Remember how, on New Year's Eve, they dropped the investigation into Epstein's death completely? Word is they found a note from his mother, and closed the case.
Losing Terry Teachout at only 65 is a real shame. A truly democratic critic: reviewing plays from companies all across the country, judging every work on its ability to entertain and stimulate rather than its political acceptability. What a loss to the country.
I’m glad you are able to get out, Ann. You may have exercise equipment in your home but it just isn’t the same, and if you don’t you probably go nuts after a few days. I know I do.
picked as "Best" comment: It's anecdotal evidence at best, but I also had such huge trouble with my periods after I had Covid. They literally wouldn't stop, I had to go to the doctor to get them to stop and they depleted my iron so low I needed infusions.
It's anecdotal evidence at best, but I also had such huge trouble with my periods after I had Covid. They literally wouldn't stop, I had to go to the doctor to get them to stop and they depleted my iron so low I needed infusions.
Since your hemoglobin needs to get below 7-8 (from a normal of 12-17) before they will transfuse you, that's a lot of blood loss.
Even aside from blood loss, there have been MANY reports of abnormal menstrual activity, including extra periods. Which likely means more than a few unknown spontaneous miscarriages.
Team NeverTrump, of grift-servatism fame, have finally decided their Pretend True Conservatism/Pro-democratical ploy is no longer a functional "play" and now have to feign shock, Shock, SHOCK(!) that Biden's Earpiece is who he's always been for 50 years!
Big if true: "The CDC will begin to provide data on how many of the 836,000 deaths in the U.S. linked to Covid are FROM Covid and how many are WITH Covid."
@Drago, Megan McCain laid out the template for Team NeverTrump.
“The man I once considered a friend and confidante has morphed into a feckless and unreliable leader I no longer recognize. He gives all the signs of stubborn cantankerous naiveté, surrounded by idiotic sycophants anyone who has spent more than fifteen minutes around politics should easily recognize as the worst type of corrupt bureaucrats.”
I wonder whether she's still happy she helped tip Arizona to Biden? Doesn't matter now, does it? Anyway, apparently the key is to pretend that he's changed for the worse, not that they didn't know all along what sort of person he always was.
Meanwhile in not so good news, John Roberts and the Furious Five have ruled that because in 1970 Congress didn’t have the foresight to pass a statute that specifically said that Joe Biden could tell OSHA in 2021 to issue a vaccine mandate because of COVID-19, Joe Biden can’t do that. This is a consistent application of the Republican Supreme Court’s doctrine that statutes written in general terms to deal with a wide variety of issues can only be enforced by Republican administrations.
@Lem (8:37), I remember one distraught mother cursing the doctor who labeled her son's death as being COVID-related, despite the bullets in him from a black on black shooting. I guessed at the time she was concerned that the "COVID" label would let her son's killer off the hook.
“This is called the Republican Party,” Trump emphasized during his 2016 campaign. “It’s not called the Conservative Party.” Or as Limbaugh himself put it on his show that same year, “Can somebody point to me the conservative on the ballot? What do you mean, Rush? Are you admitting Trump is not a conservative? Damn right I am! Folks, when did I ever say that he was? Look, I don’t know how to tell you this. Conservatism lost in the primary, if that’s how you want to look at it.”
Then there was the shift away from Trump and his grifters by us real conservatives in 2020.
I too am sorry to lose Terry Teachout. I always enjoyed his reviews and perspective and his general writing. It was so very sad when he lost his wife, but I was happy to hear he was in a new, loving relationship. His blog post on December 31 is bittersweet to read now.
I've spent most of the day attempting to return to work, but the L*yft app appears to be signaling me L*yft is not happening, L*yft is not having me back. They deactivated me (as a driver) after i told them, on the 28th, that was in quarantine. They don't make anyone available via the phone. There are hubs where drivers go with issues, but I was instructed specifically not to go.
Yesterday they told me (via the app chat) to wait for an email with instructions, but the email has not arrived, some 30 hours later. The chat gave me a ticket # but what good is it, if nobody gets back.
I'm fearing the worse. That they might be purging the uns from their rolls.
The Poor Man's *** ***** gadfly: "Then there was the shift away from Trump and his grifters by us real conservatives in 2020."
Our resident middle school correspondent gadfly checks in with more laughably false and long abandoned and inoperative narratives.
Its kind of his/her/xer's schtick.
Gadfly's idea of "real conservatives"?
Jen Rubin, Bill Kristol and Nicole Wallace.
Btw, since gadfly has emerged from the basement again, perhaps now would be a good time to ask him to address his earlier serial lies regarding inflation (he/she/xe claimed there was none, then it was only a minor rise, then only a temporary phase...LOL) and gas prices.
Gadfly the voice-actuated buffoon, literally claimed Biden's Earpiece had NO control at all over the price of gas!
