January 3, 2022

Joe Rogan fighting censorship.

At The Post Millennial: "BREAKING: Joe Rogan joins GETTR as Twitter censorship intensifies/As Twitter continues to ban users from its platform, podcast superstar Joe Rogan announced on Sunday that he has set up a GETTR account." 

Go here to follow Rogan on Gettr, where he already has 8.7 million followers. 

Over at Instagram, Joe Rogan put this up at 22 hours ago — a clip from an old podcast, with Jordan Peterson, who says what Rogan, I presume, means to say now:


rcocean said...

WHy not Gab?

rcocean said...

BTW, I read Twitter less and less, and post there less and less. Its just an arm of the DNC.

Howard said...

Perfect. Another social media platform to ignore. Peterson outlines what happens when you choose to be a Caspar Miltown in the face of an opponent. He needs to slut shame you people instead of making excuses like the "Devouring Mother". Heal thyself, Doctor.

farmgirl said...

Jordan Peterson (swoon)
Dr Jordan Peterson.

I swoon not b/c of any physical spark, but b/c he’s Lobster Rock- w/a giant hero’s cape.
He knows, man!

Someone said here once that Rogan is a male Oprah. That’s a shake of the head- no- from me. He’s curious not to uncover some “swept-under-the-rug” smut, long forgotten. He’s curious and wants to know things. “Why” things… that’s what makes his interviews so fun to listen to- and our good Dr Peterson will take us down the road of Why to it’s very origin, if possible.

farmgirl said...

A lot like Althouse w/words!

Achilles said...

Howard said...

Perfect. Another social media platform to ignore. Peterson outlines what happens when you choose to be a Caspar Miltown in the face of an opponent. He needs to slut shame you people instead of making excuses like the "Devouring Mother". Heal thyself, Doctor.

Don't worry Howard.

We wont be nice to you all forever.

Leland said...

Better than boiling frog analogy, because the frog has limits.

Achilles said...

I don't know if Ann posted about the interview between Rogan and Dr. Malone.

The ripples of that interview are already being felt.

The Covid Panic Cult is losing their shit right now.

It is hard for them to ignore Dr. Malone because he kinda, you know, helped invent mRNA vaccines.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Youtube banned the segment as well. I guess saying the same thing as youtube is owned by Google(D).

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

All the mega-corporate social media giants are Big Corporate Soviet-Democrat.

Lurker21 said...

Twitter and Facebook do want inconvenient people like Rogan to GETTRize themselves in a smaller conversational GETTR.

Ann Althouse said...

"I don't know if Ann posted about the interview between Rogan and Dr. Malone."

No. I listened to the first 5 minutes and thought at that point it was repetitious and lame. They tend to put the best part up front, but it was just complaining about the fact that drug manufacturers are allowed to advertise and they shouldn't be allowed to show happy pictures while they are listing the potential side effects. Joe acted like that was just terrible and Joe and Malone both expressed exasperation with the First Amendment!

farmgirl said...

rcocean: leaving a restrictive outlet for on that, at the moment seems open- is being pushed, 2millimeters at a time- backwards until you holler.
So, yes- frogs do have limits.

Rory said...

Yes, Minister on "Salami Tactics":


Mike Sylwester said...

What happened to Compuserve and to MySpace might happen to Twitter.

Paul said...

A fact folks...

Facebook makes money predominantly by showing ads from advertisers within its Facebook and Instagram apps. Advertising represented 98% of Facebook's $86bn revenue in 2020.

The remaining 2% of revenue came mainly from selling Oculus and Portal devices and also payment fees from developers.

So folks, if you don't like censorship.. BOYCOTT those that advertise on FB! Stick it to them!!!

Joe Smith said...

“Things get to terrible places one tiny step at a time.”

Like bankruptcy...

Slowly at first, then suddenly.

Tina Trent said...

He brought it on himself. He betrayed his audience and fans in the process. Lesson? Don't trust libertarians. Stick with dildo ads. At least they sell an honest product.

Achilles said...

Ann Althouse said...

"I don't know if Ann posted about the interview between Rogan and Dr. Malone."

No. I listened to the first 5 minutes and thought at that point it was repetitious and lame. They tend to put the best part up front, but it was just complaining about the fact that drug manufacturers are allowed to advertise and they shouldn't be allowed to show happy pictures while they are listing the potential side effects. Joe acted like that was just terrible and Joe and Malone both expressed exasperation with the First Amendment!

Good excuse Ann. You found a noble way to remain ignorant of information that may or may not be important.

Either way the effects are rolling out right now as millions of people have already watched it and it is going viral.

Most of the country does not think it is boring and repetitive.

At least an order of magnitude more people are watching that interview than read the NYT's or Wapo.

Sebastian said...

For the time being, Althouse is also fighting censorship, if only by giving space to us deplorables. Kudos.

rcocean said...

The problem with the Center-Right is they live in a world of illusion. They constantly think that if they do this, or do that, then media giants like Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc. are going to "back off" and be reasonable.

They aren't. You can't reform any of these companies. You can only leave them and not interact with them and boycott their advertisers. Of course, good luck with a boycott when all the major companies that produce pretty much everything are advertising there.

