"I understand the concern about Trump’s vaunted 'divisiveness.' But... [t]he tsunami of hatred and vitriol that washed over Donald Trump since before he assumed office until the present moment was nothing if not 'divisive.'... We now know that the whole Russia collusion delusion was invented lock-stock-and-barrel in the fetid skunkworks of the Clinton campaign. We know, too, that it was seized upon and pumped up by an irresponsible media and the rancid outposts of the administrative state and its so-called intelligence agencies. Trump was cooked before he set foot in the Oval Office.... I think it likely that, should Trump be the nominee, and should he be reelected in 2024, the forces arrayed against him will suffer a nervous breakdown that will make the anti-Trump hysteria of 2016-2020 look like an Oxford Union debate.... [J]ust a week or so back, [Liz] Cheney said an important goal of the congressional committee investigating the January 6 Capitol protest was to demonstrate that Donald Trump is 'clearly unfit for future office, clearly can never be anywhere near the Oval Office ever again.'... There might be some positive good achieved if the Left and the NeverTrump neither-Left-nor-Right were to suspect that they might themselves be the object of the sort of hysteria they have visited upon their opponents. There might be something salutary in making that sort of intimidation reciprocal."
Personally, I'd prefer way less craziness — from both sides. But I understand the idea of rejecting unilateral disarmament.
८६ टिप्पण्या:
There's craziness because there's an audience for craziness. Soap opera women take over the news content.
An inclination to look at structure rather than feelings as a moving force provides coolness in everything. Unfortunately it's not a female trait and that's half the voters.
If you want coolness though, look at structure and stop making exceptions when feelings want to take over.
The next Republican will stoke the same intensity of derangement so yes, Rebecca there is Trumpism after Trump.
Trumpism is an opportunity for the left to govern effectively under a Republican supermajority. The fits and scams worked before and will work again…
I was previously grateful for Ted Cruz because he showed how badly Senators and Governors can betray their own party- even in an era where that is politically suicidal. That Cruz bought into the January 6th propaganda along with Thune is a firm reminder that President Trump has the most political integrity out of anyone in the Republican Party, and nothing about governance or nice tweets is as important as that basic reliability.
Don't get me wrong, Ron DeSantis is not a BAD man, and would certainly be worth voting for if he and Trump were in open partnership. But there are only three ways DeSantis could sell "Trumpism without Trump":
1) DeSantis calls it "nationalism" and openly campaigns on it, or
2) Before the midterms, DeSantis starts throwing "charity" workers and federal agents in jail for their work in fostering the illegal alien rush. You don't get a pass on human trafficking just because you have a badge.
3) Trump idiotically keeps pushing his vaccine long after it is no longer effective, and DeSantis drives the wedge in public.
If DeSantis merely makes promises to clean the swamp without actually showing how he'd do so in Florida (with arrests, that part's non-negotiable), I'm not interested.
The left lose their collective minds at election time.
The R is always Hitler or a baby eating monster who shoves granny over the cliff.
Now - the FBI and Maddow get paid big pucks to make it "news"
DeSantis is Trumpism without Trump. I saw him on the Levin show last night for about 10 minutes. He’s very articulate; that I can tell you. No one has ever seen anyone like him.
"We now know that the whole Russia collusion delusion was invented lock-stock-and-barrel in the fetid skunkworks of the Clinton campaign."
Russia collusion was itself a follow up to the Clinton campaign/DNC plan to promote Trump to sow chaos in the Republican primaries. All of turmoil the country has been put through has been very carefully guided.
Unilateral disarmament was tried during the first 4 years of the Obama Administration, and all Republicans got was being locked out of Congress by Nancy Pelosi.
The insider corrupt liar named Hillary Clinton - she wants to run again. Her corrupt fake charity isn't taking in big bucks anymore.
Leland said...
Unilateral disarmament was tried during the first 4 years of the Obama Administration, and all Republicans got was being locked out of Congress by Nancy Pelosi.
1/10/22, 6:38 AM
Dick Cheney has gone from “war criminal” to beloved figure on the Left.
When the next Republican is elected, so will Trump.
My worry is that with Trump - it's all about Trump. Trump's ego.. Trump this - Trump that. The left will use it like oxygen at a fire.
I want the election to be about the corrupt left.
It takes someone articulate and focused to go up against the entire corrupt hack-D press.
btw- If Trump ends up trashing DeSantis - I'll be done with Trump.
