The Jordan Peterson Bible. Well, the publisher won't call it that. They can call it the Jordan Peterson Annotated Bible. But people will call it the JP Bible, or something.
More evidence that the COVID restrictions were never about outlived health and all about political leverage. I still expect something that will necessitate a push for mail-in voting this fall.
"Standing beside Hutchinson was Gov. Phil Murphy of New Jersey, the Democratic vice chair of the NGA who was recently reelected by a razor-thin margin. Democrats are becoming increasingly concerned that moving too slowly to emerge from the pandemic could cost them in November’s midterm elections.
“We’re not going to manage this to zero. We have to learn how to live with this," Murphy said during a Sunday appearance on “Meet the Press,” becoming the latest Democratic elected official to move away from the caution-first approach that has marked the party’s pandemic response for more than two years."
I took the death certificate to the Washington Federal Bank on 35th. The bank just south of the Safeway. Mom had promised me that she had closed out all the Washington Federal accounts, but I thought I should check. Due diligence.
I handed the certificate to the first teller I encountered. She started reading the document, and then proclaimed “Ina!?!”. I was surprised that she had the pronunciation correct. Most folks say “Ena” as the first pronunciation guess.
I complimented the teller, “You pronounced her name correctly!!”
“Of course I know how to pronounce her name!!” came the reply.
“Thirty years ago, I worked with Ina at the Bon Marche!!”
My excavator's (Vince) assistant (Angel) came down with COVID(?) and then Vince came down with it. Both are recovering. Fatigue and respiratory infection. They'll be able to start work again on Wednesday, maybe. I told Vince to take his time and not push it. We need him recovered and well.
Daily Mail headline: Whoopi Goldberg apologizes for claiming 'Holocaust is not about race': The View star says she is 'sorry for the hurt' and 'stands corrected' after she stunned co-hosts by insisting it was about 'man's inhumanity to man' because Nazis targeted 'two white groups'
Don't apologize Whoopi. Just shut up. Enjoy your vast wealth while you can. Visit exotic places, eat gourmet food, buy a yacht, gamble fortunes in Monte Carlo, and SHUT THE FUCK UP.
I had an early doctor's appointment this morning, and on the way home, I decided to get two Sausage McMuffin's to eat on the ride back home. $8.71 with tax. Holy Crap! Good thing I saved that $0.16 this past Fourth of July!
“It’s true that a lot of Democrats, to include Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and others do seem to care more about Ukraine’s border than our southern border at a time when we’ve had 2 million illegal immigrants cross our border under Joe Biden’s tenure in office,” said Cotton. “I mean that’s like adding the entire population of Nebraska to this country.”
The GOP nominee should promise to institute an aggressive illegal alien removal program.
Remember way back when, like yesterday or last week or last month or 2 months ago or (insert other relevant time frame here), when ALL the Usual Althouse Lefty Suspects were swearing up and down that CRT in schools was a myth, but also that it was very important not to ban...even though it didn't exist at all and certainly wasn't being taught in our schools and only nazi's even thought for a moment it was and besides nobody can even define CRT so there H8trs!
Well, its always been a lie, and everyone knows it, particularly the Althouse lefty liars, but still its interesting when certain aspects of this marxist indoctrination gets exposed and by the very people this racialist claptrap is supposed to be "helping" (wink wink!)...Spoiler: marxists constructs never help anyone, instead, everyone caught in its web usually ends up eating bark until such time as they are shot.
Because commies/international socialists = national socialists, but only every single time.
So here's a good story about this quite "existing" "non-existent" marxist babble being pushed on our children:
"There's a certain irony in requiring members of an ethnic minority to study this, and an even greater irony in the fact that such students were struggling intensely with the course.
"My students are failing ethnic studies," says Fontanilla, who is of Jamaican ancestry. "I would say half of them are failing this ethnic studies class."
This made Fontanilla curious about what the course was teaching. All of the high school's teachers used the same online platform to post lesson plans and course materials, so Fontanilla decided to take a look. She was shocked by what she saw.
"This was like extreme left brainwashing of these kids," says Fontanilla. "Critical race theory all throughout the lessons, from start to finish. The whole thing."
Jamaican ancestry! Well, it doesn't get any more "Confederate" than that, eh lefties?
Have any of the "Disinformation!!" accusers watched Sen. Johnson's hearings? What is Malone doing in Hawaii with his DOD contacts? Just some questions...
Found out last night all my kids play wordle. First place I saw it mentioned was here on this very blog. Days later, a mention in the comments on another.
And- I'm not going to get into it. Just not interested. IMHO, the NY Slimes made a bad investment purchasing it.
PJ Media Study: Weed Makes You Stupid BY Athena Thorne JAN 31, 2022
Summation: "Super! While the libertarian in me understands legalization of anything anyone wants to put in their body, the conservative in me does not want to pay for it."
"...Weed today is, on average, five or six times as potent as the stuff the hippies smoked back in the ’60s and ’70s. In 1972, the average THC content in most marijuana in the United States was 3% to 4%. Today’s pot commonly has a THC content of 20% or more. Additionally, the percentage of the compound CBD has decreased, which experts say can increase the overall effect of the more potent grass."
Yesterday, NBC News highlighted a recent study...
Evidence on the acute and residual neurocognitive effects of cannabis use in adolescents and adults: a systematic meta-review of meta-analyses
...that shows that not only does smoking pot impair numerous mental functions of the user, but these effects can linger for weeks after use has stopped. The Canadian study was one of those meta-reviews that analyzes data from multiple existing scientific studies to discover overarching trends. What it found was that, every time someone gets high, they can be dumber for weeks. Hardest hit was the ability to learn from what one hears and to remember things."
