him in front of the Ayers house. “I recall that his ears stuck out a little bit. He was more gaunt then than he appears now. His name was an unusual one and when I saw his photo during the campaign it brought back my memory of the event,” Hulton said.
Mr. Obama explained that he had taken the train out from Chicago to visit the Ayers’ in order to thank them for their help with his “education.” At this time, Mr. Obama had recently graduated from Columbia and would soon enter Harvard Law School. Hulton and Obama “spoke for a few minutes, first chatting about the Ayers family,” Hulton said. Hulton said he did not learn whether the help Obama received from the Ayers’ was financial or in some other form.
Continuing by comment at 9:06 AM
Hulton agreed that it was an exceptional event to encounter a black man on his route and that Obama may have felt it prudent to introduce himself to the letter carrier before approaching the Ayers house. …
Mr. Hulton recalls that he probably asked what Mr. Obama was studying in school and at one point Mr. Obama said that he intended to become President of the United States. Mr. Hulton said he was “taken aback” by the statement but recalls that he did not think Mr. Obama was “arrogant, but just self assured and a person with a lot of self confidence.” “It was not said with hubris,” Hulton recalled, “but with an air of self-assuredness.”
“I told him there was no reason why he couldn’t become president,” Hulton recalled. Obama was dressed “nicely but casually, a slacks and shirt, not jeans and a t-shirt, but definitely not a coat or tie,” he said. After the brief conversation Hulton continued on his route and did not turn back to see whether the Ayers’ were at home or whether Obama entered their house.
Hulton delivered mail in Glen Ellyn for 39 years with two years off to serve in the U.S. military. He retired in 2001 and is now 66 years old. King Harvest confirmed his employment as a letter carrier with Ray Wasz, Finance Supervisor of the Glen Ellyn Post Office. ….
Mrs. Ayers told Hulton that she and her husband had been in contact with their son Bill and Bernardine while they were underground using “code” to communicate. “They had ‘ways to communicate’ she told me,” Hulton said. Hulton encountered Dohrn three or four times during his time as the Ayers’ letter carrier because he had to confirm that she lived there and secure her signature for certified mail deliveries to her at the Glen Ellyn home. Hulton said Dohrn was never friendly with him but rather “was a sourpuss, she never smiled.”
Hulton had one encounter with Tom Ayers who politely asked Hulton about his work. Hulton said he told Ayers that he thought there were problems with the senior management of the Post Office and that he wasn’t always happy about the work habits of some of his fellow workers. “You know, ordinary gripes about work,” Hulton recalls. “I couldn’t believe how he responded. He started to about workers having to struggle to survive and about the the struggle between the common man and those with the means or power in society. It made me think later that he might be a Marxist!”
"Will anyone ask Joe Biden or Jen Psaki today to disown the Weather Underground?"
Do you know or presume they ever expressed explicit or implicit support for or approval of the Weather Underground? One usually is not expected to disown a philosophy, action, or person(s) unless one has previously indicated agreement with or approval of them. Otherwise, it's just a puerile "gotcha!" tactic used by assholes.
Thanks Mike Sylvester. Obama sure does have a lot of skeletons in his closet that the propagandists at the NYT's have ignored. Imagine if they were in the News business and told us the truth!!???
"Obama sure does have a lot of skeletons in his closet that the propagandists at the NYT's have ignored."
Skeletons? Are they skeletons if they are so easily found in his history? What significance does any of it have today? Obama has not been president for five years, and while he was in office, he presided as a moderate Dem/liberal Republican.
rcocean said...
So she wanted to murder innocent Army soldiers - many of whom were probably draftees -
The plan was to bomb a NCO dance at Fort Dix..
So, young draftees and enlisted men PLUS their dates. They were PLANNING on killing innocent coeds.
Robert Cook? Killing Police and planning on Bombing Coeds...Was it GOOD; Or BAD?
I'm genuinely curious about YOUR take on all this? GOOD? or BAD?
The most disturbing aspect is how the Left idolizes murderers like the Black Panthers and the Weather Underground and Che. People like Ayers can get a professorship or give a speech to lefties but a conservative can't get a job at uni.
Robert Cook: Obama and weather underground--Bill Ayers is a close buddy of Obama. Ayers was a terrorist. Not sure what else you need.
Patient Zero in the wokeness epidemic.
The world is a slightly better place this morning.
"Robert Cook? Killing Police and planning on Bombing Coeds...Was it GOOD; Or BAD? I'm genuinely curious about YOUR take on all this? GOOD? or BAD?"
See my comment at 9:10 am.
The only good thing I can say about that excerpt is that it used the active voice for once in describing the murders and the robbery.
"Robert Cook: Obama and weather underground--Bill Ayers is a close buddy of Obama. Ayers was a terrorist. Not sure what else you need."
