AND: This puts Porizkova in a much worse light:A thoughtful reader comment on IG need an equally thoughtful response.
— Paulina Porizkova (@paulinaporizkov) April 29, 2022
Thank you for feeling my pain, rickaroo777. As you can see, I’m suffering indeed.
ALSO: The ability to put on a big, laugh-y, winning smile does not prove happiness. Porizkova is a model, so it's been her career to smile, convincingly, for the camera. A big problem with Instagram is the way it shows other people looking so happy, so blessed. It can make onlookers feel bad about their own lives, when, in reality, the person in the photograph could be completely depressed. I hope she's as happy as she looks, but I wouldn't laugh about rickaroo777's banning. In fact, the banning is counterproductive. He put his own idiocy/insecurity on display, and it is its own refutation. Everyone was already laughing at him. It's much less funny if he got cancelled.😂
— Paulina Porizkova (@paulinaporizkov) April 30, 2022
६४ टिप्पण्या:
too skinny
she'd be pretty, if she wasn't so bony
Boy...I would like to feel her pain.
I live in an area with more than a few senior aged people. I guess I'm one of them. But 'senior' is both a state of mind and a state of physicality. Yes, we all age. But some are blessed with good genes. Some work at staying fit, eating properly, getting a lot of sun and outdoor activity, using the noggin regularly. Those things keep you young. And some lucky folks have both good genes and good habits.
Ms. Porizkova is hardly a senior. She's upper middle aged. But she might just be blessed with both good genes and the smarts to keep active and physically sharp. Being a model and actress, she learned to do that years ago and it's probably just a part of her.
I'd say it's working, whatever it is she's doing. And I'm betting rickaroo777's keyboard is covered in fingerprints from pizza grease.
Maybe someone that knows more about photography will correct me, but shouldn't some portion of the ground beneath her be in focus? Of course on IG people shamelessly alter their photos all the time and that is no crime.
But her goal is to use the photo to prove a point, and what point can be proved with a clearly altered photo? What else in the photo has been altered? Did she airbrush out the pain?
Marek, are you looking at the ground in that photo?
I'm guessing rickaroo is a big Rick Ocasek fan. He cut her out of his will and she's made a big deal about it, saying how she didn't even have money for groceries.
Temujin, a fair point indeed.
There's a wiff of formaldehyde about her. I suppose you cucks are all into that teenage boy type of body. Me personally like a thin evenly distributed layer of subcutaneous fat over a more hourglass shaped frame.
In any event, the troll made his point and she confirmed that he hit Center Mass.
"I'm guessing rickaroo is a big Rick Ocasek fan. He cut her out of his will and she's made a big deal about it, saying how she didn't even have money for groceries."
It's Ric, not Rick.
And she's had her own career — a long career. She's been a model and she's been on TV. She has her own money unless she's thrown it away.
"And she's had her own career — a long career. She's been a model and she's been on TV. She has her own money unless she's thrown it away."
Yes, but she may have curtailed her career once she became a mother to his children. His kids even dump on Ric, calling him a deadbeat dad.
but shouldn't some portion of the ground beneath her be in focus?
it's funny that the ground is out of focus, but her Toes are sharp and clear..
Does make you wonder, what she REALLY looks like
Porizkova would still be a knockout if she put on 10 lbs. And I’d find the smile more captivating if her ribs didn’t show.
Point taken on the “joyous photo proves nothing,” but still, Rick deserves ridicule and he got it. He did not deserve a banning, jerk though he may be.
Is it impossible to read rickaroo's comment as sincere? I know we assume that he's a troll, but any woman who feels compelled to post bikini photos (at any age) has definite issues. She's gone on and on about becoming"invisible" and such. I think she's clearly and poorly dealing with aging, and rickaroo is sincerely sympathetic to that.
Wikipedia says: "Porizkova and Ocasek were still in the process of their divorce, but he had disinherited her in a new will, alleging that before his recent surgery she had abandoned him. He also disinherited two of his six sons (Chris and Adam), which required a probate judge to rule on the veracity of the abandonment claims before the remaining estate could be divided. In 2021, the dispute between Ocasek's estate and Porizkova was settled; Porizkova commenting 'They gave me what is mine under New York state law, and we’re done.'"
