When I hear the phrase "How dare you!" I think of Greta Thunberg — at the 2019 UN Climate Action Summit— famously orating:
"This is all wrong. I shouldn’t be up here. I should be back in school on the other side of the ocean. Yet you all come to us young people for hope? How dare you! You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words. And yet I’m one of the lucky ones. People are suffering. People are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction. And all you can talk about is money and fairytales of eternal economic growth. How dare you!"
How dare you steal from the future lives of the children. But now "How dare you!" has been deployed in the abortion debate, by the pro-abortion rights side:
"Some Republican leaders are trying to weaponize the use of the law against women. How dare they? How dare they tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her own body? How dare they try to stop her from determining her own future? How dare they try to deny women their rights and their freedoms?"
Politico — the publisher of the leaked Supreme Court draft — calls that Kamala Harris speech "the Biden administration’s most forceful defense of reproductive rights."
Technically, to say that is not to call the speech forceful. The "most forceful" thing could be quite weak. What was the competition? But I think praise was intended.
What an opening for critics! All they have to do is answer the question: "How dare they?" Look back at the iconic Thunberg speech. Greta demanded that the adults of today make sacrifices for the children of the future. The anti-abortion rhetoric springs quickly to mind.
“I say with the lives of 62 million unborn boys and girls ended in abortion since 1973, generations of mothers enduring heartbreaking and loss that can last a lifetime: Madame Vice President, how dare you?”
ADDED: Andrew Sullivan's new column is titled "How Dare They?" Subtitle: "The left's attitude problem when it comes to democracy."
How dare voters have a say on abortion rights! The issue — which divides the country today as much as it has for decades — is one that apparently cannot ever be put up for a vote.... Even the most progressive countries regulate abortion through the democratic process....
[W]hy is this so terrifying for pro-choicers? If you look at polling, there is very little support in America for a total ban — let alone one that doesn’t make exceptions for rape and incest...
A healthy political party would thrill at this opportunity — a winning issue where the GOP has gone off the deep end.... So why the preference for terror, fear and rage on an issue where the public remains deeply conflicted?
I have two thoughts. The first is that many Democratic elites really do not trust the American people. They have a resilient belief that a huge segment of this country is rotten, bigoted, racist and, yes, deplorable....
Some rights granted by courts are, or quickly become, uncontroversial — like buying contraception, marrying someone of another race, or of the same sex. Other rights never gain this kind of legitimacy — like abortion, for the obvious reason that many believe a life is at stake. And the cost of imposing one side’s extreme view on everyone else and taking the question out of politics altogether is huge. It has delegitimized our democracy and the courts, has helped spawn a powerful reactionary movement from Reagan to Trump, and empowered unhinged Christianism....
Leftists, if they could only snap out of their disdain for democracy, can make a powerful case for moderation on this issue against right-extremism....
So let’s stop the hyperventilation and get back to democracy. Persuade people, if you can....
६२ टिप्पण्या:
If Planned Parenthood was secretly a racist organization intent on wiping out Black people in the United States.... what would they be doing differently?
the lives of 62 million unborn boys and girls ended in abortion since 1973,
But, weren't many of these, Black children? And, weren't most Poor children?
As a democrat, Ms Harris; was this a feature? or a flaw?
Wasn't ethnic and social cleansing ... The POINT?
Plagiarism. Harris takes a leaf from her nominal boss's playbook. I say nominal because I'm having a hard time believing that Slow Joe is effectively in charge of very much. He gets up in the morning--he may or may not read words from a teleprompter, then he gets his
pudding cup, and the staff "puts a lid" on his day.
It's the subjunctive mood that's going around.
Gahrie asked...
If Planned Parenthood was secretly a racist organization intent on wiping out Black people in the United States..
what would they be doing differently?
Oh! oh! I can answer That! If they were SECRETLY a racist organization intent on wiping out Black people;
They Wouldn't have put their intent in their Mission Statement!!!