"...And not only does pot make people stupid, but it can also make them crazy. This is particularly true among heavy users and younger users whose brains are still forming. Narcanon notes that:
...chronic use of today’s super-jacked weed can induce panic attacks, paranoia, wild mood swings, fragmented thoughts, depersonalization (losing one’s sense of identity), and straight-up psychosis. A 2017 study published in the journal Neuropharmacology ties youthful marijuana use to increased onset of severe mental illnesses:
"Prospective epidemiological studies have consistently demonstrated that cannabis use is associated with an increased subsequent risk of both psychotic symptoms and schizophrenia-like psychoses. Early-onset of use, daily use of high-potency cannabis, and synthetic cannabinoids carry the greatest risk. The risk-increasing effects are not explained by shared genetic predisposition between schizophrenia and cannabis use."
Stoned drivers are ‘significantly’ impaired for up to 4 hours after marijuana use: study
"...Gov. Charlie Baker, in his final year in office, is pushing lawmakers to act on legislation filed by his office to toughen up enforcement and penalties for Massachusetts drivers who get behind the wheel when they’re stoned.
His bill is named for State Police Trooper Thomas Clardy, who was killed while conducting a traffic stop on the Mass Pike in Charlton in 2016 when a man with THC in his system crashed his car into Clardy’s cruiser.
Fauci is going to get away with it. He will probably get a medal even. He continued funding gain of function research after it was banned here in the US. It reminds me of Iran/Contra.
Sebastian said... Via Instapundit: "Biden’s chief of staff leaked Breyer retirement to ‘limited’ group, Durbin says."
Well, this tricky and twisted headline is strange as it was published by the politics-driven, uber-right Washington Examiner which in fact only said in its article that the WH Chief of Staff notified Deputy Majority Leader Durban that Breyer was retiring. Nobody was damaged except the blab given to the press caused the news to get out to the public on the 26th, one day ahead of Justice Breyer's formal announcement.
Interesting that Dr. and Mrs. Bellows live in the same house as the Stephens.
Sidney Sheldon conceived of I Dream of Jeannie specifically in response to the success of Bewitched, which debuted the year previously on ABC and was a huge ratings hit. Both series were produced by Screen Gems and were filmed on the same lot.
I used to watch both shows on Nick at Nite as a kid. Even then I used to think the two male leads were dopes. I preferred Larry Hagman to Dick York (and both to Dick Sargent). Jeannie was more of a sexpot than Samantha, but Samantha was smart and capable while Jeannie was a needy dingbat. Jeannie was better in color, Bewitched in black-and-white. Bewitched had a much better supporting cast (e.g. Agnes Moorehead, Paul Lynde, Alice Ghostley, Bernard Fox, etc.), while Jeannie was saddled with boring Bill Daily.
Still, neither Jeannie in the harem outfit or Samantha Stephens in a mini-skirt were as sexy as Laura Petrie in the capri pants.
“Did you all know that our ballots come back like this from our overseas people? Did any of you know thia? It is such a sham that I had people everyday at my table taking pictures of these ballots that were scanned down. It took my team three complete days to count all of the UOCAVA ballots. You know why? Because in 2016 the numbers were apparently 1,600 UOCAVA ballots that came back in the most significant election in our lifetime. In 2020 the numbers were close to 9,600 ballots that came back. And I will tell you as an eye-witness, 95%… all went towards one candidate. And in a state where a candidate won by 10,000 votes that is 8,000 new votes during an election where people were brought home because there was a pandemic… No chain of custody. There’s nothing to identify where this piece of paper came from."
January 26, 2022 full-text JAMA Psychiatry study on which this article is based:
From the Results section of the study: "Compared with placebo, the THC group significantly declined on the Composite Drive Score at 30 minutes (Cohen d = 0.59 [95% CI, 0.28-0.90]; P < .001) and 1 hour 30 minutes (Cohen d = 0.55 [95% CI, 0.24-0.86]; P < .001), with borderline differences at 3 hours 30 minutes (Cohen d = 0.29 [95% CI, –0.02 to 0.60]; P = .07) and no differences at 4 hours 30 minutes (Cohen d = –0.03 [95% CI, –0.33 to 0.28]; P = .87). The Composite Drive Score did not differ based on THC content (likelihood ratio χ24 = 3.83; P = .43) or use intensity (quantity × frequency) in the past 6 months (likelihood ratio χ24 = 1.41; P = .49), despite postsmoking blood THC concentrations being higher in those with the highest use intensity."
From the Limitations section of the study: "Because the study did not include a nonuser control group, the study only addresses how regular users exposed to THC perform on the CDS compared with regular users receiving placebo."
From the Conclusions section of the study: "The fact that not all participants consuming THC met the criteria for impairment underscores the interindividual variability seen with the impairing effects of cannabis.47 The lack of relationship between blood THC concentration and driving performance raises questions about the validity of per se laws. When users control their own intake, one cannot infer the level of impairment based on the THC content of the product, the level of behavioral tolerance in the individual, or the blood THC concentration."
I had an early doctor's appointment this morning, and on the way home, I decided to get two Sausage McMuffin's to eat on the ride back home. $8.71 with tax. Holy Crap!
The high price is due to inflation in the price of cars.
If you watch carefully, actually Jeannie is NOT a dingbat nor does Barbara Eden play her as a dumb blonde, despite all the giggles and laughs. Also, remember that genies are notoriously mischievous and jokesters.
Hispanic Students Were Forced To Learn Critical Race Theory. They Hated It.
This article is a good demonstration of how much of a boogeyman CRT has become. On the one hand, the students are uninterested, disengaged, and not completing coursework and on the other the course represents "extreme left brainwashing."
Spoiler: marxists constructs never help anyone, instead, everyone caught in its web usually ends up eating bark until such time as they are shot.
With all due respect, this demonstrates an extremely shallow understanding of Marx's work, which was primarily a theory of history, a philosophy of anthropology, and a work of political economy. Check out Conservatives Against Capitalism by Peter Kolozi, The Meaning of Conservatism by Roger Scruton, particularly the chapter on "Alienated Liberalism", After Virtue by Alasdair MacIntyre, Liberalism and the Limits of Justice by Michael Sandel, and most recently Why Liberalism Failed by Patrick Deneen.
