२८ मार्च, २०२२

"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?"/"I could walk up onto the Oscar stage and punch the host in the face, and I wouldn't lose my privileged Hollywood status."


Let's compare.

1. Shooting somebody is worse than hitting somebody in the face, but Trump was only verbalizing about an imagined event, and Will Smith actually hit somebody in the face.

2. Trump was joking, Will Smith was reacting to a joke and displaying utter humorlessness.

3. In Trump's shooting scenario, the victim isn't a specific person or type of person. It's just a shooting in the abstract, with no motive or victim. There's no implicit endorsement of violence. His point was that he is (or was) the recipient of unconditional love. Will Smith targeted a specific person and modeled a sort of behavior: When your woman is disrespected, you should strike out immediately and violently. 

4. Fifth Avenue is a very conspicuous place, but the stage of the Oscars ceremony is even more conspicuous. Trump only thought of getting away with violence committed right before everyone's eyes. But Smith actually did it — strode onto the stage and hit Rock — showing an immense sense of privilege. 

5. If Trump really did shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue, he would be prosecuted. Even if it was in self-defense, I think in NYC, he'd be prosecuted. But since Smith actually committed the act, we will get to see if he suffers any consequences. He didn't even get escorted out of the theater. He was handed an Oscar a little while later and allowed time to talk and talk about his feelings. So this is looking like the height of privilege.

१०० टिप्पण्या:

Sebastian म्हणाले...

"He didn't even get escorted out of the theater."

Right. Why not? Hypothesis: it wasn't just his privileged "Hollywood" status.

gilbar म्हणाले...

just to be Clear; Will Smith slapped the host; didn't punch him in the face.
(Speaking from personal experience, they're NOT the same)

Owen म्हणाले...

Prof A: excellent observations. Your "cool neutrality" is IMHO a useful flaying of Will Smith for his tantrum. ...I hesitated to say "flaying" because somebody might think that whipping a Black man, even metaphorically, is utterly unacceptable. And that controversy would take all the oxygen out of the room, just when it's needed to slap Will Smith around in front of his fans and viewers and help him, through suffering, atone for his wrong.

Seriously: his move has redefined the Oscars. It's bigger than they can ever be. It's not even just "the Oscar Slap." It's that the Oscars themselves will be known as "that thing where Will Smith beat Chris Rock and then cried about it." Who could have imagined that his unrehearsed gesture powered by unstudied anger, would give him instant and permanent ownership of Hollywood's greatest event?

Pass the popcorn.

Humperdink म्हणाले...

"Even if it was in self-defense, I think in NYC, he'd be prosecuted."

True. NYC hates legal gun owners. They will skin you alive if you are involved in a self-defense shooting. They want you to be a victim.

wendybar म्हणाले...

NOTHING will happen to Will. He is privileged, and can do and say whatever he wants with no consequences. When you are a progressive in Progressive Hollywood, this is how it works. Watch as Alec Baldwin gets off with a slap on the hand too. Nothing will ever be done. THIS is how America sees Elitism.

TreeJoe म्हणाले...

I've watched the full clip a few times and I just don't get it, unless Chris Rock slept with his wife or there's otherwise a huge background there I don't know.

It was a fairly tame joke, Will Smith was shouting afterwards for his wife's name not to be uttered by Chris Rock, and it was just a walk up hard slap out of the blue. But honestly considering their size differences, it wasn't that hard of a slap. Otherwise Rock would've been on the ground.

I watched Will Smith's body language and look and he seems drugged up to me.

Achilles म्हणाले...

What do people say? What did Trump say? What did Biden say?

What do people do? What did Trump Do? What did Biden DO?

If we are Ukrainian soldiers we can shoot POW's in the kneecaps and Americans will still support us. I know Putin puppet blah blah blah.

People love their morality plays. They don't have to think.

Humor done well makes you think.

