"Ms. Charters, a local resident, called the party scene a 'sanitization' of the protest’s darker motives. From the start, the protest, initially organized to oppose a vaccine mandate for cross-border truckers, has attracted the company of far right, anti-government and other fringe groups in Canada.... Many demonstrators... demanded Parliament be dissolved, and Mr. Trudeau be removed from office. But when many of the thousands of protesters who first arrived in Ottawa went home, several hundred truckers held firm. They parked their vehicles and refused to leave — and the police could do little to force them out. Now, the protesters who have dug into Ottawa’s core for nearly two weeks are giddy with their sense of collective purpose and, so far, perceived success. However, many of the residents who live in nearby apartment buildings and renovated heritage homes don’t see it as a celebration but as an unruly, disrespectful and even dangerous occupation. How could a group of ostensible anti-vaccine protesters, many wonder, descend upon their city and manage to take it over?... Many protesters say they are here in peace. Some get on their knees and pray outside Parliament.... But there is a definite edge — like that end-of-the-night feeling at a tailgate party, when some of the crowd might have had too much to drink, and things could go sideways..... Many locals said they felt abandoned by the police..... 'Why weren’t they enforcing the law at all? The police aren’t doing anything,' said Ms. Charters, a community activist..."
From "'This Is Not My City': Protesters Turn a Quiet Capital Upside Down/The Ottawa protesters are giddy with their sense of collective purpose. But local residents see the demonstration as an unruly, disrespectful and even dangerous occupation" by Catherine Porter (NYT).
It's like the takeover of Portland, Oregon in 2020. How long did that go on and how did it end? And the old Occupy movement. These things demonstrate how close we are to chaos. I understand that these protests are against the excessive imposition of order by the government, but for a lot of people, they prove the opposite, how much we love order. The order we rely on is mostly invisible. It becomes visible in its absence.
१५६ टिप्पण्या:
I remember people on this blog complaining about outside actors and outside money that came into the WI Walker protests.
Seems like same people are cheering the outside funding that propels this protest.
Hypocrisy at its finest.
Oh, look. The truckers aren’t white supremacist anymore?
Before the end of the third sentence, I knew the source. They're so "diverse".
Part of the story is that the government is wrecking people's livelihoods if they do not get vaccinated.
Is that part of the story mentioned in the NYT article?
Did the NYT run similar stories when Seattle and Portland were occupied? I doubt it. And the Antifa crowd really was violent.
Ellie should have said, “That’s not who we are.”
Ms. Porter clearly does not understand how Canada's Parliamentary system works. You can dissolve Parliament either by a vote of No Confidence, or defeating the government on a major piece of legislation, such as the budget. In that case the Prime Minister [Trudeau] is automatically removed, and the Crown sets a new election, usually inside of two months.
At present, Canada has a "minority government" -- no party holds a majority of the seats, but the governing party [Liberals in this case] holds the MOST seats, yet depend on the votes of other parties to stay in power. In the present situation the Libs can probably count on the votes of the socialist New Democrats to remain in power, especially since Canadians hate winter elections **and** they just had an election last October which changed the Parliamentary seat count hardly at all.
Had there been genuine popular opposition to the truckers we'd have seen counter-demonstrations, instead of tens of thousands of people standing along the roadside and on almost every bridge ... cheering them on in the middle of winter.
--- said Ms. Charters, a community activist...
They love government -- it's both their vehicle to goodies and their client -- and hate freedom.
Trudeau complained that truckers were waving swastikas.
Were truckers indeed doing so?
If they were not doing so, then why did Trudeau say that?
Then what is the role of protest and how do you separate what's valid and what isn't? Is it really that it's uncomfortable for people nearby who aren't participating?
And yes, this one is like Portland or the Occupy movement except that the streets are cleaner, no one's trying to burn down Federal court houses and there are no reported rapes or murders. A kinder and gentler protest.
There's a lot of reporting about the negatives on this protest. Right wing affiliations, a flag or two that was unfurled just long enough to get a photo before they were chased away by real protesters, the "hard men" on the edges of the main protest. You could probably say the same kinds of things about the other protests, at barring the politics being different. I suspect that all protests attract malcontents, people more interested in mischief than what's being protested. I don't believe that the people who interacted with Kyle Rittenhouse really cared that much about BLM. It easy to believe that they just like trouble (or have serious mental issues in one case) if you look at their criminal record.
Maybe protests are like guest and fish, they're only welcome for short time. Want to stop the protest? Respond constructively, listen to the people. Whose government is it, anyway?
You'd think a "community activist" would be pleased to see the community being active.
the secret secret about the Jan 6th "insurrection" is that The State was not worried about what the protesters were doing... They were worried that the protesters might realize what the Could Do.
It doesn't take F-15's and Nuclear weapons to take down a government
All it takes is discontinuation of food and fuel deliveries.
If your worker ants refuse to work, what is the queen supposed to do? Drive the trucks herself?
(of course, Jo Biden claims that he used to be a truck driver (before he was a locomotive engineer)
The State requires Submission, Because The State NEEDS Submission
The government propaganda is huge and anti-working-class on this one.
The best unfiltered sources are a dozen live streamers who walk the streets of Ottawa with cameras and interview locals (e.g., Youtube, Rumble, etc.). They show exactly what's going on and interview everyone they meet (both pro and con). They do this on shifts 24/7 to reveal any government movement such as confiscation of fuel and food, or attempts at mass arrests. They already posted a video of a policeman throwing a very small 80+ year old man to the pavement for honking his horn -- that one is going viral.
The live streamers have expanded their videos to the Ambassador Bridge between Detroit and Windsor too.
My take is that most of the protestors lost the jobs over the vaccine mandates, and now they have literally nothing to lose. They'd be going hungry and freezing at home too. The millions of dollars of incoming donations may literally be keeping them alive.
No examples of bad behavior? The thoughts of a "community activist" about the motives and character of the truckers?
Maybe the writer could have interviewed some truckers? (No I'm not going to read the article, because its the NYT and I rely on you for that ;^))
A Sign Of How Things Have Changed:A major working class protest takes place and the left is standing in opposition.
I suppose I'd feel something like that if a truck convoy settled where I live, but yes, where were the interviews with people who thought Portland or Minneapolis were no longer their cities in 2020.
And how does the "quiet capital city" idea pair with the idea of a vital, active democracy? Should Ottawa really be that boring?
Let's interview a xenophobe about how unsafe she feels around people from her own country. "called the party scene a 'sanitization' of the protest’s darker motives." Yes, they are crypto-Nazis, she just knows it because the Justin Trudeau, putatively the leader of all of Canada called them that.
Their was one Nazi flag waved, oddly, from a position where it was very hard to identify the person waving it, or follow him when he left, and that one person waving that one flag has created a talking point for them to smear the whole demonstration, but the chance that it was an operative in their with his identity hidden, from the government, to smear the demonstrators is zero, right? Show me the next Nazi flag.
There was also a Confederate Battle Flag with a picture of a truck over it, professionally produced, and the guy waving it was heckled off the scene by the demonstrators.
The takeover of Portland ended when the Democrat politicians running it decided it was hurting their poll numbers.
Trudeau could have met with them early on, instead he inflamed the situation by insulting them, and infuriated them by calling them Nazis, which is the tack that the New York Times is taking. These uppity truckers, err, excuse me, these "disrespectful" truckers are "scaring me because I have antipathy to them as a group."
"I had to close my shop because I don't want to sell anything to these unclean people," Stuff like that is what the New York Times is promoting.
LOL where were the sympathetic takes on how Minneapolis residents were besieged by riots and chaos? Seattle? Portland? Where’s the follow up story on those towns and many more that suffered for months? Were any rebuilt? There will be no lasting damage from the honking trucks, no bodies in burned out shops. Everything will go back to normal. No court houses or police stations attacked repeatedly.
