১১ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০২২

It's like "Clockwork Orange" but without actual clamps holding your eyelids open.

In case you've forgotten "Clockwork Orange," you can easily get up to speed on that and other eyeball horrors in the movies at "A Clockwork Orange And 8 Other Movies With Terrifying Eye Scenes" (CinemaBlend).

৩২টি মন্তব্য:

Kay বলেছেন...

All I can think of is how sad it would be to dedicate yourself to watching all these commercials and some glitch in the technology for some reason fails to record it and you did all that work for nothing.

Gerda Sprinchorn বলেছেন...

A Clockwork Orange And 8 Other Movies With Terrifying Eye Scenes


Not gonna click that. I know the Luis Bunuel clip is gonna be in there.

Danno বলেছেন...

Thank you but no. I will await your summary of this, or not.

Lloyd W. Robertson বলেছেন...

I was reading someone's Twitter feed, I forget whose: now self-serve gas pumps have little screens with ads running. In hindsight, billboards were probably never a good idea. The assumption is that any time we have to reflect or day-dream is wasted time as far as advertisers are concerned. Then all we need is advertisers cooperating with the government.

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

So you have your eyes tracked to get free stuff? The easy solution is to pay your own way.

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

“What it does is it basically creates a transaction between you and the brand,” the CEO said, wearing a black turtleneck and pacing the stage in the style of Steve Jobs.

GatorNavy বলেছেন...

Anyone know if ‘The Simpsons’ predicted this Orwellian development?

Original Mike বলেছেন...

Track my eyeballs.!?! I won't even do "rewards cards" (Walgreens, Ace Hardware, etc) because I don't like to be tracked. Years ago I started signing up for the Ace rewards card. They wanted my birthday. Nope. Too intrusive.

narciso বলেছেন...

they eye clamps were to makesure that alex's conditioning, in this sovietized britain would take, yes I hate those gas station ads,

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

No wonder the tech oligarchs are in bed with the democrat party... who are in bed with big corporate and big pharma.

Aggie বলেছেন...

@MadisonMan said: "So you have your eyes tracked to get free stuff? The easy solution is to pay your own way."

Follow the FM radio / Cable television historic business model. How long until you're paying your own way, with no incentive as a bonus, for the privilege of not having your eyeballs tracked?

Howard বলেছেন...

I'm sure it's the easiest way to most accurately calibrate face recognition. Your unconscious expressions to the emotional triggers in the advertisement should provide a countenance variability based finger print.

Welcome my son
Welcome to the machine
Where have you been?
It's alright we know where you've been

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

I took a guess about what the 8 eyes scenes were- I got 4 of them. The others I was completely unfamiliar with. The ones I got along with A Clockwork Orange (which I would have guessed anyway)- Kill Bill Part II, Total Recall, and Minority Report.

Limited blogger বলেছেন...

"A Clockwork Orange"

Droogs don't go to the cine.

Wince বলেছেন...

"Henry! Turn that television off! You know it's bad for your eyes!"

Not Sure বলেছেন...

Agreeing to these terms is what you're reduced to when you've joined the Great Resignation and Dad is tight with your allowance.

Ampersand বলেছেন...

A bit off topic here. I just read a book by Jonathan Reisman The Unseen Body in which the physician author provides a harrowing description of his experience as a young doctor performing emergency ophthalmic surgery on a man who had a foreign metal object propelled into his eyeball. One detail: at the outset, you need to examine the back of the eyelid. You must grab the lib, invert it, and closely inspect for trauma and foreign particles.

The bóok is somehow about becoming desensitized to conventional body perceptions, and then resensitized.

Ampersand বলেছেন...

A bit off topic here. I just read a book by Jonathan Reisman The Unseen Body in which the physician author provides a harrowing description of his experience as a young doctor performing emergency ophthalmic surgery on a man who had a foreign metal object propelled into his eyeball. One detail: at the outset, you need to examine the back of the eyelid. You must grab the lid, invert it, and closely inspect for trauma and foreign particles.