The main reason so much craziness was ginned up about Trump was fear by the establishment of both parties that Trump would expose what they have been up to and are up to, especially the abuse of the intelligence apparatus. They will react with violent hysteria to anyone who is an outsider that they do not control. If they don't freak out about a candidate, that means the candidate is one of them or they control him/her and that candidate should be rejected by the voters.
They have extra reason to fear Trump himself now because they went to war against him. They know what they would do if they were him. I think they would literally take Trump out before they would let him become President again.
It sucks to have all this craziness, but it's something we're going to have to go through. We have been asleep for a long time. Now we have to pay the price for that. We have to clean out the corruption. It won't be easy. They won't go quietly. We may not succeed.
From the post:
"Personally, I'd prefer way less craziness — from both sides. But I understand the idea of rejecting unilateral disarmament."
Especially since our experience has been that Leftists won't ever disarm. They just double down on craziness.
Three words for the Democrats and the J6 "investigation" follies: Paul Wellstone Funeral
Hillary wants it so bad.
Why hasn't she been indicted?
Clinton lawyer's indictment reveals 'bag of tricks'
rehajm said: "The next Republican will stoke the same intensity of derangement so yes, Rebecca there is Trumpism after Trump."
This is exactly correct. It hasn't mattered who the Republican nominee has been for decades now. In Democrat/Progressive minds they are always looking to take things (money, food, safety, health) away from your kids, black people, brown people, red, yellow, and non-conservative white people. They are Hitler. They are Evil. They are White Supremacists, hate-mongers, misogynists, xenophobes, anti-LGBTQRSTUVXYZ. And worst of all: they are anti-vaxxers.
From Goldwater to Reagan, Bush to Dole to Bush to Romney, and eventually on up to Trump. The thing about Trump is that unlike the others, he just didn't cringe back and shrink from it. He loved the harassment and grew larger from it.
So, yes, if he got the nomination it would be like every journalist and talking head turns into Linda Blair from 1973, with heads spinning and projectile vomit coming out of their mouths.
Still. DeSantis should be the pick. Trump will be too old for this run. And DeSantis will become the new Evil. The new Hitler, anti- all that is good. And he will win. And we'll get this country moving again. (seen your grocery shelves lately?)
Hillary was the most divisive candidate, but because she is a Democrat, she is never called that. I would never have voted for Trump had she not been on the ticket. I would have abstained were it Bernie.
"If Trump ends up trashing DeSantis - I'll be done with Trump."
I don't think DeSantis will take on Trump, but in your hypothetical, I will agree with you.
"Trump was cooked before he set foot in the Oval Office"
Yes, the forces attacking him were strong, but he was "cooked" only because he was not competent enough to fight back effectively.
"the forces arrayed against him will suffer a nervous breakdown that will make the anti-Trump hysteria of 2016-2020 look like an Oxford Union debate"
The prospect and reality of the breakdown will make nice women fear more "craziness" and therefore stiffen resistance to a Trump comeback.
"There might be something salutary in making that sort of intimidation reciprocal."
There might be, but it might also be utter folly to try: the right does not control the means of communication and is in no position to intimidate anyone.
“There might be some positive good achieved if the Left and the NeverTrump neither-Left-nor-Right were to suspect that they might themselves be the object of the sort of hysteria they have visited upon their opponents. There might be something salutary in making that sort of intimidation reciprocal."
Yes. What happened to Donald Trump from 2017 to 2021 must never be allowed to happen to any President from either party ever again.
But I understand the idea of rejecting unilateral disarmament.
About time!
Dick Cheney has gone from “war criminal” to beloved figure on the Left.
That is a stretch. I still think Dick Cheney is a war criminal.
As soon as the pro-DeSantis people explain to me how he can campaign for the Presidency, run the Florida government, and support his wife while she fights cancer, I will be glad to listen. If he abandons his state or his wife then he’s going to lose.
It's heartening to read so many posters that "get it" regarding the current politicization of the electoral/governing/communication process. So many obvious and true points about how and why the left and the media will react and position the battlespace to defeat not only Trump but any Republican candidate.
The question remains what is to be done about it? Surrender or acquiescence is the cowardly way out.
“Trumpism” is an unfortunate characterization of what many of us see as the resurrection of the Tea Parties that arose during the Obama reign. Many of us who have supported Trump feel he is too old and should step aside and lend his support to candidates from the wings. Too bad that is not his nature.