Because commies/international socialists = national socialists, but only every single time.
In my Bible study this morning, we talked about the Holy Spirit. One of the things that I think is that the Holy Spirit can get into anybody it wants to, not just Christians. For instance, I think the Holy Spirit was in Moses when he did some miracles. Moses wasn't a Christian. Moses was a Jew. But was the Holy Spirit in Moses? Absolutely.
So I think the Holy Spirit can go into Hindus, pagans, Muslims, atheists. The Holy Spirit can go anywhere it wants, it is not bound by our human doctrines, philosophies, or theologies.
I'll give you an example of the Holy Spirit in action.
Thomas Jefferson was a Deist. He believed in God, but he did not believe that God performs any miracles on earth. Jefferson once cut out all the miracles in the Bible to see if it "made sense" without the miracles.
So imagine Jefferson as a guy who had a Bible, and was actively cutting out passages from it. This is a really strange guy. He founded an Episcopal church in Virginia (that's still going strong). But Jefferson apparently did not believe in the Virgin Birth, or Jesus walking on water, or the Resurrection.
There's an Episcopal bishop -- I think he's retired -- named Spong. He's written a bunch of books. I tried reading one of them, I think it was Why Christianity Must Change or Die and I got so mad I actually threw his book into a wall. Anyway, Spong doesn't believe in miracles, either.
To my mind, if you don't believe that Jesus had a miraculous power, if he was just a nice guy walking around, then you really shouldn't call yourself a Christian. So if I got furious at Spong, I probably would have gotten mad at Jefferson, too.
Anyway, Jefferson apparently thought that God allows no miracles on his planet. I think it's ridiculous to think that God can't break his rules if he wants to break his rules. You think God is bound by science? God created science!
God also created humor. Wouldn't it be funny if the Holy Spirit got into Jefferson? Jefferson thought it was impossible. And he certainly didn't pray or ask the Holy Spirit to help. And yet, when you read his original draft of the Declaration of Independence, it's clear to me that the Holy Spirit is in Jefferson, making him a better man than he was.
The main difference between fascists and communists is the tailoring, letterhead and the means of dividing up the loot.
Both are collectivist. Both are dirigiste, economically. Neither will brook any genuine opposition within the political system Both, government officials wear uniforms.
This is why socialists believe that fascism is completely defined by the one characteristic that they do not share, and if any other political movement can be remotely tarred with the blood and soil brush, for instance by desiring that immigrants go through a legal system of vetting that actually works, rather than just being brought here by criminal gangs and drug cartels, well, they must be fascist.
Fascism and communism are fraternal twins and can't come to terms with the idea that anybody exists politically outside of their paradigm of an all powerful state.
I think, Saint Croix, that Christ left us the Holy Spirit- the Advocate- when He ascended into Heaven. That doesn’t mean, to me, that He didn’t exist prior, but the Jewish people had G*d Himself, yes? All 3 in One w/out the separation.
When users control their own intake, one cannot infer the level of impairment based on the THC content of the product, the level of behavioral tolerance in the individual, or the blood THC concentration."
All the more reason to clamp down on drivers. If you come to the attention of a cop and test positive for THC, that’s enough. Do you have any family or friends who have been killed or crippled by an impaired driver? Toke up if you want to, but there is no right to drive after partying that requires unworkable protocols to punish offenders.
I've tried to post twice now about Jefferson's original draft of the Declaration of Independence. Infuriating that my last post was lost. One of my best efforts. Not sure if I'm being censored or just an internet glitch.
Anyway, Jefferson's draft is well worth your time. Pay particular attention to his attacks on the slave trade. He is so honest in this draft, it's amazing. He sounds like an abolitionist, which is quite strange because he was a slaveowner. You read these words and it's clear that Jefferson hated the slave trade and slavery itself. Which is paradoxical because Jefferson always had slaves and never freed them. The hypocrisies of Jefferson are well known, but what many Americans do not know is that the original draft of the Declaration of Independence is clearly an abolitionist document. I think the Holy Spirit inspired this honest and righteous anger from Jefferson. And the "cool heads" that removed all these passages did not understand that sometimes truth, beauty, anger and passion can all run together sometimes. Anyway, they coldly took it out and made the rewrite a far more secular, worldly document that swept slavery under the rug.
Farmer: "With all due respect, this demonstrates an extremely shallow understanding of Marx's work, which was primarily a theory of history, a philosophy of anthropology, and a work of political economy."
With all due respect, my characterization demonstrates an absolutely spot on and deeply understood recognition of how Marx's work was applied over and over and over again in the real world by human beings whose flaws will ALWAYS lead to the same horrific outcomes if that framework is the basis for government and organiztion of society.
But only every single time.
I'm sorry if this undeniable objective reality conflicts with the more esoteric discussions you may have had during some interesting late at night academic bull sessions at the university or local coffee shops.
Do you have any family or friends who have been killed or crippled by an impaired driver?
Yes. But if I hadn't, it would make zero difference to anything I said.
Toke up if you want to, but there is no right to drive after partying that requires unworkable protocols to punish offenders.
Everything after "but" is refuting a claim I never made.
The headline from the Mercury News, "Stoned drivers are ‘significantly’ impaired for up to 4 hours after marijuana use: study", is extremely misleading. It's quoting the word "significantly" from the study and using it to describe "impaired." However, the article is using the word "significantly" in the statistical sense to describe differences in scores on a "Composite Drive Score (CDS)" derived from driving simulator variables. That is, they are looking at declines in performance between groups, not level of impairment.
The study's findings specifically reject your support for a "come to the attention of a cop and test positive for THC, that’s enough" policy. The study notes that: "current results reinforce that per se laws based on blood THC concentrations are not supported."
