"We want the president to rise above it and be an inspirational figure. We don’t want the incremental updates of his negotiations with Joe Manchin. We want to see Covid under control. We want to see the sacred right to vote protected. We want the grocery shelves stocked with affordable milk and meat. We want a president who tells us that we will get through this and we will be stronger for it."
Writes Maureen Dowd in
her new column, and she sounds just as "lost in the snows of yesteryear" if she thinks Biden telling us "we will get through this and we will be stronger" would be anything at all at this point.
As for "the snows of yesteryear" —
here's the old poem you may — like me — remember from high school French class. It's about
७३ टिप्पण्या:
isn't Time, for US to admit, that our "President" is a senile demented idiot?
--Writes Maureen Dowd in her new column, and she sounds
Like a whimpering child.
We want this from Biden.... we want that from Biden... wa wa wa
Demands. Demands.
Talk to his handlers. Joe is here for the applesauce, the ice cream.... and nap time!
Writes Maureen Dowd in her new column, and she sounds just as "lost in the snows of yesteryear" if she thinks Biden telling us "we will get through this and we will be stronger" would be anything at all at this point.
Biden can "tell" everyone that.
But at this point his words can't assure anyone of that.
Remember, that EVERYTHING he says, is something that he misreads off of a teleprompter
They Don't Even let him IN the Oval Office (Biden mocked for ‘Truman Show presidency’ over fake White House set )
We want to see the sacred right to vote protected.
What garbage. Voting is the easiest thing to do on earth.
Her screed reads like it was written by an un-self-aware, bubble-dwelling, partisan hack, and clueless NYT commenter
Not Only, Don't they allow him In the Oval Office... He THINKS that he is IN the Oval Office
The left are desperate to insert Soviet-Style voting methods.
Where Only democrats count the votes. No ID required. Masses of Illegal entrants voting. No signature verification. ...No limits on mail-in vote harvesting. Mega-Corporate loyalist Facebook inserting itself as election authority ... etc...
For the left - this is their idea of "voting rights"
The train to Delaware sounds cool to me.
I'd love to take the Acela all the way to Miami. Had to settle for YouTube instead.
maureen dowd is part of the 'satire is dead' 52 senators oppose something, but that is supposed to be democracy
---clueless NYT commenter. [Friendo]
The NYT is lost in its flat-earth fantasies. The world has moved on, but the editors liked it the way it was 70, 80, 90 years ago. Correction, the way it seemed to them all those decades ago. The paper's heyday.
We want to see the sacred right to vote protected.
The right to vote is protected. It’s the right to cheat that is under assault.
Started reading it, but couldn't make it through. MD is delusional … pathetically so.
Maureen Dowd needs to haul her septuagenarian butt outside do she can yell at clouds.
Ah MoDo--get a clue. Even Peggy Noonan---equally clueless--declared that Biden's speech in Atlanta was a "break point" in his Presidency.
Those of us who live West of Manhattan have mostly given up on Slow Joe. Turned the channel off, tuned him out, and he can talk into an empty microphone.
candide was voltaire's satire on leibniz and real life tragedies like the 1755 lisbon quake, you couldn't make a satire dense enough to encompass dowd's bubble vision
The Dowager Countess also quoted that poem on Downton Abbey.
And the Snowdens of yesteryear died in Afghanistan at this President's direction.
Can we just ship him off to Delaware then blow up the tracks so he can't return? Keep him incommunicado. Jill can hand feed him pudding-cups. The modern phones are too complicated for Joe, so they'll all be replaced with the hand-crank phones where you have to talk to the operator to make a call.
Joe: "Hello, operator. I need to talk to Kamala."
Operator: "I'm sorry sir, President Harris isn't available. Can she call you back?"
Joe: "Sure. I ain't going anywhere."
Operator: "President Harris will call you back as soon as possible, though it might not be until 2024."
Joe: "Thank you, operator. Bye."
Because voting is so difficult and blacks don't have ID's - the democrats would like you to begin early voting next week for the 2022 elections. It doesn't matter that candidates are not chosen yet. You can fill out the (D) column and make copies and mail it on in.
Anyone who is against this - is a racist insurrectionist traitor.
Hey! (hey!)
You! (you!)
Get offa that Dowd!
Iman's Rolling Stone application. Here's another, has a bit of the evocative ubi-sunt poetic form.
