April 21, 2022

"There is a tradition in far-right propagandist literature... of a white male hero who rises up against a liberal, racially mixed, feminist, and/or otherwise degenerate society..."

"Jean Raspail’s 1978 dystopic anti-immigrant fantasy The Camp of the Saints is the story of the last surviving white man on Earth; it was a professed favorite of Trump’s immigration advisors. Today, this tradition is alive and well, living on Telegram, Discord, Reddit, Gab, and other online platforms. It’s a turbulent terrain of white male resentment, which found its footing in the 4chan and 8chan ethos of 'There are no girls on the internet' and 'Tits or GTFO' and the ensuing 2014 hate-fueled doxing of and attacks on female journalists known as Gamergate. Today, its center is held by a cluster of stars, whose celebrity has become increasingly mainstream.... [W]e find chauvinists like Mike Cernovich, whose testosterone-fueled Persicope rants garner millions of views, or Tim 'Baked Alaska' Gionet, who faces charges relating to his involvement in the January 6th Capitol Hill riot and previously livestreamed his trolling of 'fat' female pro-immigration activists with openly racist and smooth-chested attention whore Catboy Kami, whose real name is not quite pinned down, but who livestreams himself in anime costumes or blackface and says seriously effed up things to teenagers on Omegle and once went on a 'hilarious' hot date with podcaster Nick Fuentes, the bigot-king of the Groypers, who targets rightwing pundits and … okay, I’ll stop there.... It can all just seem like a big, stupid joke until, suddenly, it’s not."

 Writes Ian Allen, "a playwright and journalist," in The New Republic, in " We Are Sorry to Say That You Should Take Tucker Carlson’s Testicle-Tanning Stuff Seriously/The internet had a wild time mocking his recent segment on masculinity, but the Fox News host's obsessions come straight from the literary canon of the crypto-fascist right."

I wasn't familiar with the name Ian Allen. Is this a playwright I should know? Curious, I found "Toning down the sex and violence" (WaPo, October 20, 2015). Allen was the artistic director of Cherry Red Productions, known for its "raunchy" productions, which was reopening under the name the Klunch.


Ann Althouse said...

"... rants garner ..."

rhhardin said...

I'd guess that he writes woke plays.

guitar joe said...

You don't have to like Carlson--and I really don't--to think Carr's article is pretty thin and The New Republic should have higher standards. It has really declined in quality since Marty Peretz sold it.

Spiros said...

No White man is innocent.

Dave Begley said...

Here's the thing. One can be a Black lesbian Democrat and still be in favor of the Rule of Law and not want this country flooded with illegal aliens. If borders mean nothing, then we don't have a country.

Over two million illegals have moved in since Biden moved into the WH. That's larger than the population of NE.

iowan2 said...

I think the left is imploding on itself.

Wading through scattered ad hominem attacks, in opinion pieces is standard stuff. But this is fact free, ad hominem, from opening paragraph, to final period, and not a whiff of content. Lots of content over the last couple weeks is disconnected from substance. I looked at an opinion piece in the Des Moines Register, concerning a proposed carbon capture pipeline. The author was against it. Said it was bad science...then went on for 750 words attacking the man leading the proposal, and all of his past actions she disagreed with. I was hoping to learn more about the debate, and try to build information to form an opinion. But all I got, the author had a huge problem with one man. I came away thinking it might be a worth while project if even those opposed could not come up with an argument against the project.

Temujin said...

I read "Camp of the Saints", and I mostly remember it bizarrely presaging the open door policy that Angela Merkel foisted on Germany and the rest of Western Europe, opening the door to millions of immigrants literally storming the shores of Italy and Greece and moving on up through Europe, all of them coming from either the Middle East or Northern African nations. They arrived and in short time created mini-Middle Eastern or mini-Northern African sections of great cities and small villages in England, France, Italy, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, The Netherlands, Belgium, Greece, and throughout Europe- with the exceptions of the Czech Republic and Hungary. For the most part- they did not assimilate into their 'host' society. In fact, they resisted and created their own world among the 'kafir'.