Insta has a NYPost article: Team Biden’s plan to ‘ensure scientific integrity’ should start with itself
Ironically, even as this initiative was announced, damning new information about government scientists’ response to the COVID-19 outbreak came out. A series of just-released e-mails from top scientists revealed they were highly confident that the disease came out of a Chinese laboratory, even as their public statements treated any such suggestions as crazy talk, “conspiracy theory” and “misinformation.”
As science journalist Matt Ridley writes: “The e-mails unveiled this week reveal no good scientific reason at all for why these leading virologists changed their minds and became deniers rather than believers in even the remote possibility of a lab leak, all in just a few days in February 2020. No new data, no new arguments. But they do very clearly reveal a blatant political reason for the volte-face. Speculating about a lab leak, said Ron Fouchier, a Dutch researcher, might ‘do unnecessary harm to science in general and science in China in particular.’ ”
National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins, observes Ridley, “was pithier, worrying about ‘doing great potential harm to science and international harmony.’ Contradicting Donald Trump, protecting science’s reputation at all costs and keeping in with those who dole out large grants are pretty strong incentives to change one’s mind.”
The science establishment didn’t want people talking about the lab leak because it would have led to a discussion about why, exactly, the science establishment was tolerating — and in some cases funding, via Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases — dangerous “gain of function” research in an insecure Chinese lab when such research was banned in the United States.
About how many people YouTube muzzled for suggesting the lab leak hypothesis was a viable possibility. Is anybody even getting an apology?
And there will be an interesting problem if the Republicans take the House and Senate. When President Harris takes office, how does she fill the VP slot?
If she doesn't nominate someone acceptable to the Republicans, then the Speaker of the House (presumably Kevin McCarthy) would be next in line. However, the Speaker does not need to be a member of the House. It could be someone else (and, no, it would never be Trump).
But if they don't fill the VP office, then President Harris will be motivated to stay no matter how disastrous she will be. So who would be an acceptable "Dem" to be VP under President Harris? Someone she can comfortably hand things over too if she resigns?
So far as I know, Terry Teachout was able to avoid all the sectarian ideological conflicts and just write about what he knew. I didn't read him that much, but that quality will be sorely missed.
I hope you were able to save the drowning guy in the middle of the lake ...
There seems to be remarkably little discussion in the conservative online world of the indictment today of the head of the Oath Keepers and and a bunch of his colleagues for seditious conspiracy in connection with the January 6 riot. If the allegations in the indictment are true, then they really did conspire to use force to stop the certification of the electoral vote and prevent Joe Biden from being inaugurated as president. The indictment also alleges that the conspirators kept stashes of arms with backup personnel in several locations in Arlington, outside the District, to be available as a "quick reaction force" in case the opportunity arose to use armed violence in support of their plot. That's conspiracy to use armed force with an overt act, to my eye. If DOJ proves the facts alleged (and apparently, four members of the Oath Keepers have ratted out their colleagues, which is where many of these allegations come from), these gentlemen are going away for a long time. There's no allegation in the indictment that the conspirators were conspiring with or in communication with anyone in Trumpworld, so there's probably no evidence of that. I thank Mr. Garland for his dogged pursuit of these mutts.
Douglas B. Levene: "There seems to be remarkably little discussion in the conservative online world of the indictment today of the head of the Oath Keepers and and a bunch of his colleagues for seditious conspiracy in connection with the January 6 riot."
Wrong thread. And its obvious what this is coming just 48 hours after the DOJ and FBI reps testifying before the Senate and House committees.
This is right up the hoax Hutaree Militia setup, the Whitmer kidnapping plot hoax, all on top of 5 years of the russia collusion hoax and Manafort/Page/Papadopolous/Flynn/Stone (and others) setups.
But you just keep holding tight to that Clinton hoax dossier while enjoying a nice bordeaux in front of the fire.
Not to worry though, none of those charges will be adjudicated before Nov of 2022 so Team Dem has their talking points setup for the election.
Just like Muellers collapsed prosecution of Concord Management after a 2 year ginned up hoax prosecution.
As I recall, there were Legions Of Levene's crowing about that one as well...until they too went silent...until they moved on to the next hoax.
Oh, God, no, please. Terry Teachout has died now, too?
I love how the "principled" people have no problem with rampant crime, dictator like mandates for something that doesnt work, brainwashing and I'm just getting started.
And then preach more about being a "true" conservative.
Douglas Levene: "The indictment also alleges that the conspirators kept stashes of arms with backup personnel in several locations in Arlington, outside the District, to be available as a "quick reaction force" in case the opportunity arose to use armed violence in support of their plot."
If this case goes the way of the FBI's Hutaree militia and Whitmer "kidnapping" hoaxes, there will be FBI controlled "informants" and operatives who will have provided the planning, the organization and the weapons for these stored arms.
The praetorian FBI/DOJ are quite anxious it seems to provide their dem allies with a workable Reichstag Fire moment.
