December 23, 2021

"Under the cover of darkness early Thursday, authorities in Hong Kong tore down a public sculpture dedicated to the victims of the Tiananmen Square massacre..."

"... accelerating a campaign to erase the crackdown from public recollection and stamp out dissent in a city that until recently was one of Asia’s freest. The 26-foot-tall artwork, known as the 'Pillar of Shame,' had stood at the University of Hong Kong for nearly a quarter-century and honored the hundreds, if not thousands, of students and others killed on June 4, 1989, when the Chinese military crushed pro-democracy protests. The sculpture, depicting naked bodies twisted together, some in mid-scream, was created by Danish artist Jens Galschiot and was one of the last remaining Tiananmen commemorations on Chinese soil. Each year on the anniversary of the massacre, students would scrub and clean the memorial.... 'The decision on the aged statue was based on external legal advice and risk assessment for the best interest of the university,' [the university] said in a statement, adding that... the institution could be in violation of colonial-era laws if the sculpture remained."


tim in vermont said...

Like Glenn says, this is how you treat a conquered people, and this is how the Democrats are treating us.

wendybar said...

Did our little FASCISTS go to Hong Kong?? Sound familiar yet? You can't erase History. People will remember, and they will remember those who tried to burn it all down.

gilbar said...

This is Good! Tearing Down Statues is GOOD!! right?

Tearing down statues of Robert E Lee, was GOOD!! right?
Tearing down statues of Thomas Jefferson, was GOOD!! right?
Tearing down statues of Abe Lincoln, was GOOD!! right?
Tearing down statues of the Buddha, was GOOD!! right?
So, tearing down statues of the enemies of The State, was GOOD!! right?

Critter said...

The same strategy as the uneducated left in America. I am no apologist for the South but many statues of Confederate leaders are meant to be reminders of how wiser people sought to unite the country after the Civil War. Their strategy was based on what had worked throughout civilization - leave the defeated with some self-respect in order to deny them the fuel to propel another uprising. Make it clear that they lost and our society will not accept their views, but invite them into the unified society to avoid a repeat uprising.

China and the uneducated left in America have the view, unsupported by experience, that you can erase history in the generations immediately following events. After a millennium maybe. But only in a totalitarian regime with total control of all information can it be done earlier. China is near total in controls but as resistance in Hong Kong, Christianity, Uigers, Tibetans, etc shows, information still survives independent of the regime.

rehajm said...

The decision on the aged statue…

Is WaPo slipping that in to justify removing the memorial…because it is old?

Howard said...

The ChiComs are going to replace it with a new masterpiece by Hunter Biden.

Chris said...

More and more I believe Covid was released purposefully in an effort to quash the pro democracy protests that were happening in China at that time. Do you really think the Chinese cared about worldwide collateral damage? If it hurt western countries, so much the better.

Temujin said...

It's almost as if they've been watching how we do it here.

Wilbur said...

Our Red Guards are disposing of the statues of which they disapprove.

Not Sure said...

Henceforth to be known as the Tiananmen Square Insurrection

Lucien said...

Terrible to see statues torn down by cowardly administrators for political reasons — isn’t it?

mikee said...

Odd that the 1989 mass murder of protesters by the PLA, under orders from the CCP, which killed at most a few thousand people, is so heavily suppressed. Even in Taiwan, which exists solely because the people there had ancestors who didn't want to be killed by the CCP. Just two decades before the 1989 massacre, there were tens of millions sent to re-education hard labor camps in the countryside and more tens of millions dead from famine caused by the CCP government under Mao, who is still revered.

When are the progressive kids in China gonna get around to tearing down the Mao statues?
And hanging members of the CCP from lamp posts?

Mark said...

That's Brandon's friends for you.

Wince said...


CJinPA said...

Left-wing extremists tearing down historically significant markers for ideological reasons? Thankfully, that could never happen here.

Achilles said...

There are all sorts of people who want to tear down statues.

It is always for the same reason and with the same goals.

Anonymous said...

Knocking down statues and erasing history is what Commies do, whether in China or here.

Commies got to Commie
no knock searches,
arresting the press?
stuffing ballot boxes,
nationalize industry
5 year plans
print money,

Gospace said...

So the CHICOMS are not different than the BLM movement,

But then, we all already knew that.

Narayanan said...

They named it wrong.
If only they had called it *courage and honor* with student confronting tank+driver figures would have been presented nice ambiguous dilemma Bull by Horn for Mainland

Drago said...

"Under the cover of darkness early Thursday, (ChiCom) authorities in Hong Kong tore down a public sculpture dedicated to the victims of the Tiananmen Square massacre..."

Lefties are precisely the same wherever you find them.

Which is why the lefties/libs in the US spend so much time defending the ChiCom's. Even here on Althouse blog.

Joe Smith said...

I approve of tearing down all statues of humans, as all humans have faults.

Let's start with MLK and George Floyd.

Drago said...

Howard: "The ChiComs are going to replace it with a new masterpiece by Hunter Biden."

Funny...cuz its true.

Drago said...

Mark: "That's Brandon's friends for you."

I'm not sure that "friends" is accurate.

Financiers, backers handlers and bosses would all be correct though.

Chris Lopes said...

I won't hold my breath waiting for the bought and paid for ruling class to object to this. In fact, I think a "The Conservative Case for Forgetting the Tianamen Square Massacre" column will probably be written before that will happen.

Lars Porsena said...

At least once a month I still wonder what happened to Tankman. What a brave and noble soul.

Freder Frederson said...

I am no apologist for the South but many statues of Confederate leaders are meant to be reminders of how wiser people sought to unite the country after the Civil War.

Well, if you believe this bullshit, then you are indeed an apologist for the South. The statues were mostly erected during the Jim Crow era as a direct fuck you to Reconstruction and remind Black folks that their hopes of equality had been crushed.

n.n said...

So the CHICOMS are not different than the BLM movement,

The CHICOMS did not invade neighborhoods to intimidate families and residents. Oh, wait, they did. Some, Select [Black] Lives Matter. And selective-child, or one-child delegated, is a novel conception.

That said, Baby Lives Matter (BLM).

chickelit said...

China worship--especially among UCI-Irvine faculty--is where it's at. Get used to it.