Media has lost the power to drive these stories. That whiny Ottowan should blame the one man who refuses to listen to the protesters or meet them or relax his ridiculous stance on mandates. Why is their “leader” in hiding? This article is chaff thrown up by lazy dishonest misinformation-spreading hacks who have an agenda. They don’t give a shit about order or chaos.
There are a number of people doing walkabouts in downtown Ottawa and video streaming on YouTube, foremost of them Viva Frei. What they show is that downtown Ottawa is as dull as ever, and nothing is going on there. The real action is at the US border, Detroit-Windsor, and Alberta.
The current state of things wrt mandates is an unnatural order, historically. Removing them brings back the natural pre-pandemic order. The data says Trudeau can restore order by rescinding the obsolete mandates. I think her angst is misdirected.
"Hypocrisy at its finest."
"You guys aren't allowed to touch our weapons! Not that we are every gonna stop using them, but we want you guys to disarm."
I haven't personally sent any money because I don't believe in interfering in their politics, but maybe if this bothers you, you should look at your own beliefs. What I think is hysterical is the demands from Canada that US politicians not even be allowed to comment on the goings on, because that is "outside support." That would be another standard that the left only applies to their opponents.
When the shoe is on the other foot, it still doesn't make you think though, does it? Be honest. You are happy with the situation where it is Soros funding local elections in the US. Remember when Obama disabled address verification on his fundraising website? Good times, then, right?
The Progs are desperate to spin this as a dangerous gang of nuts, malcontents and crypto-fascist know-nothings. If the word “Deplorable” were not already owned by HRC, it would certainly apply here.
The important thing is to ignore what the truckers are asking, and instead “otherize” them. As a community activist, this Ottawa woman must know her Alinsky and just needs to apply it.
It looks to me as if the truckers are winning the discussion here. Boy Wonder is reduced to fretful stamping of his foot in Parliament and vague noises about deploying the military. Meanwhile $300 million a day of commerce has been choked off in Detroit/Windsor by the closing of the bridge, the Coutts Alberta crossing point is shut tight, downtown Toronto has been preemptively paralyzed by the police; and the truckers are playing street hockey in Ottawa. Pass the popcorn.
Mike Sylwester: "Trudeau complained that truckers were waving swastikas. Were truckers indeed doing so?"
In the US, FBI would have sent out agents with hakenkreuzflaggen to wave.
how much we love order. The order we rely on is mostly invisible. It becomes visible in its absence.
"We" should always be replaced by "I" in sociological speculations. It sharpens things up as to what you know, to yourself first of all. A sort of self-awareness takeoff point.
As to the topic, what's missing today is the functioning of gentlemen's agreements. Aptly named.
Except the Occupy movement wasn't about protesting against excess goverment...
It was a demand for more authoritarian government.
Ms. Charters, a local resident, called the party scene a 'sanitization' of the protest’s darker motives.
She said, without evidence...
You folks on the left trying to equate this with Portland or Occupy better be careful. Those shit storms demanded and received the nation's undivided attention for months. They were 'important' they said...
Go Canada...
Issues like, "shall I take the Covid vaccine," can be handled either (a) without coercion ("you decide for yourself, citizen"), or (b) by Government coercion ("you take it, whether you like it or not").
Since your taking the vaccine doesn't affect others (doesn't prevent infection and spread), there's no reason to choose Government coercion. By choosing Government coercion, you create anti-Government resistance and struggle, and cause the protest and counter-protest and whatever comes next.
True liberty reduces social stress. Coercion causes it.
It's like the takeover of Portland, Oregon in 2020.
No entry zones enforced by arms. Rapes. "Rule" by whomever is toughest. Burning and looting.
Yeah. Just "like" Portland. (In the fevered dreams of the left.)
Wahhhhh. I will bet that same woman was cheering on BLM protests with them burning down cities. I hope these activists keep it up, and the truckers quit. Let them starve to death. Then they will be missing the truckers who keep food on their tables instead of their love for Castro Jr, who wants to keep everybody muzzled and locked in their houses.
The New York Times is upset because it's a white neighborhood being "occupied," you can do billions of dollars in damage in black neighborhoods, burning people's cars, looting and burning underinsured minority owned businesses, but this is an upper class white neighborhood! The kind that in the US would have Biden-Harris stickers on the cars and subscriptions to the New York Times! This is, as Justin Trudeau said, "unacceptable!"
Whatever you do workers of the world, don't unite! That's fascism!
“It's like the takeover of Portland”
If the media was on the other side.
I'm not impressed by people who move into a house not just in their country's capital, the seat of their government, but within actual sight of their country's parliament building and then are shocked and appalled that people peaceably assembling to petition for redress of grievances do it near them.
The difference as to Seattle or Portland is that it's likely that the residents around Parliament in Ottawa are overwhelmingly politically opposed to the truckers. If this was a protest from the left, like in those other cities, the residents wouldn't be complaining.
Mike Sylwester said...
Trudeau complained that truckers were waving swastikas.
Were truckers indeed doing so?
If they were not doing so, then why did Trudeau say that?
They are not. But Canada is one of those countries where people think Nazis are hiding under every bed, so accusations of open Nazism will scare people.
How asinine are Canadians willing to be about the thought of a Nazi uprising? This asinine.
I would like to suggest that her name is Karen Porter.
The article in the NY Times (unsurprisingly) paints a very narrow picture of what's going on. The majority of the country of Canada is for the Truckers movement. They are supporting them. Both those on the Right and Left. The Greens are in support of the Truckers. Even many in Trudeau's own party are now supporting them. Everyone except- Trudeau, his immediate circle, and the media (again unsurprisingly).
Trudeau and his minions regularly call these people, peacefully protesting with some noise: Nazis, misogynists, racists, white supremacists. Methinks those on the Left have so overused these slanderous phrases that they have no meaning any longer. They do nothing more than get prahgrahsives all riled up, while the rest of the world collectively rolls its eyes. So recent polling in Canada shows that everyone is united in one view: Trudeau is a failure.
Now the Ambassador Bridge between Detroit and Windsor, Ontario, over which 25% of US/Canada goods come across to each country, is shut down. Biden has to be nice in his speaking about the Truckers. In fact, Biden will need to remove all vaccine mandates for any truckers. They will be just like illegal aliens now, free to come and go, sans vaccine.
The thing is: our supply chain is so wrecked as it is, our economy is staring over the edge of a gulch with inflation, lack of materials and supplies, and lack of labor, and coming off of 2 years of shut downs...Biden cannot afford to have the Ambassador Bridge closed for long. He will come out for the Truckers. And Trudeau, who is a dead politician walking, will have to let free Canada be free Canada.
Women love the imposition of order and rules, because they are afraid of everything. Notice it was a woman quoted in the article.
A member of parliament from the Conservative party, Michael Cooper, attended the protests to show his support. While he was being interviewed by the CBC Canadian news channel, a protester with a Canadian flag covered in swastikas walked behind him.
So an agent provocateur got behind a Conservative politician who was on TV at the time, and could not seen him, and waved a flag with swastikas on it for the delectation of liberals everywhere. Doesn't seem suspicious at all.
What Bart Hall said. Asking for Joe Biden's removal is not very possible in our system, but getting rid of Trudeau is much easier for the Canadian system. If liberals in Canada were thinking properly, they'd coalesce behind another politician who hasn't been so tone-deaf to the protests. But I suspect they have dug their heels in. I find it interesting that this handpicked subject for the story blames the police and not the government. They should have been meeting with the organizers two weeks ago.
I do feel bad for residents. But when some protests are sanctioned, it's hard to stop others.
And I would like to point out, this protest is completely grassroots. There aren't Americans bussed in, they sound Canadian, which is noteworthy apparently. These guys were gathering crowds and we'll wishers throughout Canada before Tucker got involved.
The order we rely on is mostly invisible.
And mostly voluntary.
