"He’s hosted no state dinners. Sightings around town are few, and often involve a quiet trip to church.... Nowhere was Biden’s implicit promise of dullness more popular than inside the Beltway, a place traumatized by Donald Trump. But it turns out that what the city wanted was less back-to-sleep than back-to-normal.... 'The president could be a Cardboard Box and I think Washington wouldn’t be boring,' says Jamie Weinstein, known for putting together soirees with high-profile guests. '... If you depend on who occupies the Oval Office to define whether D.C. has a great social scene, you are doing something wrong.'... [T]he real impact of having an elderly, not-here-on-weekends president during a pandemic may be to hustle up other trends that were already happening, a move away from big events and formal dinners to socializing that’s more low-key.... 'I get invited to these embassy events and I sometimes forget to go,' is how one of my pals, a longtime local partygoer, puts it. 'And then I’ll look on social media to see who was there and it’s like, "Eeew."'"
I'm impressed that Michael Schaffer got a whole long article out of this material: "Joe Biden’s ‘Cardboard Box’ Presidency/The president promised to be boring. He’s over-delivered" (Politico).
I wonder what Biden is doing back home all that time.
Blood doping? Some other type of therapy that keeps him upright?
At least he is not traumatizing the Deep Staters like Trump did.
"He’s hosted no state dinners. Sightings around town are few, and often involve a quiet trip to church..
That's because He's NOT the President. He's Not a figurehead.. He is a figurative figurehead
It's Hard To Believe, that THIS is what people voted for.. Oh! That's Right...
The reason why? There’s no visitors log at his house in Delaware. His paymasters and puppetmasters - foreign and domestic - can give him orders.
Can anyone decipher what Biden is saying here?
Zuckerberg wants an ROI on his $400m purchase of the Big Guy. Mark is in Delaware every weekend giving orders.
Apparently he works half days, 4 days a week, then heads home
Weekends are for the recharging drugs.
I agree with Dave Begley. No visitor logs in Delaware.
I hope each and every person who voted for him gets exactly what they deserve...and then some. If you wanted to take down America...you would do EXACTLY what Joe Biden is doing.
Joe Biden’s ‘Cardboard Box’ Presidency
There's never a porch pirate around when you need one.
@Can of Cheese:
"Can anyone decipher what Biden is saying here?"
"I am the filling in our little Oreo."
"The president promised to be boring. He’s over-delivered"
Biden is what boring looks like, i.e., what Althouse claims to want.
That's not what I meant! she'll say. Sure. Since boring is here used to cover for inept senility.
And we cynical conservatives would agree, since the absurdities of the prog puppet regime aren't exactly boring.
Reminds me of when I got transferred to DC in late 1999, so the WaPo was the local paper and I read it on the train. The big complaint then was how all the tech people, from AOL, and a few of those other now crashed and burned companies in Northern Virginia, were dominating the social scene, getting on all the boards, etc., that "belonged" to the senior career government bureaucrats. Made me realize how provincial, insular and downright filled with "backsides" DC was/is. And those who move there are quickly sucked into "The Swamp".
This is just another example. The President is off the scene so the "politically beautiful" people are having to deal. With Trump, they had the "we don't want him here" anyway salve.
War, Famine, massive inflation, complete destruction of the middle class, soaring energy prices.
And now we are reading about District 1's laments.
The parties are "boring."
District 1 is going to be lamenting more than boring parties soon.
"Joe Biden’s ‘Cardboard Box’ Presidency/The president promised to be boring. He’s over-delivered" (Politico).
Boring? From debasement of the currency to open borders to Afghanistan to WWIII, etc., it's been a white knuckle ride.
But what these insiders are concerned with and talking about is restoration of the DC "social scene."
This absence from work would be fine, if the rest of DC would join him on vacation. The less they do the better. Leave us alone. Stop "solving" our problems.
He’s hosted no state dinners.
There are many reasons for that.
The chef refused to make tapioca pudding the main course.
Dr. Jill didn't think making everyone wear bibs was appropriate.
The Secretary of Defense got tired of playing "Here comes the airplane" with the president.
It would be interesting to see what drugs they are pumping into Joe right now.