Any leads on the dude placing "pipe bombs" in DC the night of Jan 5th?
A prototypical "unindicted co-conspirator" who wont be available to testify during any truals...just like the 3 FBI dudes pulled off the Whitmer kidnapping hoax list of "witnesses"! Now thats awfully convenient, per usual.
There seems to be remarkably little discussion in the conservative online world of the indictment today of the head of the Oath Keepers
Why would conservative sites have anything to say about it? Most don't even know who these jokers are. It is the left that is obsessed with them, not people who are conservative.
Hey, Ann, and on the rarest of occasions I’m referring to you as Ann as opposed to Althouse, your preference, I am feeling a bit shocked and bereft. Many found your blog earliest via Teachout (though not I). That said his blogging certainly was amongst the earliest that encouraged me to read blogs, as did your blogging.
Even aside from blood loss, there have been MANY reports of abnormal menstrual activity, including extra periods. Which likely means more than a few unknown spontaneous miscarriages. ========
Here's an interesting "Oath Keepers" item: guess who the head of the Arizona Oath Keepers?
Our good buddy Ray Epps...the guy who is on video exhorting people to tear down barriers and go into the capital, and throwing things at cops, and whispering in the ears of guys at the barricades and just a few seconds after Epps whispers in their ears they tear down the barricades. And this in addition to Epps captured on video speaking with known antifa member Sullivan....
...and Epps is being DEFENDED by the Pelosi illegally established and not properly constituted Jan 6 Cover-up Committee...
...and Epps remains untouchable to the DOJ/FBI.
I'm sure its all just a that cool $10k in marked bills given to Papadopolous by an israeli connected to the FBI in Tel Aviv right before flying back to Dulles...whereupon FBI agents magically appeared and put him thru a very rough search complete with threats: "this is what you get for working for Trump".
Papadopolous smelled a rat of course and left the $10k with an attorney in Tel Aviv, frustrating our thoroughly corrupted FBI in their frame up.
The worst part of all this corruption? The ChiComs and russkis know they can interfere at will with the US by slipping fake info/documents/data etc into US processes that feeds one side or the other.
The other thing is that he wrote so well, and here’s an example:
“ ‘Sikeston, he wrote, was “still a place where people salute the flag and don’t ask for receipts, where everybody knows who your parents were and what they did for a living. It is narrow and kind and decent and good, and I am blessed to have been raised in its shabby, forgiving bosom.’”
Sixty five is too young, but dying in your sleep is the beau ideal. I wonder what percentage of people die in their sleep as opposed to after a lengthy exit interview....Kind of a bummer for your loved one to wake up next to a corpse though. If you live alone, your cat will not be inconsolable, but that's even more of a bummer. According to most actuarial statistics, I'll be checking out in the next five or six years so these are not morbid thoughts. Too many celebs, younger than me, have been dying "natural deaths" lately. I wish these celebs would stop dying.
Sobbering that Saget and Teachout died in their sleep at 65 a short time apart.
Teachout did not write on politics, and wrote on culture for conservative publications, where I read him faithfully, but if you read his tweets regularly you knew from his retweets that he loathed Trump, loathed the election big lie, and had no patience for anti-vaxxers.
There's a Peggy Noonan column many here would find interesting at WSJ.
Not possible? Go read. She and I reached the same conclusion after the speech in Georgia that will still be famous in twenty years. She's been wrong a lot, but here she's right.
I did not get all of the Teachout love, but all I ever read from him was his tweets, and readering reminds me why I am puzzled so many commenters here seemed to like him and call him non political.
Mezzrow, please tell us a bit about it. I don't give clicks to Peggy Noonan articles, and I suspect even she is now doing damage control to maintain her invitations to the K Street crowd in case common sense makes a reappearance in the nation's capital.
P.S. - Been a WSJ paper or online subscriber continuously since January 1977, so it is not the paywall I am concerned about.
Nancy handed out N95 masks in the House...MADE IN CHINA!! Can't make this up.
I’ve written off Peggy (like so many others)- in the fog far too long, can’t smell their own, still believe the populace hangs on their every word to learn how to think.
…but I did go check this Noonan out. There’s a flickering of clarity I suppose but how many Americans have simply tuned out Biden’s earpiece and the propaganda. Do they even know he gave a speech? I don’t know exactly what he said…but I’d reckon it doesn’t matter. Is that really an inflection point for anyone outside the beltway?
To write her off is to have invested in her in the first place. It would be like "writing off" Gail Collins, but I went to read it, and after six paragraphs of smearing Republicans and bemoaning Biden's bad tactics, I was done with it. But I would be interested to hear what commenters here found of value in it.
wendybar said...Nancy handed out N95 masks in the House...MADE IN CHINA!!
The KN95s are definitely not as good as N95s, but they're much easier to get. Two years in and the vaunted American manufacturing behemoth still can't make enough masks. No wonder we can't do the hard things anymore when we can't even do the simple things.
