November 16, 2021

Yesterday at Devil's Lake.




All 3 photos taken at about 3 in the afternoon in Devil's Lake State Park. I took the first 2, and the third one, showing me, was taken by Meade.

Talk about anything you want in the comments.


Owen said...

What is the story behind the name of this lake?

I know that in Wisconsin there are so very many bodies of water that maybe they just ran out of better names. But if there is more to it, please share.

Sydney said...

The British Medical Journal says that Pfizer’s data on its COVID vaccine is problematic:

gilbar said...

Devil's lake, was the first place in Wisconsin i ever camped at. It's neat

Big Mike said...

I see that the Rittenhouse jury has adjourned for the night. There is an unconfirmed report (from Jacek Posobiec) that two of the jurors are holdouts, citing fears of their names and addresses being leaked by the media, leading to risks for their families, possible impacts on their jobs, etc.

Nice, law-abiding state you have there, Althouse. Though I am certain that a great law professor such as yourself can explain why it is perfectly legal to threaten juries in Wisconsin.

Ceciliahere said...

The photos you took at Devil’s Lake are exquisite.

ALP said...

I would like to talk about how I can listen to Bob Dylan's "Desire" album 4-5 a day while at work. Such a perfect group of songs, I love the tone of his voice, the lyrics. Over and over and over. Can't get enough of it.

Anyone else listen to music obsessively?

ndspinelli said...

A very nice lake for hiking. There's a few houses on the lake that I think are grandfathered in and remain. I've not been there for some time. One house was owned by a Madison attorney I did work for back in the 80's/90's. He died some time ago. I think as long as the house stays in the family it is allowed to remain. Out on Cape Cod there was a similar deal @ Coast Guard Beach. JFK nationalized the coastline and as long as a family member living @ the time still owned it, the house could remain. That was obviously back in the 60's. All those houses must be gone now.

Narr said...

Shh! It's the elusive Yellow-jacketed Althouse in her natural habitat.

So rare.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


Remember all the crap the hack press gave Trump?

Where is the hack press now? where is SNL and the easy mocking?

This is mockable, doncha think?

Readering said...

Trump interviewed by my pillow guy. Don't think he ever recovered from covid.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

There's a Devil's Lake in Lincoln City, OR and a Devil's Punch Bowl at Otter Rock, also in OR. Both are just off of US-101. The Devil's Lake is a long and narrow lake. It has two arms and a horned head with a tapering foot.

The Devil's Punch Bowl is a circular hole with an opening to the Pacific Ocean. During a lively storm, the waves will come in through the opening and crash upwards in the hole.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

There's also a Devil's Churn off US-101, south of Yachats, near Cape Perpetua.

We used to say that the Devil loved OR because of those three Devilish features.

gadfly said...

So now we have names named in Colorado of GOP election cheaters including Mesa County's chief election officer, Tina Peters, U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert Campaign Manager, Sherronna Bishop, QAnon mastermind, Ron Watson, and MyPillow CEO, Mike Lindell.

No evidence of vote count discrepancies was discovered by our cheaters, but they copied and published hard drive data from the Western Slope county's voting machines requiring equipment replacement.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Great photos indeed!

BUMBLE BEE said...

Does this count?

rehajm said...

Though I am certain that a great law professor such as yourself can explain why it is perfectly legal to threaten juries in Wisconsin.

She’ll wait for the WaPo or NYT rebuttal on why it’s important to doxx, then post and talk about it…

West TX Intermediate Crude said...

@Big Mike-
re rumored threats to jurors.
Reasonable grounds for dismissal with prejudice, esp if remaining jurors are voting acquittal?
Too late for directed verdict?
IANAL, obviously.

Temujin said...

Not familiar with Devil's Lake I looked it up and saw that it was outside of Baraboo, WI. I've never been to Baraboo, but once upon a time, far away in a strange land (East Lansing, circa 1972) there was an underground bar called 'Lizards'. A college dump that had cheap beer and pretty good bands. Among the best of those bands in those days was a band called...The Baraboo Band. They were from Baraboo, WI. They are the only band from those days that I even remember, so they must have been pretty good.

Anyone old enough to have ever heard of them or see them live?

gilbar said...

good news for the lincoln pedophile project!
They can Now start calling themselves, the lincoln MAP project
according to 'non-binary' Professor Dr. Allyn Walker, we shouldn't call pedophiles pedophiles; on account of because:
A lot of people when they hear the term pedophile, they automatically assume that it means a sex offender. And that isn’t true

According to this pervert; we should call pedophiles, Minor Attracted People, or:MAPs
Allyn says MAP sounds less threatening; which will allow MAPs to get closer to little boys
BUT! Allyn points out, that Many MAPs haven't been convicted of rape... Yet
SO! they shouldn't have their child f*cking desires held against them
School places professor on leave after controversial interview defending 'minor-attracted persons'

Here's a link to the sick freak's interview
This non-binary assistant professor at Old Dominion University is trying to normalize the term MAP (Minor Attracted Persons)

Rollo said...