Farmer: "Check out Conservatives Against Capitalism by Peter Kolozi, The Meaning of Conservatism by Roger Scruton, particularly the chapter on "Alienated Liberalism", After Virtue by Alasdair MacIntyre, Liberalism and the Limits of Justice by Michael Sandel, and most recently Why Liberalism Failed by Patrick Deneen."
No thanks.
I'll stick with the Gulag Archipelago, The Power of the Powerless, and other books on the horrors of Mao and Khmer Rouge, amongst others.
With all due respect, my characterization demonstrates an absolutely spot on and deeply understood recognition of how Marx's work was applied over and over and over again in the real world by human beings whose flaws will ALWAYS lead to the same horrific outcomes if that framework is the basis for government and organiztion of society.
You write as if Marxism only influenced Leninism and Maoism. Some of the earliest critiques of the Bolsheviks were by Marxists like Rosa Luxemburg, Karl Liebknecht, and the original anti-Bolshevik Julius Martov.
I'm sorry if this undeniable objective reality conflicts with the more esoteric discussions you may have had during some interesting late at night academic bull sessions at the university or local coffee shops.
Feel free to insult me all you like. It's merely a consequence of your ignorance. You haven't reasoned yourself into this position. You're merely repeating cliched partisan bromides that you've adopted as a truism.
The weird thing is that people are allowed to travel after treatment at methadone clinics and they’re impaired, too. And have caused accidents and deaths. Paid for by your local government…
If a person causes injury or death to another by DUI, then throw the book at them. Two books.
But in the sort of twisted logic that comes from lawmakers with too much time on their hands, it can result in things like a potsmoker ending up in jail for years though she had nothing to do with a fatal auto accident. She had been a high a few days before when a drunk driver sped across several lanes of traffic and hit her side on. He died; because she tested positive, she was charged and convicted.
And some drug warriors got stiffies, so it's all good.
Farmer: "You write as if Marxism only influenced Leninism and Maoism. Some of the earliest critiques of the Bolsheviks were by Marxists like Rosa Luxemburg, Karl Liebknecht, and the original anti-Bolshevik Julius Martov."
Things overhead just outside the execution blocks in Siberia in the 30's: Stop "merely repeating cliched partisan bromides that you've adopted as a truism"!!
Farmer: "Some of the earliest critiques of the Bolsheviks were by Marxists like Rosa Luxemburg, Karl Liebknecht, and the original anti-Bolshevik Julius Martov."
Alternate Headline: Mensheviks angry that they could not consolidate power and abuse the population because the Bolsheviks got there first!
the Holy Spirit can get into anybody it wants to, not just Christians
First, the Holy Spirit is a Person, not a thing. He is a He, not an "it."
Second, being the Spirit of Love, the Holy Spirit CANNOT get into anybody He wants to. Love is not forced. God does NOT force Himself upon or into anyone. The Holy Spirit can enter only those persons who are open to Him.
Now, that does not mean that they have an intellectual conscience realization of the Holy Spirit, but that their hearts be open to Love and to Truth. That does include non-Christians. Sadly, some people have hearts of stone, into which the Holy Spirit WILL NOT enter.
It's quoting the word "significantly" from the study and using it to describe "impaired." However, the article is using the word "significantly" in the statistical sense to describe differences in scores on a "Composite Drive Score (CDS)" derived from driving simulator variables. That is, they are looking at declines in performance between groups, not level of impairment.
And I am saying that if the blood test shows that you have an elevated risk of impairment, belong to a statistical group that shows impairment, by your own actions that were undertaken solely for personal pleasure, and you have shown some impairment by coming to the attention of a cop, that rule of thumb is enough. I don't really care to argue with stoners who say they are fit to drive, yet somehow manage to get pulled over by a cop. I am sure that you can come up with some weaselly definition of impairment, and if driving after partying were some deeply rooted human right, it might be worth the effort, but it's not. Party at home, walk, or stay over.
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६३ टिप्पण्या:
The Jordan Peterson Bible. Well, the publisher won't call it that. They can call it the Jordan Peterson Annotated Bible. But people will call it the JP Bible, or something.
The Bible is a goldmine.
Whoopi's at it again!
Interesting that Dr. and Mrs. Bellows live in the same house as the Stephens.
Canadian Gadsden flag
Via Instapundit: "Biden’s chief of staff leaked Breyer retirement to ‘limited’ group, Durbin says."
They even despise their own, don't they. Politics ueber alles.
Twice in one night.
Eddie Munster on Jeannie and then again later on Gunsmoke.
More evidence that the COVID restrictions were never about outlived health and all about political leverage. I still expect something that will necessitate a push for mail-in voting this fall.
Governors look to move beyond COVID restrictions and return to 'a great state of normality'
"Standing beside Hutchinson was Gov. Phil Murphy of New Jersey, the Democratic vice chair of the NGA who was recently reelected by a razor-thin margin. Democrats are becoming increasingly concerned that moving too slowly to emerge from the pandemic could cost them in November’s midterm elections.
“We’re not going to manage this to zero. We have to learn how to live with this," Murphy said during a Sunday appearance on “Meet the Press,” becoming the latest Democratic elected official to move away from the caution-first approach that has marked the party’s pandemic response for more than two years."
Hah, Browndog!!
I’m sure all geese bite- but, I’ve been bitten by on in the calf before- the black and blue stayed for months.
Lol- key word: fringe. I ask you- who the hell are they talking about?? Gayle’s bangs??
And thank u, again- for a lovely sunrise.
January, 2022
I took the death certificate to the Washington Federal Bank on 35th. The bank just south of the Safeway. Mom had promised me that she had closed out all the Washington Federal accounts, but I thought I should check. Due diligence.
I handed the certificate to the first teller I encountered. She started reading the document, and then proclaimed “Ina!?!”. I was surprised that she had the pronunciation correct. Most folks say “Ena” as the first pronunciation guess.
I complimented the teller, “You pronounced her name correctly!!”