Trumpism simplified, without the idolatry, is constitutional conservatism with an aversion to big, repressive, corrupt government. Finding a candidate who supports those values consistently who is also committed to resisting the activities and overtures of the criminal conspiracy that is the modern Democrat Party is not easy. DeSantis is one, but it would be a shame to take him away from Florida where he has some insulation from leftist slime. Paul is courageous, but seems quirky. Cruz stepped in it with his “violent terrorist” absurdity pandering to the Dems.
So maybe Trump it is.
More talk about 2024. Just shut up, Mr. Kimball. Its 2022, we have important issues going on NOW. Talk about those.
Conservatives are such losers. They NEVER want to talk about reality, what going on in real world right now. Instead, they love speculating about the future, or talking about Strategy (as opposed to action), or gassing about Edmumnd Burke, or droning on about some historical event.
I made the mistake of contributing to Trump in 2020. I used my junk email address, but someone connected up with the address I use for most things. The nonstop barrage of emails from Trump forces is amazing and off-putting. And the crude attempted manipulation!
Trump disqualified himself in my eyes in his inability to deal with defeat. He held that foolish rally on January 6. He had no plan to counter the electoral shenanigans of the Dems. He bungled the Georgia runoffs. And now he won’t accept a constructive role for 2022 and 2024, where the GOP could run the table.
Freder: “That is a stretch. I still think Cheney is a war criminal.”
Yes, but being a criminal has rarely been a detriment to leftist adulation.
Freder- Well - Cheney is your teams war criminal now. Have fun.
Trumpism means fighting back. Republicans after Trump can certainly fight back. Arguably, Republicans after Trump will HAVE to fight back in order to win elections, because those who cower or back down in an effort to win the approval of the left-wing media-political establishment will just get tossed aside (as with Cruz). For too many years, GOP voters and independents (many of who are former GOPers who got sick of the party's serial capitulations) had to endure leaders who, even if they were somewhat conservative, weren't serious about fighting for conservative causes. That era may be over for a while.
Of course Trumpism works without Trump. Donald's genius was to reflect the views and concerns of the disaffected tea party republican base. See Trump being booed when he encouraged vaccination.
The problem is that those willing to carry the message of the base appear unstable psycho blithering idiots. DeSantis however comes off as someone who is in complete control of his faculties and is capable of executive administration.
As much as I like to make fun of you silly people, you do make some great points about how the top levels of both parties and the media are in cahoots with the Davos billionaires and Tech Mongols to fleece the whole world. Grass Roots democrats tried to disrupt the status quo with Bernie in '16 who ultimately sold out and cashed in his chips.
Since then, the DNC has doubled down on the command and control manipulations through the media and their corporate company men who are bitterly clinging to the money train. Any Dem opposition is marginalized by the D and R establishment.
The power elite have successfully played both ends against the middle. Because controversy sells clicks and social media behavioral control manipulations using Stanford University neuropsychology to stimulate the release of lizard brain chemistry to keep people addicted to screens and hate.
Trumpism is an effort to break that log jam, but has failed because it enhances the divisions among the proletariat. Since Trumpism really isn't about Trump, can another figure emerge who can appeal to the Republican base, fight the elites and rope in the disaffected democrats getting fucked by the system?
IMO, DeSantis seems like such a guy. The problem is that the Democrats don't have anyone like him with name recognition and executive experience to challenge the DNC stranglehold.
@rcocean, Kimball ends his essay thus:
A week is a long time in politics, Harold Wilson rightly said. How much longer is three years?
It’s too early, I think, to decide who the best Republican candidate will be in 2024. Age will certainly be a consideration. But so will the question of who gets to say whom the American people are allowed to elect. Not too many, I think, will be willing to hand over that honor to Liz Cheney and her smug, entitled, and repellent confrères.
The 2024 Iowa caucuses are three years and one month away. But I think Kimball really is focused on an immediate problem, which is the efforts by the Cheney family and their Democrat allies to decide who will and who can’t be the 2024 Republican nominee.
Laughable that cancer treatment would stop another person - a spouse - from working.
I'm certain if Melania had cancer - the Ever-Trumpers would be telling us he can play 4-D chess.
Something is fundamentally broken with this country. For whatever reason, half the country thinks the other half is some combination of stupid and evil. We've descended into tribalism. Trump didn't cause this. It's been coming for the last couple of decades. Trump might have been the first Republican to capitalize on it. In fact, 2016 is the first time white working class people voted as an ethnic block.
