"The survey asks about self-censorship, opinions toward viewpoint diversity, perceptions of campus climate, knowledge of the First Amendment and consequences of expressing oneself.... Tyler Katzenberger, press secretary of Associated Students of Madison, said... 'We get what the survey’s trying to address and we think it's an important cause to discuss, but why is there not a survey addressing diversity issues in the System?... Why are we prioritizing this over other more pressing diversity issues?' Katzenberger said ASM additionally questioned the legitimacy of the survey because it received an exemption from UW-Stout’s institutional review board, which protects the rights and welfare of human research subjects. However, Eric Giordano, executive director of the Wisconsin Institute for Public Policy and Service, said in a statement that representatives from most other campus institutional review boards (IRBs) also 'reviewed the project and determined that the research did not qualify as human subjects research.'..."
Interesting that the student leader speaks of "diversity issues" repeatedly, apparently without noticing that the survey is about an issue that is labeled "diversity": "viewpoint diversity." Maybe for students, "diversity" is a term of art, and it only means diversity of identity groups and has nothing to do with the life of the mind.
Anyway, they're censoring the censorship survey.
५३ टिप्पण्या:
knowledge of the First Amendment and consequences of expressing oneself
I don't suppose this is about streaking?
What's the need for a "free speech survey"? Anybody who doesn't know that conservative speech is censored a lot of places, but especially at colleges and universities, has his head in the sand (or somewhere else).
Diversity in everything. But not thought. That's what ASM is for.
'...Why are we prioritizing this over other more pressing diversity issues?.
JFC, that ALL these idiot universities have been doing these past 5 or 6 years.
Now throw in all the hot, new trans bullshit, and they don't have any time left for actual, useful education...
I think "diversity" is deployed in its "stop what you're doing right the freak now" use.
Maybe for students, "diversity" is a term of art, and it only means diversity of identity groups and has nothing to do with the life of the mind.
For all progressives, "diversity" is a term of art, and it only means diversity of identity groups and has nothing to do with the life of the mind. [FIFY]
why expect anything else.
"Maybe for students, "diversity" is a term of art, and it only means diversity of identity groups and has nothing to do with the life of the mind."
Correct. So diversity means uniform support for prog priorities, and "viewpoint diversity" is just a cover for anti-diverse racism. The "life of the mind" is an ideological smokescreen.
How many employees in the UW system have the word 'diversity' in their title? I guarantee there are zero administrators dedicated to 'free speech.'
Of course nothing prevents ASM from doing its own survey.
If you can't even run the survey, the question is answered without being asked.
Good thing I read all the way to the last sentence.
Students are censoring the survey about free speech and diversity of view points.
Tyler Katzenberger, press secretary of Associated Students of Madison, said... 'We get what the survey’s trying to address and we think it's an important cause to discuss, but why is there not a survey addressing diversity issues in the System?... Why are we prioritizing this over other more pressing diversity issues?'
I think he's got a point, although you wouldn't see it if he wore a little hat. What kind of a name is "Katzenberger"? It doesn't sound like a very diverse name to me. I think it's clear, clear as can be, that "Tyler Katzenberger" is a cis-het male white demon. Why is he occupying a slot at UWis that could be filled by a real, diverse human being? He needs to commit public suicide immediately.
It's all about how you're facing (L vertere, to turn)
$ words.sh | grep 'verse$'
No surprise that a diversity survey about censorship is being censored in the current university environment. That’s what they do.
Delay. Rethink "the errors and missteps of the woke thing" until after the election results are known. Pivot toward sanity.
I always enjoy seeing the Diversity types speak of making their "community" more "welcoming" and "inclusive"----except for the white majority, who they call "irredeemably racist oppressors".
No contradiction there!!!
You can't make this up!
Please keep us posted. I will be surprised if the survey ever happens; or if its findings are shared widely; or if serious debate over policy then ensues; or if the debate helps produce new and better policy; or if new and better policy results in a distinctly healthier free-speech environment on campus. But let's hope against hope.
Free speech is oppressive.
Interesting that the student leader speaks of "diversity issues" repeatedly, apparently without noticing that the survey is about an issue that is labeled "diversity": "viewpoint diversity."
Viewpoint diversity is not allowed under the current narrative and for that reason it is considered racist.