“Of course I know how to pronounce her name!!” came the reply.
“Thirty years ago, I worked with Ina at the Bon Marche!!”
“Fourth floor linens?” I asked.
My excavator's (Vince) assistant (Angel) came down with COVID(?) and then Vince came down with it. Both are recovering. Fatigue and respiratory infection. They'll be able to start work again on Wednesday, maybe. I told Vince to take his time and not push it. We need him recovered and well.
Daily Mail headline: Whoopi Goldberg apologizes for claiming 'Holocaust is not about race': The View star says she is 'sorry for the hurt' and 'stands corrected' after she stunned co-hosts by insisting it was about 'man's inhumanity to man' because Nazis targeted 'two white groups'
Don't apologize Whoopi. Just shut up. Enjoy your vast wealth while you can. Visit exotic places, eat gourmet food, buy a yacht, gamble fortunes in Monte Carlo, and SHUT THE FUCK UP.
I had an early doctor's appointment this morning, and on the way home, I decided to get two Sausage McMuffin's to eat on the ride back home. $8.71 with tax. Holy Crap! Good thing I saved that $0.16 this past Fourth of July!
“It’s true that a lot of Democrats, to include Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and others do seem to care more about Ukraine’s border than our southern border at a time when we’ve had 2 million illegal immigrants cross our border under Joe Biden’s tenure in office,” said Cotton. “I mean that’s like adding the entire population of Nebraska to this country.”
The GOP nominee should promise to institute an aggressive illegal alien removal program.
I don't care what it costs.
Remember way back when, like yesterday or last week or last month or 2 months ago or (insert other relevant time frame here), when ALL the Usual Althouse Lefty Suspects were swearing up and down that CRT in schools was a myth, but also that it was very important not to ban...even though it didn't exist at all and certainly wasn't being taught in our schools and only nazi's even thought for a moment it was and besides nobody can even define CRT so there H8trs!
Well, its always been a lie, and everyone knows it, particularly the Althouse lefty liars, but still its interesting when certain aspects of this marxist indoctrination gets exposed and by the very people this racialist claptrap is supposed to be "helping" (wink wink!)...Spoiler: marxists constructs never help anyone, instead, everyone caught in its web usually ends up eating bark until such time as they are shot.
Because commies/international socialists = national socialists, but only every single time.
So here's a good story about this quite "existing" "non-existent" marxist babble being pushed on our children:
Hispanic Students Were Forced To Learn Critical Race Theory. They Hated It.
"There's a certain irony in requiring members of an ethnic minority to study this, and an even greater irony in the fact that such students were struggling intensely with the course.
"My students are failing ethnic studies," says Fontanilla, who is of Jamaican ancestry. "I would say half of them are failing this ethnic studies class."
This made Fontanilla curious about what the course was teaching. All of the high school's teachers used the same online platform to post lesson plans and course materials, so Fontanilla decided to take a look. She was shocked by what she saw.
"This was like extreme left brainwashing of these kids," says Fontanilla. "Critical race theory all throughout the lessons, from start to finish. The whole thing."
Jamaican ancestry! Well, it doesn't get any more "Confederate" than that, eh lefties?
Have any of the "Disinformation!!" accusers watched Sen. Johnson's hearings?
What is Malone doing in Hawaii with his DOD contacts?
Just some questions...
“Canadian Gadsden flag”
Please leave me alone. To be more assertive you would say, Leave me alone, please.
Good to see so many law professiors standing up for free speech and standing up to Georgetown.
The authorities running our universities seem to be awful people who have no respect for free speech, equal protection, or due process.
Found out last night all my kids play wordle. First place I saw it mentioned was here on this very blog. Days later, a mention in the comments on another.
And- I'm not going to get into it. Just not interested. IMHO, the NY Slimes made a bad investment purchasing it.
PJ Media
Study: Weed Makes You Stupid
BY Athena Thorne JAN 31, 2022
Summation: "Super! While the libertarian in me understands legalization of anything anyone wants to put in their body, the conservative in me does not want to pay for it."
"...Weed today is, on average, five or six times as potent as the stuff the hippies smoked back in the ’60s and ’70s. In 1972, the average THC content in most marijuana in the United States was 3% to 4%. Today’s pot commonly has a THC content of 20% or more. Additionally, the percentage of the compound CBD has decreased, which experts say can increase the overall effect of the more potent grass."
Yesterday, NBC News highlighted a recent study...
Evidence on the acute and residual neurocognitive effects of cannabis use in adolescents and adults: a systematic meta-review of meta-analyses
...that shows that not only does smoking pot impair numerous mental functions of the user, but these effects can linger for weeks after use has stopped. The Canadian study was one of those meta-reviews that analyzes data from multiple existing scientific studies to discover overarching trends. What it found was that, every time someone gets high, they can be dumber for weeks. Hardest hit was the ability to learn from what one hears and to remember things."
"...And not only does pot make people stupid, but it can also make them crazy. This is particularly true among heavy users and younger users whose brains are still forming. Narcanon notes that:
...chronic use of today’s super-jacked weed can induce panic attacks, paranoia, wild mood swings, fragmented thoughts, depersonalization (losing one’s sense of identity), and straight-up psychosis. A 2017 study published in the journal Neuropharmacology ties youthful marijuana use to increased onset of severe mental illnesses:
"Prospective epidemiological studies have consistently demonstrated that cannabis use is associated with an increased subsequent risk of both psychotic symptoms and schizophrenia-like psychoses. Early-onset of use, daily use of high-potency cannabis, and synthetic cannabinoids carry the greatest risk. The risk-increasing effects are not explained by shared genetic predisposition between schizophrenia and cannabis use."
Of course, there's also this:
Stoned drivers are ‘significantly’ impaired for up to 4 hours after marijuana use: study
"...Gov. Charlie Baker, in his final year in office, is pushing lawmakers to act on legislation filed by his office to toughen up enforcement and penalties for Massachusetts drivers who get behind the wheel when they’re stoned.