And now I read that the Ronald McDonald houses are throwing out unvaccinated children, even when the kids have leukemia. Great look, there, McDonalds, and how about if we boycott your fast food until the people who run the Ronald McDonald Houses learn what the word “compassion” means?
tim in vermont said... To write her off is to have invested in her in the first place.
If you are referring to my comment, from my perspective Noonan was part of a portfolio with Freeman and Henninger and Jenkins and Strassel and Taranto. Noonan wasn't a huge investment and I'll gladly accept the loss as a lesson from the market...
“… but if you read his tweets regularly you knew from his retweets that he loathed Trump, loathed the election big lie, and had no patience for anti-vaxxers.“ To each his own- not everyone reads Twitter, eh?
I had read his wife passed away in 2020. I’m sure the re-union was sweet.
@Drago: Are the Oath Keepers claiming entrapment? That’s a tough defense to make, because the defendant has to concede he committed the crime and then prove he would never have committed it but-for the inducements of the police agent, but occasionally it succeeds.
@Drago: The good news for Republicans is that the feds apparently have not found any evidence trying Trump to the Oath Keepers conspiracy. This is not surprising to me. Trump loves to occupy the grey zone where it’s unclear what’s legal and what isn’t, but he has always been careful not to cross any bright lines of legality, and participating in a conspiracy to use violence against the government would be a very clear line that I don’t think he would ever cross.
Douglas B. Levene: "@Drago: The good news for Republicans is that the feds apparently have not found any evidence trying Trump to the Oath Keepers conspiracy."
Alleged "conspiracy"....and a "conspiracy" involving something the feds dare not charge explicitly.
But, as with your russian collusion hoax and, no doubt hoax pee tape, this "legal" case too will go the way of the dodo bird.
This is transparently Hutaree Hoax/Whitmer Hoax II and a direct reaction of the DOJ/FBI getting blown out of the water publicly on their serial lies in questioning before committees.
Transparent. And even you know it.
But as I mentioned above, you've got about 2 years to continue crowing about it before the rug gets pulled out from under the case and by then you'll have long moved on to newer hoaxes.
Levene: "Trump loves to occupy the grey zone where it’s unclear what’s legal and what isn’t, but he has always been careful not to cross any bright lines of legality, and participating in a conspiracy to use violence against the government would be a very clear line that I don’t think he would ever cross."
Thank you for your mind reading assessment.
A major red flag for cognitive dissonance, unless you, like your DOJ/FBI political allies, are simply lying.
I'm fully prepared to embrace the power of "and" in this case.
And did Levene happen to catch the latest in the Ghislane Maxwell "trial"/coverup?
Boy, those DOJ laddies really "messed up" by not effectively vetting the jurors didn't they.....or was that on purpose to give Maxwell an "out" so that we can all just let bygones be bygones and forever bury the info on all those fellas that Epstein "helped out" with?
Nothing corrupt going on there with Team Dem, eh?
Again, such is the confidence of the democraticals/deep staters/aligned legacy media/big techies that they don't even bother hiding it anymore.
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७२ टिप्पण्या:
Remember how, on New Year's Eve, they dropped the investigation into Epstein's death completely? Word is they found a note from his mother, and closed the case.
The executive government in power, especially the Justice Dept, has no shame. "I have no Knowledge" is what the perps say.
Things I learned this week:
— I need a photo ID to order a taco in any major city, but I don’t need an ID to vote.
— People of color are too stupid to get a free photo ID.
Good to know...
Sad news. Terry Teachout dead at 65. Died in sleep. Great critc.
Losing Terry Teachout at only 65 is a real shame. A truly democratic critic: reviewing plays from companies all across the country, judging every work on its ability to entertain and stimulate rather than its political acceptability. What a loss to the country.
I’m glad you are able to get out, Ann. You may have exercise equipment in your home but it just isn’t the same, and if you don’t you probably go nuts after a few days. I know I do.
Reddit is letting women talk about adverse vaccine reaction. The grip is loosening.
Link to comments that would have been anathema 6 months ago.
picked as "Best" comment: It's anecdotal evidence at best, but I also had such huge trouble with my periods after I had Covid. They literally wouldn't stop, I had to go to the doctor to get them to stop and they depleted my iron so low I needed infusions.
More and more and more we are seeing these "I'm done" pieces from the leaning left and left. We have reached the breaking point.
People are not going to accept Brandon's "new normal." They want the old normal. By spring there's a good chance we will have it.
It's anecdotal evidence at best, but I also had such huge trouble with my periods after I had Covid. They literally wouldn't stop, I had to go to the doctor to get them to stop and they depleted my iron so low I needed infusions.
Since your hemoglobin needs to get below 7-8 (from a normal of 12-17) before they will transfuse you, that's a lot of blood loss.
