April 15, 2022

At the Sunrise Café...


 ... you can talk about whatever you want.



Flat Tire said...

The wine-dark sea.

rhhardin said...

Children will be hunting for Easter lumps of coal with the price of eggs on the rise.

farmgirl said...

The clouds are so flat!
I’ve been busy - it’s the Triduum.


We have priests from India- and tonight was a visiting priest who gave such a powerful homily. Our singing adds an extra solemn- ness as there are just 3of us: a capella.

Im grateful for my G*d.
Im thankful for my Catholic faith… (in humility).

YoungHegelian said...

Good Friday in black and white.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...
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Butkus51 said...

So, the Biden administration is restarting the sale of oil and gas leases on federal land. Quietly. Wait, what was Peppermint Patty saying just 2 weeks ago?

gadfly said...

Michelle Goldberg used a weird word "autogolpe" in a New York Times commentary about TFG. It turns out that "autogolpe" has a sinister meaning -- a self-coup (or autocoup, from the Spanish autogolpe) is a form of putsch or coup d'état in which a nation's leader, despite having come to power through legal means, dissolves or renders powerless the national legislature and unlawfully assumes extraordinary powers not granted under normal circumstances.

Mike Lee, as revealed in his emails, concurred with Trump’s autoglope plans in the beginning, but maybe they went a tiny bit too far. In other words, what seemed to turn him mildly against the election theft scheme is that it looked like the people running it were too incompetent to pull it off. All this is surprising because Lee clerked for Samuel Alito in the Third District Court of Appeals so he really knows that the written law and not competence determines legality.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Will Smith’s slap was a response to Joker (2019)?

Lurker21 said...

Watching House of Gucci. Interesting story, but the fake Italian accents are annoying. Why not either speak Italian or English and not bother putting on accents that won't be consistent through the movie.

Not a great fan of Lady Gaga. I'd really like to see somebody else in the role. Al Pacino is so over the top it's hard to tell if he's good or bad, sort of like Nick Cage.

"Autogolpe": fresh from the DNC talking points I guess. "Autogol" was a better description of what happened.

tim maguire said...

gadfly said...Mike Lee, as revealed in his emails, concurred with Trump’s autoglope plans in the beginning

Trump ranted and raved a lot, but he always complied with the law, including court orders that went against him. He was far more law-abiding than most Democrats. So go ahead, give us an example to back up your autogolpe claim. I’ll wait, but I won’t hold my breath.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Gird Your Grid For A Flip Flop...
Elon is at it.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Went to the Seattle Mariner's home opener yesterday. Sell out crowd. The gates now open only 90-minutes before first pitch instead of the previous standard of 2-hrs. I'm guessing they're having staffing problems.

April at T-Mobile Park is cold. Yesterday the temperature was in the low- to mid-40s. The wind was mild, so we didn't have endure any wind chill. Clear sky so the roof was open.

Oh, yeah. The Mariners wiped the plate with the Astros. They beat them 11-1. Lots of booing for the sign-stealers, especially Altuve.

Ann Althouse said...

"The wine-dark sea."

Yes, it was strikingly dark on Friday. I don't think I've ever seen the sunrise produce such a dark effect at the shoreline. I was trying to understand what caused that.

Narr said...

It's Ramadan all month too! (Time for some BBQ pig.)

We're having my son and brother over tomorrow for a late lunch. My wife's residual Catholic upbringing at work, though it's just a prepared meal from Fresh Market a.k.a. Mark It Fresh.

Howard said...

Wind causing a highly rippled surface makes the water look dark. Sailors use this common sense fact to identify the location of better winds.