Joe has dementia.
Joe started having dementia in the years before he was elected President.
It was obvious during his campaign.
Everyone knew then.
Everyone knows now.
His symptoms are only going to get worse over time.
God help us all.
Biden is the empty cardboard box that Obama's 3rd term was delivered in.
I could’ve sworn this empty cardboard box had a stuffed shirt in it.
"...inside the Beltway, a place traumatized by Donald Trump..."
Wow! What a bunch of entitled snowflakes. I guess no one comes to Washington to, you know, work. They come for the great life of leisure in the Emerald City.
What a hilarious pretense that Joe is doing so well things are actually boring now. I am pretty sure that's how germans during the Weimar Republic saw things as they took wheel barrows full of reichsmarks to buy a loaf of bread. I'm not sure I can handle being this "bored".
Isn't it fascinating how the media doesn't have any stories about "How can someone who won an election with 81 million votes wallow in terrible approval rating a little over the year since the election?"
"Biden promised to be boring"
Oh, I don't know about that. On my way to the grocery store I drive by oodles of illegals hanging around street corners, you know the corners just nearby the homeless encampments which serve as the refuge to the panhandlers and squeegee men at the traffic lights. Then I drive by the set of gas stations that displays the per gallon prices. And when I enter the grocery store I don't know what will hit me first, the empty shelves or the prices for what's there.
You mean that kind of boring?
This made me remember how much the media mocked George W Bush whenever he took a vacation. He was a 24/7 president, we were told--he worked 24 hours a week, 7 months a year. Ha, ha.
A flimsy, empty cardboard box is the perfect image for Joe Biden.
"Nowhere was Biden’s implicit promise of dullness more popular than inside the Beltway, a place traumatized by Donald Trump."
It seems to me the Beltway needs a helluva lot more traumatizing before our work is through. Trump merely scratched the surface and brought all of the players out into the open. The next President needs to literally clean house- whoever that President may be.
LOL “weekends”! Are they referring to the period between noon on Friday — sometimes Thursday— and noon on Monday? If so we need a new word for that extended part of four or five days. After all in real life we are only blessed with two days per weekend except for the occasional luxurious three-day variety.
'...a place traumatized by Donald Trump.'
'Traumatized?' What a bunch of snowflakes.
Joe's sole function is to be led around like a prized heifer and sign something once in a while on behalf of his masters.
Biden, in his stumbling dementia, might just get us into a more exciting event.
The real rulers of our country don't want some meddlesome elected official interfering with their plans. A president who is absent in mind (always) and physically absent from DC (often) is really ideal, for them.
The quote from Biden is really quite simple and straight forward. He is referring to the time he and Xi Jinping hiked together in the Himalayas and climbed the summit of Mt. Everest to have lunch.
The corrupt American leftist Oligarchy needs to come down. Once and for all.
You had to really convince the public that Trump was about to destroy the planet (or at least their lives) to get them to believe that this senile (and not so sharp before senility), corrupt, lazy, expedient pile of Typical Washington is an upgrade.
It wasn't an easy sell. You had to take over virtually all of the educational institutions, 75% of the judiciary, the public media, publishing, the art world, sports leagues, social media, the marketing departments of corporations, a big chunk of Wall Street, the professions, most religious organizations, and you needed to change voting rules, gerrymander like crazy, and install East German style political watchdogs called DEI offices in virtually all large enterprises.
Getting rid of Biden won't get rid of the massive apparatus that foisted him upon us.
What Wince said at 9:51, and others touched on.
Trump and his mean tweets "traumatized" the DC crowd. Was it the lack of wars, the growing wages for the minorities and working class and our energy independence? Their inability to exploit the middle class through tax hikes? The toll that Trump's presence took on their corrupt investments? You could understand how that might upset them.
Well the bad orange man is gone, and we are back to wars where kids get their heads blown off and Raytheon investors make a profit, inflation that devastates the working class, the highest gas prices in history, advancing world-wide food shortages, high crime, millions of children confused about their sexual identity-- to name just a few of our current problems. All good news for leftists who love having victims to exploit.
But the DC crowd are never happy. It's all just so boring. From the article: "There’s no restaurant or neighborhood that the new in-crowd has put on the map." What horrors...
