"The leg of victim Susan Leyden – cut off from the knee down – was captured on surveillance video when her accused killer Harvey Marcelin stood up from the wheelchair while inside the store... Marcelin... also went by Marcelin Harvey... Marcelin, an 83-year-old transgender woman, was arrested March 4.... Leyden lived for eight months at the Stonewall House development for elderly LGBTQ people and was an active supporter of LGBTQ causes, police said. Marcelin, who is 6 feet tall and weights 125 pounds, had known Leyden for at least two years after meeting on social media...."
५७ टिप्पण्या:
No bail.
he Stonewall House development for elderly LGBTQ
so, there's mentally insane people; at the Stonewall House development for elderly LGBTQ?
Honestly, WHO would have thought; that elderly LGBTQiNC people would be Bat-Sh*t Crazy?
He’s got leg. He knows how to use it.
He’ll never beg. He know how to choose it.
...accused killer Harvey Marcelin stood up from the wheelchair while inside the store... Marcelin... also went by Marcelin Harvey... Marcelin, an 83-year-old transgender woman... Leyden lived for eight months at the Stonewall House development for elderly LGBTQ people
Harvey Danger?
Put me in the hospital for nerves
And then they had to commit me
You told them all I was crazy
They cut off my legs, now I'm an amputee, God damn you
An elderly transgendered serial killer. Just one more reason NOT to ever go into crazy NYC ever again.
this is fun!
The suspect previously killed two other women, dumping the body of one victim in plastic bags in Central Park in 1985. Marcelin was released on parole in 2019.
After all, if you're a Bat-Sh*t Crazy woman-man; that was TWICE CONVICTED for MURDER
(An 83-year-old ex-convict who served two decades in prison for fatally shooting a girlfriend, got out, and then went back to jail for killing another girlfriend a year later, is now charged in a new crime: The dismemberment of a woman whose head was found in the parolee's apartment.)..
Why SHOULDN'T you be released to kill again (and Again (and Again (and Again)))???
A jury found Marcelin guilty of murder in 1963 for fatally shooting Jacqueline Bonds inside a Manhattan apartment. At the time, Marcelin was also facing an attempted rape charge involving another woman, according to court records. The judge gave Marcelin life in prison after jurors were unable to agree on whether the crime justified a death penalty.
Marcelin was paroled in 1984 and was arrested the following year for fatally stabbing another girlfriend and leaving her body in a trash bag in the street. Marcelin was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to six to 12 years in prison.
State officials were reluctant to grant parole when Marcelin became eligible in the 1990s. During one State Parole Board hearing in 1997, Marcelin admitted to having “problems” with women, according to court records.
Other boards rejected parole citing Marcelin’s “attempt to place the blame” on the victims.
However, when the 21st parole board released this freak, they said (and i QUOTE)
"we HAVE TO let It out.. How on earth otherwise, will It be able to Kill Again (and Again)?
God made women weaker, like children, to limit the amount of damage they could do.
My thought on reading the headline was what I think the headline writer wanted us to think: a *woman* did that?!
A transgender woman is, I thought, super-focused on acting in the manner associated with a conventional, feminine woman. Harvey did not do that.
If you're 83 and only weigh 125 at a height of 6 feet, how do you have the physical capacity to kill and dismember people?
Is this someone who needs a wheelchair or was Harvey doing something that could be thought of as "identifying" as disabled? I note that we don't (yet) socially accept someone identifying as disabled when the authorities have not assigned them the status disabled.
Maybe we were a little hard on Alexandra yesterday...
i suppose, actually; there's signs of improvement, in this woman-man
in 1963, (while waiting trial for a previous Rape) he killed a girl
in 1984, he was released on parole) and it took nearly A YEAR; before he killed Again
in 2019, he was released on parole) and THIS TIME it took nearly 3 years before killing AGAIN
So, SEE?
When they release him (on a cash free bail?), it might Very Well be 4 years before he kills Again
Three murders, and At LEAST one rape... and David Begley is CRAZY enough to think
No bail.
Stonewall House isn't a charity, just an "LGBTQ+ friendly, Affordable Senior Housing Building."
In other words, it's a relatively inexpensive apartment building that seems to discriminate based on age.
"her victim’s"
Good to know no man was involved.
"A transgender woman is, I thought, super-focused on acting in the manner associated with a conventional, feminine woman."
You thought wrong. A transgender woman is now anyone who declares himself as such. No acting required. No surgery needed.
It is the ultimate act of patriarchy, men not just lording it over women, but appropriating womanhood itself.
"Marcelin... had known Leyden for at least two years after meeting on social media...."
Before getting together with someone you meet on social media, look up whether they've murdered anyone. Even after you've met them, look it up. Did Leyden know about his murder convictions? Maybe she was forgiving and believed in redemption.