His bill is named for State Police Trooper Thomas Clardy, who was killed while conducting a traffic stop on the Mass Pike in Charlton in 2016 when a man with THC in his system crashed his car into Clardy’s cruiser.
January 26, 2022 full-text JAMA Psychiatry study on which this article is based:
@ Browndog
I like the one with the angry Canada goose and the slogan 'FUCK ABOOT AND FIND OOT!' better.
Fauci is going to get away with it. He will probably get a medal even. He continued funding gain of function research after it was banned here in the US. It reminds me of Iran/Contra.
link to video
Sebastian said...
Via Instapundit: "Biden’s chief of staff leaked Breyer retirement to ‘limited’ group, Durbin says."
Well, this tricky and twisted headline is strange as it was published by the politics-driven, uber-right Washington Examiner which in fact only said in its article that the WH Chief of Staff notified Deputy Majority Leader Durban that Breyer was retiring. Nobody was damaged except the blab given to the press caused the news to get out to the public on the 26th, one day ahead of Justice Breyer's formal announcement.
Interesting that Dr. and Mrs. Bellows live in the same house as the Stephens.
Sidney Sheldon conceived of I Dream of Jeannie specifically in response to the success of Bewitched, which debuted the year previously on ABC and was a huge ratings hit. Both series were produced by Screen Gems and were filmed on the same lot.
I used to watch both shows on Nick at Nite as a kid. Even then I used to think the two male leads were dopes. I preferred Larry Hagman to Dick York (and both to Dick Sargent). Jeannie was more of a sexpot than Samantha, but Samantha was smart and capable while Jeannie was a needy dingbat. Jeannie was better in color, Bewitched in black-and-white. Bewitched had a much better supporting cast (e.g. Agnes Moorehead, Paul Lynde, Alice Ghostley, Bernard Fox, etc.), while Jeannie was saddled with boring Bill Daily.
Still, neither Jeannie in the harem outfit or Samantha Stephens in a mini-skirt were as sexy as Laura Petrie in the capri pants.
@madAsHell: Your bank visit story warmed my heart. My sympathies for your loss.
“Did you all know that our ballots come back like this from our overseas people? Did any of you know thia? It is such a sham that I had people everyday at my table taking pictures of these ballots that were scanned down. It took my team three complete days to count all of the UOCAVA ballots. You know why? Because in 2016 the numbers were apparently 1,600 UOCAVA ballots that came back in the most significant election in our lifetime. In 2020 the numbers were close to 9,600 ballots that came back. And I will tell you as an eye-witness, 95%… all went towards one candidate. And in a state where a candidate won by 10,000 votes that is 8,000 new votes during an election where people were brought home because there was a pandemic… No chain of custody. There’s nothing to identify where this piece of paper came from."
Testimony from Arizona.
January 26, 2022 full-text JAMA Psychiatry study on which this article is based:
From the Results section of the study: "Compared with placebo, the THC group significantly declined on the Composite Drive Score at 30 minutes (Cohen d = 0.59 [95% CI, 0.28-0.90]; P < .001) and 1 hour 30 minutes (Cohen d = 0.55 [95% CI, 0.24-0.86]; P < .001), with borderline differences at 3 hours 30 minutes (Cohen d = 0.29 [95% CI, –0.02 to 0.60]; P = .07) and no differences at 4 hours 30 minutes (Cohen d = –0.03 [95% CI, –0.33 to 0.28]; P = .87). The Composite Drive Score did not differ based on THC content (likelihood ratio χ24 = 3.83; P = .43) or use intensity (quantity × frequency) in the past 6 months (likelihood ratio χ24 = 1.41; P = .49), despite postsmoking blood THC concentrations being higher in those with the highest use intensity."
From the Limitations section of the study: "Because the study did not include a nonuser control group, the study only addresses how regular users exposed to THC perform on the CDS compared with regular users receiving placebo."
From the Conclusions section of the study: "The fact that not all participants consuming THC met the criteria for impairment underscores the interindividual variability seen with the impairing effects of cannabis.47 The lack of relationship between blood THC concentration and driving performance raises questions about the validity of per se laws. When users control their own intake, one cannot infer the level of impairment based on the THC content of the product, the level of behavioral tolerance in the individual, or the blood THC concentration."
I had an early doctor's appointment this morning, and on the way home, I decided to get two Sausage McMuffin's to eat on the ride back home. $8.71 with tax. Holy Crap!
The high price is due to inflation in the price of cars.
More belaboring the point, needlessly:
Weed makes you stupid.
File that under NSS. Didn't need any studies for that. Or for why legalization is a bad idea.
If you watch carefully, actually Jeannie is NOT a dingbat nor does Barbara Eden play her as a dumb blonde, despite all the giggles and laughs. Also, remember that genies are notoriously mischievous and jokesters.
Josephbleau said...
“Canadian Gadsden flag”
Please leave me alone. To be more assertive you would say, Leave me alone, please."
For it to be double-plus truly Canadian, 'Sorry' should be in there somewhere.
About that list of professors standing up to Georgetown -- I see that only TWO of the people who signed are from Georgetown.
Hispanic Students Were Forced To Learn Critical Race Theory. They Hated It.
This article is a good demonstration of how much of a boogeyman CRT has become. On the one hand, the students are uninterested, disengaged, and not completing coursework and on the other the course represents "extreme left brainwashing."
Spoiler: marxists constructs never help anyone, instead, everyone caught in its web usually ends up eating bark until such time as they are shot.
With all due respect, this demonstrates an extremely shallow understanding of Marx's work, which was primarily a theory of history, a philosophy of anthropology, and a work of political economy. Check out Conservatives Against Capitalism by Peter Kolozi, The Meaning of Conservatism by Roger Scruton, particularly the chapter on "Alienated Liberalism", After Virtue by Alasdair MacIntyre, Liberalism and the Limits of Justice by Michael Sandel, and most recently Why Liberalism Failed by Patrick Deneen.
