From "Abrams camp rejects ‘false rumors’ about her no-show at Biden event" (The Atlanta Journal-Constitution).
Here's the transcript of the event, with the text of the speeches given by Biden and Harris. Did anyone even mention the glorious victory of Georgia's football team the day before? A tremendously uplifting event had occurred. It wasn't political. It was special to Georgia.
But the Washingtonians descended upon the state with dramatic, racialized negativity. They insisted on setting the tone, their tone, and it wasn't jubilation. And not one speaker mentioned football. How could they? It would spoil their message of joylessness. It would offer discordant evidence that Americans can come together, and life isn't all about politics.
६४ टिप्पण्या:
Trump routinely celebrated local sports teams at his rallies. But the Dems in the WH are totally out of touch with average people. They are too elite to care about SEC football or NASCAR racing.
i'm pretty sure the only football the Biden Admin knows/cares about is US Women's Soccer
if that
"It would offer discordant evidence that Americans can come together, and life isn't all about politics."
Come on Ann, to the left, there only is politics and nothing else. That's why EVERYTHING get's politicized with them. We couldn't even come together on Covid because the left made it political. The Vaccines were politicized for god sake!
I agree - Democrats suck!
It isn't about the is all about the Progressive agenda. THAT is it. There can be no other message. PERIOD. The sooner people wake up, the sooner we can get rid of these rodents. (the nicest word I could think of for them)
They neglected to capitalize on the Georgia football victory when they were in Georgia the day after the event? Even the stupidest, most tone-deaf pandering politico would know to stir the crowd with a shout-out. I expect that the republicans can chalk up Georgia in their column next election.
"It would spoil their message of joylessness"
It's worth noting that their message (and the MSM's) is joylessness when talking about things they can't be blamed for. They furiously polish turds when it comes to things they bear responsibility for.
It's nice that the AJC said Abrams "rejects" and puts 'false rumors' in quotes. Most media outlets would have said "refuted" and would have blindly accepted that the rumors were false, claimed without evidence.
How did an honest writer get past their screening process?
Perhaps Abrams really did have a personal commitment that she could not break. I would sure be curious what that might be that outranks the president of the United States, on a visit to her state, where she is running for governor.
I know how hard it is to get an appointment so maybe she really was washing her hair.
Or, maybe Brandon's handlers didn't want Abrams there. They are putting out this story to embarass her. Yeah, a bit of a stretch but possible.
When Biden got into his angry shouting phase, would anyone have noticed if he had slipped in a loud "And, get off my lawn". He sounds so old and crotchety nowadays.
A shout out to Georgia football would have been a shout out to Herschel Walker.
Joylessness isn't a problem but not offering programs that have any chance of working is pretty bad.
They deviate from principles just like women do but without any overriding feeling to motivate it.
Screw football. The reason to join the nerd table at lunch is to avoid sports talk.
Yea... I was back at my anonymous gathering last night and the championship was very much the chatter, more than when the Braves won the world series even. By listening and talking to people all over Georgia, I get the impression college football is closer and dear to them than the professional sports.
As for Biden, I see a lot of gas station "I did that" stickers here. Sometimes I fill up twice a day.
Well, she has specified. She had a scheduling conflict.
As a radio personality I like put it, the cable technician was coming that day and wouldn't give her a more specific window than 1-5.
John henry,
"Brandon's handlers...are putting out this story to embarass her."
That would seem consistent with the general level political savvy they've shown lately.
What would he say to her? "Boy, aren't people who think elections are rigged and that they really won horrible? "
It wasn't that long ago that lying to Congress or under oath was a serious thing. Now they just put together whatever string of words they think they need you to believe so that they can get they way, and that passes for "Truth."
"When Biden got into his angry shouting phase, would anyone have noticed if he had slipped in a loud "And, get off my lawn". He sounds so old and crotchety nowadays."
That would actually be a good approach for his handlers to take - self-deprecating humor is a great way to disarm the opposition. Trump often used that. But Biden et al aren't smart enough to realize that.
How 'bout them Dawgs
They can't remind anyone about Georgia football winning a National Championship lest people remember who led the last championship team. He's running for Senate right now and he's a Trump guy.
Somebody said yesterday that the Democrats have NPR, PBS, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, Local News, MSNBC, CNBC, Bloomberg, Hollywood, big Publishing, and Big Tech. All the Republicans have is a couple of shows on FOX News, but the Republicans can clearly state their ideas in terms people understand and Democrats have to try to create a nonsense phantasmagoria cobbled together and glued with repetition to put them in power.
Asking for Voter ID is not racist, and if it is, vaccine passports are racist. Things like that. Democrat propaganda, err, I mean messaging, is so full of obvious contradictions that social media has made child's play to point out, the Dems have put on wings of feathers and wax, and flown too close to the sun, out of hubris.
Why would a POTUS and VEEP picked out by the on the spectrum types who climb to the top of Big Tech be popular?
I propose requiring in person voting with a vaccine mandate.