Some people are so far up their own ass they can't see reality anymore.
“Nowhere was Biden’s implicit promise of dullness more popular than inside the Beltway, a place traumatized by Donald Trump.”
The largest population of weak-suck wussies known to man. At some point the Darwin factor has to come into play.
The writer nailed it.
The important thing about electing a dishonest, senile careerist is the negative effect it has had on the Washington social scene.
Blogger Can Of Cheese for Hunter said...
“Can anyone decipher what Biden is saying here?”
"'And then I’ll look on social media to see who was there and it’s like, "Eeew"'"
Any event with pictures on social media is going to be a bit eeew. It means it's part of the hustle.
Biden is senile and his handlers don't want him around Washington. Hence low 12 weeks in D.C. He looked pitiful at Obama's party... and yes know Hunter's bad deeds will come back to crush him but.. they don't care.. He is a puppet for Soros & Obama. Thus illegals flooding the border, F*ckup Afghanistan withdrawal, inflation, canning the Keystone pipeline, shortages, famine, war, 'trans' bullshit, etc....
They want the world in turmoil... unfortunately few can foresee what it will bring. It won't be a utopia, that is for sure. We haven't had a world war in about 70 years... might be time for one. Same for a major depression... a Great one!
Sleep tight folks that voted for him (or just voted 'present'.) You own him.
"Boring? From debasement of the currency to open borders to Afghanistan to WWIII, etc., it's been a white knuckle ride."
The people being "bored" by this President aren't really effected by such minor real world problems. They've spent the last 60 years or so doing as they pleased while the rest of us paid (in lives and treasure) for their fuck ups. It's that special mixture of arrogance and unaccountability that convinced a lot of people to flip them the bird by voting for Trump. They've learned nothing from their mistakes because they don't have to.
"His symptoms are only going to get worse over time.
God help us all."
Only if we first help ourselves. It is going to be a sh*tton of work to undo what Biden voters have gotten us into. Providing, of course, that our usual suspects don't cheer lead us into a shooting war.
i've read, a little bit of history; and one thing that is Fairly Constant, is the historians say:
"contemporary writers said that roman rulers were sexual perverts, but that is Probably political overstatement"
"contemporary writers said that King George was completely insane, but that is Probably political overstatement"
Now i wonder.. IF our civilization still exists in the future; will historians say:
"contemporary writers said Washington DC was a cesspool of depravity, but that it Probably political overstatment"
"contemporary writers said that Biden was a demented senile buffoon, but that is Probably political overstatement"
Will ANYONE believe that in the 2020's we had a President who was LITERALLY brain damaged and a child molester?
With a coke addicted incestuous son that knocked up strippers and slept with Chinese children?
That our schools would be teaching 2nd graders about sex changes?
That our schools would be Encouraging 5th graders to GET sex changes?
Nope! No ONE is going to believe that ANY of this Really happened
Delaware where the drugs are and the sleeping crypt.
At least he doesn't post mean Tweets.
And where there are no visitors logs kept but plenty of burner phones are available just a short drive down the Interstate.
Yes, a President who has obvious dementia, was a fourth-rate man on his best day, and has been consistently wrong about just about everything for 50 years, is boring. The Leader of the Free World is incapable of giving a speech without slurring words at random, making ridiculous lies that are obvious to anyone despite the fact that he apparently believes them, and regularly goes off script and has to have his handlers desperately walk back what he said to the point of literally gaslighting people saying he did not say what he literally did say and we have video, is boring. Our Vegetable President, who completely botched the withdrawal of Afghanistan, abandoning who knows how many American citizens and even more of local allies who are marked for death by the Taliban, all because he wanted ****en brag about it for PR, and then letting thousands of Afghan citizens into the country without any verification of who they are, is boring. The man who insists on spending money we do not have during a major inflation event will not cause further inflation despite every single example of this in history causing massive inflation, showing either an incredible level of stupidity or gross disregard for the citizenry of the country he supposedly leads, is boring. A man so weak that he is not allowed to do anything without supervision such that Putin liked his chanced with The Ukraine, and then followed this up by essentially challenging Putin to a fistfight repeatedly, despite his handlers desperately claiming that he said no such thing, only for him to do it again and again and again, essentially threatening the life of the man with a massive nuclear arsenal and little to lose, is boring.
