"'The sexual perversion that goes on in Washington. I mean, being kind of a young guy in Washington, where the average age is probably 60 or 70 – [you] look at all these people, a lot of them that I’ve looked up to through my life, I’ve always paid attention to politics,' Cawthorn, who was elected in 2020, said. 'Then all of a sudden you get invited: ‘We’re going to have a sexual get-together at one of our homes, you should come. What did you just ask me to come to? And then you realize they’re asking you to come to an orgy,' he said."
From "Madison Cawthorn says DC is orgy-filled, cocaine-fueled ‘House of Cards'" (NY Post).
I know almost nothing about Cawthorn's credibility, but I do sometimes wonder, when I watch Washington politicians and journalists, what drug I am seeing? I don't have the depth of experience needed to analyze this very well. I'm just aware that when you try to understand why people are speaking and acting the way they are, there might be some substance distorting their behavior. There could also be some sort of mind-bending sexual obsession. What are we dealing with, really, when we deal with the human being?
१११ टिप्पण्या:
How many children were present? Or did they take the time to squirrel them away before he arrived?
It's comical, revolting, and entirely plausible.
"Katie Hill – a first-term Democratic congresswoman from California who was part of last year's [2018] historic, women-led wave in the midterm elections – has resigned amid an ethics probe into sexual impropriety."
Getting new members right into the "swing" of things.
"Don't forget, Epstein did not kill himself."
"Remember, any information that turns out to be true is Russian disinfo."
"Don't be ridiculous, the education system is not trying to groom the young."
"You sound like a conspiracy theorist, leaders in DC are not literally fucking children."
"You're crazy, DC is not a swamp inhabited by moral and sexual deviants."
Not to be discriminatory or anything, but were I to host an orgy I don't think I would invite someone confined to a wheelchair.
I look forward to everyone in Washington DC getting the Trump/Manafort treatment.
Release all of their phone calls for the last 2 years.
Raid all of their homes at 4 in the morning.
Release all of their bank accounts and tax returns.
Declassify everything.
Let the world see what these people in DC were actually up to all this time.
Politics attracts broken people. Hollywood for the ugly
Yuck. Imagining an orgy with those cretins ruined my appetite for the week.
I find it hard to believe because keeping is all secret would be impossible.
Was Hunter there?
but I do sometimes wonder, when I watch Washington politicians and journalists, what drug I am seeing?
well, Adderall; that's for sure (as a starting place)
[Yes, i'm saying that EVERYONE in DC is a freaked out speed freak, on extended amphetamine binges]
Gee, Madison Cawthorn lying? Seems unlikely --
He's a Putin Puppet and traitor. Nobody is going to invite some evangelical Trumpster in a wheelchair to an orgy. He's probably saying all this shit because he doesn't get any of the cool Party invites.
This says as much about Cawthorn as it reveals about DC (which was news only to him?).
Eyes Wide Shut.
Long ago I read a story saying that Tinder use skyrockets when political conventions come to town.
Long before that the Roman power elite held and documented orgies that remain famous today.
Long before that the Greeks created highly refined sexually explicit pottery (wealthy folks).
Long before that the Egyptian rulers were led by people engaged in brother-sister incest to prove their superiority/godhood/lack of need to follow sexual rules.
I tend to believe him. How ELSE can you explain why people vote for things they were adamently against prior to the vote?? They cave ALL the time to people like Nasty Nancy. God only KNOWS what she has on people.
Madison Cawthorn is the youngest (26 years old) member of Congress. He's attractive. If you're into sex with men, Madison Cawthorn would be someone to invite. If you're into boys; Madison Cawthorn might be an acceptable substitute.
Katie Hill was in her early 30's, and not bad looking at all. People Wanted to f*ck Congress people, they'd be the ones asked. My assumption is that DC is Gomorrah, and it's existence displeases GOD (or, at least makes Him unhappy and sad)
Ted Kennedy and Chris Dodd ring any bells?? They probably started it all.
Careful there Althouse, as soon as you give into the notion that "mind bending sexual obsessions" exist then you are tacitly admitting that there must be a continuum of sex obsessions where heterosexuality is the most benign (or desired even) and others after it falling off a cliff of benign-ness.
And there is a whole group of alphabet people that are determined to shun, shame, ostracize, and remove from society ANYONE that dares say that THEIR sexy good times are anything but good and wholesome, especially when they have drag queen story hour to pre-k kids.