Call Czech and Hungary white supremacists, or crazy nationalists if you will, but they still retain their culture and have managed to avoid riots, burning cars, knifings, and mass grooming of their daughters. What "Camp of the Saints" showed was a rush of immigrants demanding rights that illegal immigrants don't have on another sovereign nation. Like many controversial stories, it is highly hyperbolic, but nonetheless nailed a topic that so few dare to discuss.

Another in this genre, though from a differing approach, is Michel Houellebecq's "Submission". Very interesting conceptual twist to this story.

Certainly, watching our own borders, watching as the Biden team busses and flies illegal immigrants to cities and towns across America, unimpeded and literally escorted, one wonders how 'Merkelized' we will become in another 24 months. Though I will say that our Hispanic immigrants DO typically assimilate and in fact, do most of the hard work around this country today. That said, uncontrolled illegal immigration is the death of any culture- skin color aside. Skin color does not matter. Your national culture is what gets killed.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

My God Althouse how you can stand to untangle such circumlocutory claptrap larded up with ad hominem is impressive. But then you have a lot of experience with us commenters. Hmm.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

what about white leftists?
White leftists who abuse and ignore actual law?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"the crypto-fascist right."

Xmas said...

"...hate-fueled doxing of and attacks on female journalists known as Gamergate..."

I don't think only one of the journalists called out in the "sex for good game reviews and competition judging" scandal was female.

gilbar said...

What have whites, EVER brought us?
i mean, besides modern agriculture, modern medicine, modern industry, modern science..
Well, the whole modern world... BUT! besides THAT; what have whites, EVER brought us?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Die whites die!

(Except white leftists like Harry Reid, Hillary, Bill, Biden, Biden family drug-crooks, Pelosi, Pelosi family grifters etc...) they be OK!

Rusty said...

iowan2 said...
"I think the left is imploding on itself.

Wading through scattered ad hominem attacks, in opinion pieces is standard stuff. But this is fact free, ad hominem, from opening paragraph, to final period, and not a whiff of content. "

They get themselves all weeweed up over sh*t the majority of people never heard of. All this senseless outpouring of vitriol is going to do is make the book popular with readers from the left. A win for the writer.

mccullough said...

The Woke trying to outdo each other.

The Camp of the Woke.

Sebastian said...

"Jean Raspail’s 1978 dystopic anti-immigrant fantasy The Camp of the Saints is the story of the last surviving white man on Earth"

But it wasn't a story of white male resentment.

The white male trope is itself a deflection. Encouraged at times by intoxicated white males.

Balfegor said...

Jean Raspail’s 1978 dystopic anti-immigrant fantasy The Camp of the Saints is the story of the last surviving white man on Earth

I haven't read this, but this characterisation doesn't match the summaries I have seen elsewhere (specifically, wikipedia, which I just rechecked now). I suspect he's inventing a "tradition" here, or at least engaging in some intentional distortion to manufacture a basis for his argument. Literally the only piece of propaganda I can think of that resembles

white male hero who rises up against a liberal, racially mixed, feminist, and/or otherwise degenerate society

would be C.S. Lewis's That Hideous Strength (which I began reading but never finished) in which the antagonists -- or their useful idiots, at least -- are caricatures of the proto-progressives of the 1940s. But C.S. Lewis is not really far right at all. I suppose -- if you exclude all liberalism and feminism from the antagonists -- Sax Rohmer's Fu Manchu novels might qualify. But that's also not particularly far right either, just an exotic villain who plays on the White audience's fear that they're going to lose to fiendishly clever Asians (cf. Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President and Fellows of Harvard College).

rcocean said...

Sorry, this is just the standard liberal attack article I've seen 1000 times. Now that Rush Limbaugh is dead, Tucker is the new hate figure. The liberal/left is so Goddamn boring.

