"... and surrounded the house where he had been hiding, the president said.... [W]hen special forces commandos descended from Black Hawk helicopters guarded by Apache strike helicopters, things did not go entirely to plan, according to witnesses and Washington officials.... 'We heard the translator asking, via speakers, [for] the residents of the house to surrender and the women and children to leave before the attack started. The operation obviously didn’t go smoothly because it lasted for two hours and ended with bombing the house,' [a town resident] said.
"Pentagon officials said earlier that the mission had been met with resistance and that the 'bombing' was the Isis leader, an Iraqi, blowing himself up with such force that half the third, top, floor of the house was destroyed.... Witnesses said that some of the bodies were flung clear of the wreckage, landing in the garden, including those of two children.... Qurayshi, whose real name was Amir Mohammed Abdul Rahman al-Mawli al-Salbi, was an officer in Saddam Hussein’s army before joining al-Qaeda after the American invasion of 2003. A trained theologian, he became Isis’s chief ideologue.... Biden said that Qurayshi had been the driving force behind the genocide of the Yazidi people. 'We all remember the gut-wrenching stories of mass slaughter that wiped out entire villages, thousands of women and young girls sold into slavery [and] rape used as a weapon of war,' the president said."From "Isis leader killed in American special forces raid in Syria, Joe Biden announces/Children among casualties as terrorist blows himself up" (London Times).
Yay - dead women and children - so Biden can have a feel-good feather-cap story from MSDNC.
Don’t care. Hope they all blow themselves up. What kind of “religion” allows such insanity?
Funny how Syria has been aligned, first with the Soviets, then with Russia, since the '60s. But we have American kids there guarding the oil of friends of the US regime. This is a war of aggression on the part of the US and the military directly disobeyed their commander in chief's order to get out of there. Say what you will about Reagan, but at least there was no oil in Grenada or Nicaragua.
Biden is a fuckup. He showed it to the world in Afghanistan, now they want us to trust him in these aggressive proxy wars against Russia.
The Biden Regime is just pathetic.
Everyone that supported this is just really fucking stupid.
You should never be allowed to vote again. You are just too stupid.
Yet another entirely predictable FUBAR courtesy of the Fuck-up-in-Chief. Al-Qurayshi was the leading theologian of ISIS, which means he was a fully convinced adherent of Salafiyyah. According to that central doctrine of Islamic terrorism, the soul of any Muslim who dies in combat against the "Crusaders" (i.e. Christians) or the "Zionists" (i.e. Jews) flies instantly to Paradise, no matter how dark his sins or heresies. Granted Paradise isn't all that much fun for women and girls, but who cares?
Naturally, convinced as he was of that seventy-two houris thing, why wouldn't al-Qurayshi blow himself up?
But they were able to identify his body. Ok, sure.
Our "righteous" strike on a terrorist in the last days of Afghanistan tuned out to be Us blowing up an aid worker and his family. The child killing fires blamed on the Branch Davidians turned out to be started by the ATF.
So excuse me if I wait a bit before accepting the truth of this story as told here.
All things considered, he lasted a pretty long time in the position. But ya gotta wonder about anyone who would agree to fill the new opening.
It was planned, expected, inevitable, and...flawless.
Another austere scholar gone.
How many American kids did Biden kill because he had a speech scheduled on Sept 11?
serious question
would anyone believe a word the US Government said.... About ANYTHING?
why would anyone believe a word the US Government said... About ANYTHING?
They expected the jihadi to surrender?
This seems to have been a complete clusterfuck.
Don't know if I believe this account. Could the military be trying to shift blame for the explosion?
I would not have thought this 10 years ago.
if only they had landed with a planeload of virgins and dropped them off and wait in a distance
It's the nuclear family.
It's not at all clear why this result is preferred over an overwhelming missile strike in the middle of the night.
Achilles - I assume you supported the mission to kill Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi? Also in Syria. Also children killed. You are consistent though. Trump did it - good. Biden did it - bad.
Well, if Biden said so......
If true, four women and six children have to pay because he's trapped. What an asshole.
Right, I am sure they are being completely honest. So that's what about 20 civilians Brandie has killed?
Good riddance to the ISIS dude. Tough luck about the collateral damage, but that was his choice.
Blew himself up along with his family.
Those Muslim family values.
rhhardin said...
It's the nuclear family.
Since everyone was reduced to their constituent atoms, in a way...yes.
Rest in Pieces…
Even when Brandon engages in an obvious distraction from everything crashing down around him, he still manages to screw it up.
That story sucks.
Sounds like the guy lived there. Why was that the time to attack, when he was surrounded by non-combatants?
I'm deeply suspicious ever since the Pentagon claimed a guy carrying jugs of water was on his way to bomb the airport in Afghanistan and denied for 10 days they have bombed an innocent man and killed alot of innocents in the process. And then reversed course and acknowledged it. That being just the most recent example.
Also, are we all just kosher now with military operations in Syria at our leisure?
How many more "off the shelf" military targets are there to take up and strike whenever Biden needs to distract people's attention and attempt to garner people's patriotic support?
