March 10, 2022

"Wisconsin liberals on Thursday filed a federal lawsuit alleging that Republican Sen. Ron Johnson and two other GOP congressmen are insurrectionists in violation of the U.S. Constitution..."

"... for their words and actions in support of Donald Trump leading up to the riot at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. The lawsuit, alleging a violation of the 'Disqualification Clause' of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, says Johnson, R-Oshkosh, and U.S. Reps. Tom Tiffany, R-Minocqua, and Scott Fitzgerald, R-Juneau, conspired to undermine President Joe Biden's victory and sow public distrust of the outcome." reports.

This loathsome lawsuit has no chance of success, other than as a stunt that will appeal to partisans.


John said...

Didn't the NC board of elections just lose on this issue? BTW nice new picture.

rcocean said...

i had to go half way down the article to find out who filed it:

"The lawsuit was filed by 10 Wisconsin citizens and funded by the liberal Minocqua Brewing Company Super PAC."

How do these "citizens' have standing? Do citizens just get to file federal lawsuits because someone "Violated the constiution"? How could former Confederates serve in Congress after the Civil War, since they had engaged in a rebellion? How did any of these congressman stage an "insurrection" or "Rebellion"? I don't recall anyone trying to "Overthrow the US Government" or "Rebel against the lawful authority of the US Government". If so, Antifa did it in Summer of 2020 when they attacked the White house and in Jan 2017
when they rioted to prevent Trump from taking the oath of office.

But look at what the "liberals" get away with! The center right won't even file a lawsuit when they 100 percent correct, the liberals will file when they are 100 percent wrong. They are always on the attack.

gilbar said...

This loathsome lawsuit has no chance of success,

Shall we get a pool going?
I say it will make it to The Supreme Court.. Where Chief Justice Roberts will...

n.n said...

Desperate Democrats of the liberal order, hoping to profit from a Capitol Hill blunder in civil rights, denied forces, and 16 trimesters of witch hunts, warlock trials, impeachments, insurrections, cancellation, #MeToo #HerToo #SheProgressed, diversity [dogma] (inequity, and exclusion), planned parent/hood, and elective abortion for social, redistributive, clinical, and fair weather causes.

The Vault Dweller said...

Ironically, if this lawsuit somehow succeeded and the judge declared these members of congress no longer members of congress it would justify an actual insurrection.

JaimeRoberto said...

Can we sue the Democratic party for conspiring to undermine President Trumps's victory and sow public distrust of the outcome?

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

When the polls look bad - Putinesque loathsome stunts are it!

n.n said...

"This loathsome lawsuit has no chance of success,"

I say it will make it to The Supreme Court.. Where Chief Justice Roberts will...

How loathsome is it?!

It is so loathsome that Chief Justice Roberts turned a duck into a witch that "blanks".


GatorNavy said...

Man, I wish I would have went to law school instead of medicine. Those guys always get paid first no matter how ridiculous the lawsuit

Owen said...

With GoFundMe, the plaintiffs stand to get very rich off this. The actual merits don't matter. I think the best solution would be for the judge to dismiss with prejudice, order sanctions on plaintiffs' counsel for wasting everybody's time with vexatious litigation, and require plaintiffs to disgorge every dime they may raise from third parties through GoFundMe or similar systems.

I am sure Justin Trudeau can advise on how best to seize the accounts of anyone donating money to their cause.

Kevin said...

There is no level to which they will not stoop.

Bruce Hayden said...

It’s LawFare all the way down. Hideous people.

Larry1984 said...

Insurrection? Lincoln as well as the NY Times referred to Fort Sumper and the Civil War as an insurrection - a real insurrection. J6, no machine guns, artillery. An exaggeration of at least 100,000!

Larry1984 said...

Insurrection? Lincoln as well as the NY Times referred to Fort Sumter and the Civil War as an insurrection - a real insurrection. J6, no machine guns, artillery. An exaggeration of at least 100,000!

Larry1984 said...

Insurrection? Lincoln as well as the NY Times referred to Fort Sumper and the Civil War as an insurrection - a real insurrection. J6, no machine guns, artillery. An exaggeration of at least 100,000!

MadisonMan said...

Interesting that the names of the 10 aren't mentioned in the News Article.

Jupiter said...

"Didn't the NC board of elections just lose on this issue?"

"Section 3
No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability."

And Congress has done so. The lawsuit is not merely loathsome, it is frivolous.

rehajm said...

What happened to standing laches moot?

gilbar said...

rcocean asked...
How could former Confederates serve in Congress after the Civil War, since they had engaged in a rebellion?

Amnesty act 1872
To placate the South, in May 1872, Grant signed the Amnesty Act, which restored political rights to former Confederates, except for a few hundred former Confederate officers

Original Mike said...

"The lawsuit was filed by 10 Wisconsin citizens and funded by the liberal Minocqua Brewing Company Super PAC."

Holy cow! We ain't drinkin' there no more.

Original Mike said...

"This loathsome lawsuit has no chance of success,"

I'm not so sure the world is the way you think it is, anymore. I hope you're right.

Achilles said...

Don't talk about the massive election fraud scandal now playing out in Wisconsin.

I know that it is being blacked out by the NYT's.

So you cannot talk about it.

David Begley said...

1. Who are the lawyers who filed it?

2. Are these lawyers graduates of Creighton, Iowa, Marquette, Minnesota or Wisconsin?

3. Will these lawyers face sanctions like Sidney Powell? Will they be disbarred without a hearing like Rudy Guillani?

Greg The Class Traitor said...

This lawsuit has to potential to completely blow up in their faces

Since there was no insurrection on Jan 6, and this gives Johnson et. al. an opportunity to show that

rhhardin said...

