March 6, 2022

At the Sunrise Café...


... you can talk about whatever you want.

That photograph is from yesterday — 15 minutes earlier than the vivid orange photographs that many of you liked in last night's post. I didn't catch the sunrise today because it was too windy to go running safely in the woods.

And let me give you one more. This one is from 6:42 — 2 minutes after the ones posted yesterday and significantly different, with a full view of the sun and a big reflection on the ice.



Achilles said...

What does international news think our administration?

MadTownGuy said...

Trucker convoy arrives at DC Beltway with plans to loop twice

"A spokesperson tells WTOP that they plan to circle the Beltway on Sunday in protest of COVID-19 restrictions. Afterward, they’re expected to head back to Hagerstown.

Lynne Kristensen, a spokesperson with the People’s Convoy, told WTOP Saturday night that plans have not been finalized, but that the convoy did plan to drive around D.C. They didn’t plan to enter D.C. proper.

“The People’s Convoy plans to circle the Beltway [Sunday] and has been working with local and state law enforcement to find the best time to travel,” Kristensen said in a message to WTOP.


"On Sunday, volumes on the Beltway are at their lowest and can accept tens of thousands of vehicles before reaching capacity, WTOP Traffic’s Dave Dildine reports.

If the convoy keeps moving, Dildine said it likely won’t have an large impact on traffic as compared to mobile road work zones and crashes.

“From the farmer protests, to Mini Coopers, to Rolling Thunder, there is some precedent and for as much as we loath the ripples of traffic, most incidents are a flash in the pan when you step back and look at the bigger ocean of traffic,” Dildine said. “In as much, I worry we might be giving this a little too much attention but I suppose there is still some unknown.

Jaq said...

Bloomberg is reminiscent of 2008.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I’m watching Human Capital (2019) with Liev Schreiber and Marisa Tomei.

farmgirl said...

Brand w/guest Yanis Varoufakis

Achilles said...

Marco Rubio needs to go.

It would be interesting to see Jake Tapper’s position if China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, India, Brazil or South Africa started to confiscate the wealth, property and interests of U.S. politicians and/or citizen billionaires of the United States because the U.S. invaded Iraq under false pretenses.

rehajm said...

Another Arthur, king of the Britons sunrise..

Jupiter said...

Visa and Mastercard no longer work in Russia. I believe this is the first new way to target a foreign enemy's civilian population that we have invented since the Second World War. Seems like it might work pretty well against a domestic enemy's civilian population as well. If a regime happened to have any domestic enemies.

Jupiter said...

“The People’s Convoy plans to circle the Beltway [Sunday] and has been working with local and state law enforcement to find the best time to travel,” Kristensen said in a message to WTOP."

The People's Convoy has taken the salutary message from the DOJ and the House of Representatives that American citizens who attempt to enter the District of Columbia without Democratic Party ID will be thrown in prison and left to rot.

Joe Smith said...

All things covid has been so annoying these past couple of years. Every news story, every podcast, every blog post...littered with covid nonsense.

And it's al mercifully ending, only for Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine to take it's place.

I can't catch a fucking break.

Unfortunately, racism and trans bullshit will never is the foundation for all transient issues...

Jupiter said...

Nursing homes in Wisconsin typically had between 95 and 100 percent voter turnout in the 2020 election. Sounds legit.

Kai Akker said...

---Visa and Mastercard no longer work in Russia. I believe this is the first new way to target a foreign enemy's civilian population that we have invented since the Second World War.

Russia just hooked up with the Chinese card alternative. We are hurting ourselves as much as anyone else. Can't see more than a few Russians wanting to go back to USA credit cards if they read the papers.

Browndog said...

BREAKING: Russia's state owned Sberbank is to replace VISA and MasterCard with a new "MIR" card system in partnership with China's Unionpay.

MOSCOW (Nexa) — Russia began active preparations for disconnection from the global Internet. No later than March 11, all servers and domains must be transferred to the Russian zone.

(Moscow)ALL Russian debt to nations engaged in the sanction racket will be paid back in rubles.

gilbar said...