Need for what? To mark Obama as a radical kin? I need a lot more than merely his connection to Bill Ayers to be convinced of that. I would have to see such radicalism expressed in Obama's actions.
While in office, did Obama oversee a Marxist (or even just "far left") transformation of America? Or, did he simply continue the government-as-servant-to-the-military-and-corporate-state as usual...as has been the norm for decades, continuing up to today?
(That's a trick question: there's clearly only one correct answer, and those who choose the wrong answer reveal themselves to be deluded far-right-wing loons.)
Stop your word and other mincing activities, Cook.
What I loved about the 0bama Reign of Error was all the racial healing!
While in office, did Obama oversee a Marxist (or even just "far left") transformation of America?
Obamacare anybody?
The corksoaker left a legacy we may never recover from.
Her and her ilk, all that scum from the late '60s to early '80s "radical" groups, did a lot of damage. The country would definitely have been better off if they had never lived. But the circle of life is showing that the do and will eventually die. One hopes in debilitating pain.
Cook: Obama's lies about his deep and long involvement with Ayers and Cohen were exposed in (democratic socialist, Obama-voting, Pulitzer-prize winner) David Garrow's book. Barack and Michelle spent dinner and evenings with the terrorist murderers several times a week for eight years. I've written about it, with ample footnotes.
Sorry for posting about Boudin's real crimes in the wrong place. I don't know how to move it from the post above.
Dohrn, not Cohen. Thanks, Amazon pad fake spellcheck.
She did twenty three years in prison. That's a substantial amount of time, but not so much time for a cop killer. Her life exemplifies what people like her like to refer to as white privilege. She got to study abroad for a year in Russia. That's not a standard white prole experience.... The Times obit was kind and respectful. They don't put into doubt the remorse or any of the many elevated sentiments that she mouthed during her prison time. I'm sure the parole hearings had nothing to do with them....There's a good chance that Chauvin will spend the rest of his life in jail and any remorse he expresses at the parole board hearings will be taken with a grain of salt. By any objective measure, his crime was less than that of Boudin and he himself was endowed with considerably less privilege than her.
"Obamacare anybody?"
Based on a policy first put forth by the conservative Heritage Foundation and implemented in Massachusetts under governor Mitt Romney. It is a gift to the private insurance providers, another capitalist program.
Not leftist at all, unless you consider any and every policy devised by government to provide services to the public to be "leftist."
I'm a little skeptical about early Obama sightings, as I am about UFOs and about many of the other Obama rumors. We know Obama and Ayers were tight. The postman's story is a little iffy. People have strange ways of remembering things that happened years before.
Boudin's dad was once famous as a radical (indeed, pretty much communistic) lawyer. Her uncle, IF Stone, was likewise famous/notorious. Yet Kathy's brother, Michael, got judicial appointments from Obama and both Bushes.
"Cook: Obama's lies about his deep and long involvement with Ayers and Cohen were exposed in (democratic socialist, Obama-voting, Pulitzer-prize winner) David Garrow's book. Barack and Michelle spent dinner and evenings with the terrorist murderers several times a week for eight years. I've written about it, with ample footnotes."
All immaterial. How did Obama's friendship with Ayers and Cohen affect his thinking as manifested in his two terms as president?
A few small corrections, Mike. Ayers and Dohrn never dropped out of the Weather Underground. Dohrn stole the I.D.s used to rent the trucks for the Brinks murders and other cop assassinations. She stole them from her customers at an upscale NYC baby boutique. She should have been prosecuted with the rest of the killers. I think she and Ayers quietly turned state evidence to avoid her conviction. I'm not the only one.
She was held for several months in 1981, during which time Ayers tried to sleep with a young woman who would later date Obama. I haven't seen credible evidence Obama knew the terrorist couple until his wife Michelle introduced them in Chicago. Bernardine Dohrn was Michelle's mentor.
Good argument for the death penalty, as if an argument was needed.
Well, Cook, Obama and all the MSM lied about this throughout his first election. Overt, unambiguous, repetitive lies.
You do the math.
Robert Cook said...
See my comment at 9:10 am.
i DID!
i'm not asking You to 'disown' ANY THING, or ANY ONE.. I'm your opinion. You HAVE an opinion, i'm sure?
Murdering Cops and Bombing Coeds? Good? Bad?
I'll let you draw your own conclusion, though my comment at 9:10 am should suggest the answer to you.
Tina Trent at 11:01 AM
I haven't seen credible evidence Obama knew the terrorist couple until his wife Michelle introduced them in Chicago. Bernardine Dohrn was Michelle's mentor.
As far as I know, the initial acquaintanceship of Obama and Ayers remains a mystery.
One possible clue is an incident -- told in Obama's and Ayers' books -- in which Obama was pondering his decision whether to move from New York to Chicago. While pondering his decision, Obama was looking at a spot in the Hudson River where the water seems to flow in opposite directions.