People who are attracted to politics and who are successful at getting elected are probably significantly different from most of us in many dimensions.
Also, just to get it out there before he dies, Madison Crawford did not kill himself.
So, then, how's it going?
Think about the many things the word branding can imply. After it has been successfully and indelibly applied, removing the brand can take an amazing amount of time and effort, and can often be seen as futile after the collapse of the entity associated with the brand.
The Republican party has been successfully branded as racist and fascist for most of my lifetime among those who are wounded most by this current branding effort to paint our ruling class as a bunch of degenerates and pedophiles. To the degree that the people of this nation accept or reject the effort from the usual sources to discredit this thing you see going on, this branding will prove to be long-term and inescapable.
I didn't see this coming together like this either, but once you see it, it can't be unseen. Meanwhile, in the world, we keep having events...
There's certainly enough here to process for this observer.
And neither did Madison Cawthorn.
Careful there Althouse, as soon as you give into the notion that "mind bending sexual obsessions" exist then you are tacitly admitting that there must be a continuum of sex obsessions where heterosexuality is the most benign (or desired even) and others after it falling off a cliff of benign-ness.
And there is a whole group of alphabet people that are determined to shun, shame, ostracize, and remove from society ANYONE that dares say that THEIR sexy good times are anything but good and wholesome, especially when they have drag queen story hour to pre-k kids.
It may or may not be true about the orgies. I'd want to know just how often people in Washington and elsewhere have been invited to orgies. Myself, never, but I don't have many social connections nowadays. I wonder, though, what orgy-goer or wife-swapper actually thinks the guy in the wheelchair would be much fun at the sex party?
Madison Cawthorne, Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene do play a role in the political ecosystem. Democrats and the media can point to them to scare off voters who otherwise might vote Republican. The GOP Establishment can point to them to say that Mitch McConnell and the House leaders are needed to keep the zanies from running things. AOC and the Squad convince a lot of ordinary voters that the Democrats ought to be kept far from power, but ordinary voters don't count for much anymore.
I don't know for sure that DC is heavily infested with sexual deviants, perverts, and pedophiles.
I'm not a sexologist.
"continuum of sex obsessions where heterosexuality is the most benign (or desired even) and others after it falling off a cliff of benign-ness"
That doesn't make sense. People of all sexual orientations might fall anywhere along the continuum of "mind-bending obsessiveness." Look at Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein. Gay or straight, you could have a very low sex drive or be very abstemious and controlled. What stops you from falling into an insane sexual obsession? Certainly not heterosexuality!
Maybe you are deliberately misunderstanding me in order to make a cute point about the cancel culture, but you're saying things that are flat-out wrong and as an interpretation of MY point, it's really offensive.
Everyone is making a critical oversight in not asking Madison the question we all know really needs answering. How many of these DC orgy-ologists have had sex with Jada Pinkett?
Everyone in DC needs a good smack, and Will's pimphand is warmed up and ready to go upside some heads!
Interesting. If true, this would explain a lot of bizarre behavior. I often wonder what drugs they are ingesting. Now break this behavior
down by political party.
Interesting. If true, this would explain a lot of bizarre behavior. I often wonder what drugs they are ingesting. Now break this behavior
down by political party.
"We're going to have a sexual get together at one of our homes ...."
Certainly sounds plausible. LOL.
Althouse writes, "What are we dealing with, really, when we deal with the human being?"
Put it this way, I'd be much happier if misanthropy weren't such an empirical viewpoint.
I'm guessing some of the creepier rinos did the invite, where do think the writer of house of cards got his material from, he worked for schumer, dean, and hillary,
Pelosi smokes ice… cream.
The private, legal, consensual behavior of adults in their free time is nobody else's business. But some behavior falling within those limits sure is disgusting.
Pizza-gate, baby...
'Ted Kennedy and Chris Dodd ring any bells??'
Waitress sandwich!!
Madison Cawthorn sounds like a Salinger character...
Covid rules for orgies?
swallwell was being shtupped by a chinese agent at least one,
It turns out you don’t really want to know why they call Mitch McConnell “The Turtle.”
I am sure that plenty of lobbying firms have the cash and the Fang Fang's on call to supply all your needs.