The tensions and fissures in our society are getting to the point where the fabric cannot support them. Society requires suppression of the incompatible.

That means the people who censor and do things other than they say are going to go soon.

RideSpaceMountain म्हणाले...

I can't tell if what Smith did was assault or not.

I'm not a criminologist.

Ceciliahere म्हणाले...

Will Smith’s wife has “traction alopecia” which happens when hair is worn in too tight braids for a long period of time. So, self-inflicted baldness is not a disease…it’s the result of a bad hairstyle. Will Smith has proven himself to be a narcissistic dick. How macho to defend your wife’s baldness! He was sure to pick on a guy who is not known for aggressive behavior, just jokes. Maybe, Will needs anger management classes. What a classless, ghetto way to behave! Will Smith is now cancelled!!!

Spiros म्हणाले...

Laughter overrides rational self-control. And it was a malicious joke directed at a bald, mentally ill woman. It doesn't matter how wealthy and good looking Jada Smith is, Mr. Rock deserved to be slapped. (Just slapped, not beat up or killed or anything ridiculous.)

Bob Boyd म्हणाले...

Possible back story:

Apparently, Jada announced on her show that they have an open marriage, talked about her affairs and that Will doesn't satisfy her. She did this with Will on the show as her guest.
Naturally Will Smith has been the butt of a lot of jokes from comedians, twitter, podcasts, etc.

One example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dltIicxDi0&ab_channel=RyanLong

Maybe Chris rock has been making such jokes as part of his standup routine.

s'opihjerdt म्हणाले...

You're moving with your auntie and uncle in Bel Aire!

Dave (in MA) म्हणाले...

just to be Clear; Will Smith slapped the host;

Now that would have been something.


Maybe we need Biden to have a beer summit, or at least an ice cream summit.

Jefferson's Revenge म्हणाले...

If this was not choreographed prior, which I doubt, there is something wrong with Will Smith. There was literally no justification for that behavior, especially in public and on TV. He is either habitually violent and has hid it well through his career or has some type of related anger problem and was off needed meds. People who think this was justified should pay attention to other awards shows and roasts. Insults are pretty common and are meant and usually accepted as jokes. School yard bully picking on a smaller man. Nothing more than that. If I remember correctly Gervais tore up some Tech CEO's a few years ago about using slave labor in a very personal way. Should one of them have hit him? If she was so sensitive about her condition (not a disease as Ceceliahere points out) she could have stayed home.

Browndog म्हणाले...

I'm amazed at how many serious people are not just talking about Slapgate, but talking about it at length.

It must be a very necessary distraction to what may feel like the hopeless state of the world today. I'm not one of those "I don't care about this thing, so nobody should care", I'm just struck by how many are putting serious thought into this.

wendybar म्हणाले...

Will and Jada thought it was so funny when Hostess Regina Hall made a joke about their open marriage though. Just don't talk about her bald head?? THAT is what set him off?? Talk about a pussy. She can sleep around, but her HAIR!!!!

Martha म्हणाले...

But there was an earlier joke or 2 about the Will Smith/Jada Smith open marriage arrangement. Jada apparently sleeps around—and talks about it. Those jokes did not anger husband Will Smith. But a joke about HAIR! That crosses the line.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

"just to be Clear; Will Smith slapped the host; didn't punch him in the face."

The quote in the headline is a hypothetical imagined inner monologue. I used the word "punch" because every time I've viewed the video, looking for the open hand that would justify the usage of the word "slap" that I'm seeing in the press, I don't see it.

I think Smith was attempting to display manhood, so why would he *slap*? That doesn't add up.

farmgirl म्हणाले...

I find it so strange that 2things uttered by Trump- in jest- colored his character for so many Liberals. One Lib friend kept repeating the 5th Avenue line to beat Trump up as a bully w/no conscious.

Yet, Alec Baldwin, who portrayed Trump on SNL- literally LITERALLY shot a woman to death and wounded another person and has yet to suffer consequences. He’s denying fault.

