Joe Rogan Right Wing Reactionary EXPOSED
— Krystal Ball (@krystalball) February 10, 2022
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
Joe Rogan Right Wing Reactionary EXPOSED
— Krystal Ball (@krystalball) February 10, 2022
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The Two Minute Hate continues.
Others have said this already, but it's worth repeating: imagine if Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell were subject to this level of scrutiny.
Just illustrates the ridiculousness of thinking there's a perfect division of beliefs between right and left. Like most people, Rogan has some positions I agree with and others I don't. This foolishness of thinking someone is a "spokesman" for your political side is way out of hand.
Amuses me no end to see the left's attacks on Joe, considering he champions a large number of their causes.
I hate sarcastic tweets. Oh, look he's a REAL conservative. snark snark. haha.
Anyway, this is just one more example of how pathetic conservatives are. Anyone who's popular and doesn't hate the Center-Right 100 percent of the time is their friend. To state the obvious, Rogan's not a right winger, that's why he didn't get cancelled. Now, all the Big Tech execs can say they're in favor of free speech "Look, we didn't cancel Joe", and pretend it applies to everyone, and not just to those who voted for Biden.
Just illustrates the ridiculousness of thinking there's a perfect division of beliefs between right and left. Like most people, Rogan has some positions I agree with and others I don't. This foolishness of thinking someone is a "spokesman" for your political side is way out of hand.
Amuses me no end to see the left's attacks on Joe, considering he champions a large number of their causes.
We Rightwingers who approve of Rogan do so DESPITE his personal beliefs and ideology. We don't care as long as he allows free and rigorous debate, which is one of OUR beliefs and part of OUR ideology.
I'm a libertarian "rightie" (using the historically illiterate right/left paradigm for the nonce); and it's hard for me to accept someone who endorsed Bolshie Bernie for president as one of "mine." But the enemy of my enemy is my friend, they say.
It's the left that argues what Joe Rogan himself says is consequential and harmful and should be banned.
The right simply appreciates the independent forum he's created and defends his right to podcast it.
Let us say the famous anti-vaxxers and anti-GMO people (technology will kill us) used to be on the left. Anti-nuclear power, still worried about pesticides. Surely there were always religious and socially-conservative people who shared some of these concerns, but this was clearly in a context of escaping from, or avoiding, the modern world. It was clear the left loved some tech, like computers and cars of some kind.
Could it be that with Joe Rogan taking his food and health supplements/alternative medicine concerns as far as he did, and at least hinting at being anti-vaxx during Covid, he could take many people "like this" to the right, or persuade the populist right to take on all these concerns? The populist right is used to being called anti-science over creation, climate, maybe gays and other aspects of sex. "Conversion therapy." So for them it's just one more cause that's anti-Establishment, and can make you a proud outsider?
The people who like Joe Rogan already know this about him.
Most righties know he's not their guy. It's a fundamental misunderstanding to think that conservatives are only interested in other conservatives. Tons of conservatives listen to NPR. I understand why liberals think that--liberals think like that themselves, but conservatives don't.
But there's a deeper misunderstanding here--The Joe Rogan Experience does not do partisan politics. He's not a culture warrior. That's not the point of his show no matter how many people want to pretend otherwise. Like that absurd list of left guests vs. right guests that circulated a couple days ago insisting Rogan was right wing because 2/3 of his guests were right. People wanted to argue about how the right side of the ledger included many clearly left-wing people. Which it did. But they missed an important point--in order to falsely portray his show as a political show, that list ignored the MMA fighters, comedians, and others--the 75% of his guests who were not political figures. If there were a "neither" column, it would have dwarfed the left and right columns, showing what a stupid exercise that was.
Like the study that "proved" 97% of climate scientists think humans are having a significant effect on the climate by ignoring the large majority of climate scientists who have no opinion on the matter, they have created a false meme. They have used statistics to lie.
I know, this was made for the masses but most informed righties who have paid a modicum of attention to Rogan already knew this.
We like Rogan because he believes in free speech for all. The end.
Democrats always think others are hateful and one dimensional like themselves.
