March 29, 2022

"If the 2024 presidential election were held right now, the poll finds Trump getting 47 percent support compared to 41 percent for Biden...."

"Vice President Harris performs even worse in a hypothetical match-up with Trump. Forty-nine percent said they would choose Trump, while 38 percent said they would support Harris...."

According to a new Harvard-Harris poll, reported in The Hill

Trump remains the favorite for the 2024 GOP nod, with 59 percent of Republican voters saying they would support him should he take another shot at the White House. Former Vice President Mike Pence and DeSantis are statistically tied for second place, garnering 11 percent and 10 percent support, respectively.



David Begley said...

Have the states fixed the cheating problems? We know that some nursing homes in Wisconsin voted 100% for Biden.

Trump is definitely running. That’s why the Dems are so intent on January 6th. They want to lock him up. Trump and Ginni Thomas are the enemies of the people in the eyes of the Fake News.

If Trump does win, there will be massive riots in DC and major cities. The WH might have to be evacuated. The Left now has a Brownshirt division and violence is what they do.

Beasts of England said...

Mike Pence at 11%? That’s about three times my estimate. But, once he gets that dynamic personality on the trail, the sky’s the limit!

iowan2 said...

38% of those polls would vote for word salad Harris?

This is not hyperbole. This nation is doomed if that representation is anywhere near accurate.
She had to drop out of the primaries before IOWA, because she was polling in low single digits.
Everything she has touched, or, gotten close to, has been a disaster. She is single handedly destroying affirmative action. This women screams incompetent.

wendybar said...

I always think of you whenever I see that word now. Garner!! It shows up EVERYWHERE!!!

tim maguire said...

It would appear that 38% is the baseline for a Democratic ticket, the absolute minimum percentage of votes a candidate will receive no matter how bad they are, so long as they have a D next to their name.

Michael K said...

Pence is a pussy deep stater. When he was Indiana Governor he chickened out on the RFRA when threatened with boycotts.

DeSantis' problem is that nobody trusts any politicians except Trump. So far, he looks good.

cubanbob said...

47% to 41% and 49% to 38%? After a year of nothing but disaster and awe inspiring stupidity how can anyone even possibly consider voting for Biden or Harris? If one goes only by performance Trump has been one of the better presidents in the last hundred years and Biden todate is arguably among the worst in the last hundred years.

n.n said...

The Afghan surrender with housewarming gifts and collateral damage, the Baidan/Maidan/Slavic Spring, progressive prices and availability, Mengele mandates justified by the cargo cult, transgender conversion therapy targeting captive children and adults, diversity, inequity, and exclusion, etc.

Ice Nine said...

>Former Vice President Mike Pence and DeSantis are statistically tied for second place<

There is the alarming statistic - if Trump doesn't run.

AMDG said...

The fact that Trump cannot crack 50% against Biden or Harris is the greatest argument that he should not run.

The best thing for him would be to support the eventual nominee and then brag that the Republican victory is due to Trumpism.

James K said...

As many will no doubt say: How do you poll fake voters?

Mike Sylwester said...

The sum of 47% and 41% is 88%. That means that 12% remains undecided.

If there will be another debate between Trump and Biden, then Trump well might show again that he is a buffoon.

Trump might again interrupt Biden constantly.

Trump might again indicate that the climate-change controversy is just about clearing the underbrush from forests.

Poof! There goes most of that undecided 12% to Biden.


I like Trump. I voted for him in both general elections.

In the 2016 primary election, however, I voted for Ted Cruz in my state's primary election -- even after Trump essentially had won the primary race.

In the 2024 primary election, I intend to vote for Ron DeSantis -- even if DeSantis will not run.

Richard Aubrey said...

Eventually, we're going to have an agreement that the 2020 election was stolen. Nobody will want to admit to voting for catastrophic clown show.

gilbar said...

47% to 41% that's nearly greater, that the margin of fraud!

MadisonMan said...

Dear Lord in Heaven: Please do not make us choose between people so close to 80 on either side.

Mutaman said...

Sure Trump is a criminal but the alternative is letting those dirty hippy liberals and their colored friends into the American mainstream

Leland said...

