[Biden] also recalled how his mother, Catherine Finnegan – known as Jean – visited the UK and spent a night in a hotel where, she was told, the Queen had once stayed.
“She was so appalled that she slept on the floor all night, rather than risk sleeping on a bed that the Queen had slept on,” Pritchett wrote, adding she personally admired anyone who allowed their principles to take precedence over a comfortable bed.
What's with these stories about highly emotive reactions to beds in foreign countries that somebody once slept in? I'm thinking of the myth of Trump's procuring prostitutes to urinate on a bed in a Russian hotel that Barack and Michelle Obama slept in. If beds so absorbingly retain a spiritual residue of those who've slept there, how can anyone sleep in any hotel?
ADDED: I've changed the word "absorbently" in that last line to "absorbingly." The Blogger spellcheck was rejecting "absorbently," which seems perfectly well-formed to me, but then I saw it missing from the OED, with a suggestion of "absorbingly," and that seemed like a better choice because it's got some solid history of usage:
1836 Blackwood's Edinb. Mag. 40 13/1 Mr. Hillary was at that eventful moment absorbingly engaged with a letter.I know: Why am I bowing to the English when Biden's mom hated them?
1868 Athenæum 25 July 105/1 The sole idea which absorbingly possessed him [sc. Edward] was that of erecting a great Norman Abbey in Westminster.
1872 H. P. Liddon Some Elements Relig. v. 173 Any common act of prayer keeps..the understanding occupied earnestly, absorbingly, under the guidance of faith.
७८ टिप्पण्या:
Not a big fan of the queen myself.
Not Liz per se, but royalty in general
Finally something positive about a Biden family member. Is this pr to shore up sagging poll numbers?
Yeah, I don’t buy that BS. If she didn’t want to sleep in that bed, you don’t sleep on the floor; you ask for another room.
It appears Joey Tapioca didn’t fall too far from the tree.
So that's where he gets his violent temper and evilness.
the man about how his wife died, why would we believe him about anything else,
When Biden "recalls" one of his family yarns we must doubt the veracity immediately. He loves to embroider and elevate everything.
i guess, now we can see where Jo Biden got his hatred of America from!
Beds are landing grounds. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds.
She sounds nice. Being nice to the British is as unamerican as spotted dick.
"What's with these stories about highly emotive reactions to beds in foreign countries that somebody once slept in?"
It may be linked to the pathology's that draw people to seek elective positions.
"Joe Biden’s mother so disliked England..."
Bringing civilization to the Irish since 1527.
Bullshit story, just like the Trump story.
Not just spiritual residue....
So mental illness runs in the family, apparently.
Idiocy is apparently hereditary.
She could have just asked for another room. I always do that when I’m told that George Washington slept in my hotel. So it looks like Biden may have inherited some undesirable traits from his mother. I would like to see her complete psychological profile so I can do more genetic tracing. She certainly scored revenge points for the IRA.
I find it interesting that you never read articles about Jim Biden, the globe-trotting brother who sells his brother's influence to Chinese companies! Weird.
The Biden family is racist. The Brits are a race. Right?
We do leave little bits of ourselves behind everywhere, but the world was a better place when the only people overwhelmingly concerned with their fellow humans as bearers of microscopic contamination were ocd germaphobes.
"Yeah, I don’t buy that BS. If she didn’t want to sleep in that bed, you don’t sleep on the floor; you ask for another room."
She was a poet. It was a metaphor.
it runs in the family
My Irish grandmother, the immigrant, had a distaste for the England. "The only thing they ever did for us was to teach us English." Which made her assimilation here all the easier.
One of the things that have always intrigued me.
Richard Harris, the actor, is also Irish, and an Irish Nationalist. Yet in one of his most famous roles, he played Oliver Cromwell, who the Irish hate for the way he treated them. I would love the interview Harris about that.
Oh, it was a metaphor??? The Biden clan is what is called”shanty Irish,” according to my Irish grandmother.
I never felt any animosity towards the British, but I don't blame Irish who do. Especially given that this event was probably only a couple decades after Irish independence.
Irish Alzheimer's: you forget everything but the grudge.
It's understandable the Irish hate the English. It's ironic that Biden is so well known for rent seeking and for using his own power and station to try to intimidate people.
It's also ironic he's embraced the current movement to do away with the principle of equality before the law and to re-establish a two-tier society and a new form of aristocracy.
The account is a "composite".
Biden's mother was a nut. Who knew?
The Queen has more dignity in her pinkie fingernail than Joe Biden has displayed his entire life.