How much we love order? That sort of glosses over the issue, does it not? What we crave is sensible, even-handed order, not the nonsense and blatant efforts to divide we see throughout blue states and our current federal government. My enduring vision of Ottawa will be the streams of Ottwans carrying gas cans to the truckers after the city outlawed providing gas supplies to them. The media coverage of Ottawa has been so desperately one-sided.
It's like the takeover of Portland, Oregon in 2020.
No, its not like that at all.
"It's disturbing when you see the protest turning into what looks like some kind of a fun carnival, where they've got bouncy castles, and hot tubs, and saunas." -- Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson Perhaps he forgot to mention the arson and looting.
I tend to have some sympathy for people who call themselves conservatives, but certain problems keep popping up. From a general statement like: the welfare state goes too far, the Swamp is itching to take over, they claim to act on science but their so-called evidence is often questionable; we get specific conservative demands like no mask mandate or no vaccine mandate.
For me the biggest issues with Covid and "what we have been told" are first: the origins. Some of the world's top virologists were deliberately gathering a witches' brew of SARS coronaviruses from bats in concentrated lab settings--as concentrated as a real-life "bat cave," but with human beings constantly exposed. Bats have immune systems that don't make them sick in this kind of setting; we are not so lucky. So: Covid 19 may have begun with the old-fashioned transfer from wild animals to humans; but no such animal species has been identified after much searching. The sheer deliberate mushing together of relevant viruses may have brought about a re-combination, to some extent accidental, which has killed 5 million people. Or the scientists may have succeeded in engineering the deadly virus, partly by deliberately inserting a furin cleavage site. They were certainly applying for funding to do this work. These last alternatives, if true, would mean that modern science "at its best" led directly to the deaths of 5 million people, and a massive cover-up is underway. Alina Chan notes that there has not even been an effort to improve safety at the relevant labs: from a BSL or safety level of 2, sometimes 3, to at least 3 sometimes 4.
Secondly, virtually nothing was done by "the Establishment" to make cheap, readily available treatments of specific Covid symptoms available to the public. On the contrary, any experiment with such treatments was regarded as evil: something to do with Trump, amateurs rather than experts, etc. Part of the problem was that Big Pharma makes no profit from re-purposing existing drugs.
And then yes, the vaccines have been oversold, and have become less effective with each passing month. This makes the timing of now saying: if you don't get vaccinated, you are evil, a bit bizarre. The last excuse for this is protecting the hospitals?
"But there is a definite edge — like that end-of-the-night feeling at a tailgate party*, when some of the crowd might have had too much to drink, and things could go sideways..... Many locals said they felt abandoned by the police..... 'Why weren’t they enforcing the law at all? The police aren’t doing anything,' said Ms. Charters, a community activist..."
*Projection, based on feelings.
[From "'This Is Not My City': Protesters Turn a Quiet Capital Upside Down/The Ottawa protesters are giddy with their sense of collective purpose. But local residents see the demonstration as an unruly, disrespectful and even dangerous occupation*" by Catherine Porter (NYT).]
*Malarkey. The only danger is that the authoritarians may (D.v.) lose their hold.
"It's like* the takeover of Portland, Oregon in 2020. How long did that go on and how did it end? And the old Occupy movement. These things demonstrate how close we are to chaos."
*Occupy movement: months on end, actual unruliness, theft/rape/substance abuse.
Portland Antifa takeover: months on end, brickbats, professional grade fireworks, Molotov cocktails, high powered lasers, black masks and homemade riot shields.
Trucker protests: honking horns, illegal parking, clean streets, soup kitchens - perhaps not 'Canadian nice,' but in general, orderly. Not chaotic, but pointed, and designed to elicit a specific response: end the mandates.
How will it end? I'm hoping it will end well. I don't see anything positive that was accomplished by the Occupy chuckleheads or the Antifa goons, nor do I expect there will be anything good from the latter two, but I am hopeful that sanity will prevail in Canada.
"against the excessive imposition of order by the government"
That is an extremely odd way to describe the use of the police power by the state to coerce private citizens to take experimental medicines that they do not want and may not need. That is not the imposition of order: that is the state's boot stamping on the citizen's face, to paraphrase George Orwell.
I knew little about the truckers and their protest.
But if Justin Trudeau, who is definitely not Fidel Castro's son, thinks they are racists and insurrectionists, the truckers must be my people.
Trudeau is making a lot of claims about the protests with very little evidence on offer. He knows he won't be held accountable. If he were on the right, the air would be filled with the words "lies" and "without evidence."
a group of ostensible anti-vaccine protesters
A) They aren't anti-vaccine. Most are vaccinated. They're against the mandate and the passport, an app they have to have on their phones that collects all their data automatically at border crossings.
The truckers have been smart. They have 2 very specific and reasonable demands. That's why they will ultimately succeed, IMO. All the rest has been imputed by their opponents which, let's be honest, includes the NYT.
“It's like the takeover of Portland, Oregon in 2020.”
Really? Where are the fires? The stockpiles of bricks? The boarded up businesses? The injured cops? The vandalized buildings? The victims of beatings?
It’s nothing like the riots of 2020, Althouse. It’s a peaceful protest with an actual addressable grievance. The leftmedia lied in 2020 to support BLM/Antifa and they are lying now to discredit the truckers and their cause. Too bad if the neighborhood sheeple don’t like democracy in action. Perhaps the truckers should leave Ottawa vowing not to return with deliveries until the government stops pushing false science. I wonder if the neighborhood whiners would prefer that.
Portland, indeed. You need to take the red pill, Professor.
'Protesting is supposed to make you feel uncomfortable.' - Representative Ocasio-Cortez
'I don't know why there aren't more uprisings.' - the Speaker of the House
*left wing cathedral NYT nods in dignified agreement*
*two years later*
The double standard is the only standard.
'This is not my city,' said Ellie Charters
You got that right, lady. It's everybody's city. It belongs to all Canadians, all the people it is supposed to serve, the people it is so easy to forget about when they are out of sight. Why can't they just remember their place and do what they're told? Dammit! So annoying.
Mark: “ I remember people on this blog complaining about outside actors and outside money that came into the WI Walker protests.
Seems like same people are cheering the outside funding that propels this protest.”
It’s possible that vaccine mandates and passports have a somewhat more wide-reaching impact than a Wisconsin governor offending lefties.
I know critical thinking is a bitch, but whaddaya think?
Good Lord, when will I ever learn to not bother with the NYT comments? I searched and searched and searched looking for one lone voice of reason. Nope, they’re all convinced the vaccines are perfect and wonderful and anyone who hasn’t taken it yet (or dares fight against the mandates) is just some selfish, backwoods, ignorant goon.
Mandates are all fun and games until the government mandates something YOU don’t want to put in your body.
Someone tell Ellie Chambers that Ottawa is the capital of Canada. Thems her people.
They're just a bunch of Canuck Crackers so they won't get any love from the NYT even if they burn down Ottawa and kill a few people. That kind of respect doesn't flow to those who drive big trucks and clean up after themselves.
"Seems like same people are cheering the outside funding that propels this protest."
That does not apply to me.
"Oh, look. The truckers aren’t white supremacist anymore?"
I didn't reprint the whole article. There are references to Nazi flags.
How does it end? Remove all covid mandates. See how simple that is?
Can anyone clearly state what CHOP or the Occupy Wall Street movement wanted? Can you really not see the difference?
There are references to Nazi flags.
Please quote those references.
Mark: "I remember people on this blog complaining about outside actors and outside money that came into the WI Walker protests."
You're referring to a local (Wisconsin) problem that national groups who are not directly affected (except in a political sense) getting involved.
The Covid restrictions apply to all truckers, and they're exercising their right to protest it. They're directly affected.
And people contributing money to help them are not the same as dark money groups funding astroturf protests.
Not the same thing at all.
Mark said...
I remember people on this blog complaining about outside actors and outside money that came into the WI Walker protests.
Seems like same people are cheering the outside funding that propels this protest.
