January 6, 2022

Here's a place where you can write about whatever you want.

This was another day when I passed up the sunrise run, so I have no photography. Once again the "feels like" temperature was below zero. I seem to be spending 2022 indoors. I've only had one sunrise run so far, and I've only gone out one other time, for a short walk. Tomorrow at sunrise, it's going to be -3, feels like -16. 

ADDED: This might amuse you:

@cameron.geller words of wisdom to help you stay offended... #comedy #satire #jokes #woke #offended #snowflake #triggered #offendedbyeverything ♬ original sound - cameron.geller


BUMBLE BEE said...

Hey this is serious stuff.... https://twitter.com/cspan/status/1479161259618672648 ... serious stuff!

Achilles said...

I find it interesting that the Fed just came out and said they were going to put the screws to their loose money strat the other day.

It is almost as if they are giving up and about to cut the Biden Regime loose.

Narr said...

Twentysomething here, with a low predicted of 18. Nothing to you guys, but my wife has already declared herself in for the night. I'll make one more mile or so later, and see if the dog is up to it--he has only been in the backyard today, and had to be carried out bodily twice.

I do miss the sunrise pix, which surprises me a bit. Those citrus colors help wake me up.

Temujin said...

When I lived in Michigan years ago I hated when people in Florida would gloat at me about the weather in winter.

I won't gloat. You have beautiful autumns and beautiful early winter snows. That said, I was outside power washing the driveway today in 75°, deep blue skies, and sun so bright the birds wear sunglasses.

Tis season here now. Snowbirds came early this year. Seems like traffic, stores, and restaurants have been busy for weeks. And they've brought their Covid with them. Or if they didn't remember to bring theirs, we'll offer some of our covid to them. So many people I know from New York to Atlanta to here in Sarasota have or are just getting over Omicron. I'm waiting for my wife and I to get our dose. First we got the Moderna dose #1. Then Moderna #2. Then Moderna Booster #1. And from what I can gather, we're supposed to get Omicron next.

Anyway...one of our groups of kids and grandkids sent us photos today from Wenatchee, WA. They're pretty much snowed in. They live on a mountainside and got about 18" of snow there. I don't see me moving back up north any time soon.

Temujin said...

I missed most of today. I see comment moderation back on. I'm guessing someone had some not so choice things to say.

Probably a good thing as this is a day akin to 9/11 and Pearl Harbor. Combined. Or worse. It's akin to Ned Stark getting beheaded. Or something like that. I've managed to avoid any media today and its very freeing.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Rafael Nadal on Novak Djokovic: 'He made his own decisions... But there are some consequences'

Djokovic is stuck in Australia because he's vaccine vacillating. Actually, as the VP might say, Djokovic is vaccine hesitant, but vaccine vacillating sounds better. Vacillating is when you go late night club hoping... No, that's not it either. Vacillating is when you are indecisive. Djokovic has decided not to get the jab and I applaud him.

Djokovic is the number one tennis player in the world by over 4,000 points ahead of the second-place player, some guy from Russia. Nadal is not even in the top five. So, you know we have something to look forward to, the next time they go up against each other.

You don't throw a fellow player under the bus like that... that's something the women tennis players might do. 😲

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Tonight, I'm pleased to announce we have the answer to one of science biggest questions...

If you could be a tree, what kind of tree would you be?

A Leonardo Decaprio tree; final answer.

Link to web search

rehajm said...

Anyway...one of our groups of kids and grandkids sent us photos today from Wenatchee, WA. They're pretty much snowed in.

My parents moved to Chelan for a time after I moved out of the house. I miss the drive down the Columbia to Wenatchee and over to Leavenworth this time of year. Very pretty…

rehajm said...

Peter Bogdanovich. Dead.

Jaq said...

The new Ghostbusters sucks, but on the bright side, now we know that Hollywood is against fracking. I could not finish it, so, who knows, maybe it gets better.

Fritz said...

First we got the Moderna dose #1. Then Moderna #2. Then Moderna Booster #1. And from what I can gather, we're supposed to get Omicron next.

That’s how I did it.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Headline: "Whoopi Goldberg Tells View Co-Hosts She Was ‘Shocked’ To Get COVID After Being ‘Triple-Vaxxed:’"

When bad things happen to vaxxxed people.

Is that lame?

You think that because Goldberg is Jewish.


Jupiter said...

The best single line Bruce Springsteen ever wrote was
"And the boys from the casino dance with their shirts open like Latin lovers on the shore."

