He was commenting on this tweet:
It is not a work of art made of black stone or granite. She is Sudanese model Nyakim Gatwech. The most beautiful among the black beauties. She is in the Guinness Book of World Records for having the darkest skin ever seen on earth. She is also known as the QUEEN OF DARK. pic.twitter.com/gbyoNizcEJ
— Mynameis...Miro (@zg4ever) February 17, 2022
He was suspended even though he apologized, called his tweet "racist and sexist," and said he was “deeply ashamed” of his “prejudices and stereotypical assumptions." He even said:
“An apology from me to the Black community, to women, and to all of you is not enough. I’ve hurt many, and I am beginning to understand the work ahead to make needed personal changes and over time to regain your trust.”
The basis for the outrage seems to have to do with displaying idea that it's amazing that a person could be very dark. It seems obvious that he thought that because he was giving a compliment, that it was uplifting to stress the model's darkness (which she herself and the photographer are stressing). But he's essentially saying that he loves how weird it is, and that's alienating and otherizing.
But it is very hard to think about the problem apart from the harshness of the punishment. That's almost completely distracting. The lesson taught is nothing sophisticated about cross-racial understanding, but something closer to: never never never comment on anyone's skin color.
१४७ टिप्पण्या:
So he was suspended for complimenting her beauty?? Progressives really are sick in the head that they saw RACISM in that comment. Come on, man!!! They won't be happy until everybody glues their mouths shut.
"never never never comment on anyone's skin color" unless, of course, they're white, in which case you're allowed to call attention to their whiteness as an innate character flaw.
Be interesting to see what some people do with Melatonin.
I'm guessing that she's in the Guinness Book of World Records of her own volition, along with the World's Tallest Man and that guy with the fingernails that wrapped around in circles. In other words, she's a self-promoted "freak [defined by Websters as "one that is markedly unusual or abnormal"] of nature."
I don't think if I met this lovely lady and wanted to compliment her, I'd say "Hey you're in the Book or world records, boy you sure are DARK!".
No doubt this Pyshciatrist has an IQ that's off the chart, but he needs to work on his EQ.
I would rather live in a workd where the professor's comment was fine and accepted. I detect no racism or sexism. She is beautiful. Columbia, by contrast, is ugly and sick.
Those of us who went to medical school with budding psychiatrists know how weird they are. It goes with the specialty.
Are pyschiatrists supposed to be super-smart and super-sensitive with deep insight into the human mind? Or is that just the ones that actually practice it - as opposed to teaching it?
BTW, isn't calling her Beautiful a slam against Fat chicks, a sort of Implied fat shaming?
We call extraordinary people--athletes, models, geniuses--freaks of nature all the time. There's nothing necessarily negative about it.
"She is in the Guinness Book of World Records for having the darkest skin ever seen on earth"
Is anybody going after Guinness for that? Who got her put there? Her own manager, I bet.
People are stupid.
I'm astonished a person in his position would not be aware of the probable reaction to his using the phrase "freak of nature" to any person. He should have known this was inappropriate, however positively he intended his remark.
Frankly, is it even appropriate (under current social mores) for a person in his possession even to be publicly evaluate a person he does not know as a "beautiful sight to behold?"
serious question: we can STILL laugh at Albinos though... Right?
Hang on. She's in Guinness for having the darkest skin of any person. Doesn't that make her a freak of nature?
She's pretty frickin' amazingly beautiful, but apparently a freak of nature nonetheless.
That's all the dem/left chatters about is color. C'mon man.
He could have said, “Wow she is beautiful!” but he wrote, not said extemporaneously, “freak of nature” which just is not complimentary. Especially to a stranger. In public.
she's 'in the Guinness Book of Records', as 'the darkest skin human on earth'...
How DARE he call her a 'freak of nature' !!!
She's just the extreme Far End of the spectrum. She is One of a kind.. That does Not make her a freak
Oh WAIT, yes; yes it does
"The lesson taught is nothing sophisticated about cross-racial understanding, but something closer to: never never never comment on anyone's skin color."
I never never never talk about race, period. A) I don't feel the need or desire, and B) who needs that grief?
I think some hard time in Attica is more appropriate.
Ahhh screw that shit. She's stunningly beautiful. And she knows it, as does her photographer. Hence, the photo. And why ignore stating the obvious about her skin. It's both uniquely dark and incredibly beautiful. Why not mention it?
