Writes Kathleen Parker, in "Men want to have vasectomies now? What took them so long?" (WaPo). She's reacting to that article from a few days ago: "Men across America are getting vasectomies ‘as an act of love’/With the right to abortion under threat, men say they want to play a role in reproductive planning to support their partners" (WaPo). You may have noticed that, and you may even have noticed my failure to blog it. My reaction to the "act of love" framing was more cynical than I was in the mood to type out. So I was glad to see Parker do the work.
२९ डिसेंबर, २०२१
"Where was men’s outrage while women were poisoning themselves with pills and scarring their reproductive organs with IUDs and abortions?"
"Answer: They were bystanders. Most men, other than dedicated pro-lifers, weren’t about to protest. If women were willing to terminate their pregnancies, male culture was, like, Okay, honey, whatever you want. It’s your decision. So, forgive me if the sudden rush on vasectomy clinics fails to bestir my gratitude. Too much water under my bridge, I guess, but I wonder: Are men really acting out of concern for women who might suffer without Roe v. Wade? Or is it because, as documentary filmmaker Jonathan Stack ('The Vasectomist') let slip, 'The quality of life for millions of men will be adversely affected if this (abortion) right is taken from women'?... So, step right up, you Men-Who-Love-Your-Wives: Have a vasectomy if you like.... But it does seem to me that nature’s life force is flickering a bit these days. When manning up means terminating one’s ability to reproduce — and woman’s power resides in the destruction of her unborn — you have to wonder, wherefore art we?"
Writes Kathleen Parker, in "Men want to have vasectomies now? What took them so long?" (WaPo). She's reacting to that article from a few days ago: "Men across America are getting vasectomies ‘as an act of love’/With the right to abortion under threat, men say they want to play a role in reproductive planning to support their partners" (WaPo). You may have noticed that, and you may even have noticed my failure to blog it. My reaction to the "act of love" framing was more cynical than I was in the mood to type out. So I was glad to see Parker do the work.
Writes Kathleen Parker, in "Men want to have vasectomies now? What took them so long?" (WaPo). She's reacting to that article from a few days ago: "Men across America are getting vasectomies ‘as an act of love’/With the right to abortion under threat, men say they want to play a role in reproductive planning to support their partners" (WaPo). You may have noticed that, and you may even have noticed my failure to blog it. My reaction to the "act of love" framing was more cynical than I was in the mood to type out. So I was glad to see Parker do the work.
birth control,
Kathleen Parker,
४४ टिप्पण्या:
Where do you even start with this "article?"
This is just an attempt to divide men and women with more emotional outrage.
There are some people who just want to see the world burn.
Roe v Wade is a garbage decision and it did massive damage to the social fabric of our nation.
Lots of men are getting cut because they've noticed how many other single men are deceived into causing a pregnancy, which then traps the man into 18 years of child support plus or minus "palimony", which allows the woman to live rather well without actually having to behave like an adult herself or work through a close relationship with a man.
Lots of men are increasing tired of being seen as walking ATMs. There are plenty of chicks who spread 'em on the second or third date, but the guys no longer have to worry about whether she's bullshitting them about birth control.
Women can remove and freeze their eggs.
Of course, women who have eggs removed, even as a donor have an increased risk of aggressive cancer. Same goes for prostate cancer and vasectomy.
Of course, abortions also increase the risk for cervical and uterine cancer. When you google around, most the data points to correlation with breast cancer, but the results are clearly summarized in a way that feels hand curated. Much like a covid search.
"Where was men’s outrage while women were poisoning themselves with pills and scarring their reproductive organs with IUDs and abortions? Answer: They were bystanders. Most men, other than dedicated pro-lifers, weren’t about to protest."
Indeed. Since the correct feminist line since the 60s was that contraception + abortion = autonomy. Men questioned the equation at their peril.
"Are men really acting out of concern for women who might suffer without Roe v. Wade?"
Umm, no. Because every man knows that without Roe v. Wade the issue goes back to the states, most of which will implement something at least as liberal as Roe.