Jupiter said...
Nursing homes in Wisconsin typically had between 95 and 100 percent voter turnout in the 2020 election. Sounds legit.

last year, while my dad was dying; they placed him on the Alzheimer's ward (because that was the only open bed). I went to see him a lot, because he did NOT like the other inmates (since he didn't have Alzheimer's (his trouble was with his heart/lungs/liver).

When i think about those Alzheimer's patients, the idea that 100% percent of them would vote is COMPLETELY Believable.. As Long as, someone Not them filled out and signed and mailed the ballots. The lady across the hall, that always carried a doll; and Always was yelling: "LET ME OUT! LET ME OUT!!" ..
I'm SURE she was very politically active, and kept up to date on the latest news
(y'all Do see i'm being sarcastic? Right? Great)

Ceciliahere said...

Good morning sunshine! Thanks, but I feel like a lazy lob still in bed until long after the sunrises. I know it’s still actually doing that because of your pics.

Jaq said...

Ukraine is basically Teapot Dome, and our whole corrupt political class had their snout in the trough.

Narayanan said...

Jupiter said...
Visa and Mastercard no longer work in Russia.
my understanding was not allowing ruble conversion to forex .
ruble to ruble internally in Russia should be allowable?

Narayanan said...

When i think about those Alzheimer's patients, the idea that 100% percent of them would vote is COMPLETELY Believable..
alzies should stick with dements candidate

Jersey Fled said...

Marco Rubio needs to go

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that's up to the people of Florida.

Narayanan said...

Russia also removed sales tax VAT for gold purchases.>>> defacto gold standard

J. Farmer said...


Marco Rubio needs to go.

Rubio has always been a bromide-spouting nitwit. He is a product of the Cuban-American political machine that dominates Miami. It's two biggest successes have been its stranglehold on US-Cuba policy and transforming Miami-Dade county into a third-world country.

MadisonMan said...

I note that Gov Cuomo has come out against Cancel Culture. Hoisted on the Democrats' petard.

stephen cooper said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
StephenFearby said...

WSJ March 6. "General of the Army" (but only trained as a civil engineer) Sergei Shoigu:

'When Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the country’s nuclear forces to go on high alert last week, he looked down a long table at his defense minister, Sergei Shoigu, who nodded in assent.

In his decade at the head of the Russian military, Mr. Shoigu, who has never been a professional soldier but holds the rank of general of the army, has worked to modernize and professionalize the armed forces, and build their image as an effective fighting machine and foreign-policy tool.

Victories in Crimea and Syria helped propel Mr. Shoigu and the military to the center of Mr. Putin’s Kremlin power structure, with an upper hand over the feared intelligence services that had previously been the main supporters of the Russian president, who is himself a former spy.

Russian troops’ failure to quickly seize Ukraine, however, has shown Mr. Shoigu’s changes, while real, didn’t create the fearsome fighting force he touted. Poor logistics, flawed strategy and ill-prepared troops mean any victory will be immensely costly, and an occupation hard to sustain.

Experts on the Russian military place some of the blame on Mr. Shoigu’s willingness to back Mr. Putin’s plans, even if they are unrealistic. That has meant agreeing with assumptions the Ukrainian military would quickly fold in the face of a superior force and that Russian troops would be greeted as liberators.

“Beyond Putin, this is very damning for one person in particular, and that is Sergei Shoigu,” said Michael Kofman, director of Russia studies at CNA, a nonprofit research and analysis organization located in Arlington, Va. “By agreeing to these assumptions and this type of operation, he has essentially thrown the Russian military into a disaster.”

"...When the U.S. warned of an imminent Russian invasion, he said that Moscow’s intelligence showed the U.S. was helping Ukraine develop nuclear weapons and that Washington was preparing for a chemical weapons attack on the Russian-backed militants in Ukraine’s east."

So, just like Putin, Shoigu has all the earmarks of being a first-class liar.

J. Farmer said...

"But we don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud." -Condoleeza Rice, Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer, 08 Sep 2002

effinayright said...

Farmer ...."transforming Miami-Dade county into a third-world country."