Of course he blew up himself and his family. No way would the United States kill innocent women and children.
who is islamic state and taliban and hamas's paymaster, who was in town just a few days ago, the emir of qatar, you do the math who dimed quardash,
now atmeh is the northern most corner of idlib province, next to erdogan's turkey who allowed him to operate in this region,
Sure, and that drone strike outside the Kabul airport prevented an eminent terrorist attack. At least that was the story for months until the government admitted they lied.
The operation obviously didn’t go smoothly
Because you planned it to go down in a place where he could easily take women and children hostage. 30 years later, and Democrats have learned nothing from their blunder at Mount Carmel.
jim5301 said...
Achilles - I assume you supported the mission to kill Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi? Also in Syria. Also children killed. You are consistent though. Trump did it - good. Biden did it - bad.
No you retard, I am angry at the complete idiocy and incompetence.
And the lying.
And I do not even know who this person was. Given this regimes sheer stupidity and the stupidity of supporters like you I wouldn't doubt they just killed some random family like they did in Afghanistan.
These poor women were murdered when Qurashi detonated his suicide vest. Bullsh*t! Why pretend that the women were involuntary human shields? These vile women were, at least, voluntary human shields and, much more likely, active participants in ISIS. They don't deserve the protection offered to civilians. So, I think, the official story is crap. The military just blew the entire place up and doesn't want the media to debate the use of lethal force against human shields.
I sort of understand if the government is lying to us about the Qurashi raid. But, lately, the U.S. government has been spewing a lot of garbage. Look at this:
Ned Price sounds like a Sandy Hook conspiracy theorist. Seriously, "Russian crisis actors." Who believes this bullsh*t?
It's interesting to see how Milley and the Navy have succeeded in ending the public's trust of what the military says. Austin says anyone who disagrees with him is a racist. We seem to have a lot of generals around who have been in soft berths for a long while.
Their blood is on him, not us.
We need to use the least destructive force necessary to kill or capture the target. If he wants to hide among women and children, that doesn't create an obligation on us not to kill him where he is. That has never been the case in the Law of Land Warfare.
"How many more "off the shelf" military targets are there to take up and strike whenever Biden needs to distract people's attention and attempt to garner people's patriotic support?"
I've got a list if he wants one. Might as well do the world some good while he's trying to salvage his poll numbers. And it's better to us regular US military assets to do the work - good training for them and keeps the CIA out of it.
This story from Syria and the accompanying photograph in most US papers todays smells like dead mackerel left on the beach in the sun for three days.
The putative target supposedly blew himself up with a suicide vest--taking out ten women and children with him--and blowing the side of the house and a good part of the roof out.
And a US Blackhawk helicopter was destroyed--and the neighbors said the house was bombed.
First Lt. Biden was not there to personally direct the operation--he sent Cornpop there to lead the troops.
Look I don't doubt that a nasty little fight took place--you don't lose a chopper because your target sprays it with the garden hose. And there's no report of US casualties which I might expect if there was a nasty little fight.
But I can't wait to hear Baghdad Barbie Psaki explain it all.
"Trump did it - good. Biden did it - bad."
That's a pretty good rule, the mirror image of the usual lefty rule of "Orange Man Bad".
Alinsky rule 4 isn't just for lefties and the oligarchy anymore.
"Don’t care. Hope they all blow themselves up. What kind of “religion” allows such insanity?"
A trick question, that. All religion is insanity of one kind or another, even when benign. Don't think horrors haven't been committed in the name of Christianity.
"Biden is a fuckup. He showed it to the world in Afghanistan...."
No doubt Biden is a fuckup, but so were Bush/Cheney and Obama, especially if Afghanistan is the pertinent evidence of someone being a fuckup.
Awaiting the fated post-action reports that the house was actually occupied by Quakers and was destroyed by a US drone strike.
The operation obviously didn’t go smoothly because it lasted for two hours and ended with bombing the house,' [a town resident] said.
Next up: General Milley tells us this was an unprecedented success because it went on longer than any other Special Forces extraction mission in history!
"How many American kids did Biden kill because he had a speech scheduled on Sept 11?"
How many kids did Bush/Cheney (+ Obama/Biden) kill for whatever the fuck bullshit reasons? It's startling how hatred of a particular POTUS can turn avid fans of America's wars into sudden peaceniks concerned with the limbs and lives of American kids, (not to mention the victims of our armed forces).
I take your point, but I read it from the other side. Why is this cool when Biden does it, and horrific, even a war crime, when Trump did it? Why was that "austere religious scholar," al-Baghdadi, a terrible loss to Iran, whereas this man, who blew himself up along with his entire family, is no big loss to anyone? It it perhaps a case of Orange Man Bad?
"Also, are we all just kosher now with military operations in Syria at our leisure?"
Against ISIS leaders? Fuck yeah.
"I'm deeply suspicious ever since the Pentagon claimed a guy carrying jugs of water was on his way to bomb the airport in Afghanistan and denied for 10 days they have bombed an innocent man and killed alot of innocents in the process."
That's been on my mind. I'm sincerely in favor of killing murderous terrorists. I want to be thrilled at this latest news.