Where there's a Devil's Lake there's usually something nearby that needs to have its name changed because of political correctness.

rehajm said...

Academic Freedom at Stanford -- commentary (John Cochrane)

This is a follow up to a post on the Stanford faculty petition on free speech. I place my comments here, in a separate post. I want to be super-clear that the signatories signed the letter of the last post, and endorse nothing else.

What does it say? Free speech, free inquiry, academic freedom. Period. Not free speech so long as nobody feels hurt. Not free speech so long as you don't disagree with or are viewed as not fully supporting Stanford's policy on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Not free speech except if you disagree with Stanford's or the County of Santa Clara's covid policies, or Stanford's "sustainability" principles. Not free speech, but limited to your domain of academic expertise, determined by some bureaucratic process. There are other faculty groups and committees working on all these "free-speech but" policies. This group endorsed free speech, period...

...Why post? There is a national movement of faculty who care about academic freedom and expression. Kudos to our colleagues at MIT who wrote a free speech letter in the wake of the Dorian Abbott affair. You are not alone. There are voices, from all over the political spectrum, who still believe in unfettered free speech and academic freedom

An important issue came up in this process. Why the Chicago principles? Why not tweak them for local conditions, or particular issues? Indeed, what's bubbling up at Stanford are all sorts of modified free speech policies. The advantage of the Chicago principles, and next the Kalven Report principles that universities should not weigh in on political matters, is that there is one clean text. 80 others have signed as is. It's much cleaner to join a single unambiguous movement than everybody writes their own version.

rehajm said...

NBC Nightly News says 'health officials are confused as to why Vermont has such high COVID rates when over 95% of Vermonters have been vaccinated"

No shit...

Clyde said...

ALP said...
Anyone else listen to music obsessively?

I listen to Amazon streaming music at work, and one of the stations is My Likes and More, based on songs I have upvoted or listened to a lot. Certain albums that I've listened to a lot appear randomly appear one track at a time, but I listened to one so often that it seemed like every other song came off that album for a while. Eventually the algorithm shifted from listening to other stuff, but it still comes up a lot.

So my recent albums would be Most Messed Up by Old 97s, Future Me Hates Me by The Beths, The Waylon Sessions by Shannon McNally, Wildflowers and All the Rest by Tom Petty and Hold My Beer, Vol. 2 by Randy Rogers and Wade Bowen. I've also listened to Hail Satin by The Dee Gees (The Foo Fighters doing five Bee Gees/Andy Gibb covers and five live songs from their most recent album) a lot lately. The cover songs are excellent!

Big Mike said...

@Temujin, not familiar with the band, but Baraboo is famous. IIRC it used to be the headquarters for the Ringling Brothers circus and today it is home to a very highly regarded museum of circus artifacts and memorabilia, including something like 40 or 50 restored circus wagons. They also have — or used to have — daily performances or circus acts for people with nostalgia (or young kids). My point being that the band you recall may not have any actual connection to Baraboo, WI, but some connection to circuses.

Gerda Sprinchorn said...

Big Mike said:

"There is an unconfirmed report (from Jacek Posobiec) that two of the jurors are holdouts, citing fears of their names and addresses being leaked by the media"

Doesn't sound right.

1. Jury isn't allowed to talk to anyone and no one is allowed to talk to jury. One juror was dismissed for telling a joke to a bailiff.

2. Jacek says this info comes from a US Marshal, but this is a state court trial. How would a juror get an opportunity to talk to a US Marshal?

gilbar said...

rehajm said...
NBC Nightly News says 'health officials are confused as to why Vermont has such high COVID rates when over 95% of Vermonters have been vaccinated"

menwhile, in Connecticut
8 Dead, Dozens Infected With COVID-19 Due to Outbreak at Connecticut Nursing Home
Of the 89 total infections, 87 people were fully vaccinated, the nursing home said.

it's ALMOST, As IF.... The vaccines are NOT vaccines

Gerda Sprinchorn said...

I would like to talk about how I can listen to Bob Dylan's "Desire" album 4-5 a day while at work. Such a perfect group of songs, I love the tone of his voice, the lyrics. Over and over and over. Can't get enough of it.

Anyone else listen to music obsessively?

I knew some teenagers who did this (or said they did) for a short while (maybe a week or so).

How long have you been doing this?

Are we talking about doing this once in a while or every day for a long period of time?

rehajm said...

Doesn't sound right.

1. Jury isn't allowed to talk to anyone and no one is allowed to talk to jury. One juror was dismissed for telling a joke to a bailiff.

2. Jacek says this info comes from a US Marshal, but this is a state court trial. How would a juror get an opportunity to talk to a US Marshal?

1. Haha! With extra the 'Haha!' for '...and no one is allowed to talk to a jury'. Consider the possibility there are members of the general public willing to break the rules to communicate messages to a unsequestered jury.