Have we gotten to the point of denying the right to declare you are taken aback by beauty? Do women actually feel shamed by being noticed as beautiful? I doubt it. At least none of my babes mind it.
Just kidding. I have no babes, just my wife.
I didn't mean it to sound like that. I hope she is not reading Althouse today. She is a babe. And brilliant. Did I tell you how brilliant my wife is? Anyone know of any apartments available in my area?
OMG! Off with his head!!!
"Progressives really are sick in the head that they saw RACISM in that comment."
I don't think it is necessarily racist, but it is certainly depersonalizing. How would you like to be appraised by a stranger as a "freak of nature?"
He should have just gone with “Beautiful!!”
Someone who is literally celebrated and defined as having a one of kind dark skin tone is, by definition, a FREAK of NATURE.
In order to be outraged by this expression, you must:
- Be prepared or be actively in a stage of outrage
- Decide to interpret this statement not literally, but figuratively and to imply insult
- Use words like racist loosely and frequently
He was sanctioned for complimenting her beauty. He was sanctioned for insulting her.
Apologies have limited effect -- man-up and keep your mouth shut. A somewhat related quote from Henry Ford II: "Never explain, never complain."
Ridiculous! OTOH, hoisted, petard, sort of.
Never apologize. It's only taken as a sign of weakness.
"Freak of nature" is pretty obviously wrong when applied to a person due to their skin color. When a guy says it about a woman it gets worse. Basic guy talk is basic twitter badtalk. How does a psychiatrist not know these things?
The Song of Solomon. “For I am black but beautiful.”
The "freak of nature" line is surely the reason for offense.
My take away is that it reveals the not-radical-left attitudes of many on or presumed to be on the left (Columbia U psychiatrist), to include the earlier post today about old-school left JK Rowling being cancelled.
The culture war is most importantly a fight between the moderate left (i.e., liberals and statists) and the hard left (i.e., anarchists and revolutionaries). Their self-awareness discovery process required the phases of Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump, The Squad, and Joe Biden. The left is recalibrating its standards and some will ultimately identify with conservatives, or have no where else to go after the left purist purge.
She's a model who earns her living by looking beautiful. The professor was commenting on her beauty, of which her skin tone is a part. What am I missing?
"never never never comment on anyone's skin color"
No. Never comment on anyone's skin color in a manner progs disapprove of.
In fact, never comment in a manner progs dislike, or else.
When Twitter invites you to consider the blackness of a person...in the words Admiral Ackbar It's a trap!
"never never never comment on anyone's skin color."
Unless it's white and owned by a supremacist, right?
never never never comment on anyone's skin color unless yours is darker than theirs.
Don't comment on anything nowadays or someone will be triggered. I bet even this comment. I just broke my own rule, LOL.
I'm sure I could figure out how to use my Bart Simpson-colored emojis here, but that would be traumatizing to some too.
Never mind that he was spot-on right, of course. But isn't that just precisely the nature of all supposedly politically incorrect statements.
It’s black.
It’s beautiful.
Yet another example of runaway white privilege. I'm still ashamed that Wisconsin's racist assistant coach brazenly pushed his head into Juwan Howard's hand.
I don't get why people apologize. He's stating a truth, call it a poetic truth if you want, and it's correct. Stand by it.
Don't bother to apologize. Cancel culture is all about power, over anyone, anywhere, anytime, and especially about power over white male people. The only way to escape is to fake being even more woke than your tormenters - you need to preemptively call for their ruin, to show who's more woke. In this instance - find some reason to call the photographer racist, call for his camera to be confiscated, his bank accounts frozen. Then go after anyone else nearby, quickly; find accomplices, bystanders, anyone who can be used to deflect attention. If they're destroyed - so what! Better them than you.
That picture is doctored.
"I don't see anything right about the right attitude you want me to show by apologizing. I stand by my remarks."
Rule #1: Get the hell off Twitter.
Rule #2: If you stay on Twitter, just post cat videos or something equally innocuous.
Rule #3: If you nevertheless offend someone and they come after you, NEVER APOLOGIZE!
But he's essentially saying that he loves how weird it is, and that's alienating and otherizing.
The fact that she has the darkest skin on earth by definition makes her a freak of nature (and probably very difficult to photograph). That isn't alienating or otherizing, and it sure as heck isn't racist, it is an observation that everyone who looks at this picture would make.