Hypocrisy at its finest.
The difference is the source of the outside money.
The truckers are supported by individuals all over the world who want freedom.
The WI protests were sponsored by Teachers unions and Oligarchs who were trying to protect their grift.
"VI remember people on this blog complaining about outside actors and outside money that came into the WI Walker protests.
Seems like same people are cheering the outside funding that propels this protest.
Hypocrisy at its finest."
Just throwing it out there, what happens in a sovereign state governorship isn't the business of others, actions that affect interstate and in this case international commerce is.
Was that too nuanced for you?
One protest cleans up the streets and feeds homeless and has dance parties.
Another protest burns down small businesses and loots stores and attacks police officers.
The left's protests are inherently violent because they are trying to force people to do what the left wants.
The grass roots protests for freedom don't need to be violent.
We just want you jackboot shitheads to leave us alone.
But don't worry Branch Covidians. You will be getting what you are asking for if you keep up with the violence and the Nazi State tactics.
@Mike Sylwester, during the early days of the Freedom Convoy some idiot ran through the crowd waving a swastika flag. It was thought at the time to be a false flag operation sponsored by Trudeau’s Liberal Party itself, particularly as the individual hasn’t been back.
Note to Justin Trudeau, Ellie Charters, Catherine Porter, and, yes, Ann Althouse. This is what democracy looks like.
Trudeau is no Wallenda.
As someone who has followed this extensively since it's inception (100 trucks set out from British Colombia en route to Ottawa) I assure you this is nothing like Portland.
I watch at least an hour of live streams from the streets of Ottawa every day. The love, togetherness, joy, resolve, permeate through the screen. The people, not the truckers, the people that come to Ottawa had forgotten what it is like to see smiling faces, to hug one another, no longer feeling alone and isolated.
Why my interest? It directly affects the United States. It effects the entire free world. A segment of the population standing together to demand "Freedom" is contagious. If it is crushed by the heavy hand of the police state, the world becomes a darker place.
Yea, nothing like Portland.
As far as the swastika/Rebel flags, 3 in total, in a sea of Canadian flags. Photographed from a distance, carried by full face masked individuals. Justin Trudeaux's personal photographer was seen taking pics from across the street, trying to blend in with the crowd. Same shit as Charlottesville.
The Canadian flag is to the leftists in Ottawa what the American flag is to leftists in America.
Final note: Ottawa is a "government" city. Most people work for the government.
This was in my email today. Another view.
Michael said...
A Sign Of How Things Have Changed:A major working class protest takes place and the left is standing in opposition.
2/10/22, 6:59 AM
And Big Mike said..
Note to Justin Trudeau, Ellie Charters, Catherine Porter, and, yes, Ann Althouse. This is what democracy looks like.
The left seems to HATE real Democracy. It's only good when it pertains to them. Look to Neil Young for an example. It quite hilarious really. But I am getting really sick of eating all of this popcorn watching the implosion.
The Germans running the ovens loved order. Loving order has allowed the government to overturn election laws, force untested experimental drugs into our bodies, forced the very people who kept the lights on when there was no vaccine be vilified as selfish, racists Nazis, closed our churches, taken away our right of assembly and allow and support censorship.
F*** order if that is the result.
Trudeau's mouth has created a situation where it will be nearly impossible for either side to back down.
Again you are drawing broad conclusion of being close to chaos based on a couple anecdotes of protestations. It's actually a sign of how stable we are as a society because people feel free to do the demonstrated opposition to government overreach yet it doesn't spread like wildfire everywhere. Even the multiple city BLM protests quieted down and went away.
99.99% of life is going on as usual yet somehow you think these highly published breathlessly hysterical reportage somehow represents first order activities.
I blame the wonderfully successful society we inherited and nurtured. Your expectation of complete calm and obedience is no doubt a function of a brain poisoned by the artificially constructed legal profession with a further detachment from reality due to the ivory tower of babble you preached mind numbing incantations.
You older boomers never growed up. Your legacy is the interference of progress by the sanctification of monolithic bureaucratic administration. No wonder it's so upsetting when people don't comply with your boxed in world view.
Hunh. I thought all Good Thinkers™ were in favor of the working man and woman organizing.
It's like the takeover of Portland, Oregon in 2020. How long did that go on and how did it end?
Has Portland quieted down? I haven't seen any specific news from there in a while, so for all I know Antifa may still be rioting nightly like they were over the summer.
At bottom, this is a labor movement.
And the left supposedly loves labor.
However, many of the residents who live in nearby apartment buildings and renovated heritage homes don’t see it as a celebration but as an unruly, disrespectful and even dangerous occupation. [my emphasis]
Oh! Dear! The residents of Ottawa feel disrespected. What’s the matter, Ellie Charters? Those truckers do not tug at their forelock as you pass by?
"Trudeau is no Wallenda."
I don't know, he is walking quite a tightrope...
"It's disturbing when you see the protest turning into what looks like some kind of a fun carnival, where they've got bouncy castles, and hot tubs, and saunas." -- Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson
Moreover, this is what he used as justification to declare a State of Emergency.
One of Canada's problems may be that the media is even more in the govt bed than in the US
Every news media who secretly took Trudeau's $61M pre-election pay-off
Read this shameful 29-page list of EVERY media outlet — nearly 1,500 companies! — who took from Trudeau's $61M pre-election “emergency relief”.
Many demonstrators... demanded Parliament be dissolved, and Mr. Trudeau be removed from office
Is the NYT being sly here? "dissolved" and "removed" suggest non-democratic actions to US ears. But in Canada's parliamentary system, isn't this just how they talk about holding an election and electing someone new? You "dissolve" parliament, have an election, remove the current official and replace him with a newly elected one.
"...said Ms. Charters, a community activist."
maybe Ms. Charters could learn to drive a truck
The usual weak-suck attempt by the NYT to construct and advance a narrative of their choice.
Keep polishing that turd!
Browndog at 8:51 AM
As far as the swastika/Rebel flags, 3 in total, in a sea of Canadian flags. Photographed from a distance, carried by full face masked individuals. Justin Trudeaux's personal photographer was seen taking pics from across the street ...
So, it was literally a false-flag tactic.
It's odd that the Canadian Prime Minister would pretend that truck drivers were waving such flags?
Why would the Canadian Prime Minister make such a fool of himself in public statements?
It's like the takeover of Portland, Oregon in 2020. And the old Occupy movement.
Old left: Workers of the world unite!
New left: Slackers of the world unite!
I don’t think most people understand how revolutionary this is.
1. We have not had a real grass roots protest led by workers.
2. The closest historic example is the Tea Party, which was just as organic but no leverage.
3. Truckers here and the ones there have tremendous leverage.
4. Everything we eat, with statistically insignificant exceptions, is delivered by trucks and stores clear out quickly during emergencies.
5. Truck-dependent industry, like auto manufacturing, is already slowing or stopped even on our side.
6. Spineless leaders like Joe and Justin have only their own bad policies to blame and can easily meet the reasonable demands of these “supply chain heroes of the pandemic” and pressure to do so will continue to grow.
This is a revolutionary moment that is unfolding in slow motion but has all the earmarks of an historic inflection point. If it spreads here the anti-trucker rhetoric will go to eleven but they will have the real power to force change. Democracies Against Freedom is a bad coalition to join, Joe. Keep that in your tiny shrinking mind!
'This is not my city,' said Ellie Charters
Lemme guess.......no husband, no children. Nobody wants you either Ellie.
Sigh......for that poor Ottawa resident.
I think that Althouse has given us a peek inside the mind that reads the New York Times un-ironically. I know she knows that there is a lot of crapola in there, but at bottom, the newspaper has a constituency of upper class white women who want an orderly life. The ruling junta used this factor when they created a sense of disorder around Trump and, not insignificantly, encouraged the burning and looting of neighborhoods of color, not the kind of neighborhoods their readers live in, in 2020. This was about creating an air of chaos around Trump, and Biden was supposed to bring calm and a return to normalcy. That was the bait, what we are getting now is the switch.