"My reaction to the "act of love" framing was more cynical than I was in the mood to type out"
Because, with abortion becoming a matter of state law, the whole connection being made here was just too stupid for words? Or because vasectomies prevent women from exercising their autonomy the way they want, so that the act of love is actually an attack on women?
"Lots of men are getting cut because they've noticed how many other single men are deceived into causing a pregnancy, which then traps the man into 18 years of child support plus or minus "palimony"..."
Yeah, these men lost the moral high ground when they chose to live life under the delusion that sex was an amusement and not an encounter with the forces of reproduction.
Go ahead and get surgery to destroy your connection to the deepest meaning of life. The other option is only to have sex with a woman you love and whose child will be your child in a real family.
Evolution appreciates the help.
Men get vasectomies to have sex with women (plural). The arguments I've heard from pro-lifers often used the word "abstinence".
Althouse said...
"Go ahead and get surgery to destroy your connection to the deepest meaning of life. The other option is only to have sex with a woman you love and whose child will be your child in a real family."
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you're gonna have to serve somebody
You might be a rock 'n' roll addict prancing on the stage
You might have drugs at your command, women in a cage
You may be a business man or some high-degree thief
They may call you doctor or they may call you chief
But you're gonna have to serve somebody, yes you are
You're gonna have to serve somebody (serve somebody)
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you're gonna have to serve somebody
The vasectomies for abortion rights movement is unintentionally funny foolish nonsense, but this excerpt smells pretty heavily of, one way or another, everything men do will be criticized as wrong.
So I was glad to see Parker do the work.
I will be glad if this means Parker doesn't reproduce.
This is crazy. Every man in my family had a vasectomy by 1970. Usually after the second child. Or after the mistress got pregnant.
Any serious cocksman got it done to prevent that embarrassing and expensive accident.
This is not new.
As a serious pussy hound in the 1970's I was mostly concerned about becoming a baby daddy without the means to support my baby. So, hell yes I expected women to do whatever it takes to avoid pregnancy.
I also funded girlfriend abortions in an attempt to avoid raising children when I had other priorities.
That is what the pro-choice movement is all about.
The highest percentage support for abortion is men under age 30.
Feminists and masculinists sitting in a tree. That said, the Pro-Choice religion denies women and men's dignity and agency, and reduces human life to a negotiable commodity. A Wicked Solution to a purportedly hard problem: keep women appointed, available, and taxable. All's fair in lust and abortion... and taxation, I suppose.
Demos-cracy is aborted in darkness... at the Twilight Fringe.
Roe v Wade is a garbage decision
The 1/2 compromise: a baby, a "burden".
Keep Roe, dump the social construct. Set an objective, consistent standard of viability based on a heart beat, a coherent nervous system, perhaps from implantation. There is no mystery in sex and conception. A woman has four choices, a right to self-defense through reconciliation, and still six weeks for a rite.
The tell-tale hearts beat sooner and ever louder. #HateLovesAbortion
What took us so long?
We kept waiting for women to grow up, wake up, and return to normal. Instead things got even worse.
If you have no plans on ever getting married, a vasectomy just makes sense.
A vasectomy is an attempt to prevent the creation of life. Abortion is the destruction of a life already created.
Women can remove and freeze their eggs.
Women and men can prevent conception, with the caveat that if the second choice fails, then they take responsibility for the life of their love, a third choice perhaps, ideally the fourth choice.
Yeah, these men lost the moral high ground when they chose to live life under the delusion that sex was an amusement and not an encounter with the forces of reproduction.
Seriously?!? If anyone else had typed this out, I would assume it was satire.
Go ahead and get surgery to destroy your connection to the deepest meaning of life. The other option is only to have sex with a woman you love and whose child will be your child in a real family.
This from a woman who frantically defends a woman's right to kill her child? (Surely the most destructive thing you can do to your "deepest meaning of life"?)
"Lots of men are getting cut because they've noticed how many other single men are deceived into causing a pregnancy, which then traps the man into 18 years of child support plus or minus "palimony"..."
Yeah, these men lost the moral high ground when they chose to live life under the delusion that sex was an amusement and not an encounter with the forces of reproduction.