As for CV-19, I don't need to listen to a 2 hour interview to know we shouldn't be vaccinating those under 18, and especially those under 12.

Howard said...

Achilles' 3% revolution is always right around the corner. Any day, now. You can bank on it. The check is in the mail.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The government, CNN and big pharma do not want anyone taking after-market pharmaceuticals as therapies for Covid treatment - because it doesn't make them rich.

Obey ... moooooooo.

Howard said...

Rogan indeed brought on that $100 million payday on himself. That's quite a punishment from his libertarian fanbase. Batteries not included.

Tina Trent said...

Again for once, Howard's right.

Howard said...

It's not just Covid, April. I've been using horse arthritis and CBD salve for 10-years. I make a nasal rinse out of chitosan, xylotol, kosher salt, baking soda and baby shampoo. I made up symptoms of ED and hypogonadism to my endocrinologist to get scrips for viagra and a testosterone booster to help cure my heart failure. Rather than cry about the cruel world, make the system work for you. Only you can prevent your victimology.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Joe is paid a lot because people like what he has to say.
Now he's being squished by big corporate corrutpocrats - because people like what he has to say and they like his interviews.
Interviews that will never happen by George Stephenopolis, or NYT, or Wapo, or CNN, or MSNBC or the rest of the corporate alphabet NBC(D) narrative press.

Narr said...

Those darned libertarians! Will they never stop ruining everything for everybody else?

Thanks for the link, Prof, I'll be exploring GETTR, for as long as it is suffered to exist.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The corrupt left want to cancel and erase this doctor.

Dr. Pierre Kory testified in front of congress, and the corrupt asshole democratical jackals treated him like shit.

Because corrupt democratical jackals know more about SCIENCE AND MEDICINE that actual - doctors.

Chest Rockwell said...

I'm pretty sure Gettr runs on Amazon Web Services, which seems like a stupid choice. It's bound to get shut off at some point. Hope they have a backup plan.

Lawrence Person said...

I did a post on this (and, in fact, joined GETTR as well).

On the other hand, I read somewhere that they just add your Twitter followers to you actual GETTR followers for famous people, so maybe the 81 million thing isn't accurate.

Still, the Rogan announcement has sent a LOT of people to Gettr, maybe enough for critical mass.

I have accounts on Gab and Parler as well, but both those platforms seem mainly moribund.

Freeman Hunt said...

"All people face risk. If we think, 'I'll just give up one step,' then everyone gives up a step, then another—and in the end we have no space at all. The ceiling presses straight to the floor." - Guo Yuhua

LA_Bob said...

"I listened to the first 5 minutes and thought at that point it was repetitious and lame."

On one level, the interview was pretty standard Robert Malone, and I've heard a few. But by no means was it all censorship and First Amendment and whatnot. Lot of technical stuff interwoven into the conversation, some of it answering some nagging questions for me. More details about Malone's life, professional and personal.

From time to time he seemed to relax a little, and I saw what I think Malone is like around friends and family, a slightly folksier version of the disciplined scientist and interviewee.

Also, it is Malone who introduced Rogan to Gettr. Rogan hadn't heard of it until Malone at the end told the audience where he now posts.

Owen said...

I just watched the Youtube of Joe Rogan talking with Dr. Robert Malone on Wu Flu matters. Three hours and worth every minute. Yes, Twitter is very afraid of people like Malone.

I am an old-fashioned guy who thinks that we only learn by being challenged. Censorship and silencing is the strongest possible "tell" of a regime that knows it is intellectually and morally bankrupt; lacks the drive or talent to debate the merits of its beliefs.

Right now the government has outsourced the censorship that, if done directly, would be an obvious and fatal violation of the First Amendment. All this BS of "Congressional investigations" (run by Democrats for whom content regulation is currently very convenient) is just that, BS and theater to give cover to Dorsey, Zuck and their kindred in being regulated. They will tell users that they have to obey the new rules, and the government will say they don't control what the platforms do. The mutual fingerpointing, coupled with the actual shutting-down of critics, will leave the populace utterly benighted.

Baaaaa. Baaaaa.

Freeman Hunt said...

Parler grew, and the censors deleted it. Unless Gettr has different hosting, how will it avoid the same fate?

Owen said...

Ann Althouse @ 9:30: "...No. I listened to the first 5 minutes and thought at that point it was repetitious and lame." Yeah, slow start. May I humbly suggest you give it another listen. Malone is one smart dude, easy demeanor, and very very plugged in. Some of his claims need serious testing (e.g. Uttar Pradesh use of HCQ and possible blackout on disclosure of the protocol?) but a lot of what he says is either rock-solid or entirely plausible. He helped to INVENT Molecular Biology --the study and manipulation of biological processes and structures at the foundational level-- and so when he remarks on some clinical finding, and on the statistical support for it, he just might be worth a listen. I learned a lot from the session.

And? As others have noted, Joe Rogan is an excellent interviewer. He's genuinely curious, he preps for the discussion, he lets the interviewee develop the points, he summarizes and redirects effectively.