Then I remember that strike, and the solemn insistence that it was a good strike. And the ineptly transparent politics of it: One day the President says We're going to hunt you down and kill you, and, son of a bitch! the next day we smoke an important "bomb-maker."
Well, I'm sure it's not the first time and it won't be the last. But I'm new to hearing news like this and thinking, "Hmm - important if true," rather than, "Yeah!" And despite what a really unpleasant guy upthread will assume, it doesn't depend on whether the president is my guy or not. There's rot, and the rot goes deeper than the party temporarily in charge.
"Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi"
As a rule, when a man uses more than three names, and each of those names begin with a vowel, and at least two of those names have a dash, the man is a terrorist.
Quardash was a former Iraqi Army officer, the likelihood that he would go martyr unlikely, he had been imprisoned by the Americans in 2007, had even served as an informant,
How long has the Administration known exactly where this guy was and that they could strike against him anytime they wanted to?
What is the real scandal is why didn't Gen. Milley call this guy and tell him that they were about to strike?
"Don't think horrors haven't been committed in the name of Christianity."
True enough, but such horrors would have been done in contradiction to Christian principles.
The same can not be said of Islam which expressly exhorts its followers to kill non-Muslims simply because they aren't Muslim.
It's horrible, but I have to believe that, even as the gases were expanding and the body parts were detaching and accelerating, there had to be a moment of tremendous consolation, a moment of knowing and appreciating being blown up by the people who care more and who want to do the right thing whenever possible.
You cucks wish Biden was more like Reagan and get a hotel full of Marines blowed up, then cut a deal to sell their murderers advanced weaponry to fund death squad assassination of Nuns and Priests in Central America and fly Coke into Mina Arkansas to be made into Crack for sale in Black neighborhoods all over the US to create white demand for three strikes and private prisons.
Make America Great Again and Again and Again and Again and Again and Again and Again and Again and Again and...
Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi, 45, blew himself up with his family, including four women and six children, rather than surrender to troops who landed by helicopter..
What a cowardly little Goebbels. And he, like Goebbels, hated Jews and killed his own wife and children rather than face a world not created in his own distorted image.
"Don't think horrors haven't been committed in the name of Christianity."
We can thank Christianity for thinking them horrors.
Robert Cook said...
"Don’t care. Hope they all blow themselves up. What kind of “religion” allows such insanity?"
A trick question, that. All religion is insanity of one kind or another, even when benign.
Smugly put by a proponent of the religion of porogressivism, aka "scientific socialism".
Amen, brother!
I would expect something a little more intelligent from you than... "But Christianity"
I have no use for Biden, but really if Trump did this we'd be cheering.
I've seen/heard nothing on the news (and certainly not in these comments) that raises any serious doubt about whether Abu-etc. did what the US says he did. On that understanding I'm glad he's dead. I recognize that most of the negative comments here are motivated more by partisanship than by serious doubt about the facts. Still, it's a reminder of the price the Govt pays when it lies and gets caught doing so. After Ray Donovan was acquitted of spurious corruption charges, he asked Where do I go to get my reputation back? He did nothing wrong. Biden and top US military leadership did do wrong in the the Afghan bug-out and its sequal. Anything they say will be greeted with suspicion until and unless they can re-establish their credibility.
You cucks wish Biden was more like Reagan and get a hotel full of Marines blowed up
I don’t think it ever crossed Reagan’s mind that Marine colonels would be stupid enough to put men on guard in hostile territory without grenade launchers or even 5.56 rounds for their rifles. Back in those days marines were thought to be fighters.
Robert Cook said...
"Don’t care. Hope they all blow themselves up. What kind of “religion” allows such insanity?"
A trick question, that. All religion is insanity of one kind or another, even when benign. Don't think horrors haven't been committed in the name of Christianity.
Muslims and Christians have committed atrocities. But Atheists are many times worse than both of them combined.
"’Don't think horrors haven't been committed in the name of Christianity.’
“We can thank Christianity for thinking them horrors.”
Nonsense. Do you truly think human revulsion at and condemnation of the murder of others is only the product of Christian thinking?
He would be less sympathetic to westerners with four "wives" so let's just call them four women.
He would be less sympathetic to westerners with four "wives" so let's just call them four women.
“"Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi"
As a rule, when a man uses more than three names, and each of those names begin with a vowel, and at least two of those names have a dash, the man is a terrorist.”
Great stuff and the most illuminating thing associated with this story.
How many of the women killed were wives?
Howie, I thought you were young and hip. Turns out you really get your ox gored when Reagan's brought up. You're not a union steelworker being put out of business by Thatcher, so I can't imagine why you carry this much of a grudge against the guy, but the fact is not many MAGA types consider Reagan terribly relevant anymore. The new gold standard for controlling American military ops is Donald Trump, who successfully killed major Iranian military planners while gaining no significant retaliation. Possibly because the Iranians knew any appropriate retaliation would be a casus belli.
Anyways. All of this Biden declaration is reeking horseshit and I'm embarrassed by proxy that anyone is stupid enough to believe it.
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