The anti-choice Trudeau government has run up against a significant pro-choice demographic.
One can usually surmise that when lefties, flags, Justin “Pierre Imperfecto” Trudeau and the NYT are involved in ANYTHING, there is fuckery afoot.
The Canadian Spring!
Occupy and BLM were romanticized and propagandized in glowing terms by the media despite the millions in damage and arsons and hundreds of injured cops and tons of garbage and, well, feces and urine causing public hazards, and several cops killed by BLM protesters, and bystanders attacked and participants raped or murdered -- with police told to stand down.
I may support the truckers' cause, and I recognize the extreme media and political biases, but that doesn't justify blockading streets and harassing residents -- by anyone. And the tactic is less successful in the long run than peaceful protest.
Everything civil action is geared for the purpose of making women feel "safe", which of course can never be achieved.
How this thing is going to end.
The Democrats are staring into the abyss coming in November. The Biden regime is already starting to flip. "The Science has changed." Masks (except for kids who don't vote or donate) are coming off. The mandate will be next. If Biden folds, Trudeau will have to, as well. Those trucks go both ways across the border.
We're all truckers now!
Okay, some of us may have more lug nuts than others, but...you know what I mean.
Very interesting thread on that "arson" attempt "by the truckers" that happens to have happened in the same building where a Maoist activist lived, an arson attempt that was never reported to the cops, but was spread all over social media, by a guy who has now taken all of his accounts dark.
But those swastikas are organic to the demonstrators.
"How could a group of ostensible anti-vaccine protesters, many wonder, descend upon their city and manage to take it over?..."
You know, a lot of people in the US and Canada are asking "how can the government force you to inject drugs into your system without your informed consent and if you refuse you lose your job and many other basic freedoms?"
As always, the solution is more freedom, not authoritarian government.
"I understand that these protests are against the excessive imposition of order by the government, but for a lot of people, they prove the opposite, how much we love order."
Such people sound like a battered wife. Order is easily achieved. Just comply. And keep doing so.
"In almost any revolt the leaders would tend to be people who could pronounce their aitches." - Orwell, 'Road to Wigan Pier'
The temerity of these truckers to not have a proper socialist leader. How can the government arrest a leader with someone with seam accent will just step into the breach.
"This business of petty inconvenience and indignity, of being kept waiting about, of having to do everything at other people's convenience, is inherent in working-class life. A thousand influences constantly press a working man down into a passive role. He does not act, he is acted upon. He feels himself the slave of mysterious authority and has a firm conviction that 'they' will never allow him to do this, that, and the other."
The working men and women are daring to presume to stand up for their rights.
Mark said...
At bottom, this is a labor movement.
And the left supposedly loves labor.
But only when the left is doing the organizing. When it's self organized, like this is, they spend their time alternating between shivering with rage and quaking with terror.
What is missing is that Minneapolis burning affected small business and po folk's housing. This was perpetrated by middle and upper middle class scumbos. Kyle took out the trash in Kenosha. Check the rap sheets and prove me wrong. The protesters in Ottawa are/were tax paying
hard working people. Not surprising that an "activist" would feel out of place in such surroundings. Let her eat Keto!
First we have Ms. Charters, a local resident and then we have said Ms. Charters, a community activist
I wonder which part of the Political Spectrum this activist sits on. I think I know why she's been quoted by the Times.
Here in true blue Massachusetts, politicians are talking about how much better thingoware with COVID and allowing mask mandates to expire. If Trudeau can get out of his won way, he will rescind the vaccine mandate, at which point most of the truckers will go home. The crazies will stay, he can get tough with them, and he'll become a law and order hero.
H/T Glimmer Twins…
Well, now, you're teh premier of that frostback place
And the people getting tired of your pasty face
You're a lying goon, you're the King of Klowns
Your fascist ways won’t keep the people down
Get out of that seat, don't come back
Get out of that seat, don't come back
He’s so detestable, he's so detestable
He's reprehensible, so reprehensible
Get out of office, don't make a fuss, don't come back
Get out of office, don't make a fuss, don't come back
The liberal media reports on the truck protest as being an event which negatively affects regular people.
They're running scared of the real story, that being that the truckers could well be the tip of a voting iceberg.
The order we rely on is mostly invisible. It becomes visible in its absence.
Yes, this is it. Althouse early morning clarity. Be prepared.
During Occupy (wall street, pipelines, and other places), Antifa shut-downs, the media never mentioned that the protesters held communist flags, wore Mao shirts, wanted to destroy capitalism and the US. Here they want to convince us that trucks with the flag on them and protesters having a BBQ on the street and protesting a real grievance are sinister. It is the media that is sinister.
The difference: In Portland and Occupy, radical leftwing criminals were demanding that things be given to them.
In Canada, law-abiding citizens are demanding that government stop taking liberties away from them.
It's like the takeover of Portland, Oregon in 2020. How long did that go on and how did it end? And the old Occupy movement. These things demonstrate how close we are to chaos. I understand that these protests are against the excessive imposition of order by the government, but for a lot of people, they prove the opposite, how much we love order. The order we rely on is mostly invisible. It becomes visible in its absence.
'Why weren’t they enforcing the law at all? The police aren’t doing anything,' said Ms. Charters, a community activist..."
Pretty sure that "community activist" has never complained about actual left wing violent "protests".
"This is not my city' said Ellie Charters, the left wing government delator who's upset that her God, the State, is being defied but people who aren't violent criminal thugs or other left wingers.
Portland was violent and left wing, in a left wing city that wasn't willing to oppose their violence
This is non-violent and right wing, in a left wing city that wants to oppose and destroy their "Charter protected" (think Constitutionally protected) right to protest.
Because like essentially all leftists, Ms Charters is a closet fascist who believes no one, anywhere, has the right to disagree with her
"'Why weren’t they enforcing the law at all? The police aren’t doing anything,' said Ms. Charters, a community activist...""
Laugh. Out. Loud.
Would love to know if community activist Chartes supports Defund the Police.
I have no sympathy for the discomfort of the crowd that supported the violent (as in murder and arson) protests of 2020.
hawkeyedjb said...
I don't know, he is walking quite a tightrope...
He lost this fight from the start with his panicked "I've got COVID!!!1!" announcement and his running off to an "undisclosed location".
The Ottawa Police Chief and Mayor dug the hole deeper when they started talking about calling out the Canadian Army to put a stop to all this.
Now he's confiscating fuel that the truckers need to keep warm. He'd better pray no one freezes or he will have a civil war on his hands.
I don't know. I think most people support protests as a general rule, provided it is respectful and peaceful. It can be raucous, but it should not be violent or destructive. What do we have going on in Ottawa? I don't know, as I don't live there. But I do know what I am reading in the MSM doesn't match what I see. For example, I read about national monuments being defaced. Indeed, it's a talking point that is almost impossible to avoid. So I looked around for some evidence, because I do not support defacing national monuments. You know what I found? The Terry Fox (the marathoner with cancer whom I vaguely remember from the 1980s) statute with a Canadian flag hat on its head, a Canadian flag draped around his shoulders and a sign that said something like "freedom." That is NOT defacing a national monument, and the fact that the MSM is claiming it is tells me all I need to know.
The vax nazis can fuck themselves.
I hope they choke and die on the fumes of idling 18-wheelers.
The National Socialists in Germany were about total control: the media, corporations, education. In the case of the truckers, protesting gov control, the media are sliming them and not reporting properly, corp (gofundme) are undermining them, and the gov won't talk to them or take them seriously as a protest. Sure sounds like the Nazis (and I dont mean the truckers).
If covid was smallpox or the black death, I would be on board with restrictions, but it isn't. If vaccines are so important and provide safety, why should we care about people who are not vaccinated? The continuing restrictions send the message that vaccines don't really work. Do they or don't they?