Because commies/international socialists = national socialists, but only every single time.
That makes no sense.
In my Bible study this morning, we talked about the Holy Spirit. One of the things that I think is that the Holy Spirit can get into anybody it wants to, not just Christians. For instance, I think the Holy Spirit was in Moses when he did some miracles. Moses wasn't a Christian. Moses was a Jew. But was the Holy Spirit in Moses? Absolutely.
So I think the Holy Spirit can go into Hindus, pagans, Muslims, atheists. The Holy Spirit can go anywhere it wants, it is not bound by our human doctrines, philosophies, or theologies.
I'll give you an example of the Holy Spirit in action.
Thomas Jefferson was a Deist. He believed in God, but he did not believe that God performs any miracles on earth. Jefferson once cut out all the miracles in the Bible to see if it "made sense" without the miracles.
So imagine Jefferson as a guy who had a Bible, and was actively cutting out passages from it. This is a really strange guy. He founded an Episcopal church in Virginia (that's still going strong). But Jefferson apparently did not believe in the Virgin Birth, or Jesus walking on water, or the Resurrection.
There's an Episcopal bishop -- I think he's retired -- named Spong. He's written a bunch of books. I tried reading one of them, I think it was Why Christianity Must Change or Die and I got so mad I actually threw his book into a wall. Anyway, Spong doesn't believe in miracles, either.
To my mind, if you don't believe that Jesus had a miraculous power, if he was just a nice guy walking around, then you really shouldn't call yourself a Christian. So if I got furious at Spong, I probably would have gotten mad at Jefferson, too.
Anyway, Jefferson apparently thought that God allows no miracles on his planet. I think it's ridiculous to think that God can't break his rules if he wants to break his rules. You think God is bound by science? God created science!
God also created humor. Wouldn't it be funny if the Holy Spirit got into Jefferson? Jefferson thought it was impossible. And he certainly didn't pray or ask the Holy Spirit to help. And yet, when you read his original draft of the Declaration of Independence, it's clear to me that the Holy Spirit is in Jefferson, making him a better man than he was.
The main difference between fascists and communists is the tailoring, letterhead and the means of dividing up the loot.
Both are collectivist.
Both are dirigiste, economically.
Neither will brook any genuine opposition within the political system
Both, government officials wear uniforms.
This is why socialists believe that fascism is completely defined by the one characteristic that they do not share, and if any other political movement can be remotely tarred with the blood and soil brush, for instance by desiring that immigrants go through a legal system of vetting that actually works, rather than just being brought here by criminal gangs and drug cartels, well, they must be fascist.
Fascism and communism are fraternal twins and can't come to terms with the idea that anybody exists politically outside of their paradigm of an all powerful state.
I think, Saint Croix, that Christ left us the Holy Spirit- the Advocate- when He ascended into Heaven. That doesn’t mean, to me, that He didn’t exist prior, but the Jewish people had G*d Himself, yes? All 3 in One w/out the separation.
Sigh~ it’s complicated!
@TaeJohnDoe, good thing you didn’t try to gas up as well!
Did the internet eat the 2nd half of my post?
When users control their own intake, one cannot infer the level of impairment based on the THC content of the product, the level of behavioral tolerance in the individual, or the blood THC concentration."
All the more reason to clamp down on drivers. If you come to the attention of a cop and test positive for THC, that’s enough. Do you have any family or friends who have been killed or crippled by an impaired driver? Toke up if you want to, but there is no right to drive after partying that requires unworkable protocols to punish offenders.
The Spirit works in mysterious ways… what did u say?
I also wonder if a person has to be receptive to the Spirit in order for Him to work. Or, to see His work.
I've tried to post twice now about Jefferson's original draft of the Declaration of Independence. Infuriating that my last post was lost. One of my best efforts. Not sure if I'm being censored or just an internet glitch.
Anyway, Jefferson's draft is well worth your time. Pay particular attention to his attacks on the slave trade. He is so honest in this draft, it's amazing. He sounds like an abolitionist, which is quite strange because he was a slaveowner. You read these words and it's clear that Jefferson hated the slave trade and slavery itself. Which is paradoxical because Jefferson always had slaves and never freed them. The hypocrisies of Jefferson are well known, but what many Americans do not know is that the original draft of the Declaration of Independence is clearly an abolitionist document. I think the Holy Spirit inspired this honest and righteous anger from Jefferson. And the "cool heads" that removed all these passages did not understand that sometimes truth, beauty, anger and passion can all run together sometimes. Anyway, they coldly took it out and made the rewrite a far more secular, worldly document that swept slavery under the rug.
Farmer: "With all due respect, this demonstrates an extremely shallow understanding of Marx's work, which was primarily a theory of history, a philosophy of anthropology, and a work of political economy."
With all due respect, my characterization demonstrates an absolutely spot on and deeply understood recognition of how Marx's work was applied over and over and over again in the real world by human beings whose flaws will ALWAYS lead to the same horrific outcomes if that framework is the basis for government and organiztion of society.
But only every single time.
I'm sorry if this undeniable objective reality conflicts with the more esoteric discussions you may have had during some interesting late at night academic bull sessions at the university or local coffee shops.
"Because commies/international socialists = national socialists, but only every single time."
Farmer: That makes no sense.
On the contrary, it makes all the sense in the world...if you are interested in "facts on the ground".
But, yes, its true, I'm sure you can get a rollicking argument going on that point over at the nearest University Department of Political Science.
Have fun!
'Still, neither Jeannie in the harem outfit or Samantha Stephens in a mini-skirt were as sexy as Laura Petrie in the capri pants.'
Elizabeth Montgomery was hotter than the sun.
The science is settled : )
@tim in vermont:
Do you have any family or friends who have been killed or crippled by an impaired driver?
Yes. But if I hadn't, it would make zero difference to anything I said.