Who wants yesterday's papers
Who wants yesterday's girl
Who wants yesterday's papers
Nobody in the world......
Mick seems to be missing the nostalgia component, though.
Poor Mojo. So disappointed in Grandpappy, hoping he's going to improve... but in her sad heart of hearts, she knows it's not going to happen.
I taught public high school English for 35 years. For me, high school is almost the perfect metaphor for our society in many ways. The Democrat impulse -- which is the same as the Marixst impulse at its root -- is to push boundaries, press the fences that separate Order from Chaos. Every high school class had this same impulse present at all times, even in a class of "good kids." The teacher has the task of keeping the fences intact, though the risk-taking ones will allow those same fences to be examined, explored, pressed up against. Still, in the end, the fences must be kept intact or Chaos prevails and the teacher who presided over this collapse is fired.
So in my allegory, the teacher is the Conservative, the taboo-pressing students Progressives, and everybody else Sheep. The teacher, no matter his/her nature, must be Conservative ultimately. They must be the cop. Nobody except the sociopathic likes Chaos.
Democrats rely on this dynamic. They need the Teacher and they need the Fences. Without Fences and without someone to guard them, everything collapses. And that's what you see right now in American and even global politics. Democrats got the presidency, the House, and the Senate (by a razor-thin margin) and they began breaking down every barrier of sane society. They just can't help themselves ... it's in their DNA. And Chaos is the result.
Republicans will reinsert themselves into this Chaos. Order will return, albeit with a huge price tag. Democrats will be sent to the Wilderness ... for awhile.
Sorry for the long post but you know every word I wrote was TRUE. Hey, I'm a Teacher! I know everything.
"Her screed reads like it was written by an un-self-aware, bubble-dwelling, partisan hack, and clueless NYT commenter"
Does any other comment need to be written? I don't think so.
Joe: "Hello, operator. I need to talk to Kamala."
Operator: "I'm sorry sir, President Harris isn't available. Can she call you back?"
[Joe sings softy),
Long distance information, give me Washington Dee Cee
Help me find a party that tried to get in touch with me
She did not leave a number but I know who placed the call
'Cause Corn Pop took a message and he wrote it on the wall
Perhaps Dowd is actually being Straussian. For the initiated, the column has a hidden meaning, "Sure these things are b.s. but they're what people want to hear so you should say them."
Note: The New York Times is lost in the snows of yesteryear. It exists in the snows of yesteryear. And it is regarded as the 'paper of record' only by those still walking in the snows of yesteryear.
Gee, that doesn't sound like our Dowd. Where's the snark? Where's the parody? Where's the mockery?
Biden is one big fat target. Even bigger than Trump. Yet, she not taking her usual shots. Wonder why.
it's trapped in the ice maze, being chased by Jack Torrance from the Shining
"Ou sont les neige d'antan" comprises most of what I remember from high school French. I also memorized the first page of the book -- five sentences -- in first-year French.
We want a president who's competent. We elected one with early-stage dementia. He's getting worse. Democratic politicos, please find a competent person 50 to 65 years old to run in 2024.
I should add to my comment at 10:31 that attacking the right to cheat is greatly aided by how bad the duo of dementia Joe and Kamala (“I don’t need to read no briefing papers”) Harris turned out to be. That targeted cheating could put dipshits like them into the White House suggests that the problem needs immediate attention.
what do you mean we kemosable,
My 13 year old self never laughed so hard as when I read Catch 22 and saw Yosarian’s Lament “ Where are the Snowdens of yesteryear.” Such pathos! Or is it Bathos. No one knew what I was talking about then.
Tired of Kindly Old Uncle Joe stuff. Somebody get Mo laid. Maybe it would shake her up and put a little life into her writing.
Since everyone is doing the "Ubi sunt" today, I repeat:
25 years -- a quarter-century -- since the Winslet/DiCaprio Titanic.
What happened? Where did the years go?
Ah, Joanne, you should have been taught by my HS French teacher, an irascible Czech. You would have memorized TWO pages at least. I can still hear him sarcastically saying "Cette semaine, M. Drinkwater" when I was a bit too slow.
See? This ubi sunt stuff is easy.
Btw, the next time we walk at baylands (or similar) with your sis, you should come.
Joebiden is the main character in "The Snows of Kilimanjaro"
---Note: The New York Times is lost in the snows of yesteryear. It exists in the snows of yesteryear. And it is regarded as the 'paper of record' only by those still walking in the snows of yesteryear. [Temujin]
I agree. LOL.