The fault really lies with the authorities who didn't protect the public. Marcelin needed to be confined. But maybe they think when you're very old, you can be free, because old people can't do much. They may have evil intentions, but they are old, so what difference does it make?
this dude killed people before. but since he's a she now - it's all cool.
falls under the Biden-Nancy - get away with murder and crime compact.
Is Althouse saying Bruce Jenner is only mostly dead. As Miracle Max said “mostly dead” is slightly alive.
Blogger Kevin said...
He’s got leg. He knows how to use it.
He’ll never beg. He know how to choose it.
3/13/22, 8:16 AM
LMAO...but curse you ,Sir, because now it will be playing in my head all day.
6 feet tall and 125 pounds? He/she is nearly invisible.
Because of hormones earlier in life, trans women will always have a leg up on non-trans.
I hope that this unfortunate set of circumstances will not cause people to infer that transgenderism is in any way associated with mental illness.
Why do women kill?
This person sounds like a real life Buffalo Bill, a literal history of killing women and, at least seen in this one instance, keeping their body parts.
Almost any man, even a skinny tranny in his 80s, is stronger than almost all women.
And in this particular case, the victim was almost 70.
Plus, action is faster than reaction. If you are not expecting an attack, by the time you process it intellectually, it’s too late.
People forget these things at their peril.
I am pretty sure that Stonewall House is a charity and at least partly publicly funded -- it is on part of the Ingersoll House projects. It seems as if the website works hard to make that unclear. In late 2019 the current mayor got himself into hot water when he seemed to imply that having the gay people there would somehow gentrify things. Though of course the gay people living there there are poor, like the rest of the people in the projects. More here: http://nychanow.nyc/affordable-senior-housing-opens-in-brooklyn/
And they seemed like such a nice couple ...
Can somebody check in Sarah from the other day and see how she and Harold/Alexandra are doing?
"Before getting together with someone you meet on social media, look up whether they've murdered anyone."
Best advice I've heard all year!
heshe just wanted something to remember her by…
"any mental health issues were not immediately known, officials said." Right. Lets not speculate . . . That could get officials cancelled.
Serious question because it is not clear to me from past our comments
Is this murder a man pretending to be a woman or a woman pretending to be a man.
I find "transgender man"/"transgender woman" to be baffling.
He isn't a transgender woman, he's a man.
No bail
If course, that could be taken two different ways. But since we're talking about NYC, I'm pretty sure which one there will choose.
Is the gay, pathological killer a stereotype we are allowed to indulge in? Or is even alluding to it a greater crime than murder?
I mean, hasn't anyone seen Silence of the Lambs? It won numerous Academy Awards!
(Off the subject, but how did the same man direct Silence of the Lambs, Swing Shift, and Stop Making Sense?)
I think we can all agree that the real crime here is that the writer deadnamed a poor, elderly woman...
Almost defies comment. Who’s crazier? Marcelin or the society that has, let’s face it, eagerly enabled him?
Social media allows cancel culture but it also allows it’s opposite. Pariah-hood, at least for insanity and criminality, is no longer an enforceable social tool.
"how do you have the physical capacity to kill and dismember people?"
The article mentions the killer buying a Sawzall. He might have sedated the victim first with something like Ambien in a drink.
As well as being an evil, insane serial killer, Harvey Marcelin is a man.
It’s really destructive to society to let these people out. Even if they don’t kill you, you will get thrown in jail for defending yourself against an old person, excessive force and all.
How many murders does one have to commit before being ineligible for parole in NY?
Too bad he wasn't executed,his future victims would have spared. That's called specific deterrence.
Here's the NYT headline: She Killed Two Women. At 83, She Is Charged With Dismembering a Third. Harvey Marcelin was charged with murder after a head was found in her Brooklyn apartment. Officials said it belonged to a dismembered body discovered in a shopping cart."
The name is listed as "Harvey Marcelin," not "Marcelin Harvey," the variation Marcelin switched to upon declaring female identity. Yet the headline features "She." It's the first word: "She Killed Two Women." They're really trying to grab us with that.
From the body of the article: "Harvey Marcelin, who had served decades in prison for murder and manslaughter before her release in 2019, was arrested March 4 and was initially charged with concealment of human remains. Ms. Marcelin — who was listed as male in earlier court records but now identifies as a woman, according to a law enforcement official — was indicted on second-degree murder charges on Thursday in the death of Susan Leyden, 68."
"Now" = when? When was this declaration made? It looks as though the previous convictions and time in prison occurred before Marcelin made the all-important declaration. Did Leyden know Marcelin as a man or as a woman?
Presumably, Marcelin is housed with female prisoners now, and this serial killer of women is supposed to earn our quiet respect for this very late in the day declaration. We're bad if we doubt.
