২৬ ডিসেম্বর, ২০২১

Sunrise — 7:36.


Write about anything you want in the comments.

৯টি মন্তব্য:

Kai Akker বলেছেন...

I'm sure I'm not alone in appreciating that Althouse posted six topics on Christmas Eve and seven on Christmas Day, attracting discussions on a variety of subjects.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Fifty-three years ago today I received a letter from my draft board that began with the word “Greetings.” (Most Boomers should get the reference; Gen X and Millennials probably not.) Merry Christmas — you’ve been drafted to go die in a rice paddy. Fortunately I got orders for the Pentagon instead of Cam Ranh Bay, so things weren’t as bad for me as they might have been. On nights like tonight I sadly wonder who, if anyone, died in my place. May God look after whoever it was.

rehajm বলেছেন...

NY Times Editor, 49, Dies One Day After Moderna Booster Shot.

Who knew they still had an editor? Or anyone over 27 still working for them…

farmgirl বলেছেন...

Very interesting- reminds me of an art project we did in graded school that somehow had our name upside down and maybe backwards, like a shadow? Mirrored underneath? The lines are perfect- so so much better than any abstract someone would pay way too much for.

There’s a little company online that puts pictures into books to keep or give as gifts- my 3rd kiddo does this. Very tangible. I love the contrasting trees especially.

gadfly বলেছেন...

When Dean Allison left his job as a property manager at AT&T in 1998, the company offered an incentive to retire: a payment of at least $63,000 upon his death. The company has now cut to $15,000 if he dies after Dec. 31.

As you can see from the image below, Allison appears to be very prosperous, so his designated beneficiaries will likely not be terribly impoverished by the change which has now been made in a similar manner when the business was part of "Ma Bell" before that company was split-up by the government.


MadTownGuy বলেছেন...

I'm finally catching up on the last two seasons of 'Homeland.' Just now at halfway through the seventh season and my take on President Keane is that she strikes me as the kind of president Hillary would have been, especially given the turnabout from her persona as President-Elect compared to the way she was after her inauguration.

Scott Patton বলেছেন...

some interesting excerpts from Joan Didion's"Slouching Towards Bethlehem" - 1967
Arthur Lisch is on the telephone in his kitchen, trying to sell VISTA a program for the District. “We’ve already got an emergency,”... “We don’t get help here, nobody can guarantee what’s going to happen. We’ve got people sleeping in the streets here. We’ve got people starving to death.” He pauses. “All right,” he says then, and his voice rises. “So they’re doing it by choice. So what?”
Arthur Lisch is a kind of leader of the Diggers, who, in the official District mythology, are supposed to be a group of anonymous good guys with no thought in their collective head but to lend a helping hand.
He just keeps talking about cybernated societies and the guaranteed annual wage and riot on the Street, unless.

wildswan বলেছেন...

For anyone interested in the Covid situation in DC, here's a DC government Covid data site.

Unfortunately the site stopped updating in Dec. 22 but the data page shows the deaths at zero for several days (Dec. 17-Dec. 22) before the pause. The Excel spreadsheet you can access from that page shows hospitalizations increasing while the ICU bed use remains stable over the same period.
(Click "Download a copy of DC COVID-19 data"}

The most interesting tab is the key metrics tab which you click from that data page or you could use:
On this page in the Key Metrics Summary Table you see the huge jump in cases caused by Omicron and you also see the existing fall in the hospitalization rate (the rate, not the quantity) among Covid cases based on a fourteen day average.

Jersey Fled বলেছেন...

In case you missed it, Covid deaths in the U.S. were down 72% compared to Christmas last year.

Someone please tell Fauci.