Jay Quenel said...

Lorenz, Allen, the competition for NeoStasi political Officers to take charge of the internet is really heating up this week.

Jay Quenel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bob Boyd said...

Scary, scary stuff. Obviously, we need censorship...strict censorship.

Which side do you think Obama will take on this?
President Obama will deliver a keynote address at Stanford University on April 21 about disinformation and challenges to democracy in the digital realm. The event is co-hosted by the Stanford Cyber Policy Center and the Obama Foundation. Tune in to watch President Obama’s speech below at 2:15pm CT / 12:15pm PT


ga6 said...

Did I read this wrong? Is the author of the opinion piece a porno guy trying to remake himself as serious woke left person who dislikes white males?

Anthony said...


Mark said...

How is it that leftists know all about all these right-wing things that conservatives have never heard of?

I still don't know what Q is or who the Koch brothers are (or who Richard Mellon Scaife was).

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Crypto-fascism is the secret support for, or admiration of, fascism. The term is used to imply that an individual or group keeps this support or admiration hidden to avoid political persecution or political suicide. The common usage is "crypto-fascist", one who practices this support.

If you are a closeted “antivaxer” does that make you anti-crypto-facist?

I’m trying to stay woke ☺️

Skeptical Voter said...

Well Ian Allen may be a playwright. But he can't read. I read Camp of The Saints three or four years ago. And while it was written from the point of view of one "white" man, he sure wasn't the last surviving white man in the world.

But then Ian Allen--like a lot of lefties gets all wee wee'd up and can't stop with apocalyptic ad hominen attacks. It's not much of a substitute for reasoned argument, but I suppose you have to go with what you've got.

ccscientist said...

Sure you can find right wing bad people, but the actual media employ people who call for race war, the death of males, the end of family, killing cops. If you count the hate and death rhetoric, it is overwhelmingly against whites, men. Those posts don't get taken down. They have stooped to calling parents upset about an actual rape in a school terrorists.

tim maguire said...

testosterone-fueled Persicope rants

Why are some people so irony impaired? Why are they seemingly unable to keep their misandry out of their complaints about misogyny?

RNB said...

"Jean Raspail’s 1978 dystopic anti-immigrant fantasy 'The Camp of the Saints' is the story of the last surviving white man on Earth..." Uh... Did we read the same book? Or: Did you read that book?

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Poor Ian Allen. The big, strong, right leaning men won't do the responsible thing and commit suicide so he can feel better about himself.

What's the world coming to?

Michael K said...

Tucker Carlson moves on as the Rush Limbaugh of TV and the hatred of the left follows him. I'm sure his sponsors are attacked and many have chickened out but he seems to carry on. Limbaugh had to syndicate himself and go to local sponsors who are not political. So far, even as it slides left, Fox has hung in there with him. No doubt his audience size is the determining factor.

Amadeus 48 said...

I think we’d be better off reading John Donne, the 17th century poet, preacher, sometime pirate, sometime pornographer, and Dean of St Paul’s. He was James I’s favorite preacher. There is a new biography out. He is the ultimate Most Interesting Man in the World. The Age of Faith heads toward the Age of Reason, with the Thirty Years’ War, the Eighty Years’War, and the English Civil War paving the way to the Enlightenment. And we can see how well the Enlightenment is going.

Batter my heart, three personed God…

When thou hast done, thou hast not Donne…

License my roving hands and let the go/
Before, behind, beneath, above, below

Death be not proud, though some have called thee so…
Death, thou shalt die.

cubanbob said...

Why does the Left hate the poor and the working class so much? Is there a shortage of poor people that requires imported poor people to keep the ranks of the welfare state to the level needed to maintain the welfare workforce employed? Do we have a shortage of domestic criminals that we need imports to keep the criminal sector of government busy?

Andrew said...

Why are people on the left such lousy writers?

Assistant Village Idiot said...

I should find out where he can buy a brush that broad. I have an outdoor painting job this spring.

