"She was repeatedly asked if she would 'call out' individuals such as Fox News host Tucker Carlson or Republican members of Congress who fan the flames of extremism and the 'great replacement' theory. Time and again she refused. 'It doesn’t matter who it is,' she insisted. 'If a person espouses hatred, we need to call that out. I’m not going to get a back and forth on names and who said what.' One reporter asked if Biden sees a connection [between the Buffalo massacre and] Trump’s 'ultra-Maga' movement.... When the press secretary said, 'We’re not going to get into politics here,' another journalist loudly objected that this seemed to be letting the culprits off the hook.... Critics will say the Biden administration is pulling its punches.... [T]he job of White House press secretary is often about ducking controversies and not making headlines. Psaki was masterful at promising to 'circle back' and 'not get ahead of the president.' Now, like the TV time traveller Doctor Who, the press secretary has regenerated in different and diverse form but with essentially the same character."
From "Karine Jean-Pierre makes history but inherits a world of trouble/The White House’s first Black press secretary used her opening remarks to reflect on this new chapter" by David Smith (in The Guardian).
It's an odd locution — "diverse form." Smith is referring to something Jean-Pierre herself said as she introduced herself on her first press briefing: She's "a Black, gay, immigrant woman." How can one person be "diverse"? Anyone is only the collection of characteristics that they are, and each of us has our set of things. I think "diverse" ought to refer to a group of people, and to call an individual "diverse" is to expect your listeners to fill in the picture, to visualize a larger set of people who are different from the one we're calling "diverse." The group — here, presumably, all the White House press secretaries in history — is understood to be white, straight, and born in the U.S.A., so Jean-Pierre makes this group more diverse.
It reminds me of how people sometimes say about an individual, "He's different." That tends to be an insult. Different from what? You're presuming a norm, and he's off the norm. Someone saying "She's diverse" ought to think about whether the intended praise is some kind of insult. It presumes the person you're talking about is the variation, and the basic form is somebody else. It's otherizing!
Anyway, I'm glad Jean-Pierre didn't indulge in connecting dots about the Buffalo murderer's manifesto and things Republicans think. That's some of the lowliest discourse I've seen in this millennium.
१५३ टिप्पण्या:
Lowliest discourse, yes. And the guy’s a fruitcake. Media will stick to its narrative, but the manifesto (yes I used the term intentionally, fuck off AP) proves it. He says himself he’s not conservative. So the media should stop. But they won’t. There are narratives to perpetuate. Our betters sure have their work cut out for them. Telling us what to think.
The new press Secretary did a terrible job, but maybe she’ll settle in. Still that’s not an easy job. Everything she says is BS and they know it.
"She's diverse" usually means big breasts.
Anyway, I'm glad Jean-Pierre didn't indulge in connecting dots about the Buffalo murderer's manifesto and things Republicans think. That's some of the lowliest discourse I've seen in this millennium.
Worse than accusing Justice Thomas of sexual harassment?
Worse than accusing Sandmann of being a racist?
Worse than accusing Kavanaugh of being a rapist?
Worse than saying "all lives matter" is racist?
Worse than pushing the Russian collusion in 2016?
Worse than suppressing Hunter's laptop in 2020?
Psaki was masterful at promising to 'circle back' and 'not get ahead of the president.'
"Masterful?" She was obviously incompetent. It was just that the press never pushed back.
She completely fumbled her response to the moronic tweet from Biden claiming that higher corporate taxes would mitigate inflation. But, it would have been impolite on her first day to call him an imbecile.
RIP meritocracy. Rise up diversity!
I saw Doocy ask her a question. Karine Jean-Pierre LaDuc Brigitte Mamadoc deFrench responded by looking down, flipping some pages and reading verbatim the canned response. The dead tree edition of the teleprompter. This administration cannot think on it's feet, let alone put a plan together. Or maybe the plan is "Let's wait and see".
Different: when I lived in Minnesota, there was a joke that a male Minnesotan (presumably not a particularly diverse one) could keep up his end of a long conversation with only three expressions: you bet; whatever; that's different.
Example: wife says: I bet you're planning to go to the home improvement store for a few hours, and get a few hundred dollars worth of stuff you like. "You bet." Well you can't, my sister is coming over with her kids. "Whatever." In fact my sister and I are going shopping, you're going to be left with all the kids. "That's different."
Like most concepts that circle back to progressives and become reflexive epithets, Great Replacement Theory is Democrat’s own invention. Ruy Texeira got rich predicting it as a brilliant plan for a New Democrat majority. NYT writer Tom Lifson wrote about a specific plan generated by the Obama WH to “eschew blue collar working class” appeals for courting their new coalition of the highly educated whites and newly imported minorities who would join the “permanent allies” of native Black and Brown voters.
"How can one person be "diverse"?"
Easy. Checks preferred prog boxes.
Diverse diversity has nothing to do with it.
You see it frequently in Corporatespeak. "She's a diverse employee."
From PowerLine:
"Doocy: "How does raising taxes on corporations lower the cost of gas, the cost of a used car, the cost of food, for everyday Americans?"
Jean-Pierre: "We encourage those who have done very well, especially those who care about climate change, to support a fairer tax code.""
This is "staying out of trouble" for the MSM, just to illustrate the actual trouble we are in.
Yeah I imagine that in the Midwest saying that somebody is quote unquote different is an insult. In the successful parts of the country that makes all of the money and the technology and the commerce and the entertainment and the art and the engineering and the science labeling someone is different is actually a compliment. I think that's because most of the "different" people that grow up in the midwest in the South and other backward parts of the country end up leaving for the coasts where their unusual talents are appreciated and rewarded.
I do however agree that it is wise not to put the finger on Fox News Tucker Carlson and all of the other right wing hate monger demagogues. It only serves their purpose then they get to claim victimhood oh no the evil libtard Lane stream media is once again attacking us for being holier than now Christians who love this country and Vladimir Putin.
Maybe finally these idiot elitists from the DNC are finally waking up to the fact that playing the blame game against shameless narcissists is a losing strategy.
Glenn Greenwald has an excellent article on how the left uses this tactic and is always supported by the mainstream media, but the right does not or cannot reciprocate. He starts by using the example of the Congressional baseball practice a few years (2017) back.