Speaking of abandonment: "Ocasek was married three times. His first wife Constance divorced him in Ohio in 1971. In the same year he married Suzanne Otcasek, who uses the original spelling of Ocasek's name. They were married for 17 years. During filming of the music video for the Cars' song "Drive" in 1984, Ocasek met 18-year-old Czech-born supermodel Paulina Porizkova, while he was still married to Suzanne. Ocasek and Suzanne divorced in 1988. He and Porizkova were married on August 23, 1989on Saint-Barthélemy island."
Marek, my guess is that it's a "blur background" filter, like one has on Zoom calls. It's to put the sole focus on her.
No objection here to her celebrating the guy's suspension. I'm all for free political speech, but I see no reason to allow attacks on someone's personal appearance. And I think it sets a good example to others to know that such behavior will get you mocked after you're gone.
How old was he in 1984 when he met the 18-year-old Porizkova? He was 40.
The sons cut out of the will were from the first marriage.
She doesn't look like the Paulina Porizkova we remember. In her many photos down through the years she seems like several different women, not just one. Maybe that's a model thing. It would have cost a fortune if it were all cosmetic surgery.
Celebrity changes things. Millions of people post selfies everyday. But they don't get hostile responses unless they are celebrities. Maybe hecklers and haters and trolls are those slaves in ancient Roman times who whispered in an emperor's or general's ear, "Remember that you are mortal."
Need another reason to love or hate Paulina?
In 2021, Porizkova briefly dated director Aaron Sorkin.
Hate: she dated Aaron Sorkin.
Love: only "briefly," just long enough to get to know him.
How old was he in 1984 when he met the 18-year-old Porizkova? He was 40.
18 < 27
The formula is There, for a Reason.. And the Reason is: That's Creepy
Ocasek seems to have embodied the old saying, "the one constant in all of your bad relationships is you."
Didn't she just have a big article in one of the papers about being invisible because of her age?
According to Celebrity Net worth:
"Paulina Porizkova Estee Lauder Earnings: In 1988 Paulina signed a contract with Estée Lauder that paid her $6 million per year through 1995. In total, she earned $42 million before taxes from that one contract alone. This would be the same as earning around $80 million today after adjusting for inflation to today's dollars."
She may have had some liquidity problems right around the time of her former husband's death, but Porizkova may well have been the higher income member of the couple.
she looks amazing- but a bit too thin.
"...getting a lot of sun...keep you young"
A sure way to age oneself prematurely.
(I elided all the other things you listed, which should help one maintain a more healthy and youthful appearance, but getting lots of sun will age the skin, canceling out much of the other good things.)
"Didn't she just have a big article in one of the papers about being invisible because of her age?"
This is something many women experience. In the bloom of youth, even average looking women may attract a lot of admiring looks from men (and women); in the wilt of age, even many once beautiful women lose their beauty, and the admiring attention that came with it.
She handled rickaroo777 just fine. Is IG going to be the knight on white horse for everyone who gets trolled? Let the people involved handle these type of things if they wish, I say.
A spindly ass is unappetizing at any age but she’s no fool, as you’ll discover if you listen to Andrew Goldman’s interview with her. His podcast is called “The Originals” and is always worth a listen no matter who’s the guest.
How does the suspension by Twitter put Porizkova in a much worse light?
I'm guessing that is Auschwitz in the background of her photo. Thank god she'll be better in a month or two.
Marek, it’s a pretty standard thing for any photographer to make adjustments to a photo as Prof Althouse will attest with a light (literally and figuratively) tweak she makes with her sunrise photos. While snapping a selfie in a bar or a group of friends in front of some object of interest might be to capture the moment for a future visit to the memory banks, our camera will get much more than our eyes can see which in itself is becomes something that is not correct to our brains interpretation at the time. For instance, Light always gets captured much more by the lens than our eyes and blows out other elements of the picture.