That incident occurred in the summer of 1985, when Obama still was pondering that decision.
Since that spot in the Hudson River is told in books by both Obama (ghost-written by Ayers) and Ayers, there is that reason to think that Obama and Ayers knew each other before Obama decided to move to Chicago. However, this remains just speculation.
I don't remember the details. I studied this mystery many years ago.
gilbar said...
"That March day, was the day Bill Ayers (and others) decided that they shouldn't bomb things
Because they were so f*cking incompetent that they couldn't even assemble bombs"
It is believed they were making black powder pipe bombs. Not very competent. Black powder in the threads and then friction occurs when the cap is tightened. And Boom. There are so many other ways to create an explosion. The only thing serious about these people is there anger.
Not honorable people. Not people you'd want as neighbors.
The NYT tweet on the story wasn't sufficiently supportive of Kathy Boudin, so they deleted it and ran another.
BTW, I can't understand how the left continues to idolize Boudin, Ayers, Dohrn et al. Imagine if the right treated abortion clinic bombers this way.
By any objective measure, his crime was less than that of Boudin and he himself was endowed with considerably less privilege than her.
Good points. Chauvin was lynched to pacify a black (and white) mob. He should have gotten a change of venue. Even the medical examiner lied to convict him. Boudin, like most of the Weatherman terrorists, was a rich kid with lots of help from parents. Her son is busy destroying San Francisco showing that the apple does not fall far from the tree.
Tina Trent at 11:01 AM
Dohrn stole the I.D.s used to rent the trucks for the Brinks murders and other cop assassinations. She stole them from her customers at an upscale NYC baby boutique. She should have been prosecuted with the rest of the killers. I think she and Ayers quietly turned state evidence to avoid her conviction. I'm not the only one.
Dohrn was prosecuted and imprisoned for contempt of court, because she refused to testify about providing the IDs to rent the truck.
Perhaps she did admit to the detectives that she did provide the IDs, but just refused to testify about that in court.
It's likely that she did not know that the IDs would be used to rent a truck for a robbery. Perhaps she assumed that the IDs would be used only to enable her former underground comrades to avoid arrest.
The time has come for these fascists to be suppressed. They are incompatible with a free high trust society.
Clarifying my own comment at 11:18 AM
It was many years ago that I studied the mystery of the initial acquaintanceship of Ayers and Obama. Now I no longer have or remember many of the details.
My vague memory is that one of Ayers' books (not the book he ghost-wrote for Obama) mentions a spot in the Hudson River where the water seems to flow in opposite directions. Ayers indicated that when pondering his own difficult decisions, he sometimes came to watch that spot in the river.
In Obama's book (ghost-written by Ayers), Obama tells about watching this river spot while pondering his decision whether to move from New York to Chicago in 1985.
The juxtaposition of the two books indicates to me that Ayers had told Obama about that river spot, and so Obama went there while he was pondering that decision. So, Obama and Ayers had become friends already before Obama moved to Chicago in 1985.
Other explanations are possible. For example, when Ayers was ghost-writing Obama's book, maybe Ayers just made up the part where Obama went to that river spot.
“ One usually is not expected to disown a philosophy, action, or person(s) unless one has previously indicated agreement with or approval of them. Otherwise, it's just a puerile "gotcha!" tactic used by assholes.”
And the Left. Constantly.
Ms. Boudin was a terrorist and I'm sorry she only spent 20 years in prison, when she should have been for Life. That WFB signed a petition to spring her doesn't shock me. WFB got a killer out of jail because he was convinced he was innocent. Than the guy killed again. WFB apologized (something Mailer never did over jack Abbott) - but it shows where his heart was at.
You people are making very compelling arguments for throwing the book at domestic terrorists subversives and traitors whom foment, encourage and Carry out acts of insurrection.
We need to construct yardarms all over these great United States to appropriately dispatch the January Sixers and their enabler in Chief.
We need to construct yardarms all over these great United States to appropriately dispatch the January Sixers and their enabler in Chief.
Take your meds, Howard. I agree that domestic terrorists, like the ones who destroyed Minneapolis and Kenosha and Ferguson, MO, should be strung up but your team protects them. The terrorist sprog in San Francisco is carrying on his mother's work.
"The time has come for these fascists to be suppressed. They are incompatible with a free high trust society."
Ah! So you are one who does not support freedom of speech!
Mike S: If you haven't read it, I highly recommend Garrow's Rising Star. As a leftist, Obama disappointed him a great deal, and he didn't pull punches. He is the most meticulous historian of his era. I know him. He is a deeply honest man.
Dohrn wasn't prosecuted: she was held in jail for some time for refusing to testify, then cut loose even though the evidence against her was damning. Weather Underground folks know she was the brains of the operation, and I've heard whispers over the years that she and Ayers escaped punishment because they turned evidence. The subsequent arrest of their "comrades" also supports this.