Freder Frederson said...

A private company banning someone is not censorship. Deal with it.

Harsh Pencil said...

"Blogger Freder Frederson said...
A private company banning someone is not censorship. Deal with it."

As Owen points out above, if a private company bans someone at the behest of the government, then that is censorship.

The Democrats are giving the big social media monopolies the following deal: You ban who we want you to ban, and we won't sic the Justice Department on you for being monopolies. They intimidate the social media companies by subpoenaing their CEOs every six month more or less to be yelled at for not banning who they want banned quickly enough.

This IS government censorship by proxy.

Bob Boyd said...

Ann Althouse said..."No...it was just complaining about the fact that drug manufacturers are allowed to advertise"

I think you may have gotten the Malone episode confused with the one right before it with John Abramson. I had a similar reaction to that one.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Freder Frederson said, A private company banning someone is not censorship. Deal with it.

Twitter is publicly traded, NOT a private company. Deal with it.

Hey Skipper said...

@Freder: A private company banning someone is not censorship. Deal with it.

Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication, or other information. This may be done on the basis that such material is considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or 'inconvenient'. Censorship can be conducted by governments, private institutions and other controlling bodies.

Emphasis added.

Owen said...

"...government censorship by proxy." I wish I had some skill with arts and crafts, I would use the images of Meta Mark and Bearded Jack and their kind, to make finger-puppets worn by Big Government. Big money in that.

Owen said...

Freder: "A private company banning someone is not censorship."

Reminds me of Brando in "Apocalypse Now" confronting Martin Sheen: "You're an errand boy. Sent by grocery clerks."

The real question that always needs to be asked is "Who sent you?"

TreeJoe said...

Mike (MJB Wolf) said,

"Freder Frederson said, A private company banning someone is not censorship. Deal with it.

Twitter is publicly traded, NOT a private company. Deal with it."

This argument makes no sense. A company is owned by a private equity group of investors or fully bootstrapped individual, or they list some portion of their stock publicly, so what? They are still choosing to allow or bar a voice within their product.

Deciding to trade publicly does not alter a company's ability to decide who can and cannot use their product.

I despise what FB and Twitter are doing and I do believe both have crossed legal lines when it comes to election interference. But they are fully within their rights to bar who they want from using their product, and I'm fully in my right to stop using their product.

That's the problem with Google and why breaking them up as a monopoly actually makes sense. It's ludricrously hard to NOT use their product(s) when doing basic, non-google-specific web activities. They are THAT entrenched.

Temujin said...

Enough of this playing around with Twitter.

You people using it are the problem. Delete your accounts. When a few million leave in a day, there will be some employees that will have to be cut. Their stock will drop. A few million more and their stock will tank, employees will be unloaded onto Facebook or lost somewhere in the Googleplex, or maybe you'll see them handing you your Americano in the morning.

Then we can focus on getting you to delete your Facebook accounts.

jim5301 said...

I used to think that Republicans supported the freedom of businesses to make business decisions w/o government interference. How times have changed. Twitter can't ban people who make false claims that harm public health. Restaurants in Florida can't choose to exclude unvaccinated persons. I guess these bedrock principles of free enterprise don't matter anymore in the age of Trump.

Drago said...

Freder Frederson: "A private company banning someone is not censorship. Deal with it."

Mike (MJB Wolf):"Twitter is publicly traded, NOT a private company. Deal with it."

Further, a publicly traded company afforded protections under Section 230 for immunity for what is written on their platform while those same companies are now working hand in glove as the handmaidens of the democratical party to advance the interests of that party by censoring opinions the democraticals find objectionable.

Drago said...

jim5301: "I used to think that Republicans supported the freedom of businesses to make business decisions w/o government interference. "

Next up on C-SPAN: democraticals hold another hearing in which they direct Big Tech leaders to increase censorship of conservative opinion or else they, the democraticals, will remove the protections afforded Big Tech under section 230.

Yep, "business decisions w/o government interference"

It's simply a "coincidence" that every censorship action taken by Big Tech aligns perfectly with democratical party policies and narratives.

So many "coincidences".....

Drago said...

Temujin: "Enough of this playing around with Twitter.

You people using it are the problem. Delete your accounts. When a few million leave in a day, there will be some employees that will have to be cut."

That is already happening.

However, this is a battle within a much larger war so you cannot avoid this battle, no matter how much you may wish to.

Owen said...

jim5301 @ 12:23: "...Twitter can't ban people who make false claims that harm public health. Restaurants in Florida can't choose to exclude unvaccinated persons." If Twitter wants to be insulated from liability for false claims, defamation, etc, in content posted by its users, it has to be a "common carrier" --no favorites, no editorial process. The liability then falls on the user, and unfortunately in Digital Hell with anonymity it will be hard to chase down the user and make them pay.

As for the restaurant in Florida: if it is the only restaurant in Florida, then it is analogous to Twitter (with its super-oligopolistic position in the market) and it can't play favorites. Of course your example is incoherent because if there is a public health mandate in effect (where we can go after the government for idiotic orders to close or segregate clientele) then the restaurant really has no choice. But if it's just Joe's restaurant, one of thousands, who the hell cares if Joe gets picky? People will just go down the street and make a point of telling others to avoid Joe, he's a jackass.