Even aside from blood loss, there have been MANY reports of abnormal menstrual activity, including extra periods. Which likely means more than a few unknown spontaneous miscarriages.
Saw an episode of Jeannie today, with guest star Michael Ansara, Barbara Eden's real life husband.
Terry Teachout was a joyous critic; there's an oxymoron for you. I looked forward to every one of his reviews. He will be missed.
Bender said...
Saw an episode of Jeannie today, with guest star Michael Ansara, Barbara Eden's real life husband.
IIRC he played Cochise on the TV western "Broken Arrow" a helluva long time ago.
The Democrat Jan6 committee is now going after those Trumpist social media companies Facebook and Twitter for failing to cooperate with the committee.
Terry Teachout dead at 65
Sad news, indeed. I always enjoyed reading his columns and learned from them. RIP.
His wife died died about two years ago. In my experience, the surviving spouse often dies a year or two after such a loss.
"Saw an episode of Jeannie today, with guest star Michael Ansara, Barbara Eden's real life husband.
"IIRC he played Cochise on the TV western "Broken Arrow" a helluva long time ago."
He played King Kamehameha on Jeannie. The guy had range, he also played a Klingon.
Team NeverTrump, of grift-servatism fame, have finally decided their Pretend True Conservatism/Pro-democratical ploy is no longer a functional "play" and now have to feign shock, Shock, SHOCK(!) that Biden's Earpiece is who he's always been for 50 years!
The National Review of 2022 is just The Weekly Standard of 2016...and on the same trajectory...
Big if true: "The CDC will begin to provide data on how many of the 836,000 deaths in the U.S. linked to Covid are FROM Covid and how many are WITH Covid."
@Drago, Megan McCain laid out the template for Team NeverTrump.
“The man I once considered a friend and confidante has morphed into a feckless and unreliable leader I no longer recognize. He gives all the signs of stubborn cantankerous naiveté, surrounded by idiotic sycophants anyone who has spent more than fifteen minutes around politics should easily recognize as the worst type of corrupt bureaucrats.”
I wonder whether she's still happy she helped tip Arizona to Biden? Doesn't matter now, does it? Anyway, apparently the key is to pretend that he's changed for the worse, not that they didn't know all along what sort of person he always was.
Paul Campos at Lawyers, Guns and Money:
Meanwhile in not so good news, John Roberts and the Furious Five have ruled that because in 1970 Congress didn’t have the foresight to pass a statute that specifically said that Joe Biden could tell OSHA in 2021 to issue a vaccine mandate because of COVID-19, Joe Biden can’t do that. This is a consistent application of the Republican Supreme Court’s doctrine that statutes written in general terms to deal with a wide variety of issues can only be enforced by Republican administrations.
@Lem (8:37), I remember one distraught mother cursing the doctor who labeled her son's death as being COVID-related, despite the bullets in him from a black on black shooting. I guessed at the time she was concerned that the "COVID" label would let her son's killer off the hook.
“This is called the Republican Party,” Trump emphasized during his 2016 campaign. “It’s not called the Conservative Party.” Or as Limbaugh himself put it on his show that same year, “Can somebody point to me the conservative on the ballot? What do you mean, Rush? Are you admitting Trump is not a conservative? Damn right I am! Folks, when did I ever say that he was? Look, I don’t know how to tell you this. Conservatism lost in the primary, if that’s how you want to look at it.”
Then there was the shift away from Trump and his grifters by us real conservatives in 2020.
I too am sorry to lose Terry Teachout. I always enjoyed his reviews and perspective and his general writing. It was so very sad when he lost his wife, but I was happy to hear he was in a new, loving relationship. His blog post on December 31 is bittersweet to read now.
I read Teachout spottily, and hadn't followed him for several years, but he was a good critic and wrote well. 65 ain't old. RIP.
I've spent most of the day attempting to return to work, but the L*yft app appears to be signaling me L*yft is not happening, L*yft is not having me back. They deactivated me (as a driver) after i told them, on the 28th, that was in quarantine. They don't make anyone available via the phone. There are hubs where drivers go with issues, but I was instructed specifically not to go.
Yesterday they told me (via the app chat) to wait for an email with instructions, but the email has not arrived, some 30 hours later. The chat gave me a ticket # but what good is it, if nobody gets back.
I'm fearing the worse. That they might be purging the uns from their rolls.
The Poor Man's *** ***** gadfly: "Then there was the shift away from Trump and his grifters by us real conservatives in 2020."
Our resident middle school correspondent gadfly checks in with more laughably false and long abandoned and inoperative narratives.
Its kind of his/her/xer's schtick.
Gadfly's idea of "real conservatives"?
Jen Rubin, Bill Kristol and Nicole Wallace.
Btw, since gadfly has emerged from the basement again, perhaps now would be a good time to ask him to address his earlier serial lies regarding inflation (he/she/xe claimed there was none, then it was only a minor rise, then only a temporary phase...LOL) and gas prices.