Democrats have 2faces.
Why is that?

Michael K म्हणाले...

Fortunately, not many people saw it, or anything else about the Oscar show.

DanTheMan म्हणाले...

This is late-stage cancel culture.
Will Smith believes he now gets to decide what jokes you can tell.

It was a very short trip from "Punch a Nazi" to "Slap a comedian".

gilbar म्हणाले...

looking for the open hand that would justify the usage of the word "slap" that I'm seeing in the press, I don't see it.
I think Smith was attempting to display manhood, so why would he *slap*? That doesn't add up

hand looked like it ends up open to me, as to WHY a slap; i have NO IDEA..
But, i DO KNOW (from personal experience), that IF it was a PUNCH, it most certainly was a fake punch, because Rock's head (and/or body) didn't move. If you Punch someone, it shows

rcocean म्हणाले...

Obvious Fake. An air punch. A bid for publicity that worked. Rock stands at a certain spot, sticks his chin out and Smith takes a punch that misses him by a foot. No recoil from Rock when the "Punch" supposedly lands.

Just a setup. Like Brando sending a Fake "indian" to get an oscar. Why not talk about the AA actors and directors - attacking a bill that would ban teaching gay/transex to 1st Graders and kintergardeners?

Hollywood pedeophiles - that's not fake. Its real.

RideSpaceMountain म्हणाले...


I see gunfire and metal detectors in the Academy's future.

Chuck म्हणाले...

What a weird comparison.

Will Smith didn't seem to be playing to, or expressing a thought about, any "base" of his. I think it was a simply nasty, arguably criminal, personal action on his part.

The Trump line was never really about Trump himself, or what he would or would not do. Trump's line was, and is, and always will be, about the dumb credulity of his base of supporters.

mezzrow म्हणाले...

But the culture tells me it's racist for white people to talk about black people's privilege.

I know we can't talk about their hair. Maybe that feeling Chris Rock was feeling was privilege. Comedy is so hard these days it's going to disappear if we're not careful.

tommyesq म्हणाले...

NOTHING will happen to Will. He is privileged, and can do and say whatever he wants with no consequences.

I would go further with this thought - what would happen to Chris Rock if he pressed charges? He would be ostracized and black-listed, because Smith is a bigger star than Rock.

gahrie म्हणाले...

I've watched the full clip a few times and I just don't get it, unless Chris Rock slept with his wife or there's otherwise a huge background there I don't know.

Apparently Will doesn't care about other men sleeping with his wife.

William म्हणाले...

I didn't see the show, but I watched a clip of The Slap. That's what Will Smith will be famous for for the rest of his life. He managed to not only upstage the Oscars but his own Oscar. It took a bit of reading before I discovered that he had won. Some win. I can't imagine his career will get the usual post-Oscar bump.

Joe Smith म्हणाले...

FYI, Smith was at a my wife's corporate event a few years ago in Vegas. He hung out at the pool and was friendly with everyone.

I read all the time that he's a total nut job, but apparently he can be quite charming.

Of course, he is an academy award-winning actor : )

Paddy O म्हणाले...

I think Smith was attempting to display manhood, so why would he *slap*? That doesn't add up.

Slapping is within manly action when the slapper has a tough or alpha image--which Smith has cultivated--as both an expression of violence and social diminishment. The one being slapped is signaled as not manly enough to deserve a regular punch. See Wyatt Earp in Tombstone slapping Johnny Tyler (played by Billy Bob Thornton) as an example of how slapping can be an assertion of dominance over a non-equal

Of course, I didn't watch the video so don't know if it was a slap, because I don't care enough (to keep up with the apparent required commenter self-reporting: I didn't watch the Oscars and haven't for a number of years, saw a movie in a movie theater a couple weeks ago [Death on the Nile] and liked the experience, I do own a television]

Aggie म्हणाले...