Progressives, just as a friendly reminder, the definition of a racist is a person who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.
Shes stunning. Id love to see her in person.
Was the model offended? Seems to me she’s the only one who could claim to be so…
And - We don’t need to look out for each other in these types of things. Let any victim of a supposed verbal faux pas speak for themselves.
'The basis for the outrage seems to have to do with displaying idea that it's amazing that a person could be very dark.'
If the model is heralded for the tone of her skin, and is acknowledged as being a record-holder, then isn't it, indeed, amazing?
'Excuse me Ms Victoria Secrets model, but you are incredibly beautiful.'
'My eyes are up here you sexist, misogynist pig!'
Progressives are twisted morons.
She is gorgeous. Leave it at that.
he loves how weird it is, and that's alienating and otherizing.
Isn't that "otherizing" the source of her wealth, out of proportion, to the economic value she brings to society?
Are not extremes in nature, the very definition of 'freak of nature"? That 15 foot tall stalk of corn, standing alone in an acre of corn with 36,999 other corn plants that are virtual clones of each other all standing within a half inch of each other at 7 feet 2 1/2 inches.
That white Bengal tiger is NOT a freak of nature? Does that somehow lessen the grandeur of the beast?
Freak: a person or animal on exhibition as an example of a strange deviation from nature;
She is putting herself on display only because she is an extreme variation from nature.
This wokeism is attempting turn us all into the whitest of white, bland, textureless sop.
She's certainly unusual looking. Her look is very striking. It's not her symmetrical features that holds your gaze, but the extreme darkness of her skin. That's what get her modeling gigs. Apparently you have to couch these observations in extremely oblique language. Who knew? It would be a gracious act on her part to say that she did not take mortal offense at the professor's remark and to request that everyone lighten up in their criticism of him.
Cancel culture and virtue signaling are killing our society.
Works of art:
"She's a Super Freak"-- Rick James
"Do the Hustle"-- Van McCoy
The answer is: None. None more black.
The silence you hear is Stein's Law clearing its throat. It's not just an economic law.
never never never comment on anyone's skin color.
... if the speaker is "white" *.
If, on the other hand, the subject of the speech is or can be designated as "white", you can babble and holler about their skin color all day long with no consequences.
* Term is purely political, utterly detached from any objective connection to ethnicity, genealogy or national origin, and is subject to instant redefinition when politically convenient. Jews and Asians are among the most frequent victims of this political epithet.
Perhaps it was "freak of nature" that put the authorities in panic mode.
"never never never comment on anyone's skin color."
Agreed. But she has got very black skin. In fact, anyone lighter than her should no longer call themselves black because they obviously are not. They could call themselves some lighter shade of black, but Nyakim alone gets the un-modified black when referring to skin color. For example, Kamala is not black. Awkward and unqualified, but not black.
He should said, "She's beautiful and unusual, a wonderful freak of nature, like an Olympic athlete. I have nothing to apologize for." But that would have taken a lot more courage than most professors have.
"never never never comment on anyone's skin color"--unless you're black.
Get off Twitter is the actual lesson here.
First Ilya Shapiro and now Jeffrey Lieberman. Could their clearly Jewish names have something to do with the ridiculous overreactions to their awkward tweets? Maybe I am paranoid, but I have been noticing a purge of Jews from academia. This serves everybody else's interest. All of a sudden, there are places open to fill with AA candidates.
On a related note, why did Lieberman apologize? Once he characterized his tweet as "recist and sexist" -- even though it was not -- he was saying that he deserved to be punished.
It's not sexist, not even genderist, her is she. It's not diversitist. For one, there are equally dark people... persons of color in India. However, she is indeed a freak of nature, in that her color attribute (colored rather than "of color" or bloc or judgment) is outside of the normal distribution of black, brown, white, orange hues in the population. She is a work of art in that her color has a uniform distribution that appeals to our sensible taste for symmetry.
freak (n.1)
1560s, "sudden and apparently causeless turn of mind," of unknown origin. Perhaps it is from a dialectal survival of a word related to Middle English friken "to move nimbly or briskly," from Old English frician "to dance" [OED, Barnhart]. There is a freking attested in mid-15c., apparently meaning "capricious behavior, whims." Or perhaps from Middle English frek "eager, zealous, bold, brave, fierce" (see freak (n.2)).