I worked with a guy in the early 80s who had been a part of that scene in DC and NYC. Back then as you remember there was a LOT of coke going around. He claimed the orgies were common among the rich and powerful because he had been part of it. Who knows if he was blowing smoke up my ass but he seemed credible enough.
Althouse said...
I know almost nothing about Cawthorn's credibility, but I do sometimes wonder, when I watch Washington politicians and journalists, what drug I am seeing?
He don't lie
He don't lie
He don't lie... Cawthorn
Blogger Can Of Cheese for Hunter said...
Yuck. Imagining an orgy with those cretins ruined my appetite for the week.
I find it hard to believe because keeping is all secret would be impossible.
Was Hunter there?
3/29/22, 9:23 AM
Ugh! Can you imagine showing up for an orgy and finding Steny Hoyer, Nancy Pelosi, Auntie Maxine Waters and Jerry Nadler standing around naked.
Coke infused orgies? Nah, more likely adderall stimulated reach-arounds.
Well Madison Cawthorn is a handsome young man--albeit confined to a wheelchair much of the time. While he attended college for less than one semester--mostly making Ds and then dropping out, he is at least as qualified intellectually as some of the high school drop outs [I'm looking at you Sean Penn] who lecture us on subjects political.
Having lived a long life--and despsite having missed getting any invitations to a "sex party", I can understand why some of the Washington kinksters would be thrilled at the idea of sex with a good looking guy in a wheelchair.
And yes there are some strange creatures in Washington D.C,
"Careful there Althouse, as soon as you give into the notion that 'mind bending sexual obsessions' exist then you are tacitly admitting that there must be a continuum of sex obsessions...."
Of course there is a "contiuum of sex obsessions" and orientations and preferences and fetishes, etc., etc. and there always has been. Do you think this is a surprising or secret fact of life?
Being married to Jada, does Will Smith's business card read,
Will Smith
Actor and Cuckold
No wonder judge Jackson is so sympathetic to pedophiles. She knows Washington.
This reminds me of what the weird but brillian Thomas Wictor (now at Quod Verum) wrote about why he quit a lucrative career interviewing movie and music stars in Hollywood after ten years. (His books are available on Amazon.) Someone (he implies someone we've all heard of) invited him to a party at which he would be able to have sex with underage girls, or underage boys, or some of each, whichever he pleased. The Hollywood guy was surprised when TW said 'NO, thank you', TW was surprised he was surprised, and decided to move away and find a new career immediately.
Is everyone in Hollywood a pedophile? There are a few happily-married-to-the-same-person-for-decades stars, so maybe not everyone. But it may be damned near everyone. Is pedophilia like cocaine or meth - near irresistible if you try it even once? I don't know, will never know, and don't want to know, even second-hand, but it may be. There certainly seems to be a lot of it around, especially in politics and Hollywood.
He needs to name names.
"Interesting. If true, this would explain a lot of bizarre behavior."
The "bizarre behavior" of Congress members can be explained in most cases by examining who their big donors are. The "art of politicking" in Washington consists to a great part in learning how to pander (lie) convincingly to one's voting constituents while serving the (contrary) demands of one's paying constituents.
@Ernest Prole
"It turns out you don’t really want to know why they call Mitch McConnell “The Turtle.”"
Ewww. But it does lend credence to "Cocaine Mitch". He comes for the gangbang, but stays for the blow.
The old problem was interns. Both coming and going. Many played the game as well as their paramours. Bunch of rich talentless kids whose daddies bought them their jobs meet narcissists who imagine they're irresistible because they got elected. I never lived there but heard incredible stories from credible sources. Saw some ugly stuff at conventions, but the same was true of the poultry convention. I knew one rich aide to a notorious gay elected official and let him sign a check over to me in exchange for cash. The page was young, a college pal. So I guess I colluded in pimping a gay page before I even turned 20. The check was signed "services rendered." Politicians are almost mentally ill narcissists and perverts. Not all though.
You cucks project your own pedophilic inclinations onto strangers because it is what you fantasy about. The more uptight and hateful you are is the tell. Everyone knows this, it's common sense.
Matt Gaetz is sleazy, but most of the serious pervs I met were Democrats. By far. Including the women. It's part of their ideology.
And the Young Democrats/Young Republicans are the worst. Their own parents are pimping them out with political contributions. One could almost pity them.
"What stops you from falling into an insane sexual obsession? Certainly not heterosexuality!"
