Said Kiri Tunks, co-founder of the campaign group Woman’s Place UK, quoted in "JK Rowling written out of her own Fantastic Beasts film" (London Times).
Rowling is "written out" in the sense that the trailer begins with the words "Warner Bros invites you" while the earlier film, Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, used the words "JK Rowling invites you." The earlier film's trailer informed us that she'd written and produced the film, and for this new film, her name appears only in a tiny copyright notice at the end of the trailer.
I watched the trailer. I was struck by the line of dialogue: "The world as we know it is coming apart."
४९ टिप्पण्या:
I was struck by the line of dialogue: "The world as we know it is coming apart."
The world isn't comping apart. You people are pulling it apart. And you know it.
The Left knows takes the women's vote almost as much for granted as they do the Black vote. So naturally they ignore the needs and wants of both groups. (except of course for the right to kill your own baby)
When your tribe rules by granting favor to some members over other people eventually you run out of other people to lord over.
White prog women don't like having men in dresses lording over them.
It is shocking really.
Though to be fair white prog women have been pretty annoying over the last few decades and kinda deserve what they are getting.
Got a male author and his own creative achievement? Detach away!
Don't we all long for the days of yesteryear when all we had to concern ourselves with was hunting and gathering?
I watched the trailer. I was struck by the line of dialogue: "The world as we know it is coming apart."
Next Line: "Grindelwald's pulling it apart with hate."
I read the HP series, and I was surprised by some of her positions considering how negatively the books painted government and authority. Her position in this matter is quite consistent with the dim view of institutions she illustrates in the novel.
I wonder which positions did the considering. You know what I mean. Garner it.
A woman noted for childrens' books; like Oprah known for soap opera. It doesn't seem like dropping her from such a credit is a blow against feminism.
1) Harry Potter books (and films) were mediocre at best, but at least it got kids reading so upgrade!
2) JK Rowling's refusal to let go of the original series, and let lame two sequels happen downgrade!
3) JK Rowling's fighting against the transgendered bullies that call her a TERF (and I'm shocked, yet appalled I know that means) - upgrade.
Isn’t that kind of doom-suffused utterance the required one for every movie trailer now, excepting only Rom Com?
I wonder it the UK has a writer's guild for screenwriters like the US does? It seems like eliminating a writer's screenwriting credit would violate a guild master contract or something.
"I was struck by the line of dialogue: "The world as we know it is coming apart.""
I am struck by Althouse being struck. I seem to remember that she had all sorts of reasons for accepting that a penised rapist is a woman if that's what he claims to be. Many of us thought it a good example of the world as we know it coming apart, cheered on by nice women.
JKR doesn't want the world to come apart. It is good to see her getting some support. But the forces lined up against her are strong.
It's Important, for all you dickless women (womb people :) to REALIZE;
that ONLY women with penises (Chix with Dicks) have Any Real Value
You womb people's Only use as women, is (possibly) baring children
(until we get the vitro tanks up and running, that is: after that, na na na na Goodbye!)
Real Chix have Dicks! Stronger Faster Better!!
Frankly, I'm surprised we can still call a studio "Warner Brothers."
One of the things I love about the left is their tolerance of different opinions. (/sarc)
This is the inherent way of leftist movements, as they prioritize outdoing those who came before. Moderates come to be seen as conservatives and radicals come to be seen as moderates. Over a few generations there's nowhere to go (i.e., see feminism's 3, 4, or 5 phases).
Feminism is clearly a "finished objective" on the left, and thereby it must be regarded as conservative and traditional by the latest changemakers.
A screw twists round and round in a hole. The left moves to the right and the right moves to the left.
The thing that scares me about what is happening to JK Rowling, is that her "Transphobia" seems to consist of her insisting that Transwomen aren't really women but actually men. She is getting pilloried by angry hateful people because she insists on stating what is true. She is literally defending truth. Plus she is a celebrity billionaire, who has given billions away, and created a wonderful world read and enjoyed by literally hundreds of millions of people.
I suppose feminisims' usefulness is no longer there. In the the bi-lateral world of Marxist theory there are only oppressors and oppressed. Now that there is a new oppressed to champion, the former oppressed can now join the ranks of the oppressors!
As the old Virginia Slims ads said "You've Come A Long Way, Baby."
And why is it coming apart?
Because the center doesn't hold?
We should fight for the center, or give in to anarchy.