Gadfly the voice-actuated buffoon, literally claimed Biden's Earpiece had NO control at all over the price of gas!
Too funny.
Insta has a NYPost article: Team Biden’s plan to ‘ensure scientific integrity’ should start with itself
Ironically, even as this initiative was announced, damning new information about government scientists’ response to the COVID-19 outbreak came out. A series of just-released e-mails from top scientists revealed they were highly confident that the disease came out of a Chinese laboratory, even as their public statements treated any such suggestions as crazy talk, “conspiracy theory” and “misinformation.”
As science journalist Matt Ridley writes: “The e-mails unveiled this week reveal no good scientific reason at all for why these leading virologists changed their minds and became deniers rather than believers in even the remote possibility of a lab leak, all in just a few days in February 2020. No new data, no new arguments. But they do very clearly reveal a blatant political reason for the volte-face. Speculating about a lab leak, said Ron Fouchier, a Dutch researcher, might ‘do unnecessary harm to science in general and science in China in particular.’ ”
National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins, observes Ridley, “was pithier, worrying about ‘doing great potential harm to science and international harmony.’ Contradicting Donald Trump, protecting science’s reputation at all costs and keeping in with those who dole out large grants are pretty strong incentives to change one’s mind.”
The science establishment didn’t want people talking about the lab leak because it would have led to a discussion about why, exactly, the science establishment was tolerating — and in some cases funding, via Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases — dangerous “gain of function” research in an insecure Chinese lab when such research was banned in the United States.
About how many people YouTube muzzled for suggesting the lab leak hypothesis was a viable possibility. Is anybody even getting an apology?
So, I don't see a way out and up for Joe Biden.
And there will be an interesting problem if the Republicans take the House and Senate. When President Harris takes office, how does she fill the VP slot?
If she doesn't nominate someone acceptable to the Republicans, then the Speaker of the House (presumably Kevin McCarthy) would be next in line. However, the Speaker does not need to be a member of the House. It could be someone else (and, no, it would never be Trump).
But if they don't fill the VP office, then President Harris will be motivated to stay no matter how disastrous she will be. So who would be an acceptable "Dem" to be VP under President Harris? Someone she can comfortably hand things over too if she resigns?
So far as I know, Terry Teachout was able to avoid all the sectarian ideological conflicts and just write about what he knew. I didn't read him that much, but that quality will be sorely missed.
I hope you were able to save the drowning guy in the middle of the lake ...
There seems to be remarkably little discussion in the conservative online world of the indictment today of the head of the Oath Keepers and and a bunch of his colleagues for seditious conspiracy in connection with the January 6 riot. If the allegations in the indictment are true, then they really did conspire to use force to stop the certification of the electoral vote and prevent Joe Biden from being inaugurated as president. The indictment also alleges that the conspirators kept stashes of arms with backup personnel in several locations in Arlington, outside the District, to be available as a "quick reaction force" in case the opportunity arose to use armed violence in support of their plot. That's conspiracy to use armed force with an overt act, to my eye. If DOJ proves the facts alleged (and apparently, four members of the Oath Keepers have ratted out their colleagues, which is where many of these allegations come from), these gentlemen are going away for a long time. There's no allegation in the indictment that the conspirators were conspiring with or in communication with anyone in Trumpworld, so there's probably no evidence of that. I thank Mr. Garland for his dogged pursuit of these mutts.
Douglas B. Levene: "There seems to be remarkably little discussion in the conservative online world of the indictment today of the head of the Oath Keepers and and a bunch of his colleagues for seditious conspiracy in connection with the January 6 riot."
Wrong thread. And its obvious what this is coming just 48 hours after the DOJ and FBI reps testifying before the Senate and House committees.
This is right up the hoax Hutaree Militia setup, the Whitmer kidnapping plot hoax, all on top of 5 years of the russia collusion hoax and Manafort/Page/Papadopolous/Flynn/Stone (and others) setups.
But you just keep holding tight to that Clinton hoax dossier while enjoying a nice bordeaux in front of the fire.
Not to worry though, none of those charges will be adjudicated before Nov of 2022 so Team Dem has their talking points setup for the election.
Just like Muellers collapsed prosecution of Concord Management after a 2 year ginned up hoax prosecution.
As I recall, there were Legions Of Levene's crowing about that one as well...until they too went silent...until they moved on to the next hoax.
You'll do the same.
Oh, God, no, please. Terry Teachout has died now, too?
I love how the "principled" people have no problem with rampant crime, dictator like mandates for something that doesnt work, brainwashing and I'm just getting started.
And then preach more about being a "true" conservative.
Douglas Levene: "The indictment also alleges that the conspirators kept stashes of arms with backup personnel in several locations in Arlington, outside the District, to be available as a "quick reaction force" in case the opportunity arose to use armed violence in support of their plot."
