"Everyone saw an assault take place. Everyone in the room with their own eyes. And then if you would have tuned in 20 minutes later, you would have never known that happened."
Said the comic Nikki Glaser, quoted in "Howard Stern Lambastes Will Smith and Academy Inaction Over Chris Rock Oscars Slap/Comic Nikki Glaser called into the show and said she was also shocked, adding she was worried about what Smith's actions signal to others who don't like a joke at a club and attack a comic over it" (The Hollywood Reporter).
This is a big change from the usual post-Oscars complaint about the stars and all their activism. This time the complaint is about all their inactivism.
There was a time, not that long ago, when white American males regarded recourse to fisticuffs as a fairly acceptable escalation of a dispute. The massive feminization of the last few decades has largely eliminated this view among college-educated white males, but Blacks are still allowed to do whatever they like.
Hollywood. Presume it was a fake stunt until proven innocent.
Aggressive power and publicity seekers do anything it takes to "garner" more of both. Morals? Concern for fellow actors? Ha ha.
Remember the praise heaped on Jessie Smollett in the early days.
But what would you have them do? Make some politically-correct statement about how violence is wrong? It's not like they're covering it up - it was on international television.
Will Smith has always had a good reputation - at least compared to most of Hollywood - as a nice, kind, decent guy. He's no feared Weinstein. There are many people in his business who should be roundly criticized for how they live their lives. He just snapped at a really bad moment. And I'll predict he's going to pay a huge price for this.
Black privilege. There will be riots in the streets if they take away his Oscar. Seriously, imagine the outrage if Sarah Huckabee Sanders husband slapped every comedienne who made rude comments about HER?? The left were apoplectic about Michele Wolf and her skits downing Sarah and Kelly Anne Conway. They can say whatever they want about those WHITE women....but don't talk about a black actresses hair, or her husband will slap you, then get an award and a standing ovation whilst you blabber on about being all about LOVE??? We live in an upside down world.
I don't envy Will Smith. He has just run afoul of the Comic Cartel. These are people who have spent their whole lives honing the art of ridicule and now the long knives are out for him. He's about to discover the punchline is mightier than the slap. I don't think Smith will ever garner as much ridicule as Judge Thomas, but he going to be the butt of a lot of jokes. I just hope Zelensky doesn't pile on. Those Russian and Ukrainian comics can be really brutal.
Assuming the whole thing was NOT an act, which i do not believe.
Why should we get upset that Smith slapped Rock? Was Chris put in the Hospital? Did he sustain lasting damage? Oh, he got a few seconds of pain. And lots of sympathy. And that's it.
And Smith was "defending his wife's honor". Its not like Rock was an innocent lamb. So, do I approve of people slapping others? No, but we all know that if Rock were white and made a racial remark and Smith slapped him, the same people cryng over this would be applauding. IOW, these people like Stern don't care REALLY care about physical violence in response to an insult, they just care about this one.
Further, its amazing how people will be chill over someone being "cancelled" and having their lives and careers ruined for saying the WRONG THING, but go into hysterics over two men having a physical altercation which results in no serious injury. It shows how effiminate society is.
What the New Yorker left out was Stern saying "Will Smith and Trump Are The Same Guy".
TDS has broken even Stern, who has become a pussy whipped little wimp. He can't get over his obsession with Trump. When did Trump ever hit or slap anybody??
I turned off after the Regina Hall in skit in which she “pats down” Josh Brolin and Jason Mamoa. Why can a woman get away with this? Why is no one talking about it?
The celebrity's claim to activist virtue is almost always realpolitik. They understand that there is a price to be paid if they act like a normie, and they don't want to pay the price. The same realpolitik is at work when people submit to the sexual whims of those whose discretion can destroy their careers. That's how Caligula got away with it, until he didn't. And that is how Caligula's heirs, in ever country and every profitmaking and nonprofit enterprise, have gotten away with it for millennia. And it will never stop.
Will Smith used to be a role model. Now he is no better than thug on the street beating up innocent bystanders. He did more to help the stereotypes of angry black men being violent, than any white supremacist ever has.
It looked staged. The Oscars needed some attention. That's all.
This is a big change from the usual post-Oscars complaint about the stars and all their activism. This time the complaint is about all their inactivism.
Really? I think it was about Will Smith's activism.