Many will recall that when Biden had the nomination in hand and was considering vice-presidential prospects, he conducted an on-air appearance with Abrams, praising her in such terms as clearly suggested he was about to offer her the slot, as speculation had suggested he would do.
Abrams, beaming, clearly believed Biden was about to offer her the VP candidacy, but he abruptly swerved away from doing so, almost as if someone off camera was waiving him off, and Abram’s face registered stifled anger and embarrassment.
Such a public humiliation is not easily overcome or forgotten.
"It would offer discordant evidence that Americans can come together, and life isn't all about politics."
Correct. But then, the point of progressivism is to make life about politics. As a secular faith, it needs no evidence.
Sure, bringing up the Dawgs could hinder the narrative, but really, what evidence could possibly "discord" with the tenets of the faith?
Leaving Joe out of it, perhaps school closings opened some eyes. Harm to one's own kids may be discordant enough for some of the faithful.
“But that narrative hasn’t reflected her strategy. She has closely aligned herself with Biden, campaigned to be his running-mate and launched her bid [for governor] with a promise to back the president’s agenda....”
Sinking ships. Rats. That was then, this is now.
tim in vermont said...
Asking for Voter ID is not racist, and if it is, vaccine passports are racist.
meanwhile, in DC...
You'll need an ID to go inside a McDonald's in DC, but not to vote…
Remember that starting Saturday you will need these three things before heading out:
1. Proof of Vaccination (12 years +)
2. Proof of Vaccination and Photo ID (18 years +)
3. Mask
It was a stroke of genius when Georgia brought Stacy ("Tank") Abrams into the game at defensive tackle in their "Jumbo" package. She was unmovable and the move shifted the momentum of the game.
My sources tell me Stacy passed on the Biden event due to a football related lower leg injury. It was an injury that would have sidelined most players, but Stacy played through the pain.
Even some probably retired guy from Montana or Idaho can demolish Democrat talking points while having his morning coffee and between tying flies. This is a problem for Democrats. It's why they desperately need to seize control of the counting of votes in all elections. It's not that easy to game 435 races without central Federal control. Not like a presidential race, where you have major Democrat enclaves in four swing states that can move the election. It's a different problem and it needs a different solution, or else democracy will be destroyed!
Can anybody name the other developed democracy where voter ID is not required? It's a trick question, there isn't one.
Rumor has it that Joe told her on the phone, "Fat, stupid and ugly is no way to go through life, lady." Surprisingly, she was offended by this.
Blue on blue? Please pass the popcorn.
Howard said...
I propose requiring in person voting with a vaccine mandate.
Howard believes that in order to vote you have to kneel to the State.
To leave your house you should have photo ID and proof of vaccination.
Then we can have in person voting.
He thinks this is a powerful counter argument to people who want election integrity.
That shows you just how limited his thinking is.
But it is positively brilliant compared to people who are stupid enough to support Kemp and Raffensburger and blame Trump for the GOPe losing Georgia.
By the looks of that lady, perhaps Abrams had a personal commitment to resolve a large plate of chicken and waffles?
The story is that she avoided Biden. The media squelches it by saying that the story is that she avoided Biden for this one specific reason, and that it's not true.
Abrams, they say, didn't avoid Biden because he's incompetent and has low popularity ratings; she avoided him because this trip was incompetently planned and wasn't going to turn out well. Then they can throw in some "Republicans pounce" to sweeten the pot.
But the reason the trip is incompetently planned is because Biden and his team are incompetent, and the reason the trip will turn out badly is that everything Biden touches turns out badly.
Progressives hate sports.
Wasn't it the old Georgia Democrat senator Zell Miller who opined that Democrats had shrunk the their big tent to the size of a dunce cap?
Resident Biden is becoming completely unhinged as his poll numbers plummet He is an angry old man who thinks yelling at us will make us do what he wants. What a fool! The speech he gave yesterday will only alienate more people from him and for sure seal the deal with people who are wondering if he is suitable to be president. Biden is calling fellow Americans racist if they don’t go along with his ideas. This “racist” bullshit is getting real old. And if anyone is a proven racist it’s Mr. Biden. Look in the mirror old man and see a person who celebrated racist southern democrats when it was to your advantage. This old man has done nothing to help the American people his administration is in tatters and the American people want him and his puppeteers gone. The country cannot take three more years of Biden governing. The situation in USA has turned into a real “shit show” and three years is a long time. God help us! The only thing that will help us is the Nov. election when the Republicans take over Congress and Senate and put Biden in “time out” for the next three years.
Football has lots of icky Trump supporters chanting "Fuck Joe Biden".
No politician wants to share a stage with a President at under 35% approval, even if they agree with him 100%.
Abrams is too busy running for re-election.
Hey, "Tank Abrams" has been bitching for years that she was cheated out of being elected Georgia's governor.
How would that go down with Biden yelling about Trumpista's challenging the 2020 Presidential election? How they were delusional, seditious , and a "threat to democracy".
Nope. Better to have her supplied with plenty of snacks and stay out of sight.. If she spent her time being up to her elbow in a bag of chips she couldn't fuzz up "the message".