Trying to remember which genius it was here who commented on the revelation of GEN Petraeus' affair with his biographer (also a USAR officer 5 grades junior to him):
"This is what happens when you let straights in the military."
I've been thinking Kamala sounds a little drinky lately. Or did just prior to and during her trip to Europe.
Social progress at the Twilight Fringe, where sexual liberalism, not including pedophilic orientations, is the least of society and humanity's concern.
Will Smith
Actor and Cuckold
A sardonic humor, a violent outlet, when he can express himself... then take a knee, beg, good boy.
No wonder judge Jackson is so sympathetic to pedophiles. She knows Washington.
Sympathetic or empathetic?
At the least, it's job security in the District of Corruption. I wonder how incestuous social progress is in national and international affairs from Beijing to Kiev.
It was Hunter Thompson's big insight that pols were on drugs. Uppers and downers mainly.
You'd have to be to do all those meetings, fundraising calls, conferences, neighborhood groups, luncheons. Gah what a life.
Our guy Max Baucus would show up at every meeting. He was a zombie too.
"Bunch of rich talentless kids whose daddies bought them their jobs meet narcissists who imagine they're irresistible because they got elected."
I doubt most they think they're irresistible. They just know that their powerful position and ability to grant favors gives them access to willing sex partners that being physically attractive would do otherwise.
The invitation could have been a trap to embarrass him, given that he's anathema to Democrats and RINOs. But I suspect a lot of that goes on in DC given the things we know have happened, like the Dodd-Kennedy "sandwich," Katie Hill, etc.
Howard, amidst spewing hateful "you Folks" venom, remains totally unaware.
Anyone remember the case of the republican congressman tapping his toe under the stall at the airport? Simpler times!
>> Will Smith, Actor and Cuckold
"You can bang my wife, but don't you dare criticizer her movies!"
Ann Althouse said...
"continuum of sex obsessions where heterosexuality is the most benign (or desired even) and others after it falling off a cliff of benign-ness"
That doesn't make sense. People of all sexual orientations might fall anywhere along the continuum of "mind-bending obsessiveness." Look at Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein. Gay or straight, you could have a very low sex drive or be very abstemious and controlled. What stops you from falling into an insane sexual obsession? Certainly not heterosexuality!
Maybe you are deliberately misunderstanding me in order to make a cute point about the cancel culture, but you're saying things that are flat-out wrong and as an interpretation of MY point, it's really offensive.
Yeah, people who disagree with you are "deliberately misunderstanding you".
How about amending the sentence you object to say:
"continuum of sex obsessions where monogamous heterosexuality is the most benign (or desired even) and others after it falling off a cliff of benign-ness"
it's been a while, since we've had a good DC page turning scandal
i wondered why this was, but i see it's because the US House no longer hires pages
I thought that and Rep. Gerry Studds (D-MA) and Rep. Dan Crane (R-IL) best signified the difference between Republicans and Democrats.
When news of Rep Studdly and his 16 year old page came out, the Democrats retaliated by exposing Rep Crane; and his 17 year old (female) page. The Republican was disavowed and voted out of Office.. The Democrat continued to be reelected, UNTIL THE DAY HE DIED
you notice how much the prosecutors are bending over backwards for joel greenberg, as they did for william allen, the corrupt alaskan oil man, whose fbi handler mary beth kempner had a certain fetish,
Congresscritter makes disturbing allegations. Howard insults Althouse blog commenters. Biden says something stupid. Howard insults Althouse blog commenters. One Hollyweirdo smacks another one around. Howard insults Althouse blog commenters.
I'm sensing a pattern of behavior in this person so enamored of cuckoldry he has to bring it up every day. Your act is stale dude.
Will Smith (allegedly inaudible mouthed): "Keep my wife's name out yo fuckin' mouth!"
Chris Rock (allegedly thinking very loudly): "Who's been in your wife's mouth! Name names!"
What stops you from falling into an insane sexual obsession? Certainly not heterosexuality!
Haven't read the comments, so maybe someone already brought this up.
But wasn't it revealed during the Trump years that there was a secret fund for Senators and Representatives who were accused of sexual assault and similar crimes? Some kind of fund to pay their legal fees? I remember it being discussed during the Al Franken incident.
I wish Trump had declassified that fund, or at least insisted it be made public. We as taxpayers and citizens have a right to know the details.