And the activism was about his right to determine what the rest of us could hear.
"Everyone saw an assault take place....And then if you would have tuned in 20 minutes later, you would have never known that happened."
Meh. Rock's joke was a dickish thing to say, though I don't think he meant it to be. Smith just embarrassed himself. Rock recovered his aplomb in about five seconds and drove on. If he didn't think there was any need to stop the show, there wasn't.
So far we've heard from Kathy Griffin, Nikki Glaser, and Howard Stern.
Is anyone complaining who isn't a comic?
Because I think the Progressive non-comics in Hollywood probably support his *activism* to stifle "hate speech".
rcocean said...
we all know that if Rock were white and made a racial remark and Smith slapped him, the same people crying over this would be applauding.
That's a fun What If!
What if.. a white comedian used some sort of word, starting with some sort of letter; in a joke about Smith? What actions would be so over the top, that Smith would be criticized?
Punching him? (come on!)
Knocking him to the ground, and then continuing to pummel him? (seriously?)
Smashing his head on the ground ala Trevon Martin? (they didn't even mind Trevon doing it)
Pulling out a pistol, and shooting him on national TV? (doubtful)
After executing him, traveling to the white person's home, and killing his entire family? (maybe!)
speak up folks!
If a white person on national TV; called a Black man some sort of word starting with some sort of letter
WHAT would be a reaction that would be criticized?
I think it was embarrassing enough that it won't happen again.
Then again - a huge audience brawl at the Oscars would be really entertaining.
Weinstein was a studo head and played the traditional male/female game. The movies were good then.
If everyone in Hollywood was punished for their sins, they would empty out the studio lots and fill up the jails and the psychiatric hospitals.
Scott Adams says that you're not allowed to make a joke of any physical condition that the person can't help, forgetting Dolly Parton and Mae West.
I say you can joke about anything but it takes more than cruelty to make a joke. At least two and preferably more of clever, nauthgy, bizarre, cruel, cute, and recognizeable situation.
Prof A: "...their inactivism." Clever; but is it true? Will Smith was hardly inactive! He took direct and immediate and unambiguous action to avenge Chris Rock's insult. He delivered the Oscar Pimp Slap that will never be forgotten or lived down.
And her stated complaint, her concern, is not that Hollywood will be inactive; but that it will become hyperactive, rushing to find offense in every remark, gesture, raised eyebrow or pregnant pause. Why, if this were to keep up, the community would soon resemble the student body of Yale Law School.
It does seem that where Will Smith's wife is concerned, the less said the better.
The producers had a long time before Best Actor to eject Smith at a commercial break. Instead, friends bucked him up and the audience gave him a standing ovation. After two messes of major award presentations, time for someone besides PWC to know at the start who is going to win. And bye to cocktail seating for nominees. Front row for the likes of Sir Anthony and Liza.
Can Of Cheese for Hunter: a huge audience brawl at the Oscars would be really entertaining.
Dozens of plastic surgeons are picking out new vacation homes at the thought of it.
Michael K said...
It looked staged. The Oscars needed some attention. That's all.
And when this becomes the obvious take The Oscars will fall even farther.
They do not understand how transparent they are.
This is what happens when you get rid of “sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never harm me”. You have to start determining which words justify violence.
It seems similar to the shoplifting problem. Once a little bit of shoplifting is ok thieves will move up to the next level, continuing until there is a negative consequence.
I taught my son that I don’t care what someone says to him, about him, about us - it doesn’t matter and wouldn’t justify physical violence. As long as he and God know the truth it doesn’t matter what others say. However, if someone hits him he has permission to fight.
Also, Will Smith might be a little slappy happy. I thought he slapped a reporter once but I could be wrong.
Will Smith: how do i get out the word my wife has Alopecia without saying my wife has Alopecia?
Also Will Smith: how do I best revive old Chris Rock jokes about my wife?
Also Will Smith: in case I don't win, how do I remind folks I was previously nominated for Ali and Concussion?
weinstein - he made people like Meryl Streep rich.
What's a few rapes, unwanted sexual advances, plant jerk-offs, & sexual pressure in exchange for work-bribes -> with the Hillary supporting crowd?
Don't check out Nikki Glaser's standup. Her vocal fry is worse than nails scratching a chalkboard.