"In a 1997 appearance before the state parole board, Ms. Marcelin described the 1984 crime and said she had “problems” with women, according to a state court filing."
"Problems." Yes: problems and solutions.
I am reminded of the scene in Blue Velvet as a mutilated body is found, starting with an ear.
JEFFREY: What do you know about the ear?. Anything?
SANDY: Didn't my father tell you not to talk about it? (she smiles)
JEFFREY: Come on. Uou brought it up. Do you know anything?
SANDY: I don't really know much but bits and pieces.
I'll leave quietly, please don't call the bad pun police.
John henry said...
Serious question because it is not clear to me from past our comments
Is this murder a man pretending to be a woman or a woman pretending to be a man.
Harv is a man pretending to be a woman. We know that now because of the leg incident, and the severed head found in his fridge (IIRC).
Just remember he only started pretending to be a woman when he was discovered to have killed again. Before that, he was an actual WOMAN! We know that because he said so, and the laws of nature make it impossible for a man to lie about this, except when he’s caught committing a crime, at which point the past alters.
Gotta remember that wishing does does make it so, and that Trans Women Are Women, even if we don’t what a woman is.
"If you're 83 and only weigh 125 at a height of 6 feet, how do you have the physical capacity to kill and dismember people?" I was going to suggest power tools and I see Tom T. supplies a possibility.
I too, am puzzled about what constitutes "transgender". My definition would be someone who has undergone sex reassignment surgery. If not, then I'd consider that person a cross-dresser.
Let's face it--the man hated women and just as important, loved prison.
Ann Althouse said...
Stonewall House isn't a charity, just an "LGBTQ+ friendly, Affordable Senior Housing Building."
In other words, it's a relatively inexpensive apartment building that seems to discriminate based on age.
ALL “elderly affordable housing” takes housing authority money. Not all residents may get housing assistance from the government but most do. The strange thing is that privately owned elderly housing would accept someone with a violent background. Even while getting government money it is not a requirement for elderly or disabled housing in Florida to accept renters with violent backgrounds. I know that for a fact. So does NYS require privately owned places that get housing assistance money to accept violent convicted felons or did this place accept him because he is trans and their are no enemies to the left on the rainbow?
Gay men and trannies have higher rates for rape, violence and serial murders than straight men per capita. Much, much higher. Not all gay men or trannies are violent predators but anyone dealing with them should be extra careful. Especially innocent gay men who are usually their victims.
See, there are women serial killers after all.
It's not so many, considering the size of the population.
I would demand a jury trial.
He definitely has a leg to stand on...
"Let's face it--the man hated women and just as important, loved prison"
And by claiming to be a woman he'll have a wide selection of potential new victims to choose from in women's prison.
You can actually buy something for 99 cents in brooklyn?
He may well have been a G before becoming a T I the LGBTQ+ alphabet.
I see. Mania…
Tomcc said...
"If you're 83 and only weigh 125 at a height of 6 feet, how do you have the physical capacity to kill and dismember people?" I was going to suggest power tools and I see Tom T. supplies a possibility.
I too, am puzzled about what constitutes "transgender". My definition would be someone who has undergone sex reassignment surgery. If not, then I'd consider that person a cross-dresser.
According to the modern transgender movement, your are wrong, evil, and viciously hateful. If a male says “I am a woman,” that person IS a woman. The person in question is not required to do anything else to prove their womanhood. How dare you disagree with someone’s “lived experience,” you hateful transphobe?
And then there are the Two-Spirit, the transfem, the gender queer, the gender fluid, the non-binary . . . you had better get up to speed, or you won't understand what eight-year-olds learn in public school.
M said...
ALL “elderly affordable housing” takes housing authority money. Not all residents may get housing assistance from the government but most do. The strange thing is that privately owned elderly housing would accept someone with a violent background. Even while getting government money it is not a requirement for elderly or disabled housing in Florida to accept renters with violent backgrounds. I know that for a fact. So does NYS require privately owned places that get housing assistance money to accept violent convicted felons or did this place accept him because he is trans and their are no enemies to the left on the rainbow?
The name “Stonewall” tells you that they have a political position, and that position is radical and enthusiastic endorsement of the “trans” position. It is inconceivable that a group with “Stonewall” in its name would refuse to admit any “trans” organism*, unless he/she/it/they/xe/zhe/something-else came into the rental office belligerently stoned and trashed the place. And even then, they'd probably get a second chance.
Don’t you people keep up with modern society at all? You’d better start keeping up, or you face arrest for hate crimes.
*I almost said “trans” person there, and I’d like to apologize for my momentary bigotry against the species-fluid.
Ann said:
"Before getting together with someone you meet on social media, look up whether they've murdered anyone. Even after you've met them, look it up."
Excellent advice. I suspect that multiple convictions for murder would be a disqualifying characteristic for a new friend. Yes, indeed.
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