"I think Smith was attempting to display manhood, so why would he *slap*? That doesn't add up."

I think it does. You punch someone that you see as an adversary that you must vanquish. You slap the snot out of someone who is beneath you, to demean them and put them in their place. Two different things.

PM म्हणाले...

Among the brothers, a slap is more insulting than a punch.

William म्हणाले...

Let's put this in perspective. It's true that what Will Smith did reeks of privilege and elitism, but look at the way Zelensky and Putin are carrying on. Hitler gets a lot of criticism here, but, in his favor, it should be noted that he never timed any of his offensives to compete with the Academy Awards. Zelensky and Putin, if they were men of conscience, should have declared a truce for the night of the Academy Awards. It would have shown that they were aware of something beyond their own petty concerns. It would have shown real class and it would have given their soldiers and captive populations to reflect on what's important in this world. Well, maybe next year.

Achilles म्हणाले...

4. Fifth Avenue is a very conspicuous place, but the stage of the Oscars ceremony is even more conspicuous.

I don't think this is true anymore.

Although 5th ave is also kind of a ghost town now too.

Browndog म्हणाले...

When Chris Rock was at the top of his profession (stand-up) he was able to call out black culture in front of a black audience, and get them to laugh. And yes, he even hit on black women's hair. The black women laughed.

One of my favorite lines from Rock: Every town has two malls. One the white people go to, and one the white people used to go to.

TickTock म्हणाले...

Per the NYPost, there is a history of bad blood between Smith and Rock. As a consequence Smith may have perceived it (sorry, not "may" must have perceived it as a deliberate insult.
I'm quite ok with him hitting Rock particularly if Rock felt the forum he was in made him (ie Rock) untouchable. But totally agree with the comments on privilege - for both.

One Eye म्हणाले...

Hope to see Mike Tyson hosting next year.

Jaq म्हणाले...

Will Smith acted honorably, defending his wife, and Chris Rock acted honorably, laughing it off. Two men being men, we should let it go, but the laser pointer beckons.

Achilles म्हणाले...

Will laughed at the hair joke.

Jada did not.

Chris paused too much. I think he would have moved on to the next joke then stopped mid sentence normally.

Will strolled up very casually in a completely awkward way.

Chris did not flinch or back away like a normal person would. He just took the slap not knowing what kind of strike was coming. The follow up jokes were too smooth.

I don't think Jada was in on it.

Richard म्हणाले...

I went to a boxing match and an Oscar ceremony broke out.

Tom T. म्हणाले...

Who says America overlooks black-on-black violence?

Amexpat म्हणाले...

I used the word "punch" because every time I've viewed the video, looking for the open hand that would justify the usage of the word "slap" that I'm seeing in the press, I don't see it.

Look at the photo at Drudge. Smith's hand is wide open after contact, not clenched in a fist which it would have been if he had punched him.

I think Smith was attempting to display manhood, so why would he *slap*? That doesn't add up.

Who knows, he may have decided to just make a point rather than physically harming Rock - an open handed slap stings but doesn't normally break any bones. Also, he's an actor and slapping is more dramatic. Sort of like gentleman supposedly did in the past to defend honor or challenge to a duel.

n.n म्हणाले...

Will reacted as if it were a roast. His wife was sensitive to the critique, warned him otherwise in no unclear terms. She's an actress by profession, not character. He misunderstood.

Bob Boyd म्हणाले...

What did the police at the oscars find when they dusted Chris Rock's face?

Fresh Prints

gilbar म्हणाले...

this People Mag article has a nice shot of Smith and Rock during the follow through of the slap

Smith's hand is open, and Rock's head has moved sideways, NOT backwards

n.n म्हणाले...

If we are Ukrainian soldiers we can shoot POW's in the kneecaps and Americans will still support us.