I really don't think your point holds up. IMHO.

narciso said...

twitter and youtube and facebook seem to operate in restraint of trade, colluding as they would, gettr is funded in part by miles guo, a supporter of the dissidents in hong kong

Howard said...

Drago, we are all getting sick and tired of referring to other commentators as "you people". It's immature and disrespectful.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


CENSORSHIP IS CENSORSHIP. That's your radical Soviet left-wing side. Deal with it.

Browndog said...

Owen said...

This is the right approach, but it goes further. It's about compliance. Forced compliance.

It goes from "you cannot contradict us" to "you cannot question us" to "you will repeat what we say" rather quickly.

You want "regulation"? "That's not what we meant!" soon to follow.

Browndog said...

Twitter can't ban people who make false claims that harm public health.

1) There is no such thing as "public health"
2) Twitter bans facts as well as statements and opinions based on facts
3) How do you determine "false claims" if only one claim is allowed?

Owen said...

Browndog @ 1:18: "...3) How do you determine "false claims" if only one claim is allowed?"

Exactly. Every claim has a context: it might be early guesswork or it might be as close to true as Science allows (centuries of surviving challenge from both rigorous testing and from common sense: e.g. Gravity). If you attempt to strip away the context --that supplies larger meaning and is also the certificate of authenticity, signaling how much confidence I might reasonably place in the claim you're offering-- then you are already starting to lie to me.

Saying, without more, that something is a "false claim" is just stating a conclusion. You need to show the alternative claims bearing on the same subject matter. If you can't or won't show your work, the reader is justified in discounting your claim, of X being a false claim, as being itself a false claim.

Jim at said...

A private company banning someone is not censorship. Deal with it.

One doesn't have to be a public entity in order for there to be censorship, fool.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


What you are saying is not correct. Government pressuring private companies (publicly traded or not!) to do the dirty work of censorship for them runs afoul of the First Amendment just as direct gov't censorship does. I read a fine article on this very recently that cited specific SCOTUS precedents dating back to 60 years ago or so. The government simply can't "encourage" censorship by proxy.

Ah, here it is: Glenn Greenwald> Precedents named and discussed at sole length.

Chris Lopes said...

"A private company banning someone is not censorship. Deal with it."

They are a private company acting as an instrument of government policy. The hearings the CEOs of these companies were dragged to made it quite clear that Congress was holding them responsible for acting "in the public interest" as far as censoring things went. Congress was exerting pressure on private companies to "do the right thing" by censoring things they didn't like. So yes, it's censorship.

Achilles said...

Freder Frederson said...

A private company banning someone is not censorship. Deal with it.

Really this is the most compelling argument these people have.

Freder is literally saying censorship is not censorship because of who is doing it.

Twiiter has been a dead letter for a log time. These are the dying gasps for a broken organization. Just as the rest of the media has squandered their credibility.

Jack makes most of his money off of square space anyways.

Wince said...

Chris Lopes said...
Congress was exerting pressure on private companies to "do the right thing" by censoring things they didn't like. So yes, it's censorship.

A private company acting alone can engage in censorship without it being a violation of free speech under the US Constitution.

The legal question you're raising is whether state action can be imputed to that censorship, which then rises to the level of a constitutional violation of the First Amendment.

Howard said...

It's American Capitalist-Style Censorship. To fix it, you need to declare (Ah do declare) the internet a public airwave equivalent subject to strict commercial speech controls or the social media giants regulated as public utilities subject to strict government controls.

It's also a classic double-bind. Beware what you are asking for. A free-market solution is the best fix. Don't you people have tech billionaires too? Libtards are feminized, silly, moron, sissies so it should be no problem for you masculine, high IQ, high moral value, free market capitalists to wipe the floor with them.

Anonymous said...

"No. I listened to the first 5 minutes and thought at that point it was repetitious and lame. They tend to put the best part up front, but it was just complaining about the fact that drug manufacturers are allowed to advertise and they shouldn't be allowed to show happy pictures while they are listing the potential side effects. Joe acted like that was just terrible and Joe and Malone both expressed exasperation with the First Amendment!"

I wonder if Ann is mixing up the Malone interview with the John Abramson interview which preceded it. In that earlier interview, John and Joe talk about Pharma advertising and the happy pictures onscreen while they list side effects. I've been through around 45 minutes of Malone one and they haven't talked about ads.

Achilles said...

Howard said...

A free-market solution is the best fix.

We all agree.

Just remove the section 230 protections.

If a platform censors some people then they become liable for anything they allow to go on the platform.

But you have to pose the problem in a dishonest way to try to make a bad point.

And the ground is shifting underneath your feet. Wide majorities of Americans from all across the spectrum favor anti-trust actions against the oligarchs.

Google should be broken up into at least 50 companies. Amazon probably a similar number.

Facebook will die without section 230 protection.

Twitter is already dead and just needs to get it over with.

Bruce Hayden said...