When I step back far enough, it appears that the political and media messaging around covid, CRT, wokeism, wealth inequality, and all sorts of other issues is designed to keep us at each other's throats.
And, I worry that we're being intentionally divided and weakened in preparation for something far worse. In fact, if you look at each of these issues and then study the role China has played in that issue, it looks like a coordinated strategy.
Kimball's article would have been so much easier to understand if he had only used a few more gratuitous Latin phrases...
It's always been the position of the right that Trump is a symptom of a phenomenon, not the phenomenon itself, not the driver. If that's true (and I think it plainly is), then of course there is Trumpism without Trump. DeSantis has positioned himself to be Trump 2.0. All the policy acumen, the courage to disdain the media, the determination to serve the voters over the establishment, but also less self-destructive, less determined to give his opponents endless fodder.
If DeSantis sticks to the course he is on, he will be an unstoppable force in 2024.
“Trumpism” is an unfortunate characterization of what many of us see as the resurrection of the Tea Parties that arose during the Obama reign. Many of us who have supported Trump feel he is too old and should step aside and lend his support to candidates from the wings. Too bad that is not his nature.
I tend to agree but then I see creepy John Thune and the unknown Senator from ND and I don't trust any of them. Ted Cruz outed himself and then tried to walk back his attack on the Americans in the Garland Gulag.
I like DeSantis but he has not been around long enough and has to get re-elected. I'm reading Julie Kelly's book, "January 6. It's pretty good. Let's see what happens in November first.
Trump was dealing with problems that politicians hadn't done anything about in 30 years -- illegal immigration, deindustrialization, national decline -- and he did a pretty good job, at least until COVIDmania started. That it took an outsider who sometimes seemed a little unhinged to actually try to tackle those problems doesn't make me optimistic for the country, but I suppose there will be something like "Trumpism" after Trump.
I don't see too much similarity between Trump and the Tea Party. Yes, they were both populist movements, but Trump understood that the size of government or of the budget wasn't the focus or starting point. He wasn't taken in by all the conservative talk of making government smaller that never made government smaller and never would. Rather, he focused on jobs and the economy, which was what voters wanted.
Also about competence: Trump had a specific set of skills, and didn't have others. A wrench isn't a hammer and can't do what a hammer does very well. So, yes, he wasn't skilled at using the bureaucracy or at dealing with it, but that was sort of to be expected. Nevertheless, what he was able to achieve for a time was impressive.
I was forever getting emails from Kamala Harris's abortive campaign. It was annoying, but not much of a problem. They just went straight into the junk mail folder. Ditto with emails and calls from Trump. When they get as annoying as the people who want to replace my windows, then I'll complain.
Now, that I've vented over talking about 2024, I see that Kimball echoes much of what I've thought. Trump has done many good things, and one of the best has been to expose the stupidity, hysteria, and arrogance of the DC elite. Especially the Republicans.
I don't see how anyone can have one ounce of respect for Dick cheney and his daughter, the Bush Family, Mittens, or the whole pack of "Moderate" or "Compassionate" or "Neo" conservatives. all these clowns have shown they aren't on the Republican side, they're on the DC Elite Uniparty side. And if given a choice between a man who wants to stop "invade the world, invite the world" and Joe Biden, Schumer, Peloisi and Hillary, they will choose the Liberal/left Democrats. All their oppoistion to the Democrats was FAKE.
It should be noted that Kimball couldn't comment on Trump for years, without beginning with the standard "I dislike Trump for his mean tweets, etc." Its some sort of class marker, whereby you're not "respectable" if you like Trump. Now that Trump has been around for 6 years, he's backed off that.
Kevin said...
Dick Cheney has gone from “war criminal” to beloved figure on the Left.
When the next Republican is elected, so will Trump.
This is wrong.
Trump and Reagan are different than Bush/Cheney/Romney/Rubio.
Trump and Reagan are the enemy because they fought DC and reduced the power of the Regime over the country.
Trump will never be beloved because he pulled the masks off of the traitors in the Republican party and made clear to the country what this is all about.
Field Marshall Freder: "That is a stretch. I still think Dick Cheney is a war criminal."
Sorry Freder. We have the video footage of the all the democraticals lining up and waiting patiently to surround Dick Cheney with the love and respect they now afford his daughter.
The complete and irrefutable public alignment of the neocons and Forever Wars / Deep State fellators with the democraticals in policy, rhetoric, tone and perspective is now irreversible.