Applying the word "diverse" to an individual actually isn't very different from applying the word "minority" in that same fashion. The original phrase "member of a minority group" seemed increasingly clunky over time and at some point, in a kind of agreed-upon shorthand, we began referring to any person in a minority group as being--individually--"a minority."
I don't care about her color, sexual preferences or national origin. She can't speak five words without her saying "you know."
I'll be arguing a case next week before the Nebraska Supreme Court and I can guarantee you that not a single lawyer will utter "you know" to the Justices.
To the rest of the world, we look like fucking incompetent morons. And that's who is in charge.
We need an Administration that looks America and that includes competent and fluent speakers.
This is what we got from all the cheating and rigging by the Dems. I hope Zuckerberg is happy.
BTW, she's also an Ivy Leagurer. Columbia. What a joke.
She sucked. She was hired for the job BECAUSE she is the FIRST GAY, BLACK, IMMIGRANT. She announced that to us herself. Her job isn't about her...but they make it that way. She lies as well as Psaki, so there is that, but her old tweets and times on TV SHOULD shame her like the RACIST she is.
Great! But her non-answer on the connection between corporate taxes and inflation was embarrassing. She works have dine better to promise to "circle back" on that.
Her first day on the job would have me worried. Sure doesn't look like she'll be posting a 20+ win season.
She may be diverse, but is she sustainable?
I'm just like Anne Frank, like Indiana Jones
And them British bad boys, The Rolling Stones
I drive fast cars, and I eat fast foods
I contain multitudes
I saw some of her first press briefing. She seemed to be in way over her head, shuffling papers and spewing nonsensical nonsense while completely avoiding actually answering the question that was asked. Pitiful.
Karine Jean-Pierre has frequent history of accusing things of being racist
.... The [New York] Post looked at Jean-Pierre’s tweets between 2015 and 2020 and found a staggering 57 instances where she accused people, policies, ideas, or words of being “racist.”
And Jean-Pierre accused people and ideas she was opposed to as “racist” at least 43 times in TV appearances too, according to video clipping service Grabien, whose available analysis spanned just the first two years of President Trump’s term in office. ....
“If it walks like a racist, talks like a racist, acts like a racist, it is a racist and we have a racist president in the White House who really pushes his racism like a peacock,” she told a smirking panel on the MSNBC show “AM Joy” in 2018.
“Donald Trump is a RACIST!” she railed in a tweet from Jan 2018, echoing what became a common refrain from her during his presidency.
“Donald Trump is the most outwardly racist President that we have seen in generations and African Americans voters aren’t blind to that. He uses his megaphone to divide people, spew racism, and give cover to white supremacists,” she tweeted in 2020.
Her new boss, President Biden, got in on the act in during the 2020 presidential campaign, claiming Trump was “one of the most racist presidents’ we’ve ever had.”
Trump was far not alone as an object of her derision — Jean-Pierre also ripped the former president’s staff and confidants as racists too.
“Steve Bannon is a white Supremacist. Steve Bannon is a white Nationalist
Steve Bannon is a racist,” she thundered in September 2018, of the president’s former White House counselor. She levied the same accusation on Sebastian Gorka, another Trump White House advisor.
Jean-Pierre also blasted former Attorney General Jeff Sessions as “a bigot & a racist,” who “views brown and black people as less than, not even human,” according to a tweet from June 2018.
She also called racists Texas Sen. John Cornyn in 2020, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio in 2018, and Former Virginia GOP gubernatorial candidate Ed Gillespie in 2017.
“[Fox News] was racist before coronavirus, they are racist during the coronavirus, Fox News will be racist after the coronavirus,” Jean-Pierre said during a March 15 appearance on “AM Joy.” She also blasted the American Israel Public Affairs Committee as “severely racist,” in a Newsweek Op-Ed from 2019.
She has also attacked former President Trump’s wall along the southern border as racist, and has suggested the same about voter ID laws. ...
“Racism doesn’t have political stripes. It’s a systematic problem in this country,” she said in a February 2019 tweet. “Systemic racism pervades every part of our society,” she added in a tweet from June 2020. ...
From the post:
"How can one person be "diverse"?"
I think that's what is meant by "intersectionality." Extra points theses days for gender dysphoria.
Not only is it among the lowliest, it is some of the lowest* discourse as well.
*falling short of some standard: such as
a: morally reprehensible : BASE
b: lacking dignity or elevation
"That's some of the lowliest discourse I've seen in this millennium."
Lowliest, or lowest? I lean more toward the latter.
Instead of diverse the word that should be used is unique. She is unique in comparison to the group which then makes the group more diverse. But in these times to call someone unique is almost an insult (it is pretty close to different, but seems more complementary).
Here we go again. Democrats admit that they are for increased immigration at the souther border so they can legalize them and expect them to vote Democrat and give Democrats a majority in national elections. Republicans hear this and call out Democrats for their actions. Democrats and the left call Republicans racists and conspiracy theorists. To believe Democrats are right about Republicans is to believe that Democrats expect immigrants to vote Republican. If you believe that then I have oceanfront property in Arizona to sell you.
Add to this that Democrats have been seen handing out political information to border crossing illegals why do that if you don’t expect them to vote anytime soon?
Also, I understand that the so-called manifesto of the Buffalo shooter is throughly inconsistent. He accuses Fox of conspiring against him and says he identifies as a moderate authoritarian leftist. But the media will try to convince Americans that he only wrote and means those things that sound like he’s a white supremicist and racist. Yet the guy who identifies as a black nationalist and runs down white people at a. Christmas parade is not held us as being inspired by the Democrats and the left. This is the Democrat advantage in the media, which is huge.
A single person is not diverse, but can be unusual (behavior, look).
Either way, always unique...
But she's got a great personality : )
I saw some of her responses. She proved that she is, in fact, an affirmative action hire, in all the worst possible ways.
"Diverse" is simply newspeak for "not white, male, and/or heterosexual". It's short hand. Please try to keep up with current usages, it's tiresome to have to do the emotional work of keeping you up to date. Be better.
"She completely fumbled her response to the moronic tweet from Biden claiming that higher corporate taxes would mitigate inflation. But, it would have been impolite on her first day to call him an imbecile."