The Ukrainian military and paramilitary were at war with the Ukrainian people for over eight years... over 32 trimesters since the Biden/Maidan/Slavic Spring. Zelensky has been in power for over 2 years... 8 trimesters. It has been over 6 years... 24 trimesters, since the Obama Spring series from Tripoli to Kiev (WW III). NOW, they feign concern. Here's to progress (unqualified, monotonic process/change), a scapebaby, a fetal technical term of art for social distance.

Crimso म्हणाले...

"The Slap," starring Will Smith as Jerry Lawler and Chris Rock as Andy Kaufman.

Martin L. Shoemaker म्हणाले...

Traditionally, slapping was for correcting children. Punching was for men. You didn’t punch children. Maybe the slap implied an insult.

minnesota farm guy म्हणाले...

In the good old days that slap would have been an invitation for pistols at dawn. Probably was a good thing because it kept both parties from being careless about their speech - as Rock clearly was.

Critter म्हणाले...

If Smith slap Rock at the Oscars but almost no one was watching, did the slap make a sound?

Achilles म्हणाले...

Bob Boyd said...

What did the police at the oscars find when they dusted Chris Rock's face?

Fresh Prints

These shenanigans will not be tolerated!

Ignorance is Bliss म्हणाले...

If Rock had any decency he would have immediately apologized to Smith's wife.

If he had any balls he would have followed that up with Hey, how about that Jaden...

MadTownGuy म्हणाले...

"So this is looking like the height of privilege."

Rules are for the little people. Unless you're Donald Trump...then a different set of rules apply.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

I do see the open hand in the follow through phase, but not at the point of seeming contact. Let’s see a close frame by frame analysis. I understand how people are making an inference but I’m trying to see what is visible.

Static Ping म्हणाले...

The remake of "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" as a dark drama is starting to make sense now.

Leland म्हणाले...

Looks like a closed fist chest thump to me. I'd thought it staged but kept watching as Will Smith continued to heckle like a jerk from the audience. Chris Rock did exactly what I'd expect a good comedian to do. If I'm Kevin Hart; I'd be glad not to host the Oscars for the thin-skinned actors. Denzel Washington came off looking the best in all this. Overall, this is probably not what the Academy was hoping when it decided to be more race conscious.

Ampersand म्हणाले...

This is puzzling and disturbing on several levels. I put the likelihood of the slap being "staged" at less than 5%. Neither Rock nor Smith need publicity. The coarseness of the encounter, its physical unpredictability (potential dental issues or even concussion)and its humiliation for Rock, argue against this being scripted.

But Smith has never before been physically violent in a public way. He and his spouse have publicly advertised their open marriage. Odd that such a relationship would trigger Mister He-Man the Protector of woman's honor.

What I find fascinating in the privilege department is the way that Smith's celebrity so outshines a mere comedian like Rock that it leaves Rock with no practical remedy. Lawsuits and criminal proceedings are for the proles. Rock's public persona is contrary to playing victim.

Lloyd W. Robertson म्हणाले...

Let's go out on a limb and say Smith's behavior had something to do with drugs: wild mood swings, inappropriate behavior (on stage in a crowded theater, or perhaps anywhere), and then a maudlin, bawling apology for some or all of the above.

No consequences? This may get back to your suggestion that this was a staged stunt--possibly to boost ratings for a dying broadcast. Chayevsky's "Network" raised the question: would a network commit a murder or assassination if they thought it would boost ratings? The history of CNN raises the same question. One celebrity hitting another is a trifle by comparison.

Just googling I found "Why Did She Slap?" An Indian "reality" TV show specialized in people abusing each other, always with a script they were supposed to stick to. A young woman told a young man to fuck off, he said why don't you, she slapped him (at this point definitely off script), and he slapped her back (ditto). The crew of the show swarmed on to the stage and beat the shit out of the young man. Was this out of gallantry? Concern that the show had been disrupted? (The episode has never been aired, but of course it has gone viral on the internet). Both actors were nobodies at the time. Maybe in the early days of movies, mostly in New Jersey, Thomas Edison sending gangs to beat up rival movie makers, an owner like him would arrange for beatings of mere actors who got out of line. Sigh. The good old days.