Except, somehow, I remember it as

"And now the boys from the casino dance with their shirts open like Latin lovers in the sand".

rcocean said...

I've never lived in a midwestern climate, but known several people who did. Once they got enough $$, they bailed out and went south after New year's and didn't come back till early March.

The january 6th nonsense makes me feel like I'm living in the 21st Century version of the USSR. Its the "Big Lie". Even people I used to respect are pushing the "party line". Its disgusting and pathetic. I'm getting tired of even pushing back against it.

Anyway, I can recommend Nabokov's "Pale Fire" on audiobook. A very witty book. Not Lolita, but humorous in a satrical way.

Achilles said...

Temujin said...

Anyway...one of our groups of kids and grandkids sent us photos today from Wenatchee, WA. They're pretty much snowed in. They live on a mountainside and got about 18" of snow there. I don't see me moving back up north any time soon.

My Family lives about 20 minutes up the pass from Wenatchee closer to Leavenworth. They got about twice that much snow. Pretty standard for the area.

Not going back. Looking at Florida and South Texas actually for the reasons you stated.

Snow blows.

Yancey Ward said...

We got snow today in Oak Ridge- a blizzard by our standards- an inch of snow. Down to 15 tonight for a low, which will probably be the coldest temperature here since 2020.

Big Mike said...

@Lem, Omigawd, you weren’t joking.

Yancey Ward said...

I didn't reach the same decision in the same way, but this essay more or less aligns with my thinking about the vaccines with the major exception that I think the vaccines are more dangerous than COVID for people under the age of 50 and non-obese, though it is a sliding scale with age- more dangerous for those under 30, and less for those over.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Omicron might be from mice.

Bender said...

So, fellow citizens -- as you may know, you will soon be required to show your vax papers if you come to our nation's capitol to petition our government and want to dine-in at a restaurant. Now adjacent Montgomery County, Maryland, wants to impose a vaccine passport too.

Bender said...

The tree, named Uvariopsis dicaprio, only grows in the Ebo Forest, an extremely biodiverse rainforest in Cameroon.

In other words, White Privilege in action.

iowan2 said...

Shout out to Meade. Indiana took ranked Ohio State to the woodshed. Now Iowa is in Madison. I'm hoping for some good basketball. Badgers look strong at the 15 minute TO

Breezy said...

Waiting for 4-6” here in MA tonight. I love a nice snow, as long as it’s a dry snow and lasts for hours. Something about the peace and quiet it brings, encouraging time to just sit, drink tea, chat with kids or dogs, or putter about. It’s a required time out.

Richard Dillman said...

Right now, in the middle of Minnesota, it is -15 degrees. I think we had a high of about -10. Lots of black ice underneath the snow on the highways. My ideal winter climate here is a temperature in the 20's with a gentle snowfall, a moment that might be captured by this Robert Frost poem, that I often think of in the winter.

Dust of Snow

The way a crow
Shook down on me
The dust of snow
From a hemlock tree

Has given my heart
A change of moods
And saved some part
Of a day I had rued.

Yes, it is quite short.

Big Mike said...

Watched the first flakes fall of what’s supposed to be a 3” - 6” overnight snow. I checked the snow blower a month ago and got fresh gas recently. Hope I’m ready.

(The snow that snarled I-95 was less of an issue here in the Shenandoah Valley. We got about 3” but it had been sunny and 60s two days before so nothing stuck on the sidewalks, driveways, and streets).

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Eric Clapton? 😲

Peter said...

Perfect weather here in Hong Kong. 20C and sunny and dry. Watching Australia trounce England in the Ashes. Good on one hand (I’m Aussie), but sad and embarrassed for England…

Big Mike said...

@Lem, I meant about a tree being named after Leo DeCaprio.

Ann Althouse said...

“ I won't gloat. You have beautiful autumns and beautiful early winter snows. That said, I was outside power washing the driveway today in 75°, deep blue skies, and sun so bright the birds wear sunglasses. ”

I won’t live where the sun is harsh. I rule out all places like that. If I wanted to live somewhere else, I am free to move.

I like the cycle of seasons and I prefer the too cold days to the too hot days.

We could rent a place for a month in the winter, but we never do.

We could jump in the car anytime the weather looks bad and go precisely where it looks good

William said...