Power is an aphrodisiac. Power also instills a sense of invulnerability. Hence, the political environment is fertile for the expression of one's more exotic sexual tastes.
Not only can they indulge, but they know others in power will cover for them.
This is why you'll never see what was on those computers taken from Jeffrey Epstein's home.
Cawthorne is on Twitter. In one tweet he calls someone a patriot. Another reads, "RT if you think Fauci should go to jail."
If that person is a Congressional representative, I guess there could be orgies.
I get the joke, but "Cocaine Mitch" was coined Don Blankenship who ran in and lost the GOP primary for the US Senate in West Virginia around 2018. He appears to have come up with the accusation out of the blue, though there were rumors that drugs had once been found on a ship owned by the family of McConnell's wife. After Blankenship lost the primary due to the work McConnell did to defeat him, McConnell's staff appropriated the "Cocaine Mitch" moniker as a badge of honor.
Someone doing coke in front of someone else wouldn't be surprising. Addicts are always convincing themselves that their addictions are more socially acceptable than they really are.
Anyone remember the case of the republican congressman tapping his toe under the stall at the airport?
Just google “wide stance” if you’ve forgotten.
Everybody is dirty in Washington DC and in virtually every state capitol around our nation. And don't forget the Halls of Big City governments. One can almost imagine the soirees thrown in Chicago, San Francisco, LA, New York, etc, etc. It's sad, but true. How do you think these people all got past the other hundreds of slime-balls all vying for the same seat? I know we all have some Congresspeople we like. Well...maybe one or two. But I can assure you that even they are tainted. Most of them arrive in DC already bought and sold. A few go up there clean, but eventually have to get their hands (or something) dirty to get anything done. Later on they choose to get nothing done while they spend more time collecting money, power, and future gigs on Boards of Directors, TV networks, or as 'Consultants' for special interest industries.
Cawthorn's claims are probably true, but sound as shocking to me as someone pointing to the Oscar crowd and declaring, "There's some divorced people in that crowd!"
I'm sensing a pattern of behavior in this person so enamored of cuckoldry he has to bring it up every day. Your act is stale dude.
Howard has lots of issues. Manliness is one.
One of the most interesting books I've read, was Charlie Wilson's War.
It is a cautionary tale about things get done in DC. Very eye opening.
MJB wins the thread.
What stops you from falling into an insane sexual obsession? Certainly not heterosexuality!
Certainly a couple's relationship with a self-moderation.
The Republican was disavowed and voted out of Office.. The Democrat continued to be reelected, UNTIL THE DAY HE DIED
Viable accountability is another good reason to vote !Democrat.
jim5301: "Not to be discriminatory or anything, but were I to host an orgy I don't think I would invite someone confined to a wheelchair."
You arent thinking clearly.
The goal in DC is to get everyone who is anyone in permanently compromised positions so that they can be pressured to "grow in office" and become reliable fixtures in the service of the Permanent/Establisment/Deep State.
Howard appears very very upset that the democraticals child grooming and pro-pedophilia actions have become increasingly exposed.
I will leave it to each reader to answer why that is....
“Matt Gaetz is sleazy, but most of the serious pervs I met were Democrats. By far. Including the women. It's part of their ideology.”
Hi Tina, but seriously? Not the Democrats I know.
"Will Smith (allegedly inaudible mouthed): "Keep my wife's name out yo fuckin' mouth!""
Nothing inaudible about it. Smith yelled it. Twice.
Maybe J.D. Vance has been using Cawthorn as a model.
Andrew said...But wasn't it revealed during the Trump years that there was a secret fund for Senators and Representatives who were accused of sexual assault and similar crimes? Some kind of fund to pay their legal fees? I remember it being discussed during the Al Franken incident.
Yes....You are right. Funny, how they have these SECRET tax payer funded slush funds to fund their sexual obsession hijinks.
When you select Newt Gingrich as your mentor …
Ted Kennedy and Chris Dodd ring any bells?? They probably started it all.
Now, now. Let's not go all historical ignorance here. This is a high end blog. Best commenters on interwebs. There's a reputation to maintain.
Just a few days ago, someone made the comment that each generation of teens, thinks they invented kinky sex.
Caligua ring any bells? Bob Goccione made a film by that name. I know you can find clips of the movie on the interwebs. Wear a full body condom before you hit play.;)
"Keep my wife's punani out your mouth!"