Here is the Regan/Malone that they tried to deplatform:


Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


It's American Capitalist-Style Censorship.

No, it isn't. It's American government censorship-by-proxy, and it's unconstitutional. If the government is pressuring the companies in any way, to take down particular content (e.g., articles on COVID, even if they are -- as has been the case with much removed content -- entirely truthful and well-vetted), it is violating the Constitution. "Great operation you've got there, [Twitter/Facebook/YouTube/Instagram/Google]; be a shame if anything happened to it" is not constitutional. Please read the Greenwald article I linked above.

effinayright said...

Howard sneered:
Don't you people have tech billionaires too?

Hard to know, since FB and Twitter seem to have censored them.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


Google should be broken up into at least 50 companies. Amazon probably a similar number.

Sorry, but I don't see how this could happen. Amazon works because you can buy practically anything you want there. How would you split it up? By category of goods? By state? Anything you do will partially cripple it, but only by making it less useful w/o substituting any corresponding good. Google is the same. A search engine is supposed to search everything. One that searches only some things (1/50th of them?) is just a less useful search engine, and again there's no corresponding gain for the user.

Now, I do understand that there are alternatives; I already use DuckDuckGo, and there are many retailers I go to online without recourse to Amazon. But my point is that there's just no plausible way to split either company up, and nothing but downsides if you did it anyway.

Drago said...

Howard: "Drago, we are all getting sick and tired of referring to other commentators as "you people". It's immature and disrespectful."

I didn't use the phrase "you people".

I am sorry your reading comprehension difficulties remain unaddressed.

Thoughts and prayers for you.

Dude1394 said...

The problem with Gab ( and in the future I expect the same will happen to GETTR ) is that GETTR has an apple approved app. It makes integration and sharing of content seamless. Gab requires more work unless you have a site that especially has a link to it.

Gab IS a better platform and I like it a lot more than GETTR. And gab has no ties to Apple store, so at the end of the day it might win out. I hope so, not being dependent on the apple store or Amazon services is a big deal to me.

Ann Althouse said...

"I think you may have gotten the Malone episode confused with the one right before it with John Abramson. I had a similar reaction to that one."

You're right. Sorry. I may check it out.

Jason said...

TreeJoe: <>

ME: [Laughs in Hobby Lobby]

Jason said...

It's amazing these fecking libtards can't wrap their brains around the fact that not everyone who engaged in book burning in 1930s Germany was a government employee and it is still bookburning.

These idiots who have deluded themselves into thinking they are at all liberals continue to find ever more desperate and stupid ways to justify the suppression of speech they don't like.

Scratch a liberal, you'll find a fascist. Every time.

Drago said...

Jason: "It's amazing these fecking libtards can't wrap their brains around the fact that not everyone who engaged in book burning in 1930s Germany was a government employee and it is still bookburning."

They actually do know that.

Its just that they now heartily approve of those actions because they now believe we have reached a tipping point in our society such that they will always be the censors moving forward.

Dude1394 said...

Amazon could be split from Amazon web services which is how they cancelled parler and other conservative web sites. One day you just don’t have a platform anymore.

Google would have to be legislated to have an open and completely non-biased algorithm for promotion of sites. Google actually has less power, all folks have to do is switch to duck, bing, etc.

Twitter should just die and become the left wing site it is, talking to each other.

Facebook provides a lot of content for a lot of small companies, it is actually a great service. It will need regulating, but no one can trust the anti free speech democrats to do it. Tougher problem

Conrad said...

I listened to all but about the last 40 minutes. (This is my first time listening to Joe Rogan, btw.) Malone is clearly not "anti-vax," as he has been portrayed. His main themes are (a) that the safety of the vaccines should have been more thoroughly vetted, and (b) we need to talk about those side effects because of the principle of informed consent. He's very much upset that pharmaceutical industry, government, and big tech have coordinated on a policy of suppressing anything negative about the vaccines because, almost by definition, such talk tends to make people vaccine hesitant.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


Amazon -- well, that is a split that might make good sense. But Achilles was proposing a lot more splitting.

Google's ranking of search results has been criticized by many people; Google games them shamelessly. There might be some sort of legal attack there, though I doubt it, because the alternatives are right there.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Oh, gosh, Dude1394, I got your moniker wrong! Sorry.

Howard said...

Drago: You people need to take yourselves even more seriously.

Howard said...

Sounds like you believe you people have already defeated the social media cabal of Marxist entrepreneurs, Achilles.

Congrats to you and your delusions of grandeur. You should celebrate your victory with some Keto friendly authentic Kentucky bourbon and Dominican Republican cigars.

Narayanan said...


upload by CTH

Freder Frederson said...

Twitter is publicly traded, NOT a private company. Deal with it.

All i can say to this ridiculous comment is "Wow, just wow"!

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Freder Frederson,

Please, please do look at the link I gave you. It doesn't matter at all whether the company is publicly or privately traded. What matters is whether the Federal government is exerting pressure on it to do the censorship that it confessedly cannot do itself. This is also unconstitutional, and has been held so through a long line of cases.

Freder Frederson said...