The sense of "capricious notion" (1560s) and that of "unusual thing, fancy" (1784) preceded that of "abnormally developed individual or production" (first attested in freak of nature, 1839, which later was popular in variety show advertisements for bearded ladies, albinos, etc.; compare Latin lusus naturæ, which was used in English from 1660s). As "drug user" (usually appended to the name of the drug) it attested by 1945. The sense in health freak, ecology freak, etc. is attested from 1908 (originally Kodak freak "a camera buff"). Freak show is attested from 1887.
- etymonline.com
Isn't the original tweet commenting on skin color? Isn't that the whole point of the original artistry about skin color?
If the professor was black, would they be suspended?
So he was suspended for complimenting her beauty??
Suspended for his presumptive use of "her", probably, his unpretentious notice of her symmetry, and objective recognition of an unusual color attribute a la albino.
Don’t mention skin color? Democrats, BLM, race-baiters, LSM hardest hit…
Don't fall into the trap of participating in any conversation about minorities. Everything you say is going to be wrong and evil, no mater what it is. Quoting MLK will get you severely punished. Keep your head down and your mouth closed.
Psycho Department goes psycho. What's new?
What lunacy. And he immediately gives in and apologizes. Our educational institutions are irrevocably broken. I used to think that on line education was going to put the bloated collegiate bureaucracy out of business. With the weakness of on line education during pandemic (perhaps explainable by unmotivated participants), now I am not sure.
I used to work with a woman who had left the Soviet Union as part of Jimmy Carter's resettlement of Jews experiencing discrimination. She said the worst thing about living there was that everyone had to lie all the time or lose their jobs, their living quarters, their government benefits. She was still quite socialist in her outlook but she loved American supermarkets.
What lunacy. And he immediately gives in and apologizes. Our educational institutions are irrevocably broken. I used to think that on line education was going to put the bloated collegiate bureaucracy out of business. With the weakness of on line education during pandemic (perhaps explainable by unmotivated participants), now I am not sure.
In the last sentence you left out "unless they are white."
Let me suggest the problem is the word "freak" in his tweet. What if, instead, he had said "Whether a work of art or miracle of nature..." Personally, I find the word "freak" inappropriate, not run him out of society inappropriate, just inappropriate. She's stunning in her presence.
Locally, we have a good number of African immigrants. They're often easy to spot because of their non-American body language and their color, which is so much darker than usual for African Americans.
Surely the real lesson is not to work at a university if you want to be able to think and speak freely. Erika Christakis said as much, no? If you want decent though unspectacular money for a light workload, and don't much value personal freedom, the decision would be different.
"Never comment on someone's skin color . . ." Odd. Years ago I read the autobiography of an African-American writer, and in describing the various people he encountered in his travels and adventures, I was struck with how frequently he described the various shades of black, brown and purple in the skin color of different people, without judgment (he himself was fairly dark skinned), just by way of providing a more complete description. Decades later I read a comment by Spike Lee, "The Mo colors, the Mo better," and I could see what Lee meant.
"never never never comment on anyone's skin color."
Yeah. Right. Anyone up for a game of Call Out White Fragility? Anyone? Bueller? Anyone? Any of you white-adjacent Asians? Anyone?
"...never never never comment on anyone's skin color." Excepting of course White devils.
Why would any sentient being think it would currently be acceptable on social media for an old white (Jewish) man to comment on a black woman's looks accompanied by a semi-nude photo of said woman? That he's specifically calling attention to how dark her skin is-using the phrase 'freak of nature'-makes it even more unbelievable.
One after another on that particular Twitter thread, the comments gush out, each and every one of them unreservedly complimenting the woman on her exceptional beauty.
Can't have that, now can we? Such compliments are not allowed. They are........racist.
"never never never comment on anyone's skin color."
Especially not, if you are as freakishly white as Jeffrey Lieberman.
Columbia. Ha-ha.
>>They won't be happy until everybody glues their mouths shut.
They won't be happy until they have the right to glue every mouth shut that disagrees with them.
Ok, If we're not going to talk about her skin color, how about the fact she's "reading" a newspaper in her hotel room with a glass of wine. The whole scene is fake, and I bet she darkens her skin to get that look. With the black on black, I can't even see her face to determine how she looks.
