८ डिसेंबर, २०२१
"Asked which party they would back if the election were today, 37% of Hispanic voters said they would support the Republican congressional candidate and 37% said they would favor the Democrat..."
"... with 22% undecided.
Hispanic voters were also evenly divided when asked about a hypothetical rematch in 2024 of the last presidential contenders, with 44% saying they would back President Biden and 43% supporting former President Donald Trump. In 2020, Mr. Biden won 63% support among Hispanic voters, nearly 30 points more than Mr. Trump.... [T]he poll showed that economic issues were the main concern among Hispanic voters, drawing Hispanic men, in particular, toward the GOP.... A majority of Hispanic men said they would like to return to the policies that Mr. Trump pursued as president, while a majority of Hispanic women said they would rather stick with Mr. Biden’s policies.... In the Journal survey, Hispanic voters had a negative outlook on the economy, with 25% saying it was headed in the right direction and 63% saying it was headed in the wrong direction. That 38-point gap compared with a 31-point gap among all voters.... The results showed Hispanic voters differing little from the overall electorate in their political preferences...."
४९ टिप्पण्या:
Republicans would be doing even better if they'd gotten the por and para right on their posters ...
This affects whether Texas and Florida are "automatically" becoming purple. People who have been in the U.S. a while, even if they are Hispanic, may resent people benefitting from open borders; this may help win AZ for the Republicans.
Gee, imagine that. "Hispanic" voters turn out to be just like real people! With real concerns about real interests! And they don't automatically buy the jive.
Why, the next thing you know, you'll discover that those who came here legally, paid their dues and played by the rules, are not wildly excited by the tsunami of beggars and thieves that the current "Administration" is actively welcoming into our midst.
I am close with a general contractor that works on high end kitchen and bath remodeling. It's quite an industry these days. The trades are all making a killing. They're in high demand, busy as hell and can command a good price. Many of them are Latino. Obviously this is anecdotal, but, to a person, they all sound like right wing talk show hosts these days.
Well, Trump has made rapid gains. Don't think LLR's are lighting too many fires in the Hispanic political breast.
But Hispanics were never going to be a gimmee for Democrats as immigrants moved into the second and third generations. Too aspirational, too family-oriented, too white.
The most important political divide is between sane and insane.
The second is between electorate understanding concept of unintended consequences (second- and nth-order effects) and those thinking in terms of merely titles of the bills passed by the parliament.
>A majority of Hispanic men said they would like to return to the policies that Mr. Trump pursued as president, while a majority of Hispanic women said they would rather stick with Mr. Biden’s policies<
Stats like that always make it hard to ignore rhhardin.
If you support Trump, you ain't hispanic.
Surprisingly, Hispanics who are American citizens don't appreciate having their neighborhoods flooded with illegals who have negative impacts on their business opportunities. According to my Hispanic SIL, legal immigrants like his father are enraged at this.
Those that escape from the grinding poverty of the South American countries are not 'liberals'... they know hard work and saving is the way to prosperity. And those already here worry about the dilution of the labor market by all the new arrivals.
So the joke is on Biden and the Democrats... most these illegals will, in time, vote Republican as they don't want anymore coming in to TAKE THEIR JOBS. They won't do the welfare dole, like most blacks did when President Johnson started the 'Great Society' and the 'War on Poverty' that destroyed so many black families and led to what goes on the the black society now.
"Asked which party they would back if the election were today, 37% of Hispanic voters said they would support the Republican congressional candidate and 37% said they would favor the Democrat..."
Just yesterday Field Marshall Freder was hilariously asserting Trump did nothing to accelerate this trend.
Because...well, you know, he's Freder.
I'm unclear as to what these pollsters consider "hispanic."
Can responses be broken down by culture? Cubans in Florida vs Puerto Ricans vs Latinos in South Texas vs Latinos in Fresno or Los Angeles or Spokane or ... ?
Aztecas vs those self-identifying as "Spanish?"
Do you need to have some Spanish fluency to be Hispanic?
The point is, "hispanic" as a voting block is meaningless and resistant to exploitation. The WSJ and others should just give up on this.
It would be way cool if Congress, before the next census, would ban using the census to collect racial or ethnic data. The French government is averse to it generally. We should be also.
Hispanic voters will save the country from the elites and their dangerous Marxist fantasies. They could also lead to a durable Republican majority in a great realignment of voters along with working class voters. Fingers crossed.
Isn't this the kind of political post that usually bores you? Why did this perk your interest?
Now do undocumented immigrant Hispanic voters.
Seems to me the typical Hispanic man might not take kindly to the Democrat Party being a wholly owned subsidiary of the Black Lives Matter movement .... ditto for Asian men and immigrant men from elsewhere in the world, including Africa. This is so obvious to me, why isn't it obvious to Democrat strategists?
A majority of Hispanic men said they would like to return to the policies that Mr. Trump pursued as president
And You People Continue to Pretend, that Trump's policies weren't Racist!!!
You can't GET much more Racist than that!
If Trump's policies weren't RACIST, WHY do a majority of Hispanic mew want to RETURN to those policies?
wait a minute, let me rephrase that, i mean: ORANGE MAN BAD!!