Why didn't she just call for a roll-away?
She was a poet. It was a metaphor.
I'm surprised more people don't try to pull this one off re: her incoherent son...
Is this supposed to be an admirable character trait? One would think that holding a grudge that long would be unhealthy.
That sentiment towards the English was not uncommon in the American Irish of the time, for obvious historical reasons.
Old Man Kennedy hated the English, too, and yet FDR appointed him ambassador to Great Britain, a perch from which he got to pontificate on what a swell guy that Hitler was across the North Sea in Germany.
If I had to guess, I’d say it’s probably someone else’s story about his Irish mother. Biden isn’t the son of a coal miner, you know.
Having worked in a hotel, Althouse should indeed worry and wonder if she should sleep on the bed. I suggest pulling off the heavy quilt or duvet or top blanket, which is almost never washed, and using only the sheets and light blanket, which are generally replaced and washed between customers. Also, don't use the ice. The ice machines are rarely cleaned. Also, feel free to ask for more pillows, towels, or free snacks. And if you are an immoral thief, take them home with you, because the hotel usually doesn't track these items down to an individual room use level and you can get a towel or two each visit without anyone ever knowing or caring.
Biden isn't "Irish". His father was English/French/Irish and the Biden's had been in the USA since the mid-19th century, and his mother was Irish-American. She wasn't born in Ireland.
But then Biden was always a liar. He plagarized a Labour Politican's speech in 1988 and claimed to be the "first person in his family to go to college) when in fact his father had a wealthy oil exec and Bidens have been promient in Maryland poltics.
But does it matter? Not to the Democrat voters. Corrupt? Who cares. Senile? No problem. Liar? Whatever. Incompetent? A postive! Just as long as he's not a Goddamn Republican - he's their guy.
But then that's their attitude to the USA. As long as they personally are doing OK - everything's jake.
I wonder if Biden's mother could tell you WHY she hated the English. I doubt it. Just another mentally ill Orishwoman, or maybe an affectation.
Alistair Cooke tells the story that Adlai Stevenson was staying at the White House in the Lincoln bedroom and couldn't bring himself to sleep on Lincoln's bed so he slept on the sofa. The joke, Cooke says, was on Stevenson. The bed wasn't there in Lincoln's day. The sofa was. Cooke did know Stevenson, so he could have gotten the story from Stevenson himself, but it could just as easily be an anecdote Stevenson (or someone else) made up.
Momma Biden. It doesn't seem like the story is true. The odds that she and the queen stayed in the same hotel and were given the same room don't seem that great. "Don't mind me; I'll just sleep on the floor," does sound like something one could have heard from mothers of her generation, but I can't imagine her actually doing it. I also doubt that she literally wrote hundreds of poems about smiting the English and raining blood on their heads. A handful of good ones would have sufficed.
"Georgia Pritchett claims the US leader made the revelation when they met in the White House during his period as vice-president."
"She wrote: 'He changed the subject to how much his mother hated the English. His parents were Irish and she had written several poems about her hatred of the English. He went off to find them and returned with hundreds of poems describing how God must smite the English and rain blood on our heads.'"
Spot the lie.
She was a poet. It was a metaphor.
Her metaphor was to hold the bed sacred then debase herself by sleeping on the floor next to it? I can see the poetry, but it doesn’t speak well of the poet.
Like AA, my first thought was Russia/Trump; she should have just peed in it.
And that may or may not have been on purpose...it all depends : )
"If beds so absorbingly retain a spiritual residue of those who've slept there"
At least in the minds of prog operatives aiming to discredit Trump.
Why was she in England if she hated them so much. Was she a slave laborer?
In Ireland who is not a poet.
I remember the first time I was exposed to full-on Irish-American hatred for the English. Over the course of an otherwise civilized dinner, the quite-intelligent hostess made it increasingly clear that if she had it her way every single English person on earth would be dead. Eventually realizing she was entirely serious and not engaging in some kind of performance art, I gestured to her husband, a Jew whose parents had escaped Eastern Europe as children during World War 2, and asked if her hatred might in some way resemble other ancient sins-of-the-fathers hatreds that made the world Hell from time to time. For a split second it was clear this had never occurred to her before, and then the rationalization hamster began sprinting again.
S____y Irish
I guess Ma Biden hated the Brits because they oppressed the Irish. So this is where Joey Plugs got his intense love of liberty and hatred of statism from! Up the Republic!
Something the Obama and Biden families had in common.
One thing you can count on is that Biden will lie about anything, especially if it draws attention to him or makes him seem interesting in some way.