I propose requiring in person voting with a vaccine mandate.
When I worked the polls, we couldn't even require masks on voters. We were told "Just get them in, voted, and out as quickly as you can"
I doubt state law will change to allow mandate requirements.
Let’s not forget the first two acts of this squalid little melodrama: Georgia Governor Stacy Abrams and the twitter mob buffalo Major League Baseball into relocating the All-Star Game from Atlanta to Denver (pissing off nearly everyone in the state, Republican and Democrat), only to remain silent on Jim Crow 2.0 when the Braves end up in the World Series later that year.
A conundrum: if progressive hate sports why are deplorables obese? Answer: progressives participate in sports while deplorables like to watch.
Outside of national media, does anyone actually support this woman?
When Biden was elected ( or anointed, more accurately ) my concern was that we were really going to be governed by a super slick cabal of national intelligence types- the people who have engineered coups for decades and realized they could do it here as well.I foresaw a government of cold calculating bureaucrats who, even if they were morally bankrupt, were at least competent.
Instead we have something worse. We seem to be governed by a typical Fortune 500 HR department. This is what happens when you take the keys away from the CEO and give them to the VP HR. You get a misaligned set of priorities and a communications strategy that is all babble and rhetoric. It's like a company that is about to go out of business with a CEO who talks about how great things are going with the new diversity initiative. Yikes.
Howard said...
A conundrum: if progressive hate sports why are deplorables obese? Answer: progressives participate in sports while deplorables like to watch.
Today is angry drunk Howard.
Howard likes his generalizations and prejudices.
And if the media writes a story that supports his prejudice against his political opponents he has an orgasm.
He hates the working class so much he just has to throw these little barbs out.
Do you have a clip for that incident? Or can you remember an approximate time or place? I would love to see that, just for pleasure's sake.
Stacy may be the only woman who annoys me more than Kamala.
My guess? Ms Abrams, the self-proclaimed governor of Georgia, had an appearance fee that wasn't met by the Biden administration.
And hey, why isn't Ms. Abrams given the same treatment as Trump for her rejection of the election results in her state?
Blogger Howard said...
A conundrum: if progressive hate sports why are deplorables obese
Tank Abrams is a living refutation of your argument.
Howard, how many calories are burned playing (the game formerly known as) quidditch?
'"[Stacy] Abrams hasn’t specified what led her to bypass Biden’s event..."'
Maybe a bypass?
She's seen her share of ribs and biscuits...
Joe Smith said...
'"[Stacy] Abrams hasn’t specified what led her to bypass Biden’s event..."'
Maybe a bypass?
Booty call down at the Best Western. She doesn't get too many of those these days, so.....
With her track record, it would appear that Stacey Abrams is politically clueless. That said, she was smart enough to have a "schedule conflict" when it came to the opportunity to stand beside Senescent Joe. Maybe she was washing her hair.
She missed an opportunity to claim she didn't have time for Joe because she was hung over after the game.
As my grandfather Finnegan used to say, “Every time I walked out the door in Scranton,” he’d say, “Joey, keep the faith.” Then he’d say, “No, Joey, spread it.” Let’s spread the faith and get this done.
I think I get it now. Whatever Joe has told us three times is true. Or at least he thinks it is. And since he doesn't get challenged on these things, it's as good as true.
Why was Trump "the issue" in the last election? Was it because nobody ever questioned Joe's bullshit?
1. You are assuming there is support for the University of Georgia football team at the HBCU's in Atlanta. Maybe, maybe not.
2. A lot of Black Americans fully understand that he's using them for his own political ends.
3. If you ever have doubts about how much of an asshole Joe Biden actually is, take the time to watch this appearance.
4. Getting back to football - There are commenters here who, if they were Alabama fans, would be demanding the firing of Nick Saban - a proven loser. Sad.
Re Lurker 21 at 11:35. Joe is still spreading "it" at every opportunity. As a result there should be a very green lawn around the White House next spring---and also at every place where he spoke.
Who knows or who cares. They are both losers.
Two reasons Stacey didn’t show:
Joe’s a loser
she is still holding a grudge he ignored her proposal to be his VP
MSNBC May 16, 2020, "The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell."
Most readily available embedded in various podcasters' programs. E.g.:
O'Donnell apparently thought he was going to host an historic announcement, saying Biden had asked for Abrams to be on with him, but either O'Donnell got bad information or Biden changed his mind in the interim. (I suppose it's also possible that Biden forgot he was there to make the announcement.)
As Biden veers off into some aimless logorrhea and it becomes clear he's not going to announce her selection, Abrams visually curdles. It's pretty brutal.
'Two reasons Stacey didn’t show:
Joe’s a loser
she is still holding a grudge he ignored her proposal to be his VP'
Reason 3: There was a half-off special at Golden Corral.
Those hush puppies don't eat themselves...
I heard Doc Mike played Left Out on his pee wee football team.
Thank you!
Me again. That was a thing of beauty. She needs to work on her poker face. I've never seen anything like that before.
Congrats to Lawrence on the scoop, lol.
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