Planned Parenthood's intent is NOT a secret. Their Entire Purpose is ethnic (and social) cleansing
“We are in the beginning of a mass extinction.” Greta.
People really think like that.
In light of VP Harris's "how dare they" statement, I sought out the Aztecs, Mayans, and Incas for comment, but alas I could find none.
"Reproductive rights" seem to be more about not reproducing. A rebranding or relabeling is needed.
Indignation. This is the one thing Kamala Harris plays well. She cannot think on her feet. She isn't very bright, though she does have a law degree in her back pocket (which makes me wonder once again- just what does go on in Law Schools that I am not understanding?). She has no depth of knowledge on any particular subject important to her job- such as economics, world history, geopolitics.
But she finds her footing and her back straightens up when she plays indignation. Like when she debated Mike Pence and kept saying loudly, "I'm speaking! I'm speaking!" As if anyone cared that she was speaking. It wasn't the substance of what she was speaking that held any impact, it was to some, the fact that she was standing up for a woman's 'right to not be spoken over.' Which I think is considered a right in some circles.
Now she gets to feign indignation for a few months. Or years. She could play this card for years.
One other thing. Many on the side calling themselves 'pro choice' seem to just accept as fact that all women feel that there should be abortion on demand everywhere, no question. But that's just not the case. There are millions of women- some conservative, some centrist, some with no affiliation at all- who don't agree with that. Who feel that abortion is a sin, or the murder of a baby, or just wrong in most cases. (or all cases). Kamala and the others do not speak for all women. Or men.
These same people also assume all Black Americans are Liberals, as well as all Jews, Hispanics, and any peoples of color. Again- that's simply not so. The indignation Kamala plays is based on assuming that everyone carrying a vagina is behind her, applauding her, praising her. But everyone is not praising her or even wanting to hear her say anything. She's proven herself to be so phony at life, perhaps one of the most phony humans we've had in that office- and that's saying something. Who could possibly want that leading your charge? It gives less credibility to the cause, much in the same way Greta Thunberg has done for the climate change crowd. You think it's a help, but it's not.
62 Million certainly seems like a mass extinction. How like Mengele.
As long as the black birth rate is above the national average there’s no point in whinging on about the abortion rate.
"This is all wrong. I shouldn’t be up here. I should be back in school“
The only thing she said that was actually true.
Greta Thunberg didn’t ruin “how dare you” merely by making you think of her whenever you hear it. She ruined “how dare you” by sucking all the righteousness out of it and leaving a smouldering husk of childish impudence. It's no longer a call to feel shame, it’s a joke. You don’t feel bad when you hear it, you roll your eyes.
Which, of course is how you should respond when Kamala Harris says it. So maybe Thunberg didn’t completely ruin it.
Kamala finds her groove. It won't last. Rage is easy, but there's not much else she can speak coherently about.
Harris's arguments can be made to state legislatures.
The positions are further apart and hardening.
Louisiana may pass a law that declares the life begins at conception. IUDs, the morning after pill, etc. may be banned.
The Democratic legislation before the Senate essentially allows abortion at any point. The "limitations" are ill defined and minimal at best.
The two positions are growing further apart. The Right has held its since before Roe; perhaps in response, the Left has dug in that abortion should be unconstrained.
The political middle ground is disappearing; a time of choosing is at hand. Which side are you willing to vote for? Which side are you willing to argue for?
As for me: Life begins sometime before a baby takes its first breath. And so I know which side I am on.
Mike Pence and Kamala Harris are the 2 people our Oligarchs want leading this discussion.
The Republican voters hate Pence because he is a witless coward and a loser.
The Democrat voters are embarrassed by Kamala's abject stupidity and the fact her primary skill she used to advance in politics is pleasuring Democrat men.
These two people were chosen to represent the body politic by the corrupt machine that owns our media.
How dare you right the wrongs we have done.