You can't call it a fumble unless there was a way that she could have caught it. She could have been more elegant in bullshitting through the nothing.
Maybe finally these idiot elitists from the DNC are finally waking up to the fact that playing the blame game against shameless narcissists is a losing strategy.
The Left and the MSM have been sliming Republicans ever since Goldwater, because it works on their low information voters.
"RIP meritocracy. Rise up diversity! I saw Doocy ask her a question...."
Quick -- tell us what she could have said. This rush to mark her as stupid is just stupid. Do better.
"Yeah I imagine that in the Midwest saying that somebody is quote unquote different is an insult...."
I grew up hearing that locution — grew up on the east coast.
What a fluff job this Guardian writer did. The new Psecretary is a total lightweight. Doocy destroyed her with his perfectly simple, relevant, predictable question about what Gropey Joe meant by proposing to fix inflation with heavier corporate income taxes. She flailed painfully. It reminded me of the skit by Woody Allen and Diane Keaton in "Sleeper" where they are taken to see the dictator's nose (all that remains after an assassination attempt) from which the authorities are trying to regenerate the rest of him. And Woody and Diane have to pretend to know what they're doing as supposed specialists in such matters; and they do a little dance and keep repeating, "We're checking the...cell structure...Yes, that's it, the cell structure...checking...the cell structure..." as they sidle toward the exit.
As for being a "diverse person," that's obviously code for "protected class" or, if you like, "a made man" in Mafia terms.
A real press corps would ask why he was wearing the Ukrainian Nazi “Black Sun” and why the guy who wrote the original manifesto from which this creep so liberally borrowed was doing training with Ukrainian Nazis?
But it was Tucker who opposed arming these Nazis who was the problem
Always accuse the other guy of whatever you are doing, Nazi propaganda 101.
"You see it frequently in Corporatespeak. "She's a diverse employee.""
I know it's common, that's why I want to problematize it.
"Applying the word "diverse" to an individual actually isn't very different from applying the word "minority" in that same fashion. The original phrase "member of a minority group" seemed increasingly clunky over time and at some point, in a kind of agreed-upon shorthand, we began referring to any person in a minority group as being--individually--"a minority.""
I think it is still unacceptable in formal or serious writing. I would reject it in speech too because it is disrespectful
"The [New York] Post looked at Jean-Pierre’s tweets between 2015 and 2020 and found a staggering 57 instances where she accused people, policies, ideas, or words of being “racist.”"
The Post is easily staggered. She finds about 10 things a year "racist"?!
I'm pretty sure I find much more than that, and I am a seeker of racial harmony and critical of overbroad accusations.
In fact, I'm damned close to calling Jean-Pierre's attackers racist.
Hump said: ""RIP meritocracy. Rise up diversity! I saw Doocy ask her a question...."
AA:"Quick -- tell us what she could have said. This rush to mark her as stupid is just stupid. Do better."
Not marking her as stupid. It's not what she said or could have said, it's how she responded. AA: you left out the rest of my point, which was she read a canned response by reading from her briefing book. Limited or no eye contact to the questioner. She could have mailed it in.
The question from Doocy should not have been a surprise and yet her response was a reading, probably in bold print.
The particular examples of people she's called racist are bad — but typical of how Democratic politico have been talking in the last 7 years.
The Buffalo shooter is insane. I suppose that's diverse, too, but one wonders....
How can one person be "diverse"?
Dissociative Identity Disorder?
Split personality.
Just stop taking the meds and listen to what the voices in your head are saying.
"In fact, I'm damned close to calling Jean-Pierre's attackers racist."
Too late, that shipped has sailed. Like having Covid, conservatives have built up a natural immunity to being called racist. Let's us not forget how Kayleigh McEnany was treated. Was Jim Acosta sexist?
We started calling people "diverse" when we decided that "minority" was derogatory and racist, and also because often "minorities" are the majority. Both labels are condescending and borderline offensive.
“Donald Trump is a RACIST!” she railed in a tweet from Jan 2018, echoing what became a common refrain from her during his presidency.
Twitter turns some people into mindless cheerleaders and hecklers (assuming they weren't that already).
But such idiots were able to convince people that they were the adults that we had to put back in charge, so who's the bigger fool?
“Anyway, I'm glad Jean-Pierre didn't indulge in connecting dots about the Buffalo murderer's manifesto and things Republicans think. That's some of the lowliest discourse I've seen in this millennium.”
But wait… there’s more!
What David Begley said at 9:08.
She does carry the baggage of seeing the world through a racism lens. She seems proud of that. And though I don't know her actual thoughts, I've seen her smugly commenting on certain networks before, looking for some of that earned praise from the other participants. She did not seem ready for Peter Doocey's questions and frankly, as WH Press Director, she's got to do better than she did on those. But I'll give her the grace period of a couple of weeks to get her feet on the ground. It's not an easy position- even for an intelligent person.
But she was hired because of her superficial traits- her color, her gender, her sexual preference as of today. These are not qualities in a WH Press Director. These are qualities only in the offices of HR Directors. And they have had their way with the Biden administration, which is why we have the lineup of people like Kamala Harris, Jennifer Granholm, Pete Buttegieg, Alejandro Mayorkas, Janet Yellen- to name a few. Jean-Pierre fits right in with this crowd. Not much is expected, and hopefully she can meet that standard.
Her diverse form is like unto Walt Whitman:
"Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes.)
I concentrate toward them that are nigh, I wait on the door-slab."
Leave it to the Guardian and the new Press Secretary to insist that an individual is solely the sum of assignable group identities, without any agency or self-identity.
They like the word “diverse” because they won’t talk in “specifics”. Enough with the bullshit, just show me the numbers. Who is doing what to whom?
And that makes it okay?? Not divided enough for the left??
Well, to be accurate, the Democrats label anyone who disagrees with their agenda automatically as "racist".
It's a variation on Godwins Law.
Ann Althouse said...
"RIP meritocracy. Rise up diversity! I saw Doocy ask her a question...."
Quick -- tell us what she could have said. This rush to mark her as stupid is just stupid. Do better.
The truth.
"We know that raising taxes will raise the cost of goods" Then throw in a but like:
"BUT we think that the Biden administration will be able to direct this capital better than the greedy corporate monsters that are raising prices."