I wonder if you all are going to get this bent out of shape when truth social( if it ever actually gets of the ground) starts banning people for disparaging it (which is against their terms of service)

Freder Frederson said...

So here is the bet. I will go on truth social (if it ever goes live) and say awful things about Donald Trump (nothing libelous, just mean). How long do you think it will take me to get banned?

KellyM said...

“rcocean said...
WHy not Gab?”

There is speculation in various circles on Gab that Rogan was courted heavily for GETTR and it possibly included some sort of clause for exclusivity. I have no idea whether that’s really true. GETTR does scrape your Twitter account when you sign up and transfers those follower numbers to your new account. That's why Rogan can boast so many followers in such a short time.

Gab tends to be too subversive for some and has its own share of crackpots. It can seem like the wild west and newer users are unaccustomed to having to fend for themselves. (I've been on the platform since its inception in 2016) Short of outright threats of violence or porn, there is no censorship.

It’s funny – the big tech players always say, “build your own platforms”. So, when someone actually does, they’re totally butthurt and pull out all the stops to destroy it. The site is privately owned and hosts on its own servers, but the owner has been harassed by major financial institutions, kicked off PayPal, and most payment processors have cut ties. Additionally there have been active threats against the owner’s family, to the extent that outbuildings on the property have been torched to “send a message”.

Orville Mars said...

Ann (on the Malone interview): “No. I listened to the first 5 minutes and thought at that point it was repetitious and lame.”

A very disappointing comment from our hostess. I learned quite a few things from the interview, and was entertained by the rest.

Dude1394 said...

Kellym that’s one of the reasons I prefer gab. You do bring up a very, very concerning point. Freedom loving Americans need some new payment processing systems. I see that some alternatives to gofundme have sprouted. But getting cutoff from MasterCard/visa is a very dangerous thing.

I can see why Russia/Iran were so pissed that trump did that to them. A big deal.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

What are the collective Soviet left so afraid of?

Narayanan said...

Twitter is publicly traded, NOT a private company. Deal with it.
which means /governing/ Board guides policy to presereve shareholder value : shareholder can raise questions at meeting? - needs to show declining market value though.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Bruce Hayden @ 3:09
thank U

Here is the same link with a clickable format

You closed minded hive-minded loyalist leftists should watch it.
Nah - you won't

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Kelly M - that's how the Soviet Mob left roll. Intimation, harassment, defunding and even arson.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Shorter Freder - 'Stop getting all butthurt over the corrupt leftist government's big corporate censorship and anti-first amendment Soviet Mob tactics.'

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The videos are looped and chopped oddly - but here is more. Watch all of it.

No wonder big corrupt leftist mob Biden-GOV and big corporate whore media/social and otherwise - want to squish this.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Freder Frederson,

I wonder if you all are going to get this bent out of shape when truth social( if it ever actually gets of the ground) starts banning people for disparaging it (which is against their terms of service)

If Truth Social is pressured in any way by the Federal government to ban certain individuals or certain kinds of comments, then I will, yes, start to get aerated, as they say. But not before. Can you really not see the difference? At all?

Freder Frederson said...

In fact I am trying to formulate my first post on truth social, I think I might go with "Stormy daniels said that while trumps penis is not freakishly small it does look like a toadstool "

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Why aren't mainstream media outlets attempting to interview this highly accomplished doctor?

Freder Frederson said...

If Truth Social is pressured in any way by the Federal government to ban certain individuals or certain kinds of comments, then I will, yes, start to get aerated, as they say. But not before. Can you really not see the difference? At all?

First off you have zero evidence that the federal government is pressuring any social media platform to ban anyone. Secondly, the argument presented here is that private companies are somehow subject to the first amendment, which is nonsense.

iowan2 said...

First off you have zero evidence that the federal government is pressuring any social media platform to ban anyone.

Not. A. Big. Secret.

"On Thursday, White House press secretary Jen Psaki admitted that the administration is identifying posts to Facebook that contain “misinformation” about coronavirus vaccines and is in “regular touch” with the Masters of the Universe. Psaki specifically admitted that the administration is flagging “problematic” posts to Facebook."


Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Freder, the question is not whether I have evidence, but whether Greenwald does.

Private companies are subject to the First Amendment whenever the Federal government is asking them to censor content on their behalf. It really is as simple as that.

Drago said...

Field Marshall Freder: "First off you have zero evidence that the federal government is pressuring any social media platform to ban anyone."


The numbers of democraticals demanding just that are legion.

But lets just look at the sitting President and VP and pull from them early on in the last campaign, just to narrow down what could be hundreds of examples of democraticals:

“His (Trump's) Twitter account should be suspended. I think there is plenty of new evidence to suggest that he is irresponsible with his words in a way that could result in harm to other people. And so the privilege of using those words in that way should probably be taken from him."--Dem candidate Kamala Harris to CNN in 2019

Here's the Daily Beast in 2019 speaking about Biden's Earpiece calling for Giuliani to be deplatformed to hurt Trump:

"...rarely, if ever, has one campaign made an affirmative demand that a top aide to a rival candidate no longer be given a platform," as Biden desperately insists."