In any event, why do progressives need viewpoint diversity when they already possess the one true narrative? Non-conforming views are blasphemy.
The students should read the free speech essays in David Mamet's new book.
Indeed, the word "diversity" actually is a term of art. At least at universities, governments, and large corporations, it is a code word that has only one meaning: racial, ethnic, and gender quotas. I contrast, the phrase "diversity of ideas" is an oxymoron because there are really only two kinds of ideas: the truth and hate speech, which by definition must be banned.
Indeed, the word "diversity" actually is a term of art. At least at universities, governments, and large corporations, it is a code word that has only one meaning: racial, ethnic, and gender quotas. I contrast, the phrase "diversity of ideas" is an oxymoron because there are really only two kinds of ideas: the truth and hate speech, which by definition must be banned.
“All signs point to there being fairly intense legislative interest in this in a way that appears to be highly inappropriate,” Fleischer said. “The level of legislative interest and intervention in the affairs of the UW System around this one survey is highly inappropriate, extraordinary and worrisome.”
Translation: As professors and administrators, we should be able to do whatever we want but the people who pay for it have no right to ask questions or receive answers if they have the gall to ask.
The left has consolidated control over the university by, among other things, politicizing many traditional fields of study and creating even more that are purely political (Queer, black, women's, etc. studies). Having gained control, they are now encouraging when not enforcing ideological purges of the institution.
Another opponent of the survey says “If you look at the survey, there is almost nothing asking about policies of universities or actual things faculty or administrators have done to restrict free speech on campus,” said Copelovitch. “It’s almost entirely a survey of people’s feelings.” Now do "systemic" racism.
Yes, if you don't want to know the answer, don't ask the question.
"Why are we prioritizing this over other more pressing diversity issues?'
And what are those more pressing diversity issues?
Students don't want to generate information, don't want to discuss things, don't want to be exposed to things, don't want racial integration, but they do want to hide information. Why are they in college, what do they expect to gain from it?
The problem with the DIE bureaucracy is that you cannot question the need for the DIE bureaucracy.
Maybe for students, "diversity" is a term of art, and it only means diversity of identity groups
I was wondering about that. When he complains about more pressing diversity issues, what more pressing diversity issues is he talking about? My feeling is that it is not so much a term of art as that his priorities are…different from mine. He recognizes viewpoint diversity as a diversity issue, he just doesn’t think it’s very important.
The life of the mind, from first to last thought: diversity of individuals, minority of one, is a novel concept in this dogmatic era.
Why are we prioritizing this over other more pressing diversity issues?
yes! Why indeed, are we placing Constitutionally enumerated, natural GOD given rights ahead of
'pressing diversity issues'? Issues like Quotas, and Discrimination
Where do these people think they live? The USA? Don't they Realize, that they live in a Marxist Dictatorship?
Only one is a proper Wordle word.
Please try again...
"... the research did not qualify as human subjects research." What kind of dystopian system requires one to vet an opinion survey as potentially comparable to a health study?
As I've said many times, the left, other than the elite, will end up in chains, and will have no idea that they got that way through their own actions.
Just this morning I was watching Jordan Peterson at Cambridge where he concluded with a passionate statement on free speech
If you are concerned with the oppressed, let’s say, why in the world would you oppose free speech. It’s the only thing the oppressed have. If you don’t understand that, I would say, well that’s either an ignorance that’s so deep you should remediated it as rapidly as possible, or a malevolence that so appalling that you should face it, even though you’ll face it at your peril.
—Jordan Peterson at Cambridge Caius College, November 2021
By “diversity,” Progressives mean a Benetton ad of conformists.
I never quite arrive at the point where anyone should care what students think about anything other than the food in the Commons. If academic leaders were not such shrinking, spineless cowards, a great many problems in colleges and universities would magically disappear.
My wife, a business law professor at a CA state university, noted the other day that the university would no longer require SAT for admission. As she put, for centuries, geezers have always felt that the world was going to hell...but now, it's actually true.
- Krumhorn
Those willing or eager to limit free speech they dislike cannot imagine, in their self-righteousness, that one day their speech will be condemned and prohibited, as majority concensus of what is "acceptable" speech and thought continually shifts and shrinks.
I don't suppose this is about streaking?
