২৭ ডিসেম্বর, ২০২১

Finally, some snow.


Snow and a borrowed dog...

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২৮টি মন্তব্য:

MikeD বলেছেন...

Where's Zeus? Hopefully he's just too old now for long snow walks?

Mike of Snoqualmie বলেছেন...

We got a little snow on Christmas day in Pugetopolis and a lot of snow on the 26th. Our home site at 560-ft MSL got about a foot. The snow's stopped and temperatures are in the teens and low 20s. We're due for a new snowfall on Thursday.

There were too many reckless drivers yesterday. Taking corners too fast and driving too fast.

gilbar বলেছেন...

Dog Rentals, There's an untapped market!

Quaestor বলেছেন...

Will Althouse and Meade itemize the dog-borrowing interest in 2021?

Meade বলেছেন...

@MikeD—Zeus is doing well as he approaches his 15th birthday. His family moved to a larger house about 15 minutes away so most days I drive or bike over to take him for his morning walk. Zeus got a puppy of his own for Christmas—a 9 week-old Flat-coated Retriever named “Mousse.” Just what he was hoping for.

Kevin বলেছেন...

Dog: Hey, I see a fox!

Freder Frederson বলেছেন...

First snow in Madison on December 27th proves global warming is a hoax

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

So, Biden isn't going to "crush the virus", right?

Skeptical Voter বলেছেন...

My grandkids are here for Christmas--first time I've seen them in 2 years due to travel restrictions and such for the Wuhan Virus. But my daughter booked flights from London to Los Angeles the instant travel restrictions lifted--and here they are. Like most little kids my now 8 year old granddaughter and 7 year old grandson longed for a dog. They were finally able to get a London based critter in May this year; and on their visit to Los Angeles the kids got to play with Grandpa's dog. And better yet they visited their Granduncle's home and there was another dog!

Little kids aren't particular; grandson and granddaughter assured me that "Oscar" their dog in London was the best dog in the world. But Mija in Los Angeles and Lucy in San Diego were both entirely acceptable and got all the love the two kids could give them. Not a thing in the world is wrong with a "short term rental" dog.

effinayright বলেছেন...

For a second there, I was wondering....."why is Althouse on all fours, dressed in black, and looking out over the lake---and Meade holding her at the end of a leash?"

Then I saw the second photo.

My bad.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

I did my bicycle commute with Bermudas and no coat in Ohio, about 60 degrees and cloudy.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

"First snow in Madison on December 27th proves global warming is a hoax "

This is not the first snowfall in Madison this year.

Jim at বলেছেন...

First snow in Madison on December 27th proves global warming is a hoax

First snow - with high temps in the low 20s - in Puget Sound on December 27th proves global warming is a hoax.

See how that works?

Meade বলেছেন...

“So, Biden isn't going to "crush the virus", right?“

Sleepy Joe talks big. He’s what my mother would call “a big blow.”

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

We have been in the 60s since last Friday, and the forecast is for it to continue until this coming weekend. Not unusual weather here in TN for December- happens every few years or so.

Curious George বলেছেন...

"Finally, some snow."

And gone by noon. Which is nice.

Ceciliahere বলেছেন...

Funny, at first glance I also thought that was Ann on all fours!

Rollo বলেছেন...

Yes, I was also surprised that it wasn't a human in a dog suit.

Narr বলেছেন...

Has the borrowed pooch a name? He looks like he's fit for the weather, and can help pull you up the inclines. Good doggy!

We're having warm but overcast weather here for the rest of the week, but then it's supposed to be winter. We'll get the change a day or so before Yancey. I'm ready for some brisk weather, and even a bit of snow, but I don't want a repeat of last year at all.

What we're seeing with L.G. Brandon in the White House was predictable. A mediocrity like him, steeped for 50 years in the cesspool of corruption that is the Senate, has never had to demonstrate the least executive decisiveness or carry any responsibility for results.

In this he is like a reverse Trump: People expected Trump to change or fail, when as far as he was concerned what he was doing worked. Joe has fallen upward, literally and figuratively, and as far as he is concerned, what he is doing is working.

It will be rough on the rest of us.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

Joe Shit For Brains on October 15, 2020:

"We're eight months into this pandemic and Donald Trump still doesn't have a plan to get this virus under control. I do."

Joe Shit for Brains today:

"There is no federal solution. This gets solved at the state level."

madAsHell বলেছেন...

why is Althouse on all fours, dressed in black,

FRIGHTENING!! I thought the same thing.

I'm pretty sure this is the aftermath of the Althouse-sits-on-the-trail-and-takes-a-picture-of-a-mitten-on-a-stick-at-sunrise!!

It's obvious, our hostess takes great pride in her photography, and is always reaching for that unique angle conveying the context of the moment. Dressing in black, and crawling like a dog could be part of that endeavor!!

rcocean বলেছেন...

"I did my bicycle commute with Bermudas and no coat in Ohio, about 60 degrees and cloudy."

Just more confirmation that RH has ice in his veins.

farmgirl বলেছেন...

Mightn’t s/he be a Labradoodle? Maybe a waterdog?
A beautiful outing :0)

Richard Dillman বলেছেন...

Five inches of snow here this morning, covered with a crust of ice. Quite pretty with the birch trees encrusted in ice. Reminds me of Robert Frost’s poem “Birches.” I think you may have experienced the same storm we had in Minnesota.

My daughter lives in Madison, so we get running reports on your local weather.

MikeD বলেছেন...

@Meade - thanks for the update. Miss the Pupparozi (sp?) from the dogpark,

gadfly বলেছেন...

Mike of Snoqualmie said...
We got a little snow on Christmas day in Pugetopolis . . .

Sigh! Another myth dies. It really doesn't rain 365 days a year in the Puget Metropolis area.

mikee বলেছেন...

High contrast dog you found for your photo, Althouse.
Its been high 70s here in the Austin suburbs this week, with a bit of drizzle. Nice.

Severely Ltd. বলেছেন...

When I just glanced--without focusing--at the photo of the the dog overlooking the lake, I thought for a moment it was the Alt herself dressed in black and on her hands and knees. And wearing a black knit cap, as well, I guess.

"Well officer, I just got a glimpse as we drove by, but my guess is the person had too much to drink and was throwing up..."