She doesn't know what she is talking about. This is clear and you accept her mediocrity because that is what it takes to be accepted by the tribe.
The problem is that people like you are too willing to accept stupidity and bullshit from people who take our stuff.
Probably because your career was based on being paid with money the state took from other people.
Ann Althouse said...
In fact, I'm damned close to calling Jean-Pierre's attackers racist.
I must admit, that the way the media jumped on the blame game made me think the whole thing in buffalo was a fabrication by the FBI.
yeah - my brain went there.
*right before an election*
PBS News Hour interviewed someone from dis-credited SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center) who jumped all over "All Republicans are racists Jew haters terrorists, and this proves it!" BS.
I understand the left are terrified of losing blacks and Jews as voters.
I wouldn’t call her stupid. I’d call her a racist, a hater of America.
Just one more of these douchebags who thinks something good can be built on a foundation of lies, hatred, resentment and guilt.
I prefer building upon the accomplishments and on the progress this nation has made.
Althouse @10:13am… and therein exists the problem. These are low, self-involved, narcissistic people.
Buffalo nut is essentially an eco-terrorist. Where might that come from?
"individuals such as Fox News host Tucker Carlson or Republican members of Congress who fan the flames of extremism and the 'great replacement' theory. "
Jurinalism at its finest!
If it's not to "replce", what is the purpose of inviting illegal immigrants? Biden asked for a "surge".
Cheap labor and bought voters.
Ann Althouse said...
The particular examples of people she's called racist are bad — but typical of how Democratic politico have been talking in the last 7 years.
Poor Ann.
She so wants to defend the Beautiful People so they will let her in the tribe. Then she can sneer at those awful Trump supporters and call them racist and be with the cool kids.
They pointed out that Roe was logically and legally pathetic! RAWR!
But the beautiful people are indefensible. Roe is indefensible. The institutions like the NYT's are indefensible.
What do we do?
Critics of Jean-Pierre have been no more harsh than they were of Psaki. To say they are being racist suggests Jean-Pierre needs to be given a pass because she's black. Did Psaki get held to impossibly high standards because she's a ginger? Or are we all misogynists? Maybe the criticism is because Jean-Pierre is a lesbian? Will we hear next that we are all homophobic? Critics of Jean-Pierre are using examples of her own words and of her own performance. No one is implying it is her race or her sexual orientation or her sex that make her entrance onto the stage less than stellar. Maybe she'll improve with practice, and maybe she won't. Either way, it will have nothing to do with all of the "boxes" she checks off.
That was because she was too busy dissembling about how raising taxes would lower inflation.
Republicans overwhelmingly reject left-wing ideology: diversity [dogma] (e.g. racism, sexism, ageism, class-based bigotry), political congruence or selective exclusion ("="), selective-child (i.e. wicked solution), social justice anywhere is injustice everywhere, coups without cause, witch hunts and warlock trials, democratic/dictatorial duality, cargo cult seance... science (i.e. conflation of logical domains), ethical religions (e.g. Pro-Choice), single/central/monopolistic drivers of progressive prices, immigration reform in lieu of emigration reform, progressive confusion (e.g. conflation of sex and sex-correlated gender attributes), planned parent/hood, etc.
In reacting to conventions about "diversity" and "minority" people, @Althouse wrote "I think it is still unacceptable in formal or serious writing. I would reject it in speech too because it is disrespectful"
Well there's the rub. This is the dogmatic, unreflective language of the Diversity Establishment and one cannot deviate from correctspeak(tm). This strikes me as rather similar to the authoritarian bullying of the early Christian church as it became the state religion of Rome and all across Europe. Islam used a similar approach as it took on a political mantle and became the state religion all across the Middle East.
The new Diversity dogma is quite the opposite of the Christian claim that all are equal in God's eyes. Diversity merit and original sin are derived from inherited, unchangeable characteristics. This is indeed hardcore racism and sexism in disguise. If the Diversity crowd admits to the facts of biology and evolution all hell will break loose.
The Great United Biden will now travel to Buffalo, talk about the dangers of white supremacy, UltraMAGA, the evil Republican Party, etc. America has never had a president who talked in this manner, who said the sort of outrageous, despicable things that have emanated out of this White House over these last 17 long months.
"How can one person be "diverse"?"
Not individually, but in a population.
Individual dignity, individual conscience, intrinsic value. Diversity of individuals, minority of one.
The popular use of diversity is in a dogmatic construct that denies the foundation of humanity, and normalizes color blocs (e.g. "people of color"), color quotas (e.g. Jew privilege), and affirmative discrimination (e.g. African-American). #HateLovesAbortion
"Diverse" is a Holy Word now, along with sustainable, affordable and neurodivergent.
I hear nice liberal ladies use it all the time. As in, "I like ____, it's diverse."
Absolutely nonsensical.
Worse than saying "all lives matter" is racist?
All Lives Matter implies that Baby Lives Matter (BLM), which is antithetical to the established Twilight faith and "ethical" religion of the Democrat majority.
Worse than suppressing Hunter's laptop in 2020?
Worse than planned parent/hood and the Whitmer/Michigan entrapment distraction/cover-up, than the Cuomo/New York #MeToo distraction/cover-up.
Hate has no place in the Biden White House. Just ask Karine Jean-Pierre and Joe "Two Scoops" Biden. They'll tell us how much they love Republicans and Donald Trump! /sarc
In fact, I'm damned close to calling Jean-Pierre's attackers racist.
I'm racist (difference in average race IQs) but not attacking Jean-Pierre. Need a Venn Diagram.
If some individuals are diverse then it seems that some individuals are not diverse. If you have an organization that only consists of diverse individuals then aren’t they all the same? This gets confusing.
"She finds about 10 things a year "racist"?! I'm pretty sure I find much more than that"
No problem then.
"In fact, I'm damned close to calling Jean-Pierre's attackers racist."
The old ad hominem. And why not?
"The particular examples of people she's called racist are bad — but typical of how Democratic politico have been talking in the last 7 years."
Typical, so no problem.
As a "seeker of racial harmony and critical of overbroad accusations" how do you defend somebody like Jean-Pierre whose entire intellectual and rhetorical arsenal seems to consist of calling everybody and everything "racist"?