My suggestion to her is either extract a lot more money from Warner Brothers or sue the crap out of them. She should have her lawyers offer Warner Brothers the choice. Woman are half the population and trannies not so much.
Liberals destroy everything.
'The world isn't comping apart. You people are pulling it apart. And you know it.'
So passive, as if shit happens with no cause/effect whatsoever...
'My suggestion to her is either extract a lot more money from Warner Brothers or sue the crap out of them.'
If the studios keep going woke and going broke, in a couple of years she'll be able to buy WB with the change under her couch cushions.
They can do that once
The next contract to buy her work for a movie will just have language covering the credits and trailers. Studios moral outrage wanes as the opportunity for profit increases.
Frankly, I'm surprised we can still call a studio "Warner Brothers."
Indeed. IIRC, "brother" was one of the words we were supposed to abjure. Along with "mother," "father," "sister," "aunt," "uncle," and all that other gendered shit. "Person" will do for all human relations, yes?
"It doesn't seem like dropping her from such a credit is a blow against feminism."
It might be a breach of contract.
her Cormorant Strike series is even more jaundiced, about institutions, it features an ex army mp, wounded in Afghanistan, who becomes a private investigator, Lethal Strike had digs at both the Occupy faction, and the Tories,
Groucho's letter to the Warners (scroll down):
"What about Warner Brothers — do you own that, too? You probably have the right to use the name Warner, but what about Brothers? Professionally, we were brothers long before you were."
Progressive means progress to where? Backward? "Hush up and do as the men tell you, women!"
On Topic: Watch Lia Thomas win race by 38 seconds.
The UPenn swimmers need to channel their inner JK Rowling.
They're taking her work and trying to pretend it just came out of nowhere. But they aren't stopping work on films based on her work. Pretty hypocritical. Anti-feminist, too. Denying her agency. "You're a non-person because of a tweet but you can continue to make us money with 300 pages of your writing, your ideas." I bet JK Rowland is taking the money and laying plans for future writing based on these experiences.
"the latest episode in a long history of women being erased."
That "long history" is quite the opposite.
According to IMDB Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore is written by J.K. Rowling with someone called Steve Kloves. Rowling is also listed as a producer, in other words, a financier. The executive producers, the producers with executive authority over the production, are Neil Blair and Danny Cohen. Garden variety producers are expected to fork over and shut up, though they're given a courtesy credit for their trouble in case the revenues don't exceed the expenditure. (Why a film would need more than one executive producer is a mystery. I've noticed that two or more "executive producers" is often a warning sign, Bullshit Ahead. Either that or a sign of nepotism -- a moneybags wants a no-talent relation to have a credit as a career leg-up.)
Checking the IMDB entry for the previous flick, Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, shows Rowling with a somewhat obscure "produced by" credit. There were four executive producers, by the gods -- two associate producers, four "produced by" producers, one "line" producer (no curves needing production it seems), and a single lowly co-producer. No reproducers, thankfully.
The tempest being stirred by Kiri Tunks (Tunks? What's a tunk, and why are there more than one?) may be of the teapot variety. Judging from FBCG's 6.5 stars out of ten, Warner Brothers might have imposed some authority from on high to simplify and rescue what appears to have been an ill-begotten and chaotic movie series. Maybe the promotional clip is saying something other than Rowling bad! Gender dysphoria good! with a Boris Karloff growl. Maybe WB is saying This one will make drama sense, we guarantee.
For the record, Quaestor has no hound in this hunt, having never read a J.K. Rowling book or seen a "Harry Potter" movie except for a clip about a wizard transforming into a Scottish Deerhound. Some people love these fantasies, which is fine, de gustibus and all that, however incomprehensible.
Off-topic observation: The lobby card for Fantasic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald shows three presumed wizards with their magic chopsticks poised like Walther PPKs James Bond-style. Hilarious. Judging from the artwork Johnny Depp hasn't aged well. He always had a slightly weird physiognomy, a sort of unfinished androgynous look. Now he's just grotesque. Wearing a dead crow on your head while defaming a classic bit of juvenile television will do that, apparently
Tina hinted at it. Yeats' Second Coming, could be written today:
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
Credits are negotiated before the movie gets made, so this has been a known thing since the contract was signed by JKR. Any story about it now must account for that simple fact to have any validity, or to fit a particular narrative.
I would suspect that a person of JKR's wealth has very competent advisors regarding such things as credits for creative works.
She’s not dropped from the credits. The mention of her name in the trailer isn’t covered by her WGA contract. She might care or she might not.