Lets keep going a bit more.

Here's Pelosi in Jan of 2020 threatening Facebook for not censoring conservatives more with key dem committee persons also making it known that hey, nice little tech company you have there...too bad you aren't yet doing enough the way we say you should...

No biggee.

Just the sitting Presidential Earpiece, the VP, Speaker of the House and assorted House Committee Chairpersons...and this list of links could go on forever.

Of all the Freders in the world, our Freder is by far the most Freder-y.

Fritz said...

So, If I run a water company, I can cut off anybody who posts a Biden lawn sign?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

No proof, Freder?
Are you gaslighting? or are you a liar?

Lawmakers recently called the leaders of Facebook, Google, and Twitter BACK before Congress to request more censorship.

When Government Demands Social Media Censorship, Americans of All Political Beliefs Lose

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The CDC is compromised and scientists and doctors are aghast.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Freder approves of coordinated propaganda.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Trust in news initiative"

If they say the earth is flat, it's flat. Obey the Fauci.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Great Barrington Declaration.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump should have fired Fauci. Fauci is a total fraud.

DanTheMan said...

>>A private company banning someone is not censorship. Deal with it.

So, you are fine with 60's Alabama lunch counters banning black customers, because they are private companies? (How is 'Joe's Diner' a public accommodation, but Twitter or FaceBook is not?)

Or are you just saying censorship is OK, as long as the right people are doing the censoring?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Dan the Man -
I'll answer that for Freder.

Freder is OK as long as the right people are censored.

Howard said...

April is ok with the government forcing at gunpoint companies to publish propaganda she likes... Just like the Soviets forced Pravda to publish commie lies.

Howard said...

Dan the Man thinks QAnon and Alex Jones are the Rosa Parks and MLK of the 21st Century.

Howard said...

Trump made Fauci famous and forced warp speed rushing the vaccine safety process then dumped them both on Biden who was forced to work with these two Trump debacles.

Drago said...

Howard: "Trump made Fauci famous and forced warp speed rushing the vaccine safety process then dumped them both on Biden who was forced to work with these two Trump debacles."

And just like that, as if a light switch was flipped, vaccines are bad again for Howard and he now must pretend they always were and its all Trump's fault.

You have to be willing to be slave to democratical talking points to turn on a rhetorical dime like that, but its the very special Democratical party cannon fodder, like Howard, who really do convince themselves that the "New Truth" was always the truth.

Impressive really.

The Commissars themselves never had such willing foot soldiers.

Howard said...

April openly supports Russian and ChiComs infiltrating US social media platforms to destabilize America.

Drago said...

Can Of Cheese for Hunter: "Trump should have fired Fauci. Fauci is a total fraud."

It was clear from Jan 2017 on that McConnell and the republican establishment let Trump know that if he tried too much change that he, Trump, would lose just enough republican Senators in an impeachment vote.

Not an idle threat when the entirety of the federal bureaucracy and 75% of the executive staffers (appointed via RNC recommendation) were against Trump.

By the time Trump got his footing it was far too late and the dems were running the show in the House.

Howard said...

Drago has sold his soul to the ChiComs by slandering Zuckerberg American hero friend of Trump in their war against TicTok

DanTheMan said...

>>Dan the Man thinks QAnon and Alex Jones are the Rosa Parks and MLK of the 21st Century

You should demand a refund from your Mind Reading course.

Howard said...

Drago slams Trump as a dupe to LLRs

Drago said...

Howard: "April is ok with the government forcing at gunpoint companies to publish propaganda she likes... Just like the Soviets forced Pravda to publish commie lies."

Which is exactly the scenario the democraticals have created.

But lets be honest, the democraticals didn't have to push their ideological pro-ChiCom big tech allies too hard. After all, they are all cut from the same cloth.

No, the big tech censors operating on behalf of the democraticals in a fashion that would have made Mussolini blush just wanted assurance from the dem pals that the republicans who could cause trouble would be kept at bay.

Then Zuckerburg dropped $500M to help ensure the outcome he wanted with his dem pals in 5 key states....that all followed the exact same playbook...in the same way....with the same result.


I can't wait to see where the next "burst water pipe" occurs in the Atlanta area in Nov of 2022 and Nov of 2024.

Whaddya think? Maybe make sure they happen >2 miles apart?

You know, for appearances sake.

Drago said...

Howard: "Drago slams Trump as a dupe to LLRs"

Look who just caught up!

And it only took about 4 years to do it!

Well played Howard! That's a new performance record for you!

Can you imagine how excited Howard will be in 2024 when he realizes there were antifa/BLM riots in 2020 that weren't peaceful and that the antifa types are not really the equivalent of our WW2 Normandy invaders?

When Howard figures that out its gonna be lit!

Good luck Howard! We are all rooting for you laddie.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Howard - the mosquito of the blog room

Howard said...

Just trying to keep up with your intensity, April.

Howard said...

I'm just pleased Drago can type so fast

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Close your mind Howard, and be a good obedient little boy.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'm listening to the Rogan podcast with Doctor Malone. It's great.