You think that's great, you should see the video of Howard Stern wearing black face and spouting the N-word with abandon...
Same with Ted Danson.
But they vote the right way...
rcocean said...Anyway, this is just one more example of how pathetic conservatives are.
Say what? The cancel crowd goes all bug-eyed for Joe Rogan for no good reason and that is why conservatives are pathetic!?
Rogan is a hugely popular show host. There are no surprises about what he thinks. It's easy to mischaracterize what someone few have heard of says. A lot tougher when millions of people already listen to him.
What we are seeing here is akin to biological cellular division: The left has been splitting into two since 2015 with Bernie versus Hillary. Those seeking ideological purity no longer tolerate Clinton, Gabbard, Manchin, Sinema, or Rogan (and many more). They believe that purity is essential to reach their rather ambitious world-transformation goals. Never mind that all past attempts have ended in utopian failures or genocide, true believers want to be surrounded only by true believers.
Every religion begins this way.
The hard left stands to force out the middle left, and the moderates will logically form a center-right coalition and win by numbers. However, hard left zealots will fight to the death. Be it themselves or others.
yeah - but Rogan said he likes Tulsi and Bernie.
How does that work?
Bernie gave in immediately to the Biden insider power game.
Tulsi told the corrupt Clintons to suck eggs and pound sand.
oh no! the conflict must be killing the left. what to do?
I have listened to a few Joe Rogan spotify episodes.
Joe very rarely says anything particularly profound or insightful himself; his comments are more along the lines of "Oh, wow, dude," or "That's f'in insane!"; however he asks good, not loaded questions, and generally lets his guests tell him what they want to get across.
Does the left really think that anybody regards Rogan as some sort of guru/dispenser of pearls of wisdom?
The left's problem with Joe Rogan is not what Joe Rogan believes or advocates--it's that he allows people like Dr. Malone, Glenn Greenwald and Jordan Peterson to actually speak to his audience.
Amuses me no end to see the left's attacks on Joe, considering he champions a large number of their causes.
Same could be said of Trump.
i thought he was a Bernie Bro?
Since the Soviet left are in control - and Joe had esteemed doctors speak truth-to power his show - doctors who merely asked questions that do not follow the MSNBC-Maddow-Fauci-Psaki-Bullshit pre-approved line regarding covid and after-market drug therapies. (etc) The soviet left cannot tolerate such insubordination and questioning.
Joe must be silenced. Even if it takes leftist rocker Canadians with Nazi flags to do it.
This is all to do with the big money at the big Pelosi pharmaceuticals.
Listen. Why does everything have to be painted as yours/mine left/right love/hate?
This Spotify squabble isn’t about sides:
It’s about freedom… Freedom- capital F. Trying to take the heat off the “misinformation” aspect is a squirrel game.
I can tell you- the only person Bernie gives a shit about is Bernie. All the rest is a pack of squirrels intentionally scattering to take the obvious fact that Bernie has his hands deep in the working class pockets. No amount of free pig roasts in October will ever cancel out that man’s greed.
If Rogan has a vision- he should build it himself- wanna help others- give them a leg up w/your millions.
And stay free.
This is proof that the cancel-culture leftists have no idea why so many people shun the media propagandists and listen to Joe Rogan instead.
And it demonstrates clearly why they have no ability to understand their opponents; they really can't understand the idea that normal people can and do respect and engage with others who sometimes have opinions they don't agree with.
It would be ironic but not surprising if they earn him more listeners with all the attention they're giving him.
I think she;s a regular guest and person of discussion on Rogan. Left wing media bird. She's mocking the general idiocy surrounding the failed cancellation campaign.
The spotlight on Rogan & this sort of deep dive highlights the 180 that many libs (for lack of a better classification) have shown with the mandates & censorship of the discussion of the appropriateness of government telling us what to do. The whole My Body, My Choice mantra has flipped from pro choice to vaccines. I know initially those that supported mandates said the difference was protecting others, but does anyone believe that anymore?? I certainly don't agree with everything Rogan says, or Trump or Obama, but did agree with some of what all 3 said. (Can't really think of one thing I respect about, or take as genuine from about Biden so purposely leaving him out.