Joan Rivers is the acception the proves the rule.
There was a time in this great land where the potential of a punch in the nose leavened social discourse and acted as a deterrent to personal insult. In fact, there are great swaths of this country where insulting someone or a close family member invites that same punch in the nose.
So much a part of American social interaction before the anonymity of the Internet was the occasional push to the ground or pop in the mouth that even the SC recognized the existence of “fighting words” “those which by their very utterance inflict injury or cause an immediate breach of the peace.”
I was blessed to live in this country in those days.
It remains unclear what motivated this brouhaha (that wouldn’t even be a decent fight for third graders) but it was not a fight. Not a real punch. It was a grown man barely slapping another grown man. That was the shameful part.
To be clear, if someone insulted me or my family to my face, there would at least be shoving, likely a fist to a face and then the sure knowledge that it would not happen again.
Give me a man who finishes his political address after being shot, or like that same TR, Lincoln, and Jackson, brought the fists.
Elsewhere on the web; I've seen Smith's action compared not to Trump's "If I shot somebody" remarks (that comparison was at this blog), but to Trump's "You can grab them... and they'll let you do it" which I think is pretty accurate with this new post. I also saw on Hollywood and Weinstein, not the comparison to zero reaction to Smith but in the willingness of Hollywood to cover for pedophiles teaching about sex to students K-3.
In all, I think it has been a bad 24 hours for Hollywood, and they seem keen on shifting blame to others. On the other hand, more people are talking about Will Smith than the remarks by Biden on Friday about Putin. In that sense, the Oscars have provided some escapism.
"This time the complaint is about all their inactivism."
Now do society as a whole. Less than half of violent crimes are reported. Less than half of those result in arrests. Yet progs complain about mass incarceration etc. etc. In fact, for the most vulnerable people, it's the inactivism that is the problem.
Which is what progs want, except when a certain kind activism serves their purposes--as with Weinstein. In the Smith case, of course, it wouldn't do to arrest a black star on the spot. And when blacks hit blacks, is that even a crime?
Like their actions, prog inactions are strictly instrumental.
Buncha cowards. Or it’s all fake. Either one is a simple explanation.
Cernovich take:
'At least tonight’s Hollywood victim wasn’t underage.'
Matt Walsh take:
'First of all, you lose the right to commit violence in defense of your wife's honor after you brag publicly that she sleeps with other men. Honor is forever off the table at that point.'
Staged? Well, it's true Smith researched the second Liston fight for a movie role.
These people- all of us for that matter- have been so twisted around, so tortured with bizarre notions of reality for so long, very few people are sure how to react anymore. But don't look to that full room at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for intelligent people with a firm grip on reality. That room may be the last place on earth you'd want to go for earthly advice.
Smith should claim he was triggered by the alopieciaism clearly being approved of in the room. And those who did not boo were complicit by their laughter, their applause, and even their silence.
When standards are made up on the fly, and change almost daily, and can be changed by one person- on the spot- it's hard to know who's the villain and who's the good guy. Which is the point of wokeness to begin with. Keep society on edge and off-balance so that you can restructure it and people will accept it because- Structure!
Smith could try to use fighting words doctrine to call the cops on Rock, not to slug him.
Reader, I am in full agreement with your comment at 2:27. Are you new around here?
C'mon,trashy people behaving trashy. Anyone surprised or shocked hasn't been paying any attention for many years. Or are incredibly gullible. Particularly after weinstein and epstein and everyone involved in either who never said a single word despite all of them knowing and only a bit fewer willingly participating. Wealth, fame, power are not signs of morality or of ethics. Take off the rose colored glasses folks, these people at least a majority of them, are despicable pigs. Nothing new under the sun. Sometimes the masks slip.
Staged? Well, it's true Smith researched the second Liston fight…
I was surprised at how weak a punch that was. Then I was impressed by how well Chris took it, literally standing his ground and laughing it off after saying, “Wow.” His feet stayed put. Will was weak. But hey nobody is saying oscarsowhite this year!
If his response to a joke about his wife's hair is to march up and slap a man, he's done it before. And if his teenaged son's response is, "that's how we do", then he has taught his son it's ok to slap people. And if everyone in the room's response is, "Oh. Well, on with the show", then they are too used to seeing violence committed on other people.