As was said of Lillian Hellman, every word Joe Biden says is a lie, including "and" and "the".
I wonder if Biden is lying about his mother or if his mother lied to him. Or maybe it was a story his father told young Joe about his mother....Freud originally believed the stories that his female patients told about being sexually molested by their fathers were true. Then he believed that such stories were fantasies. An examination of his case notes suggests that Freud may have suggested such stories to his patients. Bullshit is sometimes cow patties and at other times a product manufactured by Monsanto. The story about sleeping on the floor is undoubtedly bullshit but further work is needed to determine the precise nature of the bullshit.
'Biden's mother hated the English...'
The feeling was most likely mutual.
Btw, I am afraid to click on the 'urine' tag : )
>>It was a metaphor.
So just like Trump's story, then...
Another facet of Hillbilly Elegy.
Joe is what they call in England a "Plastic Paddy"
Hey England
A poem by Jean Biden
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Hey England
Fuck you!
The Queen's Bed
A poem by Catherine Finnegan Biden
Violets are blue
Roses are red
Roll up the mattress
and shove your Queen's bed
Because of English colonial policies, Ireland is the only country in Europe with a lower population today than in 1840.
If you had to be colonized by someone, it was probably best to be colonized by the English. They at least left behind some functional countries unlike the Spanish and the French. I realize this is an unpopular opinion amongst the Irish.
Earnest Prole said...
I remember the first time I was exposed to full-on Irish-American hatred for the English
you should see what happens on this website, if you suggest that the "potato famine" was made worse by a spike in population in Ireland do to... potatoes
Yeah, the English never did anything for the Irish, except teaching them English, allowing them to live/work/vote in England, settle in every English Colony, and let them be part of the british empire. Oh, and let them shelter behind the Royal Navy and not be conquered by the Spainish or French.
Of course, as shown by the Irish economy after 1922, Ireland would've been wealthier than Switzerland if the English had let them alone. Yeah, that's the ticket.
The Brits real mistake was not giving the Orish independence in 1822 instead of 1922. They continued "Union" when it made no sense.
Notice the Orish-American hatred of England didn't prevent them from voting overwhelmingly for FDR in 1940 after which FDR got us into WW 2. And saving England.
But that's the Orish. Democrats first. Liberals first England haters last.
So, Biden's mother was Lyndon LaRouche?
I blame Corn Pop.
Maybe she was senile.....????
Rabel said... [hush][hide comment]
"Georgia Pritchett claims the US leader made the revelation when they met in the White House during his period as vice-president."
"She wrote: 'He changed the subject to how much his mother hated the English. His parents were Irish and she had written several poems about her hatred of the English. He went off to find them and returned with hundreds of poems describing how God must smite the English and rain blood on our heads.'"
Spot the lie.
Mother Biden didn't know how to write? I mean, she was Irish after all...
Why were Obama and Michelle ever in Russia?
Isn't that illegal?
Where's the special prosecutor?
rcocean said...
Why was she in England if she hated them so much. Was she a slave laborer?
may be the bed was in Ireland and THE INN had not burned it BUT / OR put in in the stables for Mary and her baby Joe ?
So maybe is was Veep Biden who removed the Churchill bust from the Oval Office in 2009?
The older I get, the more I appreciate the English.
On Davud Letterman show they used to EMBELLISH audience memorable anecdotes
so which came first?
Joe Biden laying eggs or David Letterman hatching into chickens
SO, Hate is a family value, after all.
Maybe it's a little late to jump into this thread, and I should save it for the cafe post, but this reminds me of a former asshole commenter who went by the name "President Pee-Pee Tape", who seemed to be heavily invested in the Russian Collusion thing. Ironic how close he was to having the perfect name for himself: "President Poop-Pee Pants."
“Richard Harris, the actor, is also Irish, and an Irish Nationalist.”
Was, gahrie, was…
Merriam-Webster doesn’t have it as a word either, and didn’t have it before OED didn’t have it, so you don’t have to sleep on the floor of the blog tonight.
Was, gahrie, was…
He lives on forever in my heart and on film.....
"The Biden clan is what is called 'shanty Irish,' according to my Irish grandmother."
So...your Irish grandmother was privileged, at least, relative to the "shanty Irish," whom she apparently looked down. Essentially, they were seen as the "trash" of their society by the more privileged Irish. Why does this dynamic sound so familiar?
I like Ireland, and i I were to write poems on Ireland I would do it in Irish.
Not surprising that Hunter's grandma never figured out the basics on how to roll.
The Biden family is still shanty Irish.
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