Righties AREN'T thinking he's our guy....he's a Bernie Bro....We just stand up for people the left are trying to cancel. The left are always putting people in boxes. (We don't like him anymore, so he is right wing is the dumbest thing I ever heard) WE don't want Whoopie Cancelled for example, but we want equal justice. If somebody like a Sharon Osborne can be cancelled just for sticking up for a friend the left was calling RACIST...then Whoopie should be cancelled because of her stupidity. (and not just about the Holocaust) Personally, I don't want ANYBODY cancelled. I can change the channel.
Good man Joe is the only known antidote to the poisonous rule of fake Science, fake knowledge and fake scandal. The masters of propaganda tremble when his show is listened to. Other than that Joe is not the important one. His guests are his ammunition.
"if the left has already canceled him"
If. They tried. Stalemate so far, it seems. He's still on, and Rumble stands ready to take him if not.
"the righties are thinking he must be their guy"
But we don't, as this thread shows. Except as host of one prominent forum where some heterodox ideas can be discussed.
It is also our weakness: we mostly stand by our principles, and therefore fight for "free speech" as opposed to just fighting the culture war tit-for-tat, and we treat the enemy of our enemies as a friend, even when he really isn't. It makes sense as a strategy of the weak party, in an environment dominated by the left, but the best is still pretty weak.
What would happen if we righties were to pile on? F*#k Joe! Let him be cancelled! Who needs the moronic leftism, drugs, MMA, and constant cursing? He's a blight on the culture, like all his fellow Bernie bros. Etc.
Let's go, Rogan!
I can only take so much of the JRE at one time, but politics has virtually nothing to do with it; I can only take so much NPR talk at one time, and it's almost all to do with politics.
How deeply we are mired in social media political ooze.
By the way - I think I must have posted on an older thread- about appropriation and houses and I miss Mock Turtle’s winky faces. I thought she’d come back. I’ve been looking for that post all damned day now and have concluded I got lost. Again. I read all of the comments lol
I do miss her.
It's all those people whom Rogan is supporting in the above video who are trying to shut him down. Their Overton window has moved and if he continues to support free speech, they'll defenestrate him right through it. Plenty of conservatives were liberals once and have been in Rogan's position, i.e., the Dem party begins to leave one behind; and that's one reason why they support him despite his contempt for them. My own godmother, a leading member of the Connecticut Democratic party, said to me: "You used to seem intelligent but then you began to support pro-life." At that time I was still a registered Democrat.
"This isn't intended to destroy Joe Rogan, but if the left has already canceled him and the righties are thinking he must be their guy, it's the perfect attack."
Who wrote that?
It completely misses the point in such a fundamental way. Perfect attack on what?
The person that wrote that was making a kinda silly joke or just has no understanding of what actual Americans want.
No surprise. You people love Trump and he's a lefty.
"This isn't intended to destroy Joe Rogan..."
Go ahead. Pull the other one. It's got candy canes hanging from it.
Everything done here is designed to take Joe Rogan down. Not in one fell swoop, but blow by blow, like cutting down a large tree with an axe. Rogan is a mighty oak, so it'll take a lot of strokes. But his enemies outnumber him 1000 to one, and a lot of them apparently have no other day job than to target the DNC's enemies on social media. Even if his viewers outnumber his enemies 10,000-1, the axe blows will never stop until he's gone, driven from the public square forever.
This takedown is co-ordinated -- and possibly funded -- by the DNC. Battlespace prep for the mid-terms: weaken or even eliminate a possible platform for critiques of the Democrat's performance. Convenient "Stray voltage" to take attention away from Biden's catastrophic failures.
A lot of us think Tulsi Gabbard and Joe Rogan tell the truth in spite of their politics.
This horrifies the left.
Who's Joe Rogan? Apparently wildly popular--or wildly denigrated. But he's somebody I've never taken the time to listen to, nor am I likely to do so. Score this one (for me at least) as a tempest in a teapot.
Michelle Obama???
It's like Joe Biden, but she doesn't have dementia.
It's like Hillary, but without all the charm.