Frankly, I'm surprised we can still call a studio "Warner Brothers."
That's because the studio was named after the four brothers who started the company, Harry, Albert, Sam, and Jack Warner.
This would be an example of get woke go broke—there are probably 10 people who agree with Rowling for every person who disagrees—but WB will get away with it because any kind of boycott will hurt Rowling as much as it hurts her persecutors.
It’s not clear how one registers their disapproval in this instance.
Don't worry, this is going to bomb in the box office domestically. Both Depp and Rowling have turned off many of their old fans and I doubt the Christian conservatives are going to rush out to see the movie about Dumbledore.
I don't think I have seen a teenager in a Harry Potter shirt since the pandemic, and I got at least a few a week before the pandemic.
Rowling will not have to worry about this in the future, as it is doubtful there will be any big budget future JKR films. She is already a few films past her best material.
"On Topic: Watch Lia Thomas win race by 38 seconds."
She's the female Secretariat.
speaking of detaching authors from achievements ....
Judge Calvin Williams of Montgomery, Alabama, wasn't born yet when 15-year-old Claudette Colvin was arrested for refusing to give up her seat on a bus. But he says he benefited from the civil rights pioneer. And it's not lost on him that he is now the one – 66 years later – who was able to expunge the record of that incident and clear her name.
why would people want to clear their names/record for this achievement/conferral of arrest?
and at the same time as they want it remembered for posterity?
The transgender activists and their leftist allies know that they can't cancel Rowling. Their game instead is to intimidate other women who don't have Rowling's resources into staying silent.
The Volokh Conspiracy has published a great article on the effect of testosterone on athletic achievement.
"First, the main physical attributes that contribute to elite athletic performance are power generation (speed and strength), which is based on muscle mass, muscle fiber type, and biomechanics; aerobic power (VO2 max), which is based on hemoglobin concentration, total blood volume, maximal stroke volume, cardiac size/mass/compliance, skeletal muscle blood flow, capillary density, and mitochondrial content; body composition, i.e., lean body mass and fat mass; and economy of motion, which is related to body composition.
Second, biological males and biological females are materially different with respect to these attributes. Specifically, compared to biological females, biological males have greater lean body mass (more skeletal muscle and less fat), larger hearts (both in absolute terms and scaled to lean body mass), higher cardiac outputs, larger hemoglobin mass, larger VO2 max (also both in absolute terms and scaled to lean body mass), greater glycogen utilization, higher anaerobic capacity, and different economy of motion.
Third, the primary reason for these sex differences in the physical attributes that contribute to elite athletic performance is exposure in gonadal males with functional androgen receptors to much higher levels of testosterone during growth and development (puberty), and throughout the athletic career. No other endogenous physical or physiological factors have been identified as contributing substantially and predominantly to these differences."
Anatomy is destiny,
Rowling's feminism has been classified as an ectopic achievement, a "burden", in the progressive model.
Patriarchy: the bad old days where women were expected to support their husbands’ politics instead of having their own opinions on individual issues
Intersectionality: the complete opposite, where women are expected to support the politics of random men who think they’re women instead of having their own opinions on individual issues
Women haven’t been liberated, they’ve just become subservient to new masters.
"She is getting pilloried by angry hateful people because she insists on stating what is true."
To anger a conservative, lie to him. To anger a liberal, tell him the truth.
Slow down, coach. Is she being diminished because she's a woman, W-O-M-A-N, hear her roar, or because that TERF, business? Her objecting to calling penises people women won't help.
"She’s not dropped from the credits. The mention of her name in the trailer isn’t covered by her WGA contract. She might care or she might not."
I suspect as long as Warner Brothers keeps sending he the royalty checks Ms. Rowling isn't going to make a big deal of it. On the other hand Ms. Rowling is a billionaire, so she can afford unlimited billing hours to sue the studio if they stop paying her for using her copywrited material.
rehajm said... "The world isn't comping(sic) apart. You people are pulling it apart. And you know it."
Your icon is a side view mirror showing a hammer and sickle on a red background with the text "Objects in mirror are closer than they appear."
Let me translate: "The world isn't a Utopia because you people won't surrender your individuality for the Collective Good."
We're not the ones Balkanizing society, Comrade.
"why would people want to clear their names/record for this achievement/conferral of arrest?
and at the same time as they want it remembered for posterity?"
Because a typical response to the name "Claudette Colvin" is, "Who is that?"
The ruling helps with that little posterity thing.... but not a lot.
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