March 8, 2022

"Former California Gov. Jerry Brown is living off the grid in retirement... 'I’m very happy where I am — it’s a very amazing place. I can’t imagine being in a better place'...."

"He then wondered aloud whether he could have avoided the same mistakes as those who became president. Then he quickly switched to considering why a hummingbird that caught his eye was moving so quickly from tree to tree."

That should be a poem.

But it's just an AP article — "Climate change is like war, California’s Jerry Brown says."


Paddy O said...

"Climate change is like war, California’s Jerry Brown says."

The wealthy seek more control and privileges while making all the poor people bear the burden of their decisions?

Michael K said...

He is happy. The state he destroyed is not.

Rusty said...

"Climate change is like war, California’s Jerry Brown says."
No. It's like a con.

The Drill SGT said...

The Land of Fruits and Nuts.**

- born in Chico

** Frontier thesis as taught in California schools mid 20th century

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

easy to do when you've made millions in government funding.

Wince said...

"He then wondered aloud whether he could have avoided the same mistakes as those who became president. Then he quickly switched to considering why a hummingbird that caught his eye was moving so quickly from tree to tree."

Nearly a literal, "Look, a squirrel" moment.

Paddy O said...

Pax Romana was peace for some, built on the oppression of many, where the privileged experienced their peace derived from the application of violence, oppression, or dismissal.

The trouble with being wealthy and privileged in the post-Christian era, though, is the lingering guilt about enjoying a peace based on oppressing others.

Pax Climatis is emotional, social, and financial peace for some based on mandating changes that allow the wealthy to feel morally good about their privileges. All the privilege, now with a sense of moral superiority! Our politicians and entertainers and other neo-royalty can invest in massive and isolated estates, lavish transportation, protected personal gardens and entertainments, while feeling they are spreading civilization, showing us what it means to be fully human. It's a form of colonization, same as it ever was.

In contrast, pax Christi is a peace that extends to all, with the one taking on for oneself the burden of such peace and calling his followers to likewise bear the burdens in helping others to thrive.

There can and should be a respect for the environment, but it shouldn't be based on oppressing the poor and making them bear the weight of the policies--at least not while also celebrating one's own excess and lack of accountability.

Narayanan said...

Rusty said...
"Climate change is like war, California’s Jerry Brown says."
No. It's like a con.
is not WAR also a CON

Patrick said...

Whimsy is never substantial. It's why poets never become president.

wendybar said...

Must be nice to live off the land with the millions you made off the taxpayers.

Owen said...

What a hypocritical sack of the proverbial. He's a real planetary steward, zipping around his thousands of acres of very private property on his solar-powered ATV. Wait: what's that? It runs on fossil fuels? Why isn't this paragon of eco-responsibility walking, then? It would give him more time to bond with Gaia and spare us his Deep Ruminations.

Brown and his family made their money from oil: specifically from giving Indonesian oil interests the right to market in California. See Michael Shellenberger's excellent "Apocalypse Never."

MadTownGuy said...

"He then wondered aloud whether he could have avoided the same mistakes as those who became president. Then he quickly switched to considering why a hummingbird that caught his eye was moving so quickly from tree to tree."

I almost always thought Jerry Brown was kinda flighty, except for the time I voted for him for governor. It was my first vote in a general election, so I can plead naiveté.

Howard said...

Jerry is mistaken. We are not prepared to fight a two-front energy war. Climate Change does not take priority over the Putin Question.

Skeptical Voter said...

Governor Moonbeam doesn't know a lot about a lot of things. The problem is that the things he does know are wrong. Still he's relatively harmless up in the mountains in Colusa County.

retail lawyer said...

He made the California grid the most expensive, dangerous, and least reliable in the country so it is fitting that he lives off it.

A how about that High Speed Rail fiasco?

retail lawyer said...

And he was the mayor of Oakland. How is that place doing now?

Iman said...

Old Man Looks Up at Sky Angrily Shakes His Liver-Spotted Fist!

ga6 said...

Does he have his foie gres and caviar delivered or does he bicycle intotown on a bie make of sustainable titanium and rubber?

Dave Begley said...

“It’s true that the Russians are earning money from oil and gas, but to compound that problem by accelerating oil and gas in America would go against the climate goals, and climate is like war: If we don’t handle it, people are going to die and they’re going to be suffering. Not immediately, but over time,” said Brown, a Democrat."

What a fucking lie. No one is gonna die. Stop trying to scare people.

John Kerry has said that even if the the US went to net carbon zero today, it wouldn't make any difference. Something like 90% of carbon emissions are from outside the US.

And I don't concede for one second that carbon dioxide - a trace gas - is responsible for substantial and material changes in the climate. These fucking assholes have been wrong for over 40 years about doomsday. Why are they right now? What makes them right about 2100?

Bill Clinton and Jerry Brown are the two biggest failures of US Jesuit education. Immoral liars who used their education to dupe and scare people. Progressivism is the biggest threat to the planet and the US.

PM said...

Brown's greatest move was appointing B.T. Collins head of the CA Conservation Corps. The former Green Beret captain - to prove to corps members and everyone else in CA - that Malathion was a safe pesticide, he drank a glass of it on camera. Straight up badass.

Milo Minderbinder said...

Even assuming climate change merits a war, Jerry Brown would not be the (or my) general. Indeed, Brown is one of those visionaries who’ve consistently wrong for fifty years.

Ceciliahere said...

People like Jerry Brown should always be living in the wild off the grid and never allowed anywhere near public office.

Robert Cook said...

I wonder at what point climate change deniers will finally realize how blind they've been?

My guess is never.

Fred Drinkwater said...

Brown damaged the state, definitely.
But he did great things as mayor in Oakland.
Why? Because the city was a war zone, and the city charter gives the mayor immense power. Which Brown used, to good effect.
The whole "Governor Moonbeam" thing was a media illusion. Brown is a natural tyrant; he just needs a suitable environment.

dreams said...


Joe Smith said...

He's living the life.

My dream is to be as rich as him and living off the grid.

I met him once on a commuter flight.

He waited in line for a seat like everyone else and was nice to me.

Sheridan said...

Paddy O - As a former California resident all I can say about your comment is QED.

Sebastian said...

"Climate change is like war, California’s Jerry Brown says."

Correct. War by the alarmists against the realists.

rehajm said...

Robert Cook said...
I wonder at what point climate change deniers will finally realize how blind they've been?

My guess is never

…might wanna check your work here, partner…

readering said...

Trump is the biggest failure of US Jesuit education.

Rusty said...

Blogger Robert Cook said...
"I wonder at what point climate change deniers will finally realize how blind they've been?

My guess is never."
In the immortal words of some other guy. " I'll believe it's a crisis when the people telling me it's a crisis start to act like it's a crisis. "
You understand my skepticism?
Plus it's a grift.

PB said...

He stopped living off the grid. He's driving basically a golf cart.

Lucien said...

When the “Bulletin of Concerned Scientists” has a “Doomsday Clock”, you can rest assured that it’s never going to be set to 1:23 a.m. I suppose there should be a way to check on how far from midnight it has ever been . . . Oh, wait, their website says it was all the way back to 11:43 p.m. in 1991.
(The Bulletin of not-so-worried scientists has set its clock to “meh”).