Send the tweet to Neil Young, etc.
Because of all the hub bub I listened to a couple of Joe Rogan's podcasts, all pre-covid. 2 were with the lead singer of Tool - a very interesting guy. The only politics that came up were some relatively pedestrian anti-Trump comments by them both. Very good conversation although more MMA than interests me. The other was with Ben Shapiro - I haven't finished that one, but they find common ground in deriding the left's distaste for allowing speech they disagree with. The podcasts are long which makes it difficult because I don't have many blocks of time when I can listen for 3 hours.
I think the value in his podcast will not ride on whether he's a lefty or a righty, but how he draws out the opinions of his guests in an interesting way
This is a well crafted psyop. Much has been learned since Blazy Ford. Deploy Niel Young, wait a few days and deploy more stars in a drip by drip fashion to create momentum. After a week, deploy the n word. Isolate Joe from the Left and label him a flaming Conservative. Wait another week and then cripple his support from his new conservative friends by painting him as a leftist. Every demographic will only remember the lies that they individually like.
The problem is that if he has lots of people that will watch him for 4 hours at a time, he will not be too damaged. Joe needs to to a weeks worth of shows doing a post-mortem on this attack with some psychologists and investigators, but not Peterson.
Can Of Cheese for Hunter said...
The thing is, we on the non-left don't care if he likes Michelle. He's not wrong. If Michelle ran - she'd win. Not because she will be our savior, but because she is a black woman married to the king of the black men.
2/10/22, 1:03 PM
Probably doesn't matter anyway.
CNN’s Alisyn Camerota admits that she’s ‘out of ideas’ for what to do about Joe Rogan
I came to say what Freeman and Bob Boyd say-- people in Rogan's (huge) audience won't be surprised by what he said, because they listen to him. Some people want to remove him from Spotify so nobody can listen to him, but there isn't a counter movement to *grow* his audience or make people listen to him. Nobody has to listen to him who doesn't want to, and anybody who does listen can hear what he has to say.
This is a little bit like saying "Oh, you think you are such a big fan of Brad Pitt? Well here, let me show you what he looks like!". I mean, thank you for that. But I know what he looks like because I can see him.
I like Joe because of the content of his interviews. His political views are irrelevant.
The left goes after heretics, the right goes after converts.
Excuse me, the left indoctrinates children, before their brains are fully developed, and then goes after heretics.
Rogan, like Russell Brand, is not a Republican or a conservative. However, they both appear to be open-minded and willing to listen to AND criticize both sides; they aren't Democrat shills with a byline like most of the hacks in the MSM. Half a loaf is better than none. And unlike those Democrat shills, they aren't filled with hatred. Same thing for Tulsi Gabbard, which is why she is an ex-Representative. Rogan, Brand and Gabbard seem like the kind of people who wouldn't unfriend you just because you disagree with them.
The progressive Left is outraged. Not only is Rogan guilty of Wrong Think, he's guilty of Think. He's setting a bad example. It must be stopped at all costs.
Howard wrote, "No surprise. You people love Trump and he's a lefty."
This might be the perfect troll comment. It seems designed to antagonize the entire US political spectrum. Bravo, Howard.
Isn’t this projection by the left? That we (sic) will suddenly hate him and want him cancelled because he has views that don’t align to our own?
All these tactics will most likely have eye-opening results for those who still profess Freedom (of anything)on the Left. It’d be cool if a transition begins toward the center for some of these folks. Or, at least a more honest awareness of what game the Left continually plays.
Howard- re: Trump a liberal…
No shit, Sherlock.
Still appreciate the he’ll outta him.
John Holland- one good commenter here posted a breakdown of that, I read the link, but can’t remember… 3Italian brothers… young, handsome in a soyboi way, monied and educated as hell. So = power trip.
I love Tool. Always have, but I’m no connoisseur and rarely listen to more than lectures, interviews and podcasts these days. Oh- and sermons!! In this world of de-centeredness, I need all the help I can get:0)
CNN anchor admits she's 'officially out of ideas' for 'what to do about Joe Rogan'
But he's somebody I've never taken the time to listen to, nor am I likely to do so. Score this one (for me at least) as a tempest in a teapot.