2. You are assuming a juror had to talk to a US Marshall in order for the US Marshall to receive the information. There a number of other ways the information could/would be communicated to a US Marshall wihtout a juror requiring direct communcation with a US MArshall...

Ann Althouse said...

There's also the Devil's Golf Course in Death Valley. My photo of it here.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Gadfly says-
"No evidence of vote count discrepancies was discovered "

but they are still cheaters. Got it. Leftist twit.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Colorado's creepy wealthy gov is a TAX CHEAT

Polis aggressively avoided federal income tax and tried to hide it

THE DENVER POST is reliably pro-democrat, too.

Turns out Polis(D) is also CHEAP - as his only charitable giving is to his own family foundation - which in turn uses the money for posh perks and high living... FOR HIS OWN FAMILY.

Gadfly agrees that's all cool.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I wish Abe Lincoln's family could sue the pedo "Lincoln project" for blasphemous use of his good name.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'm not a medical expert. A physician found that invermectin ( a drug that's been used on billions since the 1970's) has anti-viral properties.

That physician was canceled and silenced by the democrat party and the loyal democrats who run You-tube-Google.

Strange, huh?

Drago said...

gadfly: "QAnon mastermind, Ron Watson"


"QAnon mastermind"!!

What are the requirements to qualify as a "QAnon mastermind"?

Are there different levels of mastermind-edness? Like the Masons? Are there apprentice programs available? Can you get a scholarship to study under the "QAnon masterminds"? Is there an entrance exam? A post apprentice Bar Exam-like test to "qualify"?

I have so many questions and gadfly seems extraordinarily well "informed" on all the ins and outs and machinations and nuances of just what QAnon-ness is all about.

Where can one go to garner such insight and insider information?

And how is it that gadfly, from the comfort of his mothers small basement, seems to move effortlessly within these "dark world" circles?

Drago said...

Readering: "Trump interviewed by my pillow guy. Don't think he ever recovered from covid."

Whenever Biden's Earpiece glitches in a massive public way readering always returns to Projection-ville.

As night follows day.

Narr said...

Devil's Elbow on the Missippi above Memphis.

Drago said...

If you want to know why readering is panicking this morning and lobbing up rather pathetic "hot take"-projections on Trump's mental fitness, its this:

"Poll: Voters' doubts rising about Biden’s health, mental fitness"

"A new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll shows just 44 percent of voters approve of Biden's job performance, and 46 percent say he's "mentally fit."'

"Only 40 percent of voters surveyed agreed with the statement that Biden “is in good health,” while 50 percent disagreed. That 10-percentage-point gap — outside the poll’s margin of error — represents a massive 29-point shift since October 2020, when Morning Consult last surveyed the question and found voters believed Biden was in good health by a 19-point margin."

And remember, this is a Morning Consult Poll, which is always skewed massively towards the real world numbers are much, much worse than this.

Jaq said...

Well, the billionaire Bezos is running a hagiographic documentary on Buttigieg, the guy Biden just put in charge of hundreds of billions of dollars of "discretionary spending, which will be perfect for building the base of craven grifters and reivers every Democrat needs to run for president, people like Terry McAuliffe, which is how he got so freaking rich.

Drago said...

The Poor Man's *** ***** gadfly: "So now we have names named in Colorado of GOP election cheaters including Mesa County's chief election officer, Tina Peters, U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert Campaign Manager, Sherronna Bishop, QAnon mastermind, Ron Watson, and MyPillow CEO, Mike Lindell."

When you actually read about what this kerfuffle is all about, its about Peters taking steps to stop the Soros funded radical democratical CO Sec of State improperly destroying election records.

That's right. Our hopelessly stupid and gullible gadfly is now claiming that fighting to preserve election records in accordance with State law is now equivalent to "election cheaters".

Well, that's our gadfly, isn't it?

Ann Althouse said...

One account is that the name Devil's Lake came from misunderstanding the name used by the local indigenous people, which might have sounded a bit like "devil" but that actually meant "spirit."

Narr said...

All those Buttibucks is just early walking-around money.

Usually walking-around money is kept on the downlow in the local races. Now, thanks to the ever-creative Dims, it's a national policy.

Jaq said...

More fertilizer news:

Electric cars will drastically reduce the supply of phosphate fertilizers, says one of the world’s leading manufacturers of the crop input.

Joc O’Rourke, president of The Mosaic Company, said phosphoric acid, which is the building block of phosphate fertilizer, is starting to find its way into other industrial products, in particular the lithium iron phosphate (LFP) batteries that are increasingly being used in electric cars.

Jaq said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Skippy Tisdale said...

My delightfully charming former spouse was from Devils Lake. We went there for Thanksgiving one year. We arrived the day before. It was more than 20 below zero when we got there. We were there for one week. The entire time the temperature never got above 20 below zero, day or night. And while I must say the citizens of Devils Lake are some mighty fine folks, there is no way in hell I would ever live there.

Skippy Tisdale said...

Correction: Based on just the host's post, I though it was Devils Lake, ND. The two look similar.

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