She can't even bring herself to condemn women deliberately using reproduction as a means to entrap a man and benefit financially from it. Those men are merely splooge stooges unworthy of our compassion or concern.
It certainly sounds like No woman must be made to feel bad about, or responsible for, anything, ever.
"...wherefore art we?"
Wherefore means why, not where. Juliet was not trying to locate Romeo.
What I want to know is how many trans females have gotten vasectomies to support their trans-supportive lesbian partners. Because it is at the edges of things where great stories are told.
Althouse: "Go ahead and get surgery to destroy your connection to the deepest meaning of life. The other option is only to have sex with a woman you love and whose child will be your child in a real family.
Is this "Colossal Lack of Self-Awareness Day" on althouse.com?
What does getting a the surgery called abortion achieve BUT to "destroy a connection to the deepest meaning of life"?
How is ending a fetus's life anything like *not* conceiving in the first place?
Why are IUDs and birth control pills---which prevent pregnancy in the first place---"good" for women , but a man getting a vasectomy or using a condom "bad".
Why does "My Body, My Choice" apply only to wymyn, but not to men?
Yeah, these men lost the moral high ground when they chose to live life under the delusion that sex was an amusement and not an encounter with the forces of reproduction.
Wasn't a major goal of feminism the drive to create an environment in which sex was an amusement for women instead of an encounter with the forces of reproduction?
Isn't that the precise message popular culture is providing our daughters?
Yeah, I am going to call bullshit on this meme. I doubt any man who actually has a chance at sleeping with a woman is volunteering for these new vasectomies, and even the ones who do are probably not really going through with it.
Ann Althouse said...
"Lots of men are getting cut because they've noticed how many other single men are deceived into causing a pregnancy, which then traps the man into 18 years of child support plus or minus "palimony"..."
Yeah, these men lost the moral high ground when they chose to live life under the delusion that sex was an amusement and not an encounter with the forces of reproduction.
. . .
"Deceived into causing a pregnancy"?
So men can "cause" a pregnancy, but women can't?
When I was a young single, I heard from male friends who said that the woman they were with claimed to be on the pill but weren't. I heard from pregnant female friends who claimed that they were on the pill that they had missed a few days on purpose or by accident, or had bad experiences with hyper-emotionalism caused by the pill so they cut their dosage.
The idea that men are responsible for a woman getting pregnant is not only false, it is sexist. The foundation of legal equality between the sexes is that Women are as responsible for their choices as men are.
There is insanity behind the idea that men and women are the same. Men and women are clearly not the same in some considerations and fully equal in other considerations. They are not "the same."
Whatever your tho't on the article, we're a dying Nation. 2,100 births per 100K population needed for replacement. 2020 gave us 1,638 and, lest you want to blame Covid fear, 2017 was only 1,766.
Ann Althouse said...
Go ahead and get surgery to destroy your connection to the deepest meaning of life. The other option is only to have sex with a woman you love and whose child will be your child in a real family.
What happened to "my body, my choice"?
"Go ahead and get surgery to destroy your connection to the deepest meaning of life."
Looks like there's an 85% success rate on vasectomy reversals.
Some in the Men's Movement has been advocating for vasectomies for a long time. Women have been removing men's rights to choices or kids for the last 3 decades and increasingly divorcing men.
So men are making choices about their bodies and their lives. Somehow, the fact that another arrow has been removed from women's quivers is obnoxious to Althouse. Or perhaps she still pines for a normal society that the laws she advocates work against.
Yes, it is all the fault of shallow men, Ms. Althouse and women had no role in the incentives they've given them.
My dad who is no feminist or touchy-feely guy and all his buddies got the snip back in the late seventies-early eighties after they were done having kids. I used to hear them joking about it and didn’t know what they were talking about until I got older. My husband got the snip when we decided we didn’t want more kids. I assumed he would and so did he, we never even discussed it. It was just something men do. The only people I know well enough to know their vasectomy status and who don’t are Catholics. We are middle class and that is normal in our class even though we come from slightly different generations, were raised differently, in different parts of the country. Who are these women dating or married to is the question.