How dare you take back what we have stolen. We took it, it's ours now. You can't have it back.
“How dare you” is a moral claim. It only works if both parties share a moral frame, which the speaker highlights with these words, calling them to the attention of the listener (and the audience: almost always the speaker is speaking to an audience).
It’s also a one-shot weapon. You’re at 11. It’s more an ad hominem dismissal of the listener than a sincere effort to engage on the issue.
So, yeah: a cheap juvenile trick by useful idiots.
Kamala Harris dumber than Greta Thunberg even. I knw it was bad but ...
'How dare you steal from the future lives of the children.'
And now Harris wants to steal the future lives of children.
"So why the preference for terror, fear and rage on an issue where the public remains deeply conflicted?"
Because for many years the Democrats have been a coalition. Each member gets control over its area of interest, no compromise expected.
My theory for a long time has been that pro-abortion stridency boils down to -- is largely animated by -- Ruling Class women who are in terror of mothering or grandmothering a Down Syndrome child.
They won't say so except in the most private of conversations, but what I know from being in those conversations is they NEED that assurance of a fifth & sixth month window for a quiet abortion.
Instead of bluntly saying so - like Iceland - our ruling class women divert by crying about poor black girls, and I bet they are glad to have that decoy.
I believe the latest push to open the abortion window to the very end of a pregnancy is inspired by the same: it helps disguise that crucial late window that is so necessary for their purpose.
I understand their terror, but I hate their mendacity and the lengths to which their dishonesty distorts and hystericizes our conversation.
#WorstRulingClassEver, especially so for the women.
She's useless. Nobody cares for an American Greta bellowing out nonsense.
Is that the woman who publicly identified Biden as a racist then gleefully accepted a subordinate position in his Administration?
Yeah, follow her righteous lead America. Outrage away!
democracy means we can deny whether you get to be heard, who you get to vote for, and dismiss the poinr of view, from unpeople, clearly insurrectionists, so says misinfo,
The outrage among the professionally outraged comes mostly in places where political majorities will support and vote for something akin to what they have now. Laboratories of democracy. What a concept.
In grad school I studied womens' history with feminist professors, and African-American history with B/black professors, and broad social movements since 1877 with liberal professors--the pantheon of DuBois, Sanger, Goldman u.s.w. Whatever you can say about the struggles of their time, nowadays Planned Parenthood and their backers seem more like the ISPIC-- International Society for the Prevention of Infants of Color.
The present hysteria is phony as the issue is not banning abortion. It is a matter of limiting it to sensible rules. 15 weeks is a reasonable rule. Late term abortion has become the goal of the left, even infanticide. That is not reasonable. No other first world country allows that.
So let’s stop the hyperventilation and get back to democracy. Persuade people, if you can....
David Begley said...
“We are in the beginning of a mass extinction.” Greta.
People really think like that.
Lots of people. It's the kind of religious belief where in many circles, especially online for obvious demographic reasons, if you push back on it you will be all alone and people will drag you for it. Far more dangerous evangelicalism than "unhinged Christianism."
Sullivan's whistling past the fact that the Democrats are even less able to position themselves as the party of moderation on the abortion issue. Look at the Schumer bill coming up for a vote next week: abortion on demand up until birth, publicly funded, with the partial-birth method protected. They're swinging for the fences.
How dare you tell people to get CV-19 vaccines, its THEIR Body!
How dare you draft people into the army, its their body!
How dare you tax people, its their money!
How dare you tell parents, their kids have to go to school, its their Kids!
How dare you tell Corporations they can't discriminate, its their Business!
You either have a community and laws, or you don't. You either enforce public morality or you don't. Stop with the dumb Losertarianism. We tell people what to to do with their "Bodies" "Money" "Kids" etc. all the time.
I love how the Left ALWAYS controls how the arguement is framed. THis isn't about whether "women get to control their bodies", its about Democracy. Do the American people get to decided what limits - if any - can be put on abortion, or not?