Paul Newman protected them too.
No, Ayers and Dohrn were deeply involved with Boudin and Marilyn Buck as they assisted in assassinating cops with the Black Liberation Army for several years. They knew what they were doing. The BLA led by Assata Shakur -- whom Obama shielded from extradition,targeted the black/white police partners created to advance racial harmony in and outside the police force. The Weathermen had broken off into "focals" but did not disband. Dohrn, Ayers, Boudin, Obama advisor Jeff Jones, and Elinor Raskin, later a law prof and judge, all contributed to these efforts to kill cops and set bombs well into late 1981. Jones and Raskin turned themselves in the day after Brinks. Cops found their apartment with dynamite on the floors and their baby crawling in it. They likely also turned state evidence.
They all just lied about stopping.
So Robert Cook says that materially assisting in killing cops and attacking the US Army is “freedom of speech” while he at the same time calls for people who disagree or who protested on Jan 6 to never again see the light of day.
Interesting there. Cook, you are supposed to be the “reasonable” leftist here. Yet here you are, defending this piece of scum and defending Obama’s relationship with Ayers and now you are trying to say that anyone who criticizes and wants to protect America from leftist terrorists is wrong.
Tell me, is there ANYONE at all you view as a leftist? Ever? Or is Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, etc. all right wingers too?
I am sorry, Howard- how many murders were committed by the January 6th gulagers?
"So Robert Cook says that materially assisting in killing cops and attacking the US Army is 'freedom of speech' while he at the same time calls for people who disagree or who protested on Jan 6 to never again see the light of day."
I have no idea WTF you are talking about. Obviously, you have not heard the words that have been coming out of my mouth, but the words you imagined/projected as coming out of my mouth.
Look, sober up and maybe you'll be in fit shape to participate.
"...here you are, defending this piece of scum and defending Obama’s relationship with Ayers and now you are trying to say that anyone who criticizes and wants to protect America from leftist terrorists is wrong."
Ahem. Maybe sobering up won't be enough; maybe drying out for a few days will be necessary.
Really, where do you get these fried-brain interpretations of anything I've said? "Defending Obama's relationship with Ayers?" Simply stating that he had/has a friendship with Ayers is defending it? I'm neither defending nor criticizing his friendship with Ayers, as it's not my place to criticize his friendships, and neither do I care. I simply challenge those who see a dark link between Obama and the Weathermen to describe how Obama's and Ayers' friendship manifested itself in any of Obama's actions, policies, or decisions as president. No one can provide an answer.
(Mind you, I'm no fan of Obama and I never voted for him. He's another criminal servant of the military/corporate complex that runs America and is helping to destroy the world.)
---The juxtaposition of the two books indicates to me that Ayers had told Obama about that river spot, and so Obama went there while he was pondering that decision. So, Obama and Ayers had become friends already before Obama moved to Chicago in 1985.
Mike Sylvester strikes again. Nice work, interesting. I venture to suggest that Obama never went to look at that spot in the Hudson River. He was much too lazy for that kind of thing. Ayers just used it both times in the writing. He probably had mentioned it to Obama, who probably said "Cool," so..... "truth", lefty style.
Rcocean: you have it backwards. Buckley never apologized; Mailer did. One sorry act in a waste of humanity as Mailer, but he admitted his error.
Buckley never did.
Cook: no normal people become that intertwined with another couple. They practically lived together, including during 9/11 when Ayers bragged about his love for terrorist acts in the NYC on 9/11, to say the least. And many journalists, law profs and even lefty judges lied to conceal the intimacy.
Rusty: Heroic Larry Grathwohl, the only FBI mole to successful!y infiltrate the Weathermen, was a veteran and "mistaught" Ayers and others on bomb construction. When Ayers tried to bomb a police station and a next-door restaurant catering to blacks, Larry made the bomb wrong and risked his life to get word back to his FBI handlers.
"Cook: no normal people become that intertwined with another couple. They practically lived together, including during 9/11 when Ayers bragged about his love for terrorist acts in the NYC on 9/11, to say the least. And many journalists, law profs and even lefty judges lied to conceal the intimacy."
I don't know how much, if any, of the above is true, I don't know how "intertwined" Obama was with Ayers and Dohrn, I don't know how one can define "normal people" or how closely "normal people" become involved with other couples, I don't know how many (IF any) "...journalists, law profs and even lefty judges lied to conceal the intimacy"...and I really don't care. Did Obama's friendship with Ayers influence him such that it manifested itself in his actions taken and policies passed while he was the president? No. Obviously no. So, who cares? Trying to paint Obama after-the-fact as a bomb-throwing radical sympathizer is not just false, but completely irrelevant and stupid.
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