My first ever semester at UW-Mad started January of 1973.
Picture it...
Bascom Hill.
I was on my way to class when I noticed a crowd. So of course I had to see what was going on. Naked guy was talking to a reporter, protesting about something. The temperature was below freezing. It was all quite dull, actually. I wanted to see the guy running through the crowd, etc. He's just standing there, shivering, trying to get his 15 minutes of fame. I thought he looked like an idiot, especially since...well, you know what cold does to certain man parts.
Meanwhile, over at Instapundit, there's this:
"In 20 years of teaching at Doane University, Kate Marley has never seen anything like it. As many as 30 percent of her students do not show up for class or complete any of the assignments. The moment she begins to speak, she says, their brains seem to shut off. If she asks questions on what she’s been talking about, they don’t have any idea. On tests they struggle to recall basic information.
“Stunning” is the word she uses to describe the level of disengagement she and her colleagues have witnessed across the Nebraska campus. “I don’t seem to be capable of motivating them to read textbooks or complete assignments,” she says of that portion of her students. “They are kind kids. They are really nice to know and talk with. I enjoy them as people.” But, she says, “I can’t figure out how to help them learn.”"
Interesting that..
None of this is interesting. It's all stupid.
How well I remember back in the early 1970s at the University of Wisconsin there were demonstrations against the presence of Eric Hoffer's The True Believer on the reading list of some course. Plus ça change....
Leftists do not want to have results from this survey. They are in process of brainwashing students sufficiently such that a majority do not notice the censorship.
>>the word "diversity" actually is a term of art. At least at universities, governments, and large corporations
I noticed sometime within the last five to ten years that the word "diverse" could be applied to an individual. Made no sense to me, but it was clear what it meant.
"...has nothing to do with the life of the mind."
Now, there is a thought.
I am old-fashioned, but I think a lot of what we hear from universities has nothing to do with the life of the mind. It has a lot to do with conformist pseudo-Marxist thinking with a shot of middle class guilt.
Yeah, kids, you have it too good, and you don't deserve it. Maybe you can get some persons of color to hang around to help with your feelings of inauthenticity. You might even get denounced by a black person for your white fragility. How cool would that be?
Is there even any question at this point that a movement hostile to free speech is authoritarian? Is there any question what these authoritarians will do once in power? Sadly, the “diverse” people they claim to be helping are being used as human shields by authoritarians seeking to amass power.
I hope we find a way out of this moral panic we’re in - we need to find a path back to liberty.
A lawsuit recently filed by People of Yellow... Asian-Americans... Americans received a favorable ruling that mitigates the progress of diversity [dogma], inequity, and exclusion in a liberal institution. I think it was one of the Ivy League schools. One step forward.
the word "diverse" could be applied to an individual. Made no sense to me
Diversity (i.e. range, variety, difference) of individuals as in dignity, conscience, value, and viewpoint. The modern use of diversity is a dogmatic perspective based on color judgments and class-based bigotry, inclusive of racism, sexism, ageism (e.g. one-child/selective-child), etc.
Diversity of individuals, minority of one.
Everyone uses the term "diversity" like they've been using it their entire lives. Simply put, diversity means no white people. Everyone plays along like it's a noble concept.
Free speech welcome.
Unsure? Ask MEEeeeeee.
Don’t ask, don’t tell.
"Simply put, diversity means no white people. Everyone plays along like it's a noble concept."
Actually, I think it means white people last. Why? Because they have been first. And they haven't earned it, have they? All that wealth for Everyman (including POCs) created by European civilization? It means nothing. The focus on the individual that sparked both the Judeo-Christian civilization and the Enlightenment? Nah, that means nothing.
What is really important is treating people as members of undifferentiated groups based on meaningless physical characteristics and hair-curling tales of past oppression, with special allowances for being a pseudo-female. Get it? Great. Pay me $250,000, please. You now have the equivalent of a four-year course in the Humanities at our most elite universities.
with special allowances for being a pseudo-female
Trans/pseudo is inclusive. As well as trans/bi, which is a deplorable for trans/homo. A baby is a fetal technical term of art for social distancing and other purposes.
Nowadays, it's a rare "college degree" that I respect. Few of today's college attendees and graduates use critical thinking: they instead parrot the trendy leftist beliefs of their herd-peers.
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