Rollo म्हणाले...

Hitler gets a lot of criticism here, but, in his favor, it should be noted that he never timed any of his offensives to compete with the Academy Awards.

April seems to have been his favorite month. Winter was probably over by then, so invasion season could start. After previews in the Baltic or the Balkans, the Big Show would premiere in May or June.

I'd like to see the Oscars from those years, though. I wonder if all the actors were going on and on about "Dark Times" when Europe was burning and enslaved like they did when Trump was elected.

Narayanan म्हणाले...

need muscle - looks like gf send muscle for diszzz - could have taken care of it herself ...

--- Beginning in 2014, Pinkett Smith starred in the first season of the FOX crime drama Gotham, as Gotham City gangster Fish Mooney. She returned, recurrently, in the second and third seasons of the series.

Fustigator म्हणाले...

slap or punch. Looks like battery to me.

I have seen plenty of open hand slaps where the person on receiving end is knocked out cold and reels back and hits their head on ground. Quick stroll around reddit, youtube and various social media will reveal plenty of very violent slaps that cause a lot of damage.

It didnt appear to be a go easy sort of slap.

First thing I thought of - assuming it was real/not planned -- why wasnt Will Smith escorted from building? Anyone else of lesser status and another race would have been removed and likely facing charges.

In my opinion, the aftermath of George Floyd is that violent blacks now have privilege and get away with a lot of stuff that other races do not. Rich & famous people of all colors have always gotten away with stuff (see OJ Simpson).

Howard म्हणाले...

Technically, a bitch slap.

Lurker21 म्हणाले...

Has anybody checked to see if Will was also terrorizing Carlton and Hillary and Uncle Phil on the Fresh Prince set?

Narayanan म्हणाले...

could have been 'Jussie Smollett' reenacted real time and openly >>> where is the subway sandwich that a grand-jury can indict

Howard म्हणाले...

If the comic Joe Rogan insulted Mrs. Smith, what are the odds Will would have bitch slapped him?

Amexpat म्हणाले...

I do see the open hand in the follow through phase, but not at the point of seeming contact

A clenched fist wouldn't open that quickly after a punch, especially if contact was made. And the sound of the slap is audible.

Narayanan म्हणाले...

Trump's line was, and is, and always will be, about the dumb credulity of his base of supporters.
wonder what that means in alt+narrative :=: if Trump was D Trojan Horse who came to life as in fairy tale

wendybar म्हणाले...

Bob Boyd said...What did the police at the oscars find when they dusted Chris Rock's face?

Fresh Prints

Thanks for the laugh. Quite witty!!

Lem Vibe Banditory म्हणाले...

The idea that violence is an acceptable form of conflict resolution cannot be allowed to stand. Period.

Channeling the current president: ‘For God’s sake, this man cannot be allowed to get away with it’

Rabel म्हणाले...

Two black men had a fight and neither one used the n-word.

The world gets a little better every day!

Narayanan म्हणाले...

same people must have wrote Joe Biden Poland speech about smacking Putin

Lem Vibe Banditory म्हणाले...

Explaining why Smith was not arrested, former VP Al Gore remarked: “There was no controlling legal authority at that theatre.”

Leland म्हणाले...

I watched again; and yeah, I'll go with it being a slap, which doesn't make Smith look any better.

Butkus51 म्हणाले...

jussie part 2

Narayanan म्हणाले...

Slapping is within manly action when the slapper has a tough or alpha image--which Smith has cultivated--as both an expression of violence and social diminishment. The one being slapped is signaled as not manly enough to deserve a regular punch.
to put this in Roman era context == slapping backhanded was supposed to diminish slapper but elevate slappee : hence turn other cheek

Narayanan म्हणाले...

is that correct though?