The "war criminal" you idiots decried for 2 decades is how an honored member of Team Dem, as is Frum, the slinking moron Max Boot, the Bulwark boys, the Lincoln Pedophile Project, etc.
More good news! You've got the Bushes as well! Except for George P Bush (wink wink) who is still in Fake Conservative Mode as a last ditch Bush effort to steer the republicans back into Washington Generals / controlled opposition land.
They. Are. All. Yours.
Howard's lucid remarks are a welcome change from his typical recrudescent trolling.
""Is there such a thing as 'Trumpism without Trump'?... I understand those who argue that asking for Trumpism without Trump is a bit like asking for sunshine without the sun....""
Trump was nice compared to what comes next.
Friendo: "Howard's lucid remarks are a welcome change from his typical recrudescent trolling."
Howard has always provided more than insinuations that he knows perfectly well what is going on, but on far too many occasions he slips into Team Dem mode and purposely pushes nonsense that he knows is ridiculous.
Take this thread for instance: Howard speaks directly to what is undeniable and thus, his comments are lucid and on point.
Meanwhile, Field Marshall Freder is running around trying to say the Cheney's are not now honored members of the democratical community....even though the very video and many public statements by democraticals disproving his ludicrous interpretation are right there in front of him.
If Trump runs and it ever appears he is going to win in 2024, he will be targeted for assassination. I think that not unlikely to be true of any Republican candidate in 2024 who looks like he or she is going to win. A switch was tripped by Trump's first term in office- all options for stopping him or someone like him are now on the table for the Democrats and their Republican pets.
I was a stout supporter of Trump but he fucked up and lost then took down two senators in Georgia because he was a loser. He can’t win again and if he is a patriot he will back deSantis so a Republican can lead us. If Trump runs he loses.
think of cheney pere like fouche, or talleyrand, they hung around long enough because they didn't have a fixed ideological position,
At this point, who cares?? China is trying to kill us all...
and Joe and his progressives are STILL protecting them.....
This discussion is within the boundaries of the predominately white political class that feel empowered to determine what counts and what happens in national politics. Yet we might be at a tipping point in 2024 as indicated by the following questions:
1. Will election reforms prevent the fraud that determined the outcome of the 2020 election?
2. Has the media and social media lost so much credibility that it is unable to manipulate voters through the same techniques as in the past (fake Russian collusion, Hunter Biden, etc.)?
3. Will the rise in independent thinking by Hispanics and black men be resistant to manipulation by the media/Democrat complex?
4. Will many more people be tired of the same old political games and actually turn those games back on their perpetrators to further discredit them and their claims? Already the manipulators have borrowed credibility from the intelligence community, the FBI, the career bureaucrat, scientists, and academia. Now each of these have been thoroughly discredited as activists for the Democrats. Where can the manipulators go for credibility support?
5. Will voters vote for their own best interests and not be fearful of the boogeyman set up by the manipulators? After all, the manipulators can point to little or no harm to Americans from 4 years of Trump as president. Are we to believe that Trump saving up all of his really bad stuff for his second 4 years?
6. Will voters trust an individual they know more than a vast array of faceless ideologues such as those who run the current presidency and have failed badly?
"Personally, I'd prefer way less craziness — from both sides. But I understand the idea of rejecting unilateral disarmament."
This only makes sense if craziness is an armament. We should stop acting as if it is.
Friendo said...
Howard's lucid remarks are a welcome change from his typical recrudescent trolling.
It is Fred Wall's long lost brother.
Michael said...
I was a stout supporter of Trump but he fucked up and lost then took down two senators in Georgia because he was a loser. He can’t win again and if he is a patriot he will back deSantis so a Republican can lead us. If Trump runs he loses.
Go vote for the democrats then.
You probably do anyways.
Trump got more votes than any person in history.
They had to mail in millions of votes and count them for a week after the election behind locked doors and boarded windows to beat him.
Trump would lose if he ran. Like it or not, 2018 showed that white suburban women hold the balance of power in many contested states (GA, PA, FL, etc). Trump is poison to them. I live in a classical large city suburb in one of those states and I see it daily. Even women who dislike what the Democratic Party has become would not vote for Trump. A vote for DeSantis with a Trumpist House and Senate would go a long way to moving the dial in the right direction. Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. What's important now is to begin to change the direction and that will take multiple election cycles.
Jefferson's Revenge said...