We didn't need 9 lawyers in black robes supposedly based, somehow, on the Constitution. deciding Abortion. That's for We, the people, to decide. Further, there's no reason why the people of Maine can't have abortion up to 9 months, while the people of Mississippi have something different. And the people of Winsconsin are in-between.
The British conservative writer Douglas Murray does a really great “How dare they!” about the Left. Indignation backed by knowledge of history and human nature sounds really great. Dust off Joseph N Welch giving Wisconsin’s own Sen. Joe McCarthy the back of Welch’s hand in the “At long last, have you no shame?” speech.
Kamala and Greta don’t know anything, so they sound like midgets instead of the Lord himself/herself.
Sullivan says: "...all of this actually calls the cheap, moralizing bluff of the religious right." In the next paragraph, he calls on the Left to adopt a strategy of moderation, of conciliation, of accepting some restrictions on unlimited abortion. Which they won't do, because abortion is a prime sacrament of Leftism-as-a-religion. But Sullivan won't admit that.
Watching the Left try to defend the leak reminds of when the Left tried to defend LeBron James by saying that teenage black girls have right to have knife fights.
The "Shame" tactic again.
Would still like to see it countered with a mob carrying pictures of Alan Ladd and chanting "Shane!...Shane!...Shane!"
Adult ego tantrums look like:
1. Being highly emotionally reactive
2. Using guilt-tripping patterns
3. Manipulating people or trying to dominate people to make a point or be "right"
4. Ignoring people's boundaries
5. Verbally attacking someone (name calling, shaming)
6. Sabotaging someone else's experience because of the way you feel
‘How dare you?” relies on a significant majority agreeing with your views or having an agreed higher moral ground. Abortionists do not have that majority and have been losing moral ground in recent years. A substantial number of Democrat voters hear Harris attacking their abortion views, so the Harris theatrics are bad politics. After all, over 60% of Americans support a ban on abortion after the first trimester. And the percentage grows to 80% or more on banning late term abortions except in the very few cases where the life of the mother is at risk (very few because we now know how to deliver the premie very early with a very high rate of survival).
I doubt anyone is intimidated by Harris spouting such blather.
Here's something for the pro-choice crowd to chew on:
Civil Rights and Racial Injustice Justice Ginsburg’s “Populations we Don’t Want to Have too Many of”
As Sonia Sotomayor was readying for her confirmation hearings, The New York Times Magazine cast a loving gaze toward the lone female Supreme Court justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg. In so doing, the Times inadvertently shed light on some remarkable thinking by Justice Ginsburg. Those thoughts are so bracing that they ought to upstage the abortion questions surrounding the Sotomayor nomination.
Ginsburg long ago declared her support for Roe v. Wade. Now, however, she has declared something more.
When the subject in her interview with the Times’ Emily Bazelon turned to abortion, Ginsburg said, “Reproductive choice has to be straightened out. There will never be a woman of means without choice anymore…. So we have a policy that affects only poor women, and it can never be otherwise, and I don’t know why this hasn’t been said more often.”
Bazelon then asked, “Are you talking about the distances women have to travel because in parts of the country, abortion is essentially unavailable, because there are so few doctors and clinics that do the procedure? And also, the lack of Medicaid for abortions for poor women?”
Ginsburg replied, “Yes, the ruling about that surprised me. [Harris v. McRae—in 1980 the court upheld the Hyde Amendment, which forbids the use of Medicaid for abortions.] Frankly But when the court decided McRae, the case came out the other way. And then I realized that my perception of it had been altogether wrong.”
Ginsburg is correct in noting that concerns about population growth animated many of those who backed Roe v. Wade. For instance, Sarah Weddington, co-counsel in Roe, along with her then-husband, Ron, wrote in her book A Question of Choice that team Weddington submitted as evidence the controversial 1972 Rockefeller Commission Report on Population Growth and the American Future, which included a call for public funding of abortion.
