२५ डिसेंबर, २०२१
"How must it feel to have your name airbrushed from the $8 billion film franchise born of your scribbling in a coffee shop, penniless, while your baby napped?"
"Or to watch the trio of child actors you chose and nurtured 20 years ago recall the stories which made them many times richer and more celebrated than their ho-hum talents deserve, yet not once uttering your name? Or have fools who run around with broomsticks up their backsides in college leagues change the name of quidditch, the sport you invented for wizards?... Just as Galileo refused to bow to the Inquisition and affirm the Earth is the centre of the universe, many women just don’t, won’t, can’t believe gender is real but sex is not...."
५५ टिप्पण्या:
Courage qualifications are dialed back for women.
I find the Quiddish folks especially funny. Let's face it, without the magic world created by JKR, NO ONE would play a half-assed, La Crosse game holding a broom between their knees.
Leave it to woke antifa leftists to cancel women.
Was the baby napping when the name was being airbrushed off?
Trust the "science." Yah, right.
She will survive this. The "woke antifa leftists" won't.
Reminds me of Kipling’s “If”.
If they want to play Quidditch, they should call it by its name. If they want to play it with a new name they have created, they’re simply cowards and hypocrites, wanting to have their cakes and eat them at the same time.
I have never read a Harry Potter book but I did see one of the Harry Potter movies. So, I’m not a J.K. Rowling fan….until now. She is my new hero. She is speaking the truth that most of the world agrees with except for a tiny, tiny, fraction of f***ed up people. They stamp their feet and insist that they are something that we all know they are not. These mixed up people should not be allowed to bend the rules, change the laws, etc. to satisfy their psychological problems. My rule is simple: if you want to know your “gender”,
Look in your pants and whatever you see will tell you. A society can not turn itself inside out to please these oddballs.
I never get sick of seeing the reaction of people when the machine they have been happily feeding for so many years catches there proverbial tit in a wringer.
Of all the ridiculous myths perpetuated by the modern liberal, the one that says Galileo was persecuted by the Church for refusing to acknowledge the earth as center of the universe is one of the most obnoxious. The issue wasn't his theory, it was a. his insistence that the Church accept the theory without proof (and his insistence that his reasoning in his "On The Tides" consituted proof, which was funny since it was completely wrong, as other scientists pointed out), and b. he was kind of a dick. The Pope asked him to write a book discussing the pros and cons of heliocentrism, which Galileo turned into a tract portraying the Pope as an idiot. And in those days when you got into a pissing match with the Pope, you lost. The Church was not anti-science. The Jesuits were THE scientists of the day and they confirmed many of Galileo's theories. But they were sticklers for evidence, and Galileo thought he was above that sort of thing.
I've never read a Harry Potter book or seen a movie but she has my support. Brave woman along with the author of "Irreversible damage."
“She will survive this. The "woke antifa leftists" won't.”
Sure they will. In six months they could be demanding the exact opposite of what they’re currently demanding, and not experience the slightest shred of dissonance. And the media will mutely nod along.
A woman creates a fantasy world of wizards and magic, only to find herself rejected by readers who have created a fantasy world where women can magically become men and men can magically become women.
Somewhere a unicorn is very sad.
UK Feminists seem to be further along the path to protect against the threat of Transgenderism's Wokism against their rights, than the US.
I wonder why.
And Paglia before her. And women before, during, and now. Equal in rights and complementary in Nature/nature.
I am surprised the London Times published this.
“she refuses to deny material reality"
The material reality is that trans women, for example, did not experience puberty as a young girl, and all of its uncertainties, growing into her body, all of a sudden facing having periods every month, as well as the vulnerability of being the object of male sexual aggression. Etc. The material reality is that the simplest DNA testing will show, to a very high level of certainty, who was born male, and who was born female. Do you have a Y chromosome, or not? Simple as that. I got a lecture yesterday from my new bio major (BS, MS) kid’s spouse yesterday on how this differs between different orders of animals. But we are mammals, and they all distinguish between the sexes this way - with a Y chromosome forcing differentiation from the default female. This results in testosterone production, resulting in differences that can be detected at birth (above and beyond the difference in genitalia).
The material reality is that males are males, and females are female. That difference is in every cell in our bodies. Pretending that is not the case is not facing physical reality, but rather wishful thinking. Sure, for some, the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. But in many, if not most, of the cases here, it isn’t greener. Just different. Inability to face reality, doesn’t make reality any less material, just that those experiencing that probably should see a counselor.
Rowling has FU money. That means that she can just say that to those who try to impose their artificial reality on her. Most of us don’t. Good for her.
She cried all the way to the bank.
There's no reason to assume Rowling is really distraught by all this. She might have made an eyes-wide-open choice to bear the woke retaliation. I think enough people in her life will reach out to her in support that the crazy-makers won't scratch her sanity.