It's the reductio ad absurdum of the race-hustling game that's been run for many decades by the Al Sharptons and, more recently, the BLM people.
Let me anticipate the move where, because I call out this race hustle, I must myself be a racist.
Quick -- tell us what she could have said. This rush to mark her as stupid is just stupid. Do better.
challenge accepted
let me explain this is how Biden devious thinking works >>> Corporations don't like paying taxes; higher taxes will make them avoid bigger profits >>> less profits come from lower prices >>> voila - less inflation!
’She could have been more elegant in bullshitting through the nothing.’
She included global warming in her response. That’s a fumble.
I see the comments section has been taken over by AA defending the new black press secretary. She does need defense. I saw her answer about why raising taxes on corporations will help inflation. She is clueless, like her entire regime.
’Quick -- tell us what she could have said.’
She could have said that an increase in corporate tax revenue could decrease deficits which can contribute to inflation.
"Biden, she would go on to remind the briefing more than once, had been motivated to run for president by white nationalists clashing with civil rights activists in Charlottesville, Virginia, nearly five years ago." Is there a human being who believes that?
Oddly enough (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Biden_presidential_campaign) he has run for President three times, two of them more than five years ago.
So, in other words, tokenism.
The particular examples of people she's called racist are bad — but typical of how Democratic politico have been talking in the last 7 years.
Well that makes it OK then.
Ann, I challenge you to find another person who has 50 or more published statements of accusing others of racism over that time period. Maybe that will adjust your view of the 'stagger ratio'. Go ahead, call me racist, but Jean-Pierre is Jen Psaki without the annoying glibness.
--- In the successful parts of the country that makes all of the money and the technology and the commerce and the entertainment and the art and the engineering and the science labeling someone is different is actually a compliment.
Maybe, Howard; but you left out one category: food.
Those little scarcities -- empty Walmart canned goods shelves -- at the end of the season have been clues to what we may see much more of this year. The Massey-Ferguson CEO said the war in Ukraine is removing something like 16% of the world's caloric intake from production. Guys that drive tractors are going to get big PR upgrades shortly.
She finds about 10 things a year "racist"?!
Assumes facts not in evidence. The Post didn't claim they had exhaustively researched her every tweet, post or utterance.
The particular examples of people she's called racist are bad — but typical of how Democratic politico have been talking in the last 7 years.
Yup. They are indeed bad. And when you see the world through the lens of racism 10 things a year seems pretty unlikely, doesn't it? And seven years?
"Quick -- tell us what she could have said. This rush to mark her as stupid is just stupid. Do better."
C'mon, Man! The moment they told us the new press secretary was a black lesbian, we knew she would be dumb as a brick, and anyone who pointed it out would be a racist bigot. Figure it out!
Q - Why would the Biden regime appoint an obvious dimwit to be Press Secretary?
A -That's racist! And bigoted!
The Post is easily staggered. She finds about 10 things a year "racist"?!
I'm pretty sure I find much more than that, and I am a seeker of racial harmony and critical of overbroad accusations.
It's not that she saw racism and commented on it. It's the people/actions/words that she finds racist that is troubling. Surely you understand that it is not just a count of how many times someone can scream racism? On the playground as a kid, some kids thought that was the way to win a name calling dispute. Counting the number of times someone calls racism is adolescent.
The new spokes liar believes in systemic racism, which is the equivalent of the anti-communists of the 50's and 60's who say a commie under every bed. She has just ramped it up to see a racist under beds, on beds, in beds, and everywhere else. Sign of a brainwashed person who believes in conspiracy theories.
Ann Althouse said...
>"Applying the word "diverse" to an individual actually isn't very different from applying >the word "minority" in that same fashion. The original phrase "member of a minority group" >seemed increasingly clunky over time and at some point, in a kind of agreed-upon >shorthand, we began referring to any person in a minority group as being--individually--"a >minority.""
I think it is still unacceptable in formal or serious writing. I would reject it in speech too because it is disrespectful.
I agree completely. I never use "minority" to refer to an individual, and I won't be using "diverse" in that way either. But the arc of English seems to bend towards shortcuts, so it's likely a losing battle--which doesn't mean, of course, that it shouldn't be fought.
"You see it frequently in Corporatespeak. "She's a diverse employee."
Oh, it gets better than that. There was an entire "article" on our corporate bilgenet, by a woman who apparently had some small amount of Mexican ancestry. She diversplained how those of us who -- unfortunately - are not diverse could be "allies" to those - like herself - who are diverse. It seems we do actually have some residual utility, under all that cis-het male whiteness. Someone has to do the work she gets credit for. And yes, she referred to herself as "diverse". I bet she learned that in college!
I was under the impression there would be no math.
I watched her and shew seems like a person of limited intelligence and education. In short, a good representative o0f the current Democratic base.
Trying to blame Trump for the actions of a self-admitted leftist authoritarian. That's the state of our media today.
Calling them the enemy is too kind.
Two ways she could have approached that question about corporate taxation and inflation: 1. Tie it into the Dems' theory that inflation is caused by corporate profiteering. IOW, "Much of the inflation we're seeing is due to corporations taking advantage of consumers in the wake of the pandemic and the Ukraine war. The president condemns that, and wants to assure the American people that corporations that are using the perception of supply disruptions to line their own pockets will be made to pay their fair share of taxes."
2. "Raising corporate taxes may not directly reduce inflation, but it better equips the government to get relief to those most adversely affected by inflation."
This isn't rocket surgery.
Ann Althouse said...
The particular examples of people she's called racist are bad — but typical of how Democratic politico have been talking in the last 7 years.
With this administration failing the United States on a number of issues and the Dems who control Congress spending us into persistent, not “transitory”, inflation without the Republicans aiding and abetting them on most of the spending bills, I fully expect Biden, his administration, and the Dems in Congressional races to constantly use the accusations of racism against Republicans. That is all that they have left in their quiver at this point as the issues that affect all Americans are going to drag the Dems down in contested races. Racism will always be with us as evidenced by Payton Gendron of the Buffalo Topps Supermarket shooting or Dylann Roof in the South Carolina church shootings. And racism is occurring along all of the political spectrum, despite what the left claims that it is on the right only. I will say that in America today, the people like Gendron and Roof are the exception and not the rule, unlike when it was more widespread in the Bull Connor days many decades ago. If Karine Jean-Pierre starts throwing out accusations of racism as Biden’s Press Secretary like she did when she was not a government employee, that will not help our country.