So who has Will Smith been slapping?
Harvey Weinstein! Eek!
Nikki Glazer! Who dat?
The little I understand the movie business, I recall actors having to be insured while on set.
What does his violent attack does to his on set insurance?
Is he still insurable?
There are diverse precedents that social liberalism (i.e. divergence) paves a progressive (i.e. monotonic) path and grade. Following this trajectory, they will normalizes racism, sexism, ageism, etc.; medical, surgical, and psychiatric corruption; and the wicked solution (i.e. State/her Choice) for social, redistributive, clinical, and fair weather causes. It's Spring time in Wuhan... Kiev... left by left, forward. Oh, wait, they did it, it's over, move on.
People who stay together, longer than they should, often suffer terribly…
People who stay together for as long as Smith and Jada have, make everybody else suffer.
I know because as a single man that makes me an expert. ☺️
Ask Oprah.
Variation on a take:
'Rock is really happy he didn't make a joke about Alec Baldwin's wife.'
Forget about being macho, most peoples response to someone unexpectedly getting in their face is not to lean in and display their face prominently.
What will the Oscar show have next year, to keep the decline of viewership declining as slowly as possible? I'm betting a female melee with gown malfunctions. All in good fun, of course.
You read it here first. Let's just hope seniors like J-Lo, Glen Close and Sharon Stone aren't participants, as broken hips are annoying injuries.
Yeah, but …
All the movies getting Oscars still sucked.
No amount of bitch slappin’ can change that.
The industry is garbage, it’s product is garbage, the people who make it are garbage.
The annual self-congratulation TV show is the most garbage of all.
Watch a 50+ year old movie. It’s probably either not garbage, or forgivable almost-garbage like a B grade horror film, which are still in a different universe of quality from the loathsome spew they want us to pay for now.
Hollywood movies are over. It’s a dead genre.
Move on.
“If the same Hollywood elites who upheld degenerates like Harvey Weinstein now oppose our efforts to protect parental rights, I wear that like a badge of honor,” -DeSantis says at signing ceremony.
BTW what’s with Smith stealing from Anthony Quinn in “Lawrence of Arabia” — “I am a river to my people “, and then later claiming to be a “vessel”. Wow! Pick a clichĂ© and stick with it, dude.
When you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.
Pelosi blah blah: OK boomer. whatever
Hollywood blah blah: OK Groomer. whatever
Wow. I hadn't realized what this Pinket person is up to. I guess being married to that is kind of like being A Boy Named Sue. Divorce her or start swinging.
rcocean said...
Assuming the whole thing was NOT an act, which i do not believe.
Why should we get upset that Smith slapped Rock? Was Chris put in the Hospital? Did he sustain lasting damage? Oh, he got a few seconds of pain. And lots of sympathy. And that's it.
Have you never heard of the crimes called Assault and Battery, you neuron-depleted moron?
Are you really so dense as to offer a movie scene between two actors as evidence that it's no big deal if someone slaps you in real life?
Hello, MJB I’m an occasional commenter.
Also, I just saw the clip with the reporter (without sound). It seems as though the reporter kissed Will Smith - without consent. That’s a completely different kettle of fish. But it does seem that Will Smith’s instinct is to slap.
Methinks yon Will protest too much!
Maybe the slap will put those nasty gay rumors to rest. Wait a sec, a slap? Hah!
Does it bother anyone else that all three of these people are in their 50s?
Readering said...
The producers had a long time before Best Actor to eject Smith at a commercial break.
what if Will Smith et al en famille had walked out at the joke?
Huh. Chris Rock has a 38 dates tour coming. Per article, "the dramatic moment did seem to inspire some viewers to buy tickets to see Rock perform live; one secondary ticketing marketplace, TickPick, reports that they have sold more tickets to the comedian’s tour overnight than they did in the past month combined. They also claim that ticket prices have surged since Sunday night, going up from a minimum of $46 per ticket on March 18 to a minimum of $341."
So there's that.
Black on black violence, tuxedo version.
And why did Will Smith use an open hand slap?
Because paper beats rock.
Just one of today's jokes.
How did Weinstein get away with that for so long? How did that happen
Can you also tell me why a dog licks his balls??
Oh, wait!!!......I already know!! Because he can!!!
Smith is a cuck. Kind of pathetic.
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