The results showed Hispanic voters differing little from the overall electorate in their political preferences....
Is is potentially huge. Or could be a one-time anomaly due to unique events.
Just a few years ago, a Pew poll found 75% of Hispanic immigrants preferred big government. I figured that meant the end of competing for their votes. Of course, part of Trump's appeal is that he didn't bother with that 'limited government' stuff.
Anyway, if U.S. elections can be predicted purely by turnout of various racial/ethnic groups (the way trial outcomes increasingly can with jury makeup), we're done as a nation. This provides some hope.
My primary vote for GWB was because he seemed to have some appeal to Hispanic voters. Not making this up. Of course what he meant by that was to sell out American labor and force down wages by flooding the low skilled labor market, but I could not see that at the time. It took way too long for it to become clear to me that GWB was a complete tool of the power elite. I made up a joke at the time, ostensibly to show left wingers what a good Bush joke would actually look like, now I believe it:
"How does W know that Laura is having her time of month?"
"Cheney's dick tastes funny."
Trump is the dog that pulled back the curtain at the end of The Wizard of Oz, and the elites, including W, and Cheney and his daughter, hate him like poison for it.
We need more lawless voting... skirt voter ID laws. Hopefully the pandemic can help the democrats in 2022. Meta-robot can provide more "ballot" drops.
Socialism through the ballot box is impossible without the women's vote.
In the traditional spirit of assuming people don't always answer polls honestly, the real question is which way will those 22% "undecideds" actually vote? Would they also be evenly split at the polls? Or do they mostly all lean the same way but don't want to say which way that is?
Open borders is not popular with legal immigrants. Even if they were legalized by the 1987 amnesty.
So maybe Hispanics don't want to turn the U.S. into Mexico after all?
Hispanic voters arealmost all legal citizens. They also live closest to the crime, squalor, and planned dependency of illegal communities. A large percentage are blue-collar workers. No surprise they're moving right.
Credit for the Gains are 100% Donald Trump's and 0% RINO, including the Hispanic RINOs. Working people have neither the time nor the appetite for pretense.
Hispanic men prefer Trump's policies, Hispanic women prefer Biden's. The excerpt says what policies men are talking about (economy); I'd love to hear about what women mean when they say they prefer Biden's policies. What policies are they talking about and what about Biden's execution of those policies do they prefer?
Legal voters?
Hispanics should be conservative but they're not...it weird.
They love socialism south of the border, down Mexico way...
They polled only 156 Hispanics (or people who said they were Hispanic – would the pollsters really know?) and claim a margin of error of 7.5% for the Hispanic part of the poll. I don’t have a lot of faith in this poll, at least as far as the Hispanics subset is concerned. But I think it is clear generally that a significant part of the Hispanic vote has been moving to the Republicans in the last few years. I’m sure Hispanics are worried about the economy, but I don’t think economic worries are the main factor driving this change. If you look at the 2020 election results, you can see a shift in Hispanic voting happening at that time in many places. Unless many Hispanics have access to time machines, it’s hard to see how the Biden Administration and it’s mishandling of the economy could have started this shift. Trump, crime, and a feeling of alienation from the values of the credential class running the Democratic party began the change, and Biden and his mistakes then pushed the process farther along.
This shift was always likely to happen at some point. Irish, Polish, and Italians all began as heavily Democratic voting groups, then shifted over time. Why not Hispanics?
"A majority of Hispanic men said they would like to return to the policies that Mr. Trump pursued as president, while a majority of Hispanic women said they would rather stick with Mr. Biden’s policies."
It is, I suppose, not to my credit that my instinct here is to assume that the majority of Hispanic men are considering policies that put people to work and resulted in low energy costs; while Hispanic women are considering policies that result in fewer mean tweets.
But I suppose that a majority of Hispanic women prefer policies with higher energy costs and lower employment numbers. Sure, why not.
It's going to keep going that way. As much as deplorables hate brown people, Hispanics (que up John Henry outrage) are naturally pro life social conservative free market gun loving vatos. If you people weren't so racist, they would be Republicans Amen Corner by now.
How are the Latinx polling?
¿canasta de deplorables?
How long until Biden decides to crack down on illegal immigration, which doesn't seem to be delivering the expected benefits for elections?
In other words, people who actually have jobs and work hard prefer Republican policies.
Hispanic immigrants and their children have a pattern of action: save money, buy a business and /or a house, marry. Hispanic immigrant women won't even consider marrying a man who does not have a house or business and certainly not if he doesn't have job. TV presents a different picture but that's TV for you. So lockdowns and other business-destroying mandates and regulations are wiping out years of work and saving by these immigrants as well as their children's inheritance. Thinking that Hispanics will applaud destroying small businesses or ruining the suburbs or be indifferent to the mess, is just typical of the Dems of today. You might as well say Asians won't care if the suburban schools are wrecked.
>>Now do undocumented immigrant Hispanic voters.
Now do photocopied "mail in" ballots.
Blogger rrsafety said...
Seems to me the typical Hispanic man might not take kindly to the Democrat Party being a wholly owned subsidiary of the Black Lives Matter movement .