If the people of D.C. think this is boring, I think the people of D.C. are stupid, out-of-touch, corrupt, and useless.
When people said they wanted a boring president were they really talking about Washington social life?
I wonder about the "boring president" concept. Trump and Biden both keep us entertained, only in different ways. The people who were so obsessive about Trump just ignore Biden’s gaffes and incompetence. And really, aren't things more interesting now? As in the old "May you live in interesting times" curse. One year into the Biden era, Trump actually looks like the boring, competent one.
But of course our focus ought to be on the DC social whirl, not on what is actually happening in the country and the world.
People used to get excited about taking family vacations and visiting friends. Now they can't afford food or gas, so they are pretty much stuck at home. I can see how that is boring. Enjoy!
Boring? Sure as hell isn't boring going to the gas station. Or to the grocery store. And paying out the nose for everything with no end it sight.
For all his faults, at least Trump didn't deliberately fuck up my life.
I like the Little Miss Party Person who claims there are parties: "The president could be a Cardboard Box and I think Washington wouldn’t be boring." She's saying, in effect, "what, you say you never get invited to any parties, well...", then a Mean Girl simper, meaning "I guess we know what that says about you. Can't find the party scene, loser?" Sunny Sue, The Art of Party War.
81,000,000 voters can't be wrong... Oh wait.
The only promise Biden has kept was “going toe to toe with” Putin.
Wait. Aren't the GOP cocaine sex parties still going on?
and Nero fiddled. Same end result.
I will be frank. These people deserve excitement. They should get their excitement good and hard.
Candide said, "The only promise Biden has kept was “going toe to toe with” Putin."
Well, you don't think he'd go mano a mano (hand to hand) do you? Putin would have him on the ground soooooo fast.
Recall Biden was the guy who would have had Xi on the phone when COVID first broke out in China demanding there be CDC people "on the ground to find out what the hell is going on."
I'd really like to have heard that phone call.
Candide: "The only promise Biden has kept was “going toe to toe with” Putin."
You're joking, right?
Decaffeinated Joe is basking in the aftermath of the Ukrainian... American Spring.
“The reason why? There’s no visitors log at his house in Delaware. His paymasters and puppetmasters - foreign and domestic - can give him orders.”
I really don’t think that is it. Rather, I think that he is well beyond being managed or given orders, except by his innermost circle, led by his wife. I think that he goes home to DE, because that is home, and provides comfort to him. Both my partner and I have/had parents who seem to have almost assuredly lived longer in their own homes, than if they had been somewhere else - for them some sort of institutional setting, and for FJB, the White House. Home in DE is security. He knows where things are. He is very likely much less apprehensive there because it is so familiar. Everyone needs to view the situation from the Las of advanced senility, if not downright Alzheimer’s, and not from the point of view of a normal politician. They are pretending that he is normal, but he isn’t even close anymore. This isn’t a real Presidency, with a real President, but rather a pretend President, who can be carted out, with great difficulty, to talk to people outside his innermost circle, whether they be political or foreign leaders, or, on even a more limited basis, the American public.
Yeah, but no mean Tweets.
Candide said...
The only promise Biden has kept was “going toe to toe with” Putin.
"Just the tip."
-Joe Biden
LA_Bob said...
"...inside the Beltway, a place traumatized by Donald Trump..."
"Wow! What a bunch of entitled snowflakes. I guess no one comes to Washington to, you know, work. They come for the great life of leisure in the Emerald City."
Well. It IS where all the graft goes.
The next President needs to literally clean house- whoever that President may be.
A surefire sign of someone who listens to Sean Hannity too much.
I'm not surprised there are no State dinners. Those things are supposed to go well into the night, and everybody knows what Puddinghead sounded like around 1pm on the day they celebrated KBJ's confirmation.
I might be wrong, but I’d guess that even Biden voters (idiots) are seeing the error of the ways. Too bad ill decisions have such consequences. Not much hope the idiots will learn. Life goes on.
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