In this photo, she is probably in the digital adjusted portrait mode on her camera which has created a bit of an annoying trend of fast focal length shots which are super crisp on the subject but blurs everything else. I’ve noticed it a bit on broadcast sporting events from the on the field camera and it is bad enough on some things it almost looks like animation. I do this on macro shots like when I’m an inch from a flower and there is a bee or similar gathering pollen. I want the bee, the pollen on the legs and let the rest of the image to fade out.
I don’t see any signs of heavy photoshop other than some tone adjustments and the portrait mode or filter.
I’m slightly older than her and as I’ve aged, so have my tastes. The lithe, clear skinned nubiles just don’t have the same appeal to me anymore and am quite happy with the sags, drops, and other inevitable droops that have happened with my wife over our years of marriage. I say good for Paulina for holding off ageing as well as she has and other than the digital blur, a very nice subject and photo.
Wait. He posted on Instagram and she put that on Twitter so he’s suspended from TWITTER even though his snarky comment is not on his Twitter account. Did you look to see what he put on Twitter if anything? I didn’t.
IIRC, in an interview I saw, she claimed that she had turned all money management over to Ocasik and that's why she wasn't secure with her own large estate. Obviously, she very much regrets being naive enough to not keep track of all their finances.
My dearest friend from youth is gay, and sometimes with reach out to tell me to 'Go watch Paulina on Youtube..."
She was our favorite super-model. tho - Linda Evangelista was a close second. So exotic.
Paulina is beautiful! 99% of all women would be thrilled to look so good. Yes, she is lucky. She's always been stunning. I think she is gorgeous because she has not gone for surgery. (or want it, I presume) Paulina has not succumbed to the cultural pressure to madonna-esque face-filler, stretcher, & bovine plumper herself into bizarre fake-youth photo-shop. A+
PP is a cracking gal.
Rickaroo's banned comments were probably ungracious and rude, but unless he made some kind of threat or directed a racist disparagement about skinny whites, there's no need or justification for his suspension. It makes one wonder what his response was. Skinny Czechs don't bounce?.....His original comment was true enough, but banal. In any case, Paulina has not yet gotten old and ugly. I can't comment on her happiness, but she's definitely not old and ugly. Not yet anyway. She can refute Rickaroo but not Mother Nature. For the moment, we are, all of us, in better physical condition than Kobe Bryant and so rejoice.
“ How does the suspension by Twitter put Porizkova in a much worse light?”
Her response to it
Paula elected against the will. In NE, you can’t disinherit your spouse.
Easy win for her.
It isn't clear what exactly he was banned on Twitter for- it clearly wasn't the original comment to which she replied, but rather his reply to that.
Also, I will point out that her "laughter with tears" emoji should be read in context with his first response at the end "tears time infinity".
She looks fine for her age- a year older than I am. She is thinner than she should be to be really healthy, but I imagine her diet is better than that of 99% of humanity. The muscles in her arms and legs look well toned.
“The formula is There, for a Reason.. And the Reason is: That's Creepy”
How dare two consenting adults have relations!!!
Wow!! She works really hard to maintain that figure, and probably has surgical help.
I was pleasantly surprised to see that she had a couple offspring. Good for her!!
Looks aren't everything.
“The formula is There, for a Reason.. And the Reason is: That's Creepy”
How dare two consenting adults have relations!!!
I really don't GAF what anyone thinks of my February-late December relationships. My younger women acquaintances are legal, and I simply write off the criticism to the sin of Envy.
It's tough to be part of the natural aristocracy of human physical perfection. From time to time, you have to discard the inconvenient or embarrassing lamprey human. If fact, you have to hire staff for just that purpose. Leave that part to the professionals.
Meanwhile, the future's so bright she has to wear shades. Except she doesn't even have to!
Win Win!
I note Amber Heard is delighted to be a Mother again via surrogacy. Evolution. I bet that's going to be a good looking kid. I wonder how much screening went on, and for what traits?
Since she has mived into my age appropriate range I'm seeing Paulina as 🎶Just what I needed...🎶
Her tan seems weirdly uniform, like she fake-baked. Not that there's anything wrong with that. But I'm continually amazed that Paulina, Rickaroo and pretty much everyone else thinks it's just fine to display their neuroses in a public forum. Whatever floats your boat, I guess.