I grew up reading the Times. I don't go back to the '30s, but it's clear that the Times of the '30s and '40s was a powerhouse of a newspaper, innovating, experimenting, gaining interest, status and clout. The period between Scotty Reston's two Pulitzer Prizes was the peak, imo, 1945 to 1957. They represented the American government to their readers, and they also tried to deliver their readers to the government as they approved of it. Great personal involvement in Washington. World leadership, too, and all that.
But also very cozy, too cozy. Reston eventually got all twisted up with Kissinger. That was a signal, viewed from later on, that the paper was already slipping a little. That model of the "inside man" was losing its usefulness. The persistent liberal to leftist slant of the editors and some of the big-name reporters was apparent, and that was losing traction as the left-wing experiment in the real world failed.
Later on the paper dissipated itself into all the lifestyle coverage, which brought its own problems, and then the internet came along and made mincemeat of the whole "influence" thing, which was already antique. Pinch Sulzberger was a disaster, journalistically, with his endless PC.
Since Althouse uses so many NYT articles, it has made me reflect more on this particular newspaper. These my .02.
'Cause Corn Pop took a message and he wrote it on the wall
So Donald Trump could spend weekends at Mar-Lag-o but Amtrack Joe cannot go home to Wilmington? And MoDo is lost in yesteryear expecting Biden to fix stuff. I need more help because DJT couldn't get anything in his first term either - except to successfully violate the law time-and-time again. That is why The Donald got bounced and Joe simply will call it quits.
The Poor Man's *** ***** gadfly: "So.....quits."
What a strange little world you have created for yourself in your basement.
I need more help because DJT couldn't get anything in his first term either - except to successfully violate the law time-and-time again
Well, FJB has Trump beaten there, too.
Poor gadfly, always out to lunch.
We want a president who tells us that we will get through this and we will be stronger for it.
Because that worked so well for Trump. Anyone have a link to Maureen's columns lauding him for it?
Pinch Sulzberger was a disaster, journalistically, with his endless PC.
Pinch was the turning point to me. I was even a subscriber for years. His loopy leftism seemed to infect everyone connected with the paper.
DJT couldn't get anything in his first term either - except to successfully violate the law time-and-time again.
LOL! Yeah. No one was watching Trump to make sure he didn't violate the law.
The comment serves as a good example of how the Left has their collective heads so far up their butts that they have completely lost touch with reality.
I can recall reading of Democrat presidents who said that all we had to fear was fear itself and that a generation of Americans had a rendezvous with destiny. Reassurances and calls to greatness, not petty divisive bullsquash.
gadfly? I'll bite!
How many times, in all four years; did President Trump go to Mar-Lag-o
How many times, in his FIRST year, has President Biden go to his beach house in Delaware?
How many times, did President Trump "successfully violate the law"?
I'm not trying to make you look like a pathetic moronic loser;
I'm really asking, i want You to educate poor brain damaged gilbar.
And MoDo is lost in yesteryear expecting Biden to fix stuff
i doubt she seriously expected him to follow through on the things he campaigned on, but it's nice to see someone noticing that he hasn't.
"the sacred right to vote"
This is another of the horrific misuses of religious concepts, words and phrases to describe the banal policy preferences of Democrats. I find it especially objectionable because those using the language are not faithful followers of a religion. It reflects the blending of their need for God with their substitute religion in Neo-Marxist dogma (pun intended). Pathetic, shallow people like Dowd.
His little donkey must think it strange
To hear Slow Joe talk free range
Between the whispers and angry shouts
Our darkest days lay straight ahead
He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there was some mistake.
Joe’s back-up is a cackling clown
Of easy virtue, famed for going down
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But he has empty promises to keep,
Before he takes that Big Dirt Nap,
Before he takes that Big Dirt Nap
If Biden would stop his administration from doing something all the time, the affordable food would likely be back on the shelves. Demonizing and obstructing our affordable energy sources, pumping money into the non-working economy, imposing useless vaccine mandates, pumping up covid fear and threatening businesses with additional litigation, regulation and taxation is not helping a bit.
There's a lot to be said for King Log over King Stork.
As VP Corn Pop would take Air Force 2 back to Delaware sometimes twice daily. Staff and Secret Service hated him.