First thing I did when I read this strange story was look up his age. Yup, 74. He should not be punished like this for this tweet, but he should also retire anyway.
What happens to the multipart documentary based on his 2015 book on psychiatry that was supposed to be broadcast shortly?
"never, never comment on someone's skin color..." Unless he/she's white, of course, in which case that's the foundational critique of all that's irremiadbly wrong with that person.
The chair was suspended for tweeting about the physical looks of a female, and confessing his own "male gaze" upon that person without consent.
He'd have been just as fried by his comrades had he tweeted about the amazing abs on 56 year old Paulina Poriskova, or the hair style of the late Bob Ross, or the vertical leap of Lebron James.
The point of his suspension is to enforce irrational rules that cannot be predicted in advance, nor followed under any real-world existence. The suspension was to show the power of those doing the suspension, not to punish an offense.
'Freak of nature' sounds not very complimentary....
"But he's essentially saying that he loves how weird it is, and that's alienating and otherizing."
Actually, he was responding to a post saying she was a model with a unique characteristics -- "in the Guinness Book of World Records for having the darkest skin ever seen on earth." Having the "darkest skin ever seen" compared to the billion or two people who have black skin is, you know, kind of weird -- like being 9 feet all or just 1 foot tall. The sort of thing that gets people to stop and stare. And she's a model, making professional hay from her "darkest skin ever seen," wanting and almost demanding people to stop and stare. As for "alienating and othering," just woke-speak for really different, which of course she is, with all that model-worthy "darkest skin" thing going on that she wants us to stare at because it's so completely mesmerizing in its weirdness.
But the catch is that it involves race, and so it's completely taboo for a white professor to react to it in anything but the wokiest terms, while BIPOCs can just let their reactions fly.
All this episode shows is that, in American universities today, among ordinary activities that are dangerous for the usual suspects, commenting while white has become the new driving while black. Guys like him need to take lots of precautions that are unnecessary for the privileged ones.
"But he's essentially saying that he loves how weird it is, and that's alienating and otherizing."
So, everyone who "alienates or otherizes" a republican, Christian, and / or Trump supporter is going to be suspended and fired from Columbia University?
No? No, they don't have any actual principles, just a lust for power?
Thought so
This is so damn ridiculous. Feminists should be appalled that they are being portrayed as such thin skinned idiots. If they are this thin skinned, they need some serious shunning, for your own protection.
Referring to a black person, or anyone for that matter, as a "freak" - on twitter no less - is prob. not a great career move. No sympathy here.
Shouldn't the Guinness Book of World Records be cancelled for certifying her skin as the darkest in the world? You can't get more "othering" than that.
I really don't think you can get around an analysis of this without a focus on the word "freak."
Subtract "freak" and this is a totally different story.
That's a helluva tan.
Polish by Justin(TM).
Shouldn't the Guinness Book of World Records be cancelled?
The “beautiful sight to behold” part is the key part of the sentence — obviously, since he stated it like “whether a or b, here’s compliment c” — but because all the Smart Kidz focus on the other details, they expect us to focus on them too. We can always say “no”.
There’s something wrong with a sub-culture that obsessively picks at scabs like this and refuses to grant an ounce of goodwill to people who mean well. I say sub-culture because the wider culture — friends, neighbors, folks at church or the grocery store — absolutely would not make a big deal out of it.
Her claim to fame is she is the darkest person on earth. So he is being penalized for noticing it? For mentioning what she herself is so proud of and gets paid big money for? For “fetishizing” it? But modeling is all about fetishizing the models.
No he is just being made into a cardboard monster because it makes black people and other “victim” fetishists happy. Like the ugly guy at work who pays his beautiful coworker a compliment she was disgusted with coming from him but would have drooled over coming from Mr. Alpha. Ugly coworker guy should have KNOWN HIS PLACE in the hierarchy and kept his thoughts to himself. That’s what is going on here.
"but something closer to: never never never comment on anyone's skin color."
Come off it, Althouse. The woman is famous for having the darkest skin on Earth. She gets paid for that. She is a walking, breathing comment on her own skin color. The message here is "We're coming for you, Whitey!"
Better yet, never say anything unless you are retired and have a guard dog.
And he should be reprimanded for his ridiculous apology.
“An apology from me to the Black community, to women, and to all of you is not enough. I’ve hurt many, and I am beginning to understand the work ahead to make needed personal changes and over time to regain your trust.”