I just finished reading a biography of Frederick The Great. It was a bit dull, although not so much of a trudge as the latest Matrix movie....Frederick the Great should be known as Frederick, the Better Than Average Hohenzollern. He just wasn't all that great. He lost as many battles as he won, and some of the battles that he lost were lost due to blunders. He was a mercantilist who instituted tariffs and excise taxes that cost more money to enforce than they actually collected and severely limited the development of some industries. He was a talented musician, but his taste in music wasn't all that great. He thought that Handel was a has-been and this before Handel wrote the Messiah. He seems never to have heard of Mozart or, at least, he never mentions him in his letters.....He did maintain a disciplined army that was able to stay in the field against all comers and all coalitions. Prussia didn't go the way of Poland because of that army. So that was his big achievement--the disciplined Prussian army. That sure came back to bite the Germans in the ass.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Good news from the James Webb telescope. The launch went off so smoothly the fuel saved could extend the lifespan operation of the telescope well beyond 10 years. This means more snap shots. More chances to find ET.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

@bigmike The Bee 🐝 or Not The Bee. 😅

Joe Smith said...

'I just finished reading a biography of Frederick The Great. It was a bit dull...'

So, not great?

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

The snow is about gone now. It's been raining hard and temperatures reached 50-deg F. Republic Services will be by tomorrow to pick up the trash which they refuse to do if there's any significant snow on the ground.

It'll be mostly rain for the next two weeks. Typical weather for Pugetopolis.

Lewis said...

My darling, this , this:


Lewis said...


Mutaman said...

Jeet Heer
I was worried that once Trump was no longer president, Ted Cruz would stop regularly humiliating himself with grovelling & self-basement. My worry was unwarranted.

wildswan said...

You might like Churchill's biography of his ancestor, Lord Marlborough, who was a contemporary of Frederick the Great's immediate predecessor, Frederick I. The biography is written in an interesting way like all Churchill's books. Those European wars and that period always seemed to me a pointless mishmash of dynastic and religious wars. But Churchill presents the whole as resolved into one single issue: liberty in England and the countries leagued with it versus absolutism in Spain and France. And one can see Churchill formulating in the Thirties what became the foreign policies of England vis-a vis its various allies in the Forties during World War II. Churchill viewed Marlborough's era as a set of situations similar to those faced by England in the Thirties and Forties and to be met by similar policies. Essentially, how does a conservative, a natural defender of freedom, meet the dangers of organized, nation-destroying absolutism? Can we do more than put on the brakes against folly, can we be a positive force? What are the difficulties? What is the message?

Lewis said...


Tyrone Slothrop said...

I have an idea for a scifi short story pax Bradbury. We send up a telescope ten times the size of the Webb and its first images record the face of God. Feel free to use this. I'm too lazy to write it myself.

rhhardin said...

Buffalo got a record snowfall, the news of the day says. It turns out that it's 16.5 inches, a record only for January 6. I went through Buffalo airport sometime in the late 70s and they wouldn't let you board in Albany if you weren't connecting outward in Buffalo because the streets were closed and they didn't want more local traffic. That was much more than 16.5 inches. Houses were under it, snowplow heaps were well over your head.

It's the wind chill news effect. A metal flagpole at 20 degrees and a 40 mph wind is at 20 degrees, not some clickbait coldness much less.

Owen said...

wildswan@11:45: Thanks for the plug for Churchill. Putting “Marlborough” on my reading list. Maybe it can inspire some effective pushback on the Jay Sixers. I tried to ignore their Big Day yesterday but I fear they will keep going.

rehajm said...

Perfect weather here in Hong Kong.

…so better than the political climate then?

DanTheMan said...

>>We send up a telescope ten times the size of the Webb and its first images record the face of God. Feel free to use this. I'm too lazy to write it myself.

The Psalmist beat you to it: "The heavens declare the glory of God; The firmament shows His handiwork."

tim maguire said...

I'm at an age (56) where, if I keep myself fit, I can do anything I could do at 30, but if I let myself get out of shape, things hurt. It's been tough with the gyms closing down every time there's a COVID spike. I've never been good at maintaining an exercise routine at home--if the gym floor is my living room, it's too easy to get distracted, put it off for tomorrow. Everybody's home and they're all underfoot. To exercise consistently, I have to walk out the door and go to a place dedicated to exercise.

When it comes to jogging, most winters I hit the treadmill at the gym when it's too cold outside. Last year I couldn't do that because the gyms were closed. In the spring, trying to return to form after an inconsistent winter, I aggravated an old injury and spent the rest of the year trying to coax my legs back to health (re-injury is big part of the problem). That period was supposed to be over when they reopened the gyms in August, but then they closed down the gyms on Wednesday, just as it is starting to get really cold. So here we go again...

tim maguire said...