I'm sure you probably judged Moot Court in your years at Wisconsin. And I know you called on students in class. Grade this.
"Q He tweeted, “You want to bring down inflation? Let’s make sure the wealthiest corporations pay their fair share?”
MS. JEAN-PIERRE: Look, you know, we have talked about — we have talked about this this past year, about making sure that the wealthiest among us are paying their fair share. And that is important to do. And that is something that, you know, the President has been, you know, working on every day when we talk about inflation and lowering costs.
And so it’s very important that, you know, as we’re seeing costs rise, as we’re talking about how to, you know — you know, build an America that is safe, that’s equal for everyone, and doesn’t leave anyone behind, that is an important part of that as well.
Q But how does raising taxes on corporations lower the cost of gas, the cost of a used car, the cost of food for everyday Americans?
MS. JEAN-PIERRE: So, look, I think we encourage those who have done very well — right? — especially those who care about climate change, to support a fairer tax — tax code that doesn’t change — that doesn’t charge manufacturers’ workers, cops, builders a higher percentage of their earnings; that the most fortunate people in our nation — and not let the — that stand in the way of reducing energy costs and fighting this existential problem, if you think about that as an example, and to support basic collective bargaining rights as well. Right? That’s also important.
But look, it is — you know, by not — if — without having a fairer tax code, which is what I’m talking about, then all — every — like manufacturing workers, cops — you know, it’s not fair for them to have to pay higher taxes than the folks that — who are — who are — who are not paying taxes at all or barely have."
Re: The Doocy/ Jean-Pierre exchange.
What economist, let alone any high school graduate, ties corporate earnings to out of control inflation? I didn't call her stupid as you allege AA, but I may need to re-think that position.
The movie "Sybil" was about a diverse person, as I recall.
"The [New York] Post looked at Jean-Pierre’s tweets between 2015 and 2020 and found a staggering 57 instances where she accused people, policies, ideas, or words of being “racist.”"
The Post is easily staggered. She finds about 10 things a year "racist"?!
I'm pretty sure I find much more than that, and I am a seeker of racial harmony and critical of overbroad accusations.
In fact, I'm damned close to calling Jean-Pierre's attackers racist."
"The particular examples of people she's called racist are bad--but typical of how Democratic politico have been talking in the last 7 years."
So it's racist to call out a demagogue if that demagogue sounds like the other demagogues but is a "minority" person?
Talk about the soft bigotry of low expectations.
Ann, I usually find your comments interesting or at least they are something to make one think. I think you missed the mark this time. The quote goes on about Jean-Pierre's trying to dodge calling out Tucker Carlson, Trump, Ultra-MAGA voters and FoxNews, none of which had anything to do with the shootings in Buffalo. It's all made up bullshit. For some reason, Ann, you decided to fixate on the word "diverse." That term, written about by an obviously deranged leftist, is the least important or interesting thing from the quote. I love you but you missed the mark this time, Ann.
I didn’t see her intro, but am disappointed in her who-I-am statement because none of those things were her accomplishments or values. We want to know about her character, not her DNA or immigration status. If she had talked about her values or how she plans to conduct or lead the press office (maybe she did?), I’d find that refreshing, mature, and inspirational.
"You can't call it a fumble unless there was a way that she could have caught it. She could have been more elegant in bullshitting through the nothing."
Increasing taxes, as long as not accompanied by increases in spending would be deflationary.
I'd never even heard of this person until she became Press Secretary. But it does seem to me that if she's uniformly accusing Republicans of being racist, then her statement that racism doesn't have political stripes but, rather, is systemic rings a little false.
I have not researched her 57 claims of racism to see whether any of them were against avowed Democrats. Eh. I'm just not that interested. As our host suggests, she's just saying what today's Democrats feel 100% comfortable about, and virtuous for, saying.
"In fact, I'm damned close to calling Jean-Pierre's attackers racist."
Well bless your heart.
Ann Althouse said...You can't call it a fumble unless there was a way that she could have caught it. She could have been more elegant in bullshitting through the nothing.
But isn't elegance in bullshitting through the nothing the core competency of a White House press secretary? That's what got Jen Psaki so many supporters and a sweet MSNBC gig.
She finds about 10 things a year "racist"?!
I'm pretty sure I find much more than that, and I am a seeker of racial harmony and critical of overbroad accusations.
In fact, I'm damned close to calling Jean-Pierre's attackers racist.
See, now that's how you do elegant bullshit.
"but typical of how Democratic politico have been talking in the last 7 years."
In other words, she is racist.
Althouse said...
Quick -- tell us what she could have said. This rush to mark her as stupid is just stupid. Do better.
Narrative: Higher corporate taxes would reduce the deficit and lower inflationary pressures in the economy.
Except that would tend to reveal Biden's higher spending as a cause of the inflation in the first place.
She's diverse in the sense that there are a number of parts of her "identity" that diverge from the straight white male stereotype. That is, her identity is tied to not being something rather than being who she is. Without that straight white male stereotype, she'd have to be judged as a human being, not a symbol of diversity.
I move to her answer, non-responsive! She’s an idiot. She read something that didn’t even address his question, she didn’t even make a feeble attempt at it. But she checks several boxes, she’s a triple threat like the sad mayor of Chicago.
What could Jean-Pierre have said instead, re: inflation and raising corporate taxes? Right off the top of my head, she could have said that increasing revenues from "the rich" would result in the government having more money and thus reduce the deficit, which would curb inflation. Might even be a semi-logical response.
Or, she could have just said that greedy corporations paying "their fair share" would help combat systemic racism, domestic extremists, transphobia, anti-vaxxers, fake news, gun violence, hate speech, disinformation, voter suppression, white supremacy, and climate denialism---all things that threaten to destroy our diversity and our very democracy.
Did I miss one?
It is hard to be worse than Psaki, who was full of white libtard womyn privilege.