In the West, we assumed that the Cultural Revolution was a bad thing, that people resisted.
Wrong: people like the self-abasement, the ideological kowtow, the eager submission, the willing self-denunciation.
Ai is the exception.
"But it is very hard to think about the problem apart from the harshness of the punishment."
Having a bunch of psychotic losers tweet you mean is a harsh punishment? It's not like they ripped his organs out and sold them to strangers, like they do in China. If he wasn't so pathetically attached to his academic status, he could use this as an opportunity to practice his supposed "profession". You don't need a government grant to study mental illness. It helps, I agree.
Choose your words and phrases carefully, kids.
People are listening and waiting for you to be indiscreet. That is how they justify their pitiful existences.
She is gorgeous. Leave it at that.
I agree and second the motion, respectively.
No color judgments. No class-based bigotry. Be wary of exercising liberal license to indulge diversity [dogma].
Wow, a lot of idiots on this thread.
If you don't understand that the Professor was insulting her, maybe you need to stay away from black folks. And beautiful women.
How would you like to be appraised by a stranger as a "freak of nature?"
Well, if I were in the GBR for a personal feature I suspect I would find the wording somewhat poorly chosen, but the sentiment accurate.
Generally, it is a bad idea to call someone a "freak," especially someone you do not know personally, unless said person approves of the description.
rcocean said...
Wow, a lot of idiots on this thread.
If you don't understand that the Professor was insulting her, maybe you need to stay away from black folks. And beautiful women
Once again this blog's Great Kreskin reads minds from afar.
Yeah, beautiful women HATE to be complimented. And, of course, all "black folks" think alike.
Everybody knows that.
"never never never comment on anyone's skin color."
Unless they are white 😉
The reigning MVP of the NBA is known as the Greek Freak for his unusual skill set.
I have only heard the phrase “freak of nature” used to mean something extraordinarily outstanding. Not usually found among the usual standard, but far above. So, if they want to nitpick because the word “freak” was used, then I think these people are just looking to condemn anyone who doesn’t conform to their narrow use of the language. Expand your mind and stop thinking of the “approved language” used in terms of race, gender, etc. It’s not always about that. Stop looking to always find something offensive. It is so tiresome and tedious.
She's a darker shade of ebony. Onyx, really. A beautiful gem, and, I'll take a leap of faith to complete the analogy, in a fine setting.
serious question: we can STILL laugh at Albinos though... Right?
No, just gingers.
I can see the look Justin Trudeau was going for, back in the day.
Oh for fuck's sake. When will people stop apologizing for saying unoffensive things? Her skin is mesmerizing in a truly unique fashion, and she is quite beautiful.
Lieberman should have told his critics to go fuck themselves.
Never, EVER apologize.
"Wow, a lot of idiots on this thread."
One of whom has just self identified. Yes, insulting people who disagree with you always makes your argument more persuasive.
Commenters are acting as if the psychiatrist tweeted on skin color but he actually wrote these words in sequence: "a freak of nature, she..." Not "her skin color is intense black" but "she is a freak of nature." "She, the person, as a person is what her skin color makes her seem to me." And it doesn't get better if you say that "she is a model" as if all the different ways models are treated are all quite OK. Remember Jeffrey Epstein got away with abuse by pretending to offer an entry into modeling and as a result young girls put up with terrible abuse by older men.
Think before you tweet and then get off Twitter.
effinayright snootily snobbishly said...
Yeah, beautiful women HATE to be complimented.
Yeah, calling a woman a "freak of Nature" is a compliment!
effinyright, i am Complimenting YOU when i say that YOU are a short midget, with a 2 inch dick
don't take offense! it was a "compliment!"
gilbar said...
effinayright snootily snobbishly said...
Yeah, beautiful women HATE to be complimented.
Yeah, calling a woman a "freak of Nature" is a compliment!
effinyright, i am Complimenting YOU when i say that YOU are a short midget, with a 2 inch dick
A "freak of nature" means something very unusual, not something bad. It's not an insult. Why would he "insult" her while calling her beautiful?
(I'll have you know that I am a very tall midget.)
weren't we told that Black is Beautiful?
This is a perfect example of why intent matters. What's he supposed to say? She's a butterface? GTFOH!
"never never never comment on anyone's skin color."
I admire the Bronzed Indian Warrior of old, but that thought is now a crime.