As for Ron Weddington, his views are even more direct, as was evident in a January 1993 letter to President-elect Bill Clinton. Weddington advised Clinton to strive “immediately to eliminate the barely educated, unhealthy, and poor segment of our country.”
How did Weddington propose to implement this draconian suggestion? In his letter to Clinton, he candidly wrote, “[G]overnment is going to have to provide vasectomies, tubal ligations and abortions … RU486 and conventional abortions.”
Weddington ended his letter with more words of sympathy for the poor: “We don’t need more cannon fodder. We don’t need more parishioners. We don’t need more cheap labor. We don’t need more poor babies.”
See this,
Of all live births in the United States during 2018-2020 (average), 23.7% were Hispanic, 52.1% were white, 15.2% were black, 0.8% were American Indian/Alaska Native and 6.8% were Asian/Pacific Islander.
So.....Roe is based on racism and eugenics. And it's worked.
Straight up.
"Some Republican leaders are trying to weaponize the use of the law against women. How dare they? How dare they tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her own body? How dare they try to stop her from determining her own future? How dare they try to deny women their rights and their freedoms?"
Biden Administration Covid mandates forcing military and health care workers to be fired if they refuse to follow a government order to have a potentially dangerous substance injected into their bodies against their wills
State "vaccine passport" requirements blocking people from going out and having a life unless they do the same.
"My body, my choice" is dead. It was killed by Democrat gov't officials at the State and Federal level, and by a US Supreme Court where the 3 solid Roe and Casey supporters were eager votes to back up those Democrat officials.
We told you all that at the time, and you don't care. Just like right now we don't care about your complaints, because they're so obviously dishonest
The Supreme Court is going to abolish affirmative action and Kamala Harris is going to have a heart attack! Apparently, according to some scientists, people have physiological and psychological reactions to discrimination. Whites and Asians suffer negative health effects when they are unfairly treated (their blood pressure actually spikes when they discuss affirmative action). I wonder if African-Americans and Hispanics will suffer negative health effects when they no longer receive preferential treatment?
I was so impressed w/Greta’s creepy whispering “How dare you!”…
That I named a calf in her honor.
Greta is now milking and has a sweet nature.
May she live a long time<3
“She ruined “how dare you” by sucking all the righteousness out of it and leaving a smouldering husk of childish impudence. It's no longer a call to feel shame, it’s a joke. You don’t feel bad when you hear it, you roll your eyes.”
Exactly, though it predates Greta by quite a bit. Say, right around the Clarence Thomas hearings. These days, “How dare you?” is more likely to be greeted with gales of laughter than sympathetic indignation.
"In the next paragraph, he calls on the Left to adopt a strategy of moderation, of conciliation, of accepting some restrictions on unlimited abortion."
Had they done that, the push to end Roe would have died out long ago. Instead it became an all or nothing thing where even the slightest attempt to regulate abortion had to be fought at all costs. Now it's back to the states and the political process.
It takes some serious chutzpah to scream 'how dare you' after what these assholes have put us through for the last two years.
"As long as the black birth rate is above the national average there’s no point in whinging on about the abortion rate."
May the blessings of Saint Margaret of Sanger smile upon the.
Leftists, if they could only snap out of their disdain for democracy, can make a powerful case for moderation on this issue against right-extremism....
Except the Leftists are utterly opposed to moderation on this issue.
65% of American think that most or all abortions should be illegal from 2nd Trimester on. 80% think that way for 3rd trimester, with 54% favoring outlawing ALL 3rd trimester abortions
The Democrats, OTOH, filibustered the "Born Alive Infants Protection Act", which would just have stopped a doctors from murdering a baby, fully out of the womb, who the doctor had been trying to abort.
There's a side that's utterly immoderate on abortion. It's not the Republicans
So.....Roe is based on racism and eugenics. And it's worked.