Beasts of England beat me to it @12:46. I suspect it is just name recognition for both Pence and Harris.

jrapdx said...

By the time 2024 rolls around seems likely voters will be pretty damn tired of the Biden/Harris crapshow. What with inflation eating away buying power, gasoline costing multiple limbs, crime soaring and law enforcement sinking, ol' Pres Trump is gonna look good, well at least not so bad by comparison. I expect the protests will be muted compared to what we've seen up to now. Except maybe in hyper-leftist areas like DC, NYC, SF. In any case if things remain as foul as we now have it Trump will win big, very big, so big even fake news will only impotently whimper.

Skeptical Voter said...

Biden Back to Basement sounds better than Build Back Better. I could really get behind the first BBB.

Rabel said...

"The fact that Trump cannot crack 50% against Biden or Harris is the greatest argument that he should not run."

The same poll last month showed DeSantis losing to Harris 39/41 compared to Trump's 51/39.

The full results of this month's poll will be released in a few days and maybe we'll see a new comparison.

Last month:

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Never mind Trump. Biden absolutely won't be the Donk candidate in 2024. A better matchup would have been Trump vs. Any Batshit Democrat.

Mark O said...

Uncorrupted, the American electoral system would always reject Biden. Before the unscrupulous players arrived, Joe was losing in his own party.

Only children and naïve adults believe in the results provided in an unauditable election.

Chris Lopes said...

"Sure Trump is a criminal but the alternative is letting those dirty hippy liberals and their colored friends into the American mainstream"

Not a Trump fan, but we already know what the alternative to him is. In case you missed it, it is an controllable border crisis, a cluster fuck withdrawal (bug out) of Afghanistan, out of control inflation, 5$ a gallon gas, a supply chain problem, mask mandate bingo, and last but not least, the possibility of WWIII because Grampa Simpson can't keep his mouth shut. Yes Orange the Clown could be embarrassing to have as President, but his antics never adversely effected my life.

Tomcc said...

"Vice President Harris performs even worse..." full stop.
My hope is that Gov. DeSantis runs. How many citizens hated Trump because of his policies? Perhaps fewer than those that found him to be personally offensive.

Temujin said...

We're a long way from 2024. So much can happen between now and then. That said, if the world continues to spin wildly, with smaller regimes matching larger regimes for causing problems, who would you trust to stomp on some of this? Biden or Trump?

And beyond them, look at the teams they had assembled around them. Trump's team was very solid. Biden's team is a conglomeration of check marks for wokeness or Marxists. These are not people who should be in this position. They are one and all- over their heads.

I don't know if Trump's health will stay up through to 2024, or what will happen in the world, or here in the US, but I do know this: If if Trump runs and wins in God...that sound you'll hear after the wailing subsides will be heads exploding from coast to coast and over into Germany, France, China, Russia, and on and on. It'll be the greatest show on earth.

Gator said...

What others have said, this is more about the unpopularity of Biden and Harris then the popularity of Trump. Outside of the elitist coastal communities, everyone knows Biden is a dimwit, and Harris maybe worse.

cassandra lite said...

I do NOT want any of the three of them to be on either ticket in '24, but I have to say I'd pay at least a grand to watch Trump and Harris debate.

Anonymous said...

Pence and DeSantis tied? Was the oversample 60-40 (D)?

Anonymous said...

Blogger Mutaman said...
Sure Trump is a criminal but the alternative is letting those dirty hippy liberals and their colored friends into the American mainstream


Given the amount of investigating, by people actually hoping to find somthing (ulike HRC and Comey/Lynch), with 0 indictments (which are a great deal easier to get than convicitons), I'm gonna go with Trump is basicially clean or has the BEST lawyers evah.

DanTheMan said...

If the polls reflected reality, they would show Biden losing to Trump 41% to 47% at midnight, but winning the next morning at 47% to 44%... once the 3AM "mail in votes" have been counted, and the election "fortified".

Beasts of England said...

Here’s the footnote for the referenced ‘poll’:

’The survey is an online sample drawn from the Harris Panel and weighted to reflect known demographics. As a representative online sample, it does not report a probability confidence interval.’

Genuine political gibberish.

Ceciliahere said...