If anything this kind of coverage suggesting that Rowling is cleansed by purifying transwizardnerdfire is in her economic interest as the crazies will then not boycott (or even promote with glee) the new Rowling-credit-less releases.
I don’t care that some people want to invent a “sport” that in their childish imagination is supposed to mimic an imaginary sport from a book written for children. But what does concern me is the fact that the people involved with the development of Quidditch are willing to cancel J.K. Rowling because a small group of transgender fanatics demand that they do so. Was there no pushback from any of them or did they all meekly agree to do so? Are they that afraid of being accused of being transphobic that they are unwilling to speak the truth? It is frightening that people can be made to fall in line so easily.
She should pull a Peter Thiel-Gawker move and spend a few million making the lives miserable of the young snots she made rich. A few private eyes and lots of research would doubtless uncover loads of embarrassing shit these fucks have done over the years. Ruin them one by one. Using cutouts, of course.
Sex: male and female, is a property correlated with genetics. Gender: masculine and feminine, respectively, is sex-correlated attributes. Trans- is a state or process of divergence from normal (e.g. distribution). With what compelling cause do we normalize, tolerate, or reject?
The Church was not anti-science. The Jesuits were THE scientists of the day and they confirmed many of Galileo's theories. But they were sticklers for evidence, and Galileo thought he was above that sort of thing.
Patience is indeed a virtue... and the sociopolitical myths, and, in fact, competing [secular] religions, are sustained for their special and peculiar interests.
'"Or to watch the trio of child actors you chose and nurtured 20 years ago recall the stories which made them many times richer and more celebrated than their ho-hum talents deserve, yet not once uttering your name?'
Ungrateful wankers all...
Rowling has a tendency to pick the wrong hills to die on, even when she has a very solid underlying point. I don't mean wrong in the sense of "unpopular with the woke; uncool," but as logically not as solid as she hoped. When she went after earlier children's fantasy literature she had objections to one episode in CS Lewis, whose heroines were more heroic, equal, and had more agency by far than anything previous (and she was wrong about that episode as well), and Madeleine L'Engle, ditto on females with agency. Her complaint about females in earlier children's fiction were valid - why pick on them? Insane. She complains about what gender a rapist is called by, even though the prosecution goes forward. Irrelevant.
Her contract including details of screen credits was signed long, long before this kerfuffle started. Cart, meet horse. Guess which one proceeds the other?
This is a narrative using supposed facts which are not in evidence.
"Or to watch the trio of child actors you chose and nurtured 20 years ago recall the stories which made them many times richer and more celebrated than their ho-hum talents deserve, yet not once uttering your name"
She's got it made, they don't. I doubt she blames them for keeping their mouths shut
Assistant Village Idiot said...
She complains about what gender a rapist is called by, even though the prosecution goes forward. Irrelevant.
1: I expect that "female" rapists end up in women's prisons.
Where they can continue to rape other women
2: She is defending reality from an assault of dishonesty.
That's never a bad hill to fight on
Amen, Gahrie! !!
And I raise u +1
"the people involved with the development of Quidditch are willing to cancel J.K. Rowling"
I think they are tired of her moral crusade and just want to play pretend wizard lacrosse.
I don't know if you have ever met youth and college age kids, but they tend to view elders who are constantly moralizing as tiresome at best.
Now that she has a multi year track record of not being able to shut up, they would rather not march in her parade as they have no confidence in her guidance.
People here want actors to take their millions and shut up about their left wing causes, but yet flip flop and love Rowling. Like always, approval depends on whose ox is being gored.
The significance of recognizing the male and female sex, the masculine and feminine gender, respectively, in a criminal context, goes to the viability of statistical analysis, social attribution, and situational awareness.
My first inclination is to say, I don't care about this. She'll be fine, she's a billionaire.
On the other hand, she does what I dare not do, because they can cancel me and they can't cancel her. Is there a way for her, and the few that are like her, to use her power and resources to protect the rest of us?
"Gender Identity" is a fantasy. Rowling is a fantasy writer. Seems to me she's an expert on the subject and should be listened to.
If she's a billionaire (really??!!) that's another reason to listen -- not a reason to agree, there are lots (most?) of billionaires who have crazy ideas -- but a reason to listen.
But if she's really a billionaire, I don't think we need to give her courage credit. Somewhere in the hundreds of millions of dollars you have what used to be called "fuck you money".
"Gender Identity" is a fantasy.
To be fair, some males are more masculine, and some females are more feminine, than others, but the normal [distribution] is narrow, indeed.
Billionaire or not, JKR should be celebrated as a prominent voice telling the truth about these lunatics.
Mark said...