Jupiter said...

We're coming for you, Ian. Tanned, rested and ready!

n.n said...

Speaking truth through projection is a first-order forcing of cognitive dissonance. Lose your Pro-Choice "ethical" religion, your diversity [dogma] (i.e. color judgment, class-based bigotry). Principles follow principals. Babe Lives Matter (BLM)

JaimeRoberto said...

If I recall correctly, one of the heroes at the end of Camp of the Saints is a non-white man. It was about culture rather than skin color. That said, the book described Indians in a rather unflattering way, calling them shiteaters, so I can see why people object to it.

realestateacct said...

The chatterati/twitterrati spend all their time creating straw men to destroy instead of listening to what people are saying. I have never encountered anyone who has read Camp of the Saints which is a dozen less than people I know who have read Mein Kampf or the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. (I have included people who read them who do not admire them).

Marc in Eugene said...

Well, Ian Allen may be a playwright. But he can't read. I read Camp of The Saints....

I read Le Camp des Saints too. I read the Allen (my last free article! I think I wasted it) up to the point at which he made his ridiculous assertion about Raspail's novel, at which point I was happy to stop.

Scott M said...

Anyone wondering who the instigators and primary villains of "Gamergate" should go do where-are-they-now research, particularly on those poor gaming journalists that were so beset by an apparent army of basement-dwelling incels. The schadenfreude is especially tasty. The last gasp of this was Frosk's rant on the newly relaunched (and highly ill-conceived) G4TV, which almost singlehandedly torpedoed the platform.

Rollo said...

I see that the do-it-yourself "Everything is Racist Kit" is still selling well.

Is this the Ian Allen who wrote Angel Shit, Laura Bush Killed a Guy, Lil Care Bear Crash, Snuff.mov, How to Win a Race War, Why Women Lie, The Queens Chef, Tiger Mouth, Natural Duck, Savage Pieta, Talk Show, Baked Baby, Trapped By the Mormons, Thumbsucker, and “Kenneth, What Is the Frequency?”

Ian Allen's worldview is as frenzied as Irwin Allen's but a lot less mature and nuanced.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

I have also read The Camp of the Saints, the second time just a couple of months ago. It is narrated by a (white) Frenchman, yes, but he's far from "the last white man on earth." The ending involves half a dozen or so people -- including an Indian (for Raspail India was then the great source of overpopulation and famine) who went on a radio show and unaccountably denounced most of his fellow Indians before they could quite cut the mic. (The host claims later that obviously the guy was a light-skinned Brahmin; he retorts that "I'm black as a n***er!," whereupon the host says that then he's even worse than a light-skinned Brahmin in going over so to the enemy.)

Anyway, he and a small contingent of other characters (we've been introduced to each of them) who oppose the "Last Chance Armada," as it comes to be known, hole up in a little French village, one that represents for them what France is losing forever, where they are all killed.

There are certainly things to hate in the book, above all the figures of the misshapen dwarf and the giant ("the turd-eater") who stand at the prow of the lead ship, and the constant references to the smell, the miasma, emanating from the fleet. Raspail is, shall we say, immovably un-woke. But it's not anything like Allen's glib portrayal. I doubt very much that he has read the book at all.

Joe Smith said...

'...it was a professed favorite of Trump’s immigration advisors.'

Multiple advisors? Really?

In fairness, white men created much of the modern world in which we all live.

Jim at said...

It's really amazing there are all these 'far-right' places that (as a white male) I should be flocking to like a moth to light.

Yet the only time I read or hear about them is when some leftist is going off.

Why is that?

Skeptical Voter said...

RMB--yes I read the book--and while it's a dystopian fantasy I sure don't recall that the protagonist claimed to be the last white man in the world.

Robert Cook said...

"(Except white leftists like Harry Reid, Hillary, Bill, Biden, Biden family drug-crooks, Pelosi, Pelosi family grifters etc...) they be OK!"