Trump would lose if he ran. Like it or not, 2018 showed that white suburban women hold the balance of power in many contested states (GA, PA, FL, etc). Trump is poison to them. I live in a classical large city suburb in one of those states and I see it daily. Even women who dislike what the Democratic Party has become would not vote for Trump. A vote for DeSantis with a Trumpist House and Senate would go a long way to moving the dial in the right direction. Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. What's important now is to begin to change the direction and that will take multiple election cycles.
Look at all of the newly minted commenters posting the same script.
Shocking. I know.
Yancey Ward said- "If Trump runs and it ever appears he is going to win in 2024, he will be targeted for assassination. I think that is likely to be true of any Republican candidate in 2024 who looks like he or she is going to win. A switch was tripped by Trump's first term in office- all options for stopping him or someone like him are now on the table for the Democrats and their Republican pets."
I agree with this and it's a major concern of mine. I think it's true of anyone who is likely to succeed against the "clerisy". 2016 scared the living daylights out of a lot of people and they've gone to extraordinary lengths to scare and silence any public figure who dares to try again. I was never a Kennedy assassination conspiracy person but, really, who did kill Kennedy and why doesn't anyone seem to care that our FBI and intelligence community could never really find out? Assassination is the natural next step if it seems like Trump will run. It will solve the Trump problem and serve as a warning to anyone who wants to follow in his footsteps. Candidly, right now if I was Joe Rogan I would look both ways twice before crossing the street.
Michael: "I was a stout supporter of Trump but he fucked up and lost then took down two senators in Georgia because he was a loser."
You are either an idiot or posting under a false flag.
The loathsome Raffensberger and Kemp are completely responsible for what happened in GA as they teamed up with Zuckerberg and Stacey Abrams to trash all voting controls and allowed for massive cheating which so demoralized the republican base voters in GA that they didn't bother turning out in the runoff.
Those two Bush-lite/sad sack/establishment quislings are now busy trying to slam the barn door of cheating by the democraticals after they can no longer deny their culpability.
And on top of all that, Raffensberger and his staff went Full Adam Schiff-mode with their fake assessment of the hour long phone call with Trump and his lawyers and Raffensberger himself helped push the democratical lies....right up until the moment the actual transcript of the call was released and voila!
Raffensberger = Adam Schiff.
Yancey Ward said- "If Trump runs and it ever appears he is going to win in 2024, he will be targeted for assassination.
Of course. I was a bit surprised that more than one attempt wasn't made before now. Remember the female SS agent who said she "wouldn't take a bullet for Trump?" Then there was the son of a Democrat official who tried to get him with a knife during the campaign. What happened to him ? Aside from being interviewed by CNN, I mean?
I worried when Trump gave up his personal body guard.
Yancey Ward said...
If Trump runs and it ever appears he is going to win in 2024, he will be targeted for assassination. I think that not unlikely to be true of any Republican candidate in 2024 who looks like he or she is going to win. A switch was tripped by Trump's first term in office- all options for stopping him or someone like him are now on the table for the Democrats and their Republican pets.
They can't do this until they can use the military to wipe out the rest of the population. It will take them years to make this happen.
If they kill him before they discredit him then the streets and rivers will run red either way.
And at this point they have no means to discredit him and have destroyed all of their credibility with their COVID/BLM tactics.
Americans are on to the Hodgkinson tactic.
Trump is smart enough to not go into a state controlled hospital.
Really at this point if Trump did die and someone near him said it was not natural it would probably trigger the flood.
The shear number of lies and obvious corruption of the regime will not be tolerated one way or another. Most people are just waiting to see if the 2022 elections are legitimate at this point.
The main reason to dump Trump is that he is a loser. And, not only that. He lost to Joe Biden. What's that saying about the definition of insanity?
Trump knows he lost. He is smart. He also knows his followers will continue to believe whatever he tells them. How do I know that Trump knows he lost. Because he dismissed his lawsuits. It was put up or shut-up time and he could not put up. Turns out he can neither put up nor shut up.
He's a loser. He lost the election and then gave up and quit on his lawsuits that could have proven that the election was "stolen."
Trump will never be allowed to win another election. Period.
I do not understand how people cannot see it.
Regarding war criminal Ronald Reagan being a hero to the common man, tell that to the families of the Marines he sent to Beirut and set up in a concrete coffin with unarmed security.
Then, that fucker turned around and sold weapons to the terrorists who slaughtered the Marines to sponsor death squads in Central America to murder nuns and aid workers to keep the cocaine flowing into Mina Arkansas.