Since the Buffalo shooter is a hard leftist who called himself a socialist who hates capitalism and is an eco freak she was smart to not been seen overtly helping the media push their narrative he is a conservative. She didn’t deny it either. Leaves it open for all the leftiod true believers to think he is a Trumpster but she can’t be directly called out on lying. She’s smarter then I would have given her credit for. Certainly smarter than the last one.
Re the inflation answer, it was as if she had a catalog of Dem/Prog subject areas and just collaged them into an answer.
She may not be stupid, but she certainlyy has a bit of prep to do.
Otherwise, she will reveal herself to be just an intersectional box check.
"Quick -- tell us what she could have said. This rush to mark her as stupid is just stupid. Do better."
I'm not sure what she could have said that wouldn't be a bunch of BS, though some earlier commenters have made valiant attempts, but she should have been prepared for the question since "Biden" tweeted about it.
Don't worry about 'connecting the dots', Ann. The Geezer-in-Chiefmade sure those dots were firmly connected.
I spent some time trying to find out if she is a U.S. citizen. I failed.
Seems like, as an immigrant functioning at the highest levels of our government, her naturalization or her acquiring citizenship through her parents if they naturalized when she was a minor would be a point of pride listed near the top of her qualities such as being a lesbian.
Hard to believe she's not, so maybe she is just embarrassed about it.
Anyway, I'm glad Jean-Pierre didn't indulge in connecting dots about the Buffalo murderer's manifesto and things Republicans think. That's some of the lowliest discourse I've seen in this millennium.
Somehow (it's probably Althouse's fault) I've gotten on the NYT subscriber list and they send me free stuff. I am Mr. Freebie Who Will Not Pay For Anything Because of My Scotch Blood. I'm as surprised as anybody that the NYT sends me free stuff, but they do.
Anyway, this morning, on the third day after the Buffalo massacre, the NYT sends me this...
Headline: The Right's Violence Problem
Subhead: Good morning. The Buffalo killings are part of a pattern: Most extremist violence in the U.S. comes from the political right.
Then they go with an even bigger font to say: NUMBERS DON'T LIE (it's not all-caps but it's twice as big as the headline)
Then (at this point I'm going to switch to "the fuckers") the fuckers, citing the Anti-Defamation League, say right-wingers are responsible for 75% of political killings, Islamic extremists are responsible for 20% of political killings, and left-wing extremists are responsible for 4 percent of political killings over the last 10 years.
So if you click over to the ADL report (which I did), you will see that the ADL identified 29 murders in 2021 as "lethal extremist violence."
So out of these 29 deaths (I'm now going to include the ADL with the NYT in my use of the phrase "the fuckers") the fuckers say the 29 innocent people were murdered by...
White Supremacy 45%
Anti-Government Extremism 10%
Incel/Manosphere Extremism 17%
Other Right-Wing Extremism 17%
Islamist Extremism 3%
Left-Wing Extremism 6%
No telling where the Wisconsin car murders are supposed to be on this damn thing. Six people died in that attack.
The ADL also says...
Of the 443 people killed at the hands of extremists over that 10-year period, 333 (or 75%) were killed by right-wing extremists.
Even in 2020, when a huge number of people were angry at Trump, and the nation was filled with riots and Antifa insanity, the ADL says that most of the extremist murders that year were right-wingers.
You'd think somebody might like to investigate the ADL claims just to see if they are true! If only we had some sort of neutral, objective group of people who were paid to go out and find the truth. Sadly, we haven't had that shit in a while.
Q - Why would the Biden campaign select a stupid "black" whore to be Vice President?
A -That's racist! And sexist!
I don't think she's actually an idiot. Her English is pretty good. Prolly went to an expensive college, with smart people. But I'm guessing she hasn't had a lot of experience with handling opposition without playing the race card. She's like a dog trying to figure out how to handle an annoying cat, without biting it. Sure, there are lots of ways, but it would be so simple to just BITE the damned thing! Works every time!
All the Jean-Pierre critics need to take a breather here. She may be the best and brightest they have. Think Granholm, Mayorkas, Buttigieg, Kamala, Yellen (abortion grows the economy), Garland.
"a little too cautious" Interesting way to describe, "For some reasons of insider politics, chose not to repeat a scurrilous lie, this time."
Diversity is a magic word. Nothing done in its name can be wrong; can even be questioned. And yes, an individual can be diverse. Only the PreWoke continue to misunderstand the term "diverse" as descriptive of a collection or group of people or things. Among the Woke, the term describes one's protected status.
It's clearly incorrect to call the new ppress psecretary "diverse." The correct usage is, "She is a bringer of diversity." Not as exalted as Obama the Lightbringer, but give her time to grow in office.
As they say...You can put lipstick on a pig...but it's still a pig. Trump was called RACIST for WAY less for YEARS from her side of the aisle.
According to David B's quote, she implies that the masses will pay less in tax if the billionaire class is adequately taxed this helping the common people to better cope with inflation.
It a gray lie couched in branched convolution. It's what corporate tool press flacks are paid to do. You might call it formulaic, derivative, expected. Not stupid, it's carefully curated over skinny triple macchiatos and biscotti. Do I detect a hint of Adderall earnestness?
The problem is not taxes. The problem is progressive prices in single/central/monopolistic solutions, notably medical, principally Obamacares through shared/shifted responsibility. Also, labor and environmental arbitrage including practical and actual slavery, immigration reform, prophecy of climate cooling, warming, change, Green deals (e.g. blight, environmental and ecological hazards, unreliable energy), Obama/Biden/Springs, sanctions driving divestment from the dollar, political congruence, reproductive rites for social, redistributive, clinical, and fair weather causes, etc.
Three days ago the white house starts using the term Ultra-Maga, a newly made up term, and now reporters are saying it back to them as if a standard term?
All I really want out of an administration is leadership and a press secretary who can espouse that leadership. The Trump admin had that, despite Trump himself and his speaking style. You don't have to agree with their views, but you can admire when someone takes principled stances and is able to speak with passion about it.
To those who seem to want to correct my choice of the word “lowly,” the relevant meaning is “Of disreputable moral character; despicable; base” (OED).
"Quick -- tell us what she could have said."
Here's what I would have said. "I do not understand the connection the President is drawing between higher corporate taxes and lower inflation. I will ask him and get back to you."
I prefer “raciss”, Althouse.