"the people involved with the development of Quidditch are willing to cancel J.K. Rowling"
I think they are tired of her moral crusade
because to Mark, people who value realtity are bad people.
I don't know if you have ever met youth and college age kids, but they tend to view elders who are constantly moralizing as tiresome at best.
Say the people constantly engaged in left wing "moralizing".
Attacking someone for being "anti-trans" is moralizing, dumbshit
Now that she has a multi year track record of not being able to shut up, they would rather not march in her parade as they have no confidence in her guidance.
Which is to say, these losers can't handle someone who is bound by reality
People here want actors to take their millions and shut up about their left wing causes, but yet flip flop and love Rowling. Like always, approval depends on whose ox is being gored.
1: By your own argument, you need to STFU about Rowling
2: Yes, I want all the lefty "celebrities" to STFu, take the money, and keep their politics to themselves
They don't do that
You celebrate them not doing that
in a world where the Lefties are constantly pushing their politics on the rest of us, the only proper response is to always push our politics back on them.
Unliaterly surrender is for losers, and for people on the other side.
Not that it's relevant to the shameful mistreatment of Rowling, but you are basically correct about Galileo. However, I don't think his theory about the sloshing of the tides was his only "proof" of a sun-centered solar system. I think he also assumed his telescopic observations (Jupiter's moons, the surface of our Moon, etc.) also offered strong evidence for his views. Also, it was never clear that Copernicus meant his theory literally (he likely did, but that got obscured). Galileo clearly did. So the Church was faced with a new kind of challenge to its views. Its objections to Galileo's certainty were warranted, but their punishing of him was not
She wasn't penniless. The state supported her generously while she colluded with the childrens' father to live off middle class people she intentionally screwed so she could play at being an artist. So she did her own screwing of more decent people. Still doesn't justify them doing it to her.
I think they are tired of her moral crusade… constantly moralizing… tiresome at best… multi year track record of not being able to shut up…
As best I can tell, her public comments on the trans issue are limited to two or three tweets and a 3000 word essay on her own blog. Someone like Cher or Chrissy Teigen or Debra Messing does more “moralizing” in a week than Jo Rowling has in 5 years.
That "billinoaire" thing must be pretty handy to improve bravery.
With all due respect, Ann, when people chose to not embrace America First and the freedom promotion therin, well, what do we expect?
J.K. Rowling loved cancel culture when it was cancelling "homophobes" and Donald Trump. I even saved a screenshot of her approving the media censoring President Trump's statements on Covid-19... "It will save lives."
She's just another liberal who cheered the destruction of western civilization, right up until the flames reached her own castle.
Broomsticks up their backsides? That has a different connotation that I suspect is not what was intended by Ms. Rowling.
Her books are trite, predictable and not very engaging to me, but I can't argue with her success.
I saw a stat recently that said "By the age of forty, 99% of US adults have had sex. The other 1% changed the name of their ridiculous made up sport to be "more inclusive."
I'd be inclined to accept a male to female trans as legitimate only if their gynecologist does. Oddly,these 'reborn' women seem to have no need for the service.
Well, well-behaved women rarely make history, you know.
Yet another Leftist slogan now in the dumpster, along with Question Authority.
JK is the Rosa Parks of billionaire authors being told to sit in the back of the literary bus. :)
A good thing too because of she were any of my writer gal pals with only a couple ebooks in their catalog, she'd be social media gulag'd in short order.
"That "billinoaire" thing must be pretty handy to improve bravery."
Undoubtedly true. I'm willing to bet that if everyone had six months expenses in the bank, cancel culture would have far less power than it does, corps would be far less likely to push insane training on employees, etc. It's not an impossible goal, but for most, it requires a couple years of strict decision-making and discipline.
Ditto @Tatter:
"She's just another liberal who cheered the destruction of western civilization, right up until the flames reached her own castle."
The Potter actors reveal themselves to be, no surprise, extremely rich virtue-signalling Zeitgeist puppets who'll dump anyone to keep current*. As for Quiddich players...
No sympathy for them. Or for her.
*Especially sad that Emma Watson turned into an evangelical feminist. Such a beautiful girl gone to waste.
Rowling helped create the monster that's turning on her. She's a leftists and a liberal, and helped push the radical agenda in her day. I don't feel sorry for her.
Your new comment system is a failure for the sole reason that it does not allow me to upvote Farmer at 10:27.
How are you so confident this is because of her gender and not her TERF status? Maybe she isn't a pure 100% liberal leftist looney.
Our host seems to be self-identitying as a female. Is she being cancelled? Oprah Winfrey does seem worried about being cancelled. None of this cancelling was going on when Rowling was hating on Trump, or promoting Dumbledore as being gay. First card out of the deck for our host is sexism card. Stretch your mind and consider other possibilities.
rassmussen poll, normies support jkr
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