Blogger Yancey Ward said..."Oh for fuck's sake. When will people stop apologizing for saying unoffensive things?"
I've been wondering this for some time now. Apparently, the answer is 'never'.
The only thing I can figure out is the pressure in woke circles must be intense. Hard to imagine, but no one seems able to resist it.
"serious question: we can STILL laugh at Albinos though... Right?
"No, just gingers."
Ha! Just jealousy!
Is it problematic that my first thought when I saw that pic was "nice tits?"
"serious question: we can STILL laugh at Albinos though... Right?"
No, just gingers.
And oranges. And pink babies, all babies, soon to be black, white, brown, orange... when sentenced, or the mother and father are out-of-sight and out-of-mind.
We could simplify everything if there were digital billboards in every town that displayed Today's Outrage. You could list one for Red and one for Blue. Then people could be prepped on what to be mad about during their commutes.
And it would prevent people from being mad about the wrong thing. "No, no, we were already mad about that yesterday!" "No, no, that was something we were almost mad about, but then we decided to all be mad about this instead!" Exclamation marks required.
For every Blue Outrage, someone has to get fired, and for every Red Outrage, Tucker Carlson has to write a monologue. Doesn't seem quite balanced, but there it is, brute facts like plate tectonics.
According to the book "Not Our Kind" the African-Am elites are exclusive to those who pass the brown paper bag test. So creamed coffee color is optimal. This is in conflict with darker Native Born Africans who are considered disruptors to the black elite establishment.
To regular non-elite AAs who don't pass the paper bag test, like Jessie Jackson, this model is an expression of the "out of Africa" movement, where African immigrants are denigrated by "slave blood" AAs as being privileged. Leading "slave bloods" criticize Obama and Igbo Nigerian immigrant Doctors as cheaters who don't experience racism.
Very black skinned Indian computer people are highly valued in America so skin tone is not a significant categorical predictor of success.
To conclude, paper bag AA's control AA wealth. Recent Africans participate in the learned professions except law. "Slave Blood" AAs need affirmative action, and good manufacturing jobs.
I mislabeled the book: Our Kind of People: Inside America's Black Upper Class ...
Robert cook said
“ I don't think it is necessarily racist, but it is certainly depersonalizing. How would you like to be appraised by a stranger as a "freak of nature?"”
I would love it as it is usually said when you are so great at something that you are extra special. Shaq,Jordan, Brady, larry bird were all considered freaks of nature. Because they had otherworldly talents.
I am quite sure that she smiled. Then maybe frowned after she was told what she was supposed to think. Always being a victim.
for dark skin enthusiasts
? i am curious about how did her photo show up in his twitter feed?
A silly question: What message was the photo intended to convey?
Hint: Leiberman got the message.
The woman calls herself "The Queen of Dark," for crissake.
If I called myself "The King of Pasty with Red Splotches" I would not be offended if someone commented "Damn, that's pasty." (Maybe I should be, but it is what it is...).
Nyakim Gatwech - her bio
Guiness doesn't even have that category.
Watching some lefty professor get eaten by his comrades is fun, though.
"The darkest skin known to the Guinness" isn't quite as catchy as "the darkest skin ever seen on Earth"... but if you spent some time in the Nilotic homeland you would see plenty of people whose skin tone is in the same ballpark as hers.
"We could simplify everything if there were digital billboards in every town that displayed Today's Outrage. You could list one for Red and one for Blue. Then people could be prepped on what to be mad about during their commutes."
Ha! But then there would be behind the scenes machinations to gain control of the other's billboards, put up fake outrages, and then rant on about what the other side is outraged about.
"I'm just a soul whose intentions are good... Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood."
Gooba gobba
Gooba gobba
One of us!
One of us!
Guiness doesn't even have that category.
True! Well, they do have a "darkest skin" category, but the record is held by "deepsea anglerfishes".
You use an official account to comment on official matters. You use an account in your own name to say things that you would not be embarrassed to sign with your name and likeness and reputation. Use an account with a fake name to post anything else and you should be okay -- at least until you are nominated for the Supreme Court.
I'd suggest those offended (on her behalf apparently) get a thicker skin. Especially considering that she appears to be actively marketing herself along those lines. But perhaps that old turn of phrase is no longer valid.
I bet he would have approved, or at least excused, cancel culture till it came for him.
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