This is how things are decided now? Just like Jan 6. Just like Seattle. Portland. One can lawfully protest about whatever, but if a democratically elected government reverses its policy because of the loud views of a few hundred well-placed troublemakers who take the economy hostage, then we have a problem.
Steve Bannon is prob. behind it. His goal is to destroy the administrative state and sell it off for parts to the highest bidder. Though Putin would prob. get a discount.
It's curious that the same people who (incorrectly) claim that papers like the NYT never published anything criticizing the BLM takeover in Seattle in 2020, also swear they never read that paper. How does that work?
Portland, OR has a antifa D.A., Mike Schmidt. He won't prosecute his antifa buddies, but will throw the book at anyone who resists his antifa buddies. Anyone that Mike Sch*t prosecutes should file a civil rights lawsuit against him. Make him pay.
I am quite disappointed that the american truckers are not actually joining in this attempt to claw back our liberties. I’ve heard “start of March”. I can only assume that this is fake to keep the truckers down OR it has been hijacker’s by someone while will die and it as soon as it gets together.
Taking 1.5 months to behin something like this sounds like propaganda actually.
The Canadian Left is learning an important lesson: No justice, no peace.
"The mandates are necessary to avoid further restrictions"
Trudeau, 2 days ago, in front of a live camera.
These things demonstrate how close we are to chaos. I understand that these protests are against the excessive imposition of order by the government, but for a lot of people, they prove the opposite, how much we love order. The order we rely on is mostly invisible. It becomes visible in its absence.
I think what you are saying/not saying here is that you love the current order. That sentiment is particularly prevalent among those who benifit from the current order. Not so much those who feel the current order trendline is downwards, and they are losing benifits, and are willing to endure some chaos to change things. I can see how someone on a healthy pension could love the current order despite some of its overall harmful nature. Dictators rely on the I've got mine people such as yourself as well as making the cost of change/chaos too high for others.
It's plain to see that the current order is breaking down, not so clear what it will be replaced by. Trying to hold onto the current order is an act of futility due to rate of technological change. The fight isn't about keeping the old order in place. It's about what form the new order takes. So it was and so it will ever be. Only the rate of change has changed, not change itself. Besides, I thought you were a Dylan fan.
One can lawfully protest about whatever, but if a democratically elected government reverses its policy because of the loud views of a few hundred well-placed troublemakers who take the economy hostage, then we have a problem.
Well, we heard from Cook and now another resident leftist seems to ignore the fact that the crowds supporting the truckers are a few more than "a few hundred well-placed troublemakers. " Actually, it's more like 50,000. and they are making trouble only for you lefties.
Trudeau was impossibly stupid on this. He knew he was in no danger, these are Canadians. He should have treated them with syrupy condensation. He should have walked out the door of Parliament into the crowd with a small video crew. He should have stopped and talked to people and placed his hand on their upper arm and told them that he knew they felt bad but that the government needed them to help save peoples lives. He should have listened to the stories of the protest women, then turn away blinking tears from his eyes.
He should have gone back into the chambers and immediately passed a law that, as soon as it were possible, the restrictions would be relaxed, when there was no more danger. Treat them like children. Co-opt their leadership and have them appear on TV with him and over-talk them to make them look little compared to him. Trudeau is a dumbshit.
I didn't reprint the whole article. There are references to Nazi flags.
@Althouse, there’s a reason why my favorite adjective for you is 8 letters long and starts with ‘g’ and ‘u’. You aren’t ever going to change, are you?
Canadian Trucker on the radio explaining why truckers have been cleaning bathrooms and mopping floors of business that stay open for them: “we’re not here to punish Ottawa, we’re here to punish Parliament.”
Just like Portland...
Jim5301: when State-fuckers relent in their power trips, whether from being intimidated by pro-freedom protests or from having listened to reason (unlikely as that is, given the religious nature of State cultism), liberty scores a victory. And being pro-freedom, I'll take any victory my side manages to get. This is, after all, war.
jim5301 said...
This is how things are decided now? Just like Jan 6. Just like Seattle. Portland. One can lawfully protest about whatever, but if a democratically elected government reverses its policy because of the loud views of a few hundred well-placed troublemakers who take the economy hostage, then we have a problem.
I look forward to you attacking the next BLM protest on those grounds.
However, until then could you please explain what part of "petition the government for redress of greivances" you do not understand?
Is it the part where people who have a grievance you disagree with are still allowed to do it?
Or is it the part where the government fixes the problem the people you disagree with are petitioning about?
I've seen a picture of one guy carrying a Nazi flag and wearing a Hitler mustache. It's about 90% likely that his point was that the Canadian government was acting like Nazis. About 9% likely that he was an agent provocateur, and about a 1% chance that he was an actual Nazi. That said, dressing up as a Nazi is stupid, because it's a ridiculous overreaction and it gives ammo to the other side.
The coverage I've seen from the live streams shows how deceitful the mainstream narrative has been. I saw no fighting, no fires, no graffiti, and fireworks were pointed upwards, not at people.
Viva Frei has been streaming for the week or so; he's seen exactly zero evidence of any of the claims that are being made about white supremacists, nazis, or anything else. I'm calling your bluff, Ann. Show some evidence.
It's anti-choice toffee noses in the rich white suburbs of Ottawa vs the pro-choice hicks from the hinterland who should go back to growing and delivering food and paying their taxes and be more respectful.
Viva Frei, a Montreal based lawyer has been making the trip to Ottawa every few days to live stream events on the streets.
"I lost my two sons in this pandemic. 34 and 36 years old, but those lives don't seem to matter". This is the full interview with a woman protesting in the #FreedomConvoy2022 who lost her sons to overdose.
Random street interview that will shake you. Remind you of the human toll governments around the world inflicted on their citizens, and continue to do so.
Don't let the headline give you pause--that they deserved it because they did drugs. She makes larger points. This interview will stick with you.
The New York Times... bwahahaha!
How many Ottawa residents did Mizz Porter contact before she got a quote that supports THE NARATIVE? Five hundred? A thousand? More?
Another thing to keep in mind -- Ottawa isn't Edmonton, Montréal, or even Saskatoon. Ottawa is a minor Canadian city full of lobbyists and federal employees. The political tendencies of typical Ottawans are no more representative of Canada than the political tendencies of a typical resident of Leesburg, Virginia is representative of the United States.
If Mizz Porter is interested in what Canadians think of the Honking, she should ask someone in Calgary.
"I didn't reprint the whole article. There are references to Nazi flags."
Trudeau has charged the protesters with some vile conduct, none of which have seen any documentation of. The left doesn't seem to have even manufactured any, which is surprising.
Michael K - You mean out of a population of 38 million, they have 50,000 supporters? I stand corrected. Of course they should have the right to dictate national policy through illegal means. And certainty the 2k or so who tried to overturn the election on Jan 6 are more special than the 81 million who voted for Biden.
When you expel 15% of people from society through legislation, banning them from many workplaces, many schools, all social settings, weddings, funerals, hospital visits, any kind of air travel, recreational programs, government unemployment supports, and many other things, they cease to worry too much about order. In the medium and long term, this kind of mandatory exclusion is sustainable only with a high degree of violence. The truckers have put the question to Canadian security forces and voters: do you have the stomach for the needed violence?
We will soon find out.
Could be worse;
"Rapes are up 35.3% and other sex crimes have spiked 11% so far this year in New York City compared to the same period last year, according to public data."
A common misconception about Canada in the US as well as with many Canadians is that it is a "democracy".
It is not, it is a monarchy with Canadians "subjects" of the queen.
Yes, parliament is elected by the genpop. But the MPs do not represent the people of Canada or even the government of Canada. On taking office, they swear
“I, (Member’s name), do swear, that I will be faithful and bear true Allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second
Note that they don't promise to be loyal to Canada, Canadians, the Canadian constitution or even "the crown" in the abstract. They swear to a specific person.