Drago said...

Mutaman: "Sure Trump is a criminal..."

The Avenatti/BlueAnon fanbase checks in.

The Walls Continue To Close In!

Just wait until you see the NEXT dosser!

Drago said...

"Shortly after The New York Times quietly admitted that Hunter Biden’s laptop is legitimate even though it was smeared as “disinformation” to protect then-candidate Joe Biden during the 2020 election, Republican Sens. Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin released bombshell receipts showing Hunter received payments from foreign oligarchs that further reveal “the extent to which President Biden might be — and almost certainly is — compromised.”

According to the documents obtained by the senators, energy company CEFC, “an arm of the Chinese Government,” paid Wells Fargo Clearing Services $100,000 and designated “further credit to Owasco,” Hunter’s firm."

10% for the Big Guy.

Drago said...

Surely this is more russki disinformation:

Feb2014 - Maidan
4Mar14 - Kerry offers Ukr $1B
Mar14 - Biden gets Ukr portfolio
16Apr14 - D. Archer (Hunter’s biz partner w/Kerry’s stepson, Kerry’s top ‘04 fundraiser) visits Joe in WH
21Apr14 - Joe visits Ukr
22Apr14 - Archer gets Burisma deal
May14 - Hunter gets Burisma deal

Remember, 10% for the Big Guy.

Mutaman can explain....

Drago said...

After the wife of the Mayor of Moscow wired $3.5 million into Hunter's account, which Joey "Cornpop" account did at least $350k flow into, since Hunter and Joey shared some accounts and mingled their joint funds.

Mutaman probably knows and can explain it.

MadTownGuy said...

Fauci: Americans should be prepared for new COVID-19 restrictions

"White House chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci on Sunday warned about the potential for the reinstatement of COVID-19 restrictions in the U.S.

In an interview on the BBC's "Sunday Morning," Fauci said U.S. residents "need to be prepared for the possibility" of restrictions being put back into place.

Presenter Sophie Raworth asked if a new infectious COVID-19 variant could lead to future lockdowns and mask mandates.

"I don't want to use the word ‘lockdowns.’ That has a charged element to it. But, I believe that we must keep our eye on the pattern of what we're seeing with infections," he said, noting that the U.S. is currently moving toward normalcy.

"Having said that, we need to be prepared for the possibility that we would have another variant that would come along," Fauci noted. "And then, if things change and we do get a variant that does give us an uptick in cases and hospitalization, we should be prepared and flexible enough to pivot toward going back – at least temporarily – to a more rigid type of restrictions, such as requiring masks indoor.

Expect a push for mail-in in voting and/or drop boxes.

Rusty said...

cubanbob said...
"47% to 41% and 49% to 38%? After a year of nothing but disaster and awe inspiring stupidity how can anyone even possibly consider voting for Biden or Harris?"
Several of the least intelligent usual suspects will be here to tell us how amazing Brandon is. We just refuse to recognize his amazinglyness.

Robert Cook said...

"If Trump does win, there will be massive riots in DC and major cities. The WH might have to be evacuated. The Left now has a Brownshirt division and violence is what they do."

Eeewww! I know you can't help having these wet dreams about "leftist" insurrection and inevitable victory of the right in the battles that will be joined, but keep 'em private...please!

Robert Cook said...

"...if the world continues to spin wildly, with smaller regimes matching larger regimes for causing problems, who would you trust to stomp on some of this? Biden or Trump?"


They were both shit candidates in 2020 and they will be (if either runs) in 2024. This is the depths to which our never perfect republic (which it effectively is no longer) has fallen: deluded (or resigned) voters fighting over miserable little shits with miserable little minds as if they were the hope of the future. They're all the death of the future.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Hey Rusty! Cookie checks in right on cue! Do you have a "reverse" for that?

walter said...

That would mean a deeply concerning number of idiots who still want corrupted, incomptent and dangerous Joementia.

Rollo said...

I share your hope that some day the pernicious practice of "vote garnering" will finally be outlawed.

I would vote for Trump if he runs again, but I fear that he wants to win "as is," rather than change and adapt to win over people who voted against him last time. I'm not talking about his position on the issues. He has to improve his debate skills and convince doubters that he can appear "presidential."

gilbar said...