>>Howard has lots of issues. Manliness is one.
Howard is a biologist? Who knew?
In the Biden Era, there's certainly an orgy of statism, a most addictive drug to politicians.
Why lie?
Psychopaths and sociopaths are drawn to power, but generally only the clever ones can acquire it in systems where popular approval and moral correctness is required for ascension, and only the most clever can hide massive flaws. A handful of the fake people in Washington get exposed and eliminated each year, but the number that do not get caught is much larger, probably by orders of magnitude.
It does not help that the standards are mainly applied to Republicans. We currently have a Congressman on the House Intelligence Committee who cheated on his wife with a Chinese spy, and the Democrats and the media do not seem to care.
Someone is running a harem of young beautiful women (and men for the democrats) in Washington D.C.! Sexual pawns are imported from all over the world (but mostly Eastern Europe)! The billionaires (and the Russians) use sex as a weapon to gain influence over deviant boomer politicians.
This is stupid stuff.
Cocaine Mitch McConnell is dealing with a deviated septum at the moment, and he’s in the Senate.
So we know it’s not him.
Hollywood has real issues. Disney World does too. Holly came from Miami FLA, hitch hiked her way across the USA.
Twinkle twinkle little star.
And this is why if Putin nuked D.C.... I would not shed a tear.
And Hollywood to.
The FBI is probably already on the case...and by on the case, I mean investigating Cawthorne.
Cocaine Mitch McConnell is dealing with a deviated septum at the moment, and he’s in the Senate.
Good heavens! Even the septums? Is nothing sacred in that nest of vipers?
He claimed the orgies were common among the rich and powerful
I rented a room from a woman who claimed to have been Gloria Morgan Vanderbilt's secretary in the 1930's. She was shut out of the parties, told she wouldn't like what went on.
Ghost of Epstein grins.
Trans/social, transgender are trendy.
How do you do, fellow orgiasts?
I wish I could tag posts on this blog. This would get my "Althouse brushback" tag.
Hi Inga. I'm not going to name small people's names, but everyone in the feminist movement knew what the Kennedys and Clinton did, and they excused it. The lifestyle of the extremely high-ranking Democratic operative John Podesta is acknowledged by Podesta himself. The, uh, antics of board members of the HRC were witnessed by me. I am still ashamed of not reporting one of their lobbyists reeling off which underage male pages he wanted to f***. If it was this out in the open in a conservative state, I can't imagine how bad it gets in places like California and Massachusetts, where real pervs ran the Party and set the tone for decades. The drug culture had a lot to do with this. I won't forget the suicide of one nice young gay guy who told me he hated what he had become, but it was the only way to become an insider. Then there's Epstein. Hunter Biden.
Things have calmed down, at least in public, in recent years. The presence of sane adult men and women in both Parties has helped. The only good thing I'll say about Obama is that he didn't care for this behavior, just a cold and cynical racism towards his white girlfriends in his climb to power. It's generational too, or at least it was until the trans and "gender fluid" stuff was cynically politicized and sanctified by Democrats.
1985, Dodd Kennedy waitress sandwich 37 years ago. 1995, Lewinsky Clinton 27 years ago. 2007, Congressman Wide Stance tapping his toe 15 years ago. A regular hotbed.
Any small town in Iowa last weekend.
I imagine Inga will be chewing on that one for several days.
So, reading about Rep. Cawthorn quickly, it appears that he is a congenital liar. But, lets examine the invitation more closely. He is in a wheel chair and partially paralyzed. Seems like an odd invitee to an orgy. Unless...
Perhaps the invitation came from a Democratic colleague who envisioned throwing his enfeebled body over a couch so that he and some other Democrats could line up and hate fuck him because he can't feel it anyway.
AOC and the squad, I presume.
Folks would naturally assume he observed Republicans letting their hair down.and saw Minority Leader says he spoke to the frosh who admitted it was all tale tales. Threatened with repercussions.
If you think imperial DC isn't all about sex, I challenge you to observe what emerges from all those federal office buildings after lunch on Friday afternoon and heads for the bars.
Low and middle GS hotties dressed to snag a higher rank, or better yet some congresscritter.
I would only ask that whoever ends up nuking the place use low-radiation devices. There are some great museums and libraries there and it would be a shame to have them damaged.
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