They can do nothing, as a parliament without her assent. Someone is likely to say that this is routine and she never refuses. True but is this because she will approve anything submitted, even if she doesn't like it for some reason? Or is it because Parliament will never submit anything that does not meet with her approval? Historically it has been the latter.
The Prime Minister is not elected by anyone. The PM is appointed by Queen Elizabeth and serves at her pleasure. Yes, she rubber stamps the recommendation put forward by the majority party.
Again, is that because she feels she has to or is it because nobody will suggest anyone who she might not like.
There was a suggestion that Trudeau might call out the army to tow the trucks or take other actions. He has no authority to do that. The Canadian government is not in the Canadian military chain of command. They work for the queen and swear an oath of allegiance to her.
And so on...
I would really need someone to explain to me how Canada is in any way a "democracy" or "democratic.
The queen says, in essence "I will let you do whatever you want and I won't interfere. Now, if you do not want me to interfere, here is what you will want." Canadians have historically been pretty docile and said "OK". Except some of the Quebecois who get feisty from time to time.
It's just kabuki.
The danger of this protest (strike?) is that Canadians may realize how little say they have in the running of the colony.
What happens if they decide that they want Canada to be an independent nation?
Would the queen be able to stop them?
What, if anything, should the US do? I think we should let Canadians handle this for themselves. OTOH, it would affect us so we would need to look out for our own interests.
My friend- the one I always disagree w/but do love- is convinced that these people whom I consider regular, hardworking Freedom fighters(w/smiles and honks) are a faction of Nazis trying to usurp the government.
Can u believe that f/king shit? I said: the government isn’t metro coerce stiffling (how do u spell?) rules on its people- it’s of the people, by the people… we changed the subject.
She reads “The Week”.
Nuff said.
For those wondering about me, I identify as unvaxxed but do have an official looking, legally issued, vaccine card.
I support the Canadian truckers and kicked a few dollars to the Rebel Media legal fund for them.
Now I find that Pierre Castreau is threatening to have me criminally arrested by the US Govt or something.
Question for the lawyers here: Is it possible to be arrested non-criminally?
The truckers' action in Ottawa doesn't seem at all like the riots in Portland. What is the evidence for that assertion?
I'm always curious about these "average people" who get quoted in the NYT/Wapo. where did they come from? Why did the reporter talk to them? How did they find this particular person? Is there some list of "approved average people"?
Amd Ottawa Metro area is almost 1 million. Yet, the NYT decided to talk to ONE communinty activist. Why? And who does she "activist" for? Is she say, a relative of a Liberal/NDP politican?
Why didn't the NYT reporter do some reporting and talk to the Truckers?
Liberal/Left and the MSM ALWAYS finds nazi flags, swastikas, or confederate "symbols" in EVERY Center-right protest or rally. ALWAYS.
And if they can't find that, then they mysteriously "overhear" someone say something racist, sexist, or homophobic. And if they can't do that, they talk to someone who SAYS they heard that.
Or they just fucking lie and label them White surpemists, racists, or nazis. with no proof.
People need to stop being gullible.
The current order in our country is horribly bifurcated. Not a single one of these truckers could sit out the virus on their laptops while they worked. Not a single nurse, not a single grocery worker, garbage collector, fireman, policeman, delivery worker, postman, plumber, carpenter, house builder, mechanic, electrician.
But the elite could and did. And then they began to vilify those same people because they ARE fat and old and might get the virus. So they wanted to force those same people ( who most likely were already full of anti-bodies ) to get a vaccine so they could continue to bring them stuff. Then they wanted all children to get a vaccine so they could again be protected.
All the while, they are making orders of magnitude more money than the people they are vilifying. Our countries wage disparity is horrific and getting worse. Trump had the right idea, bring manufacturing back AND pay extra for doing so.
Democrats as usual want to tear down and re-distribute wealth under their control.
But the problem is not going away.
Sometimes people will show up a flag with swastikas and the Liberal/left politican on it. Or they'll just have a sign saying "so and so is liberal fascist" with swastikas on it.
The MSM will then report "We saw nazi flags". But the people were calling the Left/liberals Nazis.
MSM Lies by removing the context.
stop talking about "The government" as if Trump and Biden. Or AOC and Desantis were all the same. DUMB.
Althouse: but for a lot of people, they prove the opposite, how much we love order.
I don't give a rat's ass what people living on taxpayer-funded pensions have to say about the importance of continuing to prevent productive people from earning a living and employing workers trying to do the same.
Man, all those "This is what Democracy looks like/Get up in their faces/get a little bloody" shitbirds are looking pathetic right now.
jim5301 said...
It's curious that the same people who (incorrectly) claim that papers like the NYT never published anything criticizing the BLM takeover in Seattle in 2020, also swear they never read that paper. How does that work?
Please list the three oldest NYT articles condemning the BLM takeover in Seattle.
I do find it very amusing that instead of providing links to back up your claim, you simply make it and expect us to trust you.
That's an amazingly stupid move
From Matt Taibbi's newsletter:
"Denouncing truckers for "unacceptable views," Canada's Prime Minister skipped town rather than face evidence of his own unpopularity. Is neoliberalism finally cracking?
Matt Taibbi
Feb 10
On the morning of the 21st of December, 1989, Romanian General Secretary Nicolae Ceaușescu was in a foul mood. The Berlin Wall had fallen, and Mikhail Gorbachev and George H.W. Bush had recently announced the end of the Cold War, making the end of Ceaușescu’s rule inevitable, though he couldn’t see this yet. Worse, his security leaders had just failed to violently put down protests in the city of Timisoara, a fact that enraged his wife Elena.
“You should have fired on them, and had they fallen, you should have taken them and shoved them into a cellar,” she said. “Weren’t you told that?”
Long one of the world’s most vicious dictators, Ceaușescu’s most recent plan for winning over the heartland was forcing half the country’s villagers to destroy their own homes — with pick-axes and hammers, if they couldn’t afford a bulldozer — and packing them into project apartments in new “agro-industrial towns,” for a “better future.” Despite this, and his long history of murder, terror, and spying, Ceaușescu to the end did not grasp that his unpopularity had an organic character. He was convinced ethnically Hungarian “terrorists” were behind the latest trouble.
After reaching the balcony of Bucharest’s Central Committee building to give a speech that December day, he’s genuinely surprised when the crowd turns on him. When he tells them to be quiet, he’s befuddled by their refusal, saying, “What, you can’t hear?” Elena jumps in and yells, “Silence!”, to which Ceaușescu, hilariously, replies, “Shut up!” The crowd listens to neither of them."
Continued, next comment...
More from Matt Taibbi:
"Paul Kenyon’s Children of the Night describes the morbid black comedy that ensued. The Ceaușescus and a motley gang of undead apparatchiks that included the “morbidly obese Prime Minister, Emil Bobu” later tried to load into a single helicopter — Bobu “waddled, walrus-like, to the rear” Kenyon writes — but there were too many of them, and the copter barely got off the ground. “Where to?” asked the pilot, and nobody knew, because there was no plan, since none of them had ever considered the possibility of this happening.
The sky was full of stuff, including other helicopters, which were dropping leaflets on the crowd giving what Kenyon described as a Marie Antoinette-like order to ignore “imperialist conspiracies” and return home “to a Christmas feast.” Four days later, a firing squad put the Ceaușescus against a wall and gave them their final, solid lead Christmas presents.
Ceaușescu’s balcony will forever be a symbol of elite cluelessness. Even in the face of the gravest danger, a certain kind of ruler will never be able to see the last salvo coming, if doing so requires any self-examination. The neoliberal political establishment in most of the Western world, the subject of repeat populist revolts of rising intensity in recent years, seems to suffer from the same disability.