Robert Cook said...
"...if the world continues to spin wildly, with smaller regimes matching larger regimes for causing problems, who would you trust to stomp on some of this? Biden or Trump?"
They were both shit candidates in 2020 and they will be (if either runs) in 2024. This is the depths to which our never perfect republic..

So, inform us Mr Cook? WHO Should be President of the United States?
I really like to hear your answer

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Pretty scary to think Biden is within 6 points of any living, breathing opponent at this point

Chris Lopes said...


They were both shit candidates in 2020 and they will be (if either runs) in 2024. This is the depths to which our never perfect republic (which it effectively is no longer) has fallen: deluded (or resigned) voters fighting over miserable little shits with miserable little minds as if they were the hope of the future. They're all the death of the future."

Black pill much?

The Godfather said...

At this point, a year and a half before the election, a Presidential "preference" poll is largely a name recognition poll. Everyone knows "Trump", and an awful lot of folks either voted for him in 2020 or wish they had. The few who've heard of DeSantis at all, think he sponsored a law in Florida that will send you to jail if you even say the word "Gay" (Gosh knows what Florida would do to you if you actually ARE Gay!). I would interpret the "Pence" vote as meaning "anybody but Trump or Biden." Anyway, after the mid-terms this Fall we'll see voters beginning to think about who to support for President. It will be interesting to see whether Trump's support goes up or down when he starts seriously campaigning for President. If the Dems really want their candidate (Biden, Harris, Brandon, whoever) to have a chance, they better stop trying to lynch all Trump-supporters; Americans don't like such tactics.

narciso said...

No they have to get a clue and not gamble on famine black outs roving mobs et al

Amadeus 48 said...

About 35% of the public are Yellow dog Democrats. That has been true for years. About 30% are what we used to call rock-ribbed Republicans. The difference now is that the Yellow Dog Demmies are black people, suburban women, and so-called knowledge workers, who tend to be globalists. The rock-ribbed GOPers are a mix of social conservatives, blue-collar workers, individualists, America firsters, and traditional classical liberals.

That's how you get poll results like this. Biden has 35% locked up even if he is caught sniffing Jada Pinkett Smith's hair while he paws a squad of Floridian 4-8 year-olds.

Let's go Brandon.

Christopher B said...

AMDG said...
The fact that Trump cannot crack 50% against Biden or Harris is the greatest argument that he should not run.

My general impression is there's always between 5-10%, or more, undecideds depending on how hard the pollster pushes for a declaration. Any candidate cracking 50% in a poll is probably headed for a blowout win.

I'm not stumping for Trump, just pointing out there are better arguments against him than polling.

Robert Cook said...

"So, inform us Mr Cook? WHO Should be President of the United States?
I really like to hear your answer"

None of the above.

That is to say, I don't know of any potential candidates in either major party who would actually be a competent and dedicated public servant to the people of the US, (which, by definition, would make such a person a despised enemy to the corporations who own this country).

I will only be able to appraise (for myself) a candidate as potentially worthy when a potentially worthy candidate appears. It would have to be a Ralph Nader-like person, someone whose principles and views I can support and who will not cave in and go with the party line to advance him/herself financially or to gain influence in his/her party...or just to "go along" for party comity, (Bernie Sanders comes disappointingly to mind).

I do not expect such a candidate to come forth or, if one did, that he/she would would win the nomination, much less the office, and if he/she won (just to speculate crazily), that Congress would do any damned thing to support and work with such a candidate to actually fix things. In my view, we are inevitably and inescapably fucked.

Geoff Matthews said...

Ok, Trump being off Twitter has been the best thing to happen to his popularity. The less I know about him, the more I like him.
But what I liked about him before was his policies on controlling the border and getting manufacturing back in the USA. And I can handle a little a-hole behavior if it comes with that.

Robert Cook said...

"...what I liked about (Trump) before was his policies on controlling the border and getting manufacturing back in the USA. And I can handle a little a-hole behavior if it comes with that."

Then you should be wishing for Obama to come back. He deported more illegal aliens than Trump did, and Trump did little to bring back US manufacturing.

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