Trump was put forward by the elites to kill populism forever. If Trump really is what Achilles thinks he is, he would have been assassinated already. The lack of documentation proves this must be true.
And just like that, Howard returns to idiot mode.
Inevitable one supposes.
There's craziness because there's an audience for craziness. Soap opera women take over the news content.
An inclination to look at structure rather than feelings as a moving force provides coolness in everything. Unfortunately it's not a female trait and that's half the voters.
If you want coolness though, look at structure and stop making exceptions when feelings want to take over.
Interesting take.
And remember, Howard was proud of Biden for handing over 10's of billions in gear and cash to the taliban, praised Biden for his genius (stupidity) in getting Americans killed for no reason by his surrender/abandonment exit "plan" in Afghanistan, and to top it off Howard wailed like a stuck pig when Trump ordered Soleimani taken out.
No way around it, Howard is gonna Howard.
Personally, I'd prefer way less craziness — from both sides.
That's bullshit, the crazy is crack to you and you're a crackhead. Your blog is a crack house.
Even if Trump was just a "Special White House Advisor" come January 2025, he would still make the Left cry themselves every day.
DD Driver and Howard should get a room. I sense bromance.
"I understand the concern about Trump’s vaunted 'divisiveness.' "
I don't.
Was ObamaCare "divisive"? How about "Build Back Better"?
How about Barack "The police behaved stupidly" "Trevon looks like what my son would look like" Obama? Was he "divisive"?
"Trump was divisive" is just another way to say "Trump made the upper middle class feel bad".
Tough sh!t
Drago's hero Ronald Reagan got the ball rolling by arming Osama bin laden in Afghanistan. Couple that with pulling out after the Beirut debacle, depriving the Marine Corp of payback and sending the message to terrorists that the United States is a paper tiger laying the groundwork for 911.
Obviously, Drago is an apologist and maniacal cheerleader for globalist deep state foreign policy that directly led to 911 then enthusiastically supported Dick Chaney and Halliburton KBR murder rape and pillage of Iraq and Afghanistan. What a sad little man who doesn't know whether to shit or go blind unless he has permission from the Republican leader de jure.
Howard desperately loads up as many lies as he can in one posting to try and deflect from his very, very recent and vocal support for handing over Americans and cash and equipment to his Taliban allies along with crying like a little girl when Soleimani got justifiably whacked.
Howard, did you guys ever follow thru with your GoFundMe for your Iranian allies? Looking for an update.
Lets just take one of Howard's moronic lies above that has taken root amongst the dummest of the dumb of the left (and that's sayin' somethin'!): The claim that Reagan funded and armed bin laden in Afghanistan.
What an idiot.
The US funded native Afghan resistance groups, of which Bin Laden played no part. Bin Laden spent most of his time assisting the Arab groups that traveled to Afghanistan to fight against the infidel Soviets and were funded almost exclusively by the Saudi's with a little extra from other oil sheikdoms.
More importantly, Bin Laden spent most of that conflict in northern Pakistan!
Howard doesn't know any of that. He's just full of crap across the board and he's so far down the rabbit hole he might never come out...though every now and again he peeks his little nose out of his lefty "hidey hole" before scurrying back to the safety of his leftist myths.
There aren't enough hours in the day to disabuse Howard of all his internalized Lefty "revealed "Truths"'.
Interesting Note: Howard constantly writes and speaks in terms and persona of some warrior type dude, which, lets face it, demonstrates pretty conclusively our li'l Howard is definitely attempting to compensate for something....
Howard's been writing alternate history fan fic over at David Duke's blog again. So sad.
Howard: "Drago's........de jure"
Try and find a love that loves you as much as the democraticals love Dick Cheney.....
"Democrats kiss once hated Dick Cheney with open arms"
TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed: "Howard's been writing alternate history fan fic over at David Duke's blog again. So sad."
Howard's cognitive dissonance is exceeded only by his Dunning Kruger-ness.
I understand that DC swims in phoniness but the new respect for Dick Cheney by the Dems really does take the cake.
"Personally, I'd prefer way less craziness — from both sides. But I understand the idea of rejecting unilateral disarmament."
@ Professora : are you quite sure that you are applying cruel and neutral equally in calling for less craziness on both sides?
is the degree of craziness same ? are there only 2 sides and what are the 2 sides
Drago said...
Howard, did you guys ever follow thru with your GoFundMe for your Iranian allies? Looking for an update.