If this case goes the way of the FBI's Hutaree militia and Whitmer "kidnapping" hoaxes, there will be FBI controlled "informants" and operatives who will have provided the planning, the organization and the weapons for these stored arms.
The praetorian FBI/DOJ are quite anxious it seems to provide their dem allies with a workable Reichstag Fire moment.
Any leads on the dude placing "pipe bombs" in DC the night of Jan 5th?
A prototypical "unindicted co-conspirator" who wont be available to testify during any truals...just like the 3 FBI dudes pulled off the Whitmer kidnapping hoax list of "witnesses"! Now thats awfully convenient, per usual.
There seems to be remarkably little discussion in the conservative online world of the indictment today of the head of the Oath Keepers
Why would conservative sites have anything to say about it? Most don't even know who these jokers are. It is the left that is obsessed with them, not people who are conservative.
Hey, Ann, and on the rarest of occasions I’m referring to you as Ann as opposed to Althouse, your preference, I am feeling a bit shocked and bereft. Many found your blog earliest via Teachout (though not I). That said his blogging certainly was amongst the earliest that encouraged me to read blogs, as did your blogging.
I feel so sad.
lori elizabeth hill
Even aside from blood loss, there have been MANY reports of abnormal menstrual activity, including extra periods. Which likely means more than a few unknown spontaneous miscarriages.
does vaccine "cross" placenta /barrier?
Here's an interesting "Oath Keepers" item: guess who the head of the Arizona Oath Keepers?
Our good buddy Ray Epps...the guy who is on video exhorting people to tear down barriers and go into the capital, and throwing things at cops, and whispering in the ears of guys at the barricades and just a few seconds after Epps whispers in their ears they tear down the barricades. And this in addition to Epps captured on video speaking with known antifa member Sullivan....
...and Epps is being DEFENDED by the Pelosi illegally established and not properly constituted Jan 6 Cover-up Committee...
...and Epps remains untouchable to the DOJ/FBI.
I'm sure its all just a that cool $10k in marked bills given to Papadopolous by an israeli connected to the FBI in Tel Aviv right before flying back to Dulles...whereupon FBI agents magically appeared and put him thru a very rough search complete with threats: "this is what you get for working for Trump".
Papadopolous smelled a rat of course and left the $10k with an attorney in Tel Aviv, frustrating our thoroughly corrupted FBI in their frame up.
The worst part of all this corruption? The ChiComs and russkis know they can interfere at will with the US by slipping fake info/documents/data etc into US processes that feeds one side or the other.
The other thing is that he wrote so well, and here’s an example:
“ ‘Sikeston, he wrote, was “still a place where people salute the flag and don’t ask for receipts, where everybody knows who your parents were and what they did for a living. It is narrow and kind and decent and good, and I am blessed to have been raised in its shabby, forgiving bosom.’”
Sixty five is too young, but dying in your sleep is the beau ideal. I wonder what percentage of people die in their sleep as opposed to after a lengthy exit interview....Kind of a bummer for your loved one to wake up next to a corpse though. If you live alone, your cat will not be inconsolable, but that's even more of a bummer. According to most actuarial statistics, I'll be checking out in the next five or six years so these are not morbid thoughts. Too many celebs, younger than me, have been dying "natural deaths" lately. I wish these celebs would stop dying.
What a wonderful day in the USA
Sobbering that Saget and Teachout died in their sleep at 65 a short time apart.
Teachout did not write on politics, and wrote on culture for conservative publications, where I read him faithfully, but if you read his tweets regularly you knew from his retweets that he loathed Trump, loathed the election big lie, and had no patience for anti-vaxxers.
Blogger rcocean said...Sad news. Terry Teachout dead at 65. Died in sleep. Great critc.
Is it me, or have there been so many deaths lately that the rule of threes needs to be updated to the rule of thirties?
Lab Rats
Wisconsin judge rules drop boxes are illegal, WIsconsin Elections Commission (WEC) gave unlawful guidance in 2020 election
How widespread does the fraud need to be to be widespread fraud?
I mean it is old news that won’t change the outcome, right? What’s the point?
It’s not like there will ever be another election or something…
In other boring news the US has not added one new job from the 2019 high water mark. All ‘new’ jobs are backfill from jobs lost.
Stagnation since 2019…
RIP Terry Teachout. A good man, a great loss.
There's a Peggy Noonan column many here would find interesting at WSJ.
Not possible? Go read. She and I reached the same conclusion after the speech in Georgia that will still be famous in twenty years. She's been wrong a lot, but here she's right.
I did not get all of the Teachout love, but all I ever read from him was his tweets, and readering reminds me why I am puzzled so many commenters here seemed to like him and call him non political.
How did an account of Covid causing menstrual issues turn into vax bashing?
Mezzrow, please tell us a bit about it. I don't give clicks to Peggy Noonan articles, and I suspect even she is now doing damage control to maintain her invitations to the K Street crowd in case common sense makes a reappearance in the nation's capital.