Great comment, effinayright.
Abortion is a crime, except in the very rare cases, that will never be, and never have been, in the USA, illegal, where the fetus and the mother cannot survive a pregnancy to term -
with those rare exceptions, every one who has ever participated in an abortion has committed a crime against an individual who is not culpable in any way. You cannot say that about any other crime.
I pray for anyone who is foolish enough to think that they have the moral right to approve a form of violence that in every case is a form of violence that tortures or kills the innocent.
Forget all the racial arguments. Just talk to someone in a clinic who had the parts
together n a tray to get then all out of the womb.
You will understand.
If abortion regulation went back to the states, it would become possible to ban sex-selective abortions targeting unborn girls) in every state of Union because such abortions are opposed by 90% of Americans. But what would Kamala say? She would be screaming: HOW DARE THEY LIMIT ABORTION IN ANY WAY MERELY TO SAVE THE LIVES OF GIRLS!!!
The best song I know with the words "how dare you": Buster Poindexter's "The Worst Beer I Ever Had."
Per Andrew Sullivan: "How dare voters have a say on abortion rights! The issue — which divides the country today as much as it has for decades — is one that apparently cannot ever be put up for a vote.... Even the most progressive countries regulate abortion through the democratic process.... [W]hy is this so terrifying for pro-choicers?"
If the Alito draft is indeed issued by the Supremes, Americans will go back to doing what we did before 1973: Deciding on a State by State basis what restrictions (if any) should be imposed on abortion. Roe grew out of the perception by a majority ot Justices that a lot of States reached conclusions that the Justices disagreed with. That's not what we hire Supreme Court Justices for.
"Leftists, if they could only snap out of their disdain for democracy" If only they were not who they are. Problem.
Michael K said...
So.....Roe is based on racism and eugenics. And it's worked.
Great comment, effinayright.
Thanks, but......the data I posted do not give the birth RATE by ethnic group, so my conclusion---that Roe achieved its intended racial *result*--- is wrong:
(After I posted, this thought kept rattling around in my head: the numbers I cited closely reflected the racial composition of the entire country. So if blacks make up 12.1% of the population, and they contributed 15% of live births, those figures don't seem to support the proposition that abortions have caused black birth rates to drop.
So I searched around and found this:
That chart shows birth rates for all cited ethnic groups as very close, with a higher rate for blacks than whites.
Here's another chart showing that the percentage of both whites and blacks declined between the 2010 and 2020 Census results, with whites declining the most, blacks very slightly declining, and Hispanics showing strong growth:
What I haven't found is date showing what percentage of women in various ethnic groups have had abortions, and on average, how many they have had.
Nor can I find anything offering the "might have beens" if Roe had not crated a new right.
Anyway, I wanted to correct my error.
All of a sudden, women are women again, fully reminded that what makes them women is their unique ability to bear children. Okay, ladies, now get that asshole off the diving block.
PM said...
All of a sudden, women are women again, fully reminded that what makes them women is their unique ability to bear children. Okay, ladies, now get that asshole off the diving block.
Have you never heard of doublethink? “Lia” Thomas will be a woman when abortion is not being discussed, and cease to exist in the public mind when it is being discussed.
PM said...
All of a sudden, women are women again, fully reminded that what makes them women is their unique ability to bear children. Okay, ladies, now get that asshole off the diving block.
Have you never heard of doublethink? “Lia” Thomas will be a woman when abortion is not being discussed, and cease to exist in the public mind when it is being discussed.
PM said...
All of a sudden, women are women again, fully reminded that what makes them women is their unique ability to bear children. Okay, ladies, now get that asshole off the diving block.
Have you never heard of doublethink? “Lia” Thomas will be a woman when abortion is not being discussed, and cease to exist in the public mind when it is being discussed.
I'll only say it once: testosterone suppression and hormone replacement can not a woman make. Helluva swimmer; likely a nice person, not a woman.
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