Sure. But what are you going to do when they come after someone you do know or care about? Because they will.
This isn't about Joe Rogan.
well the hollywood hacks paid 4 million to meidas for this, I still don't get why rogan stiffed gabbard, and endorsed brezhnevite bernie, rogan has interesting guests, not the gong show hacks of morning joke et al, and he gives them time to expound, a capital offense,
Righties like myself just want balance. Why do you think we're here?
Just gimme some truth.
Narr @ 1:37 - Holy Moly, you are correct, sir!
Skeptical Voter@2:07: you've been living under a rock lately? Good Lord.
Joe's an LIV?
Joe Rogan is a below average comedian. Other than people eating animal dicks for paltrey sums of money I cant remember one memorable bit of his.
He's just a dude who gets high. Waynes World, party time excellent.
Joe Rogan is no Rush Limbaugh, but the audience is about the same size.
Rogan will never be another Limbaugh as Rush was a regular reader of the Althouse blog. “Ann Althouse. She lives in Wisconsin. She has a blog. Has had it for a long time.”
If they can't call him racist outright, they call him right wing. Because right wing is a dog whistle for racist. The left ain't fooling anybody.
That he is on the left but is willing to have discussions with people from all over the political spectrum is a good reason for those on the right to show their appreciation of him. The idea that we should only listen to and support the people whose politics aligns perfectly with our own is what caused the ruckus over Rogan in the first place.
People don't listen to Rogan to have their biases confirmed. They listen to Rogan to hear disparate perspectives on a huge range of topics.
One of things those of us who identify as of the right are used to is allowing people with whom we disagree to do whatever they do for a living. I have a copy of Barbra Streisand singing "Happy Days are Here Again" on my Iphone and think "What's Up, Doc?"is a great movie. Bette Midler is great in a lot of her movies and I treasure my memory of her performing at the Continental Baths in NY when I was young. (I was under the misapprehension she was a female impersonator but I didn't mind when I found out otherwise.) I ignore their silly political opinions and enjoy their work. I'm unclear why the left feels that you must agree on every point or get off the stage.
Rogan is a fool, I have known that since like the first day I knew who he was, but almost everyone is a fool. Now you know why I think poor Bergoglio has wasted his life, why I think Nabokov embodied, on too many days, the poshlost' he decried, why I feel sorry for Zelda, why I feel even sorrier for Michelle Obama - imagine having that girly man as your partner - why I think even Scalia (the fat old justice, not any other Scalia) and even Reagan were sad little men without the courage of their convictions (although a couple of the people I mentioned had good lives, in the sense that they loved their friends and their friends loved them, and they were not complete fools, not complete in their selfish isolation from the truth). Still, if you want cheering up, find somebody like me who will tell you, whoever you are, that if you try to be good and you don't compromise your principles in a stupid little most-popular-girl-or-guy-in-high-school way, your life will be better to you, in infinite ways, than the poor sad lives of Bergoglio, little rich kid Nabokov, Zelda Fitzgerald, Michelle Obama, Scalia the fat justice, and even Reagan were. AND BY THE WAY I AM NOT INTERESTED IN CELEBRITIES TO ANY REAL DEGREE BUT i use their sad stories as a warning to those who need to be warned off worship of the things those celebrities worshiped, to their sad detriment.
He digs deeply into issues and discusses them generally open mindedly, but has weaknesses. I don't have to agree with his conclusions to support his philosophy.
Rogan's "crime" is that he doesn't fit into either the "for us" or "against us" box for either side. When EVERYTHING is political, that can't be forgiven.
I have a hard time getting past that he was a "moon landing hoax" believer... To me, that's one step shy of "flat earth" or "9/11 inside job" insanity.
Where Rogan goes wrong is in thinking that the government taking more money in taxes and spending more money is necessarily going to bring about beneficial results. It looks like he's slowly learning not to trust politicians and bureaucrats. Someone with a mixture of views like his is more valuable than somebody who simply accepts all the views on one side or the other.
for the record, I am more of a glutton than Scalia ever was, I think ....
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