Lets just take one of Howard's moronic lies above that has taken root amongst the dummest of the dumb of the left (and that's sayin' somethin'!): The claim that Reagan funded and armed bin laden in Afghanistan.
Drago : are you saying Howard want to !emulate! Reagan and arm enemy of USA?
Narciso : please weigh in on Drago claim that ... [I need edumacating] ...
... The US funded native Afghan resistance groups, of which Bin Laden played no part. Bin Laden spent most of his time assisting the Arab groups that traveled to Afghanistan to fight against the infidel Soviets and were funded almost exclusively by the Saudi's with a little extra from other oil sheikdoms.
Glenn Greenwald sums up the current democratical point of view perfectly:
"Once Democrats (re)aligned with neocons, then embraced Bush/Cheney operatives, then began venerating CIA, FBI and its leaders, then rehabilitated George Bush, it was only a matter of time before they did the same to Dick Cheney. Liberal thought leader @DavidFrum makes it official:"
Narayanan: "Narciso : please weigh in on Drago claim that ... [I need edumacating] ..."
Oh, it gets better.
The native Afghani's hated the Arabs that had come to fight the Soviets. The Arabs looked down on the natives and the natives didnt trust them because, duh.
Tribal and etnic hatred and distrust....gee, who could have guessed that would happen?
Drago said...
Narayanan: "Narciso : please weigh in on Drago claim that ... [I need edumacating] ..."
Oh, it gets better.
The native Afghani's hated the Arabs that had come to fight the Soviets. The Arabs looked down on the natives and the natives didnt trust them because, duh.
Tribal and etnic hatred and distrust....gee, who could have guessed that would happen?
why did Taliban resist giving up Osama Bin Laden after 9/11?
are Taliban different from native Afghani?
You rang,
the Afghan Arabs were largely from Hekmatyar and Raisul Sayyafs group, now it was Shah Massoud that did most of the fighting, holding off the entire 40th Soviet Army division, but the ISI didn't assign most of the weapons to him
Narayanan: "why did Taliban resist giving up Osama Bin Laden after 9/11?
are Taliban different from native Afghani?"
Narciso can check my facts here but the Taliban were native Afghani's who bought into that militant strain of islam combined with some other stuff that I don't pretend to understand.
Narciso referenced Shah Massoud, he didn't buy into the radical islamic "stuff" and his group, the Northern Alliance, pushed back against them for quite some time.
Again, Narciso could probably provide the relevant detailed description of what happened and when.
"Drago's hero Ronald Reagan got the ball rolling by arming Osama bin laden in Afghanistan."
Bin Laden was the son of a Saudi billionaire in the construction industry. He didn't need (and wouldn't have taken) money from the U.S. He was one of the many Arab "tourists" playing at jihad during the war. His money bought him legitimacy in those circles, and he used that legitimacy to build Al Qaeda. Reagan had nothing to do with it.
why did Taliban resist giving up Osama Bin Laden after 9/11?
are Taliban different from native Afghani?
"Operation Infinite Reach was the codename for American cruise missile strikes on Al-Qaeda bases in Khost Province, Afghanistan, and the Al-Shifa pharmaceutical factory in Khartoum, Sudan, on August 20, 1998. The attacks, launched by the U.S. Navy, were ordered by President Bill Clinton in retaliation for al-Qaeda's August 7 bombings of American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, which killed 224 people (including 12 Americans) and injured over 4,000 others. Operation Infinite Reach was the first time the United States acknowledged a preemptive strike against a violent non-state actor.
The missile strikes on al-Qaeda's Afghan training camps, aimed at preempting more attacks and killing bin Laden, damaged the installations and inflicted an uncertain number of casualties; however, bin Laden was not present at the time. Following the attacks, the ruling Taliban allegedly reneged on a promise to Saudi intelligence chief Turki al-Faisal to hand over bin Laden, and the regime instead strengthened its ties with the al-Qaeda chief."
Chris Lopes: "Bin Laden was the son of a Saudi billionaire in the construction industry. He didn't need (and wouldn't have taken) money from the U.S. He was one of the many Arab "tourists" playing at jihad during the war. His money bought him legitimacy in those circles, and he used that legitimacy to build Al Qaeda. Reagan had nothing to do with it."
Just think. Howard has made it to retirement age and he never had any clue about what the actual facts of our working with the Afghani's against the Soviets was all about.
Dunning Kruger.
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