Owen said...Maybe it can inspire some effective pushback on the Jay Sixers. I tried to ignore their Big Day yesterday but I fear they will keep going.

If Republicans take back the House this year, you'll hear hardly a peep about Jan 6 next year. If Democrats hold, they'll turn up the volume even more.

hawkeyedjb said...

Ann Althouse said...
"We could rent a place for a month in the winter, but we never do. We could jump in the car anytime the weather looks bad and go precisely where it looks good"

Same here, except opposite seasons. We could go away when it's too hot, but we never do. I wonder why.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

All the east-west passes are closed in Washington and northern Oregon.

- SR20, the North Cascades Highway, has been closed for the season for about a month.
- US2 across Stevens Pass is closed. So is I-90 across Snoqualmie Pass.
- Not to be out done, US97 Blewett Pass, connecting US2 to I-90 is closed.
- White Pass, US12 is closed along with two other passes that always close for the season.
- Even I-84, along the Columbia river was closed, but is now back open with a traction tire advisory.

Don't you just love all this global warming goodness. CO2 is such a problem that King County banned new natural gas hookups so its residents could either freeze or go broke trying to heat their homes during subfreezing conditios.

Bender said...

We send up a telescope ten times the size of the Webb and its first images record the face of God. Feel free to use this.

The face of God shines all about us and anyone can see Him with an unaided eye, even the blind. You can see God's face with the eyes of a pure heart.

Jersey Fled said...

"I'm at an age (56) where, if I keep myself fit, I can do anything I could do at 30, but if I let myself get out of shape, things hurt."


I'm several years older than you, but at an age where it's the things I do to keep myself fit that are the things that mostly injure me.

I had to give up walking 18 holes of golf this past Summer.

That was sad.

Big Mike said...

@Mike of Snoqualmie, but are you okay, friend?

farmgirl said...

They’re still finding new species of things??!
I thought the narrative was: “extinction, extinction, extinction!”

Narr said...

I've got Asprey and Fraser of Frederick II, and almost all the relevant Duffys. S. Fischer-Fabian's "Prussia's Glory: Rise of a Military State" is a breezy overview of the family up to Frederick's death. As for Frederick's army, nope, it didn't much survive him and was utterly shattered--along with Prussian trust in their elites--in 1806.

The memory of that army, though, spurred the men who actually created a new army based on different assumptions, one suited to run with the big dogs under new conditions. Scharnhorst, Gneisenau, Clausewitz and above all Moltke are the men who did that, not Old Fritz.

Churchill's bio of Marlborough should be read with the same critical eye as everything else he wrote. The four volumes read well and clearly of course, but assume a lot of knowledge of European history and geography. The operational sections are very good, and emphasize the notable contributions of Prussia's fine little army to the multinational anti-Louis coalition.

In addition to the Balance-of-Power, Maritime Liberty vs Continental Authoritarianism themes, a running element is critique of political interference with the Great Man's schemes; in particular he despises the Dutch political commissars who in his view stood in the way of military victory.

I just finished old Edw. Crankshaw's "The Hapsburgs," a fine brief survey with nice illustrations. Before that, "Enemy at the Gate" by Geoffrey Wheatcroft, about the Austrian-Turkish wars, focused on the great siege of Vienna in 1683.

Someday a historian/musicologist might trace the evolution of European attitudes towards Islam by analyzing the way "Turkish" music was domesticated into European ears while Turkish power was declining.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...


Yes, I'm fine. The snow's gone and the rain is coming down in buckets now.

Jay Inslee has fired 400+ snow plow drivers and similar number of State Patrol troopers because of "symptom suppressor" objections. His popularity is now 39/60.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...


There are two Snoqualmies: The city at an elevation of about 500 ft and the pass, 3000-ft elevation. Our new home is just outside of Snoqualmie the city at an elevator of about 560-ft. The two are about 22-miles apart.

Peter Spieker said...


Have you been by Snoqualmie falls lately? It must be going pretty good with the rain and snowmelt.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

The river is really high. It's reached phase 2 flood. I drove out there right after noon. The rain was not coming down in buckets, it was swimming pool units. The farm fields around Fall City were flooded.

I can't actually see the falls from 202. You have to park and walk out to the observation platform. One day I should stop at the lower falls observation site.

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