Toke up if you want to, but there is no right to drive after partying that requires unworkable protocols to punish offenders.
Everything after "but" is refuting a claim I never made.
The headline from the Mercury News, "Stoned drivers are ‘significantly’ impaired for up to 4 hours after marijuana use: study", is extremely misleading. It's quoting the word "significantly" from the study and using it to describe "impaired." However, the article is using the word "significantly" in the statistical sense to describe differences in scores on a "Composite Drive Score (CDS)" derived from driving simulator variables. That is, they are looking at declines in performance between groups, not level of impairment.
The study's findings specifically reject your support for a "come to the attention of a cop and test positive for THC, that’s enough" policy. The study notes that: "current results reinforce that per se laws based on blood THC concentrations are not supported."
Farmer: "Check out Conservatives Against Capitalism by Peter Kolozi, The Meaning of Conservatism by Roger Scruton, particularly the chapter on "Alienated Liberalism", After Virtue by Alasdair MacIntyre, Liberalism and the Limits of Justice by Michael Sandel, and most recently Why Liberalism Failed by Patrick Deneen."
No thanks.
I'll stick with the Gulag Archipelago, The Power of the Powerless, and other books on the horrors of Mao and Khmer Rouge, amongst others.
I'm sure your books are "good" too though.....
The Spirit works in mysterious ways… what did u say?
That's a beautiful comment, thank you so much for that.
I also wonder if a person has to be receptive to the Spirit in order for Him to work.
Or, to see His work.
My favorite part of his original draft is this line...
"We hold these truths to be sacred & undeniable..."
Our rights are sacred! And undeniable. I love this. Our rights come from God. Spot on.
With all due respect, my characterization demonstrates an absolutely spot on and deeply understood recognition of how Marx's work was applied over and over and over again in the real world by human beings whose flaws will ALWAYS lead to the same horrific outcomes if that framework is the basis for government and organiztion of society.
You write as if Marxism only influenced Leninism and Maoism. Some of the earliest critiques of the Bolsheviks were by Marxists like Rosa Luxemburg, Karl Liebknecht, and the original anti-Bolshevik Julius Martov.
I'm sorry if this undeniable objective reality conflicts with the more esoteric discussions you may have had during some interesting late at night academic bull sessions at the university or local coffee shops.
Feel free to insult me all you like. It's merely a consequence of your ignorance. You haven't reasoned yourself into this position. You're merely repeating cliched partisan bromides that you've adopted as a truism.
"If I hadn't of believed it, I wouldn't have seen it." - Yogi Bera
One of the great truths of our time.
The weird thing is that people are allowed to travel after treatment at methadone clinics and they’re impaired, too. And have caused accidents and deaths. Paid for by your local government…
No thanks.
I'll stick with the Gulag Archipelago, The Power of the Powerless, and other books on the horrors of Mao and Khmer Rouge, amongst others.
So let me ask you this: what is it about Marx's work that you believe makes Leninism inevitable?
I'm sure your books are "good" too though.....
Well, you're certainly no stranger to having strong opinions on books and writers you've never read.
If a person causes injury or death to another by DUI, then throw the book at them. Two books.
But in the sort of twisted logic that comes from lawmakers with too much time on their hands, it can result in things like a potsmoker ending up in jail for years though she had nothing to do with a fatal auto accident. She had been a high a few days before when a drunk driver sped across several lanes of traffic and hit her side on. He died; because she tested positive, she was charged and convicted.
And some drug warriors got stiffies, so it's all good.
Farmer: "You write as if Marxism only influenced Leninism and Maoism. Some of the earliest critiques of the Bolsheviks were by Marxists like Rosa Luxemburg, Karl Liebknecht, and the original anti-Bolshevik Julius Martov."
That changes everything!
Farmer: "Feel free to insult me all you like."
Oh, so that's what this is all about.
Things overhead just outside the execution blocks in Siberia in the 30's: Stop "merely repeating cliched partisan bromides that you've adopted as a truism"!!
Farmer: "Some of the earliest critiques of the Bolsheviks were by Marxists like Rosa Luxemburg, Karl Liebknecht, and the original anti-Bolshevik Julius Martov."
Alternate Headline: Mensheviks angry that they could not consolidate power and abuse the population because the Bolsheviks got there first!
the Holy Spirit can get into anybody it wants to, not just Christians
First, the Holy Spirit is a Person, not a thing. He is a He, not an "it."
Second, being the Spirit of Love, the Holy Spirit CANNOT get into anybody He wants to. Love is not forced. God does NOT force Himself upon or into anyone. The Holy Spirit can enter only those persons who are open to Him.
Now, that does not mean that they have an intellectual conscience realization of the Holy Spirit, but that their hearts be open to Love and to Truth. That does include non-Christians. Sadly, some people have hearts of stone, into which the Holy Spirit WILL NOT enter.
Althouse, why is my analysis of Jefferson's original draft of the Declaration of Independence being kept off your blog?
So strange.
It's quoting the word "significantly" from the study and using it to describe "impaired." However, the article is using the word "significantly" in the statistical sense to describe differences in scores on a "Composite Drive Score (CDS)" derived from driving simulator variables. That is, they are looking at declines in performance between groups, not level of impairment.
And I am saying that if the blood test shows that you have an elevated risk of impairment, belong to a statistical group that shows impairment, by your own actions that were undertaken solely for personal pleasure, and you have shown some impairment by coming to the attention of a cop, that rule of thumb is enough. I don't really care to argue with stoners who say they are fit to drive, yet somehow manage to get pulled over by a cop. I am sure that you can come up with some weaselly definition of impairment, and if driving after partying were some deeply rooted human right, it might be worth the effort, but it's not. Party at home, walk, or stay over.
Farmer: "Well, you're certainly no stranger to having strong opinions on books and writers you've never read."
One should never have strong opinions unless they've read all books written by those Farmer believes represent a dispositive critical mass.
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