The bóok is somehow about becoming desensitized to conventional body perceptions, and then resensitized.

rcocean বলেছেন...

Oh no, you've brought up a Kubrick movie. Wait for people to charge in and say how much the movie affected them and deeply changed the way they viewed the world. Or how they'll never forget scene X from the movie.

My only reaction was the eye scene was to marvel at how apelike and ugly Malcomn McDowell looks. He's got that Mick Jagger monkey thing going.

mikee বলেছেন...

The surrealist painter Slavador Dali teamed up with movie maker Louis Bunuel to make a movie called An Andalusian Dog in 1929 that included an eye being sliced with a straight razor. So let's make that 9 movies with horrifying eyeball scenes.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

How can that list not include Un Chien Andalou? That is the original eye horror captured on film!

Also, Black Mirror did the advertisement eyeball tracking horrifyingly well in the first season episode Fifteen Million Merits. Memorably, the character is forced to watch an advertisement and when he looks away, the ad stops and sirens blare until he resumes watching.

Jokah Macpherson বলেছেন...

An early episode of Black Mirror covered this well. You had to pay to NOT watch advertisements.

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

Stevie wonder approves...

Narr বলেছেন...

A Clockwork Orange is a great movie, but I'm always struck by how little coverage Burgess gets in all the Kubrickian glare. He was a serious, prolific writer, well worthy of more notice than he usually gets.

I skipped the Eight Eyeball scenes, but thanks anyway.

Bill Peschel বলেছেন...

Sheesh, just so you can watch a movie for free on a phone's tiny screen?

I'd rather get the DVD from the library. That's free, too, and no one tracks me.

And we (my wife and I) do belong to some loyalty programs. The grocery store for the coupons, the NFCU card for cash back bonuses, CVS for the coupons. We have a Staples card, but their benefits are crap so we never use it.

Andrew বলেছেন...

Since no one else has done it yet...
A Clockwork Orange - The Aversion Therapy Scene
Final Destination 5 - The Lasik Scene
Zombie - The Eye Splinter
Fire In The Sky - Alien Test
Pan's Labyrinth - The Pale Man Scene
Minority Report - Eye Transplant
28 Weeks Later - Don Becomes Infected
Total Recall - The Bulging Eye Scene
BONUS: Kill Bill Vol. 2 - Losing The Other Eye

Rollo বলেছেন...

Remember finding out that people who sent you newsletters knew that you hadn't read them? How could they possibly know?

That was the beginning.

effinayright বলেছেন...

Limited blogger said...
"A Clockwork Orange"

Droogs don't go to the cine.
Malcom MacDowell's character would have said that AOC has nice groodies.

Chris Lopes বলেছেন...

"Malcom MacDowell's character would have said that AOC has nice groodies."

She doesn't, so he wouldn't.

gpm বলেছেন...

>>Not gonna click that. I know the Luis Bunuel clip is gonna be in there.
>> a movie called An Andalusian Dog in 1929
>>How can that list not include Un Chien Andalou? That is the original eye horror captured on film!

As per the last comment and the list posted by Andrew, the post astoundingly did not include Bunuel's Un Chien Andalou. Not that I am/was going to look . . .


gpm বলেছেন...

>>I won't even do "rewards cards" (Walgreens, Ace Hardware, etc) because I don't like to be tracked.

Me, too. I was even pretty resolute about using cash until I just gave up after the start of the Covid insanity and have only used cash about four times, twice at a barber shop that insisted on cash (draw your own conclusions). I did recently sign up for a BOA credit card that provides cash back rewards, but they were already tracking my purchases.


Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"No wonder the tech oligarchs are in bed with the democrat party... who are in bed with big corporate and big pharma."

The tech oligarchs and big corporate and big pharma and big insurance and big everything are in bed with both parties. Why do you think there is little change in U.S. governance or policies as Dems succeed Republicans succeed Dems succeed Republicans ad infinitum in the White House and majority seats in Congress?