Lem Vibe Banditory म्हणाले...

The Academy needs instant replay. You can’t have the Oscars Championship hanging on a fair/foul missed call by the academy. Vegas deserves better 👀

Narayanan म्हणाले...

Slapping is within manly action when the slapper has a tough or alpha image--which Smith has cultivated--as both an expression of violence and social diminishment. The one being slapped is signaled as not manly enough to deserve a regular punch.
to put this in Roman era context == slapping backhanded was supposed to diminish slapper but elevate slappee : hence turn other cheek

is that correct though?

Narayanan म्हणाले...

Slapping is within manly action when the slapper has a tough or alpha image--which Smith has cultivated--as both an expression of violence and social diminishment. The one being slapped is signaled as not manly enough to deserve a regular punch.
to put this in Roman era context == slapping backhanded was supposed to diminish slapper but elevate slappee : hence turn other cheek

is that correct though?

=== chris rock then says will smith smacked shit out of me === to build up will smith!

Lem Vibe Banditory म्हणाले...

“I do see the open hand in the follow through phase, but not at the point of seeming contact. “

The Oscars producers where not expecting a thriller is Manila production. Thought there probably is more footage from other angles. Maybe somebody with an iPhone camera going to the side?

robother म्हणाले...

I understand that by 2024, all Oscar nominated movies will have to meet quotas for LGBTQ, Black, disabled in casting, production and post-production: basically every category of Oscar awards. Beatdowns for presenters from dissed losers might become common, perhaps with a ratings bump, albeit from a different demo.

Wince म्हणाले...

I think Chris Rock had it about right.

Smith's wife took offense and Smith slapped Rock.

Rock shook it off, showed no animosity.

Move on.

Paddy O म्हणाले...

Denzel Washington came off looking the best in all this.

This is a universal truth that applies in almost every situation Denzel Washington is in.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne म्हणाले...

Well, I'm not worried. I'm sure someone will step up and tell us that it's just a part of black culture. Kind of like they did a couple years ago with stabby girl in Ohio after the cops shot her.

JMW Turner म्हणाले...

After non-stop discussion over the decline in viewership of the increasingly irrelevant Oscars, Movie Star Will Smith *slaps*, Popular Comedian Chris Rock in retaliation over a lame "G.I.Jane" reference. Suddenly, the internet is intensely interested in 'ol lameo said Oscars. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.

wendybar म्हणाले...

The Academy banned Kevin Hart as host of the 2019 Academy Awards over historic unacceptable tweets - but has not punished Will Smith for punching someone.

Gravel म्हणाले...

"You punch someone that you see as an adversary that you must vanquish. You slap the snot out of someone who is beneath you, to demean them and put them in their place. Two different things."

In one of Dashiell Hammett's novels, the protagonist is following up a lead at the home of a loose woman. She keeps a tubercular man as basically a pet, and insults him at every turn. He gets offended at the protagonist and tries to cause trouble. The protagonist punches him, knocking him out. The woman gets very angry, and asks "couldn't you have just slapped him?" to which the protagonist replies "you've degraded him enough. Punching him gives him back a little of his manhood."

All men know and understand this dynamic, or at least we used to.

Stephen म्हणाले...

Since we're imagining what the actors (double meaning intentional) are thinking, as well as violent incidents that didn't happen, we should count ourselves lucky. Can you imagine if one of the men was white and the other black?

There would be a s***storm of racial commentary, from white comedian physically looking down from the stage on black husband who commits justifiable violence, to black comedian joking while husband exhibits white savior complex. In either case the white guy would be the villain. I hope I'm imagining wrong.

Breezy म्हणाले...