I knew that when I was in college 65 years ago. Hispanics have never liked blacks as a group. Hispanics took over most of the formerly black parts of Los Angeles. As blacks seem to be trending more racist, I expect this trend to continue.
Howard: "It's going to keep going that way. As much as deplorables hate brown people, Hispanics (que up John Henry outrage) are naturally pro life social conservative free market gun loving vatos. If you people weren't so racist, they would be Republicans Amen Corner by now."
You can always tell when Howard neither understands what us happening nor can figure out how to obscure the obvious reality that surrounds him.
The best part? As with all walking Dunning Kruger specimens, he actually thinks he's scoring "points" with comments like that.
He's also likely to double and triple down on the idiocy, right up to the moment he pretends it never happened at all.
Wondering how many here know very many Hispanics/Latinos?
the ones I know (and it's fairly large cohort - extended family), do not trust Government or large institutions. Government is the entity that makes them go through all sorts of hassles in order to work; in order to get checks cashed and sent to Mexico (or wherever); in order to get "subsidies". And it means long - inefficient lines.
There are few computers/laptops in the home (except the tablets used by school children) and everything is done on their smart phone. No printers. Cash based - few credit cards.
They don't believe Climate Change is a crisis and they see the hypocrisy of those who are in government and those institutions.
And that might be the most basic issue of all - they see the hypocrsiy, they understand that all those new proposed programs (free child care!) aren't really free but will be full of paperwork and record keeping and government intrusion. They see the Dem politicians growing just as rich as those "rich" business person and they would rather be the business person than the politician.
Democrats tied their fortunes to the wrong minority. Thanks to legal abortion, half of all Black pregnancies don't result in new voters. The Black share of eligible voters is now about 11 percent, the same as the Hispanic share. But Hispanics continue to arrive in large numbers and reproduce once they're here, while the Black population is stagnant.
Having had several occasions to hire Hispanic contractors and cleaners, I've seen their honesty and work ethic up close. Hispanic interests are much closer to Asian interests than they are to Black interests. They don't want to be dependent on the State, they want to prosper on their own. They'll vote Republicans if we don't chase them off.
Given that the Spanish and Portuguese were so instrumental in subjugating the Indians of Central and South America, as well as being very active participants in the African slave trade, I've always wondered how their Hispanic descendants fit into "wokeness" and the ideology of "white privilege".
Anyone know? Are they "oppressors", or "victims"?
It wouldn't surprise me if the "equity" idiots consider those still living in their native countries "oppressors", but magically turn into "victims" when they come here.
For women of all races and ethnic groups, the single vs married difference is large, and is somewhat more dominant than skin color. This gets disguised as a racial difference because the percentages of married and unmarried are stark among different grroups. But it is just part of elite media obsession with race as a category, and when discussing women as a category at all, then try to slide into categories of suburban, rural, and urban instead. This is why a certain style of feminist, who at least sees through this charade, gets so incensed at the women voting for Republicans or even (gasp) Trump, that they are betraying their sisters. They often go beyond this to attribute bad motives and refusal of these women to see their best interests, voting "as their husbands want them to." Which married men can tell you is absolute bullshit anyway.
Married vs single will tell you a lot about women's politics, and also men, though less so. A lot of supposedly savvy national commenters evasively try to find any other explanation, because they can't endure that being the case. Because it tells too much about the previous decisions of women and how that reflects their attitudes. Can't have that.
(Please delete if repost.) For women of all races and ethnic groups, the single vs married difference is large, and is somewhat more dominant than skin color. This gets disguised as a racial difference because the percentages of married and unmarried are stark among different grroups. But it is just part of elite media obsession with race as a category, and when discussing women as a category at all, then try to slide into categories of suburban, rural, and urban instead. This is why a certain style of feminist, who at least sees through this charade, gets so incensed at the women voting for Republicans or even (gasp) Trump, that they are betraying their sisters. They often go beyond this to attribute bad motives and refusal of these women to see their best interests, voting "as their husbands want them to." Which married men can tell you is absolute bullshit anyway.
Married vs single will tell you a lot about women's politics, and also men, though less so. A lot of supposedly savvy national commenters evasively try to find any other explanation, because they can't endure that being the case. Because it tells too much about the previous decisions of women and how that reflects their attitudes. Can't have that.
"Anyone know? Are they "oppressors", or "victims"? "
Good point, the US slave trade was maybe 5%, and slaves were not just worked to death in the US, as their value was too high. 95% of the slave trade in the Atlantic was with South and Central America, and those places were living hells where life was short for enslaved Africans.
"They polled only 156 Hispanics (or people who said they were Hispanic – would the pollsters really know?) and claim a margin of error of 7.5% for the Hispanic part of the poll. "
Even if the numbers aren't as eye-popping as the poll suggests, there is an undeniable trend towards Republicans, and hey! It could be even worse for Democrats than this poll suggests, just as likely as "it's not as bad."
Tina Trent said...
Hispanic voters arealmost all legal citizens. Tina Trent, how do you know that?
Oh cool, it's been awhile and I notice Howard the Nitschke scholar is still here and is still an insufferable, useless douchebag.
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