You blame the men, and I am sure a lot of them are shit heels as my good old dad would say. But a lot of them are just responding to what women CLAIM they want because feminists told them so. Casual sex. If you don’t have to have feelings, let alone responsibility, towards your sex partners why would you get a vasectomy other than to not be burdened by child support? You can’t have it both ways. Men are hardwired to take physical care of women and children. If women tell them they are not needed in that capacity why should they extend their nurturing feelings in other ways? Again Althouse you want men to be women.
Yep. I remember Mark Shields, one of the pro-life liberals, noting that for men, abortion isn't a "social issue," it's an "economic issue." And, as a pro-life liberal, I'm fine with that.
Let's be clear: Women were 'taking poison' and murdering their own offspring, mostly not at the behest of men but for their own purposes.
They wanted to further their careers
They wanted to enjoy sex without consequences.
But that is 'noble' but men doing the same is horribly wrong and judgment worthy.
These are the incentives of the Left. She needs to take her sharp opinions and see their complaint office, not mine.
This is actually best for the gene pool we don't have beta male pussys replicating. The future belongs to those that show up.
"Yeah, these men lost the moral high ground when they chose to live life under the delusion that sex was an amusement and not an encounter with the forces of reproduction."
lol wut
There is nothing more pathetic or predictable than women whining about men taking responsibility for their own lives, which, in this particular case, takes abortions away from women.
Don't worry. Just go to a sperm bank and you can have all the abortions you want.
This Person said...
There is nothing more pathetic or predictable than women whining about men taking responsibility for their own lives, which, in this particular case, takes abortions away from women.
These guys spent decades expecting women to get abortions for them. So no, they're not entitled to "respect" for finally taking some personal responsibility
Althouse said...
"Go ahead and get surgery to destroy your connection to the deepest meaning of life. The other option is only to have sex with a woman you love and whose child will be your child in a real family."
We're these the same people you were calling "splooge stooges" when you were defending both Roe, and men being nailed for child support if they had sex and the woman wanted the baby?
Sorry, you can support Roe / Casey, or you can describe sex as "your connection to the deepest meaning of life". you can't have both
Althouse: "Yeah, these men lost the moral high ground when they chose to live life under the delusion that sex was an amusement and not an encounter with the forces of reproduction.
Go ahead and get surgery to destroy your connection to the deepest meaning of life. The other option is only to have sex with a woman you love and whose child will be your child in a real family. "
Well, unless you would want to have a baby *any* time you have sex, some form of birth control is necessary. Perhaps you've lived differently than I, Althouse, but even when I've had sex with my husband it hasn't always been when I would have welcomed a pregnancy. Not that I would have had an abortion, but we did use birth control. When we decided we wouldn't have more children for sure, my husband had a vasectomy. We didn't want to do something that permanent until we were sure.
So, perhaps this is too personal, but did you never use birth control? Did you only ever have sex when you knew a child was possible, and do nothing to stop that from happening? Would you have stopped your partner from getting a vasectomy and destroying his connection to the deepest meaning of life?
Greg The Class Traitor said...
These guys spent decades expecting women to get abortions for them. So no, they're not entitled to "respect" for finally taking some personal responsibility
Who said anything about respect?
AA doesn't like WaPoo's framing -- vasectomies are an act of love. I'm with her on that.
When it's framed differently -- getting cut is an act of self-preservation by men who don't want to be entrapped into becoming a father -- AA goes into moral condemnation mode for men's "delusion" that sex can't lead to babies. Are women seeking abortions killing babies strictly because of their delusions? Don't ask.
I'm searching the site for AA's reminder to gays and lesbians that their sexual preference prevents them from having a "connection to the deepest meaning of life." So far, no luck.
"Yeah, these men lost the moral high ground when they chose to live life under the delusion that sex was an amusement and not an encounter with the forces of reproduction."
This argument goes both ways.
It is a succinct indictment of an entire generation (or three) who live under this "delusion" that justifies sex as an act without consequences. Most acts of abortion might fall under this definition. Certainly "tubes" have been tied for the same reason.
Just saying.
Michael K said...
The highest percentage support for abortion is men under age 30.
Is that a fact or just conjecture? I wouldn't be surprised if it's true, but if it's a fact I'd like to know.
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