Smith laughed at the joke at first - that’s what gets me…. Why not help his wife to lighten up instead of going on stage to slap Rock? I can imagine Smith was stressed to the hilt due to his nominee status, but jeez, that slap was completely uncalled for. I think both Jada and Will need to publicly repent in some way, if Smith won’t be charged. She’s complicit in the action by Smith, after all. Public apology, donations to Rock’s favorite charities, anger management class, banned from award shows, etc.

A slap is a parental-like correction in my view, whereas a punch is meant to physically harm someone. I think if Smith punched Rock, he would have needed to shake his hand out afterwards, as it hurts a lot to punch someone in the face. He didn’t exhibit any discomfort with his hand at all…

Achilles म्हणाले...

Butkus51 said...

jussie part 2


n.n म्हणाले...

So, the Smiths feign outrage for clicks. There is a fable written for such actors, but they subscribe to an "ethical" religion, and believe themselves immune... inoculated perhaps, from immediate adverse events and progressive conditions, but not sterilizing immunity.

Bob Boyd म्हणाले...

wendybar said...
Bob Boyd said...What did the police at the oscars find when they dusted Chris Rock's face?

Fresh Prints

Thanks for the laugh. Quite witty!!

Glad you got a laugh. It is quite witty, but not my wit, just a joke that's going around.

farmgirl म्हणाले...

“Trump's line was, and is, and always will be, about the dumb credulity of his base of supporters.”

No. It’s the fact that the media portrayal of the Trump supporters is the statement above.
It must warm your cold little heart that he’s back on the political scene.

Left Bank of the Charles म्हणाले...

‘I used the word "punch" because every time I've viewed the video, looking for the open hand that would justify the usage of the word "slap" that I'm seeing in the press, I don't see it.’

Page Six has pictures that show the open hand.

Left Bank of the Charles म्हणाले...

I remember all those posts where Althouse mocked the commenters on various newspaper stories always making the story about Trump, and now she’s done it herself.

Left Bank of the Charles म्हणाले...

The LAPD thinks it was a slap: “LAPD investigative entities are aware of an incident between two individuals during the Academy Awards program. The incident involved one individual slapping another. The individual involved has declined to file a police report. If the involved party desires a police report at a later date, LAPD will be available to complete an investigative report.“

Left Bank of the Charles म्हणाले...

If you are going to compare Will Smith and Donald Trump, why use the Fifth Avenue comment as the point of comparison? Why not use Trump sending an angry mob to beat up the Capitol Police and any members of The House or Senate it could catch?

Left Bank of the Charles म्हणाले...

It is a fair question why the LAPD didn’t arrest Will Smith for battery at the scene. Simple battery is a misdemeanor, so if LAPD officers didn’t witness it firsthand, they may not be authorized to make an arrest without an arrest warrant. Chris Rock reportedly declined to press charges, and that might affect police procedures. The general policing rule of thumb for fighting - loser goes to the hospital, winner goes to jail - doesn’t apply here because this didn’t rise to the level of a fight and no one went to the hospital.

I am curious what sort of punishment can be expected in a case like this. The maximum for a misdemeanor battery in California seems to be six months in jail and/or a $2,000 fine. One can easily imagine a much worse battery, so this case wouldn’t seem to qualify for the maximum. It’s fair to ask those who call this a travesty of justice, just how much justice has been travestied. I don’t accept Harvey Weinstein as at all comparable.

The Oscars could have escorted Will Smith to the door and left it at that, which is Bouncer 101. Instead they have launched an investigation that seems designed to strip Will Smith of his Oscar. That would come off as a bit privileged, as they have been running a show for years that depends in no small part of making mean jokes at the expense of celebrities.

wendybar म्हणाले...

You mean the Capitol police who ushered the now gulag political prisoners who went in and took selfies. The Capitol police who beat Roseanne Boyland to death?? The Capitol police who shot Ashli Babbitt in cold blood?? Trump didn't send ANYBODY to beat them up...Nancy had them set the people of America up. This is on Nancy. Let's see HER E-mails. I bet they would prove me right.

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