"Jean-Pierre told reporters that Biden had already called out the “poisonous, false, hateful ideology” as well as domestic terrorism in statements over the weekend."
The poisonous, false, hateful ideology in question is "replacement theory". The adherents of this ideology, by turns despicable and pitiable, would have you believe that the people who have increased the incidence of rape in Sweden by 2000% in the last decade do not have blue eyes and blond hair.
OK, maybe, but "lowliest"? Just cuz it's a word doesn't mean you have to use it.
I heard her yesterday.
She's either incompetent or dumb or both.
It's a really bad look to have someone like this as the 'face' of the administration.
and there's this
“The current blame being directed at Carlson and Fox by other media outlets is thus almost 100 percent performative, with the purpose of removing a competitor from cable news. It’s a call for censorship, nothing more.”
Howard thinks value is built mainly by those centers of business and innovation he lists.
Kai notes Howard left off food.
He also left off mining, heavy transport, shipping, lumber, machining, welding, power generation, waste disposal, industrial chemicals, and a very long list of other items too insignificant to disturb the dreams of the laptop cohort.
Also note that just because the corporate HQ of MegaCorp is in NYC, does not mean that is where the value is being created.
Howard thinks value is built mainly by those centers of business and innovation he lists.
Kai notes Howard left off food.
He also left off mining, heavy transport, shipping, lumber, machining, welding, power generation, waste disposal, industrial chemicals, and a very long list of other items too insignificant to disturb the dreams of the laptop cohort.
Also note that just because the corporate HQ of MegaCorp is in NYC, does not mean that is where the value is being created.
Ann's just recycling GWB's reference to "the soft bigotry of low expectations"
"How DARE you hold this black, lesbian, immigrant to high standards!!"
To those who seem to want to correct my choice of the word “lowly,” the relevant meaning is “Of disreputable moral character; despicable; base” (OED).
Also a worm in Richard Scarry's books.
the real issue: Why are the reporters repeatedly asking leading questions that blame Trump and then ask her to confirm this?
reminds me of the joke:
and when did you stop beating your wife?
Quick -- tell us what she could have said.
She could have said:
"We know taxes are paid by consumers, not corporations, so they'll just pass on increased taxes through higher prices to their customers. Like many of this President's proposals, this will further add to inflation."
That is, she could say that if she were economically literate.
I would leave race out of it. Press secretaries aren't a very admirable bunch. Anybody who takes the job is going to be partisan and always portray her boss and his administration in the best possible light. Anybody who would take the job for Biden has to be stupid and a liar.
A lot of bat squeak up in here.
Howard said...
Yeah I imagine that in the Midwest saying that somebody is quote unquote different is an insult. In the successful parts of the country that makes all of the money and the technology and the commerce and the entertainment and the art and the engineering and the science labeling someone is different is actually a compliment.
No, Howard, actual "that's different" is generally always a put-down.
Esp. among engineers, but generally for that entire community that you claim to be speaking for
Humperdink said...
RIP meritocracy. Rise up diversity!
I saw Doocy ask her a question. Karine Jean-Pierre LaDuc Brigitte Mamadoc deFrench responded by looking down, flipping some pages and reading verbatim the canned response
Yeah, that was something special. Especially since none of those canned responses had anything to do with what he was asking
Of course, the correct answer was "it's a stupid tweet, we're retracting it", but being honest or intelligent was clearly not one of the available options
Althouse said...
Quick -- tell us what she could have said. This rush to mark her as stupid is just stupid. Do better.
1: Should should not have read off canned responses that were non-responsive to the question asked. Doing this makes her look like a moron puppet
2: What she should have said was "President Biden misspoke. We're not pushing those policies to lower inflation, we're pushing those policies to (fill in various Democrat pieties here)..."
Ann Althouse said...
"She completely fumbled her response to the moronic tweet from Biden claiming that higher corporate taxes would mitigate inflation. But, it would have been impolite on her first day to call him an imbecile."
You can't call it a fumble unless there was a way that she could have caught it. She could have been more elegant in bullshitting through the nothing.
She had to read her talking points verbatim off the sheet.
She couldn't look down, grab the gist, and then say it in her own words. Doing that would have allowed her to raise her eyes up and look at people while she was talking.
This is one time where, to grasp the whole stupidity of her "response", you really need to watch the video.
She wasn't Bambi in the headlights, because Bambi is at least looking at the headlights.
She is completely, totally, out of her depth here.
Now, what's her experience? Has she ever had this kind of job before, where she had to be able to field questions from people who don't like her, and disagree with her politics?
Then WTF is she doing as White House Press Secretary?
The absolute best story you could say about her right now is that she's not prepared for the job, and the people who are supporting her are doing a crappy job of doing so. That's the best, if you give her every break.
Because either she's working with a bunch of incompetents / morons, to whom it never occurred the Doocy would ask that question.
Or else they did, and they provided her with no meaningful response, and she wasn't able to come up with one either.
In any event, the Biden Admin is clearly a clown show
I want to problematize it
Now, that's the lowliest word of the millennium.
Being black, female, gay, and an immigrant are not qualifications.
Nobody should give a fuck, but unfortunately too many idiots do...
is it OK to remark about a diverse >>> she is hot!
Opinion | Racially-motivated mass shootings, which I do not support, are a small price to pay for having a true progressive like Tucker on the air.
by Glenn Greenwald
We can never be truly diverse until we all think exactly alike.
Replacement Theory? https://www.dailyveracity.com/2021/07/30/yes-you-are-being-replaced/
Mutaman said...
Opinion | Racially-motivated mass shootings, which I do not support, are a small price to pay for having a true progressive like Tucker on the air.
by Glenn Greenwald
Wow, Mut, you really are pathetic.
Here's a hint: when you have to make up what the people you hate say, because what they actually say doesn't meet your needs, this is an indication that you are the baddie
Ann Althouse said...
"To those who seem to want to correct my choice of the word “lowly,” the relevant meaning is “Of disreputable moral character; despicable; base” (OED)."
So noted.
I'll try to do better in the future.
Hey Greg
Are you saying that,contrary to my little joke, Greenwald does support Racially-motivated mass shootings?
Hey Mut
Are you trying to pretend that the "small price to pay" part wasn't there?
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