P.S. - Been a WSJ paper or online subscriber continuously since January 1977, so it is not the paywall I am concerned about.
Nancy handed out N95 masks in the House...MADE IN CHINA!! Can't make this up.
KN95 masks. Typed to fast!!!
I’ve written off Peggy (like so many others)- in the fog far too long, can’t smell their own, still believe the populace hangs on their every word to learn how to think.
…but I did go check this Noonan out. There’s a flickering of clarity I suppose but how many Americans have simply tuned out Biden’s earpiece and the propaganda. Do they even know he gave a speech? I don’t know exactly what he said…but I’d reckon it doesn’t matter. Is that really an inflection point for anyone outside the beltway?
To write her off is to have invested in her in the first place. It would be like "writing off" Gail Collins, but I went to read it, and after six paragraphs of smearing Republicans and bemoaning Biden's bad tactics, I was done with it. But I would be interested to hear what commenters here found of value in it.
Never mind, I can see it's that she is validating people's COVID nonsense. May as well be discussing religion.
wendybar said...Nancy handed out N95 masks in the House...MADE IN CHINA!!
The KN95s are definitely not as good as N95s, but they're much easier to get. Two years in and the vaunted American manufacturing behemoth still can't make enough masks. No wonder we can't do the hard things anymore when we can't even do the simple things.
Peggy Noonan? Is she still writing?
I'm asking this as a WSJ subscriber
And now I read that the Ronald McDonald houses are throwing out unvaccinated children, even when the kids have leukemia. Great look, there, McDonalds, and how about if we boycott your fast food until the people who run the Ronald McDonald Houses learn what the word “compassion” means?
“ Then there was the shift away from Trump and his grifters by us real conservatives in 2020.”
tim in vermont said...
To write her off is to have invested in her in the first place.
If you are referring to my comment, from my perspective Noonan was part of a portfolio with Freeman and Henninger and Jenkins and Strassel and Taranto. Noonan wasn't a huge investment and I'll gladly accept the loss as a lesson from the market...
“… but if you read his tweets regularly you knew from his retweets that he loathed Trump, loathed the election big lie, and had no patience for anti-vaxxers.“
To each his own- not everyone reads Twitter, eh?
I had read his wife passed away in 2020. I’m sure the re-union was sweet.
Readering said:
"Sobbering that Saget and Teachout died in their sleep at 65 a short time apart."
Uh-oh. This sounds ominous. This sleep things sounds more dangerous than I thought.
@Drago: Are the Oath Keepers claiming entrapment? That’s a tough defense to make, because the defendant has to concede he committed the crime and then prove he would never have committed it but-for the inducements of the police agent, but occasionally it succeeds.
@Drago: The good news for Republicans is that the feds apparently have not found any evidence trying Trump to the Oath Keepers conspiracy. This is not surprising to me. Trump loves to occupy the grey zone where it’s unclear what’s legal and what isn’t, but he has always been careful not to cross any bright lines of legality, and participating in a conspiracy to use violence against the government would be a very clear line that I don’t think he would ever cross.
25 years -- a quarter-century -- since the Winslet/DiCaprio Titanic.
What happened? Where did the years go?
Douglas B. Levene: "@Drago: The good news for Republicans is that the feds apparently have not found any evidence trying Trump to the Oath Keepers conspiracy."
Alleged "conspiracy"....and a "conspiracy" involving something the feds dare not charge explicitly.
But, as with your russian collusion hoax and, no doubt hoax pee tape, this "legal" case too will go the way of the dodo bird.
This is transparently Hutaree Hoax/Whitmer Hoax II and a direct reaction of the DOJ/FBI getting blown out of the water publicly on their serial lies in questioning before committees.
Transparent. And even you know it.
But as I mentioned above, you've got about 2 years to continue crowing about it before the rug gets pulled out from under the case and by then you'll have long moved on to newer hoaxes.
Levene: "Trump loves to occupy the grey zone where it’s unclear what’s legal and what isn’t, but he has always been careful not to cross any bright lines of legality, and participating in a conspiracy to use violence against the government would be a very clear line that I don’t think he would ever cross."
Thank you for your mind reading assessment.
A major red flag for cognitive dissonance, unless you, like your DOJ/FBI political allies, are simply lying.
I'm fully prepared to embrace the power of "and" in this case.
And did Levene happen to catch the latest in the Ghislane Maxwell "trial"/coverup?
Boy, those DOJ laddies really "messed up" by not effectively vetting the jurors didn't they.....or was that on purpose to give Maxwell an "out" so that we can all just let bygones be bygones and forever bury the info on all those fellas that Epstein "helped out" with?
Nothing corrupt going on there with Team Dem, eh?
Again, such is the confidence of the democraticals/deep staters/aligned legacy media/big techies that they don't even bother hiding it anymore.
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