It's talking past the sale, the sale being that Jan 6 was an insurrection.

wildswan said...

Election reform is needed in Wisconsin. It's been shown that nursing homes in Wisconsin in many cases had 100% of their residents vote in the 2020 election although these homes have many cases of dementia and Alzheimer's. There are 90,000 patients in nursing homes in Wisconsin so this voting record was important in the outcome. (Perhaps they saw Biden as one of themselves and all voted for him but this is unlikely because Biden was hiding in a basement pretending to be fine before the election.) The nursing home election atrocity is based on a report by a former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice and is reported in Wisconsin Right Now.

Relevant quote on nursing home voting
#5 " “WEC’s unlawful activities facilitated and encouraged possible widespread criminality and election fraud. Aside from the fact that they were legally and morally wrong, these acts led to 100% voting rates in many nursing homes in Brown, Dane, Kenosha, Milwaukee and Racine Counties and incapacitated people voting statewide. Given that there are approximately 92,000 residents of facilities governed by Wis. Stat. §6.875 statewide, the fact that tens of thousands of illegal ballots from these facilities were counted casts doubt on the 2020 Presidential election result.” quote from #5 in Gableman's list of major irregularities.

Curious George said...

Minocqua Brewing Company's beer sucks and their food is obtainable at same or better quality at a much lower price at any bar throughout the area. Their target is first time visitors.

Vance said...

Kind of poor timing on the part of this lawsuit, what with the NYT reporter confirming that Jan 6 was an FBI op put on by the left....

traditionalguy said...

The Punisher is the lawyer’s fees. The legal process should take 3 years at $700 per hour for each lawyer on Johnson’s team.

And Soros laughs.

The Godfather said...

Damn, those Democrats are sure scared of having to run against Republicans!

Mutaman said...


I've heard of lawsuits being called frivolous but never "loathsome". I don't recall the ole Professor ever referring to the 63 lawsuits filed by Trump, Rudy, and Sidney Powell as "loathsome"or "a stunt".

i suspect Ann realizes that the great majority of her readers are Know Nothings so she plays to them. Or maybe this is Mead's dirty work.

Mutaman said...

"The center right won't even file a lawsuit when they 100 percent correct,"


Narayanan said...

alleging a violation of the 'Disqualification Clause' of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution
pardon my English : is that not fulfilment instead of violation?

Narayanan said...

wonderful >>> D have figured how to term limit R.

Mutaman said...

"The nursing home election atrocity is based on a report by a former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice"

"But perhaps most astoundingly, given that election experts and legal scholars say such a step is not possible, Gableman argued that the 2020 election results could be decertified — something that Trump has advocated since his loss."

We're dealing with a real genius here.

Douglas B. Levene said...

Prof. Althouse, When you say this suit has no chance of success, do you mean that it's legally frivolous under F.R. Civ. P. 11(b)? If so, what are the odds that the district court judge will assess sanctions against the plaintiffs and their counsel under F.R.Civ. P. 11(c)(1)?

wendybar said...

As stupid as Kamala and Corey Booker with their insistence that Jussie was innocent, when he was doing their bidding to pass their "anti-lynching" bill that was up for a vote.

Rusty said...

Curious George.
Thanks for he heads up. Appreciate it.
Virtue signaling at its most expensive. But, ya know, they gotta prove their nutball street creds.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Mutaman said...
"The nursing home election atrocity is based on a report by a former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice"

"But perhaps most astoundingly, given that election experts and legal scholars say such a step is not possible, Gableman argued that the 2020 election results could be decertified — something that Trump has advocated since his loss."

We're dealing with a real genius here.

Yeah, Mutaman, a real genius who can't read.

He's already stated that decertifying the election results won't have any practical effect.

What it will do is let teh people of IW know that their votes were stolen in 2020.

Which, I guess, is why you're so opposed.

So, let's cut to the chase: "who voted" in an election is public information. So all teh Democrats have to do is get the "who voted" lists for the precincts some of the nursing homes are in, and then a list of people who were there in Oct / Nov of 2020

If Gableman is wrong, then it's quite easy to prove.

So, when we see no disproofs coming out, we'll know he's right, and everything else is BS

Do let us know when the Dems release their disproval. After all, the Governor is a Dem, as is the Sec for State, so they have the whole machinery of the executive branch to prove him wrong

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Douglas B. Levene said...
Prof. Althouse, When you say this suit has no chance of success, do you mean that it's legally frivolous under F.R. Civ. P. 11(b)? If so, what are the odds that the district court judge will assess sanctions against the plaintiffs and their counsel under F.R.Civ. P. 11(c)(1)?

1: It is legally frivolous:
No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, ... But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

There is NOTHING in there about "running for office".
If the people being sued are in fact guilty, then the proper action would be to get them kicked out of Congress right now, not oppose their re-election

2: If the judge it's filed in front of is honest, then sanctions will happen quickly

Anonymous said...

"Holy cow! We ain't drinkin' there no more."

Yeah, I can really see you drinking the Bernie beer, or the Biden beer, or the array of other obviously leftist beer names that they produce.

Anyone who is unaware of Minoqua Brewings politics is remarkable obtuse.

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

"Minocqua Brewing Company PAC"

This is ringing a bell. Company is owned by prog running for office in WI? Something to do with a lawsuit against a public school for letting kids go unmasked?

Time to do the ol' DDG.

n.n said...

what with the NYT reporter confirming that Jan 6 was an FBI op put on by the left....

A probable Whitmer-closet.

Mutaman said...

"2: If the judge it's filed in front of is honest, then sanctions will happen quickly"

Greg got his law degree at Trump University