We keep playing this game where we pretend Biden is actually the president. It is cute.
gilbar said...
Not Only, Don't they allow him In the Oval Office... He THINKS that he is IN the Oval Office
looks like diversion worked on USSheeple not to notice : Dr Jill is behind Resolute Desk
... lost in the snows of yesteryear ...
what does this even mean?
obviously snows of yesteryear have melted away and if somebody is still lost what help is possible
Blogger narciso said...
candide was voltaire's satire on leibniz and real life tragedies like the 1755 lisbon quake,..
thanks narciso - Voltaire and Candide make more sense now set against
Leibniz "all is for best in best of all possible wordles" solved in 15 attempts
USA country version ----
To All The Girls I've Loved Before Lyrics
To all the girls I've loved before
Who travelled in and out my door
I'm glad they came along
I dedicate this song
To all the girls I've loved before
To all the girls I once caressed
And may I say I've held the best
For helping me to grow
I owe a lot I know
To all the girls I've loved before
The winds of change are always blowing
And every time I try to stay
The winds of change continue blowing
And they just carry me away
To all the girls who shared my life
Who now are someone else's wives
I'm glad they came along
I dedicate this song
To all the girls I've loved before
To all the girls who cared for me
Who filled my nights with ecstasy
They live within my heart
I'll always be a part
Of all the girls I've loved before
The winds of change are always blowing
And every time I try to stay
The winds of change continue blowing
And they just carry me away
To all the girls we've loved before
Who travelled in and out our doors
We're glad they came along
We dedicate this song
To all the girls we've loved before
To all the girls we've loved before
Who travelled in and out our doors
We're glad they came along
We dedicate this song
To all the girls we've loved before
I'd like to hear her brother's take.
The point isn't the banal one that Biden goes on vacation a lot. It's the (possibly less banal) point that Biden may be on vacation even when he isn't on vacation. I can believe that other presidents did work when they weren't staying in the White House. It's harder to believe that Biden is doing much work even when he is in the White House.
And what is the president's work? Reading summaries of summaries of summaries (or hearing oral summations of summaries of summaries)? Listening to underlings tell you how everything is under control? Meeting people who want things that it's already been decided that you won't give them? Maybe Biden really isn't missing that much.
Yesteryear was Trump.
We have Biden now. Instead of mean tweets, Biden yells directly at the audience.
"obviously snows of yesteryear have melted away and if somebody is still lost what help is possible"
Maybe we should put out a Silver Alert for Joe.
Yet, she not taking her usual shots. Wonder why.
Abortion rights.
Thanks to 81 million counted ballots, many of which were no doubt also actual votes for Joe Biden, the United States is getting what the Democrats want to give it. And we are getting it good and hard. May the memory, or at least the lesson, stick with us long after the thrill is gone.
Voting isn't sacred.
It should be more difficult to vote.
Throw up some barriers to weed out dumb people.
As someone once said regarding drop boxes and universal mail-in ballots, you may have the right to vote, but you don't have the right for it to be easy.
The effort to vote should be like the effort to go to the grocery store. It requires some effort, but it's quite manageable. If someone can't take the time and effort required to go to the store while voting, then voting means nothing to them. Likewise the effort required to get a voter id. I'm reliably told that taking a half-morning to go to the DMV is racist. Even though picture id is required for just about anything significant in life, like buy booze.
This thumb sucker we have for a president I doubt knows the difference between the Amtrak and Marine One.
KABC – Los Angeles
Train derailment near cargo theft area in Lincoln Heights
Sat, January 15, 2022, 9:11 PM
Seventeen cars of a Union Pacific train derailed Saturday afternoon in Lincoln Heights, the same area which has recently seen rail car thefts.
The Biden administration in a nutshell.
Both sides are now absolutely certain, beyond any shadow of any doubt, that the other side will try to steal every election from here on out. (After all, the other side is filled with commie/racist [pick one] jerks who could never hope to win legitimately, so of course they're going to cheat...!)
Joe Biden never had his mojo - he's always been a pathetic blowhard.
Maureen Dowd hasn't had it since Bill Clinton was president.She really had his number; but has been off key ever since.
"It's about women."
Yeah. There was a time when men liked women.
Looks like you folks need a link to Brian O'Nolan (aka Flann O'Brien, aka Myles na gCopaleen) today:
where are the snows of yesteryear?
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