Why is it OK to say she is “too thin”, but you must never say someone is “too fat”? Because only the truth hurts.
She looks perfectly healthy to me, though if opportunity affords I’ll be happy to examine her more closely to make sure.
"She works really hard to maintain that figure, and probably has surgical help."
There is another explanation.
Ah, the Face with Tears of Joy emoji, I did not see that, what a terrible response to a Twitter suspension. Of course, we don’t know why rickaroo777 was suspended, it could have been something else entirely, or how long he has been suspended. The people I know who’ve spent time in Twitter jail regard it as a badge of honor, and. Musk is keeping the temporary suspensions, right?
I understand you, Ric Ocasek. Many a boy in your generation dreamed of becoming an omnipotent rock god, and at least a few boys who suffered because they had funny ethnic names dreamed of being joyously welcomed in the old country and recognized as the geniuses they were, especially by the womenfolk.
This kind of situation represents one of the big reasons why Twitter shouldn't be so quick to put down the ban hammer.
When someone says something nasty, it can be a learning experience for everyone. Having a corporate overseer simply flush that person away teaches the wrong lesson.
'And she's had her own career — a long career. She's been a model and she's been on TV. She has her own money unless she's thrown it away.'
Even if she is broke, she could easily get a rich guy (or gal) to keep her in style.
As for taking photos...she's a model. It's what she does...
Back more than fifty years, I worked in a field project with a couple of dozen folks. One was an extremely attractive woman who would no doubt have been homecoming queen if she'd run with the right crowd. No idea if she did, though, but the potential was there.
If we were eating at the same table in the dining facility, I got the impression she had eighteen or twenty calories for dinner and something less for lunch. Seemed to thrive, good on the various athletic stuff we did, didn't look anorexic. Bright.
Point is, she was used to it and could keep it up for life, I presume. Have no idea. But it wouldn't be like a lot of the rest of the population suddenly swearing off the burgers, pizza, desserts, snacks, going for black coffee only, no potatoes with three ounces of pot roast, three miles on the treadmill before breakfast. Somebody like Miss P. could do it without the stress on moral courage that most of the rest of us would face and presume is necessarily involved.
She looks perfectly healthy to me. How many women at that age can look so good?
Most of us gain considerable weight as we age. Both women AND men.
My advice is to marry a woman who is skinny or slender, so that by the time you and her get old, she still looks pretty damn good. Go ahead. Delete me as sexist.
'Looks aren't everything.'
But like chicken soup, it can't hurt!
I didn't read the Rickaroo got cancelled. until now.
That is lame., Really lame. Over what?
Joe Smith. Being a model, she does the show-biz smile. That is, lots of upper teeth and an open mouth. Nobody does the without being showbiz trained. It projects the smile further--may come from stage and vaudeville business--and energy. Saw a still of Laura Ingraham going practically back to the larynx.
Clothing medals usually don't do it because they're not the issue, the clothes are.
She looks perfectly healthy to me.
As our Latino friends say, The bone is for the dog; the meat is for the man.
This article says she’s 57.
I believe the term used to describe Paulina is that she's aged gracefully. At the moment, I think Christie Brinkley holds the record for that.
Saw a pic of 54 year old Celine Dion today. It looked like she was the Walking Dead. Kind of the opposite.
My better half turns 65 next month. Hair still original brown, not colored or dyed. It's a combination of genetics and lifestyle. Can't do anything about genetics, you have a lot of control over lifestyle. Tobacco and drugs ages you much faster. Alcohol may or may not- genetics in play with that. Unless there's a LOT of over consumption...
Celebrities also engage in more cosmetic surgery then us plain folks. It may help them when younger, but ages them as they grow older- IMHO.
That Twitter thread is an >60 thirst trap, middle aged women acting like my 15yo daughter’s social media friends. It’s one thing to remain youthful in body and spirit, it’s another to act kittenish when you’re not a kitten anymore. It’s a bit sad indeed. Some line in a movie or a talk show or something similar when I was fully hormonal in puberty always stayed with me, about the limit of beauty, because I didn’t believe it at the time but eventually realized how true it was—someone, somewhere is tired of fucking Cindy Crawford right now.
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