Ddoes this look like a "third world country",FL/PST045221

(compare Dade with all-Florida stats. It's a bit poorer, but no less educated.)

Crime higher in Dade? Yes.

But who runs Dade? Democrats. Who votes Democrat? a majority of Dade residents.

Cuban policy? It's been virtually the same since even before Rubio took office.

Hard to blame Rubio for all that.....but Farmer loves to smear.

J. Farmer said...


Ddoes this look like a "third world country",FL/PST045221

(compare Dade with all-Florida stats. It's a bit poorer, but no less educated.)

"Third world" is not synonymous with poor or uneducated. The typical feature of a third world society is extreme wealth and income inequality. The stereotypical image would be something like a central business district surrounded by slums.

But who runs Dade? Democrats. Who votes Democrat? a majority of Dade residents.

Where did I say anything about Democrats or Republicans? But for what it's worth, Miami-Dade county is pretty evenly split between Democrats and Republicans. It has a 13-member Board of Commissioners with six Republicans and seven Democrats.

Cuban policy? It's been virtually the same since even before Rubio took office.

Hard to blame Rubio for all that.....but Farmer loves to smear.

I didn't "blame Rubio for all that." I blamed "the Cuban-American political machine that dominates Miami."

WK said...

So... what do I need to stock up on? US dollars in cash? Not if govt makes them invalid. Anonymous MasterCard/Visa gift cards? Not if govt has those services turned off by the providers? Gold? What denominations would help survive a “emergency situation”? Chinese or Russian financial instruments? Don’t have those networks in the US. Bitcoin? Not sure how to access if internet access is restricted by govt or businesses. Each day it becomes more apparent we are screwed. Suggestions welcome!

Mutaman said...

Q: What's the difference between a Republican and a Ukrainian?

A: A Ukrainian defends their capital.

J. Farmer said...


Each day it becomes more apparent we are screwed. Suggestions welcome!

We are indeed screwed but not because of any of the phantasms you've conjured here. Recognize that the system under Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump, and now Biden is much more convergent than divergent. People were talking in exactly this manner 30 years ago.

J. Farmer said...


Q: What's the difference between a Republican and a Ukrainian?

A: A Ukrainian defends their capital.

Ha. To be fair, Republicans do defend their capital. It's just that their capital is Jerusalem. One of Trump's big victories was moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv. And let's not forget Israel-Bahrain normalization. America First!

effinayright said...

@ Farmer:

Oh fer fuck's sake.

"The typical feature of a third world society is extreme wealth and income inequality. The stereotypical image would be something like a central business district surrounded by slums."

Look at the stats for median income, per capital income.

Yes, they are less than for Florida as a whole.

But "third world"?

Just using your definition, there are 20 democrat-run American cities, let alone counties, that satisfy those criteria, but you choose to blame Cuban-Americans in Dade.


Rt41Rebel said...

"and transforming Miami-Dade county into a third-world country."

I'm no fan of Rubio, but I've lived and worked in Miami recently, and it's a more polite and functional city than the place I left. The traffic in Miami is a lot worse than DC, I will say that.

StephenFearby said...

London Times March 7, 12.01am GMT

This war will be a total failure, FSB whistleblower says

'Spies in Russia’s infamous security apparatus were kept in the dark about President Putin’s plan to invade Ukraine, according to a whistleblower who described the war as a “total failure” that could be compared only to the collapse of Nazi Germany.

A report thought to be by an analyst in the FSB, the successor agency to the KGB, said that the Russian dead could already number 10,000. The Russian defense ministry has acknowledged the deaths of only 498 of its soldiers in Ukraine.

The report said the FSB was being blamed for the failure of the invasion but had been given no warning of it and was unprepared to deal with the effects of crippling sanctions.

The whistleblower added that no one in the government knew the true figure of the dead because “we have lost contact with major divisions”.

FSB officers had been ordered to assess the effects of western sanctions, they said, but were told that it was a hypothetical box-ticking exercise. “You have to write the analysis in a way that makes Russia the victor . . . otherwise you get questioned for not doing good work,” they wrote. “Suddenly it happens and everything comes down to your completely groundless analysis.'