They're all certainly detestable grifters, but none mentioned here are leftists.

Narr said...

"Why are people on the left such lousy writers?"

Because they're lousy readers and lousy thinkers?

SoLastMillennium said...

"There is a tradition in far-right propagandist literature.."

If this is how it starts rather than a point it reaches after a long argument leading here this is nothing rather than a propaganda piece, whether you admit it or not.

chuck said...

I'm also unfamiliar with the "tradition". I suspect Ian is too.

John henry said...

I hope he never finds out about Orianna Fallaci. She makes camp of the saints seem like a Sunday picnic.

She was tried for being mean to Muslims and complaining about "Eurabia", her term for the muslimification of Europe in her books.

"The Rage andthe Passion" is a hell of a book

John LGKTQ Henry

John henry said...

Robert Cook said...

They're all certainly detestable grifters, but none mentioned here are leftists

I'll go with "fascist"

Of course, that is a left ideology so here we are again

John LGKTQ Henry

Gravel said...

Cook, I'll ask you again: what's a leftist? I don't disagree that none of those folks are leftists (I see them as left-pandering grifters), but I really want to know what you think makes somebody Left wing.

Jupiter said...

"Call Czech and Hungary white supremacists, or crazy nationalists if you will, but they still retain their culture and have managed to avoid riots, burning cars, knifings, and mass grooming of their daughters."

It is noteworthy that the countries having the biggest problem with the Invasion of the Turd-eaters are those that were not invaded the last time the Turd-eaters got frisky. The folks who lived for centuries in the shadow of the Ottoman Empire have not forgotten how to hate Muslims.

Jupiter said...

Sweden, on the other hand, is now the rape capital of Occupied Europe. Although it's illegal to mention that fact in Sweden.

What's emanating from your penumbra said...

white male hero who rises up against a liberal, racially mixed, feminist, and/or otherwise degenerate society

Have you seen a commercial in the past 10 years, you twit?

Michael K said...

I kind of agree with Cook on that list. All those people should be in prison but they are all grifters. The real hard leftists are in the NGOs and the foundations that fund BLM and other far left outfits, like ANTIFA. Many are rich with inherited money like the WalMart heiress and the Disney heiress.

Narr said...

Jupiter points out that "the folks who lived for centuries in the shadow of the Ottoman Empire have not forgotten how to hate Muslims."

That's true, and one could substitute Russia and Russians with just as much justice.

"Eurabia" was not a recent coinage either. I think it was proposed as a Good Thing as far back as the 1950s by some idealistic Europeans. Bat Ye'or wrote a book about it.

It seems clear to me that Putin is just doing openly and from Russian territory what he has been encouraging in Syria and elsewhere. Use refugees generated by wholesale firepower to destabilize other countries. A few years ago he was trafficking Muslim refugees across Russia to unload on Norway at their Arctic border, and for all I know he still is.

I don't doubt that there are Muslim terrorist sleeper cells by the hundreds ready to move on command in every European city by now, except in countries that have kept the pollution out.

Putin's use of Muslim troops reminds me of that great Christian Francisco Franco (who is still dead) and his North African Moorish cutthroats, happily butchering Catholic Spaniards and Basques.

Bunkypotatohead said...

This guy seems to be competing with the author of that CREEP article yesterday to see who can cram the most insults of their opponents into one paragraph.

Lurker21 said...

The article confirms Michael Lind's observation that all left of center magazines now are basically the same (and maybe someone else's tongue-in-cheek theory that all magazines are the same). But Lind's reason -- that it's the fault of foundations, advocacy groups, and NGO's -- doesn't really hold up here. It seems like it's more the result of faulty education that gives one a tribal identity but not much in the way of wisdom, learning, factual information or even basic skills and personal probity. Magazines always addressed a specific audience, but they once sought to inform them about the wider world. Now the limitations of the audience are the limits of the world and the point is to reinforce those limitations.

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