There may be no real-world comparison between a blood-soaked monster like Ceaușescu and a bumbling ball-scratcher like Joe Biden, or an honorarium-gobbling technocrat like Hillary Clinton, or a Handsome Dan investment banker like Emmanuel Macron, or an effete pseudo-intellectual like Justin Trudeau. Still, the ongoing inability of these leaders to see the math of populist uprisings absolutely recalls that infamous scene in Bucharest. From Brexit to the election of Donald Trump to, now, the descent of thousands of Canadian truckers upon the capital city of Ottawa to confront Trudeau, a consistent theme has been the refusal to admit — not even to us, but to themselves — the numerical truth of what they’re dealing with."
More to come...
Last but not least:
"Trudeau is becoming the ultimate example. Truckers last month began protesting a January 22nd rule that required the production of vaccine passports before crossing the U.S.-Canadian border. Canadian truckers are reportedly 90% vaccinated, above the country’s 78% total, a key detail that’s been brazenly ignored by media in both countries determined to depict these more as “anti-vax” than “anti-mandate” protests (which seem to be about many things at once, but that’s another story). When an angry convoy descended upon the capital, Trudeau dismissed them in a soliloquy that can only be described as inspired political arson:
The small fringe minority of people who are on their way to Ottawa, who are holding unacceptable views that they are expressing, do not represent the views of Canadians…who know that following the science and stepping up to protect each other is the best way to ensure our rights, our freedoms, our values as a country.
A near-exact repeat of the “basket of deplorables” episode, Trudeau’s imperious description of “unacceptable” views instantly became a rallying cry, with people across the country lining the streets to cheer truckers while self-identifying as the “small fringe minority.” Everyone from high school kids to farmers and teachers and random marchers carrying jerrycans of fuel joined in as Trudeau’s own words were used to massively accelerate his troubles.
Trudeau fled the city, removing his family to what aides called a “secret location” for “security reasons,” a politically disastrous move denounced by just about everyone with a microphone or a Twitter account, including members of his own party. Liberal MP Joël Lightbound took things a step further. He ripped Trudeau’s politics as divisive, saying his government needs to recognize people have “legitimate concerns” while adding, acidly, “Not everyone can earn a living on a MacBook at a cottage.” This has been a theme in the States, too, where the people most dickishly insistent on the necessity of lockdowns or mandates have tended to be Zoomer professionals spending the pandemic in pajamas.
Meanwhile, in a hilarious third-rate spoof version of American conventional wisdom — when Canadians try to imitate American pretensions, does it ever not end in a cringe-worthy self-own? — CBC announcer Nil Köksal went on air on January 28th and suggested the trucker protests were a Russian concoction. “Given Canada’s support of Ukraine in this current crisis with Russia,” she posited, to Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino, “there is concern that Russian actors could be continuing to fuel things as this protest grows, or perhaps even instigating it from the outside.”..."
From "Justin Trudeau’s Ceaușescu Moment" - since it's a newsletter I can't link to it, but I believe the information is on point. The parallels are troubling.
Was it her city when Trudeau took a knee at a Black Lives Matter protest? I object to the double standard where attempts to breach the White House and Senators calling for the whirlwind on the steps of the the Supreme Court are tolerated and a short trespass by a few hundred people is worse than 9/11.
Portlander here: The true start was the great anti-Bush war protests early in the new century.
Enormously satisfying to the self-satisfied it was pretty upsetting to we who thought, well vote him out of office ASAP if you can as soon as you can.
Then came the Occupy debacle. Our parks were horrifically damaged and the city's normal life brutalized. Again, little punition and great self-satisfaction.
It mostly amounted to Vietnam War and 50s/60s Civil Rights envy. By now the self-satisfied were absolutely comfortable with hate and destruction. During these years the city was flooded with the nation's ill-educated suburban college grads who started off snarling about and firebombing Starbucks.
These earlier instances also familiarized these candy-ass newcomers with the hard core street youth we park rangers referred to as Road Warriors. The Road Warriors became the pussy progressive's violent arm and street thug masters. I've had them breathing in my face and surrounding me several times.
These guys roamed up and down the coast and always had criminal backgrounds - sometimes long trains of misdemeanors and often felonies, especially sex felonies. Leishmaniasis was epidemic among them. They fed upon the high school kids that gathered in Washington Park who thought these creatures avatars of Woody Guthrie/Kerouac.
Then came BLM/Antifa and the embrace of the gangster saint. The rest is history. I leave out the support of the Soros attorneys and sympathetic local politicos and a couple pre-eminent hate whitey and his Popo.
I've sold my home and carry a sidearm or a black jack or pepper spray
Man, the “no justice, no peace” crowd is useless.
As a resident of the "occupied" city, I must tell you that this story illustrates the how the fractional-truth can get around the world several times before reality hits the snooze button... the first thing any observer must know that is that the city is not "occupied." I myself live perhaps seven or eight minutes' drive from the site of the protests. Myself and the vast majority of people have been able to move about unimpeded for the almost two weeks now, anywhere in the city except of course perhaps a quarter mile in front of Parliament Hill, and a couple of blocks down on the streets heading toward Wellington street (where most of the truckers are). As for the disturbances to residences, the vast majority of the buildings in this area are office buildings; there are very few residences there and of course most of the staff who would have been working in these buildings are working from home.
The "occupation" itself has been remarkably peaceful - genuinely so, given the violence and vandalism that has been typical of protest demos going back at least to the "BLM" (really "antifa") riots of 2020. This is attested to by statements in the NY Times / Daily Catechism text about "an atmosphere" of menace "like a tailgate party". No actual violence, no incidents at all to report.
The "fear" and the "intimidation" that is credulously reported by the Daily Catechism and most other legacy-media outlets is a result of class snobbery, of the very site of people with heavy equipment, strong arms, unfashionable clothing and louche accents who are usually invisible to the bougie people who live nearby the protest site in the high towers and "heritage houses" coming together in one place. Ottawa was once a working class town, there were remnants of it even in my youth but that is long gone and what we have instead is a downtown occupied by the same managerial class that has become outright hostile to the proles....
Sure there have been what I call "atrocity stories" circulated around through legacy-media, like the "defacement" of the Terry Fox statue (you can google his name) which turned out to be someone putting a sign on it; no graffiti, no toppling of the statue no damage to it at all... there was also some vague story about two of the protestors allegedly "stealing food from the homeless" by going to a soup kitchen, which is located around two miles away from the protest site and just how do we know that these alleged protestors didn't need a meal? A Parliamentary Reporter for the Halifax Chronicle Herald put up on her twitter profile a video she found somewhere of the protesters ridiculing the notion that they are "white supremacists" by mockingly referring to themselves as such, as "proof that the truckers are white supremacists" (which was obligingly spread around by several other legacy-media types who also presented it as "proof" of what the protestors were mocking)...
There was also stories about "incessant" honking of air horns, but in fact this was not going on overnight at all, as this federal govt statistician who lives a few blocks down from the protest site itself, wrote in a recent blog piece:
There is really too much to go through and I will end it by saying that, I didn't want the truckers to come, I wish they would leave and I don't even agree with their aims of demanding the govt resign. They have no mandate to do that but I also know propaganda demonization when I see it, and this story and most other are a textbook example. Thank you.
jim5301 said...
Michael K - You mean out of a population of 38 million, they have 50,000 supporters? I stand corrected. Of course they should have the right to dictate national policy through illegal means. And certainty the 2k or so who tried to overturn the election on Jan 6 are more special than the 81 million who voted for Biden.
1: I note jim5301 has nothing to say about "petition government for redress of grievances". I guess he's one of those Nazi thugs who's opposed to freedom of speech
2: Hey jim5301, now do "Black Lives Matter".
Exactly how many protesters have to show up before the protest "matters". jim5301?
Oh, that's right, you're an unprincipled pile of garbage, so protesters only "matter" when you agree with them
3: If the rest of Canada were against the 50,000 truckers and their supporters, where are they? Why aren't they counter-protesting?
Is it because they can't handle the "freedom"? /sarc
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