'...The analyst said that the SVR, Russia’s foreign intelligence service, was trying to “dig up dirt” to claim that Ukraine had built nuclear weapons, a pretext for a pre-emptive strike.

The 2,000-word document was published by Vladimir Osechkin, a Russian human rights activist who runs the anti-corruption website

Christo Grozev, an expert on the Russian security services, said he had shown the letter to two FSB officers, both of whom had had “no doubt it was written by a colleague”.

Grozev, who reported the identities of the Salisbury poisoners with the investigative website Bellingcat in 2018, said: “Ukraine had previously leaked fake FSB letters as psy-ops.

“This letter appeared different, though. It came via a reputable source [Osechkin] and it was way longer than a forger would choose to make it.”'

'...The war, the writer said, had been given a “provisional deadline” of June because by then the Russian economy will have collapsed. “I have hardly slept at all recently, working all hours, in a brain-fog,” they wrote. “Maybe it’s from overwork, but I feel like I am in a surreal world. Pandora’s Box has been opened.”

The author said they could not rule out international conflict and that they were expecting “some f***ing adviser to convince the leadership” to send an ultimatum to the West threatening war if sanctions were not lifted.

“What if the West refuses?” they wrote. “In that instance I won’t exclude that we will be pulled into a real international conflict, just like Hitler in 1939.”* Elsewhere in the letter they said: “Our position is like Germany in 1943-44 — but that’s our starting position.”'

IMO, the Russian economy may well be on the road to cratering before June.

* The "just like Hitler in 1939" analysis is stupid squared. Hitler was NOT pulled into an international Putin, he created it.

Clyde said...

Jupiter said...
Nursing homes in Wisconsin typically had between 95 and 100 percent voter turnout in the 2020 election. Sounds legit.

Amateurs! In Philadelphia, there are precincts that had well over 100% voter turnout in 2020.

Mutaman said...

"Amateurs! In Philadelphia, there are precincts that had well over 100% voter turnout in 2020.'

Duhhh.I went to bed and Trump was ahead and when I woke up he was was rigged I tell you. Duhhhh

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Small Dead Animals: video about the suppression of Ivermectin.

Copy pasta to your browser 👉🏽

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

“The freedom convoy is what you get when you stand up to authoritarianism early. War in Ukraine is what you get when you stand up to it too late. “ -unknown

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Another Trump was right video surfaces.

YouTube link 👉🏽

J. Farmer said...


I'm no fan of Rubio, but I've lived and worked in Miami recently, and it's a more polite and functional city than the place I left. The traffic in Miami is a lot worse than DC, I will say that.

The City of Miami isn't the same thing as Miami-Dade County. Spend some time in Opa-locka, Florida City, or Hialeah.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Q: What's the difference between a Republican and a Ukrainian?

A: A Ukrainian defends their capital.

A: Democrats use the FBI to stage an attack on the Capital and blame it on Republicans.


Christopher B said...

Jupiter said...

I believe this is the first new way to target a foreign enemy's civilian population that we have invented since the Second World War.

It actually predates WWII. The Admiralty conceived of a plan in the early 1900s very similar to the one we're trying to use now against Russia to bring Germany to its knees in 1914.

It didn't go well, least of all because of the financial pain it caused to the British economy

Bob Boyd said...

Q: What's the difference between a Republican and a Ukrainian?

A: A Ukrainian's capital hasn't been taken over by totalitarians quite yet.

Mutaman said...

"Blogger Bob Boyd said...

Q: What's the difference between a Republican and a Ukrainian?

A: A Ukrainian's capital hasn't been taken over by totalitarians quite yet."

That part of the Know Nothing philosophy that isn't base on fear of those who are different is based on semantics.

Duuuuu- they make me pay taxes-they're totalitarians.

Mutaman said...

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

"Q: What's the difference between a Republican and a Ukrainian?

A: A Ukrainian defends their capital.

A: Democrats use the FBI to stage an attack on the Capital and blame it on Republicans."

Ann-don't you think its time to start booting the serious nut cases from around here?

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