Howard said...

Keep your mind open to brainwashing, April. It's what America's enemies are counting on.

Howard said...

Oh, and you're welcome for turning the blog on to Joe Rogan podcast.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'm not motivated by loyalism to leftism, Howie. So - impossible.

Drago said...

Howard: "Keep your mind open to brainwashing, April. It's what America's enemies are counting on."


A Biden's Earpiece voter wrote that.

Just now.

Without irony.


Drago said...

Howard: "Oh, and you're welcome for turning the blog on to Joe Rogan podcast."

Joe Rogan is the most popular podcaster in history, thus far. With an audience upwards of 30 million people.

Howard claims to have enlightened the Althouse commentariat about him.

Next up for Howard: Howard explains how he first brought the idea of "hamburgers" to Althouse blog.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

16,000 physicians and scientists thank Roe Rogan for letting this doctor speak.

Fuck the left.

A great example of loyalist brainwashing is the numbskull parroting that after market drug therapies are harmful and should be banned even though there is plenty of evidence they work and save lives.

Howard- it's YOUR side shutting down the conversation.

Drago said...

Howard: "I'm just pleased Drago can type so fast"

it seems fast....to some.

Drago said...

Can Of Cheese for Hunter: "Howard- it's YOUR side shutting down the conversation."

One element of Howard's Althouse schtick is to take whatever the democraticals are doing and then pretend its the republicans.

He knows its BS, and he knows we know its BS. Which, I guess, is the attraction for him.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Drago -that's why Howard is the offical Althouse mosquito.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Global Totalitarianism is a greater threat than the virus.
Fauci is a fraud. If you adore Fauci, you are brainwashed. Stop it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'm curious if Althouse's house-loyalist-lefitsts are for or against free speech?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Jan 23rd -
Defeat the Mandates.

not anti-vax.

No to propaganda
NO to censorship

Readering said...

Read the GETTR terms of service. What do you know? GETTR has the right to delete Joe Rogan's posts under the terms of their contract.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

All Soviets have the right to delete and erase.

tim maguire said...

As I said in a Joe Rogan Twitter thread recently:

That’s what the frog in a pot metaphor is all about. Or death by 1,000 cuts. Our ability to adapt and get used to things, our desire to be reasonable, our willingness to compromise, is weaponized against us.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left are killing medical care and honest physicians . On purpose.

Bruce Hayden said...

A free-market solution is the best fix.

We all agree.

Just remove the section 230 protections.

If a platform censors some people then they become liable for anything they allow to go on the platform.

Actually, it has been clear for quite some time that these companies are not entitled to §230 Safe Harbor protections. They provide editorial control over what is said on their platforms, and that moves them from common carriers to publishers. (What is scary, is that T-Mobile was caught yesterday deactivating a link to content that the government wanted censored - and they are precisely the type of company that §230 was designed to protect). The issue is that taking it away from them would require a lot of money for the litigation (they have many $Billions$ to throw at any such threat). The DOJ, FTC, etc should be doing the work for the general public, but aren’t because those in power can use the threat of government doing their job to coerce these companies into doing their bidding - which inevitably means actively promoting the messages those in power want promoted, while suppressing what they want suppressed. So, every time that there is any resistance, Dems in Congress have hearings to look at their §230 exemption, and the DOJ sends out some subpoenas.

Freder is kinda right that the 1st Amdt normally doesn’t apply to private businesses. But there is an exception, and that is if the company is operating as an alter ego of the government, and arguably, that is exactly what they are doing right now. Jan Psaki, Biden’s spokesperson, says that X should be censored, and these companies jump to do the job the federal government (through its Executive) ordered them to do. And, again, there is a lot more money protecting these companies, than being lost individually by their victims. So, yes, you may be able to sue these companies for violation of your 1st Amdt rights, but your damages, if you were to win (a hugely uphill battle, esp since it would have to overcome Freder’s argument), likely wouldn’t even begin to cover your litigation costs. The only two things that I can see overcoming this is replacing the AAGs for Antitrust and Civil Rights (necessitating a Republican President - and hence the circularity of the problem) and/or a class action law suit.

ccscientist said...

The things the media ban are rarely "false claims" or "disinformation". They are banning doctors who said we should focus on protecting the elderly and vulnerable rather than shutting schools (The Great Barrington Declaration). How is that a false claim? If you talk about covid therapeutics (vs vaccines) --cancel because Fauci wants only vaccines as the solution. They were banning the mention of covid originating in the wuhan lab and now you can say that. Which version was false? Bill Clinton signed the Defense of Marriage Act but now you can get canceled for saying anything about gay marriage. It is pure politics, not science, not facts. It is not harmless. According to the media, the 2020 riots were "mostly peaceful" and people fell for that lie. They colluded to shut down Parler and ban trump--when in history has a past president been shut out? Not once did the media praise the former first lady--they even complained about her charity work. They are like the Borg.

Readering said...

Few things are harder to prove than alter ego.

Any online platform risks devolving into a cesspool that readers flee. It has to have tools to fight that. Stop complaining about censorship by non-governmental entities and worry about governments.

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